Script Shopping
Script Shopping
Script Shopping
If you need help you can ask a sales assistant to help you - make sure it's someone from the
store first and if you are not sure you can ask: Do you work here?
And then say: Excuse me, I’m looking for…..and say a specific item or you can ask for a
particular department. Could you tell me where the shoe department is?
If you like to look around and don’t want any help, if someone from the stores asks “Can I help
you?” or “Are you looking for anything in particular?” you can say:
I’m just looking, thank you.
If you want to know if something is your size and if it fits you can ask: Could I try this on? or
Could you tell me where the fitting room is?
And if you want a different size or color you could ask: Do you have this in a smaller size or do
you have this in blue?
A Department store – a shop that sells many different items in different departments.
Supermarket – a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.
Grocery store (US) – a shop that sells food.
Drugstore (US) – sells medicines and toiletries.
Pharmacy (US) – sells medicines.
Hardware store – hard goods, such as nails and screws.
Pet shop – for pets and pet food.
Flea market – a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes.
Let’s talk about prices:
Pricey or expensive – is something you could say if you think something is priced too highly
then you can describe it as pricey.
Cheap – this is the opposite. It means a product is more affordable, but it can also be used in a
negative way to describe something that has poor quality.
You might have heard of idioms which are words or phrases that aren't meant to be taken
There are 5 common idioms about shopping:
3: To be all over the shop or all over the place - This means to be disorganized.
4. Window shopping – This is when you don’t have the money to shop for things or if you are
saving money, but walk around staring and daydreaming about owning what they have on
display in the stores.
5 - To shop around –This means to visit several different stores, comparing the price of the
same product, so you can buy it at the cheapest price.
In the next class you will learn about things you can say when you are meeting new people
during a trip.