Effects of In-Situ Conditions On Relative Permeability Characteristics of CO - Brine Systems
Effects of In-Situ Conditions On Relative Permeability Characteristics of CO - Brine Systems
Effects of In-Situ Conditions On Relative Permeability Characteristics of CO - Brine Systems
DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0946-9
Received: 2 June 2006 / Accepted: 29 November 2006 / Published online: 24 July 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007
Abstract Carbon dioxide capture and geological storage Keywords CO2-brine systems Relative permeability
(CCGS) is an emerging technology that is increasingly Interfacial tension Capillary pressure Pore size
being considered for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to distribution Alberta basin
the atmosphere. Deep saline aquifers provide a very large
capacity for CO2 storage and, unlike hydrocarbon reser-
voirs and coal beds, are immediately accessible and are Introduction
found in all sedimentary basins. Proper understanding of
the displacement character of CO2-brine systems at in-situ It is generally accepted that the main cause of global
conditions is essential in ascertaining CO2 injectivity, warming is the increase in atmospheric concentrations of
migration and trapping in the pore space as a residual gas greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and
or supercritical fluid, and in assessing the suitability and methane (CH4). To meet mid- to long-term targets in
safety of prospective CO2 storage sites. Because of lack of reducing either CO2 emissions or their intensity, various
published data, the authors conducted a program of mea- mitigation approaches need to be considered, foremost
suring the relative permeability and other displacement among them being CO2 capture and geological storage
characteristics of CO2-brine systems for sandstone, car- (CCGS), which will play an important role at least in the
bonate and shale formations in central Alberta in western first half of this century if reduction targets are to be met
Canada. The tested formations are representative of the in- (IEA 2004; IPCC 2005). Carbon dioxide can be seques-
situ characteristics of deep saline aquifers in compacted on- tered in geological media through a variety of mechanisms:
shore North American sedimentary basins. The results static or hydrodynamic trapping below caprock in oil and
show that the capillary pressure, interfacial tension, relative gas reservoirs and deep saline aquifers; dissolution in res-
permeability and other displacements characteristics of ervoir oil or formation water; in-situ mineral carbonation;
CO2-brine systems depend on the in-situ conditions of and/or adsorption onto organic matter in coal and shale
pressure, temperature and water salinity, and on the pore (Gunter et al. 2004). More recently, CO2 retention as an
size distribution of the sedimentary rock. This paper pre- immobile phase trapped in the pore space of deep saline
sents a synthesis and interpretation of the results. aquifers has also been identified as an important CO2
storage mechanism (Kumar et al. 2005). Deep saline
aquifers offer the advantage that they are ubiquitous in
S. Bachu (&) sedimentary basins, have the largest storage capacity of all
Alberta Energy and Utilities Board,
geological media and can be used immediately, unlike oil
4999-98th Avenue, Edmonton, AB,
Canada T6B 2X3 and gas reservoirs that have to be produced first, or coal
e-mail: Stefan.Bachu@gov.ab.ca beds for which the technology is still in the development
stage (IPCC 2005).
B. Bennion
For temperatures T and pressures P above the critical
Hycal Energy Laboratories Ltd,
1338 A-36th Avenue NE, Calgary, point (Tc = 31.1C and Pc = 7.38 MPa), CO2 is in super-
AB, Canada T2E 6T6 critical phase, behaving like a gas but having the density of
1708 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
a liquid. These conditions are found at depths that vary in situ conditions became apparent, such as the dependency
between ~600 and ~1,000 m, depending on pressure and of interfacial tension (IFT) on in-situ conditions, and of
geothermal regimes (Bachu 2003). For conditions below relative permeability and irreducible saturation on IFT. To
the critical point (i.e., at depths less than that corresponding verify these trends, an additional series of controlled tests
to the critical point), CO2 is either a gas or a liquid, were conducted that indeed confirmed the observed
depending respectively on the position in the P–T space dependencies. Building on the work presented previously,
below or above the vaporization curve (see, e.g., Bachu this paper presents the complete set of results and a syn-
2003). It is generally accepted that, in order to maximize thesis of this work, including the additional unpublished
the use of the pore space, CO2 should be injected at depths data, that will likely be of use for applications where
where the pressure and temperature are such that CO2 similar conditions prevail, particularly in consolidated on-
would be a dense fluid (i.e., in liquid or supercritical phase) shore sedimentary basins.
