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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Zhang Yang
November, 2020
Certificate of Originality
I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it reproduces no material previously published or written, nor material that has been
accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma, except where due acknowledgement has
Abstract of thesis entitled: Lightning Protection for large-scale Photovoltaic Systems
As clean and renewable energy, the photovoltaic (PV) technique has been developing
vigorously in recent decades and is utilized by countries all over the world. With the increasing
installed capacity of the PV system, the safety issues of PV systems draw a lot of attention from
both the academy and industry. Since the PV equipment is exposed in open areas, lightning
becomes the main cause of PV failure. It is necessary to investigate the damage mechanism of
lightning hazards in PV systems and provide guidance for the lightning protection of the system.
Studies related to PV system lightning protection is insufficient. From the view of modelling,
the lightning transient model for PV cells is not fully developed. Various PV models have been
adopted to study the lightning transient in the PV systems. However, all these models adopt a
certain level of simplification in the simulation due to the hardness of modelling complex
wiring in PV systems. They cannot provide a complete and systematic evaluation of the
lightning transient in PV systems. Therefore, an efficient modelling method for the PV systems
From the view of investigation and engineering applications, the lightning protection
research of PV systems mainly focuses on surge protection devices (SPDs) selection and PV
ground grid design. However, the work concerning SPDs selection has limited reference
value due to using over-simplified models for evaluation. Most of the researches on PV
ground grid design just focus on a ground grid system that buried under the ground, without
fully considering the connection of other PV system structure that installed in the air.
Moreover, there is no work to evaluate the waveform and amplitude of the overvoltage that
the PV panels and bypass diodes will suffer in the PV system during lightning strikes.
Another drawback of previous studies is that they only focus on discussion on the lightning
solutions or improvements for the lightning protection design are proposed. Thus, their
From the view of standards and practical codes, the current standard did not consider the
specific configuration of the PV system. Most of the standards for PV lightning protection
adopt general lightning protection regulations based on that developed for buildings or
To solve these problems, this work presents a comprehensive study on lightning protection
of PV systems from modelling to practical scenario analysis and design guidelines. The main
into account. The PV cell model which exhibits non-linear characteristics under lightning
to be considered while evaluating the lightning transient behaviour under each failure
(3) Three types of lightning incidents, namely failure of PV inverters, breakdown of bypass
diodes, and arcing between metallic parts are investigated. Both bypass diode breakdown
and arcing-related incidents in the PV systems have not been analysed systemically in
the literature. To go a step further, several protection measures against lightning to the
(4) A comprehensive study is conducted to analyse the structure design of the PV system
that will influence the induced voltage in the PV inverter. The influences of the mounting
thoroughly investigated. The induced voltage between the positive and negative cable
can be largely shielded by a select proper PV structure without using any additional SPDs.
The results can guide PV system installations for maximizing lightning protection
(5) The grounding grid configurations of the PV system are investigated, and the transferred
voltages between the DC cables and supporting structures at different points in the PV
system are evaluated. A novel grounding grid arrangement that is simple to implement
and cost-effective is proposed. Moreover, with the proposed arrangement, the soil with
higher resistivity does not worsen the performance of lightning protection. On the
contrary, the PV system will experience less residual voltage when the soil resistivity is
high. This means the site selection of a PV plant will not be limited by the soil resistivity
when lightning protection is an issue of concern.
This work presents my efforts in both PV system modelling and scenario analysis. This
work will benefit the PV modelling theory, provide solutions for the lightning protection
design of PV systems, and also help the industry to develop the standard for PV system
I. Published and Accepted Journal Papers
systems: Methodology and guidelines," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 174, Sep
Main and Submain Circuits in Commercial Buildings Using PEEC Method," IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 106-116, Jan-Feb 2020, doi:
Y. Zhang, H. C. Chen, Y. P. Du, M. Chen, L. Jie, J. Li, X. Fan, and X. Yao "Dissolved
Gas Analysis Using Self-Paced Ensemble Dealing with Imbalance and Dataset Fusion
Y. Zhang, B. H. Li, Y. P. Du, J. X. Cao, and J. H. Lv, " Effective Grounding of the
H. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. P. Du, and Q. S. Cheng, "Lightning Transient Analysis of
Telecommunication System with a Tubular Tower," IEEE Access, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.
Telecommunication Towers Above the Perfect Ground Using Full-Wave Time Domain
for low-voltage system in a wind turbine under direct lightning," International Journal
of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 121, Oct 2020, doi:
Y. Zhang, H. C. Chen, Y. P. Du, M. Chen, L. Jie, J. Li, X. Fan, Q. S. Cheng and X.
Yao, "Early Warning for DGA Diagnosis Based on Feature Ranking and Genetic
Yao, "Validity Evaluation and Calibration of Online DGA Sensors Using Data Driven
Current Distribution in Radio Base Stations," presented at the 2019 11th Asia-Pacific
H. Chen, Y. Zhang, and Y. Du, "A Study on the Cable Grounding Condition in Wind
Turbines Under Direct Lightning," presented at the 2019 11th Asia-Pacific International
Commercial Building Using the PEEC Method," presented at the 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th
First and foremost, I would like to express my great thanks to my supervisor, Prof. Du Ya-
ping, from the Department of Buildings Services Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, for his valuable guidance, in-depth technical advice, and financial support.
Especially grateful to him for kindly opening the door to a new world for me and the freedom
Then, I would like to thanks Prof. Chen Mingli, for his encouragement and for sharing his
My sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Chen Hongcai for his support and advice on my research
work. I always remember those moments when we discuss deeply into the night. Your patience,
diligence, and perseverance set a good model for me to follow. I would like to sincerely thank
Dr. Li Binghao for introducing me to the group and helping with the FDTD simulation. I always
admire your self-discipline and peaceful mind. I also want to thank Dr. Qi Ruihan, the only girl
in the group. For the different joy you brought to us. Assistance provided by Dr. Ding Yuxuan is
greatly appreciated. Your solid theoretical knowledge impresses me a lot. I would also like to
thank the new group member, they are Mr. Lv Jiahua and Mr. Cao Jingxin. I really enjoy the
Special thanks to my trusted friends in room 625, they are Li Zhe, Wu Tianming, and Liu
Kai. Thank you for your accompany through those happy times, hard times, and confusing
times. Thanks for waiting patiently for Spectre returning to the battlefield with Radiance.
I would like to extend my gratitude to you for understanding my past, supporting my present,
Linli. Thank you for bring me to those mountains and crossing those oceans. Too much wine
and too much song, that make this journey away from bitterness.
I also acknowledge my indebtedness to those, whom I could not mention here, but provided
To all my critics, all the adversities in life, I also appreciate them for waking me up and
making me tougher.
To my beloved, thanks for your love these years, all through my wild days, my mad existence.
Finally, I would express my deepest appreciation to my family, for all the selfless love,
endless tolerance, and intelligent indulgence. The love you give to me is warm like a fire that
burns against the cold in the dark night. Though I am far away from home but never fear cold.
Certificate of Originality ................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.1 High lightning flash density vs. Rich solar energy resource ...................... 19
1.2.2 High lightning flash density vs. Energy for offshore islands ..................... 20
1.4.5 Degradation.......................................................................................................... 32
1.5.3 Consideration of PV system structure design for effective lightning protection
........................................................................................................................................ 39
1.5.4 Effective and economic grounding grid design for large-scale PV System .... 40
4.2.5 Prevention of arcing between the PV frame and wire at the remote side ...... 85
5.1 System components for the consideration of effective lightning protection .............. 91
6.6 The system with equipotential bonding in the air ...................................................... 121
6.7 Influence of using a simplified model for overvoltage calculation ........................... 131
6.7.2 Influence of ignoring the EM couplings between the adjacent strings ......... 132
7.3.1 Scenario 1: A lightning strike to the overhead ground conductor ................ 144
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
With the rising demand for energy and environmental concerns, renewable energy generation
has increased rapidly. According to the world energy balances 2019 [1], renewable energy
generation accounts for 13.8% of the total energy production in 2017. This ratio will increase to 67%
by the year of 2040 [2]. Among different types of renewable energy, solar energy is the most popular
and its application increases rapidly in recent years. Solar energy is friendly to the environment and
the energy resource is huge. The received solar energy on the earth in every second is equivalent to
the energy of burning 5 million tons of coal. The per-year energy consumption of human beings is
equivalent to just 40-minute sunlight to the earth. This indicates that solar energy is an ideal
renewable energy source. Solar energy is commonly converted to electricity by a PV system for
utilization. The PV system is easy to design and is flexible to install. It offers long service times
with minimum maintenance costs. Since PV panels can directly convert sunlight to electricity
without using any moving devices, it is suitable to be installed in any open space. Due to these
benefits, the installation capacity of the PV system grows significantly in recent years. In 2017 [3],
more than 7% of the total renewable energy was produced by PV. Benefiting from policy incentives,
the installed capacity of the PV system will occupy the largest share of global renewable energy by
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040
With the rapid development of PV systems, the safe and economic operation of PV systems
has attracted more and more attention. Various natural and human factors have brought serious
threats to PV systems. According to statistics data, lightning is the main threat to the PV system
among these factors. Along with the growing installation of the PV system, numerous large PV
plants are constructed, which cover very large areas. A large PV system contains many arrays with
a length and width of several hundred meters or even more than a kilometer. On the other hand, in
order to obtain sufficient solar radiation, the PV systems are generally located in open areas such as
hillsides, deserts, and water surfaces, so they are more prone to lightning strikes. Lightning can
damage the PV system through various means including direct lightning strikes, indirect lightning
strikes, ground potential rise, and lightning wave intrusion. The lightning-related damage brings
immeasurable consequences, such as extra maintenance costs, labor costs, material losses, etc. It
will also interrupt the operation of the entire power supply system, and even cause an electrical fire.
1.2 A worrisome prospect
worldwide. In Germany, 26% of damages to PV systems are caused by lightning strikes. This
percentage might be higher in other PV installation areas because the areas with larger solar
1.2.1 High lightning flash density vs. Rich solar energy resource
As shown in Fig. 1.2, the distribution map of lightning flash density shows a strong
regional divergence worldwide. The lightning flash density in the tropical region is the highest, and
decreases with the increase of the latitude. The lightning activity in the north-south latitude 35°W
accounts for 86% of the global lightning activities. In the tropical region, the lightning flash density
is particularly high, such as in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. The lightning-related
damages of PV systems in Germany can reach up to 26% though Germany is located in a region of
low lightning flash density, not to mention those regions with high lightning flash density.
On the other hand, solar energy resource also has strong regional divergence. The distribution
of solar energy nearly matches that of the lightning flash density except for oceanic regions. The
regions with the rich solar resources include North Africa, South Africa, the Middle East, the East
and West coasts of South America, the southwest of the United States, Mexico, southern Europe,
and Australia. Among them, North Africa has the richest solar radiation in the world. In North Africa,
countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have great potential for solar energy.
The total annual solar radiation in Algeria is 9720MJ/m2. The total annual solar radiation in
Morocco is 9360MJ/m2. The total annual solar radiation in Egypt is 10080MJ/m2. The total annual
Therefore, the richest solar resources are found in the equatorial regions where the lightning
flashes density is the highest [6]. To date, the negative impact caused by lightning on PV systems
in these areas is not widely reported since less popularity of the PV systems in these areas (taking
Africa as an example, a continent with the richest solar resources in the world has installed only
around 5 gigawatts (GW) of solar PV, less than 1% of the global total). Making things worse, most
of these regions belong to developing countries that urgently require cheap and renewable energy.
Lightning-related damages will be growing as more PV systems will be installed in these regions in
the future.
1.2.2 High lightning flash density vs. Energy for offshore islands
Solar energy provides an ideal solution for offshore islands, while, lightning is also active in
these islands. In Malaysia, The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) has taken on
many strategies to increase the use of solar energy and plan to make it one of the main sources of
energy supply by 2050 [7]. However, lightning damage is a big barrier to the large-scale expansion
of the PV systems. Because of the high lightning flash density, lightning causes over 70% of power
failures in Malaysia, and complaints about lightning related damages in PV systems are frequently
received [8]. In Indonesia where millions of people live on offshore islands, the electricity supply
is insufficient [9]. Solar energy is the cheapest source of electricity for people living in these regions.
However, lightning threats bring a big challenge to stable power operations and economic returns.
the part of building envelopes, such as the rooftops or walls. BIPV becomes popular in recent years
because it is a good option for green buildings. Firstly, it does not need extra space for installation
which makes it suitable for use in an urban area. Additionally, it can provide thermal insulation,
noise reduction and electromagnetic shielding for a building. Compared to a traditional PV system,
the BIPV is less likely to be stolen or suffer from artificial destruction. On the other hand, BIPV
also has some disadvantages that need to be considered. For instance, high installation and
maintenance cost, visual impact, ventilation, and low energy efficiency, etc. Meanwhile, BIPV
system also suffers from lightning damages. This is probably because the BIPV hasn't been
commercially used on a large scale yet. But with advanced BIPV technologies and an urgent need
to reduce emissions, BIPV products will undergo first a gradual and then a massive increase. By
that time, the problems caused by lightning in the BIPV systems will emerge. The surge induced by
lightning can lead to the failure of BIPV systems which will increase the maintenance causes. Since
the PV panels are integrated into the building façade, the cost for maintenance is much higher than
that in a conventional PV plant. What’s worse, the arcing due to lightning transients might increase
A typical PV system usually consists of PV arrays, inverters, batteries, power distribution cabinets,
sun-tracking systems, sensors, etc. The key component of the PV system is the PV array, which is
sunlight into electrical energy and output DC power at a certain voltage level. The generated electric
energy can be stored in the energy storage battery. To extend the service life of the battery, the
battery is usually equipped with a battery controller, which can prevent the battery from
overcharging and over-discharging. Since the PV array outputs DC power, inverters are used to
convert the DC power into AC power, and then to the grid. According to the operation mode, the
inverter can be divided into two types, namely off-grid inverter and grid-connected inverter. For
grid-connected PV systems, power transformers are usually used to boost the output voltage of the
Since the angle of the sun's illumination changes all the time, the solar tracking system is usually
installed in a large PV plant to obtain the maximum power generation efficiency. In addition to the
components mentioned above, communication systems, sensors, and other equipment might also be
installed for the PV system. All the components or equipment in the PV system could be damaged
during lightning strikes if the LPS of the system is not properly designed.
PV lightning protection has not been received much attention in the industry for a long period.
However, the research on PV lightning protection is not sufficient and there is no consolidated
Research on the lightning protection of PV systems grows rapidly in recent years. It is generally
believed that the Lightning protection system (LPS) of PV can be classified into external LPS and
internal LPS as shown in Fig. 1.4. The external LPS consists of an air termination system, a down
conductor system, and a grounding grid. It intercepts lightning and delivers the lightning current
into the soil. The measures of internal lightning protection include equipotential bonding and
separation distance. According to the installed method of the air termination rod and the down
conductor, the external LPS can be further divided into the isolated or non-isolated system. In a non-
isolated system, the PV brackets made of conductive materials are used as part of an LPS. While
the lightning rod stands away from the PV bracket in an isolated system. The height of the
termination rod is determined by the rolling sphere method or the protection angle method. However,
the specific definitions and requirements of PV lightning protection are still too ambiguous in
current regulations and standards [10-14]. In these regulations and standards, the characteristics of
the PV system is not fully verified. Some requirements for PV LPS installation are even inconsistent
in different standards.
In 2016, China issued the "Technical requirements for the protection of PV power station
against lightning" (GB/T32512-2016) [13]. However, the requirements in this standard are mostly
based on the "Design code for protection of structures against lightning" (GB50057) [14] and
lightning protection design specifications for other electrical installations. The latest standard [12]
is "NFPA780-Standard for the installation of lightning protection systems", which was published in
the United States in 2020. Besides some general lightning protection requirements, it also specified
some unique design requirements for PV systems. In the NFPA780, isolated and non-isolated LPS
for PV systems are introduced, and corresponding installation requirements are specified. Moreover,
the requirements for the grounding grid of a PV system are mentioned. PV systems that include a
metallic structure shall be grounded, utilizing a ground ring electrode encompassing the perimeter
of each array. However, the design of the PV grounding grid is not uniform in the Standards. For
instance, in IEC 62305 Part 3, a meshed earth termination grid ranging from 20𝑚 × 20𝑚 to
40𝑚 × 40𝑚 in size is specified, this type of earthing systems has proven its effectiveness in
1.4 Lightning protection for PV systems: recent development
The air termination rod and down conductor constitute the disputation path for lightning
current caused by direct lightning strikes. The protection system can be divided into isolated and
non-isolated LPS types based on the connection of these conductors. The performances of two types
of protection were first carried out using an impulse test [15]. The over voltages at the DC terminal
under isolated and non-isolated LPS systems were recorded. The experiment reveals an unexpected
result that the voltage in a non-isolated system was much smaller than the other type, which is
In [16], the difference between isolated and non-isolated LPS was further investigated by
simulation. According to the simulation results, the induced voltage is influenced not only by the
type of the external LPS (isolated or non-isolated), but also by the installation location of the
lightning rod. In [17], the influence of the type of external LPS was investigated on a large PV
system, it was found the type of external LPS affected the current distribution in the grounding grid.
In an isolated LPS, the lightning current is discharged via the isolated rod to the earthing system. In
this case, it may be that some current will return to the structural bases through the common earthing
25 Grounding system
Grounding system design is a key issue for lighting protection of various systems as well as
PV systems. A suitable grounding system can lower the ground potential rise thus provide a safe
environment for human beings and equipment from dangerous potential rises. The grounding
strategy in a PV system is a puzzling problem for the PV industry since no consolidated standard is
developed. The grounding methods vary from site to site. Some use the metal PV bracket as a natural
component of the LPS. The foundations of these brackets are normally buried in the soil, creating
an electrical path between the frames of the modules and the soil. Thus there is no specific grounding
system provided. Some systems use an earth rod driven into the soil as the grounding system. Some
use ring conductors and some adopt a grounding grid as the grounding system.
In [18], the grounding system of the PV system with several panels is evaluated. The system is
grounded by a single grounding rod. In the paper, the voltage distribution with different grounding
points was calculated for comparison. The results show that side grounding (as shown in Fig.1.5 (b))
may be the best grounding strategy to be adopted for a single assembly. However, for a group
assembly system as shown in Fig. 1.6. Based on the simulation results [19], it is found that solar PV
panels consisting of group assemblies having ‘middle ground’ show relatively lower voltage drops
point Grounding
(a) (b)
Figure 1.5 Grounding of a single assembly PV system. (a) middle grounding. (b) side grounding.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.6 Grounding of group assembly PV system. (a) side grounding. (b) side grounding.
