Dimensionais Redutor Cicloiodal

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Cycloid reducer



Planet cycloidal pin gear reducer is a speed reducing construction with advance design,novel structure adopting the
principle of planet driving and the falling -in of cycloidal pin gear. This reducer can be widely applied to the speedreducing
structure of various driving machineries, such as; lift, transportation,mine, metallurgy, petrolchemical,texitile,prention,
light industry, pharmacy,food, forage, food,machinery,tec.


1 3 Ob 2 Ob
5 OC
4, -1/Ec
The Driving Principle of Planet cycloidal pin gear reducer is showed in the diagram 1.
When input shaft 1 and rotating arm 3 are rotating around the OB Axis in chocdwise the cyclo idal gear 2 will rotate around
the Sxis OB togethert the rotating a rm. The cycloidal ge ar will self-rotatin g around OC in countclockw ise due to the
counteraction ot pin gear fixing in the pin gear sh ell 5, meanwhile, the self-rotation speed will be passed to output s haft 4
through pin shaft, as result, the output obtain the contrary movement against input shaft,( When input shaft rotate one cycle,
the output cycloidal grat will rotate -1/EC cycle.), its velocity -reducing ratio is:
i=( Ec-Eb )/Ec=-1/Ec : Ec-Eb)=-1 i=( Ec-Eb)/Ec= -1/Ec among it:Ec-Eb = -1
Ec Eb Ec - Tooth No. If cycloidal gear,Eb - pin gear No.
Ec 1
According to above formula, shen input shaft ro tate Ec cycles, the output shafy will rotate one cycle in counterdirection.
1. 1.lnput shaft
4 2 1 2. 2.Cycloidal gear
Ob 3. 3.Rotating arm
4. 4.Output shaft
5. 5.Pin gear shell
1 Siagram 1 Driving Principte

The entire Driving Assembly can be divided into three parts; input part; speed-reducing part;output part.

1 1/11 1/87 1/121 1/5133 1/2057
2 90%
1. Big Volecity-R educing Ratio: for sin gle-stage speed-redu cing, the ratio is 1/11 1/87; double stage speed reducing, the
ratio is 1/121 1/15133;three stage speed redu cing , the ratio is 1/2057 1/446571; we can adopt more - stages compound
according the requirement.
2. High Driving effci ency: the driving effciency can r each above 90% due to adopting rolling engagement in falling-in part.


3. Small volume, light weight: this machine has compacte d structure; small volume and light weight because of
adopting the priciple of planet driving so that the input shaft and output shaft in the same axis, moreover,they w ill
integrated with the motor.
4. Few troubles, long life: this machine has good resistance to abrasion because the main driving engaging
parts are made of bearing steel and applying rolling friction.
5.S table Running: For most driving procedure, we adopt multi-teeth falling-in. so the running will be stable
and little noise.
6. Convenient dismounting, easy maintanance: Due to reasonable structure and design.
7. This machine also are of the characleristics such as strong ove rloading ability, anti-compact, Samll inertial
moment, which are suitable for frequently start and double-side rotation.

1 Frame size

X 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11
B 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 42 53 63 74 84 85 95 106 116 117
10 642 742 842 852 853 952 953 1063 1164 1174

Divided into , X series and B serise according to Frame size.

Divided into single stage, double stage and three-stage according to Driving Ratio.
Among single stage X series, they are:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11;
B series they are: 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8;
The double stage they are:42,56,63,74, 84,85, 95,106,116,117;
The three stage, they are:642,742,842,852,853,952,953,1063,1164,1174;
Divided into horizontal-type,verlical-type,d ouble-shaft and direct-connection type according to their construction.
The above are the standard speed-reducer of our company, furthermore, customeris special order also can be
2 Drive ratio
11 17 23 29 35 43 59 71 87
9 13 15 25 46
Single Stage Drive Ratio:
Standard ratio are: 11,17, 23,29, 35,4 3, 59,71,87;
Non-standard ratio are: 9, 13,15, 25,46;

