Unit I Introduction To Globalization: Examples
Unit I Introduction To Globalization: Examples
Unit I Introduction To Globalization: Examples
The result of these powerful forces resulted in the wide gap Religion is a personal or institutionalized set of attitudes,
between the rich and the poor countries. beliefs, and practices relating to or manifesting faithful
devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. It is
Major Sources of Economic Growth across Countries the most important defining element of any civilization as
contrasted with race, language, or way of life. As such, it
1. Property rights
is also portrayed as a defining element in future conflicts.
2. Regulatory institutions Whether the root cause of a particular conflict or merely a
vehicle for the mobilization of nationalist or ethnic
3. Institutions for macro-economics passions, religion is certainly central to much of the strife
currently taking place around the globe.
4. Stabilization
Jihadist globalism is a religious response to the materialist
5. Institutions for social influence
assault by the ungodly West in the rest of the world.
7. Institutions for conflict management Coming out of what they consider a pure form of Islam, its
disciples seek to destroy all those alien influences that have
Economic institutions have decisive influence on been imposed on Muslim people. It applies to those
investment in physical and human capital, technology, and extremely violent strains of religion that convert the global
imaginary into very concrete political agendas and terrorist power structures. Ideology connects human actions with
tactics. It is also applied to those violent fundamentalists in some generalized claims (14a).Globalization is a social
the West who seek to transform the world into a Christian process of intensifying global interdependence while
Empire. globalism is an ideology that gives the concept of neo-
liberal values and meanings to globalization.
Roman Catholic Teaching of Globalization
Major Ideological Claims of Advocates of Globalism
There are eight (8) principles that summarize the Roman
Catholic Teachings (15). 1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global
integrati of markets.
1. Commitment to universal human rights
The problem with this claim is that liberalization and
2. Commitment to the social nature of the human person integration of markets happen through political project of
3. Commitment to the common good engineering free markets by interference of centralized
state power, and it is in contrast to the neoliberal ideal of
4. Solidarity (The principle of Solidarity affirms that limited role of governments.
membership in the human family means that all bear
responsibility for one another.) 2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
5. Preferential option of the poor (In the Theology of the Globalists believe that spread of market forces driven by
Incarnation- Christ God became poor for us so as to enrich technological innovations is inevitable in globalization.
us by his poverty. The poor are susceptible to the effects of Neoliberals use this claim to convince people to adopt the
environmental irresponsibility because they live in natural discipline of the market if they want to prosper,
countries where cheap building materials and cheap labor which implies the elimination of government controls over
are readily available. They regularly work in farming, the market.
fishing, and forestry, areas which suffer environmental 3. Nobody is in charge of globalization.
This claim seeks to depoliticize the public debate on
6. Subsidiary (The Catholic Church teaches that decisions globalization and neutralizing anti -globalist movements.
should be made at the lowest level in order to achieve the
common good. 4. Globalization benefits everyone.
7. Justice Globalists talk about the benefits of market liberalization
such as rising global living standards, economic efficiency,
8. Integral Humanism- is concerned with whole person. individual freedom, and technological progress. But the
Justice is divided in three (3) categories: reality is that the opportunities of globalization are spread
unequally and power and wealth are concentrated among a
1. Commutative justice specific group of people, regions and corporations.
This aims at fulfilling the terms of contracts and other 5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the
promises on both personal and social level. world.
2. Distributive justice For the globalists democracy and free markets are
This ensures a basic equity in how both the burden and the
goods of society are distributed and that ensures that every
person enjoys a basically equal moral and legal standing
apart from differences in wealth, privilege, talent and UNIT II THE STRUCTURES OF
achievements GLOBALIZATION
3. Social justice The Global Economy
This refers to the creation of the conditions in which the Economic globalization reflects the continuing expansion
first two categories of justice can be realized and the and mutual integration of market frontiers.
common good identified and defended.
According to the International Monetary Fund (18)
5. Ideological Dimensions economic globalization is a historical process, the result of
human innovation and technological progress.
