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Publisher's Note
7 Surat al-Ghaashiyah 40
8 Sawm(Fasting) 46
14 Kindness to Animals 85
16 Thankfulness 94
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The Ka'bah: The First House of Worship
The Ka'bah is the oldest house of worship on earth. Every year
more than two and a half million Muslim pilgrims from all over the
world come to Makkah to perform the rites of hajj. They do tawaaf
around the Ka1bah with devotion and hope of Allah's mercy. During
the month of Ramadan, more than a million Muslims journey to
Makkah's Grand Mosque for Umrah. In fact, people go to Makkah for
Umrah all year round.
The area adjacent to the Ka'bah on its west side enclosed by a
low semicircular wall is called ai-Hateem
or ai-Hijr. Following the Sunnah of the
Prophet ( � ) , the pilgrim may offer
Sunnah prayer and supplicate to Allah in
this area. However, this is not a part of
the prescribed rites of hajj .
The Well of Zamzam
The well of Zamzam is located about 20 meters southeast of the
Black Stone corner of the Ka'bah, near the Station of lbraaheem
( �\) . To drink the water of Zamzam is a rite for both hajj and umrah.
The well is closed at the surface. Earlier, one could reach the area of
the well of Zamzam by a flight of steps, where numerous taps
supplied water to scores of pilgrims at a time. Today, however, the
steps are covered and access to the well's
surroundings is totally closed. Numerous taps
around the mosque satisfy pilgrims' thirst.
M iqaat
Miqaat is the location around Makkah specified by the Prophet
� ) from where those coming to Makkah for Hajj or Umrah must
enter the state of ihraam. The Prophet ( � ) specified different
mawaaqeet (plural of miqaat) . Some of these mawaaqeet are:
Dhaat lrq , 80 km to the northeast of Makkah; Dhul Hulayfah, 250 km
north of Makkah and 9 km away from Madinah; AI-Juhfah to the
northwest of Makkah at 1 80 km distance; Qarn ui-ManaaziiSO, km to
the city's east; and Yalamlam 60 km to the southeast.
tawaaf as usual. In fact, it is not necessary to kiss the Black Stone in
order for one's Hajj to be valid. One can simply touch or point to it
upon beginning each round of the tawaaf while saying Allahu
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
2. -----
tribe settled in Makkah because of the well of Zamzam.
3. To drink Zamzam water is a rite for both ____ and ____
C. Answer the following questions.
2. What kind of a place was Makkah when lbraaheem ( �� ) took his family
D. Think-up
Non-Muslims often wrongly think that Muslims worship the Ka'bah. How
can you reply to them?
E. Activity
The Prayer
(As-Salah) (1)
Allah the Almighty says, 11Prayers have been prescribed for the
believerS at Set timeS . 11 (Surat an-Nisaa 4 : 1 03)
Here, Allah commands Muslims to perform the prayer (salah) at
its prescribed times. In fact, the prayer was the first obligatory duty
upon the Prophet ( � ) and his followers. It will also be the first action
Allah the Almighty will question us on the Day of Judgement. Indeed,
the salah is the �supporting pillar� of Islam. If someone believes it is not
obligatory and abandons it, he becomes a disbeliever. The Prophet
( � ) said, 11The covenant between us and them (i.e. the disbelievers)
is the prayer; so if anyone abandons it, he has become a
disbeliever. (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhee and An-Nasaa'ee)
The Merits of Offering the Obligatory Prayers at their Stated
Allah's Messenger ( � ) said, 11There are five prayers which Allah
has prescribed for His servants. For those who perform them properly,
without disrespectful omissions, there is a guarantee from Allah that
He will admit them into Paradise. For those who do not observe them,
however, Allah offers no such guarantee; He may punish them if He
so wills, or He may forgive them if He so wiiiS.11 (Ahmad and others)
He also said, 11lf there was a river at the door of anyone of you
and he took a bath in it five times a day, would you notice any dirt
on him?ll They said, 11Not a trace of dirt would be left.11 Then he said,
11That is the example of the five prayers with which Allah removes sins.11
When the Prophet ( � ) was asked, 11Which deed is the best?11 He
replied, 11Performing salah at its due time.11 (Muslim)
1. Is a person who believes that the prayer is not obligatory and abandons
it a Muslim?
3. What are As-Sunan Ar-Raatibah? What i s their number and when are they
4. List the five daily prayers and write the number of their raka'hs.
The Prayer
(As-Salah) (2)
As for the intention (niyyah), its place is the heart. It means being
firmly convinced that Allah has prescribed salah as one's duty to
perform that specific prayer, and to carry out His commandment
without seeking to make an impression or acquire a reputation. The
heart must then be present until one has completed the prayer.
The expression of onels intention aloud and according to certain for
mulas was not the practice of the Prophet ( � ) or his companions.
In fact, it is bidah and so one must avoid doing so.
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Subhaanak-AIIaahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabaaraka
smuka, wa fa 'aa/aa judduka, wa faa ilaaha ghairuk.
Glory be to You, 0 Allah and Praise. Blessed is Your Name and
high is Your Majesty. There is no god but You.
4. Seeking refuge with Allah (ta'awwudh) . After saying one of the
above du'aas, Allah's Messenger (�) would quietly say
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�7jJI �'h.! .�.tt � �Lt ��� 'I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan
the accursed'.
5. Reciting �jJt �J.!t �� � quietly before reciting surat
/ / / /
6. Saying 'Ameen' after reciting ai-Fatihah.
7. Reciting a surah o r verse of the Qur'an after ai-Fatihah in the first
two rak'ahs of every compulsory prayer.
8. Reciting surat ai-Fatihah and any other surah aloud in the first
two rak'ahs of Fajr, Maghrib, lsha, Salaatul Jumu'ah, the Eed
prayers and the prayer for seeking rain, and quietly during the
rest of the salah. Silent recitation in Dhuhr and Asr prayers.
9. Placing the hands on the knees while spreading the fingers
apart during ruku.
1 0. Looking at the ground at the place of sujud .
11. Saying the statement of glorification of the Lord (tasbeeh) more
than once in ruku and sujud .
1 2. Making one's back straight during ruku while making one's
head parallel to one's back.
1 3. Sitting on the left foot and propping up the right one on one's
toes between the two prostrations and the first tashahhud; and
pushing the left foot forward and keeping the right foot
propped up on one's toes while sitting on one's buttocks in the
last tashahhud.
1 4. Invoking blessings on the Prophet ( � ) in the final tashahhud
and then making supplications (du'aa) using expressions
taught by Allah's Messenger ( � ) before tasleem.
1 5. Turning to the right and to the left when making tasleem .