121 187 289 391 473 493 595 731 841 1003 1225 1505 1849 2065
2537 3481 5133
XB Double Stage Driver Ratio: 121 187 289 391 473 493 595 731 841 1003 1225 1505 1849 2065 2537 3481
The above are the standard speed-reducer of our factory, furthermere, customeris special order also can be accepted.
Three stagetransmission ratio: 2055-446571

(1) D Y D Y
(2) ( )
( )
(3)Z X
Descr ip tion:
(1) In the construction of model No.iDi or iYi denote the motor direct-commection type, non iDi or iYi denote the double
shaft type.
(2) In the compound of driving ratio between Double stage and Three Stage , principly, the samll ratio should be the ifirst
sitagei (high speed side), and the big ratio should be the second stage or third stage (low speed side).
(3) For Z Series and X Series, the power denotes at fron t , the frame size at behind, for other series, contrary.

3 Type of power Source to be equipped

-D -T -M
Normal Motor-D Speed-regulating Motor-T Oil Motor -M
-B -N
Anti-explosion Motor-B BrakingMotor-N Y
-Z -S All thecycloidalspeed reducerof our company
are equippedby Y SeriesMotors.
DC Motor-Z Low-noise Motor-s

4 Construction of model

X ( ) X series ( equivalent to Tianjin standard )

single stage double stage

X W D 1.5 4 1/43 X L E D 4 95 1/187
Drive Ratio General Drive Ratio 1/187(17X11)
9 5
Frame Size The compoundof No.9 & No.5
1.5 4
Motor Power 1.5KW MotorPower 4KW
( ) ( )
Directly-connected to Motor Directlyconnec ted to Motor
(Withoutdenotationi if not equipped) (Without denotationi if not equipped)

( L )
Horizontal-type (L denotes vertical-type) Double stage speed reducer

X ( W )
X Series Cysloidal Pin Gear Reducer Vertical-type (W denotes Horizontal-type)
X Series Cycloidal Pin Gear Reducer

B ( ) B seri es (equivalent to Shanghai standard)
single stage double stage
B W Y 13 17 5.5 B L E Y 40 1.5 17X11
5.5 ( 17X11)
Motor Power 5.5KW General Drive Ratio ( 17X11)
Drive Ratio Motor Power1.5KW
13 4 1
No.13 Frame size The compound of No.4 & No.1
( ) ( )
Directly connected to Motor Directly connected to Motor
(Without denotationiif not equipped) (Without denotationi if not equipped)

( L )
Horizontal-type ( Ldenotos vertical-type) Duoble stage speed reducer
B ( W )
B Series Cycloidal Pin Gear Reducer Vertical-type (W denotes Horizontal-type)
B Series Cycl oidal Pin Gea r Reducer

B ( ) B series (equivalent to standard of Ministry of Chemical Industry)

single stage double stage

B L D 5.5 3 17 B W E31 187(17X11)

Drive Ratio Double Stage Drive Ratio

Frame Siz e Double Stage Frame Size

Directly connected to motor, 5.5KW Horizontal-type mountingo f
doubleshaft model
( W )
Vertically mountin
Cycloidal pin gear reducer
(W denotes Horizontal type )

Cycloidal pin gear reducer

B ( ) B series (equivalent to Standard of Ministry of Machine-Buildin g Industry )

XB single stage double stage

BWY(BW) 15 11 2.2 B W E Y 27 15 17X11 1.5
(KW) (KW )
Power Value(KW) Power Value(KW )

Drive Ratio Drive Ratio

Frame size Frame Size

( 15cm) ( 15cm )
(The central cycleis diameter (The central cycleis diameter of
of pin gear is 15cm) low-speed pin gear 15cm)

Frame Size
Codeof framesize ( 27cm)
( BWY BW ) (The central cycleis diameter of
(BWY denotesh orizontal-typeD irectco nnection low-speed pin gear 27cm)
model, BWden oteshor izontal doublesha ft model)
Directly-connected Motor

Speed-reducing stage

Horizontally mounting model

Cycloidal pin gear reducer

JXJ ( ) JXJ series (equivalent to Jiangmen standard)

single stage double stage

JXJ L 4 43 5.5 JX J L E D 63 187 4
5.5 (KW)
Power, 5.5KW Power Value(KW)