In [20], a large-scale PV system with ring conductors is investigated. The PV brackets at the
two ends of each row are directly connected to the ring conductor, the brackets placed in the row
are bounded to one another with appropriate jumpers as shown in Fig. 1.7. The studied grounding
system meets the safety requirements dictated by standard EN 50552 and IEC 62305 for lightning
protection. However, the results show that induced over voltages can still cause failures of electric
systems such as string-boxes, especially when equipped with monitoring systems that incorporate
Figure 1.7 A large-scale PV system with ring grounding conductors.
Apart from the single grounding rod and ring conductor, the PV system with a mesh grounding
grid was also investigated. In [21, 22], the influence of the length of square grid-side was
investigated. For a large-scale PV system, the maximum energy dissipated on the electrodes of a
grounding grid can be significantly reduced by properly adding additional horizontal earth
electrodes [17]. Also, the overvoltage in the PV plant can be largely reduced by connecting multiple
Bonding is an intentional connection of two metal parts to form a continuous electrical path.
The significance of equipotential bonding in buildings has been recognized for a long time and a lot
of literature can be found. Compared to the bonding in residential buildings, the bonding for PV
systems is often ignored during installation. Recently, some institutions suggest that all metal
brackets in the PV system must be interconnected. However, this cannot fully protect the PV systems
against lightning. According to the field investigation [24], arcing can still occur between the PV
panel frame and the bracket even though bonding is made at some points. This arcing caused by
impedance difference between the materials of the panel frames and the brackets can lead to
interference and loss of efficiency of the panels. This phenomenon can not only happen in large
scale conductors (over 10 meters) [22], but also happen on a micro-scale conductor (over distances
< 5 m) during a lightning stroke. To suppress this overvoltage (arcing between panel frames and
structures), the panel frame should be bonded to the PV bracket. Another onsite impulse test [25]
shows that the common-mode voltage at the DC side can be reduced if the PV bracket, ground
electrode as well as distribution board are bonded together. However, the difference mode voltage
The separation distance between the air-termination or the down-conductor and the structural
metal parts should be kept to avoid flashover. The IEC 62305-3 [26] gives the general equation for
S= kc l (1.1)
Where ki depends on the selected class of LPS, km depends on the electrical insulation material, kc
depends on the lightning current flowing on the air-termination and down conductor, l is the length
in meters.
However, several factors are not considered in this formula. The standard does not specify the
separation distance for other cases such as PV systems on the rooftop. A more advanced calculating
method for the separation distance is proposed in [27] where the influence of lightning waveform,
SPDs can protect an electrical system against electrical surges and spikes, including those
caused by lightning. The rating and installed locations of the SPDs should be considered in order to
make the protection effective. In [28], the surge current passing through the SPDs were evaluated
by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. An open field PV system with a concrete
foundation was selected for evaluation and the transient distribution in the DC side is presented.
The PV modules were simplified in the simulation with only the DC cable was considered. The
results show that the class Ⅱ-typed SPDs (nominal discharge current of 20 kA) are sufficient for
protection when the lightning strike is far away. However, the SPDs with a high protection level is
required if the SPD box is near the strike point. In [29], the overvoltage at the DC side of a rooftop
PV system was analyzed using the mesh current method. The wiring structure in each panel was
considered in the simulation. A more detailed PV model [30] was proposed for evaluating the
overvoltage at DC sides for SPDs selection. In the model, the frequency-dependent parameter and
the configuration of components in the PV system were considered during the simulation. In [31],
the overvoltage in a hybrid renewable energy source system was evaluated using the
transformers and the power grid were considered using PSCAD/EMTDC software. Transient over
voltages at different points of the system were evaluated for SPDs selection. Different lightning
strike points (at DC side or AC sides), impulse current wave shapes, amplitudes and cable lengths
were considered. However, most of these studies adopt different levels of simplification in
modelling. Therefore, their results maybe not proper for the practical SPD selection.
According to different functions, the diodes in a PV system can be divided into two types,
namely bypass diodes and blocking diodes. The failure of bypass diodes and blocking diodes can
lead to a decrease in efficiency or even a fire in the PV system. The failure of diodes has drawn lots
of attention due to the severity of diode damage in the PV system. Many studies on lightning-related
diode damage have been reported. According to the results of the experiments [35, 36], the
lightning-induced voltages in a PV module may reach up to several thousand volts even the striking
point is not near. Such high voltages could easily destroy bypass diodes which have only low reverse
voltage ratings from 40 V to 100 V. Once the diodes are damaged, their impedance becomes
significantly small and PV panels are shorted. In practical operation, such damages are frequently
Based on the accident investigation of the practical PV plant, paper [37] discusses the key
factors that influence the lightning protection performance of the bypass diodes. According to the
study, poor inter-module wiring in the PV installation, instead of the internal layout of the PV
In [38], an accident due to the failure of blocking diodes was reported. Several diodes were
destroyed due to a nearby lightning strike in a storm. When PV panels return to work, the string
with damaged blocking diodes burned out immediately due to the opposite current from adjacent
To prevent the diode failure in the PV plant, MOV connected in parallel with the diodes was
recommended in [39]. According to 2,000 impulses tests, the diodes can be effectively protected by
suitable MOVs. The cost of MOVs is negligibly compared to loss due to the failure of the diodes.
Thus, MOVs were found to be a cost-effective manner of protecting the diodes in the PV module.
Most of these studies try to evaluate the critical voltage that the bypass diodes can withstand.
However, there is no work to investigate how much voltage the bypass diodes in the PV system will
1.4.5 Degradation
A lightning stroke can pose electrical stress to the PV panel, thus leads to degradation or
damage of the panel. This phenomenon was first reported in [40] and a model was developed to
predict the threshold value of the lightning transient current that the PV panel can withstand.
In [41], the lightning-caused damages are reported. According to the investigation, the panel
can be destroyed during a direct lightning stroke. Under an indirect strike, the panel might suffer
from degradation in efficiency though the panel can continue working. In [42] the performance of
single-crystalline silicon PV modules was evaluated after they were subjected to impulse tests (with
a waveform of 1.2/50 us). According to the test results, the panel will not be degraded apparently if
the amplitude of the voltage is below 12 kV. When the voltage is increased to 30 kV, insulation
breakdown occurs. However, the insulation recovers within 0.5 s and it does not lead to permanent
damage. When the peak voltage is further increased to 144 kV, the module is destructed both
electrically, thermally, and mechanically. The performance of the PV panel also varies among
different manufacturers. In another test [43], the electrical performances of two different PV
modules (A, B) are investigated. Module A seems to be significantly influenced when it is subject
to impulse voltage stress, even in the case of a 6 kV voltage stress level. The downgrade of the
higher than a 30 kV without any evident visual damage. In [44], a 50 W polycrystalline panel with
dimensions of 670 550 30 mm was tested using a lightning impulse generator with an output
voltage of 100 kV to 300 kV. The results show the degradation (after the impulse test) is more severe
Apart from the voltage amplitude, the degradation of PV panels also depends on the striking
point. Different striking points are selected for comparison in the impulse test of [45] (with a current
waveform of 7.4/15 μs and an amplitude of 13 kA). According to the test results, if the current
impulse is applied in the frame of the modules, no significant marks will be observed. However,
when the impulse current is applied in the center of the module, the glass cover will break. The
modules with a broken glass cover can still generate power, but electrical insulation and efficiency
will decrease.
In addition to high-voltage impulses, repeated low-voltage impulses can also cause the
degradation of PV modules. In an experiment test [46, 47], standard lightning impulse voltages
(1.2/50 µs) of positive polarity with peak voltages of 15 V, 30 V, and 90 V are applied on a
polycrystalline silicon PV module. Studies show that the repeated impulse stress causes a drop in
the modules' power output when the stress voltage is 30 V or 90 V. The power output degrades
If the solar cell is damaged thermally, the influence of impulse voltage will be more serious. In
[48], the PV cell was firstly subjected to heat treatment to create a potential faulty condition. After
that, the PV cell was taken under lightning impulse tests. The electrical conducting stripes of the
module are broken after only 12 lightning impulses. The test results show that the thermal test does
not cause malfunction of the PV module. However, after the impulses test, the PV cell completely
As the PV plant usually occupies a large area, it has a relatively high probability to be struck
by lightning. Although LPS is required to install according to the technical guidelines for PV
installations, the protection measures have not been fully implemented in many PV plants.
According to the IEC 62305-2, the risk assessment should be carried out to determine whether LPS
is installed or not. This requirement was specified in the first edition of IEC 62305-2 in 2006 and
was revised in the second edition in 2010. The new edition includes several significant changes. The
influence of these changes on the lightning risk assessment in the PV system is discussed in [49].
A computer program has been developed for conducting risk assessment in either open field
IEC 62305-2 standard [52] describes a generic risk assessment method for lightning protection
of buildings. However, renewable energy plants have specific characteristics and specific standards
should be developed for different types of structures. Standards related to the risk assessment for
wind turbines/farms have been already developed [53]. However, no specific standardized methods
are designated for managing the lightning-related risks in large-scale PV systems at present. In [54],
a risk assessment method was proposed for a large-scale PV System. In addition to the evaluation
requirements described in IEC 62305-2, the loss of revenue is included and recommended in the
risk assessment. Compared to individual PV systems, the risk assessment for hybrid systems is more
complicated and no standard has been established. In [55], risk analysis is proposed for a hybrid
system that consists of PVs, wind turbines, biogas generators and diesel generators. However, the
risk evaluation was conducted for every system individually thus the interaction between each
On the rooftop of a building, the installation of a PV system does not increase the risk of a
lightning strike. However, there may be an increased danger for the electric facilities of the building
in the event of a lightning strike. This is based on the fact that the wiring of the PV system shares
the same risers and cable runs with other cables in the building. Lightning-induced conducted
transients and radiated interferences in the wires of the PV system may interfere with other cables
[56]. Therefore, the risk assessment for the rooftop PV should consider both the PV array and related
wires in the building [51]. According to another study [57], the risk assessment formulation of the
rooftop PV system should also be reconsidered if the capacity of the PV system increases. This is
because a larger rooftop PV system contributes a larger proportion to the overall risk of lightning
The lightning channel is often simplified as a lump current source or a vertical conductor when
calculating the transient voltage in a PV system. The parameters of the lightning channel have a
significant influence on the transient overvoltage. As the lightning current waveform varies with the
struck objects [58], the installation places will also influence the induced over voltages in the PV
system. These effects should be considered in order to obtain more precise results. In [59] a three-
dimensional (3D) semi-analytical numerical method is adopted to analyze the influence of a
lightning channel on surges in the PV system. The lightning channel is modeled by a sequence of
randomly generated segments, with random variations of direction between adjacent segments.
According to their results, ignoring the lightning channel may lead to significant underestimation
of the induced voltage, especially for far striking points. They also show that the induced voltages
Soil resistivity is regarded as a very important factor in the LPS design. The influence of the
soil resistivity on the lightning protection performance of PV systems has been widely studied [19,
21-23, 29, 30, 45, 60-64]. Most of these studies endeavor to obtain a low soil resistivity in the design
because it brings an easy path to dissipate the energy of a lightning current and results in low ground
potential. However, the soil resistivity has little influence on the differential mode voltage in PV
systems [29, 30]. The common-mode voltage depends on the soil resistivity, while it can be reduced
with proper equipotential bonding measures. The soil ionization effect should also be considered
when evaluating the grounding grid of PV systems [21, 23, 60]. The ground potential will greatly
decrease when ionization occurs. The reduction in ground potential is more significant in the case
1.5 Objective
According to the literature survey, research on the lightning protection of the PV system is still
very limited. From the view of the modelling, there lacks system-level modelling to accurately
simulate a large-scale PV plant with all components in detail. The PV system consists of general
electric devices (diodes), etc. These components behave quite differently so that both frequency-
From the view of lightning protection design, current design tools and guidelines are not fully
validated. It partly due to the lacking of an accurate simulation tool as described previously. To
improve the return of investment, the optimization of the LPS design and SPD selection should be
thoroughly evaluated. Meanwhile, proper standards are urgently required that can guide the PV LPS
instillations. To solve these issues, the specific objectives of this thesis are as followed:
Though many models have been developed, the transient model for PV cells is not fully
constructed, especially for a lightning transient study. In previous studies, researchers mainly used
finite element method (FEM), method of moment (MoM), and circuit simulation. This results in a
large bias while evaluating the lightning voltage and current in PV systems because some factors in
PV system modelling are underestimated for lightning transient analysis. Firstly, the conductors,
such as structural steels, DC cables, etc. are generally modeled as perfect conductors. The
frequency-dependent effects of these conductors are ignored. These conductors are highly frequency
dependent under lightning transients. Particularly, the steels are made of ferromagnetic materials so
that they exhibit a strong frequency dependent effect. Secondly, the nonlinear characteristic of PV
cells is not considered in some studies. Moreover, the wiring structure in PV modules is always
omitted because of computational complexity. Consequently, the transient voltages resulting from
the presence of the wiring system in PV modules cannot be considered. They cannot provide a
complete and systematic evaluation of the lightning protection design of PV systems. Another
drawback of ignoring the loop in the solar panel is that the damage to the diodes cannot be evaluated.
The error of these models could lead to inaccurate evaluation results of lightning voltages and
currents in the system. Thus, a more advanced simulation tool should be developed. In this thesis,
an efficient modelling method for the PV systems will be proposed, which effectively and accurately
Previous works related to the lightning protection of the PV system mainly focus on transient
behaviors in the system and seldom provide guidelines for settling down the problems. The
protection of the diodes in PV systems has not received much attention. One reason for that is the
diodes are cheap. Moreover, after a diode is damaged, some PV systems can still operate normally.
The failure of diodes is noticed till the reduced efficiency in the PV systems is detected or disasters
such as fires happened. Though, the diodes are cheap, the losses due to diode failure might be huge.
The decrease of efficiency and the cost due to inspection and replacement of damaged diodes will
largely affect the return of investments. Once a fire occurs, the damage is uncountable. In the
literature, there are two approaches proposed. The first one is to provide an electromagnetic
shielding with a metal frame for the wiring structure in the panel, this can reduce the induced voltage
across the diode. The other approach is to use the MOVs for diodes protection. However, these are
not addressed in any standard. In fact, diodes are seldom mentioned in LPS standards or regulations,
most of the lightning protection standards or regulations are developed from IEC 62305. The diodes
which are heavily used in PV systems are not widely used in other electrical systems. Thus the issues
The arc between the wiring and the metal part of the structure in the system is another issue,
which can cause degradation or permanent damage to the PV module. However, the research related
In this thesis, field investigation and comprehensive analysis of PV system failures caused by
lightning strikes will be carried on. To move one step further, solutions will be provided to these
PV inverters are frequently damaged by lightning strokes in previous years. With the aid of SPD
installation, they are seldom damaged especially when SPDs are installed on both AC and DC sides.
The rating of the SPDs should be carefully evaluated to make the protection effective. Excessive
protection can certainly ensure the safe operation of the inverter. However, excessive protection will
largely affect the return of investment. Moreover, with the popularization of micro inverters, the
number of inverters in a PV plant greatly increases compared with the traditional installation using
centralized inverters or string inverters. To protect micro inverters, PCB-mounted SPDs [65] have
been invented to meet the requirements for miniaturization, modularization. As the size of SPDs
decreases, the tolerance ability of SPDs to lightning surges will also decrease. When the SPDs fail,
the DC cable is directly grounded through the damaged SPDs thus an electrical fire could start. To
prevent the failure of SPDs, SPDs backup devices such as specified FDS fuses [66] are also
Therefore, precisely selecting the rating of SPDs and reducing the expected lightning withstand
voltage of SPDs have significant benefits. The PV system can be improved in several aspects, such
as the system structure, physical parameters, etc. Proper structure design can minimize the impact
of lightning on the system if these factors are addressed appropriately at the design stage. We can
utilize the proper system structure design for lightning protection performance. Based on the model
we developed, we can investigate the structure design factors such as the PV module type, PV
mounting system, DC cable arrangement, and external lightning protection on the lightning transient
behavior in the PV system. Thus, the expected lightning withstand voltage in the system can be
1.5.4 Effective and economic grounding grid design for large-scale PV System
In the past decades, grounding design in traditional electrical systems has been investigated
elaborately and lots of issues have been resolved. With the increasing installation of PV power plants,
the grounding of PV systems brings new issues and has been increasingly concerned in the industry.
The PV systems are different from those traditional electrical systems, and these differences are not
Studies concerning the grounding design in the PV plant mainly focus on reducing the ground
potential rise during lightning. However, the arc between different metal parts can still happen even
though the grounding resistance fulfill a certain requirement. Moreover, due to a lack of
consolidated standards, the grounding grid in a PV pant varies. A comprehensive evaluation should
be carried on to build an effective grounding grid in the PV plant, especially for large PV plants
In this thesis, I will look into the grounding grid design of a PV system and propose an economic
This thesis presents comprehensive lightning transient research for PV systems. The body of
In Chapter 2, several methods used for PV lightning transient analysis are briefly introduced.
The advantage and disadvantages of the triggered lightning experiment, field observation, impulse
In Chapter 3, the partial element equivalent circuit method (PEEC) model for the PV systems
is presented. The frequency-dependent effects and ferromagnetic properties of structural steel are
taken into account. Models of major components in the PV systems including PV cells, cables, DC
wiring in the panel, and non-linear elements are provided. An experiment on a small PV system is
In Chapter 4, three typical types of lightning-related failures in the PV system are introduced.
Based on the PV PEEC model, a case study is given. The voltage between the +DC and -DC cables
which will influence the rating of the SPDs has been discussed. The failure of bypass diodes, the
insulation breakdown between the grounded structure and the DC cable during the lightning strike
are addressed through a case study. Designs solutions are presented in this chapter.
In Chapter 5, the induced voltage between the +DC and -DC cables in the PV system is further
discussed. A comprehensive study is presented to address the installation issues that will influence
this voltage in the PV system. By using the model proposed in Chapter 3, the influence of the
mounting systems, LPS, PV frames, and DC cable arrangements is thoroughly investigated. The
simulation results and discussions guide PV structure design for maximizing lightning protection
lightning rods is investigated. Several grounding grid configurations are investigated, and the
transferred voltages between the DC cables and supporting structures at different locations are
evaluated using the FDTD method. The accuracy of using the simplified PV model to evaluate the
differential mode voltage in the PV system is verified by calculation. Various influential factors are
discussed in this chapter. Afterward, a cost-effective grounding network with better lightning
In Chapter 7, the transient behaviors of a practical PV plant are investigated. The failure of PV
inverters, breakdown of bypass diodes, arcing between metallic parts are discussed elaborately.
Protection measures against these failures proposed in chapter 4 are adopted in the investigated PV
plant. According to the numerical results, the proposed measures are also effective for indirect
lightning stroke protection.