(IPCC 2005), although there might be instances when CO2
could be in gas phase. Consequently, depending on the
injection depth because pressure and temperature in the Geological setting and rock characteristics
subsurface increase with depth, CO2 injected into deep
saline aquifers will initially be in free gas, liquid or dense Alberta, a major North American energy producer, is the
supercritical fluid phase, and will form a plume around the province with the largest CO2 emissions in Canada
injection well that will rise to the top of the formation and (~30%). Approximately two thirds of the annual CO2
expand below the caprock. Due to diffusion-limited mass emissions in Alberta, estimated currently to be in the
transfer it will take centuries to millennia for CO2 to dis- order of 250 Mt CO2/year, originate in large stationary
solve in formation water and react with rock minerals sources (>100 kt CO2/year each), such as oil sands plants,
(Ennis-King and Patterson 2003; Xu et al. 2003), during fossil–fuel power plants, refineries, upgraders, chemical
which time a plume of injected CO2 may migrate updip, and petrochemical plants, compressor stations, cement
driven by buoyancy if the CO2 is injected in a deep aquifer plants, paper mills and gas plants. The province is
and is not trapped in stratigraphic or structural traps. The underlain by the Alberta basin which, except for its
processes of injection, migration and storage of CO2 as an shallow northeastern corner, is suitable for CO2 geologi-
immobile phase in the pore space through irreducible sat- cal storage (Bachu 2003) in oil and gas reservoirs, deep
uration in the wake of a migrating plume all depend on the saline aquifers and in coal beds if the latter technology
relative permeability of CO2 and formation water systems proves successful. This combination of large stationary
and on the character of CO2 - brine capillary pressure. sources and potential CO2 geological sinks makes CCGS
Furthermore, numerical models for predicting the fate of particularly attractive and promising. The largest con-
the injected CO2 also need information about these two centration of large CO2 sources is in central Alberta in a
important parameters. However, because CO2 storage in region spanning from the coal-fired power plants near
geological media, and particularly in deep saline aquifers, Wabamun Lake southwest of Edmonton to the petro-
is a recently emerging field, to date no relevant data have chemical plants, refineries and bitumen upgraders, and
been published regarding the relative permeability and chemical industry in Fort Saskatchewan northeast of Ed-
capillary pressure of CO2-brine systems at in-situ condi- monton (Fig. 1). The Pembina oil field, the largest oil
tions, and only limited sets of data were published field in Canada and one of the largest in North America,
regarding the interfacial tension (IFT) between CO2 and with original oil in place of 1,237 million m3 (7.78 billion
water or brine, which will be reviewed subsequently. To barrels), is also located southwest of Edmonton and
date, interest has been focused on CO2-oil systems because Wabamun Lake (Fig. 1). This oil field has undergone
of the potential use of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery. extensive water flooding (secondary recovery) and cur-
To cover the gap in data, a program of laboratory rently the oil industry is planning to build a pipeline that
measurements of relative permeability and displacement will bring CO2 from sources in the Fort Saskatchewan
characteristics of CO2-brine systems was commenced by area in the northeast for use in CO2 enhanced oil recovery
the authors in 2004, with partial results being reported at operations (tertiary recovery). However, this giant oil field
technical conferences (Bennion and Bachu 2005, 2006a, b, and other oil and gas fields in the region, as well as local
c). The laboratory measurements were carried out at in-situ uneconomic coal seams, do not have sufficient capacity
conditions on core samples from deep sandstone and car- and/or cannot accommodate the potential annual rate of
bonate aquifers in the Wabamun Lake area southwest of captured CO2 and/or are not yet available for CO2 stor-
Edmonton in Alberta, western Canada. As results were age, such that CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers that
obtained and analyzed, the dependence of certain relative underlie the whole region is likely to occur either before
permeability and other displacement characteristics on or simultaneously with storage in hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1709
The Alberta basin, which, together with the Canadian the basement, with low heat flow and geothermal gradients
part of the Williston basin, is known as the Western Can- in the south, and higher heat flow and geothermal gradients
ada Sedimentary Basin, is underlain by a stable crystalline in the north (Bachu 1993).
