Fast Attack Combatant For Near-Shore Operation
Fast Attack Combatant For Near-Shore Operation
Fast Attack Combatant For Near-Shore Operation
Near-Shore Operation
ABSTRACT The technologies of Introduction
advanced naval engineering were used to
design a corvette-size vessel which he development and evolution of weapons systems seems to have
transited the Atlantic Ocean in 1992,
without refueling, at an average speed of overshadowed military interests in recent years to advance the
53.1 knots. The application of these and technologies for naval platforms. Weapon systems’ sophistication
related teckologies to fast attack craft has increased along with miniaturization of supporting components
(FAC) of 200 to 500 tonnes can result in which permit small, relatively low-value platforms to be fitted with a formidable
vessels with extraordinary capabilities. weapons capability, especially for littoral warfare.
The combination of 40 + knot speeds, Meanwhile, outside of the naval community, sigdicant advances have been
navigational draft of less than 2 meters,
enhancements for signature reduction, demonstrated. A 68-meter gas turbine powered vessel of corvette size was de-
active and passive sensors, data linking signed and constructed with advanced marine technologies [5,7,8,141. In 1992,
with remote sources and 75 + tonnes for this vessel, Destriero, crossed the Atlantic Ocean without refuehg at an av-
mission payload and fuel offer creative erage speed of 53.1 knots in high sea state 3 conditions [22].
options for operation in a littoral environ- It is the intent of t h ~ spaper to describe a naval vessel of 250 tonnes displace-
ment. ment which is well suited for littoral warfare, utilizing only sea-proven tech-
This paper describes a multi-mission, nology and propulsion machinery with weight allowance and space available for
250-tonne FAC, propelled by waterjets
with power supplied by gas turbines and useful mission payloads. The combination of 40 + knot speeds, navigational
diesels. Sufficient detail is provided to draft of less than 2 meters, enhancements for signature reduction, active and
indicate weight allocated for mission passive sensors, data linking with remote sources and 75 tonnes for mission
equipments, the weights for light ship payload and fuel offer creative options for operation in a littoral environment.
and the loads and optional stations for The design process for developing the architectural and engineering con-
launching/recoveringdelivery vehicles. cepts included the self-imposed requirement that only sea-proven equipment,
Operational characteristics of this FAC
are described such that they may be materials, construction techniques and technology utilized on existing vessels
used for studying tactical advantages. would be incorporated. Also, only hydrodynamic characteristics obtained from
sea trials of s i d a r size or larger vessels were considered when estimating the
projected capabilities of this high-performance craft.
This paper is comprised of several parts. The initial section provides a de-
scription of fast attack craft followed by comparative data supporting the selec-
tion of hull form and concluding with a description of the 250-tonne vessel with
documentation of operational and performance characteristics.
Hull forms characterized as “round-bilge’’ and “hard-
chine” have distinctive geometric features which can be
defined such that the differences are clearly understood.
The selection of the most appropriate hull form must be
based on the required operational characteristics [9].
Typical body plans in Figure 1 depict differences in the
hull geometry A discussion of the geometric and technical
features follows.
Hard-chine Hull Form
A hard-chine hull is distinguished by a sharp edge or cor- RWNDBlLGE HULL
This angle is formed in the transverse plane (see Figure COURSE-KEEPING, SEA-KEEPING AND
1)by the intersection of the baseline and a line rising from WETNESS
the keel to the chine. Typically, a deep-v, hard-chine hull The ride quality (vertical accelerations) of both round-bilge
refers to a specialized class of hard-chine vessels with and hard-chine hull forms can be acceptable [3]. In head
deadrise angles greater than 20 degrees. seas for equal length and equal beam, the hard-chine ves-
Round-Bilge Hull Form sel will have lower vertical motions and superior course-
keeping in all conditions especially in quartering seas. In
Round-bilge hulls are distinguished by a radius of curva- a beam sea when a vessel is travelling at slow speeds, a
ture in the transverse plane connecting the side and bot- round-bilge hull has an easier roll than a hard-chine hull
tom of the hull (soft chine). The curvature allows a trans- but with greater roll angles. In all sea conditions a hard-
verse flow component around the bilges at high speeds chine hull is likely to have less water on the deck.