Drive Ratio Gener al Driv e Rati o

4 6 3
Frame size Compoundedf ramesiz e, No.6& No.3
( W )
Vertical structure Directly-connected motor
(W denotes horizontal type)

JXJ ( XJ) Doublestage reducing

JXJ Series cycloidal reducer
(XJ denotes non motor) ( W )
Vertical-type(Wde noteshor izontal type)

Cycloidal pinge arpla net reducingsiz e

Z ( )
Single stage
Z seriesReducer Contrast
(equivalent to different Frame Size
State standard)
1 and2 technical
3 data:
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table
11 1

X ( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
X series (equivalent to Tianjin standard) XB
Contrast of different frame size

B ( )
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
B seri es (equivalent to Shanghai standard)
B ( )
B series (equivalent to Standard of Ministry 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
of chemical Industry)
B ( )
B series (equivalent to Standard of Ministry 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 45 55
of Machine-Building Industry)

JXJ ( )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
JXJ series (equivalent to Jiangmen standard)


Po (K

Ou we W)

t sh (r/m r(K 70 150 250 500 1000 2000 2300 3700 5700 12000 17000
N. ueN

rot 4 /6 i n)

fou ing s
rpo pee

Dr l es d(r
ive /six /min
Ra po )
tio les

136 0.55 0.75 2.2

91 0.25 0.55 1.5 4 7.5 15 22 55

88 0.55 0.75 3 5.5 11 18.5 18.5 45 45

59 0.25 0.55 1.5 11 15 37

60 0.37 0.75 1.1 7.5

40 0.25 0.55 2.2 5.5 45

52 0.25 0.55 1.5 4 11 18.5 30 37

35 1.1 7.5 15 15 22

43 0.25 0.55 0.75 4 7.5 11

29 0.37 1.5 3 5.5 22 37

38 1.1 3 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 30

23 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11

25 1.1 2.2 4 7.5 11 30

59 0.25 0.25 0.55
17 0.75 1.5 3 5.5 5.5 7.5 15 22

21 3 4 7.5 11 22
14 2.2 5.5 5.5 18.5
0.75 1.5
17 4 4 5.5 18.5
87 2.2 11
12 3 4 15

1. 15 4 (1500 / ) 18.5 6 (1000 / )

1. Below 15KWusingfour-pole motor(1500r/min) above18.5KWusingsix-pole motor(1000r/min).
2.The non-st andardized reducer is input power should be equippe d clos e the standar dized reducer.

Z ( )
Double stage Reducer Contrast different Frame 31
Z series (equivalent to State standard)
Size and
42 technical
53 data:
63 74 84 85 95 106 116 Table
117 2

X ( ) 31 42 53 63 74 84 85 95 106 116 117

Contrast of different frame size

X series (equivalent to Tianjin standard)

XB B ( ) 1109 120 131 141 152 153 1 63 17 4 184
B series (equivalent to Shanghais tandard)
B ( )
B series (equivalent to S tandard of Ministry 20 31 41 52 53 63 74 84
of chemical Industry)
B ( )
B series (equivalent to Stan dard of Ministr y 1812 2215 2715 3318 3322 3922 4527 5527
ofMachine-Build ing Industry)
JXJ ( )
20 31 41 52 53 63
JXJ series (equivalent to Jiangmen standard)

Input speed

tor ed M
r/min InputP (K qu a
ower ( W) e N xim N.m 250 500 1000 20 00 2700 4500 4500 9000 12000 20000 20000
Output KW) .m um
Drive Ratio
0.37 1.1 1.5 1.5 3 3 5.5 5.4 11 11 11
12.4 121 (11X11)
0.25 0.75 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.2 3 4 7.5 7.5 7.5
0.37 0.75 1.1 1.5 3 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 11
8.0 187 (17X11)
0.25 0.55 0.75 1.1 2.2 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 7.5
0.18 0.55 0.75 1.1 2.2 2.2 3 4 7.5 7.5 7.5
5.2 289 (17X17)
0.12 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.5 1.5 2.2 3 5.5 5.5 5.5
0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 7.5 7.5 7.5
4.7 319 (29X11) 0.37
0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 5.5 5.5 5.5
0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 5.5 5.5 5.5
3.2 473 (43X11) 0.25
0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 4 4 4
0.55 0.55 0.75 1.5 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 5.5
2.5 595 (35X17) 0.25
0.37 0.37 0.55 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 4 4
0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 4 4 4
2.0 731 (43X17) 0.25 0.37
0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 3 3 3
1 .1 1. 5 3 4 4
1.8 841 (29X29) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 1.1
0.75 1.1 2.2 3 3
1.5 2.2
1.5 1003(59X17) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 3 3
1.1 1.5
1.2 1225 (35X35) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 3 3