Precambrian platform and comprises a platform-margin In the Wabamun Lake area southwest of Edmonton, the
sedimentary succession that is dominated by carbonates Upper Cretaceous strata at the top of the sedimentary
and evaporites with intervening shales, and an overlying succession (Fig. 2) are slightly sub-hydrostatic, the Car-
foreland succession that consists of regional-scale thin dium Formation, which is host of the giant Pembina Car-
sandstones and thick shales (Porter et al. 1982). The basin dium oil field, is overpressured, the underlying Lower
dips from a zero-edge in the northeast to the southwest, Cretaceous Viking and Mannville strata are severely un-
reaching more than 6 km depth at the thrust and fold belt of derpressured, and the underlying Devonian and Cambrian
the Rocky Mountains. The Paleozoic strata of the Alberta aquifers are underpressured. Geothermal gradients are less
basin are generally underpressured, being slightly sub- than 25C/km, such that temperatures at the base of the
hydrostatic. The Cretaceous strata are overpressured in succession are <80C. Oil and gas is produced in the area
places, due to active hydrocarbon generation, but also se- from reservoirs in the Cretaceous Belly River, Cardium,
verely underpressured (sub-hydrostatic) over large areas Viking, Upper Mannville and Ellerslie strata (Fig. 2), with
due to post-erosional and post-glacial rebound in thick no production from deeper Paleozoic strata. The Upper
shales, and normally pressured in shallow strata, particu- Cretaceous strata of the Edmonton and Belly River groups
larly along the edge of the basin (Bachu 1999). The salinity are not suitable for CO2 storage because they are too
of formation waters in the basin increases with depth from shallow and no regionally-extensive shale barriers are
freshwater in shallow groundwater systems to more than present to prevent upward migration of injected CO2. The
350,000 mg/l in deep Paleozoic strata, particularly in strata water-flooded Pembina oil field, still in production, is
adjacent to extensive halite beds. The geothermal regime in currently being considered for CO2-EOR; hence CO2 will
the basin is controlled mainly by conduction of heat from be stored in the Cardium Formation as a result. Carbon
1710 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1711
dioxide storage is possible in all the underlying Cambrian Colorado Gp. Shale and Cardium Fm. sandstone, both from
to Lower Cretaceous strata since all meet the conditions of the same well and very close to each other, were taken in a
pressure, temperature and confinement required for CO2 well-located downdip of all other wells such that the
storage. sample depth is greater than that of most other samples. In
Rock samples were collected for the sandstone Cardium, addition, unlike all the other formations, the Cardium Fm.
Viking, Ellerslie and Basal Cambrian formations, for the is overpressured, such that the in-situ pressure and
carbonate Wabamun Group and Nisku and Cooking Lake temperature for these samples are greater than the corre-
formations, and for shales from the Colorado Group and sponding values for most other samples from stratigraphi-
Calmar Formation. The core samples (3.81 cm OD—outer cally underlying strata. Water salinity in the basin, as
diameter—plug samples, approx. 5–6 cm in length) were measured also in analyses of formation water in nearby
obtained from core stored at the Core Research Centre wells, increases generally with stratigraphic depth rather
facility of the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board in Cal- than true depth (Table 1). Additional core samples from
gary. The location of the wells with core from which rock different wells were collected for the Viking and Nisku
samples were taken is shown in Fig. 1, and the strati- formations and the Wabamun Group, and a second sample
graphic position of the samples is shown in Fig. 2. Each was collected from the same well for the Cardium Fm., and
sample was subjected to standard laboratory measure- were tested for capillary pressure and relative permeability
ments, described in the next section, for pore size distri- at the same in-situ conditions of pressure, temperature and
bution, porosity and permeability, and subsequently tested water salinity as the corresponding first set, for studying the
for capillary pressure, relative permeability and displace- effect of variability in rock properties on the displacement
ment characteristics of CO2-brine systems at the respective characteristics of CO2 and brine. The characteristics of all
in situ conditions of pressure, temperature and salinity of 13-rock samples are provided in Table 2.
