Global 300 List 07
Global 300 List 07
Global 300 List 07
01 18 37 86 148
02 19 38 5487 116149
03 20 39 55 88 117150
Produced by the
International Co-operative Alliance
15 Route des Morillons
1218 Grand-Saconnex
04 21 40 56 89 118 151
05 22 41 57 90 119 152
06 23 42 58 91 120 153
07 24 43 59 92 121154
08 25 44 60 93 122 155
09 26 45 61 94 123
10 27 46 62 95 124list
International Co-operative Alliance
Global 300
47 63 96
11 28
Garry Cronan
Global 300 Director
The world’s major co-operatives
and mutual businesses
176 229 257 292
5765.5_ICA_Global300_List_art:Layout 1 10/10/07 11:00 Page 3
was released by the
ICA at the Forum for
a Responsible
Globalisation in
Lyon, Cronan
France, one
Global 300 Director
year later, in October
The 2007 Global 300
will be unveiled at the
ICA General
Assembly in
Singapore in October,
This year we have
greatly expanded the
range of data
and the depth of our
analysis. Over the
coming months we
00 ICA Global 300 list e th at th e in fo rm a tio n co n tain e d h er ein i s c o rr ec t.
be releasing a series
Da ta so u rc e: C or p or at e we b si te an d a nn u al re p or t wh e re a pp lica b le. Eve ry e ffo rt h as b e en m a de to e ns ur
ICA Global 300 list 0 1
of detailed Global 300
Th e I CA a n d its a ss oc ia te d o rg an is at ion s d e clin e s all r es po n sib ilit y in c as e o f e r ro r o r o m iss ion . F or fu
rt he r in fo r m ati on visi t ww w .gl ob a l3 0 0 .co o p
1 1 Zen-Noh (National Federation of ZEN-NOH, Japan’s federation of agricultural co-operatives is one of the largest in the world. Consortium Food & Agri Japan 1948 63,449 1 8,357 53,898 15,397 n/a
Agricultural Co-operatives) It purchases and distributes material and equipment for agricultural production for almost + Federation
3 million farm households in Japan.
2 2 Zenkyoren National mutual insurance federation of agricultural co-operatives in Japan with nearly Consortium Insurance Japan 1951 46,819 40 6,224 46,680 398,218 0.3%
USD 3 billion in policies. + Federation
3 3 Crédit Agricole Group France’s largest bank with 21 million customers, owns more than 20% of French bank Co-operative Div. Financials France 1897 30,722 1,385,635 32,914 1,235,161 6.7%
branches (9100); the top mortgage lender and product provider with over 24% of the Group
personal banking market.
4 5 National Agricultural Cooperative Over 4,000 branches provide financial services to farmers, rural communities and agriculture Consortium Div. Financials Korea 1961 24,687 199,783 22,669 177,102 5.6%
Federation (NACF) by carrying out various businesses such as marketing and supply, banking, etc. + Federation
5 4 Nationwide Mutual One of the largest insurance and financial companies in the world. 4th largest homeowner Mutual Insurance USA 1925 24,3 92 116,160 23,711 157,314 2.9%
Insurance Company insurance, 6th largest automobile insurer and 7th largest property and casualty insurer in the USA.
6 6 Groupama Groupement des Assurances Mutuelles Agricoles/Groupama is the 1st insurance mutual in Mutual Insurance France 1899 15,684 9 5,057 21,651 86,657 -17.2%
France and present in 8 Southern-European countries. The multi-line insurance group belongs
to a large agricultural mutual.
7 9 Edeka Zentrale AG EDEKA is no. 1 in German food retail trade with 26% market share. It includes 50 distribution Co-operative Retailing Germany 1898 15,660 5,909 15,986 4,656 12.0%
stores, 148 building and garden centres and 181 self-service department stores.
8 7 Migros No. 1 retailer in Switzerland with a market share of 17.9% and 580 supermarkets, convenience Consortium Retailing Switzerland 1925 15,475 12,740 17,779 14,746 0.4%
and department stores. Migros holds position 10 with its bank in Switzerland. + Federation
9 10 Mondragon Corporation MCC is a business group made of 264 companies and entities active in three sectors: Co-operative Materials Spain 1956 14,040 27,204 14,155 25,164 13.4%
financial, industrial and retail. It is Spain’s 7th largest industrial company. Group
10 8 The Co-operative Group One of the world’s largest consumer co-operative and the U K’s largest commercial farming Co-operative Retailing UK 1863 12,726 71,328 16,556 31,215 -14.4%
operation. It has over 3000 outlets – comprising food stores, travelcare, funeralcare and Group
Co-op pharmacy, insurance and banking.
11 14 Groupe Caisse D’Epargne The Groupe has capital funds of 19.4 billion, net banking income of 10.3 billion and Co-operative Banks France 1983 12,196 703,423 12,143 736,121 14.8%
net earnings of 2.2 billion. It has one of the highest credit ratings enjoyed by any French Group
banking institution (AA/Aa2/AA).