Ideology is a system of widely shared ideas, beliefs, norms
and values among a group of people. It is often used to Two Major Driving Forces for Economic Globalization
legitimize certain political interests or to defend dominant
1. The rapid growing of information in all types of twice as high as growth in the national incomes of the
productive activities developed economies since the late 19th century.
2. Marketization- A restructuring process that enables International Monetary Systems and Gold Standard
state enterprises to operate as market-oriented firms by
changing the legal environment. International monetary system (IMS) refers to a system
that forms rules and standards for facilitating international
Dimensions of Economic Globalization trade among the nations. It is the global network of the
government and financial institutions that determine the
1. The globalization of trade of goods and services exchange rate of different currencies for international
2. The globalization of financial and capital markets trade.
3. The globalization of technology and communication Gold Standard is a system of backing a country’s
currency with its gold reserves. Such currencies are freely
4. The globalization of production convertible into gold at a fixed price, and the country
settles all its international trade transactions in gold.
Economic globalization is a functional integration
between internationally dispersed activities which means European monetary integration refers to a 30-year long
that it is a qualitative transformation rather than a process that began at the end of the 1960s as a form of
quantitative change. monetary cooperation intended to reduce the excessive
influence of the US dollar on domestic exchange rates, and
Economic globalization produces its own major players in
led, through various attempts, to the creation of a Monetary
the form of transnational corporations (TNCs), the main
Union and a common currency.
driving forces of economic globalization of the last 100
years or roughly two-thirds of world export (23). European Monetary System (EMS) a 1979 arrangement
Transnational Corporation otherwise known as multi - between several European countries which links their
National Corporation is a corporation that has a home base, currencies in an attempt to stabilize the exchange rate.
but is registered, operates and has assets or other facilities
in at least one other country at one time (24). Examples are European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM) is a
the US-based General Electric (GE), the Coca-Cola permanent fund created by the European Union (EU) to
Company of Atlanta, Georgia, US Nike and others. provide emergency assistance to member states within the
Internationalization is an extension of economic
activities between internationally dispersed activities. International trade is the exchange of goods, services and
capital across national borders. It is a multi-million dollar
Origin of Economic Globalization activity, central to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
many countries, and it is the only way for many people in
Economic globalization is a process that creates an organic
many countries to acquire resources.
system of the world economy.
Trade policies on the other hand refer to the regulations
In the 16th century world system analysts identify the
and agreement of foreign countries. It defines standards,
origin of modernity and globalization through long
goals, rules, and regulations that pertain to trade relation
distance trade in the 16th century. This best known
between countries.
example of archaic globalization is the Silk Road, which
started in western China, reached the boundaries of the Focuses of Trade Policy in International Trade
Parthian empire, and continued onwards towards Rome. It
also connected Asia, Africa, and Europe. 1. Tariffs – These are taxes or duties paid for a particular
class of imports or exports.
In the 17th and 18th century global economy exists only in
trade and exchange rather than production as the world 2. Trade barriers – Theses are measures that governments
export to World GDP did not reached 1 to 2 percent. or public authorities introduce to make imported goods or
services less competitive than locally produced goods and
In the 19th century the advent of globalization approaching services.
its modern form is witnessed. A short period before World
War I is referred to as golden age of globalization 3. Safety – This ensures that imported products in the
characterized by relative peace, free trade, financial and country are of high quality.
economic stability. Growth in international exchange of Types of Trade Policies
goods accelerated in the second quarter of the 19th century.
Global economy in the 19th and 20th centuries grew by an National Trade Policy. This safeguards the best interest
average of nearly 4 percent per annum, which is roughly of its trade and citizen.
Bilateral Trade Policy. To regulate the trade and business 3. They must induce the necessary relationship-specific
relations between two nations, this policy is formed. investments in an environment with incomplete
International Trade Policy. This defines the international
trade policy under their charter like the International Possible Determinants of the Location of Outsourcing
economic organizations, such as Organization for:
1. Size of the country can affect the “thickness” of its
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) markets.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
2. The technology for search affects the cost and likelihood
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
of finding a suitable partner.