formation water. The in-situ pressure, temperature and The 13 rock samples exhibit various pore size distribu-
water salinity conditions are given in Table 1, where the tions, of which the most representative are: uni-modal
samples are listed stratigraphically in descending order. ‘‘spike’’ for the very homogeneous siliciclastics (Fig. 3a,
Note that for all the core samples the in-situ pressure and b), wide uni-modal and ‘‘jagged’’ bi-modal for carbonates
temperature correspond to CO2 supercritical conditions (Fig. 3c) and tri-modal for heterogeneous siliciclastics
(P > 7.38 MPa and T > 31.1C). Pressure and water (Fig. 3d). Generally, the carbonate rocks display more
salinity were obtained, respectively, through interpolation complex pore-size distributions than the siliciclastic rocks.
of pressures measured in drillstem tests and of formation The pore distribution of each rock sample is given in Ta-
water analyses taken in nearby wells. Temperatures were ble 2 in terms of fraction of micropores (<1 lm diameter
calculated on the basis of geothermal gradients and depth. pore throats), mesopores (1–3 lm diameter pore throats)
The samples from the Colorado Gp. and Cardium Fm. are and macropores (>3 lm pore throat diameters), as well as
only 8 m apart in the same well, and they were considered the median (average) pore throat diameter and threshold
as having the same in-situ conditions. Note that the rock intrusion pressure representing the pressure required to first
sample from the Cooking Lake Fm., although stratigraph- push mercury into the largest pores present in the sample.
ically below the Nisku Fm., is at a shallower depth, hence Two samples record a threshold intrusion pressure of
at lower temperature and pressure than the sample from the 3.5 kPa (Table 2), which is the minimum initial pressure
latter (Table 1), because it is from a relatively shallower level for mercury intrusion of the apparatus. Samples that
updip well (Fig. 1). Conversely, the samples from the exhibit this low threshold pressure typically contain large
1712 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
Table 2 Pore and permeability characteristics of rock samples from the Wabamun Lake area, Alberta, Canada, used in the analysis of relative
permeability and displacement characteristics of CO2-brine systems
Unit Micro Meso Macro Median pore Porosity Threshold capillary Permeability
porosity (%) porosity (%) porosity (%) size (lm) (%) pressure (kPa) to brine (mD)
exposed surface dissolution pores and/or exposed vugular Fig. 3c). If this data point is discarded, the relationship
porosity. between absolute permeability and pore size is significantly
No correlation was found between porosity and pore improved (see dashed line in Fig. 4). A similar correlation
size characteristics (fraction of micro-, meso- and to that shown in Fig. 4 was found between permeability
macroporosity, or median pore size), but a reasonable link and the fraction of large pores, but basically the two cor-
was obtained between the latter and permeability to brine relations are an expression of the same dependency and
(see solid line in Fig. 4). This is intuitively an expected flow process.
conclusion, because porosity is a measure of the volume
(amount) of pores, not of their size and distribution, while
permeability expresses the ability of fluids to pass through Laboratory procedures
the pore system, hence it is related to pore characteristics.
It is worth noting that the data point in the upper left corner Knowledge of the interfacial tension (IFT) between CO2
of Fig. 4 corresponds to the Nisku #1 core sample that and brine at in-situ conditions is needed for precise
has an unusual bimodal, ‘‘seesaw’’ pore distribution (see measurements of capillary pressure, which in turn
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1713
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Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1715
10 MPa and becoming asymptotic towards a constant value between gaseous CO2 and brine is higher than that between
for pressures greater than 15 MPa (the ‘‘plateau’’ suggested supercritical CO2 and brine (Chun and Wilkinson 1995;
by Chalbaud et al. 2006). This dependency can be ex- Hebach et al. 2002). The derivation of a general functional
pressed functionally by IFT = APB, where P is pressure. form to express the dependence of IFT of CO2-brine sys-
As temperature increases, IFT increases, this increase tems on pressure, temperature and pressure requires a
being less pronounced for low pressures (less than 5 MPa systematic program of laboratory tests that is currently
in this case), but significant for higher pressures (Fig. 6a). being conducted by the authors and whose results will be
Fitting an exponential function through all the data pro- reported in a future publication.