12 19 CHS Inc A Fortune 500 company. A diversified energy, grain and food co-operative. CENEX is the Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1931 11,9 41 4,727 10,980 4,031 8.8%
energy brand. CHS is the 13th largest convenience store chain in the USA. Group
13 16 Confédération Nationale du Second largest retail bank in France. 4760 branches serving 13.8 million customers. The bank Co-operative Banks France 1880 11,405 516,664 11,848 524,959 10.0%
Crédit Mutuel is decentralized with local, regional and national layers. It ranks first in bank insurance. Group
14 11 Rabobank Group The dominant bank in the Netherlands with 9 million customers and serving over 50% of the Co-operative Div. Financials Netherlands 1898 11,085 599,356 13,608 642,979 -6.9%
population. Market leader in mortgages with 26% share. Group
15 20 The Norinchukin Bank One of the largest institutional lenders in Japan specialising in loans to Japanese agricultural, Controlled Banks Japan 1923 10,971 577,945 10,643 576,588 3.1%
fishery and forestry co-operatives. Credit rating: A1 (S&P). by Co-ops
16 n/a Debeka Group One of the top ten insurance and financial services groups in Germany active in the Not Classified Insurance Germany 1905 10,8 42 66,434 11,793 69,751 5.1%
insurance and home savings business.
17 13 Coop Swiss Coop Swiss is the no. 2 retailer in Switzerland with an overall market share of 16.7%. It has Consortium Retailing Switzerland 1890 10,729 8,540 12,371 9,887 0.0%
over 1500 shops and hypermarkets as well as petrol stations, banks and restaurants. + Federation
18 15 Coop Norden Coop Norden comprises three groups – Coop Norden Danmark (Denmark), Coop Norge Controlled Retailing S&N&D 2002 10,307 2,572 11,968 3,172 2.6%
(Norway) and Coop Norden Sverige (Sweden) with 1080 stores and hypermarkets. by Co-ops
19 17 Metsäliitto One of Europe’s biggest forest industry groups and Europe’s largest wood producer. Biggest Co-operative Food & Agri Finland 1934 10,233 10,287 11,636 11,437 0.5%
supplier of tissue and cooking paper products to households in Europe.
20 21 Groupe Banques Populaires Groupe includes 22 regional banks, 94 businesses of mutual guarantee, 2692 agencies and a Co-operative Div. Financials France 1878 9,758 341,819 10,348 338,893 7.8%
federal bank with 6,600,000 customers. B PG is one of the world’s leading providers in credit Group
insurance and credit management.
21 18 R+V Versicherung AG It is a leading German insurance business with 16,500,000 policies. Mutual Insurance Germany 1922 9,4 63 51,606 11,240 56,961 -3.8%
22 12 UN IPOL
The fourth largest insurer in Italy with 6.5 million customers. Its overall market share is 10.2% Controlled Div. Financials Italy 1963 9,3 52 47,471 12,386 44,580 n/a
of which 9.8% in life and 11% in non-life. by Co-ops
23 n/a John Lewis Partnership PLC All 68,000 permanent staff are Partners who own 26 John Lewis department stores, Employee Retailing UK 1929 9,172 6,212 8,961 5,663 8.2%
185 Waitrose supermarkets, an online and catalogue business. Britains favourite retailer 2007. Owned
24 23 Zenrosai Zenrosai works closely with trade unions for workers’ welfare movement. Of the 61,000 Co-operative Insurance Japan 1957 9,057 24,584 8,932 23,519 1.4%
trade unions in Japan, over 50% are associated with Zenrosai.
25 22 Dairy Farmers of America The largest producer-owned marketing co-operative and food business in the USA. It processes Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1998 8,909 2,449 8,936 2,639 -0.3%
and markets 56.5 billion pounds of milk each year.
26 24 Fonterra Co-operative Group One of the top 10 dairy businesses in the world and accounting for a third of international Co-operative Food & Agri New Zealand 2001 8,702 8,341 8,354 7,847 4.2%
dairy trade – 60 manufacturing plants including 35 in New Zealand.
27 29 Danish Crown The largest pork processing business in the European Union with 90% of pork and 58% of Co-operative Food & Agri Denmark 1887 7,851 3,752 7,405 3,718 9.5%
beef production in Denmark. Accounts for 54.4% of Danish agricultural exports.
28 31 Desjardins Group The leading financial institution in Québec and the largest cooperative financial group in Canada. Consortium Div. Financials Canada 1900 7,8 13 101,699 7,031 88,417 7.2%
+ Federation
29 26 BayWa Group Active in agriculture, building materials and energy. The Group has over 2400 sales locations Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1923 7,740 3,075 8,268 3,385 7.0%
in eight European countries, mainly in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe.
30 25 ReWe Group REWE Group is the number three player in the European food trade with supermarkets, Co-operative Retailing Germany 1927 7,6 62 1,429 8,307 1,677 5.4%
(Zentral-AktiengesellschaFU) discount stores, superstores and hypermarkets. It also has specialist outlets and travel agencies.
