AIKBEA & KBOO Cir 9-2022
AIKBEA & KBOO Cir 9-2022
AIKBEA & KBOO Cir 9-2022
(Affiliated to A.I.B.E.A.)
(Affiliated to A.I.B.O.A.)
Further, we demanded for extending staff housing loan facility to our Part Time Sweepers also.
Initially, the Management not responded positively. After much persuasion in the matter, finally,
the Management has agreed to extend the facility to Part Time Sweepers for the first time
in the Bank.
Further, after much discussion, the repayment period of staff housing loans also been
extended for the first time till the age of 70 years or 360 months whichever is less as
proposed by us.
We are also happy to inform you that we have succeeded in bringing many improvements in
other parameters in the housing loan schemes for the benefits of Officers and Award staffs.
An understanding in the matter has been arrived at and MOUs have been signed on 13-10-2022.
The improvements made in the schemes are briefly mentioned here below:
v Loan Limit
Officers Clerks Sub-staff PTS/PTSS *
Rs. 90 Lakh Rs. 54 Lakh Rs. 37 Lakh Pro-rata basis of Sub-Staff limit
( as per their scale of pay)
* The staff housing loan facility is now extended also to PTS/PTSS members on pro-rata
v Rate of Interest
(i) Up to Rs. 10,00,000/- : 5.00% p. a. (Simple)
(ii) Above Rs. 10,00,000/- : 7.00% p. a. (Simple)
The reduced rate of interest for the existing housing loans will be effective from 01-10-2022.
v Repayment Period:
360 months (Principal 270 months and Interest 90 month - 3:1 Ratio)
Repayment period may be extended on request till the age of 70 years or 360 months
whichever is less.
v Holiday period:
• Maximum 24 months for construction of house/flat
• Maximum 3 months for purchase of ready built house/flat.
v Maximum loan amount for purchase of site is increased to 50% of the loan limit or 90% of
the site purchase cost, whichever is lower.
v Staff members are now eligible to avail loan even if site is in the name of his / her spouse,
parents or jointly held with them.
v Staff members are now eligible to purchase and register the house property jointly with his
or her spouse.
v The above revisions shall come into effect from 18.10.2022.
➢ Loan Limit
Officers Clerks Sub-staff
Rs. 30 Lakh Rs. 20 Lakh Rs. 13 Lakh
➢ Rate of Interest : 7.00% p. a. (Simple)
The reduced rate of interest for the existing housing loans will be effective from 01-10-2022.
➢ Repayment Period:
360 months (Principal 270 months and Interest 90 month - 3:1 Ratio)
Repayment period may be extended on request till the age of 70 years or 360 months
whichever is less.
➢ Now, staff members are made eligible to avail additional housing loan facility 2 times (within
the limit) in their entire service.
➢ Now, staff members who have availed 2nd Housing loan are made eligible to avail additional
housing loan facility once in their entire service.
➢ Now, the staff members who have availed loan under KBL Home Comfort scheme, are
also eligible to avail this facility for the purpose of clearing the same.
➢ The above revisions shall come into effect from 18.10.2022.
a Loan Limit
Category Limit
Officers, The quantum of 2 Housing loan shall be the difference between
Clerks and the revised staff housing loan limit of Rs.90.00 Lakh, Rs.54.00 lakhs
Sub-staffs and Rs.37.00 lakhs for Officers, Clerks and Sub-staff respectively and
the limit already availed by the incumbent under the previous housing
loan scheme including the amount availed under additional housing
loan scheme (if any)
a Rate of Interest: 7.00% p. a. (Simple)
The revised rate of interest for the existing housing loans will be effective from
a Repayment Period:
360 months (Principal 270 months and Interest 90 month - 3:1 Ratio)
Repayment period may be extended on request till the age of 70 years or 360 months
whichever is less.
a Holiday period:
• Maximum 24 months for construction of house/flat
• Maximum 3 months for purchase of ready built house/flat.
a Maximum loan amount for purchase of site is increased to 50% of the loan limit or 90% of
the site purchase cost, whichever is lower.
a Staff members are now eligible to avail loan even if site is in the name of his / her spouse,
parents or jointly held with them.
a Staff members are now eligible to purchase and register the house property jointly with his
or her spouse.
a The above revisions shall come into effect from 18.10.2022.
l Loan Limit
Category Limit
Officers Eligibility:
a) Confirmed service: Rs. 3,00,000/- *
b] After completion of 5 years’ of service including probationary
period will be eligible for an additional loan of Rs.4,50,000/-
(Total Rs.3,00,000/- + Rs.4,50,000/- = Rs.7,50,000/-)
Clerks Eligibility:
a) Confirmed service: Rs.2,00,000/- *
b] After completion of 5 years’ of service including probationary
period will be eligible for an additional loan of Rs.3,40,000/-
(Total Rs.2,00,000/- + Rs.3,40,000/- = Rs.5,40,000/-)
Sub-Staff Eligibility:
a) Confirmed service: Rs.1,30,000/- *
b] After completion of 5 years’ of service including probationary
period will be eligible for an additional loan of Rs.1,70,000/-
(Total Rs.1,30,000/- + Rs.1,70,000/- = Rs.3,00,000/-)
For PTS/PTSS Eligibility:
On pro-rata basis of sub-staff limit
* Now, the staff members can avail the clean loan facility on confirmation
l Rate of Interest: 7.50% p. a.
l Repayment Period:
The loan shall be repayable in 144 Equal Monthly Installments along with monthly interest.
If the remaining service is less than the maximum period (144 months), the installment
shall be calculated for the full period (144 months) and the outstanding balance at the
time of retirement shall be recovered out of terminal benefits.
l The above revisions shall come into effect from 18.10.2022.
Comrades, the joint discussions were held in a cordial atmosphere and we go on record to
appreciate the positive approach adopted by the Management throughout the discussions
and finally we could arrived at an amicable settlement with lot of improvements in the above
We are confident that our members at all levels will be very happy to enjoy and reap the
benefits of this wonderful settlement. We are also sure that these benefits will further enthuse
and motivate all our members to work hard and contribute to the best of their capacity to
steer our dear Institution to the greater heights.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Paneendra K G) (Suresha Hegde S)
Gen. Secretary, AIKBEA Gen. Secretary, KBOO