1.0 1505 (43X35) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

0.8 1849 (43X43) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

0.7 2065(59X35) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

0.6 2537 (59X43) 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

0.4 3481 (59X59) 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

0.3 5133 (87X59) 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.1 1.5 3 3

Instruction: Choosing the reducer should base on the torque of output shaft. When all the value of using motor are bigger than thoes
in the table a ndt he motor ca n t beu sed ful ly volume.

Cycloidal Reducers Contour overall and m ounting dimensions

L1 L2 B2



b2 A
L1 A1 A1
B1 B1


d2 A

XW(D) Tianjinstandard
XW(D) type (horizontal single stage) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Mounting dimensions
Frame size

Overall dimensions

Weight kg
Shaft connecting dimensions

D Double shaft model Direct connetion model

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft

A1 A0 B1 B0 h s A B H
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b2 c2 l2 L L1 L2
1 100 25 90 40 150 12 M8 4 12 28 8 31 35 15 5 17 25 120 180 175 150 202 141 8
2 100 53 90 45 180 15 M8 4 12 25 8 28 34 15 5 17 25 120 210 175 168 218 155 14
3 140 95 100 55 250 20 M8 4 16 35 10 29 55 18 6 20.5 35 150 290 240 200 269 19 1 29

See overall dimensions

4 150 95 145 65 290 22 M10 4 16 45 14 48.5 74 22 6 24.5 40 195 330 275 240 340 255 45

for electric motor

5 160 115 150 75 370 25 M12 4 16 55 16 59 91 30 8 33 45 260 420 3 56 300 399 302 92
6 200 36 275 75 330 30 M12 4 18 65 18 69 89 35 10 38 54 335 430 425 340 47 0 358 131
7 220 36 320 85 420 30 M12 4 22 80 22 85 109 40 12 43 65 380 470 460 360 522 397 165
8 250 35 380 120 480 35 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 45 14 48.5 70 440 530 529 430 581 440 245
9 290 45 480 120 560 40 M20 4 26 100 28 106 141 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 614 500 598 529 390
10 325 80 500 120 630 45 M24 6 30 110 28 116 150 55 16 59 100 600 690 706 580 806 608 564
11 420 122 330X2 160 800 50 2-M20 6 32 130 32 137 202 70 20 74.9 120 810 880 883 710 1022 811 1160

BW(Y) Shanghai standard

BW(Y) type (horizontal single stage ) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Mounting dimensions
Frame size

Overall dimensions
Weight kg

Shaft connecting dimensions

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

A1 A0 B1 B0 h s A B H D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b2 c2 l2 L L1 L2
09 90 17 76 30 120 12 M8 4 11 22 6 24.5 30 15 5 17 25 100 144 160 140 203 142 6.5
10 100 58 90 35 150 15 M8 4 11 30 8 33 35 15 5 17 25 120 185 168 168 218 155 14
11 120 69 110 55 240 15 M8 4 13 35 10 38 56 18 6 20.5 35 160 280 240 200 269 191 29
See overall dimensions

12 140 73 150 60 280 20 M10 4 13 45 14 48.5 71 22 6 24.5 40 200 320 275 240 340 255 45
for electric motor