31 28 Land O’Lakes Dairy producer with the leading butter brand in the in USA. The co-op provides its members Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1921 7,557 3,095 7,657 3,200 -1.3%
with wholesale fertiliser, crop protection products, seeds and animal feed. Group
32 27 Arla Foods Europe’s largest dairy business and leading supplier of milk and dairy products in Sweden, Co-operative Food & Agri Denmark 1975 7,355 4,179 7,888 4,347 -1.9%
Denmark and the UK. Production is centred at 9 Swedish, 6 Danish and 14 UK dairies.
33 n/a Eureko A European Insurance and financial services group. In addition to its home base in Mutual Insurance Netherlands 1992 7,348 98,615 7,477 71,609 12.3%
The Netherlands, Eureko has operations in 11 countries and employs over 20,000 people.
34 30 Wakefern Food Corp. The largest U.S. grocery coop owned by independent retail grocery operators. Co-operative Retailing USA 1946 7,239 1,240 7,116 1,098 1.7%
35 35 Suedzucker Südzucker Group is the market leader in sugar with annual production of 4.6 million tonnes. Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1837 6,401 9,542 6,068 8,008 5.5%
34 Ethias Ethias is a mutual insurance association and the second largest insurer in Belgium by total Mutual Insurance Belgium 1919 6,242 28,398 6,149 24,840 16.0%
revenues. It has a total of 15.8% market share.
37 40 La Mondiale Groupe La Mondiale is an international leader in pension and estate planning insurance. The group Mutual Insurance France 1905 5,691 39,900 5,637 39,335 15.4%
insures 2,100,000 people.
38 n/a Edeka Minden eG A regional member of EDEKA, no. 1 in German food retail trade and a market share of 26%, Co-operative Retailing Germany 1920 5,688 1,389 6,589 1,655 -1.3%
having 50 distribution stores, 148 building and garden centres and 181 self-service
department stores.
39 49 RZB Having a market share of 25%, RZB is the third largest bank in Austria. It is the central institution Co-operative Banks Austria 1927 5,646 111,130 4,424 91,847 n/a
for the Raiffeisen banking group in Austria with 586 local and 8 regional Raiffeisen banks. Group
40 39 Edeka Südwest eG A regional member of EDEKA, no. 1in German food retail trade with a marketshare of 26%, having Co-operative Retailing Germany 1950 5,607 n/a 5,672 1,402 13.0%
50 distribution stores, 148 building and garden centres and 181 self-service department stores.
41 43 MACIF The MACIF is France’s largest automobile insurer with a 14% market share. It is number 6 in Co-operative Insurance France 1960 5,545 20,352 5,327 18,107 4.8%
general insurance and the leading boat and yacht insurer. Fourth largest non-life insurance Group
mutual group.
42 n/a Cattolica Assicurazioni Insurance co-operative, the 5th largest in Italy, with a 4.31% market share – 4% in non-life Mutual Insurance Italy 1896 5,521 24,401 1,700 8,478 n/a
insurance and 4.5% in life insurance.
43 33 Signal Iduna The SIGNAL IDU NA Group is one of Germany’s largest all-round financial groups with core Mutual Insurance Germany 1907 5,4 62 42,977 6,175 46,286 1.1%
competence in insurance, finance and service.
44 44 HUK Coburg The HUK-Coburg is the largest insurer for public services in German. It is no. 1 in travel Co-operative Insurance Germany 1933 5,279 24,473 5,307 26,778 13.7%
insurance and second largest furniture insurer and private liability insurance.
45 36 Royal Friesland Foods Dairy processor and supplier of special dairy products and ingredients to professional clients. Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1879 5,252 3,055 6,021 3,366 -0.3%
Present in more than 20 countries, they have over 16,000 employees.
46 42 DZ Bank Group The sixth largest bank in Germany. A central commercial bank serves 1400 local co-operative Co-operative Banks Germany 2001 5,104 475,508 5,451 482,122 7.0%
banks and co-ordinates their efforts. Group
47 37 MMA MMA is the 3rd largest network of general insurance brokers in France with over 3 million clients. Mutual Insurance France 1828 5,066 25,965 5,815 29,681 -0.4%
48 38 SOK Corporation SOK is part of the S Geoup, the 2nd largest trade group in Finland, with turnover of 10.2 bn Co-operative Retailing Finland 1904 5,027 2,163 5,746 2,177 0.0%
USD for 2005, 1,252 locations, and market share of 31.1% grocery, 9.9% consumer goods Group
and market leader in restaurtants.
49 41 Superunie Superunie is a purchasing organisation representing 15 independent retail formulas in the Co-operative Retailing Netherlands 1901 4,944 168 5,493 199 2.9%
Netherlands. The organisation has over 1600 affiliated stores and a market share exceeding 25%.
50 47 Associated Wholesale Grocers AWG is the USA’s oldest and second largest retailer owned grocery wholesaler serving over Co-operative Retailing USA 1926 4,918 702 4,574 757 7.5%
1,900 stores in 21 states.
51 45 Système U Centrale Regional part of Système U, the sixth largest consumer food distributor in France, holds 8.4% Co-operative Retailing France 1930 4,506 1,172 5,148 1,256 0.0%
Regionale Ouest market-share with turnover of about 9bn Euro in 2005 for the Group
52 48 AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG AGRAVIS is one of the six main cooperatives in Germany active in agribusiness. Production Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1875 4,447 1,105 4,475 1,106 0.1%
and wholesale of animal feed, seeds, plant protection and fertilisers are core competences.