In Chapter 8, the conclusions and future work of this thesis are provided.
2 Lightning transient analysis techniques for PV systems
Both experimental techniques and numerical methods have been developed and applied to
analyze the lightning transients in PV systems. This chapter presents a brief review of these existing
Field observation is a direct approach to investigate the impact of lightning strikes on a ground
system. By using an online monitoring system, overvoltage and overcurrent in a victim system can
be recorded during a direct or an indirect lightning stroke. This approach has been used since the
last century to investigate various system components such as towers [67, 68], wind turbines [69],
switching stations [70], residential buildings [71] and transmission lines. Field observation is the
most reliable approach to study the influence of lightning on electrical systems. This approach is
Vanqala et al. [72] recorded the induced voltage of a series PV string at DC side during several
thunderstorms. In this case, the lightning strike point is far away from the system of concern, and
the amplitude of the recorded voltage is accordingly low. The induced voltage exhibits a ring wave
waveform as shown in Fig. 2.1. In another field observation study [73], the voltage and current
induced by a near lightning stroke in a PV system were recorded. An induced voltage with an
amplitude of 700V was recorded in a single PV-panel. Shahsavari et al. In [74], Micro-PMU Data
was used to analyze the response of a 7.5 MW PV farm during lightning strokes. It reveals an
interesting phenomenon that there can be a reverse power flow from the PV site to the substation
during a lightning strike due to a transient short-circuit caused by the surge arresters' operation. This
phenomenon was not recognized before because most distribution networks have been designed to
operate on a unidirectional power flow, and the feeder protection systems have been designed and
Field observation can directly reveal the consequence of lightning strokes on the PV system
and help researchers to understand the influence of lightning on the PV system. However, the
disadvantages of this approach are obvious. (1) In order to obtain a general conclusion, various
configurations are required to evaluate. It leads to a long time for the experiment. (2) Since a PV
system occupies a large area, it is impossible to accurately capture the lightning striking point in a
direct strike accident. It is also unrealistic to install a large number of monitoring sensors when the
striking point is unknown. (3) To analyze the influence of an indirect strike on a PV system, a
lightning location system is needed to determine the position of the striking point and lightning
current waveform. As the wiring of the PV system is thin and complex, the error caused by the
To trigger the lightning and control the lightning striking point, artificially triggered lightning
techniques have been developed. Researchers can produce a lightning discharge at a certain terminal
and the current amplitude and waveform can be measured accurately. Taking advantage of triggered
lightning, the influence of direct and indirect strikes on the PV system can be studied. The triggered
lightning experiment was first demonstrated by Newman et al. [75]. Then, this technique was spread
to several countries such as America, Japan, France and China [76-79]. There are some requirements
for the site selection and the waveforms of the triggered lightning, which are relevant to
geographical factors.
The triggered lightning method has been widely used to study the parameter of lightning return
stroke current, to test the capability of a lightning-protection system and investigate transient
behaviors of the PV system. However, there is no relevant reference that can be found concerning
triggered lightning for the PV system. This might due to the reason that the problems brought by
lightning to the PV industry have only been highlighted in recent years. Triggered lightning
experiments in most countries are stopped due to the high investment. The triggered lightning
currents into the tested system. This method is flexible and relatively cheap especially when the test
is performed in the lab or the test voltage is low. Because of its flexibility, impulse testing is widely
used to study the influence of lightning transients in PV systems from all aspects: degradation
phenomenon of PV, breakdown of diodes, lightning surge distribution, model validation, etc.
However, the systems in the field are more complex than those tested in the lab. Both structural
factors and environmental factors might influence the transient behaviors. Therefore, some impulse
tests have been conducted in the field. The field testing requires carrying an impulse generator of a
large capacity to the PV field, which is not flexible. Meanwhile, impulse testing cannot fully
consider the influence of lightning strikes. For example, the influence of a lightning channel and an
irregular lightning waveform on the system is hard to be considered by using the impulse testing
accurate calculation can reveal the detailed transient currents and voltages in any component of a
PV system. Therefore, it is preferred in practical design and research. However, the accuracy of the
calculation is not guaranteed because of the complex structures in the PV system. This section
An analytical method is the simplest to deal with a lightning transient problem. It approximates
the PV system using just several formulas, and it provides qualitative analysis rather than
quantitative analysis. In the early studies, some researchers used analytical methods to investigate
lightning protection in PV systems. In [80], the induced voltage in a single PV panel was evaluated
when the current-carrying conductor was parallel to the board. However, the results of the analytical
solutions are not reliable and it is hard to analyze a general case or a system-scale PV system.
Numerical methods are widely used to analyze transient behaviors in various systems.
Numerical analysis of a large system becomes possible with the availability of high-performance
computers. Numerical methods are derived from Maxwell’s equations either differentially or
transformed into an equivalent discrete mathematical model. The discrete equations are solved by
using effective algebraic equations. Classified by the mathematical modelling methods, Maxwell
equations can be transformed into differential equation form (2.1) and integral equation form (2.2)
as follows:
→ →
H = J +
B →
E= − (2.1)
D = v
B =0
→ → D →→
L H d l = S
( J +
) d S
→ → B →
L E d l = − S t d S (2.2)
→ →
D d S = v dv
→ →
B d S =0
where H is magnetic field intensity (A/m), D is electric flux density (C/m2), E is electric field
intensity (V/m), B is Magnetic flux density (A/m2), J is Electric current density (A/m2), ρ v is
D = E
B = H (2.3)
J = E
Where ε is the permittivity of the medium (F/m), µ is the permeability of the medium [H/m].
48 The FDTD method
The FDTD was first proposed by K.S.Yee in 1966 [81] and has become popular all these years.
This method differentiates Maxwell's equations in time and space. In order to obtain the numerical
solution, the electric field and magnetic field in the problem space are calculated alternately. In the
rectangular coordinate system, the differential Maxwell equations (2.1) can be written by the FDTD
rule as
H z H y E
− = x + Ex
y z t
H x H z E y
− = + Ey (2.4)
z x t
H y H x E
− = z + Ez
x y t
Ez E y H x
− = − −mHx
y z t
Ex Ez H y
− = − −mH y (2.5)
z x t
E y Ex H z
− = − −mHz
x y t
Discrete the above formula in time and space domain, the electric field updating equation in
1 1
(i + , j , k ) (i + , j , k )
2 − 2
n +1 1
Ex (i + , j , k ) = t 2 1
Exn (i + , j , k ) +
2 1 1 2
(i + , j , k ) (i + , j, k )
2 + 2
t 2
n + 12 1 1 n+
1 1
zH (i + , j + , k ) − H 2
(i + , j − , k )
1 2 2
2 2
1 1
(i + , j , k ) (i + , j, k ) y
2 2
t 2
1 1
n+ 1 1 n+ 1
H y 2 (i + , j , k + ) − H y 2 (i + , j , k − )
− 2 2 2 2
1 1
(i, j + , k ) (i, j + , k )
2 − 2
E yn +1 (i, j + , k ) = t 2 1
E yn (i, j + , k ) +
2 1 1 2
(i, j + , k ) (i, j + , k )
2 + 2
t 2
n + 12 1 1 n+
1 1
H x (i, j + , k + ) − H x 2 (i, j + , k − )
1 2 2 2 2
1 1
(i, j + , k ) (i, j + , k ) z
2 2
t 2
1 1 n+
1 1
H z 2 (i + , j + , k ) − H z 2 (i − , j + , k )
− 2 2 2 2
1 1
(i, j , k + ) (i, j , k + )
2 − 2
Ezn +1 (i, j , k + ) = t 2 1
Ezn (i, j , k + ) +
2 1 1 2
(i, j , k + ) (i, j , k + )
2 + 2
t 2
n + 12 1 1 n+
1 1
H y (i + , j , k + ) − H y 2 (i − , j , k + )
1 2 2 2 2
1 1
(i, j , k + ) (i, j , k + ) x
2 + 2
t 2
1 1
n+ 1 1 n+ 1
H x 2 (i, j + , k + ) − H x 2 (i, j − , k + )
− 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
(i, j + , k + ) m (i, j + , k + )
2 2 − 2 2 1
n+ 1 1
H x 2 (i, j + , k + ) = t 2 n− 1
H x 2 (i, j + , k + ) −
2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
(i, j + , k + ) m (i, j + , k + )
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
n 1 1
Ez (i, j + 1, k + 2 ) − Ez (i, j , k + 2 )
1 (2.9)
1 1 1 1 y
(i, j + , k + ) m (i, j + , k + )
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
1 1
E yn (i, j + , k + 1) − E yn (i, j + , k )
− 2 2
1 1 1 1
(i + , j , k + ) m (i + , j , k + )
2 2 − 2 2 1
n+ 1 1
(i + , j , k + ) =
2 t 2 n− 1
H y 2 (i + , j , k + ) −
2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
(i + , j , k + ) m (i + , j , k + )
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
n 1 1
Ex (i + 2 , j , k + 1) − Ex (i + 2 , j , k )
1 (2.10)
1 1 1 1 z
(i + , j , k + ) m (i + , j , k + )
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
1 1
Ezn (i + 1, j , k + ) − E zn (i, j , k + )
− 2 2
1 1 1 1
(i + , j + , k ) m (i + , j + , k )
2 2 − 2 2 1
n+ 1 1
H z (i + , j + , k ) =
2 t 2 n− 1 1
H z 2 (i + , j + , k ) −
2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
(i + , j + , k ) m (i + , j + , k )
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
n 1 1
E y (i + 1, j + 2 , k ) − E y (i, j + 2 , k )
1 (2.11)
1 1 1
(i + , j + , k ) m (i + , j + , k )
1 x
2 2 + 2 2
t 2
1 1
Exn (i + , j + 1, k ) − Exn (i + , j , k )
− 2 2
Based on the above FDTD equations, the time domain solution in the problem domain can be
This method can directly solve Maxwell’s equations by difference approximation in a restricted
computational domain. This method is straightforward, easy to code and can handle inhomogeneous
electrical parameters such as soil stratified. Besides, the simulated models can include devices with
nonlinear characteristics such as SPDs. On the other hand, the FDTD method requires a long
computation time and large computation resources. Over the years, various thin wire models and
non-uniform meshes have been developed to improve the efficiency of FDTD and make it
There are some difficulties in the application of FDTD for PV transient analysis. Due to its
nature of Cartesian spatial discretization, FDTD is hard to handle arbitrary shapes such as a large
number of oblique lines in PV systems. Employing a staircase approximation for the oblique line
can introduce a significant error into the solution unless very dense grids are used, which results in
a large burden on memory and CPU time. Thus, the tilt angle of solar installation and the
configuration of the conductors used in the PV system is always ignored and treated as horizontal
or vertical thin wires [28] [64]. To further reduce the computational burden, the wiring route in each
panel is also ignored, and the wiring in a PV string is simplified to two parallel long lines[28] [64].
The disadvantages of the above approximation are obvious. When evaluating the current on the DC
line, errors are introduced. The voltages exerted on the bypass diodes are not possibly evaluated.
The FEM allows accurate modelling of complex structures with arbitrarily shaped regions, thus
the oblique line and the C shape structure of PV brackets can be easily handled. Due to these
advantages, this method can be used as model validation [18]. FEM can also take easily
inhomogeneous materials into account as well as the FDTD method. Thus, it can be used to solve
the problem such as the influence of multilayered soil in the PV system. However, the execution of
the FEM requires the solution of a matrix equation, which consequently demands inordinately high
computer memory resources. Moreover, FEM is not efficient to handle thin-wire structures. FEM
also lacks the integration capacity of nonlinear devices in the simulation, which makes it difficult
to include SPDs, inverters, diodes in the systematic simulation. All these shortages make it
inefficient for solving large electrical systems, especially for PV systems where large numbers of
The MoM, also known as the boundary element method (BEM), is based on the integral
formulation of Maxwell’s equations. In this method, the integral equation of Maxwell equations is
described by the surface currents on the conductors, then the scattering problem is solved by these
formulations. The scattered electric field can be expressed in terms of surface currents on conductors.
L( f ) = g (2.12)
Where L is the operator equation, g is the known function, f is an unknown function. Assume that
the solution of the operator equation exists and is unique, and L is a linear operator. Firstly, a linearly
Where an is undetermined coefficient,fn is the basis function in the operator domain, N is a positive
Then, put the approximate expression off into the operator equation:
a L( f
n =1
n n )g (2.14)
= an L( f n )-g (2.15)
n =1
Where Ꜫ is the deviation between the approximate value and the actual value. Weight functions
wm are selected to ensure the weighted average of the residual value is zero. The moment equation
is obtained:
n =1
n wm , L( f n ) = wm , g (2.16)
MoM is capable of modelling thin wire structures with speed, accuracy, convergence and
versatility. Thus, in the research of PV lightning protection, this method is widely used to analyze
the current [17] or voltage distribution [20] in the grounding grid of a PV system. Unlike the FDTD
and FEM methods that need mesh the whole solution space, MoM only meshes the conductor. Thus,
a PV model including the complex wiring structure can be easily solved by the MoM method [82].
However, MoM works in the frequency domain so that it cannot provide the time-domain solution
without the inverse Fourier transform (IFT). As nonlinear devices are evaluated in the time domain,
MoM is difficult to integrate with them. MoM limits its analysis of the transients in conductive
The essence of the PEEC algorithm is to convert the electromagnetic effect into a lumped element
in the equivalent circuit from the electric field integral equation (EFIE):
J (r )
Ei (r ) = + j G ( r , r ) J ( r ) dV + G ( r , r ) q ( r ) dS (2.17)
V 0 S
The electromagnetic effects of the electromagnetic structure are modeled one by one into with
lumped circuit components in an equivalent circuit model, such as inductors, resistors, capacitors,
1 1 1 (2.20)
pij =
4 Si S j Si Sj R
dSi dS j
dI j
L j i
n Ri Lii m
In Im
C ip P Ij i
j C pj P
Pi +1, j
j i +1 i +1,i +1
Circuit analysis can be then performed in both the frequency domain and the time domain, and
has a natural advantage in the electromagnetic-circuit joint simulation. The PEEC method starts
with the electromagnetic mixing equation and contains the interaction of electricity and magnetism.
The PEEC method is mostly used in electromagnetic problems, including the compact structure,
low-frequency working system, and time-domain system with a negligible delay effect. The PEEC
algorithm degenerates into a quasi-static model, which improves the efficiency of the algorithm
while maintaining the accuracy of the algorithm. The quasi-static PEEC model is used to simulate
a structure with a small electrical size or to be applied to a scene with a lower frequency, which has
an accuracy comparable to that of the full-wave PEEC method. Due to the advantages above, the
PEEC method has been successfully used in the lightning transient analysis in a variety of systems
such as transmission towers, residential buildings and telecommunications systems. However, its
2.5 Conclusion
This chapter summarizes the transient analysis methodology used for the lightning protection
experiment and impulse testing are presented. Impulse testing is an effective way to study the
lightning transient if the scale of a system is small. The field observation and triggered lightning
experiment can reveal the lightning transients in a practical PV system. These methods provide valid
evidence about the lightning-related damages, however, are difficult to implement due to the cost
and the low chance of catching a lightning event. Numerical calculation is more convenient and
widely used for the transient analysis of PV systems. Different numerical methods are introduced.
Their advantages and disadvantages in studying the lightning transients of PV systems are clarified.
The circuit method is frequently used for lightning transient analysis, especially for large power
systems. However, this method takes too much simplification of the physic process and effect. Due
to large memory consumption and long computation time, FDTD and FEM are not suitable to
analyze the lightning transient of PV systems if thin wire structures in each panel are considered.
The PEEC method, which converts the electromagnetic problem into a circuit domain, is an effective
method to solve the lightning transient problem in a large system with thin wire structures. Most of
3 PEEC Modelling for Components in a PV system
in PV systems. Although PV modelling has been addressed in the literature, it is found that
some factors are underestimated in PV component modelling for lightning transient analysis.
Firstly, the conductors, such as structural steels, DC cables, etc. were generally modeled as
perfect conductors. The frequency-dependent effects of these conductors were ignored. These
conductors are highly frequency dependent under lightning transients. Particularly, the steels
are made of ferromagnetic materials so that they exhibit a strong frequency dependent effect.
Secondly, the wiring of PV panels and the nonlinear characteristic of PV cells were not
considered in some studies. All these can lead to inaccurate results of lightning voltages and
currents in the systems. An efficient modelling method for the PV systems would then be
lightning transient analysis. Taking advantage of the PEEC method, models of various
conductors, cables and nonlinear components in the PV system are presented. With the vector
fitting method, the frequency-dependent characteristic of conductors is taken into account. The
proposed method is verified experimentally. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows.
Chapter 3.1 presents the modelling method of the supporting steel, DC cables and the wiring in
the PV panel. In Chapter 3.2, the laboratory experiment on a PV panel is presented for
validation of the proposed method. Finally, the conclusion is drawn in Chapter 3.3
3.1 PEEC model of PV components
Lightning transient problems can be generally solved using electromagnetic field methods,
such as the FDTD method [83-85], MoM, etc. The PEEC method [86-88] is considered as an
efficient method for modelling electromagnetic (EM) coupling in a wire structure, and is suitable
for modelling PV systems. The PEEC method [89-91] is derived from the mixed potential
formulation of Maxwell equations. The total electric field on a conductor in free space can be
E ( r , ) = j A ( r , ) + ( r , )
J (r )
0= + j G ( r , r ) J ( r ) dv
+ G ( r , r ) ( r ) ds '
Where J is the volume current density at source point, is the conductor conductivity and is the
surface charge density, v is the volume of the conductor, r and r are the position vectors. Divide the
conductor into a number of small segments, and assume both conductor current I and line charge q are
constant in each segment. Fig. 3.1 illustrated a typical conductor segment for modelling.
Integrating (3-2) along with segments yields a set of electrical circuit equations for Nb segments and Nn
nodes, as follows:
Vn − Vn +1 = Rii I i + j Lij I i
j =1
Vn = pnm qm
m =1
Where Rii is the resistance of segment i, and both Lij and pij are the inductance and coefficient of
Note that a lightning return stroke current contains high-frequency components. The current in a
segment at high frequency is not uniformly distributed over its cross-section due to the eddy current
effect. Both resistance and internal inductance then vary with a frequency significantly. They can be
determined by the surface impedance of the conductor. For a circular conductor with radius a, both
resistance and internal inductance in s domain are expressed with the surface impedance Zii,s [92, 93], as
j I( R)
Z s ,ii ( s ) = 0 a
2 Ra I(
1 Ra)
Where In is modified Bessel functions of the 1st kind at order n with argument Ra= (1+j)a/δ in
which δ is skin depth and μ is the relative permeability. External inductance and coefficient of
potential are generally frequency invariant, and are determined by general PEEC formulas, as
Lext ,ij =
4 li lj d
dli dl j
1 1 1
pnm =
4 ln lm ln lm dnm dln dlm
Where dij or dnm is the distance between branches i and j or nodes n and m.