13 160 78 200 75 340 25 M12 4 17 55 16 59 80 30 8 33 45 250 390 356 300 390 294 80
14 200 53 320 80 340 25 M12 4 22 70 20 74.5 102 35 10 38 54 380 400 425 340 481 369 135
15 240 39 380 80 420 32 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 45 14 48.5 70 440 470 529 430 581 440 210
16A 280 45 440 90 500 40 M20 4 28 100 28 106 140 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 614 500 598 529 400
16 290 45 480 90 500 35 M20 4 28 100 28 106 140 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 614 500 598 529 400
17 325 80 550 120 630 40 M20 4 30 120 32 127 165 55 16 59 100 600 690 706 580 795 639 660
18 420 122 330X2 160 800 50 2-M20 6 32 140 36 148 210 70 20 74.5 120 810 880 883 710 1030 819 1180
1 ; 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of shafts, h6.

BW(Y) Standard of Minisrty of Chemical lndusrty
BW(Y) type. (horizontal Single stage) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Shaft connecting dimensions

Weight kg

Gronnd mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

A1 A0 B1 B0 h s A B H D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b2 c2 l2 L L1 L2

0 100 58 90 45 150 16 M8 4 12 30 80 33 35 15 5 17 25 120 185 134 168 211 155 15

1 140 95 100 55 250 20 M8 4 14 35 10 38 58 18 6 20.5 35 150 290 284 200 282 216 22

See overall dimensions

2 150 95 145 60 290 22 M10 4 18 45 14 48.5 82 22 6 24.5 40 200 330 318 240 352 276 40

for electric motor

3 160 113 150 75 370 25 M12 4 18 55 16 59 82 30 8 33 45 238 410 360 300 422 316 73

4 200 35 275 80 380 30 M12 4 22 70 20 74.5 105 35 10 38 54 335 430 435 340 490 383 120

5 250 35 380 85 480 35 M16 4 28 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 440 530 542 430 629 464 185

6 290 45 480 90 560 40 M20 4 28 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 619 500 730 556 330

7 325 80 500 105 630 45 M24 4 28 110 28 116 165 55 16 59 100 600 690 706 580 783 594 564

8 420 122 330X2 140 800 50 2-M20 6 36 130 32 137 200 70 20 74.5 120 810 880 880 710 966 733 1160

BW(Y) Standard of Minisrty of Machine-Building lndusrty

BW(Y) type. (horizontal Single stage) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Shaft connecting dimensions

Weight kg
Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

A1 A0 B1 B0 h s A B H D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b2 c2 l2 L L1 L2

12 100 58 90 45 150 16 M8 4 11 30 8 33 35 15 5 17 25 120 185 190 168 215 161 18

15 140 95 100 55 250 20 M8 4 13 35 10 38 58 18 6 20.5 25 150 290 284 200 282 216 32

See overall dimensions

18 150 95 145 60 290 22 M10 4 17 45 14 48.5 82 22 6 24.5 40 195 330 318 240 352 276 40

for electric motor

22 160 113 150 75 370 25 M12 4 17 55 16 59 82 30 8 33 45 238 410 360 300 422 316 73

27 200 35 275 80 380 30 M12 4 22 70 20 74.5 105 35 10 38 54 335 430 435 340 490 383 120

33 250 35 380 85 480 35 M16 4 26 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 440 530 542 430 629 464 185

39 290 45 480 90 560 40 M20 4 26 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 619 500 730 556 330

45 325 80 500 105 630 45 M24 4 30 110 28 116 165 55 16 59 100 600 690 706 580 783 594 620

55 400 122 330X2 140 800 50 2-M20 6 36 130 32 137 200 70 20 74.5 120 810 880 880 710 966 733 1180

JXJW Jiangmenstandard
JXJW type. (horizontal Single stage) overall and mounting
Centre height

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Weight kg

Shaft connecting dimensions


Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft D Double shaft model Direct connetion model

A1 A0 B1 B0 h s A B H
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b2 c2 l2 L L1 L2
0 100 45 90 45 180 15 M8 4 11 25 8 28 34 15 5 17 25 120 210 175 150 218 155 15
See overall dimensions

1 140 55 100 55 250 20 M8 4 16 35 12 38 58 18 6 20.5 35 150 290 284 200 269 191 25
for electric motor

2 140 60 180 60 285 20 M10 4 16 50 14 53.5 70 22 6 24.5 40 230 335 310 240 332 251 45
3 160 60 220 75 350 25 M12 4 18 65 18 69 110 30 8 33 45 280 410 355 300 428 332 86
4 190 72 270 80 400 25 M12 4 25 80 22 85 130 35 10 38 54 350 460 430 340 509 384 125
5 250 85 380 80 480 35 M16 4 25 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 440 530 540 430 603 462 190
6 290 90 480 90 560 40 M20 4 28 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 560 620 614 500 723 554 400
1 ; 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of shafts, h6.