53 46 Campina Campina is one of Europe’s largest dairy co-operatives with the number one or two position Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1979 4,226 2,090 4,816 2,258 0.3%
in branded products in its chosen markets.
54 54 AGIS Healthcare (Customer Services, Marketing and Sales and Health Care) nationwide in the Mutual Health Netherlands 1827 4,133 1,922 4,143 1,246 14.0%
Netherlands with Amsterdam, Utrecht/Amersfoort and Apeldoorn core regions.
55 n/a SNS REAAL SN S REAAL is a banking and insurance service provider and one of the fastest-growing Mutual Div. Financials Netherlands 1997 4,109 80,613 2,233 17,521 n/a
financial services organisations in the Netherlands. Its SN S Bank ranks among the top five
banks in the country.
56 66 Federated Co-operatives Limited FCL is the largest non-financial co-operative in Canada. The National Post Business Magazine’s Consortium Retailing Canada 1928 4,070 1,936 3,438 1,615 14.4%
ranking of Canada’s top 500 corporations ranked FCL’s 2006 net income 65th. + Federation
57 n/a Gothaer Gothaer is one of the largest co-operative insurance companies in Germany. Co-operative Insurance Germany 1820 3,923 31,261 6,909 34,014 n/a
58 n/a Cooppérative d'Exploitation et de Largest coop of pharmacists in France and second largest in Europe. Covers dispensing, Co-operative Retailing France n/a 3,916 1,007 4,248 1,005 5.4%
Répartition Pharmacieutiques home deliveries and vetinary services..
de Rouens
59 n/a Cooperativa Farmaceutica Española Largest Spanish pharmecutical distribution company with more than 12 thousand clients, Co-operative Retailing Spain n/a 3,795 731 3,950 738 9.8% www.cofares.esr
of who 75% are members.
60 53 Lantmännen Landmännen is owned by 49,000 Swedish farmers and active in 19 countries. The Group Co-operative Food & Agri Sweden 1905 3,764 3,092 4,227 3,344 6.1%
covers every stage of the value chain – from farmland to table.
61 67 Community Credit Cooperative (CC) A financial cooperative, the CC has grown into a significant player in the national economy Consortium Div. Financials Korea 1963 3,721 51,835 3,328 45,672 8.6%
with capital exceeding 52 trillion KRW. + Federation
62 52 CZ CZ is one of the largest health insurance companies in the Netherlands. Mutual Health Netherlands 1930 3,720 5,412 4,252 879 0.0%
51 Coopératif Terrena Group Terrena is the result of regrouping three cooperatives in 2003. These are operating in the Co-operative Food & Agri France 2003 3,714 1,315 4,264 1,531 -0.4%
north-west of France with a declared strategy to be the number one agriculture cooperative
in the country.
64 60 MAAF Number 1 in insurance covering professional liability in France, the MAAF also holds Mutual Insurance France 1950 3,644 14,288 3,605 13,534 15.5%
position 5 for car insurance.
65 62 United Co-operatives Ltd United Co-operatives is the largest regional consumer co-operative in the UK. Co-operative Retailing UK 2002 3,547 1,425 3,553 1,425 -0.2%
68 Invivo No. 1 European cooperative union for purchase, sales and services in the agricultural sector. Co-operative Food & Agri France 2001 3,5 41 966 3,322 710 n/a
67 56 WGZ Bank WGZ BANK is the central institution of the Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken in the Rhineland Co-operative Banks Germany n/a 3,5 02 87,120 4,004 85,981 0.0%
and in Westphalia. Group
68 55 Edeka Nordbayern-Sachsen- A regional member of EDEKA, no. 1 in German food retail trade with a market share of 26%, Co-operative Retailing Germany 1912 3,489 835 4,097 1,001 -2.6%
Thüringen eG having 50 distribution stores, 148 building and garden centres and 181 self-service
department stores.
69 69 Ace Hardware ACE Hardware is the retailer’s cooperative. As of 2005, the $13 billion retail hardware Co-operative Retailing USA 1924 3,466 1,336 3,289 1,271 5.4%
cooperative contains over 4,600 independent stores throughout the United States and in
70 different countries.
70 61 Fenaco FENACO belongs to 59,000 Swiss farmers via 450 LANDI cooperatives. It also holds Co-operative Food & Agri Switzerland 1925 3,323 1,609 3,582 14,746 7.0%
throughout rural Switzerland the Volg supermarkets and AGROLA gazolin stations. Group
71 58 Humana Milchunion One of the leading dairy processors in Europe. Manufacturing milk and dairy products – fresh Consortium Food & Agri Germany 1934 3,297 1,110 3,685 1,123 2.3%
milk, butter, dessert specialties, ice cream and cheese. + Federation
72 74 JCCU National Federation of Consumer Co-operative Societies in Japan. Its 627 member co-ops Co-operative Retailing Japan 1951 3,225 2,076 2,921 1,921 10.4%
represent a 2.91% market share (total retail). Group
73 n/a KF Group (The Swedish The Swedish Cooperative Union (KF) is the member association for Sweden’s over 60 Consortium Retailing Sweden 1899 3,168 1,769 4,346 2,006 -13.2%
Co-operative Union) consumer associations and their 2.9 million members. KF is the parent company of KF Group + Federation
and its subsidiaries.