duced the following expression for IFT for CO2 and brine
of 144,304 mg/l salinity:
Capillary pressure
IFT ¼ ð0:19255 T 2 54 7246 T þ 4; 287:29Þ
Pð0:0026T0:5712428Þ ; R2 ¼ 0:09658: ð1Þ Capillary pressure measurements using a primary drain-
age method from a condition of 100% water saturation
where IFT (mN/m) is interfacial tension, P (kPa) is pres- were conducted for all 13 rock samples. In the case of the
sure and T (C) is temperature. Cardium #1 sample, the availability of IFT data at dif-
In the second series of tests, temperature was main- ferent pressures allowed for the conversion of the data to
tained constant at 41C (the in-situ temperature of the reservoir conditions that corresponded to different IFT
Wabamun Gp. sample) and water salinity was varied as levels. Most of the results have been reported previously
follows: freshwater (zero salinity), 75,780, 225,462 and (Bennion and Bachu 2006a, c), with the examples shown
282,768 mg/l, the last three values corresponding to here being selected to illustrate the dependence of capil-
analyses of formation water from the same Wabamun lary pressure on rock properties, which is expected, but
Gp. at other locations in the Alberta basin. The results also on the in-situ conditions that affect IFT. Figure 7
show a strong dependency of IFT on salinity (Fig. 6b) of presents the capillary pressure for the same core samples
the same exponential type as the dependence on pressure as those whose pore size distribution is shown in Fig. 3.
and temperature at constant salinity. For constant pres- Figure 7a and b show the increase in capillary pressure
sure and temperature, IFT increases as salinity increases. with the decrease in pore size, illustrated by both median
In a similar manner with the previous series of tests, the pore size and ‘‘spike’’ shape of the pore size distribution
IFT dependence on pressure and salinity at constant (Table 2, Fig. 3a and b). Bi- or tri-modal pore size dis-
temperature of 41C can be expressed by the following tributions (Fig. 3c, d) are reflected in the shape of the
function: capillary pressure curve (Fig. 7c, d) that looks, respec-
tively, like the superposition of two or three S-shaped
IFT ¼ ð0:001328 S þ 608:025Þ P0:338S ; R2 ¼ 0:9437: curves characteristic of uni-modal pore size distributions.
ð2Þ The ‘‘on-off’’ pore size distribution observed between the
peaks of the bi-modal distribution of the Nisku #1 sample
where S (mg/l) is salinity. (Fig. 3c) manifests itself in the jagged, step-wise capillary
These results show clearly a strong dependence of the pressure observed in the range of 0.5–0.65 water satura-
IFT for CO2-water systems on pressure, temperature and tion fraction for the same sample (Fig. 7c). The capillary
water salinity. Interfacial tension decreases with increasing pressure curves do not lend themselves to Leverett scaling
pressure with an asymptotic trend for high pressures, and (normalization by porosity) because, as the results and
increases with increasing temperature and salinity, in a illustrative examples in Fig. 7 indicate, their shape
functional form of the type: strongly depends on pore size distribution and on rock
type, and there is a wide range of variation of facies types
IFT ¼ AðT; SÞ PBðT;SÞ ð3Þ that were evaluated in the test program of radically dif-
ferent pore geometry and type.
However, although for constant temperature and water More important, it was found that IFT affects capillary
salinity it seems that IFT tends toward a ‘‘plateau’’ value, pressure to an extent comparable to that of pore size
definitely this value depends also on temperature, not only characteristics (Bennion and Bachu 2006c). Figure 8
on salinity as concluded by Chalbaud et al. (2006). shows the effect of decrease in capillary pressure with
The effects of pressure, temperature and salinity on IFT decreasing IFT, measured on the Cardium #1 core sample.
are likely due to CO2 solubility and phase effects, i.e., CO2 The measurements were conducted on the same core plug
solubility increases with increasing pressure and decreases to eliminate possible effects of different pore distributions
with increasing temperature and salinity, and the IFT and other rock characteristics. Given the IFT dependence
1716 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
on pressure, temperature and salinity as shown previously, usually tested in the oil industry (water–oil and oil–water),
the variation in IFT was obtained by maintaining temper- but few data are available for water–gas (CO2) systems.
ature and salinity constant at the specific in-situ conditions The results show that capillary pressure, hence displace-
(Table 1) and varying only the pressure to obtain different ment characteristics and seal integrity, are affected not only
interfacial tensions, thus allowing maintaining constant the by the pore structure and characteristics of the injection
majority of the parameters used in the test, such as tem- aquifer and/or overlying aquitard, but also by the in-situ
perature, flow rate and fluid composition. The effect of IFT pressure, temperature and water salinity.