D2 D2
D1 D1
d2 D

XL(D) Tianjing standard

XL(D) type (vertically single stage ) overall and mounting dimensions

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Weight kg
Shaft connecting dimensions

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft D
Double shaft model Direct connetion model
D1 D2 E h R S
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2

1 134 110 48 9 3 M8 4 12 28 8 31 35 15 5 17 25 160 202 141 8

2 160 130 42 12 3 M8 6 12 25 8 28 34 15 5 17 25 180 218 155 13

3 200 170 50 15 4 M8 6 12 35 10 38 45 18 6 20.5 35 230 369 191 26

See overall dimensions

for electric motor
4 230 200 79 15 4 M10 6 12 45 14 48.5 64 22 6 24.5 45 260 340 255 38

5 310 270 93 20 4 M12 6 12 55 16 59 79 30 8 33 45 340 399 302 93

6 360 316 94 22 5 M12 8 16 65 18 69 80 35 10 38 65 400 470 358 138

7 390 345 114 22 5 M12 8 18 80 22 85 98 40 12 43 65 430 522 397 160

8 450 400 112 30 6 M16 12 18 90 25 95 110 45 14 48.5 70 490 581 440 240

9 520 455 170 35 8 M20 12 22 100 28 103 130 50 14 53.5 80 580 698 529 370

10 590 520 174 40 10 M24 12 22 110 28 116 140 55 16 59 100 650 806 608 622

11 800 680 210 45 10 2-M20 12 38 130 32 137 184 70 20 74.5 120 880 1042 811 1210

JXJL Jiangmen standard

JXJL type (vertically single stage) overall and mounting dimensions

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Weight kg

Shaft connecting dimensions


D1 D2 E h R S Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft D Double shaft model Direct connetion model
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c2 l2 L L1 L2

0 134 110 40 10 3 M8 6 11 25 8 28 34 15 5 17 25 190 218 155 15

See overall dimensions

1 200 170 65 16 4 M8 6 14 35 12 38 57 18 6 20.5 35 230 282 198 25

for electric motor

2 230 200 66 18 4 M10 6 14 50 14 53.5 68 22 6 24.5 40 26 352 251 45

3 310 270 89 25 4 M12 6 14 65 18 69 82 30 8 33 45 340 428 332 80
4 360 316 125 25 5 M12 8 20 80 22 85 115 35 10 38 54 400 520 394 115
5 450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 20 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 495 629 264 184
6 520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 20 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 580 736 554 380
1 ; 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of shafts, h6.

BL(Y) Standard of Minisrty of Machistry-Building lndusrty
BL(Y)t ype. (horizontal Single stage ) overall and mounting dimens ions

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Shaft connecting dimensions

Weight kg
Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

D1 D2 E h R S D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2
12 160 140 39 12 3 M8 4 11 30 8 33 35 15 5 17 25 190 215 161 15
15 200 170 65 16 4 M8 6 14 35 10 38 58 18 6 20.5 35 230 282 216 45

See overall dimensions

18 230 200 89 20 4 M10 6 14 45 14 45.8 81 22 6 24.5 40 260 352 276 64

for electric motor

22 310 270 89 22 4 M12 6 14 55 16 59 82 30 8 33 45 340 422 346 111
27 360 316 114 26 5 M12 8 18 70 20 74.5 105 35 10 38 54 400 490 383 171
33 450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 490 629 464 290
39 520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 22 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 580 736 556 400
45 590 520 180 40 10 M20 12 28 110 28 116 165 55 16 59 100 650 783 594 612
55 800 680 215 45 10 2-M20 12 34 130 32 137 200 70 20 74.5 120 880 966 733 1116