74 57 Länsförsäkringar Länsförsäkringar is the strongest brand name in the Swedish insurance market and is market Mutual Insurance Sweden 1936 3,133 17,704 3,701 26,370 0.8%
leader in the non-life insurance.
75 72 MAIF Group The MAIF was initially founded by teachers to insure cars. It holds now position 5 insuring Mutual Insurance France 1934 3,080 11,472 2,997 7,499 17.5%
3 million vehicles and position 6 for underwriting 1.8 million life and dwelling insurances.
76 n/a Societa Reale Mutua di assicurazioni Italy’s largest mutual insurance company with 800 agencies nationally. Mutual Insurance Italy n/a 3,0 62 12,962 3,539 n/a -1.1%
73 Nationwide Building Society The largest building society in the world and 12.8% market share of the retail savings market Mutual Banks UK 1848 2,916 212,973 2,957 212,973 -1.4%
in the UK.
78 n/a Mutual of Omaha Mutual of Omaha serves individuals, families and small businesses with life and health insurance, Mutual Insurance USA 1909 2,891 18,410 2,763 18,537 4.6%
financial services and investment options. USD 162 billion in life insurance policies in issue.
79 71 Unified Western Grocers Inc Unified Western Grocers, Inc. is the largest wholesale grocery distributor in the Western Consortium Retailing USA 1999 2,867 708 3,040 722 -5.7%
United States with net earnings of $10.8 million. + Federation
80 79 Do-it-Best Corp Fastest growing co-op and leader in hardware and building material products in the USA. Co-operative Retailing USA 1945 2,855 679 2,727 658 4.7%
Serving 4.100 members in 50 States and 45 countries worldwide.
81 70 Azur GMF Founded by public servants for public servants, every third person of the 2,9 million members Mutual Insurance France 1934 2,838 16,495 3,126 17,258 3.8%
insured at GMF is still working in the public service.
82 83 Shinkin Central Bank SCB is the central bank for the 298 shinkin banks. They are specialized in operations with small Co-operative Banks Japan 1950 2,806 249,895 2,623 253,674 7.0%
and medium-sized companies throughout Japan. Group
83 101 SMABTP Founded in 1859 by builders for builders, SMABTP has become the leading mutual insurance Mutual Insurance France 1859 2,790 13,626 2,195 10,712 n/a
company in the construction sector.
84 n/a Growmark Inc Growmark is an agricultural co-operative with turnover of more than USD 3 billion. It is active Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1927 2,755 979 2,080 910 n/a
in northern USA and Canada. Group
85 84 China National Agricultural Means CNAMPGC is one of the largest fertilizer and pesticides companies in China. and wholly Controlled Food & Agri China 1982 2,676 1,369 2,614 1,358 n/a
of Production Group Corporation owned by the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. by Co-ops
86 93 Coopérative Fédérée du Québec Wholesaler providing goods and services including petroleum to farmers in Québec, Ontario Co-operative Food & Agri Canada 1939 2,664 897 2,388 663 7.8%
and New Brunswick. Processes and markets various farm products such as pork and poultry Group
meat for local and international markets.
87 77 Co-op Kobe The largest consumer co-op in Japan. Co-operative Retailing Japan 1921 2,6 63 1,676 2,808 1,828 -1.0%
88 75 TIN E BA Five Norwegian dairy cooperatives are collectively known as TIN E. With 53 plants and 200 Co-operative Food & Agri Norway 1881 2,626 1,249 2,857 964 1.9%
product varieties, TINE is Norway’s largest producer, distributor and exporter of dairy products.
89 89 California Dairies Inc No. 1 dairy co-operative in California with five processing plants and accounting for more than Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1990 2,5 41 598 2,536 588 0.2%
40% of California’s milk production.
90 n/a AgriBank, FCB AgriBank, FCB is the wholesale lender and provider of business services for Farm Credit Not Classified Div. Financials USA 1992 2,477 45,912 1,933 41,717 n/a
Services. AgriBank has over $40 billion in assets and over $2 billion in equity.
91 78 Nordmilch One of the largest milk processors in Germany. Ranks among the top ten in Europe. Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1993 2,475 640 2,804 749 0.9%
n/a Chèques Coopératifs Déjeuners - French coop selling meal vouchers co-financed by employers and employees. 160,000 outlets Co-operative Consumer France n/a 2,469 935 2,496 992 13.1%
Société Coopérative de Production in France take these vouchers which are tax efficient. Services
93 82 E. Leclerc (S.C. Galec) Active in the retailing and distribution industry, Leclerc is leader in France with over 17% Co-operative Retailing France 1949 2,4 63 2,088 2,637 2,110 6.8%
market share and 574 Leclerc Centres. Since 2002 it has close ties to CONAD in Italy.