Sujud As-Sahw: (Prostrations for Forgetfulness)
After completing the prayer with the tasleem, remain seated;
Prostrate, saying Allaahu Akbar with the intention to amend the
Raise your head, saying Allaahu Akbar and sit again as
described above;
Repeat the prostration-with the same words and sit again; and
End the prayer with the tasleem.
However, if someone leaves his place where he prayed before
he remembers the omission or lapse, it is too late to amend it. The
prayer is considered invalid, and he should repeat it.
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
4. What is tasleem?
C. Think-up
Maryam was praying Dhuhr, but after the end of the third rak'ah she
recited the tasleem and returned to her work. Soon she realized that she
had offered only three rak'ahs. What should she do in this situation?
D. Activity
Surat AI-A'Iaa
(The Most High )
In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
and ------
and ------
3. The place for those who reject the message of Allah is ___________
1. Mention the various attributes of Allah that the first five verses of this surah
3. What does the Qur'an say about people who do not fear Allah?
4. Who will be happy on the Day of Judgement?
C. Memorisation
of Allah and
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Lao ilooha illallaohu wahdohu lao shoreeko lohu, lohul-mu/ku
wo lohul-homdu wo huwo 'a/aa kulli shoi'in qodeer
(There is no god but Allah Alone; He has no partner, His is the
dominion and His is the praise, and He is Capable of all things)
ten times, will have the same reward as that given for freeing ten
slaves; one hundred rewards will be written in his account, one
hundred sins will be removed from his account, and this saying will
be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will
be able to do a better deed except the one who has done more
than him.11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
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2 . Abu Hurairah ( � ) narrated that Allah1S Messenger ( � ) said ,
��whoever says,
Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihee
(Glory be to Allah, His is the Praise)
one hundred times a day will be forgiven all his sins even if they
were as much as the foam of the sea.11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
good deeds every day? He replied, 11Say: II .:. /
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A. Answer the following questions.
1. What a re the two statements which are light for the tongue, heavy in the
scales [of deeds] and dearer to Almighty Allah?
2. How can one get one thousand good deeds every day?
B. Memorisation
Memorize the du'aas in this lesson and use them in your daily life.
The Taraaweeh
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
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In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful
This surah was revealed in Makkah. It takes its title from the word
ai-Ghaashiyah, which occurs in the first verse. This surah consists of
twenty-six verses and may be divided into four sections:
A. Complete the following sentences.
1. ai-Ghaashiyah :
2. Dharee'
2. What will the state of the disbelievers be, and what will they eat and drink?
3. What are some of the blessings the righteous believers will enjoy in
D. Memorisation
(Fasting )
"So whoever of you witnesses the month (of Ramadan) must fast it."
(2: 1 85)
Fasting also makes one realize, through onels own experience,
how it feels to be hungry and thirsty, and thus to gain a true
appreciation of the needs of the poor.
These people do not have to make up for the missed days, but
they are required to feed a poor person a mudd of food for each day
they missed. A mudd is a measure of approximately two-thirds of a
1. The ill people who are not terminally ill, if the fast is likely to make
their illness worse or delay recovery;
2. The traveller, if he travels as far as the distance requires
shortening the obligatory prayers. If he is able to fast while
travelling, then he can do so.
Some Virtues of Fasting
Benefits of Fasting
This means one has to have the intention to fast to fulfil Allahls
Command and to get closer to Him. If the fast is obligatory, one must
have the intention to fast at any time during the preceding night. The
Prophet ( ;:i ) said, 11Those who do not intend to fast during the
(preceding) night will have no fast at all.11 (At-Tirmidhee)
However, if the fast is voluntary, one can intend to fast at any time
even during the day, provided one has not eaten, drunk or done
anything that breaks the fast.
It is worth mentioning here that the intention should not be verbal.
2. Al-lmsaak
This means to abstain from those things which break the fast, such
as eating and drinking.
3. Time
Fasting starts at dawn and ends at sunset.
The Sunan (Recommended Acts) of Fasting
1. As-Sahoor: The Pre-Dawn Meal
As-Sahoor is the meal a Muslim takes before dawn with the
intention of fasting. The Prophet ( � ) said, 11Eat sahoor, for indeed
there iS a blessing in sahoor.11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
2. Delaying the Sahoor and Hastening to Break the Fast
The Prophet ( � ) said, 11My followers will remain upon goodness
as long as they hasten to break the fast (at sunset) and delay
eating the sahoor.11 (Muslim)
3. Breaking the Fast with Dates or Water
Allah's Messenger ( ;:i ) used to break his fast with fresh dates
before offering the Maghrib prayer. If there were no fresh dates,
he would break it with dry dates. If there were no such dates, he
would take some sips of water.
4. Invoking Allah upon Breaking the Fast
The Prophet ( � ) said, 11Three supplications are accepted: The
supplication of the fasting person, that of the oppressed and that
of the traveller.�� (AI-Baihaqee)
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1 Niyyah a To abstain from things that break the fast. 1
2 lmsaak b Breaking the fast 2
3 Sahoor c Intention 3
C. Answer the following questions.
D. Think-up
It is Ramadan and sixteen-year-old Sara is very ill. What should she do
Surat AI-Faj r
(The Dawn)
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In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful
1. By the dawn,
2. And [by] the ten nights,
3. And [by] the even and the odd,
4. And [by] the night when it runs its course!
5. Is there not an oath in this for men of understanding?
6. Are you not aware of how your Lord has dealt with Aad -
7. I ram - who had lofty pillars?
8. The likes of whom has never been created i n all the land?
9. And [with] the Thamoud who carved out rocks in the valley?
1 0. And [with] Pharaoh, owner of the stakes?
11. [All of] whom rebelled in the land,
1 2. And increased corruption in it.
1 3. So your Lord poured on them different kinds of severe
1 4. Indeed, your Lord is Ever Watchful .
1 5. As for man, when his Lord tries him with generosity and bounty,
he says, "My Lord has honoured me."
1 6. But when He tries him by restricting his provision, he says, "My
Lord has humiliated me."
1 7. But no! You d o not honour the orphans,
1 8. And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor,
1 9. And you eat up inheritance, devouring it with greed ,
20. And you love wealth with exceeding love.
21 . No! When the earth is levelled - pounded and crushed -
22. And your Lord comes, and the angels, row after row, rank upon
23. And brought [within view], that Day, will be Hell - That Day man
will remember, but what will that reminder avail him?
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24. He will say, 110h I wish that I had sent ahead [some good] for my
25. So on that Day none will punish [as severely] as His punishment,
26. And no one will bind [as severely] as His binding (of the
2 7 . [To the righteous it will be said,] ��o reassured soul ,
28. Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],
29. And join the company of My [righteous] servants,
30. And enter my Paradise.��
1. What are the four things by which Almighty Allah swears at the beginning
of the surah?