on capillary pressure and subsequently on relative perme-
ability has been observed previously for other fluid pairs
Relative permeability
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1717
displacement characteristics during the imbibition cycle (Calmar Fm. and Colorado Gp., respectively), and these
that corresponds to the post CO2-injection stage when the additional samples were tested for both drainage and
plume of CO2 migrates and water/brine invades back imbibition, with results being very recent and not reported
the porous medium, additional samples were collected for previously. Because previous results were reported in a
the most representative sandstone and carbonate (Viking piece-meal fashion as the research program advanced
#2 and Nisku #2, respectively) and tested for both drainage (Bennion and Bachu 2005, 2006a, b, c), no interpretation
and imbibition CO2-brine displacement, with detailed re- and synthesis of the finally emerging multi-facetted pattern
sults being also reported (Bennion and Bachu 2006b). To were presented, which is the purpose of this paper. Table 3
study the effect of IFT on relative permeability, a sand- presents a summary of the relevant displacement charac-
stone sample characterized by a wide uni-modal distribu- teristics during drainage for all 13 core samples and for all
tion was collected (Cardium #1) and tested for both 17 different test conditions for the drainage cycle of CO2-
drainage and imbibition for three different IFT conditions, brine systems. Table 4 presents the results of displacement
with the detailed results also reported previously (Bennion characteristics during the imbibition cycle for the six rock
and Bachu 2006c). The Cardium sample has also unchar- samples and eight test conditions for which these tests were
acteristically low permeability, but was chosen based on its run. Samples are listed in stratigraphically descending or-
pore distribution (Fig. 3b) because it was thought that a der in both tables.
porous medium of this type is a better candidate for illus- As a general observation, it seems that, on average, the
trating the effect of interfacial tension on the displacement permeability to CO2 at irreducible water saturation at the
characteristics of two-phase systems. The slight variation original in-situ conditions is approximately one seventh of
in initial permeability to brine at 100% water saturation for that measured for brine at conditions of 100% brine satu-
the three tests conducted on the low-permeability Cardium ration (solid line in Fig. 9), at least for rocks with perme-
#1 sample (Table 3) are within the realm of experimental ability greater than 1 mD. It should be noted that in all
accuracy and it can be concluded that the sample character these cases CO2 is in supercritical state. The case of very
remains unchanged throughout the three different IFT level low relative permeability to CO2 at irreducible water sat-
tests that were conducted on this sample. A second, more uration corresponds to the heterogeneous Cooking Lake
representative Cardium Fm. sample (Cardium #2) was Fm. carbonate sample which contains a significant amount
selected, together with Devonian and Cretaceous shales of large vugular porosity that likely has contributed to
Table 3 Relative permeability and displacement characteristics for the drainage cycle in CO2-brine systems for the rock samples from the
Wabamun Lake area, Alberta, Canada, tested for various conditions of pressure, temperature and water salinity
Rock sample CO2 State IFT Viscosity Kbrine at 100% Kr CO2 at irreducible Sb-irr
(mN/m) ratio lb =lCO2 saturation (mD) brine saturation
1718 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
Table 4 Relative permeability and displacement characteristics for the imbibition cycle in CO2-brine systems for selected rock samples from the
Wabamun Lake area, Alberta, Canada, tested for various conditions of pressure, temperature and water salinity
Rock sample CO2 state IFT Viscosity Kbrine at 100% Kr brine at irreducible SCO2 irr
(mN/m) Ratio lb =lCO2 saturation (mD) gas saturation (trapped gas)
macroscopic channeling effects. This probably led to presence of some small dissolution-enhanced porosity, a
bypassing of a portion of the pore system, resulting in more small fraction of macro and meso porosity is present in the
extensive multiphase flow interference and a lower result- Colorado shale, which is not observed in the Calmar shale
ing endpoint relative permeability to CO2. This appears to (Table 2). This results in a much lower initial threshold
be a singular characteristic of the particular geometry of entry pressure for the Colorado shale than for the Calmar
the pore system in this sample and is not apparent in the shale. Initial brine permeability was slightly higher for the
other more uniform and intergranular-dominated pore Colorado shale than for the Calmar shale, likely due to the
systems tested in the other nine samples. If this sample is presence of this small fraction of larger pores. Upon con-