As surface impedance varies significantly with frequency, the vector fitting method [94] is
adopted to represent the frequency-dependent surface impedance with frequency invariant circuit
parameters. Given by Z(s) in s domain, this impedance can be approximated with rational functions
After all the poles are identified, the impedance of the conductor can be realized with an
equivalent cascade circuit consisting of frequency-invariant resistors and inductors. Because the
surface impedance increases with frequency monotonously in the frequency range of interest, two
real-pole rational functions are sufficient to capture the rather smooth frequency behavior of the
elements. Fig. 3.1(b) shows a complete vector-fitting enhanced PEEC model for a segment of the
conductor. In this circuit model, all circuit parameters of the conductors are passive and frequency-
independent. Time-domain circuit analysis tools can be applied directly to solve for lightning
transients in a wire structure, such as that built from a PV system. In this chapter, the circuit
parameters of the wire structure are calculated with Matlab codes, and transient voltages and
currents in the structure are solved with a SPICE solver using the netlist files generated with the
1 𝑝𝑛𝑚 1 𝑝𝑛+1𝑚
𝑝𝑛𝑛 𝑝𝑛𝑛 𝑐𝑚 𝑝𝑛+1𝑛+1 𝑝𝑛+1𝑛+1 𝑐𝑚
𝑚≠𝑛 𝑚 ≠𝑛+1
Figure 3.1 PEEC model of a conductive segment with the vector-fiting method.(a) A conductor segment (b)
Equivalent circuit.
3.1.1 C Profile Steel
Because of its excellent mechanical performance (high strength, light in weight, easy
installation), C profile steel is commonly used as the supporting structure in PV systems. Fig. 3.2(a)
shows the typical C profile steel use for the PV systems. The steel used in this chapter has a width
t= 3 mm
w = 40 mm
Ls Ls
(a) (b)
Figure 3.2 Configuration of C profile steel. (a) Overview. (b) Cross-section view.
As one kind of ferromagnetic materials, C profile steel exhibits nonlinear characteristics under
the excitation of current. While the steel is deeply saturated when it carries the lightning current
directly. It can be then treated as a linear magnetic material [96]. The C profile steel can be
represented by internal impedance and external inductance. The resistance and internal inductance
of the C profile steel are calculated using the cylindrical model with an equivalent radius [97]. As
the thickness of the steel is very small, equivalent radius a of the cylindrical model is determined
a= (3.7)
Note that the external inductance is associated with the magnetic flux linkage outside the
conductor. It is determined only by the geometric dimensions of the C profile steel. In order to
calculate the external inductance, the C profile steel is divided into three thin tapes as shown in Fig.
3.2(b). Consequently, the external inductance of the C profile steel can be calculated based on the
Lext = −1 (3.8)
Ls Lm1 Lm 2
Lm1 Ls Lm1
Lm 2 Lm1 Ls
Where Ls is the external self-inductance of individual thin tapes, and both Lm1 and Lm2 represent the
mutual inductances between two thin tapes orientated perpendicularly and parallel. These
The inductance of sheets or plates with zero thickness has been discussed extensively in [96, 98].
0 1 2 l + l 2 + W 2 3
Ls = 3W l ln − (l 2 + W 2 ) 2
6 W
W + l2 +W 2
+3l 2 W ln + l3 + W 3
Where both W and l are the width and length of the sheet, respectively. For two parallel horizontal
0 1 x y x y
2 1 2' 2'
For two perpendicular planes, the same expression is used except the function f (u,v,w) is replaced
v 2 w2 v2 u 2
f ( u,v,w ) = - wln(u + R)+ - uln(w+ R)
2 6 2 6
uw v3 -1 uw
+uvwln(v + R) - R - tan
3 6 vR
vu 2 -1 vw vw2 -1 vu
- tan - tan
2 uR 2 wR (3.12)
Experimental tests were undertaken to verify the proposed modelling approach. Fig. 3.3 shows
the test setup for extracting the impedance of the C profile steel. A square loop made of C profile
steel with a side length of 1 m was constructed in the laboratory. An impulse current was injected
into the loop, and both the impulse voltage across the loop and the injected current were recorded
by a digital oscilloscope. The inverse Fourier transform technique was used to convert the time-
domain voltage and current to the frequency-domain results. Thus, frequency-domain resistance and
inductance under the impulse were obtained. Fig. 3.4 shows frequency-domain resistance and
inductance obtained by both measurement and calculation with (4)-(7) using 𝜎 = 5 × 106 S/m
and 𝜇𝑟 = 75. It is found that calculated resistance and inductance using the proposed model match
Figure 3.4 Measured and calculated circuit parameters of a C profile steel loop. (a) Resistance, (b) Inductance.
PV cells in a PV panel are connected in series through galvanized copper wires. There are
several types of wires generally used in industry as listed in Table 3.1. Because of their thin thickness,
the skin effect is neglected in wire modelling. Consequently, the resistance of the wire is
approximated by its DC resistance. Self-inductance is almost equaled to its DC inductance and can
be calculated using the Hoer’s formula [98]. To verify our assumption, the wire with a width of 1.6
mm, a thickness of 0.2 mm, and a length of 1.8 m is tested. The frequency-dependent curves of
resistance and inductance are obtained using a vector network analyzer (VNA) as shown in Fig. 3.5.
It is found that both the resistance and inductance are almost frequency-invariant and are coincident
with the DC inductance (2.29 H) and DC resistance (150.5 mΩ), respectively.
Type Wide(mm) Thickness(mm)
A 1.6 0.2
C 0.2 0.16
(a) (b)
Figure 3.5 Measured parameters of the wiring of the PV cells. (a) Resistance, (b) Inductance.
3.1.3 Modelling of the PV panel
The circuit models of PV cells have been studied extensively over the years. The single diode
model [99], double-diode model, and modified 3-diode equivalent circuit model [100], are the most
commonly adopted for representing the PV cell in circuit simulation under DC conditions. For
lightning transient study in this chapter an improved PV model using the single diode model is
proposed. Note that few articles have addressed the transient behavior of the PV cells.
Rs I Ls Rs I
Id Ip
Ig Rsh V Solar cell V
(a) (b)
Figure 3.6 Equivalent circuit of a PV cell. (a) Single diode model. (b) Transient model.
Fig. 3.6(a) shows the diagram of the single diode PV model. Ig is the photocurrent. Both Rs and
Rsh represent respectively the series resistance for the ohmic loss of the wiring, and the shunt
resistance for the losses caused by localized shorts at the emitter layer or perimeter shunts along cell
borders, etc. Fig. 3.6(b) shows the proposed transient PV-cell model for lightning transient analysis.
The diode in the traditional model retains, while the photocurrent is neglected due to its negligible
magnitude compared with the lightning current. Both Ls and Rs are the inductance and resistance of
the wiring, respectively. They can be determined with the impulse test as described in Chapter 2.1.
V = NVT log( + 1) (3.13)
Where VT is a constant of 26 mV. Both N and Is are the determining factors of the diode D, and are
determined by the I-V curve measured in the laboratory with the least square method. The measurement
is similar to that described in Chapter 2.1. Fig. 3.7 shows the V-I curves measured in the experiment and
In the PV system, a bypass diode is connected in parallel with the PV cell at the output of each
module in the reverse direction. The bypass diode is an important element in the PV module. It can
effectively prevent the PV cell from burning out caused by the hot spot effect. For better reference,
Loop due to wiring
structure in each module
+DC terminal
Loop due to
DC cable
-DC terminal
Solar cell
Bypass diode
Lightning current
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9 Representative circuit of a PV string with 8 PV modules with the lightning current in the reverse
Because of the polarity of the lightning return stroke current, there are two scenarios for the
induced voltage of the loop. In the first scenario, the bypass diodes are all in the reverse direction
while the solar cells are in the forward direction as shown in Fig. 3.9(a). So, the bypass diodes are
equivalent to an open circuit and the solar cells are equivalent to a short circuit as shown in Fig.
3.9(b). In this case, the electromagnetic induction in both the loop of DC cables and the loop of the
wiring structure in each module contributed to the overvoltage at the DC terminal. The overvoltage
due to electromagnetic induction in the loop of the wiring structure might lead to the breakdown of
Lightning current
Solar cell
Bypass diode
(a) (b)
Figure 3.10 Representative circuit of a PV string with 8 PV modules with the lightning current in the forward
In the second scenario, the bypass diodes are all in the forward direction while the PV cells are
all in the reverse direction as shown in Fig. 3.10(a). So, the bypass diodes are equivalent to the short
circuit and the PV cells are equivalent to the open circuit. Under this condition, the wiring structure
of the PV cell in each PV module is shorted by the bypass diode as shown in Fig. 3.10(b). The loop
of the circuit is only contributed by the DC cable. Thus, the induced voltage applied at the DC
terminal is smaller than the former one. In this scenario, the bypass diodes will not suffer from
breakdown. For worse case analysis, only the first scenario is considered in the following analysis.
Based on the polarity of its electric charge transferred and the travel direction of its initial
leader, lightning can be categorized into four types: downward (positive and negative) and upward
(positive and negative) lightning. According to the observation [101], 90% of lightning is downward
negatively charged. Upward lightning is barely initiated except for tall objects over 100 m. In the
thesis, the first negative lightning stroke is considered if there is no special concern. It is defined
Where current peak imax = 100 kA, its correction coefficient = 0.986. Front-time coefficient T
and stroke duration time are respectively equal to 1.82 s and 285 s. Current steepness factor n
= 10.
To verify the proposed modelling procedure, a simplified PV system was tested in the
laboratory as shown in Fig. 3.11. The system is a PV unit made of a PV panel and its supporting
frame made of the C profile steel. The dimensions of the PV supporting frame are shown in Fig.
3.11(b) and listed in Table 3.2. The configuration of the PV panel is shown in Fig. 3.11(c). During
the test, four leg ends of the PV frame were connected with copper strips as shown in Fig. 3.11(b).
An impulse current was injected into the top corner of the frame through a shielded power cable.
The impulse current flows back to the impulse generator through the legs of the frame. The current
distributed at each leg and induced open voltage in the DC cable were recorded with a digital
Transient simulation of the tested system was performed using the proposed method. A system-
level model was developed, which included the C profile steel, DC cables and the PV cell.
0.6 m
0.25 m
copper strips
112.5 cm
6 cm
12.5 cm
54 cm
120 cm
Figure 3.11 Simplified PV system for testing. (a) overview of the the laboratory setup. (b) configuration of the test
Table 3.2. Dimensions of C-profile steels in the PV frame.
Quantity Length(mm) Cross-section(mm)
Side Length: 40
Front legs 2 250
Thickness: 3
Side Length: 40
Rear legs 2 600
Thickness: 3
Side Length: 40
Cross girder 2 1000
Side Length: 40
Oblique girder 2 1000
Thickness: 3
Fig. 3.12 shows the results of currents in four legs obtained with the measurement and
simulation under an 8/20 μs impulse current of 632 A in peak. It is observed that both simulated and
measured currents match well in both magnitude and waveform. Table 3.3 shows the measured and
calculated peak currents in each leg. Good agreements are observed and the errors are less than
4.2 %. Fig. 3.13 shows the measured and simulated induced open voltages in the DC cable. The
calculated and measured voltages also match well in the waveform. Therefore, the proposed model
Figure 3.12 Comparison of current distribution at four legs of the PV panel.
Table 3.3. Comparison of impulse current peaks in four legs of the PV system.
Value (A)
Meas. Cal. Err.
Leg 3 71 74 4.2%
3.3 Conclusion
This chapter presented a comprehensive modelling procedure for transient analysis in the PV
systems. Models of the C profile steel, the DC cables, the wiring of PV panels were provided. Both
the frequency-dependent effect and ferromagnetic properties of structural steel were taken into
account. Transient voltages and currents in the PV system were simulated using the enhanced PEEC
method. The modelling procedure has been verified experimentally in the laboratory.
4 Typical Lightning Damages in PV Systems and Solutions
Three typical lightning-related damages in the PV system are addressed in this chapter, that is,
failure of PV inverter, breakdown of bypass diodes and arcing and insulation breakdown due to
ground potential rise. The configuration of a typical PV system is then presented. The PV system
represented by the PEEC model is introduced in the last Chapter. In order to analyse typical
lightning-related damages, the lightning transient behaviour in the PV system during a direct strike
is analysed with a case study. To go a step further, design solutions to these damages are proposed
A practical PV plant has a large number of PV arrays working independently. Each array is
inverters are connected to a boosting transformer before supplying the power to the grid. The PV
string consists of several PV modules connected in serials to output a DC voltage of several hundred
voltages. System failures in the PV plant during a lightning strike may be caused by the failure of
PV inverters, breakdown of bypass diodes, arcing and insulation breakdown due to ground potential
4.1.1 PV Inverters
A power inverter plays a vital role in energy conversion in the PV system. It transforms the DC
power generated by the PV modules into three-phase AC power. The inverter used in the PV system
can be classified into four categories: centralized inverter, string inverter, multi-string inverter and
micro inverter. Both the string inverter and multi-string inverter become more and more popular in
the PV system due to their higher energy conversion rate, more extensibility, and lower installation
cost. However, they are susceptible to lightning transients and have a low overvoltage withstanding
capacity. A direct or indirect lightning strike could induce over voltages in the DC cables as shown
in Fig. 4.1 (black wires), causing damage to the PV inverters connected to them. This issue has
A bypass diode is connected in parallel to the PV module in reverse polarity. It works in the
reverse state in normal conditions. While, it turns to the forward mode and acts as a by-pass, when
the module is shadowed or fails to generate power. Thus, other modules connecting in series can
continue to generate power. The bypass diode has a low reverse withstand voltage [36]. In this study,
the type of the bypass diodes is 15A10 with a 1 kV reverse withstand voltage. The electrical
breakdown of bypass diodes is frequently observed in the plant. It is mainly due to the following
• The loop formed by the DC cables in the PV module can generate an induced voltage which is
• The bypass diodes do not have any specific protection measures against lightning.
When lightning strikes a PV system or a structure nearby, the ground potential will rise to a
high level. The voltage between the positive/negative lines of the DC cable and the grounding
structure may cause insulation breakdown on the cable. The potential of the PV frame will also rise
to a considerable high level because it is connected to the grounding grid. The potential difference
between the PV frame and the wire in the module might cause a flashover. The resultant arcing will
also lead to degradation of the PV module, broken-in glasses, or even destruction of the module
[42, 43]. Fig. 4.2 shows the damage caused by the arcing during an indirect lightning event.
4.2 Surge simulation in a PV system
String inverters are commonly used in PV systems due to their high power generation
efficiency, installation flexibility and low maintenance cost. To generate a sufficient DC voltage,
several PV panels are connected in series as a PV string. The PV string is then connected to a string
inverter to convert the DC power to three-phase AC power. For the system discussed in this chapter,
8 PV panels are installed on a PV supporting frame, and 24 PV panels on 3 supporting frames are
connected in series as a PV string to output a voltage around 700VDC. At the end of the PV string,
the DC cable is connected to an inverter. Fig. 4.3 shows the configuration of the system under
120 cm
220 cm
60 cm
185 cm
60 cm 310 cm
+ DC
2.6 m
- DC
3.4 m 1m 1.8 m
Horizontal conductor
Grounding grid
Figure 4.3 The PV system under investigation. (a) Configuration of the PV panels on a frame. (b) Top view of the
The PV string in Fig. 4.3 is protected with a non-isolated LPS. The air terminal rod of 1.2 m is
mounted on the PV frame which is part of the LPS. Fig. 4.3(a) shows one PV supporting frame
considered in the simulation. Fig. 4.3(b) shows the top view of the system. The grounding grid is
represented with the dash lines. The grid is buried in the ground with a depth of 0.5 m and the size
of 5 m × 15 m. The legs of the PV frame are connected to the grounding grid via horizontal bonding
conductors in the ground. The length of the bonding conductors is 1.2 m and they are buried at depth
of 0.5 m as well. Both the grounding grid and bonding conductors are made with 40 × 4 mm2 flat
The first negative stroke of 1/200 μs and 100 kA in peak is employed in the simulation. The
open-circuit voltage between the positive and negative lines of the DC cable is simulated. To
investigate the issue of insulation breakdown, the voltages between the positive/negative lines and
the ground are also simulated. The soil resistivity is taken to be 500 Ω∙m, and a high soil resistivity
value of 2000 Ω∙m is selected for comparison. The relative permittivity of soil is assumed to be 10.
Fig. 4.4 shows the induced voltage between the positive and negative lines. The induced
voltage is 64.33 kV when the soil resistivity is 500 Ω∙m, which exceeds the PV inverter’s capacity
as indicated in [103]. While the induced voltage between DC lines varies slightly to 65.27 kV when
the soil resistivity is changed to 2000 Ω∙m. It can be concluded that the soil resistivity has little
influence on the voltage between the positive and negative lines of the DC cable.
In order to investigate the influence of the current wave front on the induced voltage between
the DC cables, three different lightning waveforms, 1/200 μs, 2.6/50 μs, and 10/350 μs with a
magnitude of 100 kA in peak, are conducted in the simulations. Fig. 4.5 shows obtained induced
voltages between the positive and negative cables under different lightning waveforms. The
corresponding peak voltages are listed in Table 4.1. It is found that the induced voltage decreases
with increasing front time. This is because the induced voltage between the DC cables is mainly
generated by the magnetic coupling between the conductors in the LPS and the DC cable. It is
determined by the loop area, the magnitude and steepness of the lightning current.
Figure 4.5 Induced voltage between negative and positive DC cables under different lightning waveforms.
Table 4.1. Comparison of impulse current peaks in the PV system
1/200 65.27
2.6/50 25.35
10/350 6.22
In order to protect electrical equipment, SPDs are provided in the PV system. Fig. 4.6 shows a
typical configuration of SPD installation for the DC cable. The simulation was performed again to
Figure 4.8 Induced current in negative and positive DC cables
The voltage between the negative and positive lines of the DC cable are 4.92 kV as shown in
Fig. 4.7. This voltage is twice as large as the clamping voltage of the SPDs and might still exceeds
the lightning transient withstand voltage of the PV inverter [103]. Fig.4.8 shows the current flowing
through each SPD. The current direction is indicated in Fig. 4.6. Since the DC cables will not be
struck directly by lightning, these SPDs are not subject to the large lightning current (less than 500
A in this case).
In order to further constrain the voltage between the negative and positive lines of the DC cable,
another SPD is installed between the negative and positive lines as shown in Fig. 4.9.