The best interests of both developed and developing
3. The technology for specializing components determines
nations are upheld by the policies.
the willingness of a partner to undertake the needed
Trade Policy and International Economy. In most investment in a prototype.
developed countries where open market economy prevails,
4. The contracting environments can impinge on a firm’s
the international economic organizations support free trade
ability to induce a partner to invest in the relationship.
Market Integration
The following are dependent on globalization:
Market integration refers to how easily two or more
Sound trade policies for market changes markets can trade with each other. It occurs when prices
Establishment of free and fair trade practices and among different locations or related goods follow similar
expansion of possibilities for booming patterns over a long period of time.
international trade.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the
global rules of trade between nations with the main China produces toys at a cheaper price than the US. If
function of ensuring that trade flows smoothly, predictably foreign trade increased between the two countries, toys
and freely. It is the only global international organization could be sold to the US more easily, making them more
dealing with the rules of trade between nations with WTO available, thus reducing price.
agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the
world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments at Types of Related Markets where Market Integration
its heart. Occurs
3. Custom Union Removal of tariff barriers between This a dominant political theory developed by Andrew
members, together with the acceptance of a common or Moravsik in 1993 to explain European integration.
unified external tariff against non-members is involved. Application of rational institutionalism to the field of
European integration is the aim of this theory.
4. Common Market (CM). One major step towards
economic integration. All barriers to the mobility of Moravcsik stated that 'state-society relations--the
people, capital and other resources within the area in relationship of state to the domestic and transnational
question, as well as eliminating non- tariff barriers to trade, social context in which they are embedded--have a
such as the regulatory treatment of product standards are fundamental impact on state behavior in world politics and
removed by CM aside from containing the provisions of a that the 'universal condition of world politics is
customs union. globalization.'
5. Economic Union. The trading bloc that has both a New Institutionalism
common market between members, and a common trade This theory emphasized the importance of institutions in
policy towards non-members, although members are free the process of European integration. Its three key strands
to pursue independent macro-economic policies. The best are: rational choice, sociological and historical.
example of Economic union is the European Union (EU).
Multi-level Governance (MLG)
6. As a key stage towards complete integration, the
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) involves a single This is a new theory of European integration. Writers
economic market, a common trade policy, a single Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks defined MLG as
currency and a common monetary policy. dispersion of authority across multiple levels of political
7. Complete Economic Integration is the final stage of
economic integration in which member states completely Transnational Activism in States
forego independence of both monetary and fiscal policies.
Transnational activism can be defined as the mobilization
of collective claims by actors located in more than one
country and/or addressing more than one national
Political integration refers to the integration of government and/or international governmental
components within political systems; the integration of organization or another international actor.
political systems with economic, social, and other human
systems; and the political processes by which social, A social movement is a type of group action. It refers to
economic, and political systems become integrated. the organizational structures and strategies that may
empower oppressed populations to mount effective
Theories of European Integration challenges and resist the more powerful and advantaged
Neo-functionalism elites".
This theory focuses on the supranational institutions of the The global justice movement describes the loose
EU of which the main driving forces of integration are collection of individuals and groups often referred to as a
interest group activity at the European and national levels, “movement of movements”, who advocate fair trade rules
political party activity, and the role of governments and and are negative to current institutions of global economics
supranational institutions. such as the World Trade Organization.
The new transnational activism is as multifaceted as the
Social Media and the State 3. Fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve
economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international
Social media is a computer-based technology that problems
facilitates the sharing of ideas and information and the
building of virtual networks and communities. 4. Providing a forum for bringing countries together to
meet the UN's purposes and goals.
Social media have changed the ways in which this
knowledge is being recorded and passed on. 5 stages or main gaps meet by UN in the 21st century
Economic Union requires coordinated monetary and fiscal knowledge, norms, policy, institutions and compliance
policies as well as labor market, regional development,
transportation and industrial policies. The Role of the Nation -State in Globalization