removed, then the permeability to supercritical CO2 at tact with CO2, however, it can be observed that the Colo-
irreducible water saturation is about one fifth of that rado shale exhibited much more adverse relative
measured for brine (dashed line in Fig. 9). permeability character, with much lower permeability to
No other relationship was found between rock (pore) both CO2 and imbibing water being observed in contrast to
and displacement characteristics (i.e., between pore size the Calmar shale. The Colorado shale IFT was lower than
and/or distribution on one side, and irreducible saturations that of the Calmar shale (which should have in theory
for both drainage and imbibition cycles, and trapped gas, improved the relative permeability character), so the data
on the other side). The irreducible water saturation on the suggest that a significant variation in pore scale geometry
drainage cycle varies between ~0.2 and 0.68 (Table 3), or surface spreading (wetting) character must be present,
with an average of 0.47, which is surprisingly high. It is resulting in increased multiphase relative permeability
interesting to note that both the lowest and highest irre- interference effects. The distribution of micro porosity (if
ducible water saturations occur for cases of CO2 being in the macro and meso pores are excluded from the Colorado
gaseous phase (Cardium #1 at 1,378 kPa and Wabamun #2 shale) are similar between the two samples, which suggests
at low T&P, Table 3). that specific pore geometry, surface roughness and/or pore
The Colorado shale sample exhibits significantly dif- geometry shape may play a role in the observed differences
ferent permeability, relative permeability and capillary between the tests.
pressure character than the Calmar shale. Due to the The displacement of formation water by the injected
CO2 (drainage cycle), and of CO2 by water in the wake of a
migrating CO2 plume (imbibition cycle) depends, intui-
tively, on the interfacial tension between the two fluids. For
lower IFT it should be easier for the non-wetting phase to
pass through pore throats, leading to higher relative per-
meability. This conclusion was suggested by relative per-
meability measurements on the same core samples (Viking
#2 and Nisku #2) for both CO2 and H2S (Bennion and
Bachu 2006b) which show that, for the same in-situ con-
Fig. 9 Relation between maximum permeability to CO2 and perme-
ditions of pressure, temperature and water salinity, H2S has
ability to brine at 100% saturation for various rock samples at in-situ
conditions from the Wabamun Lake area, Alberta, Canada (solid line lower IFT and higher relative permeability than CO2. To
all 13 rock samples; dashed line Cooking Lake Fm. sample removed) verify this hypothesis, a series of controlled tests was
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1719
conducted on the Cardium #1 sample, where two more characteristics (end-point saturation and shape) on IFT.
drainage and imbibition measurements for different IFT The relative permeability curves correspond to the Car-
were conducted besides the measurement at in-situ condi- dium #1 sample tested for different pressures and constant
tions (Bennion and Bachu 2006c). The variation in IFT was temperature and water salinity (see Table 3).
obtained by conducting the measurements for the same Previously it was generally thought that actually it is
temperature and water salinity but for lower pressures viscosity that has an effect on the displacement charac-
(Tables 3 and 4). Previous to these measurements, a series teristics of fluid pair systems (e.g., Odeh 1959; Du Prey and
of measurements were conducted on the Wabamun #2 Lefevre 1973; Bennion and Bachu 2005). The argument
sample (drainage cycle only) to test the effect of pressure, would be that, as the viscosity contrast between the two
temperature and salinity on displacement characteristics fluids increases, it is easier for the more mobile (less vis-
(Bennion and Bachu 2005), by which one test was run for cous) fluid to flow through the pore space. Indeed, plots of
the same pressure and temperature as the in-situ conditions CO2 and water relative permeability during drainage and
but with freshwater, and a second one for the same water imbibition, respectively, and of irreducible water saturation
salinity but for CO2 in gaseous rather than supercritical and trapped gas against the viscosity ratio between for-
phase (low pressure and temperature) (Table 3). The IFT mation water and CO2 (Fig. 11) show a striking similitude
values for the Wabamun #2 series of tests were retrieved with the plots showing the variation of the same variables
after the Cardium #1 measurements, and used together to as a function of IFT (Fig. 10). Unfortunately it is not
examine the effect of IFT on relative permeability. All possible with the current data set to separate these two
these results clearly show that indeed, for the same rock dependent variables, IFT and viscosity ratio, that both de-