94 90 DLG Group Denmark’s largest animal food company, also supplying farmers with seed, cereal seed, Co-operative Food & Agri Denmark 1995 2,388 1,167 2,510 1,215 9.1%
fertilisers, agricultural lime, crop protection. DLG has 21 main stores in the country.
95 86 FloraHolland FloraHolland is global market leader in flower auctions and has a market share of 53%. Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1931 2,374 628 2,585 701 5.0%
96 87 Sodiaal union Number 1 French dairy co-operative group that processes 10% of France’s milk production. Co-operative Food & Agri France 1964 2,369 969 2,574 1,116 5.2%
Its Yoplait brand is available in 50 countries. Group
97 106 Noweda ApothekergenossenschaFU NOWEDA is the number one pharmaceutical wholesaler with HQ in Essen. It supplies over Co-operative Retailing Germany 1939 2,3 62 586 2,100 527 13.2%
6,000 member pharmacies with more than 100,000 products distributed out of nine locations.
98 85 Socopa A leader in meat processing and most important abattoir in the EU. Socopa accounts for 15% Controlled Food & Agri France 1953 2,350 617 2,612 801 2.9%
of France’s exports to other EU countries. by Co-ops
99 80 Ag Processing Inc. The largest soybean processing business in the world operating 9 soybean processing plants. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1983 2,350 851 2,664 748 -11.8%
The fourth largest supplier of refined vegetable oil in the USA.
100 88 Irish Dairy Board Co-operative Ltd Major international exporter of Irish dairy products. Product portfolio is divided into consumer Consortium Food & Agri Ireland 1961 2,339 888 2,567 886 4.2%
business, food ingredients and commodity trading. Owns the Kerrygold brand. + Federation
101 n/a Noweda eG German regional pharmaceutical distributer with over 6.000 member pharmacies. Co-operative Retailing Germany n/a 2,323 573 2,333 586 13.8%
102 105 Group Health Cooperative Group Health serves some 570,000 members in Washington and Idaho. More than 70% of Co-operative Health USA 1947 2,320 1,169 2,117 1,004 9.6%
Puget Sound members receive care in its 2 owned hospitals, 25 PMCs and other specialised clinics.
103 n/a Tapiola Tapiola Group is a customer-owned group offering insurance, bank, savings and investment Mutual Div. Financials Finland 1857 2,294 13,220 3,531 13,808 n/a
services. It has 8.3% market share in deposits.
104 110 HealthPartners Covers nearly one in four residents in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis (MI) area. 9th largest Not Classified Health USA 1957 2,291 1,094 2,070 1,061 10.7%
employer in MI. Ranked 1st in MI in 13 out of 17 treatment areas.
105 n/a Unicoop Firenze Ranks 1st among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement Co-operative Retailing Italy 1854 2,288 4,611 2,834 4,944 -7.7%
central with a 20.1% market share.
106 91 ReWe Dortmund eG REWE is the number three player in the European food trade with supermarkets, discount Co-operative Retailing Germany 1913 2,198 373 2,490 1,677 0.9%
stores, superstores, hypermarkets, specialist outlets and travel agencies.
107 n/a Kyoei Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd Kyoei Fire and Marine has carved out a unique position in the Japanese non-life insurance market. Mutual Insurance Japan 1942 2,198 6,984 1,589 6,584 n/a
96 Co-op Adriatica Ranks 2nd among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement Co-operative Retailing Italy 1995 2,196 4,034 2,343 4,123 7.1%
central with a 20.1% market share.
109 n/a Markfed Andhra Pradesh A federation of 1475 Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies in Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Food & Agri India 1958 2,184 n/a n/a n/a n/a
helping farmers to secure better price for their produce.
110 94 Glanbia International dairy, consumer foods and nutritional products, processing 35% of Ireland’s Controlled Food & Agri Ireland 1964 2,167 1,145 2,373 1,148 4.4%
dairy output. No. 1 dairy, cheese and pig meat processor in Ireland and no. 1 cheese supplier by Co-ops
for pizzas in Europe.
111 92 Système U Centrale Regionale Est Regional part of Système U, the sixth largest consumer food distributor in France, holds 8.4% Co-operative Retailing France 1951 2,122 516 2,430 583 -0.2%
market-share with turnover of about 9bn Euro in 2005 for the Group.
112 103 Tereos As a global player in sugar and ethanol, Tereos is a leader in its sector: No. 1 for sugar in France Co-operative Food & Agri France 2004 2,118 2,559 2,147 2,497 1.6%
and the Czech Republic, no. 2 in Europe and no. 3 in Brazil. It is no. 5 worldwide for alcohol-ethanol. Group
113 116 Foodstuffs (Auckland) Limited One of three coops comprising the country’s biggest grocery distributor (56% of supermarket Co-operative Retailing New Zealand 1925 2,0 59 621 1,946 566 5.8%
sales and New Zealand’s third-largest business). Group
114 n/a Consorzio Interregionale Cooperati This retail co-operative is a part of the Italian retail co-operative group, the largest consumer Consortium Retailing Italy 1980 2,058 528 1,541 351 n/a
retail group in Italy. + Federation
115 112 True Value Corporation The number 3 hardware distribution coop in the USA with 5,000 retail owners and 6,200-plus Co-operative Retailing USA 1948 2,0 43 752 2,024 656 0.9%
stores in 54 countries.