Figure 4.9 The configuration of protection device for the DC side with an extra SPDs installed between DC
Figure 4.10 The induced voltage of bypass diodes.
The bypass diodes are connected in parallel to the outputs of PV panels. However, these bypass
diodes are often damaged by lightning due to their low withstand voltage. The bypass diodes used
in the system have a repetitive peak reverse voltage of 1 kV and they will suffer permanent
breakdown when the impulse voltage exceeds 2 kV. In order to analyze the defection of the bypass
diodes, the voltages induced in the wiring of PV panels are calculated. Fig. 4.10 shows the induced
voltages in two diodes close to the lightning striking point as shown in Fig. 4.3. Induced voltages
without and with SPD installation are evaluated for comparison. Soil resistivity is chosen as 2000
Ω∙m to represent the worst case. For the system without SPD being installed, the voltages on two
diodes are 8.75 kV and 6.75 kV, respectively. For system with SPDs being installed, the voltages
are reduced to 7.05 kV and 5.13 kV, respectively. SPDs in the DC circuit can reduce the induced
voltage on the bypass diodes. However, the voltages under these situations still exceed the transient
To avoid lightning damages to the bypass diodes, one particular measure proposed is to raise
the withstand voltage of the diode box. This measure can be realized by connecting several bypass
This measure has been validated experimentally in the laboratory as shown in Fig. 4.11 (b). In
the experiment, an impulse from a combination wave generator is firstly injected into a single bypass
diode in reverse polarity. Both the current through the diode and the voltage on the diode are recorded
by a digital oscilloscope. The test is repeated several times. It is found that the diode does not conduct
current if the voltage is below 1.9 kV. The diode current, however, appears with a high-frequency
oscillation when the voltage reaches 1.9 kV. The bypass diode could recovery itself if the subsequent
impulse voltage is less than 1.9 kV. Fig. 4.12 shows both the voltage and current in the diode when
the magnitude of the diode voltage reaches 1.9kV. When the applied voltage exceeds 2 kV, the bypass
diode suffers from an irreversible breakdown. This indicates that a single bypass diode can withstand
Figure 4.11 (a) Series connection of the bypass diodes in a diode box. (b) The diagram of the experiment on the
bypass diode.
Figure 4.12 Critical breakdown state of a bypass diode (Channel 1: current probe with the ratio of 100:1, Channel
2: voltage probe with the ratio of 100:1).
1 10 1.98
2 5 4.0
3 5 5.85
In the second step, several bypass diodes are connected in series. The impulse test is repeated
to examine the reverse breakdown voltage of the circuit. The test results are shown in Table 4.2.
The diode box suffers from irreversible breakdown when the voltage increases to 4 kV for 2 series-
connected bypass diodes. The breakdown voltage increases to about 6 kV for 3 series-connected
bypass diodes. Therefore, it can be concluded that by connecting a few of bypass diodes in series,
the total withstands voltage of the circuit can be improved. The withstand voltage is generally
4.2.5 Prevention of arcing between the PV frame and wire at the remote side
Figure 4.13 Over voltage between negative/positive cables and the ground terminal.
Fig. 4.13 shows the voltage between the negative/positive lines and the ground terminal at the
inverter with different values of soil resistivity. It is shown that the voltages have a much longer tail
and higher amplitude than the voltage between negative and positive lines. Such voltages are mainly
caused by the rise of ground potential. In addition, the soil resistivity has a significant influence on
the voltages. The peak voltage is increased from 292.4 kV to 1225 kV when the soil resistivity is
changed from 500 Ω∙m to 2000 Ω∙m. Such a high voltage can cause insulation breakdown of the LV
To investigated the influence of SPDs installation on the overvoltage between the grounded
structure and the DC cable. The voltage between the cables and the ground terminal are calculated
after the SPDs are installed. The soil resistivity is chosen as 2000 Ω∙m to represent the worst case.
After the SPDs are installed at the entrance of the inverter, the voltage between the DC lines and
the ground terminal at the entrance of the inverter (point 1 in Figure 4.3) is suppressed as shown in
Figure 4.14. However, as the distance from the SPD installation point increases, the voltages will
also increase. At the middle of the string (point 2 in Figure 4.3) the voltage reaches 100.1 kV. At
the remote side, the voltage can further increase to 168.3 kV. These over voltages might lead to
insulation breakdown of the cable, arcing between the PV wiring and the metal frame of the module.
Figure 4.14 Induced voltage between cables and the grounded structure when SPDs are installed at the entrance of
To limit the overvoltage at the remote side, SPDs are installed at both the entrance of the
inverter and the remote side of the PV string as shown in Fig. 4.15. After the SPDs are installed at
the both sides, the voltages are largely reduced as shown in Fig. 4.16. The voltages at point 1 and
point 3 are constrained within the clamping voltage of the SPDs. The voltage at the middle point of
the string (point 2) exceeds the clamping voltage of the SPDs at the wave front (8.6 kV in peak),
however this voltage is largely reduced compared to the case when SPDs is only installed at the
Another SPDs at
1.2 m remote side
2.6 m
Lightning strike
1. 2 m
3.4 m 1m 1.8 m
Horizontal conductor
Grounding grid
Figure 4.16 Induced voltage between cables and the grounded structure when SPDs are installed at both sides of
the PV string.
4.3 Conclusion
The lightning transient analysis of a PV system with a string inverter was investigated using
the method proposed in chapter 3. Systems with and without SPD installation were performed in
⚫ The induced voltage between negative and positive of the DC cables has a short wave form,
and is not sensitive to the soil resistivity.
⚫ On the contrary, the voltage between the DC cable and ground has a long wave form, and
⚫ With SPDs being present between the DC lines and the ground, the voltage between the
positive and negative lines can reach 4.92 kV, which may lead to breakdown in the PV
inverter. It is recommended installing another SPD between two lines of the DC cable.
⚫ Overvoltage is observed on the bypass diodes of PV panels, and could cause failure of the
bypass diodes although SPDs at the inverter can reduce the overvoltage. Connecting several
⚫ SPDs installed at each side of the PV system is recommended to limit the overvoltage
5. Considerations of PV Structure System Design for
Effective Lightning Protection
In a PV system, the most venerable component is the power inverter [104]. Lightning strikes
may cause temporary interruptions or permanent damage to electronic devices, mainly power
inverters. As indicated in last chapter, installing SPDs with proper rating can effectively protect the
inverters from a lightning strike. However, SPDs with a higher rating cost more money and need
more space. As the PV system contains lots of inverters, installing SPDs with high rating will greatly
increase the cost of investment. Moreover, with the popularity of the usage of micro inverters in PV
systems, the SPDs are usually integrated into the circuit board of the inverters. Thus the volume of
the SPDs should be as miniaturized as possible. To meet this demand, improving the anti-lightning
performance of a PV system is necessary. Proper structure design can minimize the impact of
lightning on the system if the system structure and its physical parameters are addressed
This chapter addresses some issues regarding the system structure design for maximizing
lightning protection performance. Structure design factors including the PV module type, PV
mounting system, DC cable arrangement, and external lightning protection are considered in this
chapter. The aims of this chapter is to reduce the overvoltage between the +DC cable and -DC cable,
thus the rating and the volume of the SPDs can be reduced.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.1 briefly describes system components
that may affect the performance of PV systems. Section 5.2 addresses the model used for the
transient analysis. Section 5.3 investigates the influences of various design options for the system
on lightning protection. In Section 5.4, the influences of external factors are discussed. The
conclusion and design guidelines for effective lightning protection are summarized finally.
mounting systems as well as LPS. As these components carry lightning currents during a lightning
strike, their arrangement will affect the protection performance of the system. In this chapter, the
A mounting system for PV modules is generally made of aluminum alloy, low-carbon steel or
stainless steel. The legs of the mounting system are usually connected to the grounding grid to
achieve equipotential bonding. Thus, the configuration of the mounting system has a great influence
on the lightning protection performance of the PV system. Two types of mounting systems are
commonly used, as shown in Fig. 5.2. They are classified according to the number of mounting legs,
310 cm
Leg 4 Leg 1
Leg 3 Leg 2
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5.1 Configurations of the PV installation. (a) One-leg mounting structure with a non-isolated LPS. (b)
Four-leg mounting structure with a non-isolated LPS. (c) One-leg mounting structure with an isolated LPS. (d)
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2 Configuration of the PV mounting systems. (a) One-leg mounting structure. (b) Four-leg mounting
5.1.2 External LPS
An external LPS used in a PV plant includes air-termination rods down conductors and earth
electrodes. The external LPS is essential for the protection of PV systems due to it is the main
channel for discharging lightning currents. Two types of external LPS are commonly applied,
(a) (b)
Figure 5.3 Configuration of external LPS for the PV system. (a) Isolated external LPS. (b) Non-isolated external
The isolated LPS is commonly used when there is a high risk of damage caused by the direct
lightning current. An isolated LPS consists of a free-standing mast including the air terminal and
the down conductor as shown in Fig. 5.3 (a). The mast is separated from the PV mounting structure
at a distance.
In a non-isolated LPS, the air terminal is directly installed on the PV mounting structure as
shown in Fig. 5.3 (b). The metallic mounting structure can be utilized as the down conductor of the
LPS. The lightning current will be discharged to the earth through the mounting structure in a direct
5.1.3 PV frame
Traditional PV modules are commonly embedded in a metal frame. The frame can help to fix
and seal the PV module and protect the module from damages during transportation and installation.
Frameless PV modules are attracting more and more attention in recent years due to their artistic
view. Leaking currents are greatly reduced in the frameless PV modules. Thus, the efficiency of the
PV system is improved. The frameless PV module can also reduce potential-induced degradation,
which will prolong the life span of the module. Meanwhile, the frameless module certainly reduces
(a) (b)
Figure 5.4 Two types of PV frames. (a) Frameless PV module. (b) PV module with the metal frame.
As DC cables are usually installed in free air, they are designed with double-layer
insulation and are superior corrosion resistant. DC cables connect PV modules, inverters and
other electrical components in the system. The layout of DC cables has a great influence on the
induced voltage caused by lightning. An optimal layout of DC cables can greatly reduce the
damage to the PV system caused by lightning. This is generally achieved by reducing the loop
formed by the DC cables. In this regard, the magnetic flux passing throws the loop is reduced,
Figure 5.5 A typical configuration of the DC loop.
C12 C 23
1 2 L12
R1 L1 R2 L2
C1 C2 C3
Figure 5.6 The representative equivalent circuit for conductors in the PV unit. (a) The configuration of a PV unit.
The configuration of a PV system and its equivalent PEEC circuit model are obtained as shown
in Fig. 5.6. Fig. 5.6(b) shows an equivalent circuit for any two conductors in the PV unit includes
resistance, inductance and ground capacitance, as well as mutual capacitance and mutual inductance.
To help visualize other PV units, equivalent circuit for four configurations mentioned in Fig. 5.1 are
shown in Fig. 5.7. For the sake of simplicity, only a part of the coupling effect is illustrated in the
Lightning current
L1 R1 L2 R2
+DC L1 R1 L2 R2
inductive coupling
inductive coupling
(a) (b)
Lightning current
Lightning current
L1 R1 L2 R2
L1 R1 L2 R2
+DC inductive
+DC inductive
inductive coupling
inductive coupling
(c) (d)
Figure 5.7 Representative equivalent circuit for the PV unit. (for simplicity, mutual coupling between two
elements is not present in the figure) (a) One-leg mounting structure with a non-isolated LPS. (b) Four-leg
mounting structure with a non-isolated LPS. (c) One-leg mounting structure with an isolated LPS. (d) Four-leg
5.3 Simulation Results and Analysis
Several designs and installation issues of PV systems are investigated by comparing the
The induced voltage between the DC cables is one of the most prominent problems reported
in the industry as well as literature. It often leads to the interruption of the PV system because the
DC cables are connected to vulnerable electronic devices, such as inverters. The purpose of this
chapter is to help PV system designers reduce the induced voltage at PV inverters by simply
The simulation is performed under different system configurations in order to investigate the
influence of the arrangement of key components, including mounting systems, external LPS,
module frames, and DC cables. The striking point is at the top of the air terminal. Since the most
affected system is hit directly by lightning, the induced voltage at the neighbor system will not be
evaluated. In the simulations, we use a ground resistance with a value of 3 Ω which is in the range
As a part of the current leaking path, the structure of a mounting system, as well as the location
In order to investigate the influence of mounting systems, the structures with one-leg (Fig.
5.1(a)) and four-leg (Fig. 5.1(b)) with a non-isolated LPS are selected for simulation. Fig. 5.8 shows
the induced voltage between the DC cables. The induced voltage is mainly caused by inductive
and capacitive couplings between the LPS/mounting structure and the DC cables. It is found that
the performance of two structures is almost the same (with peak voltages of 27.2 kV and 28.7 kV),
For a four-leg mounting structure, the selection of the grounding leg also influences the
lightning protection performance of the system. No standard recommends which leg should be
connected to the grounding grid in the field. To investigate the influence of individual grounding
legs, induced voltages in the four-leg mounting structure (Fig. 5.1(b)) with different grounding legs
are simulated and presented in Fig. 5.9. The induced voltages increase to 47.3 kV and 35 kV
respectively when only Leg 2 or Leg 4 is grounded. This figure reduces to 21.5 kV when only Leg
3 is grounded. While, the induced voltage reduces to as low as 14.4 kV when only Leg 1 is grounded.
This indicates that the location and number of the grounding points are crucial to the performance
of lightning protection. For better comparison, the amplitudes of the induced voltages with different
Figure. 5.8 The voltage difference between DC cables in one leg and four legs mounting systems with a
non-isolated LPS.
Figure. 5.9 The voltage difference between DC cables in four legs mounting system with different grounding
This phenomenon can be explained by the current distribution in the structure with
different grounding configurations. Based on the PEEC theory, mutual coupling between
perpendicular conductors equals to zero. Thus, the primary contribution to the induced voltage
comes from the parallel conductors. For the system with Leg 1 grounded, the lightning current
is discharged to earth through that leg directly. A small current is found in the PV frame.
Consequently, this configuration has the lowest induced voltage. However, the lightning current
goes through all frame conductors in the structure with Leg 2 grounded, which leads to a
relatively high voltage. It is concluded that a four-leg mounting structure performs better if only
The grounding method of the lightning rod has a great influence on the induced voltage in
DC cables. In the simulation, the induced voltage is evaluated under two types of LPS, i.e.,
isolated and non-isolated LPS. The mounting structures with one leg and four legs are also
considered for comparison. As a result, there are four different configurations for simulation,
as shown in Fig. 5.1. Each leg of the mounting system is grounded through a 3 Ω resistance.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.10 The voltage difference between DC cables protected by non-isolated LPS and isolated LPS with (a)
As shown in Fig. 5.10, the induced voltages between the DC cables in the one-leg mounting
structure are 10.1 kV and 27.2 kV for the system with the isolated and non-isolated LPS, respectively.
For the four-leg mounting structure, these voltages become 9.21 kV and 28.7 kV for the isolated
and non-isolated LPS. The system protected with an isolated LPS has a much lower induced voltage
than that with a non-isolated LPS, no matter what the mounting structure is adopted.
In the system protected by an isolated LPS, the lightning current does not go through the
mounting structure. The conductors carrying lightning current are generally perpendicular to the DC
The impact of the PV frame on the performance of a LPS is seldom studied in previous
literature. In modern PV systems, two types of PV modules with and without metal frames are
widely installed. The influence of the metal frame during a lightning strike is investigated using the
(a) (b)
Figure 5.11 The voltage difference between DC cables protected by a non-isolated LPS with (a) one-leg
Fig. 5.11 shows the voltages between the cables in the system with one-leg (Fig. 5.1(a)) and
four-leg (Fig. 5.1(b)) mounting structures, respectively. In the simulation, the system is protected
by a non-isolated LPS. The induced voltages in the system with one-leg mounting structure are 27.2
kV for modules with the metal frame and increases to 64.9 kV without metal frames. Similar to the
trend of the one-leg system, the induced voltage in the four-leg mounting structure is 28.7 kV with
the metal frame and as high as 68.6 kV when no metal frame is involved. It can be seen that the
metal frame can largely reduce the induced voltage in the system.
This is because the surge current will generate magnetic flux in the frame wire loop when a
surge current flows near the PV module. Meanwhile, the induced current in the frame wire loop will
produce additional magnetic flux in the opposite direction of the former one because of Faraday’s
law. Therefore, the total magnetic flux in the wire loop is reduced, thus the induced voltage is smaller
It is known that the induced voltage in the DC cables is affected by two factors, i.e., (a) the
loop of DC cables and (b) the wiring structure in the PV module. In order to reduce the induced
voltage between the DC cables, a large-size DC loop should be avoided. Simulation is performed
to investigate how the DC cable loop affects the induced voltage between two DC cables. For
simplicity, the system with the one-leg mounting structure (Fig. 5.1(a)) protected by a non-isolated
Two types of DC cable layouts, namely single loop and double loop layouts, are simulated as
shown in Fig. 5.12. A PV string has a total of 24 PV modules installed on three PV mounting
structures. These modules are all connected in series by the DC cables to reach a voltage of around
700 VDC. A string inverter is provided at the end of the DC cable for converting DC power to AC
power. A single DC loop is then formed as shown in Fig. 5.12(a). In order to reduce the size of the
DC loop, the +DC terminal is not directly connected to the positive terminal of the last PV module.
Instead, an additional +DC cable is provided, and is routed together with the –DC cable to the last
PV module. In this regard, both +DC and –DC cables have the same length, and run in parallel
together with minimum spacing, as the double loop layout is shown in Fig. 5.12(b). In this case, the
strike point
2.6 m
3.4 m 1m
2.6 m
3.4 m 1m
Figure 5.12 Configurations of DC cable layouts. (a) Single loop layout. (b) Double loop layout.
Figure 5.13 The voltage difference between DC cables with different cable arrangements
In the simulation, the separation distance of DC cables is assumed to be 70 cm for the case
shown in Fig. 5.12(a), and 1 cm in Fig. 5.12(b). Fig. 5.13 shows the induced voltages in the DC
cables in these two cases. As seen in Fig. 5.13, the induced voltage between the DC cables reduces
from 49.3 kV to 27.5 kV with the proposed DC cable arrangement. Though the loop width is largely
reduced, a voltage of 27.5 kV is still induced. This is because the loop area contributed by each
panel is not canceled and this loop area contributes to the induced voltage between the +DC and -
DC cable.