properties, IFT has a significant effect on the displacement pend on the primary in-situ independent variables pressure,
characteristics of CO2-brine systems during both CO2 temperature and water salinity. As seen previously, the IFT
injection (drainage) and water invasion (imbibition) cycles. for CO2-brine systems decreases with increasing pressure
Endpoint relative permeability to CO2 during drainage and and increases with increasing temperature and water
to brine during imbibition both decrease with increasing salinity. Water viscosity increases with pressure and
IFT (Fig. 10a, b), confirming the initial hypothesis. salinity, and decreases with increasing temperature (Adams
Increasing IFT has the opposite effect on irreducible water and Bachu 2002), while CO2 viscosity also increases with
saturation during drainage and on trapped gas (CO2) during pressure and decreases with increasing temperature
imbibition, which both increase with increasing IFT (Fenghour et al. 1998). Because the variation of CO2 vis-
(Fig. 10c, d). Examination of results for the drainage cycle cosity is stronger than that of brine viscosity, the net effect
would suggest that the effect is linear (Fig. 10a, c), but the is that the ratio of brine to CO2 viscosities varies direc-
imbibition cycle clearly shows that this is not the case tionally in the same manner as IFT (in other words, the
(Fig. 10b, d). Figure 11 shows comparative plots of rela- mobility of CO2 increases at the same time as IFT de-
tive permeability curves as a function of IFT for brine creases). It is not possible to devise any experiment in
displacement by CO2 (primary drainage) and CO2 dis- which IFT could be varied without varying viscosity, hence
placement by brine (imbibition) that clearly illustrate the the viscosity ratio at the same time because both depend on
dependence of the relative permeability displacement the pressure and temperature of the two fluids and on water
Fig. 10 Dependence of
displacement characteristics of
CO2-brine systems on IFT:
a endpoint relative permeability
to CO2 during drainage,
b endpoint relative permeability
to water during imbibition;
c irreducible water saturation
during drainage, and d gas
(CO2) trapped during imbibition
(dots Cardium #1., triangles
Wabamun #2)
1720 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
salinity. However, based on the displacement characteris- saline aquifers is likely to be implemented sooner rather
tics of both drainage and imbibition processes, it seems that than later because oil and gas reservoirs either do not exist
IFT dominates and is the determining factor in changes in within economic distance from the CO2 source, or do not
relative permeability and saturations, although viscosity have the necessary capacity, or are still in production. The
may also play a role (Bennion and Bachu 2006c) (Fig. 12). injection and spread of CO2 during the operational phase,
If pressure, temperature and water salinity are primary, the migration of the CO2 after cessation of injection, and
independent variables, then one may consider IFT and the trapping of CO2 at irreducible saturation in the wake of
viscosity ratio (or mobility ratio) as secondary variables a CO2 plume depend on the in-situ characteristics of the
depending on the first ones, and relative permeability and injection aquifer: rock pore system and water pressure,
irreducible water and CO2 saturations as tertiary variables temperature and salinity.
that are dependent on the secondary variables, hence ulti- Laboratory measurements at in-situ pressure and tem-
mately on the primary variables. perature conditions on rock samples of various lithologies
from the Wabamun Lake area in Alberta, Canada, and with
water with respective aquifer salinity produced a wide
Conclusions range of results regarding the displacement characteristics
of CO2-brine systems. In situ conditions vary between 8.6
Geological storage of CO2 is a means of reducing signifi- and 27 MPa for pressure, 35C and 75C for temperature,
cantly atmospheric CO2 emissions from large stationary and 27 and 248 g/l for salinity. The interfacial tension
sources such as those in the energy and power generating between CO2 and brine was found to depend strongly on
industries. Although not associated with any enhanced oil pressure for relatively low pressures (<10 MPa), decreas-
or gas recovery to offset some of the costs, storage in deep ing as pressure increases, and displays an asymptotic
Fig. 12 Dependence of
displacement characteristics of
CO2-brine systems on the
viscosity ratio between the two
fluids: a endpoint relative
permeability to CO2 during
drainage, b endpoint relative
permeability to water during
imbibition; c irreducible water
saturation during drainage, and
d gas (CO2) trapped during
imbibition (dots Cardium Fm.,
triangles Wabamun Gp)
Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722 1721
1722 Environ Geol (2008) 54:1707–1722
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