116 n/a Folksam Folksam is an insurance co-operative with 100 national offices. It handles over 18 million Mutual Insurance Sweden 1908 2,032 10,135 3,478 14,136 n/a
insurance contracts (every second home and person and every fourth car).
117 111 Sodra Skogsagarna SODRA members own over two million hectares of forest (over 50% of the privately held forest) Co-operative Food & Agri Sweden 1938 2,029 1,922 2,046 2,049 18.1%
in southern Sweden. 16% ROCE in H1 07.
118 95 Système U Centrale Regionale Sud Regional part of Système U, the sixth largest consumer food distributor in France, holds 8.4% Co-operative Retailing France 1953 2,010 614 2,357 616 -2.5%
market-share with turnover of about 9bn Euro in 2005 for the Group.
119 100 Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer (VBA) A market share of 44% with 19 million flowers and two million plants being sold each day. Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1911 2,001 562 2,206 678 3.7%
120 102 The Co-operators The largest Canadian-owned multi-product insurer with over 650 outlets, approximately 900 Consortium Insurance Canada 1945 1,9 83 5,679 2,160 5,052 -11.5%
independent brokers and three call centres. + Federation
121 99 Mobiliar The oldest private insurance company in Switzerland. With premiums of CHF 2.6 million and Co-operative Insurance Switzerland 1826 1,980 9,760 2,215 10,440 3.1%
approximately 1.3 million policyholders, it holds a leading position in the Swiss market.
122 108 Gjensidige Forsikring Norway’s second largest non-life insurance company, with a market share of 31,2 percent and Mutual Insurance Norway 1921 1,971 6,118 2,083 5,358 5.0%
a market presence in Norway unmatched by any other non-life company.
123 n/a KLP Insurance KLP is one of the leading insurance businesses in Norway with a strong position in the public Mutual Insurance Norway 1949 1,896 23,199 2,243 23,262 -6.2%
sector pension market.
124 n/a Coop Expansion Repartion French regional pharmacy distribution cooperative with 2250 employees and Co-operative Retailing France n/a 1,891 502 1,725 439 n/a
Pharmacie Lorraine 13,000 member pharmacies.
125 125 CUNA Mutual Group The leading provider of financial services to credit unions and their members worldwide. Mutual Insurance USA 1935 1,8 83 14,574 1,727 14,004 9.0%
In 2006: more than $1.4 billion paid in claims; managed $7.17 billion in 3rd party assets.
126 114 NFU Mutual One of the UK’s largest insurers insuring 75% of full time commercial farmers in England and Mutual Insurance UK 1908 1,877 18,339 1,975 17,870 5.8%
Wales. Over 300 branch offices and 7 regional offices.
127 104 Valio Group The Group handles 80% of Finland’s dairy milk volume. Its market share in Finland – 45% ice Co-operative Food & Agri Finland 1905 1,869 956 2,141 1,138 -0.2%
cream, 67% milk and nearly 90% for fermented milks. Group
128 107 Unive Unive is one of the largest insurers in the Netherlands insuring over 3.7 million people/objects. Mutual Insurance Netherlands 1794 1,8 62 782 2,084 829 2.1%
138 Agropur The largest dairy co-operative in Canada with 21 plants – 20 in Canada and one in the USA – Co-operative Food & Agri Canada 1938 1,827 659 1,582 565 11.6%
processing 1.9 million litres of milk each year.
130 119 RWZ Rhein-Main Third biggest agricultural co-operative in Germany with over 250 Raiffeisen centers and nearly Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1890 1,788 509 1,873 486 9.1%
100 Raiffeisen markets.
131 n/a Alte Leipziger Hallesche Initially founded in 1830 as fire-insurance, today the group covers a wide range of insurances Mutual Insurance Germany 1819 1,784 22,424 3,642 20,966 n/a
and holds the 25th position with regard to memberships’ payments.
132 118 The Greenery A leading company in the vegetable, fruit and mushroom sector in Europe. 1,500 producer-owned Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1996 1,774 632 1,930 847 5.0%
member companies market all their products via The Greenery.
133 115 Gilde Meat co-operative that processes and markets meat and meat products with 2005 turnover of Co-operative Food & Agri Norway 1964 1,772 747 1,958 746 0.4%
of USD 1.7 billion.
134 135 Unicopa Co-operative union active in dairy, agriculture and meat production. Co-operative Food & Agri France 1960 1,756 n/a 1,615 n/a n/a
120 PAC.2000 A. This is one of the 8 distribution centers of CONAD, 2nd largest distributor in Italy with Co-operative Retailing Italy 1972 1,751 842 1,872 911 6.9%
12.2% market share.