which may produce negative pressures in these areas. Both well-designed round-bilge and hard-chine vessels
Frequently “knuckles” or “breaker strips” are added to configured with propellers and rudders can be operated
round-bilge hulls above the waterline at the forebody to with good maneuverability and control for a wide range of
minimize wetness and waterflow upward and along the speeds. However, some round-bilge craft with waterjets
sides. demonstrate poor handling characteristics at high speed.
A round-bilge hull has relatively large buttock curvature In order to utilize a round-bilge hull for high-speed op-
in the forward sections which, at high speeds, contributes eration a centerline skeg often must be added to insure
to the development of negative dynamic pressures some- course-keeping stability. The addition of bilge keels and
times resulting in roll and course-keeping dynamic insta- or active roll-fin stabilizers are often required to improve
bilities [16, 17, 201. the dynamic roll characteristics. These hydrodynamic ad-
Hybrid Hull Form ditions increase the vessel’s complexity and propulsive
power as well as its draft.
A hybrid round-bilge hull form has evolved. It is configured
such that the soft-chine radius along the length of the
vessel decreases gradually until it becomes a hard-chine
configuration as it approaches the stem. This hybrid hull CARRYING CAPACITY, GROWTH MARGIN,
retains most of the characteristics of a round-bilge form HABITABILITY AND DRAFT
because the forward-hull geometry is the controlling shape The useful internal volume of a hard-chine hull tends to be
with regard to hull dynamics. greater than that of a round-bilge design of equal length
The incorporation of a hard chine at the stem reduces and displacement. This factor coupled with superior sea-
the tendency of the vessel to “squat” (sink) at higher keeping characteristics at high speeds for the same length
speeds. It also results in small improvements in course- and displacement results in better habitability and carrying
keeping. Frequently, hybrid configurations have evolved capacity with a hard-chine hull. There is also a greater
when powering existing round-bilge hull designs to speeds margin for growth potential with less effect upon draft than
higher than technically appropriate. Thus, the hybrid hull exhibited by round-bilge hulls. The dynamic stability and
relinquishes some of the low-speed drag advantage of a the generally wider beam for optimum performance favor
round-bilge stem shape, which often results in good low- hard-chine hulls relative to mounting height of heavy weap-
speed range, while retaining the disadvantages of its bow ons and sensors.
There is often a trade-off between the various elements in Whenever the mission speed requirement is greater than
boat design. A successful design maximizes the positive 25 knots, waterjets become a comparative candidate with
attributes with the fewest possible negative elements. propellers with regard to propulsive efficiency [l, 31. For
Some of these critical considerations with regard to hull- mission speed requirements greater than 43 knots, there
form selection for this FAC are included in the following is no other competitive candidate relative to efficiency.
discussion. Considering the acoustic, vibration and draft advantages
Data from several references depict the relationship over propellers, waterjets are the choice for this FAC
between hull form, displacement and design speed. The design.
results in Figure 2 demonstrate the most appropriate A hard-chine hull has broad advantages when watejet
choices for a FAC hull form [3, 9, 181. As this FAC has a propulsion best meets mission requirements. A hard-
speed capability in excess of 40 knots, a hard-chine vessel chine hull form with its positive attributes may be pre-
is clearly the choice with regard to hull resistance in calm ferred even when propellers and rudders are dlrected by
water, the owner.