3. What old civilizations does Allah speak to the disbelievers about in this
4. In what different ways does Allah test man?
5. What is in store for the reassured soul of the pious people with Allah?
C. Memorisation
Za ka h :
The Purifying
:i l <j..tt Dues
The Arabic word zakah has various meanings including 1purity1,
1honour1, lgrowth1 and 'blessings�. In Islamic terminology, it is the
amount required from Muslims to pay to those who deserve it, when
their wealth reaches a certain amount called the nisaab, and which
satisfies the required conditions.
The zakah is meant to purify a person's wealth and his income
from that taint of selfishness, hence the expression �purifying dues1•
Zakah is the Third Pillar of Islam
Zakah is the third pillar of Islam that
comes immediately after salah. Indeed ,
it is a form of worship. Paying it is an
obligation on every Muslim who owns the
least amount (called nisaab) that
requires its payment and that satisfies the
rest of its conditions. Allah commands the
believers to pay it:
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��Establish regular prayer and give zakah .11
(73: 20)
11Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend them for the
sake of Allah - warn them of a painful punishment. On that Day when
[the hoarded wealth] will be heated in the Fire of Hell and with it will
be branded their foreheads and their sides and their backs, [and it
will be said to them,] 'T his is the treasure which you have hoarded for
yourselves. Now taste of what you used to hoard.11' (9:34-35)
1. The poor
These are those who do have some money but not sufficient to
meet their needs and the needs of their dependents.
2. The needy
These are those whose level of poverty is more or less the same
as that of the poor; they have a pressing need, such as when
they require two-hundred of a certain currency, for example,
but have only one hundred.
3. Those employed to collect the funds of zakah, distribute it,
record it in its register and maintain it
These will be paid their salaries from zakah funds whether they
are rich or poor.
T ose ose hearts ore to be reconci ed
These are those new Muslims whose faith is still weak and need
the zakah to strengthen their faith . They are also those
disbelievers whose hearts may be inclined towards Islam if they
are given the zakah, or those influential disbelievers whose
conversion to Islam is desired or their evil is to be restrained.
5. For freeing s,aves
A slave who wants to free himself from slavery should be given
zakah so that he can pay the necessary money to his master to
set him free.
6. The debtors
Debtors mean those who are burdened with debts, which have
not been spent for something that Allah does not like, and who
cannot pay them off.
7. In the ay of A! ah
This means anything that is pleasing to Almighty Allah such as
Jihad in order to elevate the Word of Allah and any other form
of work that is done in the cause of Allah and from which
Muslims will derive benefit, such as the construction of mosques,
schools, hospitals and shelters for the orphans.
8. The travellers
A traveller may be rich in his home, but if he is in need of money
while travelling, he may be given zakah.
A. Explain these Arabic terms:
1. Nisaab
2. Zakah
1. How did Abu Bakr ( � ) react towards those people who refused to pay
3. Write down the benefits zakah has in society.
Good Moral
1 . Bad character
2. Good character
3. Khuluq
2. In what words has Allah praised the Prophet ( �)?
C. Activity
Make a list of good qualities a Muslim should have, and then write down
their opposites.
Perfecti ng
/ 0 /0 /
our Character
Z9��, ���··1 /
Let us consider another situation. Four pupils find a wallet with
£500 inside it. There is also a slip of paper in it, which gives the name
and address of the owner. The pupils know the man
but don't like him. Two from the group think they
should return the wallet to the owner. The third thinks
they should take it to the police station. The fourth
says they should divide the money among them.
Think about the incident from the owner's point of
view. Would it have made a difference to the fourth
pupil if it had been his wallet?
The last situation is concerning a secret
between two friends. A friend of yours trusts you with
a secret that he thinks is important. You promise him
not to tell anyone. Shortly afterwards, you are
speaking with a close friend and you think his secret
would make a nice topic of conversation. After all ,
you are also not fully aware why your friend is
making such a big deal out of his little secret.
Besides, you are going to ask the person to whom
you are disclosing the secret to promise you not to
tell anyone, just like you did.
Enter your moral code and you stop reminding yourself that a
promise is a promise. The lesson here is to be trustworthy, whether it is
with feelings, thoughts and emotions or with material possessions. This
is also one of the Prophet's great characteristics. Before we act or
react to anything, we should form a habit of asking ourselves what
guidance we can get from the life of the Prophet ( � ) concerning
this situation.
Once we develop a more positive and truthful Islamic
approach on the events that occur in our daily life, we will gradually
perfect our character.
A. Complete these sentences.
C. Think-up
Discuss a few of the Prophet's qualities that you would like to have in your
pursuit of better character.
Surat AI-Ba lad
(The City)
In the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful
This surah, which consists of twenty verses, was revealed in
1 . In the first four verses, Almighty Allah swears by the secure city of
Makkah, especially while the Prophet ( � ) is in it and swears by
Adam and his progeny. Allah swears by these that man was
created in hardship and difficulty.
2. The surah goes on to scold man for his arrogance, boasting that
he has spent a great deal of wealth on his desires. Then it warns
him that Allah is Ever Watchful of what he does and that He will
question him about everything on the Day of Judgement. It also
reminds him of some of the bounties Allah the Almighty has
bestowed on him, namely the faculties of speech and sight and
the mind with which to distinguish between the ways of good
and evil. (Verses 5-1 0)
4. The surah ends by telling us who 1the companions of the left1 are
and what their destination will be in he hereafter. In fact, they
are the disbelievers who will end up in Hell out of which there will
be no escape for them . (Verses 1 9-20)
A. Match the following.
1 This city a Prophet Muhammad (�) 1
C. Memorisation
Learn this surah by heart.
Kindness to
Beasts of Burden
Beasts of burden are animals such as donkeys, horses or oxen
which are used to carry or pull things. Allah's Messenger ( � ) said, IIFear
Allah in treating dumb animals.�� (Abu oawood)
Once the Prophet ( � ) saw a
camel that started weeping with a
yearning sound, so he went to it
and went on wiping its head until it
became silent. Then he went to its
owner and said to him, 11Will you
not fear Allah with respect to this
beast which Allah has given you? It
has complained to me that you
keep it hungry and load it with heavy burdens that tire it out.11 (Ahmad and
Abu Dawood: saheeh)
A Muslim must take care not to overload a beast of burden. He
should not stay mounted for a long time
while the animal is kept standing. He
must only use it to fulfil his needs and
alight once his needs are fulfilled. The
Prophet ( � ) said, 11DO not treat the
backs of your animals as chairs. Surely,
Allah has subjected them to you to take
you to places which you would not have
otherwise been able to reach except
with difficulty and hardship. He has subjected the earth for you, so fulfil
your needs [but do not overburden them].11 (Abu Dawood: saheeh)
A. State whether these statements are true or false.
1. Allah has created animals for our benefit. What must we do in return?
2. Mention some animals that help u s and in what way they extend their
help to us?
3. What did the Prophet ( :1 ) say about those who kill animals for sport?
4. Why did the camel complain to the Prophet ( ti ) , and what did the
Prophet ( � ) do for it?
C. Think-up
Good Habits
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that a Muslim
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Must Cultivate
There are many good habits that a Muslim must train himself to
adopt. Some of these good habits are as follows:
2. What rewards are i n store for those who refrain from cursing
C. Activity
Write down five good qualities you have learnt from the lesson
and try to make them part of your nature.
Than kful ness
11lf you are thankful , I will surely give you more; but if you are
ungrateful , My punishment is terrible indeed .11 (1 4:7)
In another place, Allah tells us that only those who are grateful to Him
truly worship Him:
11A nd be grateful to Allah if it is indeed Him that you worship.�� (2: 1 72)
We should therefore always be grateful to Allah for everything
that He has given us. We should recognize that our very existence
and our continuing sustenance are dependent on Allah . Allah's
bounties and blessings are countless. In many places in the Qurla n ,
Allah compares the terms Shukr a n d Kufr. lmaan implies shukr, o r
gratefulness a s opposed to kufr, or ungratefulness. A disbeliever who
does not believe in Allah and His Messenger ( � ) is ungrateful. He is
u ngrateful to Allah Who has given him everything, whereas a
believer is ever thankful for all that Allah has given him. He
recognizes that his Lord is Merciful and Loving .
If you are grateful, then you have taken the first step towards
becoming a true believer. Allah creates, distributes and administers
everything in the universe. He governs and sustains all that is in the
universe. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge. Being grateful
is the cornerstone of our faith. If you learn this lesson well , you will
begin the process of getting closer to Allah .
What is Thankfulness?
The true nature of thankfulness is the acknowledgement of the
bounties of the Giver, Allah, with a sense of humility. Allah describes
Himself as the Most Thankful One (ash-Shakoor) . He rewards His
servants for their thankfulness. The servant's than kfulness to Allah is
therefore expressed through the praise he offers to Him.
Gratefulness to Allah can be expressed in three ways:
1. Thankfulness expressed by the tongue. This consists in the
acknowledgement of the gifts of Allah with an attitude of
2. Thankfulness expressed by the body and the limbs. This is the
indication of loyalty and readiness to serve and help fellow
3. Thankfulness expressed by the inner feelings of the heart.
The Prophet (ii ) once said to Mu'adh (�) . 11BY Alla h , I love you ,
so d o not forget to say at the end of each salah ,
Allaahumma a'innee 'alaa dhikrika, wo shukrika, wa husni
"0 Allah ! Help me to remember You and give thanks to You and
to worship You well. " (Ahmad, Abu Dawood and An-Nasaa'ee: saheeh)
2. People are divided into two categories: the people o f ____ and
the people of ____
3. What is the true nature of thankfulness?
D. Think-up
Surat Ash-Shams
(The Sun)
1 00
In the Name of Allah , Most Kind , Most Merciful
1 01
Surat Ash-Shams begins with a series of oaths. It is important to
note that the Arabic word for sun 'ash-Shams' is feminine in Arabic. It,
therefore, takes the feminine pronoun 'haa'. This Qur'anic tone gives
pleasure to the reciter of this surah. One enjoys repeating it and
drawing closer to Allah.
Verses 8, 9 and 1 0 reveal a great psychological fact. Allah has
given everyone a conscience or inner voice. This conscience
enables man to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
The person who learns to listen to his inner voice finds that this voice
becomes louder and audible; such a person achieves success,
while the person who stifles this voice and remains unmindful to it
The second part of the surah evokes the civilization of Thamood
and the ruin of its great city. The Qur'an attributes the destruction of
Thamood to their rejection of the call of their Prophet Salih ( �\ ) , a
rejection that led to the destruction of other peoples before
Thamood as well .
The people of Thamood disobeyed their Prophet Salih ( �� ) .
They rejected the truth that he came with, as the she-camel of Allah
was his miracle, which Allah had brought forth from a rock as a sign
for them and a proof against them. They transgressed against her in
her drinking, for she had been allocated a day to drink and they
had been allocated a day to drink. They slaughtered Allah's
she-camel. Nothing was more sinful for them than the unjustified
killing of the she-camel. By slaying her, they disobeyed Allah and
rebelled against Him; this of course led to their destruction. Modern
civilizations have valuable lessons to learn from the ruined tribe of
1 02
A. Complete these sentences.
C. Memorisation
Learn this surah by heart.
1 03
- .
1 05
The Impact of Words
Words have a great impact. A person might utter a word without
thinking about it being pleasing or not to Allah, and so he might ruin
his life and bring Allah1S1 punishment upon himself in the Hereafter.
On the other hand, he might utter a word because of which Allah will
undoubtedly raise his degrees in Paradise.
The Prophet ( � ) said, 11Truly, a person says a word that is
pleasing to Allah and though he does not give it any importance,
Allah raises him a number of degrees because of it. And truly, a
person says a word that is displeasing to Allah, and though he does
not give it any importance (when he says it) , he will sink because of
it into Hellfire." (AI-Bukhaaree)
1 06
Do not Interrupt Someone while He is Speaking
It is bad manners to start to speak in
the middle of another personls speech. A
wise person does not speak until there is an
interval of silence. Avoid interruption unless
it is very important and unavoidable, and
then quickly apologize for doing so.
1 07
A. Match the following :
1 Silence a is like a beast of prey.
2 Being talkative b have a great impact. 2
1 08
4. Who said , "This"? To whom did he say it and when?
5. Mention some o f the bad things a good Muslim must keep away from
when talking to others.
1 09
Muhammad �
The Long Journey Back Home
Heart-broken, the Prophet ( � ) and
Zayd (�) set out on the way back to
Makkah. When he reached Qarn
AI-Manaazil, Allah sent Jibreel (�\) along
with the Angel of the Mountains, who
asked his permission to bury Makkah
between AI-Akshabayn, the two
mountains flanking Makkah. The kind-hearted Prophet ( � ) replied,
IINo, I hope Allah will bring forth from them those who will worship
Allah alone and will not associate anything with Him.11
The Prophet ( � ) proceeded to Waadee Nakhlah where he
stayed for a few days. One night, when he stood up to offer the night
prayer, a huge crowd of jinn, who were attracted by the beautiful
verses of the Qur'an , gathered to listen to his recitation of the Qur'an.
Completely lost in this recitation, he was
unaware of the extraordinary gathering
around him.
Angel Jibreel ( �� ) gave him the
news of the extraordinary event that
was taking place in Waadee Nakhlah.
Surat ai-Jinn (Surah 72) was revealed to him. Allah had caused a
company of jinn to come to the Prophet ( � ) and listened to the
Qur'an. When it was finished, they returned to their folk and asked
them to believe and follow what they had heard from Allah's
Messenger ( � ) .
After leaving Waadee Nakhlah, the Prophet ( � ) stopped at
Hira. He sent a message to Mut'im ibn Adi , a notable in Makkah, and
asked him if it was possible to give him his protection. Mut'im instantly
agreed. He called his sons and asked them to take their weapons
and assemble near the Ka'bah. When they had assembled , Mut'im
called out loudly that he had given protection to the Prophet ( � )
and that whoever harmed him would have to face the consequences.
So the Prophet ( � ) managed to enter Makkah safely. After
visiting the House of Allah , he went home in peace.
6. What is the year in which Khadijah ( � ) and Abu Talib died known as?
Muhammad �
(2 )
...... 1 1 9
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1 . The Arabic word for the 'Night Journey' is ______ and that for
the 'Ascension' is -------
1 20
4. List the different Prophets that the Prophet ( � ) met and mention the
heavens where he met them as well .
5. What punishment did the Prophet ( � ) see for those who take ribaa
(usury) as well as for those who engage in slandering and backbiting?
7. What did the Quraysh think of the Night Journey and the Ascension?
1 21
Muhammad �
1 26
A. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The Jews were the people of the ____ while the Khazraj were
1 0 How did the people of Madinah know about the coming of a prophet?
1 27
3. What was the First Pledge of Aqabah? How many people attended it,
and what were its terms?
D. Think-up
1. Why do you think the Aws and the Khazraj resolved their difficulties when
they heard of the coming of a new prophet?
2. Why d o you think was the special name 'Ansaar' given to the Aws and
the Khazraj?
1 28
Muhammad �
The Second Pledge of Aqabah
The Second Pledge took place a year after the first one, which
was concluded in the twelfth year of Prophethood. That year during
the hajj season, many of the people of Yathrib, Muslims and
non-Muslims alike, came to Makkah. The Muslims had decided that
they would not leave the Messenger of Allah ( � ) in Makkah to be
expelled and persecuted. Seventy-three men and two women ,
Nusaybah bint Ka'b and Asmaal bint Amr, contacted him in secret
and agreed to meet him in secret at night in the mountain pass that
is next to Jamrat ai-Aqabah.
Allah's Messenger ( � ) came out at night, took his uncle
AI-Abbas ibn Abd ai-Muttalib with him and reached the mountain
pass of Aqabah. The believers
from Medinah were waiting for
him. When they expressed their
desire to take Allah's Messenger
( � ) to Medinah, AI-Abbas rose
to say, 110 assembly of the
people of Medinah ! You all
know the position that
Muhammad holds among us.
We have protected him as much as we could. He is honoured and
respected among his people. He refuses to join anyone but you . If
you think you can fulfil what you promised to do for him while inviting
1 29
him and you can defend him against his enemies, then assume the
burden that you have taken. But if you are going to surrender him
and betray him after taking him away with you, then leave him right
away because he is already respected and well-protected in his
own place.
AI-Abbas demanded an unwavering pledge for the support and
protection of the Prophet ( � ). He warned them that if they were not
sure that they could keep the terms of the pledge and provide effective
protection for him should he migrate to their city, they should not take
the pledge!
The Prophet ( � ) then rose to speak. He recited some verses of the
Qurlan, called people to Allah, exhorted them to embrace Islam and
said, 111 give you my pledge that you will protect me from whatever you
protect your women and children.��
AI-Baraa' ibn Ma'roor, who was the spokesman for the group, said,
1 Yes, by the One Who has sent you with the truth, we will most certainly
protect you from what we protect our women and children. So take our
pledge, 0 Messenger of Allah! By Allah, we are skilled fighters and
reliable in war; this is a trait passed down to us from our ancestors.��
Then Abu AI-Haytham ibn At-Taihan, an elderly Muslim from
Madinah, interrupted AI-Baraa' saying, 1 There are agreements
between us and them (i.e. the Jews) which we would then sever. Do you
think if we support you and Allah makes you victorious, you would return
to your people and leave us?11
Allah's Messenger ( � ) smiled and said, 11NO, But your blood is my
blood, your war is my war. I am of you and you are of me; I fight whom
you fight and I make peace with whom you make peace.11
1 30
Then they asked, ��Messenger of Allah!
What would be our reward if we fulfil our
11Paradise,11 he replied. Then all the
members of the delegation stretched their
hands for the pledge whose principles were
as follows:
1 32
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1 33
4. What are the duties of the deputy?
1 34
Muhammad �
1 37
A Decide whether these statements are true or false.
3. Why did the Prophet ( � ) say, "Suhayb has won : indeed, Suhayb has
won . "?
1 38
4 . What was so special about the emigration of the Jahsh' family?
5 . What special names were given to the emigrants and the people of Madi
C . Think-up
1. Why do you think the Muslims' emigration was harmful to the Quraysh?
2. What does the word 'ai-Muhaajiroon' mean?
1 39
1 44
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
3. Abu Bakr ( � ) postponed his departure for the sake of the ___ _
1. Why did the Quraysh hold a meeting? What was its conclusion?
1 45
4. Why was the Prophet's visit to Abu Bakr's house unusual?
6. What offer did the Quraysh set for capturing the Prophet ( � )?
C. Reference to context
1 46
Muhammad �
When the Quraysh found out that the Prophet ( � ) had
departed, leaving only Ali ( �k> ) in his bed, covered with his mantle,
they became very angry. They offered a reward of a hundred
she-camels to whomever brought the Prophet ( � ) back dead or
A rewa rd
-c to w h o �ever t Ho ught +h e Pro p h et (� )
t> a c (( d ea d o r a (ive. f
1 50
A. Name the following :
4. The compan ion who emigrated with the Prophet ( � ) and Abu Bakr
( � ). --
1. What kind of help did Abdullah, Abu Bakr's son, extend to the Prophet
( � )?
2. How long did the Prophet ( � ) stay in the Cave of Thawr for?
4. Who was Suraaqah , a n d why did h e pursue the Prophet ( � )?
C. Think-up
1 . Why did the Quraysh not even peep inside the cave?
1 52
Surat AI-Layl
(The Night)
1 53
In the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful
1 56
C. Activity
Give an example each to show how Allah eases the way of the mindful
and the unmindful .
D. Memorisation
1 57
Prophet Nuh ��
(1 )
Satan's Envy
Satan refused to bow down to Adam ( �� ) when Allah
commanded him to do so. So he was cast out and damned forever.
He, therefore, decided to take revenge on the progeny of Adam
( �� ) so that they would go to the Fire with him.
1 58
Satan's Tricks
Because people were worshipping Allah alone, he decided to
call them to worship idols, so that they would go to the Fire and never
get to Paradise. He knew that Allah never forgives people
worshipping other things besides Him. So he started calling them to
associate other things with Allah. People fell into his trap. He inspired
them to erect statues of the pious men among them in the places
where they used to sit and to name these statues after them. They did
so, but they did not worship them.
However, after that generation had gone, the following
generations did not know the reason behind the erection of such
statues. Satan tried to convince them by saying to them, � vour
forefathers used to worship them and through them they sought rain.11
So they began worshipping them.
1 60
Nuh ( �� ) and His People
Nuh's people wrongly believed that worshipping idols was the
truth. They considered anyone who did not worship idols as stupid.
They argued , ��our fathers worshipped idols. Why does this man tell us
not to worship them?11 Nuh ( �� ) told them, liMy people, worship
Allah; you have no other god but He! I fear for you the punishment of
a dreadful day.11 (7:59) " I convey to you the messages of my Lord and
I advise you ; and I know from Allah what you do not know.�� (7:62)
1 62
4. Write down a few qualities of N u h ( �� ) .
C. Think-up
1 63
Prophet Nuh �\
(2 )
Nuh's Supplication
Nuh (�\) stayed with his people for nine hundred and fifty years
calling them to Allah! But his people refused to believe. They
rejected him. They would not stop worshipping idols. They refused to
turn to Allah . How long could Nuh wait? Nine hundred and fifty years
was a very long period of time!
1 64
Finally, Nuh ( �1\ ) called out to Allah, "My Lord, indeed I have
invited my people [to the truth] night and day, but my invitation has
only made them turn away even more. Indeed, every time I called
them to Your forgiveness, they put their fingers into their ears,
wrapped themselves up with their clothes, persisted and were very
arrogant. Then I invited them openly. Then I announced to them and
[also] confided to them secretly and said, 'Ask forgiveness of Your
Lord. Truly He is Endlessly Forgiving. He will send down on you
abundant rain. He will give you more children and more wealth. He
will provide for you gardens and provide for you streams of water.
What is the matter with you that you do not hope for reward from
Allah?'" (71 :5-1 3)
1 . What was the most amazing aspect of Nuh's life? What was its result?
1 66
Prophet Nuh ��
The people outside the ship climbed onto every high place and
every mountain, fleeing from Allah's punishment. But there was no
refuge from Allah except in Him .
1 68
Nuh's Son
Nuh ( �� ) had a son who was with the disbelievers. He saw his
son in the flood and called out to him, 11My son , come aboard with us
and do not be with the disbelievers.�� The son said , 111 will take refuge
on a mountain to protect me from the water.11
Nuh ( �\) said, 11T here is no protector today from the decree of
Allah except for whom He gives mercy.11 The waves came between
them, and he was among those who were drowned. Nuh ( �� ) was
sad for his son . He wanted to save him from the Fire on the Day of
Judgement, so he called upon His Lord, saying, liMy Lord , my son is
of my family. Your promise is the truth, and You are the most just of
judges.�� Allah said, 11Nuh, he is not of your family; indeed, he is [one
whose] work was other than righteous, so do not ask Me about that
which you have no knowledge . . �� Nuh ( �\ ) said, 11My Lord, I seek
1 70
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
C. Think-up
Why did Allah say, "Nuh, he is not of your family . . . " even though he was
Nuh's own son?
1 71
�� 1 J t_�Js ;\ .r) _Q) .r J 1 J .r J
_. J J
(The Bright
���at t �j� Morning Light)
®J�������� �� l�l��q, �t
�_S--�J-�� J�J� (p J;�����_h�_;
�� �.i;33 � ��t�� \: f.!L� �1 ep -§_jj
1 72
In the Name of Allah, Most
Kind, Most Merciful
1 . By the bright morning light,
2 . And by the night when i t is
3. Your Lord has not
abandoned you; nor is He
displeased with you.
4. Indeed , the life to come is
better for you than the [first]
5. And surely your Lord will
give you, and you will be
6. Did He not find you an
orphan and gave you shelter?
7 . And He found you lost and showed you the way?
8 . And He found you poor and made you rich?
9. So do not treat the orphan with oppression;
1 0. And do not turn away the one who asks;
1 1 . And speak of the favours of your Lord.
1 74
A. Answer the following questions.
3. What does the term 'as-Saa'il' mean and what does it signify?
B. Memorisation
1 75
Prophet Hud ��
,.�t 4:.�-'c �J
(I 0 / "" J
The Aad began to worship
idols instead of Allah, just as the
people of Nuh ( �� ) had done
before them. They carved idols
out of stones with their hands
and then prostrated themselves before them and worshipped them.
They offered sacrifices to them . They did not believe in the life after
death . They were tyrants and oppressed people. They did not fear
any punishment for the wrong they were doing. The powerful and the
rich among them wronged the weak and the poor.
1 77
The poor and the weak were terrified of their evil. They fled from
their wickedness. Their strength was a curse for them and for others.
People who do not fear Allah and do not believe in the life after
death always have such a terrible end .
One day they saw a huge black cloud coming towards them.
They were very happy. They cried out joyfully, 11Here is a rain cloud!
This is a rain cloud !ll People danced with joy. They called out at one
another, 11A rain cloud! A rain cloud!11
But Hud ( �� ) understood that the punishment had come. He
told them, 11This is not a cloud of mercy. It is a wind with a painful
1 80
So it was! A terrible
fierce wind blew, the like of
it people had never seen
before. This wind uprooted
trees and destroyed houses.
It carried up animals and
flung them far away. They
saw the camels and men
that the wind was causing to
fly about. When they saw this, they returned to their houses. The wind
followed them and destroyed them all. The wind continued to be a
punishment upon them for seven days and eight nights in a row! (69:7)
It destroyed everything
in its path, driving the
people from their houses
and uprooted them as if
they were the roots of hollow
palm trees torn up. The
desert sands blew into the
air and blocked out
everything. No one could see anything. Terror filled people1S hearts.
They began to pray and begged for help. The once arrogant people
were now dead bodies scattered everywhere! Their grand houses
were now in ruins.
Allah saved Hud ( �� ) and his followers for their belief, and
destroyed the arrogant among the Aad people for their disbelief.
1 81
A Are these statements true or false?
1 82
2. What type of people were the Aad?
4. Write in your own words the reply the people of Aad gave to Prophet Hud
( �\ ) when he invited them to Islam .
1 83
Prophet Salih ��
The Thamood
The Thamood are another ancient people next only to the Aad
in fame.
The Thamood lived in the north-western part of Arabia , which is
still called ai-Hijr. Today there is a station on the Hijaz railway
between Madinah and Tabuk. This is called Madaalin Salih, which
was the capital town of Thamood , and was then known as ai-Hijr, 1the
rock-hewn city1 • This has survived to this day and is spread over
thousands of acres. It was once inhabited by no less than half a
million people. During the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad ( � ) , Arab
trade caravans passed through the ruins of this city.
While the Prophet ( � ) was on his way to Tabuk, he pointed to
the well from which the she-camel of Prophet Salih (iN\\ ) used to drink
water. He told his companions to draw water from that well alone
and avoid all the other wells. The Prophet ( � ) then asked them to
hastily move ahead, for the place was a sad reminder of Allah's
severe punishment.
The people of Thamood were the descendants of the people of
Aad , who followed the teachings of their Prophet Hud ( �\ ). They had
survived Allah's punishment because of their belief. They lived in the
territory known as ai-Hijr and the plain known as Waadee ai-Quraa.
It forms the southern boundary of Syria and the northern boundary of
Arabia. The people of Thamood were the heirs to the Aad, and that
is why they are also known as lithe Second Aad 11 •
1 84
The Thamood were also highly skilful in rock carving. They
carved beautiful and spacious houses out of the mountains and
produced wonderful paintings on the stones. A few buildings, which
were erected by the Thamood and are still intact in Madaalin Salih,
still speak of their tremendous skill in civil engineering and
Allah showered His blessings upon the people of Thamood.
They were handsome and their land was a beautiful green land, full
of gardens and with running rivers and streams. They had plenty of
rain and fruits. Allah blessed them in provisions and livelihood and
gave them many comforts.
The Thamood worshipped idols.
moved the people of Thamood to be
reject Allah and to be unjust. They
what they had been given. They lived
their palaces and gardens.
From the stones they carved, they made idols. They worshipped
these idols, just as the people of Nuh and Hud had done before
1 85
Prophet Salih ( �� }
Allah the Almighty sent Prophet Salih ( �� ) , who was a noble
man from among the Thamood, to guide them and call them to the
worship of Allah alone. The Thamood, however, rejected him and
spread corruption in the land.
Salih ( �� ) told his people, ��worship Allah. You have no god but
Him . . . Remember when He made you successors after the Aad and
settled you in the land , [and] you take for yourselves palaces from its
plains and carve from the mountains homes. Then remember the
favours of Allah , and do not abuse the earth, spreading corruption.��
The leaders from among his people who were arrogant said to
those among them who believed and who were oppressed, 11DO you
know that Salih is sent from his Lord? They replied, 11lndeed, we are
1 87
Prophet Salih ( �� ) told them to leave the
she-camel to feed upon Allah's earth and not to
touch her with evil intent or they could be taken
by a painful punishment. He also said that she
had drinking rights and they had drinking rights
on fixed days.
When she came to the well,
she drank the water of
that day, and so they all drank from the water
of the next day. They also all drank from her
milk to their satisfaction. This is how the limits
were set between Salih ( �\ ) and the people
of Thamood regarding the she-camel. When it
was the she-camel's turn, she went and drank.
When it was the people's turn, they went and drank. For a time
these limits were kept.
The Punishment
But Allah protected Salih ( �� ) and his family. On the third day
the punishment came to them. As they woke up in the morning , they
were seized by a terrible blast from the sky and a terrible earthquake
from beneath them. They died
instantly. They remained in their
houses squatting and lifeless. It
was a terrible day for the
Thamood. All the disbelievers
died. The city was destroyed.
As Salih ( �� ) and the believers left the city, Salih (�\ ) looked
sadly at the remains of his people. He said with great sadness, 11My
people, I brought to you the message of my Lord and advised you ,
but you d o not like advisors.�� (7:79)
1 89
Today, in the place where the Thamood lived, there are only
empty fortresses, disused wells and abandoned villages.
When Allah's Messenger ( �, ) passed by the dwelling places of
the Thamood on his way to Syria , he told his Companions, liDo not
enter the houses of those who wronged themselves unless you enter
weeping , fearing that the like of what had happened to them might
also happen to you .''
====�==��==�:_ 1 90
A Match the following.
1 Salih ( �� ) was sent to a rock-carving
2 Thamood lived in b Thamood 2
1 . Why did the Prophet ( � ) ask his companions to move away quickly
from ai-Hijr?
1 91
3. Write down some qualities of Prophet Salih ( �\ ) .
5. What was the deal Salih ( �\ ) struck with h i s people concerning the
D. Think-up
What is the outcome of those who reject Allah a nd His Messengers and
turn away from the truth?
1 92
Surat Ash-Sharh
(The Expansion)
/. j
cj �aJ t :;j�
-c;Ji cP il�s��c=�j�o i\s;_;,--ili�j\
�l®�;�J�e��cP���(��_; q) 2��
® �S�4�Jl;®���� ��GJ�;:.Fe
In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful
1 94
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
C. Memorisation
L 1 95
bint Khuwaylid �
1 99
A. Name the following :
2. Khadijah's cousin
3. Her tribe
2. In what ways did the Prophet ( � ) remember Khadijah ( � ) after her
D. Think-up
Why did the Prophet ( � ) say, "The best of the women of her time was
Khadijah?" Explain this, keeping in mind the Prophet's opinion of her.
Abu Dharr
ai-Ghifaaree �
After the Prophet ( � ) had explained to him the message of
Islam and recited some of the verses of the Qulran, Abu Dharr ( � )
embraced Islam on the spot. Then he said to him, 11GO back to your
people and tell them about [it] until you receive my order. Abu Dharr
( � ) said, 11By Him in whose Hand my soul is, indeed I will proclaim
my conversion among [the idolaters] loudly.��
Abu Dharr ( � ) then went to the Mosque and called out at the
top of his voice, 111 bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.11
The people of Makkah fell upon him and beat him very hard .
When AI-Abbas, the Prophetls uncle, saw him in that state he rescued
him and said to them, ��woe to you ! Don't you know that he belongs
to the tribe of Ghifaar, and that your merchants' road to Syria passes
through their country?11
The next day Abu Dharr did the same thing, and they fell upon
him and beat him, and again AI-Abbas ( � ) came to his rescue.
Abu Dharr ( � ) then went back home and, within a short time,
converted all the other members of the tribe of Ghifaar to Islam.
Later, after the Prophet's hijrah to Madinah, Abu Dharr ( � ) also
migrated there. He reached Madinah after the Battle of the Trench .
H e died in Rabadhah , near Madinah in 32 A. H .
A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. How did the members of the Ghifaar tribe earn their living?
2. Which incident in the text makes you think that Abu Dharr ( � ) was a
seeker of the truth?
3. What teachings of Muhammad ( ii) did Abu Dharr's brother bring to him?
Abu Ubaidah
ai-Jarraah �
The Prophet's real objective was, from the very beginning, this
strong Makkan army. The attack on the caravan was merely bait for
the Makkans to offer open battle to the Muslims. It was in fact a plan
designed 'to bring out the snake from its burrow'.
In any case, the Muslim army had not expected to be faced
with so strong an army. On the 1 7th of Ramadan 2 A.H . , the two
armies met up near the Wells of Badr. Badr was a few days' journey
south of Madinah, and about one day's distance from the coast. The
Muslims were greatly inferior in number and in equipment - there
were for example only two horses in their army, and only a limited
number of camels. But these drawbacks were more than set off by
their boundless courage and readiness for self-sacrifice. The Makkan
forces were completely routed and several of their most prominent
chiefs were killed. You will learn about the Battle of Badr later, lnshaa
Abu Ubaidah ( � ) took part in this battle. He was so fierce and
fearless that the Quraysh horsemen were too afraid to confront him.
Only one man continued chasing Abu Ubaidah
( �) . and every time Abu Ubaidah tried to
avoid him. This man was Abdullah
AI-Jarraah , his own father who was in
the enemy camp. Over and over
again, Abdullah blocked his son's path
and wanted to kill him. Finally, when Abu
Ubaidah lost patience, he struck a fierce blow on
his head with his sword and killed him. Abu Ubaidah did not kill his
father but rather killed an enemy of the Prophet ( � ) and Islam.
Abu Ubaidah had a great faith in Allah . He was deeply devoted
to Islam. He had a sense of responsibility towards the Muslim
When the Muslims were defeated in the Battle of Uhud , Abu
Ubaidah ( � ) was one of the ten companions who surrounded
Allah's Messenger ( � ) and bore all the arrows, spears and blows
aimed at the Prophet ( � ) .
Because of Abu Ubaidah's sense
of modesty and loyalty, the Prophet
( � ) said about him, Every nation has
A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
2. Who was Abdullah AI-Jarraah? Why was h e pursuing Abu Ubaidah? What
was the result?
21 0
ibn Rabaah �
21 3
2. Write how Umayyah tortured Bilal (• ) .
4. Abu Bakr ( �� ) exclaimed , "0 Bilal, how sweet Allah's Justice i s ! " Why do
you think he said this?
21 4
Surat AI-Aiaq
(The Clinging
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21 5
In the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful
21 6
This surah was revealed in Makkah and consists of nineteen
verses. There is no doubt that the first five verses of this surah were the
first revelation of the Qur'an. These verses were revealed in the month
of Ramadan, thirteen years before the hijrah. Allah's Messenger ( � )
was then forty years old. At that period of his life, solitude became
dearer to him, and he used to withdraw into a cave in Mount Hira
near Makkah for devotion and worship.
One night Angel Jibreel ( �� ) suddenly appeared to him and
said, "Read." The Prophet ( � ) at first thought that he was expected
to read actual script, which , being unlettered, he was unable to do;
so he answered , "I cannot read." The Angel seized him and pressed
him to himself until all strength went out of him. Then he released him
and said , "Read." The Prophet ( � ) answered , ''I cannot read." Then
he seized him again and pressed him to himself until all strength went
out of him, then he released him and said, "Read !" to which, again,
the Prophet ( � ) answered, "I cannot read." .
Then he seized him and pressed him a third time,
then he released him and said, "Read in the
Name of your Lord Who created; created man
from a clinging substance; read, and your Lord
is Most Generous, Who taught by the pen,
taught man what which he did not know."
21 8
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
2. It consists of verses.
3. At the time of the first revelation, the Prophet ( :i ) was --
yea rs old.
4. The command to -----
was the first revelation that the Prophet
( � ) received .
2. Describe the relationship that Surat AI-Aiaq has with learning , in the light
of the Prophetic sayings.
21 9
C. Think-up
D. Memorisation
ibn Ubaidillah �
Talhah ( � ) was bleeding. Abu Bakr ( � ) later saw that Talhah
had received on that day seventy wounds. The hand of Talhah that
had saved the Prophet ( � ) was withered. He lay unconscious in a
After that day, the Prophet ( � ) used to say, ��whoever desires
to see a martyr (a shaheed) walking on the earth let him look at
The Prophet ( � ) remained pleased with Talhah until his death.
During the Battle of the Camel (36 A.H.), when Talhah ( � ) was
sixty-two or sixty four years old, he was blessed with martyrdom, for
he was killed by a man called Marwan ibn ai-Hakam.
B. Answer the following questions.
C. Think-up
1. Talahah ibn Ubaidillah ( � ) was one of the ten companions to whom the
Prophet ( � ) gave the good news of Paradise. Who are the others?
U m m Sulaym �
Pray for him. 11 The Prophet ( � ) prayed, 110 Allah ! Give him a lot of
wealth and children and bless anything that You give him.11 Anas
( � ) lived on to a very advanced age. He was (according to various
accounts) somewhere between 97 and 1 07 years old when he died
in around 9 1 - 93 A. H . ; he also became very rich and had scores of
Allah's Messenger ( ;:i ) praised Umm Sulaym's ( � ) merits and
sincere devotion to Islam on several occasions. Umm Sulaym ( � )
sailed with the Muslim army, which invaded Cyprus, during the reign
of Mu'aawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan. She is buried in Cyprus.
A. Match the following:
1 Umm Sulaym's first husband was a Abu Talhah ( � ) .
2 Her second husband was b Banu an-Najjaar.
3 Her father was c Malik ibn an-Nadhr.
4 She belonged to the tribe of d the Prophet ( �) for twelve years.
5 Anas ibn Malik served e Milhan ibn Haraam.
f the Prophet ( � ) for ten years.
4. Mention an incident from the life of Umm Sulaym ( �1> ) that brings out her
C. Think-up
Surat AI-Bayyi nah
(The Clear
In the Name of Allah , Most Kind , Most Merciful
A. Answer the following questions.
B. Memorisation
Allah's Messenger
( � ) said, 11AIIah has not
sent down a disease
except that He has also
sent down its
He also said, 11 Every illness has a cure, and when the (proper)
cure is applied to the disease, it is cured with the permission of Allah,
the Exalted and Glorious.�� (Muslim)
The guidance of the Prophet ( ii ) fired the imagination of
Muslim scientists. So medicine occupied the attention of many
Muslim scientists over the centuries. This is still alive today in Islamic
medicine in some countries.
In the field of medicine, early Muslims concentrated on the use
of drugs and herbs rather than surgery. They also knew about the
-- -------------------
---- �
Ibn An-Nafees discovered the minor circulation of the blood
before Michael Servetus who had been credited with it for a long
A. Fill in the blanks.
3. The real credit for discovering the minor blood circulation goes to
and -------
3. What did the Greeks lack in spite of their advanced scientific work?