External factors including lightning current waveform and soil resistivity, which are not an
The induced voltage between DC cables is affected by the lightning current waveform. For
comparison, three different lightning waveforms, 1/200 μs, 2.6/50 μs and 10/350 μs with 100 kA in
peak, were selected in the simulation. Fig. 5.14 shows calculated induced voltages between the DC
cables under different lightning waveforms, in the four-leg mounting system with a non-isolated
LPS. The amplitudes of the calculated voltages are listed in Table 5.4. It can be seen that the
amplitude of the induced voltage increases linearly with the steepness of the lightning current in
(a) (b)
Figure 5.14 The voltages between DC cables in four-leg mounting systems with a non-isolated LPS under
different lightning current waveforms. (a) With metal frame. (b) Without metal frame.
By comparing the voltages between two configurations (with/without metal frame), it can be
revealed that the lightning waveform shows the same impact under different configurations. In other
words, the conclusions regarding the PV structure design are valid under other lightning current
It is also noted that the ground resistance is not a crucial factor to the transient voltage between
DC cables during a lightning strike [105]. To further confirm the influence of the ground resistance,
simulations with 3 Ω, 100 Ω, and a 1 m grounding rod are performed, and the results are shown in
Fig. 5.15. The difference is minor when the resistance is changed from 3 Ω to 100 Ω. The same
induced voltage can be also observed when we use the grounding rod model (each leg is grounded
Figure 5.15 The voltages between DC cables in four legs mounting systems with a non-isolated LPS.
5.5 Conclusion
This chapter investigated the influence of a PV structure system on the lightning protection
performance of the system during a lightning strike. Various PV structures adopted in practical
installations have been identified, and PEEC models for the components as well as the whole system
have been provided. The induced voltage between the -DC and + DC cables which might cause the
failure of the inverter was addressed. This voltage can be reduced by simply adopting proper
structure configurations. The following conclusions have been made.
⚫ The location of the grounding leg of a PV mounting system has a great influence on the current
distribution under a non-isolated LPS. Adding more grounding points does not improve the
efficiency of lightning protection. The grounding leg should be as close to the lightning rod as
⚫ The structure of a mounting system does not have a significant impact on induced voltage
⚫ A PV system with an isolated LPS will have a lower induced voltage compared with a non-
isolated LPS. DC cables or other wires in the PV module are generally perpendicular to the
lightning rod.
⚫ The frameless PV module has a much higher induced voltage compared to the module with a
metal frame. The shielding effect of the metal frame reduces the induced voltage significantly.
Adopting frameless PV modules certainly increases the risk of damage to the PV inverter as
well as the bypass diodes. Attention should be paid to choosing suitable surge protective
⚫ The induced voltage at the inverter can be reduced significantly by reducing the DC cable loop
6. Effective Grounding Grid design of the PV Power Plant
This Chapter discusses the lightning protection performance of grounding grids for PV systems.
The transferred voltages between the DC cables and supporting structures at different points in the
Unlike the previous Chapter using the PEEC method as the research method, this chapter
adopts the FDTD method for transient simulations. This is because the FDTD method is more
advantageous in modelling complex media such as inhomogeneous layered ground, calculating the
transfer voltage. Thus, it is more suitable for grounding grid analysis. Note that the PV system
contains a component with a subtle structure. If all the components are modeled by the FDTD
method, a fine mesh will be required, as well as extra huge computational resources. Since the
grounding grid design is the concern in this chapter, the voltage between the +DC cable and -DC
cable, the voltage in the bypass diode will not be considered in the calculation. The wiring structure
in the PV system then is simplified in the modelling process to make computer simulations feasible.
In this chapter, the performance of the grounding system is discussed in detail under different
environmental factors. With the simulation results, an encouraging solution is provided for
improving the lightning protection performance and saving the installation cost. The Chapter is
structured as follows: Section 6.1 gives a brief introduction of the current status of the PV plant
ground grid installation, the urgency of effective grounding grids design in the PV plant is
emphasized. Section 6.2 describes the system configuration and the common grounding
configuration used in PV plants. In Section 6.3, the simulation methods and the system model are
described. The simulation results for the system without a dedicated grounding grid are presented
in Section 6.4. The overvoltage in the PV plants with two common types of grounding grids is
analyzed in Section 6.5. Then the proposed arrangement is provided in Section 6.6. In Section 6.7,
the rationale of using the simplified model to calculate the voltage between the DC cable and the
Numerous studies have been carried out to disclose the characteristics of grounding systems during
lightning strikes. It is found that soil stratification, soil resistivity as well as soil ionization can
influence the characteristics of a grounding system under lightning. They should be considered in
the design of the grounding system. Besides, the grid arrangement of a grounding system has also
an influence on the grounding performance. Note that specified grounding techniques have been
developed for different parts of the power systems, such as substations, towers, overhead lines,
underground cables, etc. The grounding system then varies from one to another.
Substation grounding has been studied for decades, aiming to reduce the uneven distribution
of the ground potential, thus to guarantee the safety of equipment and personnel in the substation
under lightning. A large-scale grounding grid then is adopted. Influential factors, such as the
effective grounding area and the density of a grounding mesh, have been discussed elaborately.
Grounding of a transmission line tower is another issue of concern. Because of its much smaller
covered area, the grounding system with a more complicated structure is adopted to reduce the surge
impedance of the tower [106, 107]. To protect the long transmission corridors from lightning,
overhead ground wires (OHGWs) have been used. The protection efficiency can be further
improved by changing the spatial position of the OHGWs [108, 109], installing external ground
wires on both sides of the overhead lines [110] or underbuilt wires under the phase conductors [111],
grounding the phase conductors through the lightning arresters at selected locations [112], etc. For
the protection of underground cables, shield wires buried above the cables have been proved to be
effective during either direct or indirect lightning strikes [113-115]. A similar idea has also been
applied to the lightning protection of gas pipelines [115]. The grounding design of wind turbines
becomes a noticeable problem when the height of wind turbines keeps on increasing. To reduce the
grounding resistance, the grounding electrodes of wind turbines are interconnected via horizontal
grounding conductors and their effects have been discussed [116, 117]. As many signal and power
cables run within the tower, specific grounding strategies of these cables have been designed and
implemented to limit the lightning overvoltage [118]. Though the grounding requirement for wind
turbines was ambiguous at the first stage, the grounding design has been continuously improved
Although considerable efforts have been devoted and lots of achievements have been made in
designing proper grounding systems for traditional power systems, research related to the grounding
of PV systems has not achieved much significant progress. Different grounding practices have been
found in practical installations due to a lack of a consolidated standard. Solutions to the grounding
design are most often debated over the compromise between cost and efficiency. In most of the
installation guidelines, the grounding system of a PV plant is similar to that of substations. For
instance, in Annex D of Supplement 5 in IEC 62305 Part 3 [10], a meshed earth termination grid
ranging from 20𝑚 × 20𝑚 to 40𝑚 × 40𝑚 in size is specified. This type of grounding grids has
proven its effectiveness of reducing overvoltage in practice, and has been recommended to be used
in PV plants. Reviewing the literature reveals that research on the PV plant grounding mainly
focuses on the influence of the mesh size [21, 22], current sharing in the electrodes of the grounding
grid [17], and potential distribution in the plant [23]. However, due to the large occupied area of the
PV plant (a large PV plant can cover tens of thousands of Mu which is much larger than that of the
substation), installing such a grounding grid is costly, especially when a PV plant is constructed in
the hilly area or area where the labor costs are expensive. To increase the return of investment, a
single grounding electrode at the PV inverter, instead of a large-size grounding grid, is often adopted
in many PV plants. Note that the PV supporting structure (e.g., metal brackets) is erected on the
ground with one part buried into the soil. It may be regarded as some sort of grounding for the PV
system. With the current situation of PV grounding practices, it would be necessary to have a further
Fig. 6.1 shows a typical arrangement of a PV system. The system consists of several arrays
(rectangular boxes). One array contains 8 PV strings connected in parallel (3 sets of panels in each
string). The panels in each string are connected in series. The outputs of the strings are parallel
connected to an inverter and grounded through surge protective devices (SPDs). The inverters then
are connected in parallel at the AC side and their outputs are delivered to the medium voltage (MV)
: Inverter : Lightning rod : PV panel : PV string
To protect the PV system from a direct lightning strike, lightning rods are installed in the plant.
The dots in the figure represent the location of these lightning rods. The protection area of each
lightning rod is determined by the protection angle method according to an IEC standard [120], and
is indicated by the circles. The height, installation places, and quantity of air termination rods are
determined in such a way that all the components in the PV system are protected as shown in the
Though the PV system is exempted from a direct lightning strike due to the presence of the
lightning rods, the PV system may experience transferred potential as shown in Fig. 6.2. Note that
the DC cables are grounded through the SPD at the inverter. The potential difference between the
DC cable and the PV brackets at the supporting structures could result in degradation of or
permanent damage to the PV modules. This damage mechanism, to the best of our knowledge, has
To understand how the grounding arrangement affects this transferred voltage is very
important. This is because understanding the mechanism can help the engineers to decide which
grounding arrangement is appropriate for a PV plant. Within this context, a PV string, which is a
basic unit for power generation, is analyzed elaborately in the following sections.
Grounding conductor
w=40mm DC cable d=4 mm d=6 mm
C profile steel
P1 P2 P3
For simplicity, one lightning rod and one PV string are modeled for simulation. Fig. 6.2
illustrates the configuration of the PV system under investigation. The PV string consists of several
PV panels, which are installed on 3 supporting structures. The supporting structures made of C
profile steel are 4 meters long and 3 meters wide and have a separation distance of 3 m to the
adjacent one. The height of the supporting structures is 3 meters: 2 meters above the ground and 1
meter under the ground. The DC cables of the PV string with a diameter of 4 mm are mounted on
the supporting structures. These DC cables are connected to an inverter at one end and grounded
there through SPDs. The nearest distance between the lightning rod and the PV string is 7.6 m. The
lightning rod is a 10 m-tall conductor above the ground and is connected to a vertical grounding rod
with a length of 3 m.
The 3D-FDTD method, which has been extensively used in lightning electromagnetic pulse
and surge simulations [121-125], is applied to investigate the problems stated above. The FDTD
method solves Maxwell’s equations by using the discrete second-order approximation. The
discretized electric and magnetic field components are sampled with a half-step discrepancy in the
time and space domain, and are updated in an iteratively staggered manner.
Various wire components are observed in the PV systems, as seen in Fig. 6.2, including PV
supporting structures, wiring in PV panels, DC cables, lightning rods, and others. In this chapter,
the DC cables and the grounding conductors with circular cross section are modeled using an
extended thin-wire model [126-131], while the PV supporting structures made of C profile steel is
modeled using the non-circular thin-wire model [130]. The wiring in the PV panel is ignored due to
its limited impact on the common mode-voltage [64]. The lightning rod as well as its earth rod is
represented by a cylindrical conductor, and is modeled using the extended thin-wire model. The
lightning channel is represented using the model introduced in [132]. The channel-base return stroke
current has a waveform of 0.25/100 μs and a magnitude of 50 kA, recommended by IEC 62305
In the simulation, the working space is divided into 150 × 210 × 150 nonuniform cells with
dimensions of 546 𝑚 × 130 𝑚 × 545 𝑚. The minimum cell size near the investigated PV system
is 0.2𝑚 × 0.2𝑚 × 0.2𝑚. It increases gradually to 8 m in the x and z directions, and to 2 m in the y
direction. The perfectly matched layers (PML) absorbing boundary condition with 7 layers are used
to absorb the unwanted reflections at the boundaries. The time step is determined by the Courant-
Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) limit. The side view of the computational domain in the FDTD is shown in
Fig. 6.3.
Lightning channel
Lightning rod
7.6m 3m
Figure 6.3 Sideview of the computational domain for PV string modelling in FDTD.
In many PV plants, PV systems are grounded at the PV inverters using vertical grounding rods.
There is no dedicated grounding grid for the PV supporting structures. As the part of the supporting
structures are buried in the soil, they are regarded as some sort of “grounding electrode” for the
system. This design is mainly based on the following considerations. Firstly, due to the large
covered area as well as the remote location, the capital cost of installing a large-scale grounding
grid is high. Secondly, there is no consolidated standard for the PV grounding system. Moreover,
due to the presence of independent lightning rods, lightning is no longer regarded as a severe hazard
that causes significant damages to the PV systems. In this part, we investigated the lightning
overvoltage at different points of the PV system in the presence of an independent lightning rod.
Three PV supporting structures are grounded via brackets separately, and no dedicated or additional
grounding grid is installed. The DC cables are grounded at the input port of an inverter via SPDs,
Supporti ng structure
DC c able
Groundi ng conductor
P1 P2 P3
voltage AC
The transferred voltage between the supporting structures and the DC cables at different
positions (P1, P2, and P3 in Fig. 6.5 and Fig. 6.6) are calculated using the model introduced in the
previous section. Two soil resistivity values of 100 Ωm and 2000 Ωm are selected for comparison.
The relative permittivity and the relative permeability are assumed to be εr =10 and μr =1
The soil resistivity ρ is considered to be 100 Ωm which represents a site with low soil resistivity.
Fig. 6.5 shows the voltages between the PV cables and the PV brackets at three different points. The
voltage at point 1 can reach 1267 kV in peak, then oscillates and decays to 120 kV within a
microsecond. The residual voltage decreases very slowly and lasts for a long time. This indicates
that there is a high voltage applied between the PV cable and the PV bracket for a long time. At
point 2, the peak voltages and the residual voltages are 842.9 kV and 53.5 kV respectively. At point
3, the peak voltage and residual voltage further reduces to 489.9 kV and 12 kV. This means that
both the peak voltage and the residual voltage reduce when the observation point moves to the
Figure 6.5 Overvoltages in the PV system without a dedicated grounding grid (low soil resistivity).
The overvoltage between the DC cable and the PV bracket also is evaluated when the system
is installed in a place with high soil resistivity. The soil resistivity ρ now is increased to 2000 Ωm.
Fig. 6.6 shows the voltages at three different points. It is noted that the voltage waveform with the
soil resistivity of 2000 Ωm is different from that with the soil resistivity of 100 Ωm. In this case, the
voltage rises to the maximum value after a short period of oscillation at the very beginning and then
decreases slowly. The time to the peak is much longer than that with the soil resistivity of 100 Ωm
and increases with decreasing distance to the system grounding rod (4.5 µs at point 1, 5.38 µs for
point 2, and 6.5 µs for point 3). The peak voltage is much larger than the former one as well and
reaches 2248 kV at point 1, 1002 kV at point 2, and 225.9 at point 3. That means, when the PV
system is installed at a place with high soil resistivity, the voltage with a larger amplitude and longer-
lasting time will appear in the system. Thus, the lightning overvoltage problem in the system will
be more serious, compared with the system installed at places with low soil resistivity.
It is noted that the oscillation of the voltage within the first millisecond is mainly caused by
the inductive coupling from the current in the lightning rod. The slow increase of the voltage, as
shown in the figure, is the result of the ground potential rise at different ground points. This voltage
is highly relevant to the soil resistivity. When the soil resistivity is small, the voltage due to the
grounding potential rise at different points is small. The oscillation peak of the voltage then is
primarily determined by the inductive coupling effect. However, when the soil resistivity is
increased to 2000 Ωm, the voltage due to the ground potential rise becomes significant.
Figure 6.6 Transferred voltages in the PV system without a dedicated grounding grid (High soil resistivity).
To ensure the safety of the PV system during a lightning strike, grounding grids for the
supporting structures are installed in some PV plants. Grounding grids of various configurations can
be found in the literature. In this part, the transferred voltage between the PV cable and the PV
bracket is calculated with several grounding grid layouts. The influence of soil resistivity also is
Firstly, a simple grounding grid with several horizontal conductors buried at a depth of 1 m in
the soil is adopted. These conductors are used to connect the PV brackets and the PV inverter under
P1 P2 P3
voltage AC
Figure 6.7 The system with horizontal grounding conductors buried underground
Fig. 6.8 shows the waveforms of the voltages at three points as mentioned previously. The peak
voltage at point 1 is 1250 kV and is decreased to 873.6 kV at point 2. At point 3, the peak voltage
is further decreased to 527.3 kV. These peaks of the voltage do not change much, compared with
those in the system without such a grounding grid. However, the voltage decays more rapidly, and
almost becomes zero after 5 us. The system will not then suffer from long-lasting overvoltage. This
is because the buried conductors provide a low resistance path from the PV brackets to the grounding
rod at the inverter. Thus, at the tail time of the lightning current, the potential difference between
Figure 6.8 Transferred voltage in the PV system with horizontal grounding conductors buried underground (low
soil resistivity).
119 High soil resistivity: ρ=2000 Ωm
The simulation also was performed when the soil resistivity is increased to 2000 Ωm. Fig. 6.9
shows the waveforms of the voltages between the DC cable and the PV bracket at three points. It is
found that the situation is not so bad, compared with the case with low soil resistivity. The peaks of
the voltage are 1229 kV at point 1, 907 kV at point 2, and 516 kV at point 3, which is almost the
same as that when soil resistivity is 100 Ωm. Note that the voltage decays quickly, and almost
drops to zero within 2 µs. This is different from the voltage without the buried horizontal conducted.
Figure 6.9 Transfer voltage in the PV system with horizontal grounding conductors buried underground. (a) Point
1 (b) Point 2 (c) Point 3.
To investigate the influence of the grounding grid configuration on the overvoltage in the PV
system, a more complicated grounding grid is selected for comparison, as shown in Fig. 6.10. In
this case, a buried conductor mesh is provided. The voltage waveforms are shown in Fig. 6.11.
Surprisingly, the grounding mesh which is proved to be useful in reducing the potential differences
within the grounding system does not reduce the overvoltage between the PV cable and the PV
bracket. Actually, the voltage increases slightly when the grounding mesh is adopted, compared
with the buried conductors. The peak voltages at point 1 increases from 1250 kV to 1271 kV, at
point 2, the voltage increases from 873.6 kV to 901.2 kV and from 527.3 kV to 568 kV at point 3.
Supporti ng structure
DC c able
Groundi ng conductor
P1 P2 P3
voltage AC
Figure 6.11 Transferred voltage in the PV system with a meshed grounding grid.
It is noted that a grounding grid using buried conductors can reduce the lightning overvoltage
the rugged landforms, mountains, and places with stiff soil. On the other hand, as the prices of PV
panels and inverters continue to decline, the installation and construction cost becomes one of the
major concerns to the investors of PV power plants. Reducing the installation and construction cost
can greatly improve the investment return ratio of the PV power plants. Installing the grounding
grid, no matter in the form of buried horizontal conductors or a meshed grid will undoubtedly
increase the total investment cost. So in this part, a more economical approach is proposed, that is,
adopting a bonding network in the air instead of the buried conductors. The system performance of
Fig. 6.12 illustrates the configuration of this third arrangement. Three supporting structures
and the inverter are connected via the horizontal bonding conductors at the upper level in the air.
Supporti ng structure
DC c able
Groundi ng conductor
P1 P2 P3
voltage AC
Figure 6.12 The system with a horizontal bonding network in the air.
The simulation was performed for the case with a bonding network. The results turned out to
be a little unexpected as presented in Fig. 6.13, particularly from a practical perspective. Though
there is no dedicated grounding grid, the voltages at all these points are significantly reduced,
compared with the results in the other two grounding arrangements. The peak voltages at point 1
and point 2 are 1025 kV and 759.7 kV respectively. The peak voltage at point 3 is about 277.7 kV.
Figure 6.13 Transferred voltage in the PV system with a horizontal bonding network in the air (low soil
This approach also shows a good improvement when the PV system is installed at the site
where the soil resistivity is high. As can be seen in Fig. 6.14, the peak voltages at both points 1 and
3 are further reduced to 964.1 kV and 222 kV respectively, compared with the case of the low soil
resistivity. However, the peak voltage at point 2 is increased to 812.1 kV. These voltages decay
Figure 6.14 Transferred voltage in the PV system with a horizontal bonding network in the air (high soil
In this part, we evaluate the influence of the stratified soil on the protection effect under
different grounding arrangements. Two-layer stratified soil is considered. The depths of the upper
and second soil layers are assumed to be 1 meter and 9 meters respectively. The soil resistivity of
the upper and lower soil layers is assumed to be 100 Ωm and 500 Ωm respectively. The over voltages
at different points of the system under different grounding arrangements are shown in Figure 6.15.
to Figure 6.17. The peak voltages are presented in Table 6.1. For better reference, the voltages under
the uniform soil (100 Ωm) is also presented. Compared with the results in the other two grounding
arrangements. The system with equipotential bonding in the air has a better performance whether
the soil is stratified or not, and is less affected by the soil stratified. So the soil stratified will not
Figure 6.15 Transferred voltage in the PV system without a dedicated grounding grid (ρh1=100, h1=1 ρh2=500,
Figure 6.16 Transferred voltage in the PV system with horizontal grounding conductors buried underground
Figure 6.17 Transferred voltage in the PV system with a horizontal bonding network in the air. (ρh1=100, h1=1
ρh2=500, h2=9).
To further investigate the influence of the soil structure on the proposed approach. Different
soil structure and soil resistivity are considered. The depths of the upper and under soil layers are
represented by h1 and h2 respectively. The soil resistivity of the upper and under soil layers are
represented by ρh1 and ρh2 respectively. The results are presented in Table. 6.2.
From the Table we can see, the over voltages between the PV supporting structure and the DC
cable are mainly affected by the upper soil layer. The soil resistivity of the lower soil layer only has
a weak influence on the overvoltage. If the depth of the upper soil layer is deep enough, the soil
resistivity in the lower soil layer will not influence the overvoltage if the proposed approach is
As shown in previous cases, the lightning overvoltage between the cable and the PV bracket
can be greatly reduced by implementing this equipotential bonding measure. The results are much
better than those in the system without a dedicated grounding grid, and are even superior to those
in the system with a grounding mesh. In this part, sensitivity analysis is conducted to see the
influence of other system configurations on the overvoltage between PV cable and the PV bracket.
To conduct the lightning current effectively into the soil, a 4 m x 4 m square grounding grid is
arranged for the lightning rod. It has a 2 m x 2 m mesh size, and is buried at 3 m depth in the soil.
The simulation was performed to evaluate the voltages at three points. The peaks of these voltages
are list in Table 6.3. It can be seen in the table that the voltages between the cables and the brackets
in the PV system do not change apparently after a grounding grid is adopted for the lightning rod.
This is because the overvoltage is mainly contributed by the inductive coupling between the
lightning current in the lightning rod and the conductors in the PV system.
TABLE 6.3 THE VOLTAGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PV CABLES AND PV BRACKETS Interconnection of grounding systems for the lightning rod and PV system
some standards. For example, in GB50169-2016 [11], if the distance between the grounding of
independent lightning rods and the grounding grid of a building is within 3 m, they should be
interconnected. In NFPA780 [12]: all grounded conductors that can assist in providing a path for
lightning currents in or on a structure shall be interconnected to the LPS within 3.6 m to provide a
common ground potential. The above two standards are mainly for residential buildings. The
requirement for interconnection in the PV plants is not provided in most of the standards. To the
best of the authors' knowledge, only the NFPA780 mentions the requirement of the interconnection
of adjacent grounding systems in the PV system. According to the NFPA 780 [12], the ground
termination of the LPS and the grounding grid of the PV system should be interconnected if they
Bonding conductor
Figure 6.18 The requirement for interconnection of grounding grids in the PV plant.
The simulation was performed to investigate the influence of this interconnection issue. Table
6.4 shows the voltages between the PV cable and the PV bracket under four different scenarios.
When the soil resistivity is low, the interconnection has little effect on the voltage. However, when
the soil resistivity is increased to 2000 Ωm, the voltages increase significantly when the
interconnection is provided. This is because, when the soil resistivity is low, the lightning current
can dissipate through the soil homogeneously. However, when the soil resistivity is high, the
interconnection conductor provides a low resistance path for the lightning current. Thus, a large part
To further investigate the influence of distance on the lightning overvoltage. Different values
of the distance between the independent lightning rod and the grounding grid of the PV system is
selected for comparison. As shown in Figure 6.19, the peak voltage decreases more rapidly in the
first several meters, and decreases slowly afterward. The effect of the interconnection on the
transferred voltage is the same as that stated above, no matter what the distance is.
Supporti ng structure
DC c able
Groundi ng conductor
P1 P2 P3
voltage AC
Figure 6.20 The system with horizontal bonding network in the air.
Proper selection of the position for equipotential connection can further reduce the overvoltage,
as shown in Table 6.5. In this case, the equipotential bonding conductor is provided in the middle
of the two DC cable, as illustrated in Fig. 6.20. It is found that the voltages at all points are less than
those with the bonding conductors provided at one side of the DC cables, due to the reduction of
the loop area between the cables and the bonding conductor.
912 kV 682.3 kV 271.9 kV
(ρ=100 Ωm)
Without interconnected
1024 kV 759.7 kV 277.7 kV
(ρ=100 Ωm)
837.3 kV 670.3 kV 218.3 kV
(ρ=2000 Ωm)
Without interconnected
964.1 kV 812.1 kV 222 kV
(ρ=2000 Ωm)
In this part, the influence of using a simplified PV model and ignoring the adjacent PV string
The PV cells in each panel are connected in series through galvanized aluminum wires. During
a lightning stroke, overvoltage will be produced in the loop formed by the galvanized aluminum
wires. This overvoltage might result in a failure of bypass diodes in the PV panel. Moreover, the
overvoltage in each panel will also influence the voltage between positive and negative DC cable.
Thus, while evaluating the voltage in the bypass diode, the wiring structure cannot be simplified.
Also, simplifying the wiring structure in the PV panel might bring bias while evaluating the voltage
between the positive and negative DC cable. However, using a simplified model in the evaluation
of the over voltages between the grounding structure (PV brackets) and the DC cables due to the
ground potential rise will not result in a large bias. In order to prove that it is reasonable to use a
simplified wire structure to evaluate overvoltage between the metal frame and the DC cable, DC
cable with different loop areas are simulated for comparison (the distance between the +DC cable
and -DC cable changes from 0.6 meter to 1.2 meters). The voltages between the DC cable and the
PV bracket are list in Table 6.6. As shown in the table, the voltages are not sensitive to the loop
configuration. Thus, a simplified wiring structure is reasonably accurate for evaluating the
In a PV plant, there are many PV strings. Since the distance between the adjacent strings is
much smaller than the wavelength(s) corresponding to the significant frequency components of
lightning, the inductive and conductive couplings between parallel PV strings might influence the
computational results. The influence of the adjacent strings is discussed in this part. The distance
between the two strings is assumed to be 3 meters in the simulation. Figure 6.21 shows the
transferred voltage in the PV system when an adjacent PV string exists. From the figure, we can see
that the appearance of the adjacent strings does not affect the conclusion drawn in previous sections:
adopting a bonding network in the air is superior to the other two arrangements.
Figure 6.21 Transferred voltage in the PV system when adjacent PV string is existed. (a) Without a dedicated
grounding grid. (b) With horizontal buried conductors. (c) With a horizontal bonding network in the air.
For better comparison, the amplitudes of the voltage under each grounding arrangement
with/without adjacent PV string consideration is shown in Table 6.7. As can be seen, the voltage
amplitude will reduce for each grounding arrangement when the adjacent PV string is considered.
6.8 Conclusion
The grounding arrangement of a PV system is an issue that has not been seriously considered
in international standards so far. Generally, when designing a LPS for a PV system, engineers strive
to reduce the resistance of the grounding grid and to homogenize the potential distribution by
increasing the number of buried conductors, reducing the mesh size, and adopting an appropriate
grounding grid configuration. These methods are costly and their efficiency has not been evaluated
Through the results presented in this chapter, it is found that the system using a dedicated
grounding grid as recommended in most local standards and manufacturers can limit the lightning
overvoltage between the DC cable and the PV bracket. Much significant reduction of the
overvoltage can be achieved by providing bonding conductors running in parallel with DC cables
in the air. The overvoltage can be further reduced by placing the bonding conductors in the middle
of two DC cables in the air. This method is inexpensive, is easy to implement, and even has a better
With the bonding network, the soil with higher resistivity does not worsen the performance
of lightning protection. On the contrary, the PV system will experience less residual voltage when
the soil resistivity is high. This means the site selection of a PV plant will not be limited by the soil
resistivity when lightning protection is an issue of concern. Moreover, the grounding configuration
of a lightning rod has a negligible effect on the voltage between the DC cable and the PV bracket.
Thus, a complex grounding grid for the lightning rod is not necessary.
The interconnection of the ground terminal of a lightning rod with the grounding grid of a PV
system is recommended in some standards. However, such interconnection may largely increase the
lightning overvoltage between the DC cable and the PV bracket when the soil resistivity is high. It
will not improve the situation even if the soil resistivity is low. The connection of two sets of
grounding systems is mainly designed for residential buildings or similar installations and its aim is
to prevent electric shock during a fault condition or a lightning strike. Such a connection does not
apply to a PV plant if the distance between the lightning rod and the PV system is beyond the
7. Transients in Solar PV Systems During Lightning Strikes
to Transmission Lines
In Chapter 3, we developed the PEEC model for the PV system. In Chapter 4, three types of
failure namely: failure of inverters, breakdown of bypass diodes, insulation breakdown are examined
through a case study. The protection methods for these failures were proposed through simulation
work and experiments. In this chapter, based on a field investigation, we present a comprehensive
analysis of PV system failures caused by lightning strikes to a transmission line. Lightning related
damages and design solutions introduced in Chapter 4 are investigated in detail in this Chapter. The
rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 7.1 introduces damages in the PV plant caused
by indirect lightning strikes. Section 7.2 presents the modelling and arrangement of the practical PV
plant used for numerical investigation. Section 7.3 analyzes the simulation results of transients in
the PV system when the transmission line is struck by lightning. In Section 7.4 the performance of
the PV system with and without SPDs being installed are investigated. The measures for improving
lightning protection performance are discussed. Guidelines are provided finally for effective and
Lightning to PV systems has been widely studied in the past few years. Both direct and indirect
lightning strikes can bring severe damages to the devices equipped in PV plants or PV panels. Direct
strikes inject a significant amount of power into PV panels or conductor frames, and damage PV cells
or electronic devices connected. Thus a large number of studies have been carried out to address the
PV protection under direct strikes [17, 28, 29, 32, 64, 133]. According to the study [134], however,
most of the lightning-related damages were caused by indirect strikes, due to their frequent
occurrence and fast-front waveforms. There are two scenarios of indirect strikes. One is the lightning
strike to the ground. The induced overvoltage and potential rise at the site may lead to a failure of the
system. The other is the lightning strike to an object nearby, such as a tall building [135, 136] or a
transmission line [137]. The lightning current discharged through the object may damage neighboring
low-voltage networks. Recently, the incidents caused by lightning strikes to nearby objects are
frequently reported. PV plants, due to the low-height and location, seldom strike directly by lightning
PV plants can be often found in the vicinity of transmission lines. Fig. 7.1 shows a practical
PV plant located in the transmission corridor. The plant is constructed on hills with an area of 247
acres and a total installed capacity of 50 MW. Recently, failures of PV equipment or devices in such
a PV plant have been reported increasingly. Most of these failures were caused by lightning strikes
to the transmission line in the vicinity. Similar problems were also found in roof-mounted PV
systems [138, 139] and PV power suppliers for monitoring equipment or telecommunication
equipment installed in the transmission corridor. Consequently, the lightning strike to nearby objects
Any failure of PV systems caused by lightning could reduce the return of investment, interrupt
the power supply of the monitor system and base stations, or even cause electrical fires. However,
the failure mechanisms have not been addressed well in the literature. In addition, very little work
on the solution or guidelines has been presented in the literature for enhancing the lightning
There are a variety of components and devices in a PV plant involved in lightning transient
analysis. These include PV modules, grounding grids, inverters, SPDs, towers, transmission lines
and etc. Since this chapter focused on the protection at the DC side of the PV system, the equipment
in the AC side such as transformers, AC cables is not considered. Fig. 7.3 presents an overview of
Two scenarios are considered. In the first scenario, the PV array is located in the middle of the
line-span, and the PV array is located next to a tower in the other as shown in Fig. 7.3 (b) and 7.3
(c) respectively. Due to the long distance to the tower, the grounding system of the PV plant is not
connected to the grounding system of the transmission line tower in scenario 1. In scenario 2, their
grounding grids are connected together. Each conductor in the PV system is divided into small
segments and represented using the equivalent in Fig. 7.2. Key modelling issues of other system
components and devices for lightning transient simulations are described in the following
Conductor 1 Conductor 2
C12 C23
R1 L1 R2 L2
C1 C2 C3
165m 155m
PV array
165m 155m
Figure 7.3 Configuration of a PV array under a transmission line. (a) Overview of the system. (b) Sideview of
scenario 1. (c) Sideview of scenario 2.
7.2.1 PV system model
The configurations and the length of each segment of the PV mounting system and the installed
PV module are presented in Fig. 7.4 (a) and Fig. 7.4 (b), respectively. The parameters of these
conductors are listed in Table 7.1. They are modeled using the method introduced in Chapter 3 and
the schematic diagram of its equivalent circuit obtained by PEEC is also shown in Fig. 7.4. In our
model, the PV cell is modeled by thin wires in it without considering the material and their
dimensions are introduced in detail in Fig. 7(b). The distance between the top metallic conductors
of the mounting structure and the thin wires of the PV cell is considered to be 35 mm.
The grounding grid for the PV system is made from 40 × 4 mm2 flat steel and is buried in the
ground with a depth of 1 m. The mesh size of the grid is 5 m × 15 m, as shown in Fig. 7.4 (c). The
foot of each PV mounting system is connected to the grid through the flat steel. Since the structure
steel shows weak ferromagnetism when it carries lightning current, it is treated as a linear magnetic
material in the simulation [96]. To consider the influence of the soil, a circuit model [88]
incorporating both conductor impedance and ground admittance is developed. In this model, both
skin effect and ionization effects are included which is also verified through experiments as in [88].
Fig. 7.4(c) shows the configuration of the grounding grid and a PV string installed above it and the
L1 R1 L2 R2
310 cm
220 cm
70 cm
inductive coupling
112.5 cm
35 mm
6 cm
c 7c
2 +DC
12.5 cm m 0m
0 54
120 cm
1.2 m
Lvi1 Lvi2
2.6 m - Ri Li
+ Rvi2 Rvi2
15 m Grounding grid
Figure 7.4 The system configuration of a PV string and its accessories. (a) the mounting structure. (b) the PV
module. (c) the PV string with the grounding grid (top view).
In the simulation, the overhead ground conductor of the transmission line is struck by lightning
either in the middle of the span or at the end of the span (tower). The ground conductor is made of
JLB40-100 with a DC resistance of 0.432 /km. It is divided into a number of segments with a
length of 10 m in the simulation. The 110 kV transmission tower is modeled by a simplified lattice
model as shown in Fig. 7.5. The tower is 27 m tall. It is made of steel Q345 with the size of L220×
16, represented by a linear magnetic material with a relative permeability of 40 under a lightning
strike [96]. The grounding grid of the tower is buried in 1 m depth and the vertical grounding rod is
3 m long.
1.4 m
Grounding grid
15 m
Figure 7.5 Simplified model for the transmission tower and its grounding grid.
SPDs are effective devices for suppressing transient over voltages in a circuit. SPDs have a
strong nonlinear characteristic. They exhibit high impedance when they operate at or below the
nominal voltage. While the impedance of SPDs drops significantly when the voltage exceeds the
threshold. Thus, the voltage at the port can be maintained within the clamping voltage. Various
models of SPDs have been developed [140-142]. A compact SPD model (Fig. 7.6) is used in the
simulation, which consists of a nonlinear resistance, a capacitance and an inductance [142]. The
inductance is 10 nH which is approximated by the lead length of SPD and capacitance is 450 pF
(a) (b)
Figure 7.6 (a) The equivalent circuit model of an SPD, and (b) the characteristic of the nonlinear resistance in the
The transient behavior of a PV system under a lightning strike is investigated. In this chapter
lightning transients without any specific protection measure are simulated first to reveal potential
bypass diodes, arching between conductors, and damage of the inverters are analyzed. These
incidents have been reported in the literature and have attracted lots of attention [143].
It is noted that a PV array of concern includes 6 PV strings, each of which consists of 144 PV
modules, as shown in Fig. 7.3(a). The size of the array is 30 m 15 m. The overhead ground
conductor runs over the array at the height of 27 m above the ground. The third PV string is just
under the transmission line. Two situations are investigated in this work. In the first case, lightning
strikes the ground conductor in the middle of the line-span, and the PV array is located under the
striking point as shown in Fig. 7.3(b). In the second case, one of the towers is struck by lightning,
and the PV array is just located next to the tower struck by lightning, as shown in Fig. 7.3(c). The
distance between the two adjacent towers is 320 m. In the simulation, the soil resistivity is taken to
be 100 Ω∙m, and the relative permittivity of soil is assumed to be 10. Note that the electrical
parameters of soil are frequency-dependent in the frequency range of lightning currents and may
influence the grounding impulse performance [144]. In this paper we assume constant soil
parameters to simplify the discussion. The line terminations were left open to find the maximum
Fig. 7.7(a) shows the induced transient voltage between +DC/-DC cables at the inverter when
the overhead ground conductor is struck by lightning. It is found that the magnitude of the induced
voltage reaches up to 16.6 kV, and exceeds the withstanding voltage of an inverter (4 kV) as
indicated in [103]. The oscillation in these waveforms is primarily caused by the reflections of the
lightning surge between two adjacent towers. When the return stroke current decays slowly at its
tail, the reflection phenomenon is not strong. Accordingly, the induced voltage in the DC circuit
decreases quickly.
Fig. 7.7(b) shows the field measurement result recorded in a PV system in Florida [145]. The
measured PV system had a similar configuration, which consisted of a series string of PV panels.
The voltage in the figure was induced by a negative stroke approximately 7.7 km from the array. It
can be seen that our calculation result and their measurement result are similar as these two
waveforms are similar in shape and frequency. This indicates that the calculation result and model
(a) (b)
Figure 7.7 Indcued transient voltages between +DC/-DC cables. (a) calculated result. (b) measured result [145].
Fig. 7.8 shows the induced voltages on the bypass diodes at panels A, B and C, as shown in
Fig. 7.3(a). The magnitude of the induced voltages is 10.4 kV at panel A, 12.3 kV at panel B and
12.4 kV at panel C. These voltages exceed well the breakdown voltage and will cause irreversible
Fig. 7.9 shows the induced voltages between the metal frame and the wire on the PV modules.
The detail of the measured position is illustrated in Fig. 7.3(a). The voltage at panel C has the highest
magnitude of 75.31 kV. The voltage at panel A is lower than any other panels, with a magnitude of
63.61 kV. The voltage at panel B has an intermediate value of 65.63 kV. The magnitude of the
Figure 7.9 Induced voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire.
In this case, the transmission tower is struck by lightning, and transient voltages on the PV
panels close to the tower are investigated. Since the PV plant is just near the transmission tower, the
grounding system of the transmission line is directly connected to the grounding system of the PV
plant as recommended in NFPA780 [146]. It is found that the induced voltage between +DC/-DC
cables at the inverter reaches 72.98 kV as shown in Fig. 7.10. It could cause damage to the
equipment connected to the DC cables, such as the PV inverter. It is noted that this voltage is much
higher than that in scenario 1, because the distances between the PV plant and the tower are different
in the two scenarios. The induced voltage in the PV system is contributed by two parts. The first is
the current in the overhead ground conductor, and the second is the lightning current discharged
through the transmission tower. Since the nearest tower in scenario 1 is 155 m to the PV plant, the
induced voltage is limited. However, the tower is near the PV system in scenario 2. Therefore, the
induced voltages between +DC/-DC cables in scenario 2 are much larger than those in scenario 1.
The ground potential rise in scenario 2 is caused by the current flowing through the tower. This
potential rise leads to a continuous overvoltage between the frame and wire in the adjacent PV
system. In both scenarios, the current reflection in the ground wire leads to the oscillation of the
The induced voltages on the bypass diodes at panels A, B, C are shown in Fig. 7.11. It can be
seen that the patterns of the voltages on the bypass diodes are different from that in scenario 1. It is
mainly due to the location of the tower. The closer the panel to the tower, the higher the voltage
induced in the diode is. For the panel installed at point C, the induced voltage reaches 17.62 kV.
Figure 7.11 Induced voltages on the bypass diodes.
The over voltages between the metal frame and the wire on PV modules are shown in Fig. 7.12.
Because of the presence of the transmission tower, the pattern of the induced voltages in Scenario
2 is different from that in Scenario 1. In Scenario 2, the overvoltage increases when moving from
panel A to panel C. At panel A, the peak voltage is 71.49kV. However, at panel C the peak voltage
increases to 138.4kV which is almost twice as much as that at panel A. It is also noted that the
Figure 7.12 Induced voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire.
7.4 Sensitivity analysis
In this part, sensitivity analysis is carried out. The influences of the lightning current waveform,
soil resistivity and height of the tower on the lightning transient overvoltage in the PV system are
discussed. Both scenarios studied above (lightning strikes to the transmission line and strikes to the
To investigate the influence of the lightning waveform on the lightning overvoltage in the
system, the first positive stroke with the waveform of 10/350 us and the magnitude of 200 kA is
Fig. 7.13, 7.14, and 7.15 show the induced over voltages in the system during the first positive
stroke. It can be seen that the amplitude of overvoltage in the system under the first positive stroke
is much smaller than that under the first negative strike. The induced voltage between +DC/-DC
cables is only 392 V which is considered safe for the PV inverters. The induced voltages on the
bypass diodes are all within 400 V at point A, point B and point C. Therefore, the diode will not
suffer a breakdown if the diode with suitable reverse breakdown voltage is selected. The induced
voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire can reach 18 kV, however, it is much smaller
than the overvoltage under the first negative stroke. The wave shape of the overvoltage under the
first positive stroke is also quite different from that under the first negative stroke. It rises rapidly to
the peak value and then decreases to zero in tens of microseconds instead of oscillation.
Figure 7.13 Induced voltages between +DC/-DC cables.
Figure 7.15 Induced voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire.
150 Scenario 2: A lightning strike to the transmission tower
When the lightning strikes the transmission tower, the situation is much worse compared to
scenario 1. The induced voltage between +DC/-DC cable can reach 7.379 kV and the induced
voltage on the bypass diode at point C can exceed 2 kV. These over voltages can lead to the failure
of PV inverters and bypass diodes. The wave shape of the overvoltage between the PV metal frame
and the wire in scenario 2 is quite different from that in scenario 1. The overvoltage reaches 40.6
Figure 7.18 Induced voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire.
The soil resistivity does not influence over voltages at the inverter and the bypass diode as shown
in Table 7.2 and Table 7.4. It also does not influence the voltage between the metal frame and the
wire in the PV module in scenario 1. On the contrary, in scenario 2, the soil resistivity shows a
significant influence on the voltage between the metal frame and the wire as shown in Fig. 7.19.
When the soil resistivity increases to 1000 Ω∙m, the peak voltage appears at the wave trail with a
maximum of 213 kV for points A, B and C. As the soil resistivity increases to 2000 Ω∙m, this value
Figure 7.19 Induced voltages between the PV metal frame and the PV wire.
To investigate the influence of the tower grounding system on the over voltages at the PV
system, three different tower grounding systems are selected for comparison. Fig. 7.20(a) shows the
basic ground grid for the tower used in the previous investigation. Fig. 7.20(b) extends (a) by adding
horizontal grounding grids. Fig. 7.20(c) adds two vertical grounding rods in each extended
horizontal grid of (b). The over voltages at the PV system are shown in Table 5-7. As can be seen
from these tables, the tower grounding system has a negligible impact on the over voltages in the
PV system except for the residual voltage (over voltages appear at the wave tail) between the PV
frame and the wiring under scenario 2. Because of the lower grounding resistance, a tower with the
(a) (b)
Figure 7.20 The investigated tower grounding systems.
Table 7.8-7.10 show the influence of tower height on the overvoltage for both scenarios. In
scenario 1, the overvoltage is sensitive to the tower height because the overvoltage is mainly induced
by the current flowing in the transmission line. Thus the distance between the transmission line and
PV plant has a great influence on the voltage. However, because the major contribution of over
voltages in scenario 2 comes from the current flowing through the tower. Therefore, the influence
In the early stage of the PV industry, lightning protection of the PV system did not receive
enough attention. However, with the increasing lightning-related damages reported, the industry
began to pay attention to this issue. Since then, grounding grids and SPDs are commonly equipped
with the PV system for lightning protection. This chapter analyzes the lightning transient in the
system when SPDs are installed at the PV inverter and discusses existing issues that vulnerable to
lightning damages. Then, solutions proposed in chapter 4 are adopted in the investigated PV plant.
In order to constrain the lightning over voltages at the PV inverter, SPDs are proposed to
install in each DC circuit at the PV inverter, as shown in Fig. 7.21. Simulation is performed
again for both scenarios after the installation of SPDs. The clamping voltage of these SPDs is
2.5 kV. In the simulation induced voltages in the DC circuit at the inverter are evaluated. The
voltages between the metal frame and the wire in the PV modules, and the voltages on the
bypass diodes are calculated as well to investigate the influence of these SPDs on the transient
After installing the SPDs in the DC circuit at the inverter, the induced voltages between
+DC/-DC cables at the inverter are clamped to a safe level in all these cases as shown in Table
7.11. These results explain well why PV inverters can always survive from lightning strikes in
Table 7.12 shows the magnitude of induced voltages between the metal frame and the wire of
PV modules in both scenarios of a lightning strike. As seen in the table, the voltage magnitude is
much lower in Scenario 1 when SPDs are installed. The voltages are limited to 30 kV at panel A
The results look quite different in Scenario 2. The induced voltage at panel A is reduced
significantly when the SPDs are installed. However, the induced voltage increases apparently with
increasing distance from the installation position of the SPDs. At panel A, the voltage difference is
38.53 kV. The voltage at panel B is more than twice that at panel A, reaching a value of 88.21 kV.
At panel C, the voltage difference increases to 130.9 kV. These large voltage differences indicate
that there is a high possibility of a partial breakdown or even permanent failure of the module. The
calculation results are in agreement with the field observation and also agree with the experiment
Table 7.13 shows the induced voltages on the bypass diodes at panel A, B, C. It can be seen
that the voltages on the bypass diodes are much lower compared with the results without SPDs being
provided. However, these voltages still exceed the withstanding voltage of the bypass diodes. It is
also noted that the diodes in Scenario 2 suffer from a much higher voltage than that in Scenario 1.
Thus, installing SPDs at the PV inverter cannot effectively protect the bypass diodes from
breakdown during a lightning strike. This is the reason why the damage of bypass diodes is
It can be stated that installing SPDs at the inverter can effectively prevent the failure of PV
inverters. However, it can neither eliminate the arcing in the PV modules nor protect the bypass
In order to further restrict the voltage between the metal frame and the wire in a PV module,
additional sets of SPDs should be provided in the system as mentioned in Chapter 4. One
possible option is to install these SPDs at the remote end of a DC circuit, as shown in Fig. 7.22.
+ + +DC
Table 7.14 shows the induced voltages between the PV metal frame and PV wire after the
installation of SPDs at the remote end of three PV panels. In Scenario 1, the magnitude of induced
voltages at panel A and panel B is not significantly changed. However, the voltage at panel C is
reduced to 13 kV after SPDs are installed at the remote side. In Scenario 2, the magnitude of induced
which the SPDs are only installed at the inverter, these voltages are largely constrained after
adopting the protection scheme even if the transmission tower is very close to the PV modules. Thus,
For comparison, the induced voltages on bypass diodes at panels A, B, C are also listed in
Table 7.15. It can be observed that the voltages do not significantly change, compared with the case
in which SPDs are only installed at the inverter. This is because the induced voltages on the bypass
diodes are mainly contributed by the wiring structure in the PV panels. Thus, it is difficult to limit
the induced voltage in each module by installing SPDs at two ends of the DC circuit.
Though the PV plant discussed in this chapter is invaded by the indirect strike, the maximum
induced voltage in the diode can reach 8 kV. To avoid lightning damages to the bypass diodes,
connecting 4-5 bypass diodes in series using a diode box is feasible and recommended. Since the
transmission line is parallel to the PV system, the induced voltage in the diodes considering in this
chapter is serious than most scenarios in reality. Thus this method is effective for bypass diodes
protection in a PV plant.
7.6 Conclusion
This chapter investigated the transient behaviors of a PV plant during a lightning strike to the
transmission line nearby. With the PEEC method, lightning-induced voltages in the PV system were
simulated. Significant over voltages were observed and could cause damages to the PV systems if
protection measures were not provided appropriately. Simulation results were generally consistent
Simulations were also performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed measures
against lightning. The recommendations on the design of effective lightning protection for the PV
1) The PV plant could suffer from serious lightning damages when a nearby
transmission line is struck by lightning. The induced voltages generated in the DC circuit may
cause the failure of PV inverters and electrical breakdown of bypass diodes. The damage
becomes much severe when the PV system is close to the tower. Meanwhile, significantly
induced voltages between the PV frame and wire could cause a flashover on the PV panels which
2) SPDs installed at a PV inverter can effectively restrict the voltage on the inverter.
The damage to the inverters is then seldom reported in practical systems as the SPDs are usually
provided at the inverter. These SPDs cannot, however, reduce the induced voltages in the DC
wire of each panel, which would lead to the breakdown of bypass diodes. The induced voltage
between the PV metal frame and the wire increases significantly if it is located far away from
3) In order to reduce the induced voltages between the metal frame and the wire,
installing SPDs at the remote end of the DC circuit is recommended. It is found that the induced
voltage between the PV metal frame and the wire is largely restricted after the SPDs are installed
bypass diodes is recommended. This arrangement will increase the withstanding voltage of the
total circuit.
8. Conclusion and Future Work
8.1 Conclusion
As one of the major threats to the PV system, lightning greatly affects the reliability of the
system operation and the return on investment. However, the research on lightning protection of PV
system is still insufficient. This thesis studies the PV lightning protection from both theoretical
modelling and engineering application. The research results of this thesis improve the PV transient
modelling theory, and provide the design solution for PV lightning protection.
A PEEC-based model is presented for the PV system simulation. Various components in the
PV system including structural steels, DC cables, the wiring of PV panels, nonlinear characteristics
of PV cells are considered in our model. Frequency-dependent effects are well addressed for
conductors and cables modelling. The introduced PV model is complete and accurate that can be
used for evaluating surges in the PV inverter, bypass diodes, insulation breakdown in the system.
Experiments are conducted to validate the PEEC model for the PV system. The comparison between
the calculation and the experiment indicates the accuracy of the proposed modelling procedure.
Apart from the PEEC model, the FDTD method is adopted for PV grounding grid design. The
FDTD model ignoring the wiring structure in the PV panel to save computation resources. The
rationality of using the FDTD simplified model for evaluating the overvoltage between the
8.1.2 PV lightning protection
bypass diodes, arcing due to the ground potential rise are analyzed using the PEEC model.
Breakdown of the bypass diodes and arcing caused by the ground potential rise are analyzed for the
first time. Solutions to these damages are also provided. This will benefit the practical PV design
Optimal lightning protection design for PV inverter is proposed in this thesis for the first time.
This concept utilizes the structure of the PV system to shield part of the lightning surge. Thus the
overvoltage in the PV inverter can be reduced without installing extra protection devices. The
optimal design in the PV system can save the cost of installing SPDs as well as save installing space.
An encouraging grounding grid for PV system is provided for improving the lightning
protection performance and saving the installation cost. This method is inexpensive, is easy to
implement, and has a good lightning protection performance. In the past, the PV system generally
uses a dedicated grounding grid as recommended by most local standards and manufacturers. This
method can limit the lightning overvoltage between the DC cable and the grounding structure.
However, it is quite expensive. By using the method proposed in this thesis, much significant
8.1.3 Major finding
(1) The induced voltage between -DC and + DC cables is not sensitive to the soil resistivity
while the voltage between the DC cable and ground is greatly affected by the soil resistivity. If SPDs
are installed between the DC lines and the ground, the voltage between -DC and + DC cables can
reach twice as much as the clamping voltage of the SPDs. To avoid lightning-induced damage to
the PV inverter, the champing voltage of SPDs should be installed as well as another SPD between
(2) To reduce the induced voltage between the -DC and + DC cables, the following measures
are recommended which might avoid the failure of the inverter. 1) Large DC loop should be avoided.
2) The grounding point should be as close to the lightning rod as possible if non-isolated LPS is
adopted. Adding more grounding points does not always improve the efficiency of lightning
(3) SPDs installed at a PV inverter can effectively restrict the induced voltage on the inverter.
These SPDs, however, cannot fully reduce the induced voltages in the DC wire of each panel and
could cause the failure of the bypass diodes. One appropriate lightning protection for these bypass
diodes is to connect several bypass diodes in series. This arrangement will linearly increase the
(4) Though SPDs are installed at a PV inverter, overvoltage between grounded structure and
the DC cable is still observed at the remote side. Installing SPDs at the remote end of the DC circuit
is recommended. It is found that the induced voltage between the PV metal frame and the wire is
largely restricted after the SPDs are installed on the remote side.
(5) The reduction of the overvoltage between the DC cable and the grounding structure can
be achieved by providing bonding conductors running in parallel with DC cables in the air. This
method even has a better lightning protection performance than a grounding mesh. Moreover, the
soil with higher resistivity does not worsen the performance of lightning protection when the method
is adopted. On the contrary, overvoltage between the DC cable and the grounding structure decays
more rapidly when the soil resistivity is high. This means the site selection of a PV plant will not be
(6) Interconnection of the ground terminal of a lightning rod with the grounding grid of a PV
system recommended in some standards cannot reduce the lightning overvoltage between the DC
cable and the PV grounding. It may largely increase the lightning overvoltage between the DC cable
and the PV grounding structure when the soil resistivity is high. Such a connection is not
recommended in a PV plant if the distance between the lightning rod and the PV system is beyond
Although the thesis provides the models for the simulation of lightning transients in the PV
system and provides solutions for the lightning protection designs, there are still some unsolved
(1) Though many models in the PV system have been considered. There are some components
that need to be considered, such as power transformers, PV inverters, etc. Moreover, the transfer
voltage and the grounding structure with multi-layer soil cannot be properly handled by the PEEC
(2) Apart from a traditional PV plant, both floating PV systems and Building Integrated PV
systems are getting popular for their merit in space-saving. However, the lightning protection
approaches for these new emerging PV systems have not been studied before. Also, standards
related to these systems has not been established yet. Therefore, lightning transients in these newly
emerging systems and approaches for improving lightning protection efficiency in these systems
(3) It would be necessary to consider the risk management and economic benefit in addressing
the protection and the selection of adequate protection measures. The reported method in Protection
against Lightning—Part 2: Risk Management, IEC Std. 62305-2, 2006 only gives a universal
scheme and may not consider the characteristic of the PV plant. Moreover, due to the stochastic
nature of lightning, it needs to be described in terms of statistical distributions of its basic parameters:
amplitude, duration of the current front, duration of the current wave, and polarity. To get an
accurate estimation, the estimate should be based on statistical distributions of these parameters,
(4) Another issue associated with a lightning strike is the nuisance tripping of RCDs in the PV
system. The RCDs now are widely installed in the PV system to prevent electric shock and electrical
fire. Since the RCDs are quite sensitive, transient currents or over voltages caused by both direct
and indirect strikes can exceed the impulse withstand voltage of the RCDs, with consequent causing
nuisance tripping. This phenomenon might not directly cause damage to the system, however, the
resulting interruption of power generation will largely reduce the return of investment of the PV
system. Though some work related to the tripping characteristic of RCDs under no sinusoidal has
been done. The work-related to tripping characteristics of new emerging RCDs during lightning
currents is insufficient. In the future, we will investigate the tripping characteristics of various types
(5) The analysis of lightning transients in the PV system is mainly based on simulation and
impulse testing. I will conduct more experiments in my future work. I consider conducting
experiments under triggered lightning to further investigate the lightning transients in the PV system
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