CHN1 Lec Session #19 Sas..
CHN1 Lec Session #19 Sas..
CHN1 Lec Session #19 Sas..
• To reduce death, illness and disability, and to promote improved growth and development
among children under 5 years of age.
• IMCI includes both preventive and curative elements that are implemented by families and
communities as well as by health facilities.
1. BEmoNC facility that had each of following functions at the time of survey was
considered as provider of the basic EmNC which of the following. select that all apply;
a. Incubator available
RATIONALE: A facility that had each of following capabilities at the time of survey was regarded as a
provider of the fundamental EmNC, including clean cord care, early and exclusive breastfeeding,
warmth (drying and skin-to-skin contact), eye prophylaxis (tetracycline eye ointment), and basic
newborn resuscitation. Health facilities that offer services during the day or around-the-clock were
considered to be providing the services.
2. To qualify as a CEmONC facility, all of the above services must be offered in # 1, but
RATIONALE: Intubation and other critical emergency neonatal care procedures are
surgery, narcotics, and ventilation. The MNH Road Map has outlined a package of interventions to
form B/CEmNC, even though there are no explicit guidelines on the content of and coverage standards
for EmNC.
3. A nurse in a delivery room is assisting with the delivery of a newborn infant. After the
delivery, the nurse prepares to prevent heat loss in the newborn resulting from
evaporation by:
RATIONALE: Heat is released along with moisture as a wet body dries out. the humidity Hypothermia
can be avoided by keeping the newborn dry and drying the wet newborn child.
4. Soon after delivery a neonate is admitted to the central nursery. The nursery nurse
RATIONALE: At birth, each newborn is thoroughly examined for indications of issues or difficulties.
Every system of the body will be examined in detail by the medical professional. Finding breathing
issues and other health problems is made easier with the Apgar score. It is a component of the extra
care given to a baby in the moments right after birth. The baby is examined for muscle tone, reflexes,
color, and heart and respiratory rates at 1 and 5 minutes after birth.
consistency in the interventions used with lactating mothers. She emphasizes that the
RATIONALE: Ideal timing for breastfeeding to begin after baby's birth. A After giving birth, a baby is
typically alert and will naturally seek the breast if left in skin-to-skin contact with their mother's body.
According to research, a mother should let her child nurse when the child makes a feeding indication.
notes that the circumcised area is red with a small amount of bloody drainage. Which of
C. Circle the amount of bloody drainage on the dressing and reassess in 30 minutes
RATIONALE: Normally, the penis turns red while healing. an orange Exudate may be seen within 24
hours; this is a normal part of healing. The nurse would anticipate seeing some redness and a small
amount of bloody drainage in the area. The nurse would use soft pressure and sterile gauze if the
bleeding was excessive. The nurse would contact the doctor if the bleeding could not be controlled
and if the blood vessel needed to be strangulated. Since the results mentioned in the question are
expected, the nurse would record the evaluation.
A. Deltoid
B. Triceps
C. Vastus lateralis
D. Biceps
RATIONALE: The most reliable way to give babies vitamin K is by one injection
into the muscle in the leg (intramuscular injection). One injection just after birth will protect your
baby for many months.
8. If mother with PKU is not actively treated during pregnancy (nutrition
monitoring/restriction, etc) what might be seen in the offspring? Select that all apply.
A. Microcephaly,
C. Seizures
C. To quickly separate apparently well babies who probably have the disorder from
RATIONALE: Newborn screening is used to identify potentially fatal or infants with disabling
conditions as soon as possible, frequently before the child shows any symptoms or signs of a disease.
10. What specific enzyme deficiency accounts for 95% of all cases of congenital adrenal
A. 21-hydroxylase deficiency
C. Beta-glucuronidase deficiency
D. 7-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency
RATIONALE: One of the disorders in the group of conditions known as congenital adrenal hyperplasias
that interfere with the development of sexuality and hormone production. The majority of congenital
adrenal hyperplasia cases (about 95 percent) are caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency.