Purpose: This brief guide is meant to provide some information about writing a project
proposal and full documentation at Faculty of Computing & Information Technology,
Multimedia University of Kenya. It gives the general format, and highlights the purpose of
each section, the required content and gives some pointers.
General guidelines
Font times new Romans 12 with 1.5 spacing
Paragraph spacing 6pts
Margins justified
Page numbers centered bottom with format X of Y. preliminary pages use
roman numbers
Spiral binding for proposal and hard cover binding for final projects
Submit 2 copies of final documentation.
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Document Section The purpose Required Content
check if he met these research 1.5 significance/justification of
objectives as he/she writes the the study
conclusion. 1.6 Scope (ie defines the system
1.7Assumptions / Limitations( ie
challenges and countermeasures)
Chapter 2 – This chapter discusses all related 2.1 introduction
Literature Review information (knowledge) that is 2.2 related systems (2-3)
available in great detail. the student will 2.3 limitations/weaknesses of
survey a portion of the published work these systems
that provide context for the current 2.4 how your proposed solution
problem. It should also be current will handle these weaknesses.
Citations must be made properly in a
consistent way. Use Harvard
referencing style
Chapter 3 – In this Chapter, the student should 3.1 introduction (stating the
Methodology discuss how he/she will carry out the methodology, its description and
work to meet the project objectives. justification of using this
Realistic project schedule and budget methodology.)
must be provided by the student. 3.2 Data collection methods and
3.3 Project Resources
3.4 Project schedule (including
milestones and deliverables)
3.5 Project budget.
Reference and Appendix.
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Document Section The purpose Required Content
Abstract A short summary of purpose, Maximum (150-200) words (less
methodology, results and conclusion than a page)
and recommendations.
Table of Content
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 – This chapter gives a brief background 1.3 Background of study
Introduction about the area of study. It also provides 1.4 Problem statement
the problem statement. It defines the 1.5 1.2.1 proposed solution
problem and research objectives. At the 1.3 Aim of the study
end of the research the researcher will 1.4 research objectives
check if he met these research 1.5 significance/justification of
objectives as he/she writes the the study
conclusion. 1.7 Scope (ie defines the system
1.7Assumptions / Limitations( ie
challenges and countermeasures)
Chapter 2 – This chapter discusses all related 2.1 introduction
Literature Review information (knowledge) that is 2.2 related systems (2-3)
available in great detail. the student will 2.3 limitations/weaknesses of
survey a portion of the published work these systems
that provide context for the current 2.4 how your proposed solution
problem. It should also be current will handle these weaknesses.
Citations must be made properly in a
consistent way. Use Harvard
referencing style
Chapter 3 – In this Chapter, the student should 3.1 introduction (stating the
Methodology discuss how he/she will carry out the methodology, its description and
work to meet the project objectives. justification of using this
Realistic project schedule and budget methodology.)
must be provided by the student. 3.6 Data collection methods and
3.7 Project Resources
3.8 Project schedule (including
milestones and deliverables)
3.9 Project budget.
Chapter 4 – This chapter should show the current 4.1 detailed analysis of current
System Analysis state of the system the student wish to system using flow charts, DFDs,
work on and the new study. IRDs,UML.
4.2 system requirements
4.2.1functional requirements
4.2.2non functional requirements
Chapter 5 System Description of the design environment 5.1 architectural design
Design and system components. 5.2 database design
5.3 user interface design
Chapter 6 Description of the development 6.1 development environment
Implementation environment and testing procedures 6.2System components
and testing 6.3test data
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Document Section The purpose Required Content
Provides a summary of achievements, 6.5test results
lessons learnt, conclusions and any
Chapter 7: 7.1 achievements and lessons learnt
Conclussion 7.2 conclussions
7.3 recommendations
References The sources of your literature must be Use Harvard Referencing style
provided in the reference section
Appendix Any extra material that is important can User manual
be included Data collections tools
Project schedule
Project budget
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Appendix 1: Cover Page Format
???? (if allocated)
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Appendix 2: Declaration page
I hereby declare that this Project [Proposal] is my own work and has, to the best of my
knowledge, not been submitted to any other institution of higher learning.
This project [proposal] has been submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirements for the
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Information Technology of Multimedia University
of Kenya with my approval as the University supervisor.
Supervisor: _________________________
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