BY(Y) Standard of Mini srty of Chemical lndusrty

BY( Y)t ype (h orizontal single stage) overall and mounting dime nsions

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Shaft connecting dimensions

Weight kg
Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

D1 D2 E h R S D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2
0 160 140 39 12 3 M8 4 11 30 8 33 35 15 5 17 25 190 218 155 20
1 200 170 65 16 4 M8 6 14 35 10 38 58 18 6 20.5 35 230 282 216 30

See overall dimensions

2 230 200 89 20 4 M10 6 14 45 14 48.5 82 22 6 24.5 40 260 352 276 50

for electric motor

3 310 270 89 22 4 M12 6 16 55 16 59 82 30 8 33 45 340 422 316 90
4 360 316 114 26 5 M16 8 18 70 20 74.5 105 35 10 38 54 400 490 383 130
5 450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 45 14 48.5 70 490 629 464 250
6 520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 22 100 28 106 165 50 14 58.8 80 580 736 556 395
7 590 520 180 40 10 M20 12 28 110 28 116 165 55 16 59 100 650 783 594 605
8 800 680 215 45 10 2-M20 12 34 130 32 137 200 70 20 74.5 120 880 966 733 1180

BY(Y) Standard of Minisrty of Chemical lndusrty

BY(Y) type(horizontal single stage) overall and mounting dimensions

Mounting dimensions Overall dimensions

Frame size

Shaft connecting dimensions

Weight kg

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft Double shaft model Direct connetion model

D1 D2 E h R S D
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2
09 134 110 35 10 3 M8 4 11 22 6 24.5 30 15 5 17 25 160 102 141 6
10 160 140 40 10 3 M8 4 11 30 8 33 35 15 5 17 25 160 218 155 13
See overall dimensions

11 200 170 60 12 4 M8 6 11 35 10 38 45 18 6 20.5 35 230 269 191 22

for electric motor

12 230 200 70 15 4 M10 6 11 45 14 48.5 61 22 6 24.5 40 260 321 255 40

13 310 270 80 20 5 M12 6 13 55 16 59 75 30 8 33 45 340 300 302 75
14 360 320 99 22 5 M12 8 15 70 20 74.5 92 35 10 38 54 400 463 358 120
15 450 400 115 30 5 M16 12 18 90 25 95 108 45 14 48.5 70 490 584 443 180
16 520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 22 100 28 106 165 50 14 53.5 80 580 736 527 380
17 590 520 180 40 10 M20 12 24 120 32 127 165 55 16 59 100 650 806 608 611
18 680 800 215 45 10 2-M20 12 34 140 36 148 200 70 20 74.5 120 880 1042 811 1170
1 ; 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of shafts, h6.

L1 L2

b1 l2


A B A nxd0

B-B l1 A1 L1 A1
B1 B1
A0 B0

A0 h
d2 A

XWE(D) Tianjin standard

XWE(D) type. (horizontal Double stage ) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Overall dimensions
Frame size

Mounting dimensions

Weight kg
Shaft connecting dimensions

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft D Double shaft model Direct connetion model


A1 A0 B1 B0 h s
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2
31 140 96 100 55 250 20 M8 4 16 35 10 38 55 15 5 17 25 150 290 240 200 310 258 37
42 150 95 145 65 290 22 M10 4 16 45 14 48.5 74 15 5 17 25 195 330 275 240 384 326 75
53 160 115 150 75 370 25 M12 4 18 55 16 59 91 18 6 20.5 35 260 420 356 300 457 383 94

See overall dimensions

56 200 35 275 75 380 30 M12 4 22 65 18 69 89 18 6 20.5 35 335 430 425 340 519 447 148

for electric motor

74 220 35 320 85 420 30 M12 4 22 80 22 85 109 22 6 24.5 40 380 470 460 360 589 508 193
84 250 35 380 120 480 35 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 22 6 24.5 40 440 530 529 430 633 552 270
85 250 35 380 120 480 35 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 30 8 33 45 440 530 529 430 656 566 310
95 290 45 480 120 560 40 M20 4 26 100 28 106 141 30 8 33 45 560 620 614 500 745 655 485
106 325 80 500 120 630 45 M24 6 30 110 28 116 150 35 10 38 54 600 690 706 580 855 750 650
116 420 122 330X2 160 800 50 2-M20 6 32 130 32 137 202 35 10 38 54 810 880 883 710 1066 958 1232
117 420 122 330X2 160 800 50 2-M20 6 32 130 32 137 202 40 12 43 65 810 880 883 710 1081 963 1280