0 90 20 50 40 60
F I G U R E 5. F-117
with useful characteristics have been defined and are de- sential external appendages which could be damaged by
picted in Figures 7 and 8. The waterjets, gears, gas tur- grounding.
bines, and diesel engines can all be procured at this time The speed and power characteristics of this FAC were
from KaMeWa, Renk Tacke andor Allen Gears, Allison derived from sea-trial data of larger full-scale vessels. As
and Detroit Diesel respectively. seen in Figure 9 the most probable operational speeds are
Powering with various combinations of gas turbines and 47 knots and 53 knots at full load in sigtllficant waves of
diesel engines is possible for a matrix of useful operational 1.9 meters. The ride quality in ahead seas is acceptable
needs. Each machinery arrangement has three indepen- as indicated in the data for hard-chine craft depicted in
dent power-dnve trains to enhance reliability without es- Figure 10.
F I G U R E 7. Machinery Arrangement No. 1: Three gas turbines, three waterjets of equal size and two diesels
F I G U R E 8. Machinery Arrangement No. 2: Two gas turbines, three waterjets with one being a large booster, and two
The two machmery arrangements for the FAC represent modest with regard to propulsive characteristics. As men-
a combination of power options at any speed from zero to tioned previously and referring to Figure 10, the ride qual-
maximum power. The transfer from diesel to gas turbines ity is not likely to inhibit operations in rough seas. Signif-
in Machinery Arrangement 1 (CODOG) is accomplished icant waves of 1.9 meters (Figure 11) represent a sea
with SSS clutches in the combining gears. The following state 4.
matrix of brake-power levels (kW) describes these com- As a result of dynamic lift at high speeds, a hard-chine
binations: hull rises above its static waterline and the bow trims up.
These are useful characteristics particularly with regard
to the effective freeboard increase as the vessel gains
ENGINE OPTIONS 1 2 speed thereby improving visibility and minimizing onboard
2 Diesels
2,089 kW 1,641 kW
2 Diesels and 1 Gas Turbine 7,311 kW 6,863 kW For each machinery arrangement, a range was com-
2 Diesels and 2 Gas puted for three power levels. The results are presented
Turbines - 12,085 kW in Figure 12 for 90% of the 35 metric ton fuel capacity At
2 Gas Turbines 10,444 kW -
maximum diesel power the range potential is 1,000+
3 Gas Turbines 15,666 kW -
nautical miles. Much greater range is possible with a small
reduction in the diesel power level and the transit speed.
Both the power demand of a waterjet and delivered
The turning characteristics are provided in Figure 13
power characteristics of gas turbines follow the relation-
as a ratio of tactical diameter to overall length. Only a
ship of HP/RPM”. This relationship is reflected in the ease
limited amount of data were avadable from vessels with
with which these vessels can handle large variations in
waterjet propulsion from which to obtain turning charac-
displacement with mimnal likelihood of overloading the teristics representative of the length and power of the FAC.
These data represent this 42.6-meter FAC at a displace-
As depicted in Figure 11 for this FAC, the speed loss ment of 170 metric tons; slightly less than light-ship dis-
in waves which was derived from full-scale trial data is
Es /
/ /
I /
gw m /
DISPL = 250 MT
m /
s m
/ / -
P /
/ / /
4000 I /
F I G U R E 9. Fast Attack Craft Performance Characteristics in Calm and Rough Water Operation
placement noted in Table 2. These tactical diameters com- transition from displacement to semi-planing and then to
pare favorably with vessels equipped with propellers and planing technologies if hull lengths decrease to suit shrink-
rudders. ing budgets and existing speed requirements are main-
.Conclusion This paper describes the characteristics of a 250-tonne
vessel which can have various applications in h t e d , mil-
As military budgets shrink, the reduction in size of naval itary conflicts. Creative options for naval forces are pos-
vessels and their weapons systems may follow. The tech- sible for this FAC platform and for foreign military sales.
nology for displacement vessels will be inappropriate for The characteristics of the FAC may be worthy of consid-
designing smaller vessels if current speed requirements eration as future missions dictate fast attack craft. +
are maintained. Hull and propulsive hydrodynamics will
0 I 2 3 . 4 5
10 20 30 40 50 60
F I G U R E 12. Fast Attack Craft Range Characteristics
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sium, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, September 1989. record at 53.1 knots. Mr Blount retired in 1990 after thirty-five
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