BWE(Y) Shanghai standard

B WE(Y) type. (horizontal Double stage ) overall and mounting dimensions
Centre height

Overall dimensions
Frame size

Mounting dimensions
Weight kg

Shaft connecting dimensions

Mounting screw Output shaft Input shaft D Double shaft model Direct connetion model


A1 A0 B1 B0 h s
n d0 d1 b1 c1 l1 d2 b 2 c 2 l2 L L1 L2
120 160 78 200 75 340 25 M12 4 17 55 16 59 89 15 5 17 25 250 390 356 300 423 367 82
See overall dimensions

131 160 78 200 75 340 25 M12 4 22 55 16 59 89 18 6 20.5 35 250 390 356 300 457 383 100
for electric motor

141 200 53 320 80 340 25 M12 4 22 70 20 74.5 102 18 6 20.5 35 330 400 425 340 519 447 153
152 240 39 380 80 420 32 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 22 6 24.5 40 440 470 529 430 633 552 245
153 240 39 330 80 420 32 M16 4 22 90 25 95 120 30 8 33 45 440 470 529 430 656 566 265
163 290 45 480 90 560 35 M20 4 28 100 28 106 140 30 8 33 45 560 620 614 500 745 655 460
174 325 80 500 120 630 40 M20 4 30 120 32 127 165 35 10 38 54 600 690 706 580 855 750 710
184 420 122 330X2 160 800 50 2-M20 6 32 140 36 148 210 35 10 38 54 810 880 883 410 1071 959 1270
1 ; 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of shafts, h6.


See overall d imensions

for electric motor

Note:1 Thes izeu nitin th e tableare milimeter 2 Matching tolerance of shafts,h 6.

b1 A-A






D2 D2
D1 D1
d2 D

1 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of sh afts, h6.


Standard of Ministry of Machine-Building lndustry

230 200 89 20 4 M10 6 14 45 14 48.5 82 15 5 17 25 260 384 326 72

310 270 89 22 4 M12 6 14 55 16 59 82 18 6 20.5 35 340 473 407 94

360 316 114 26 5 M12 8 18 70 20 74.5 105 18 6 20.5 35 400 540 747 150

450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 22 6 24.5 40 490 633 552 280

450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 30 8 33 45 490 706 601 364

520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 22 100 28 106 165 30 8 33 45 580 796 691 472

590 520 180 40 10 M20 12 28 110 28 116 165 35 10 38 54 650 886 749 696

800 680 215 45 10 2-M20 12 34 130 32 137 200 35 10 38 54 880 998 891 1220

Standard of Ministry of Chemical lndustry

20 230 200 89 20 4 M10 6 14 45 14 48.5 82 15 5 17 25 260 384 326 326 75

31 310 270 89 22 4 M12 6 16 55 16 59 82 18 6 20.5 35 340 473 407 407 94

41 360 316 114 26 5 M12 8 18 70 20 74.5 105 18 6 20.5 35 400 525 458 458 114

52 450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 22 6 24.5 40 490 633 552 552 263

53 450 400 140 30 6 M16 12 22 90 25 95 130 30 8 33 45 490 706 601 601 274

63 520 455 177 35 8 M20 12 24 100 28 106 165 30 8 33 45 580 769 691 691 450

74 590 520 180 40 10 M20 12 28 110 28 116 165 35 10 38 54 650 856 749 749 777

84 800 680 215 45 10 2-M20 12 34 130 32 137 200 35 10 38 54 880 998 891 891 1240

1 2 d1 d2 h6
Note: 1. The size unit in the table are milimeter; 2. Matching tolerance of sh afts, h6.


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