136 113 Agrial One of France’s largest agricultural coops active from production through to retail. Co-operative Food & Agri France 2000 1,745 947 1,990 1,067 0.3%
121 Coopagri Bretagne Each year the co-op processes 1,500,000 pigs, 475 million litres of milk, 700,000 egg-laying Co-operative Food & Agri France 1911 1,719 646 1,854 677 6.0%
hens, 175,000 tonnes of vegtables and 479,000 tonnes of cereals.
138 127 Co-op Sapporo Second largest co-operative in Japan. Retail co-operative. Co-operative Retailing Japan 1965 1,719 1,148 1,712 896 4.8%
140 151 Copersucar Copersucar is one of the largest sugar and alcohol producers in the world. Co-operative Food & Agri Brazil 1959 1,706 1,330 1,468 n/a 16.2%
158 IFFCO- Indian Farmers Fertiliser Fertiliser producer with an annual capacity of 3.69 million tonnes of Urea and NPK/DAP Co-operative Food & Agri India 1967 1,6 83 1,251 1,377 93 n/a
Co-operative Limited equivalent to 1.71 million tonnes of P2O5. 37,000 coop members. Group
141 n/a CERP Rhin Rhone Mediterranee Another regional CERP cooperative, part of the second largest pharmaceutical distribtion Co-operative Retailing France n/a 1,6 83 423 1,827 455 5.3%
network in Europe.
142 126 OP Bank Group The largest financial services group in Finland with over 30% of domestic loans and deposits, Co-operative Banks Finland 1902 1,674 62,513 1,723 56,166 11.1%
and 25% domestic non-life insurance (2nd place). Group
143 130 Co-op Schleswig Holstein Germany’s largest consumer retail chain with 250 supermarkets, department stores, D IY Co-operative Retailing Germany 1899 1,645 390 1,702 438 10.5%
and garden centres.
144 124 Groupe MACSF The number one insurer of health professionals in France, insuring over 60% of doctors and Mutual Insurance France 1935 1,638 15,903 1,753 16,429 6.8%
dental surgeons. One of the top 20 French insurers.
145 n/a Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU) One of the largest credit unions in the USA with 2.8 million members and over USD 24 billion Credit union Div. Financials USA 1933 1,6 12 24,644 1,360 22,897 18.6%
in deposits.
146 123 Cosun Cosun produces and sells natural ingredients and food for the international food industry. It has Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1970 1,596 1,491 1,782 1,780 2.3%
4200 FTEs and a turnover of 1.5 billion.
147 134 VGZ-IZA VGZ-IZA is the Netherlands’ largest healthcare insurance provider insuring more than Not Classified Health Netherlands 1992 1,594 1,472 1,632 1,402 11.7%
3 million people.
148 155 Cobank A US agricultural bank which has loans in excess of USD 30 billion outstanding. Not Classified Banks USA 1916 1,581 33,835 1,413 30,856 11.9%
147 Taiwan Co-operative Bank 159th largest bank in the world and second largest in Taiwan. The market leader in share of Co-operative Banks Taiwan, China 1946 1,577 59,889 1,488 63,896 9.5%
deposits and loans. Group
150 n/a Swiss Union of Raiffeisen Banks The 395 Raiffeisenbanks have a leading position in Switzerland with a 19% market share in Consortium Banks Switzerland 1902 1,5 62 82,131 699 23,095 n/a
savings and notes and 14% share on the mortgage market. + Federation
151 n/a CECAB Group 1st tinned vegetable producer and shell egg brand leader in France. 2nd largest processed Co-operative Food & Agri France 1968 1,550 845 1,824 704 -2.9%
vegetable producer in France.
152 129 Emmi Swiss dairy cooperative with annual sales of more than CHF 2 billion. Co-operative Food & Agri Switzerland 1925 1,539 886 1,709 14,746 3.9%
154 139 West Fleisch Leading meat processor in Germany and the third largest processor in Europe. Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1928 1,505 236 1,577 257 9.0%
142 Norske Felleskjop FK is the primary supplier of equipment to Norwegian farmers and the largest player in the Co-operative Retailing Norway 1896 1,498 n/a 1,512 n/a 9.9%
Norwegian feed concentrates market with 80% market share.
155 149 OZ One of the largest regional health insurance companies in The Netherlands with over Not Classified Health Netherlands n/a 1,477 719 1,473 558 14.6%
1.2 billion in premiums.
156 170 Darigold Darigold, a co-operative in the Pacific-Northwest USA, processes the equivalent of two million Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1918 1,4 59 317 1,297 316 12.5%
gallons every day – seven billion pounds of milk every year.
157 n/a Groupe MGEN The 1st Health Mutual in France Mutual Insurance France n/a 1,4 53 3,476 n/a n/a n/a
132 Sperwer Dutch retailer co-operative specialised in smaller inner city stores. Turnover in excess of Co-operative Retailing Netherlands 1928 1,4 43 380 1,651 61 -0.1%
USD 1.4 billion.
159 171 Southern States Cooperative 1,200 retail locations in 23 states. Owned by more than 300,000 farmers, the cooperative Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1923 1,438 448 1,294 436 11.2%
purchases, manufactures or processes feed, seed, fertilizer, farm supplies and fuel.
160 136 Coop Estense Ranks 3rd among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement Co-operative Retailing Italy 1989 1,424 2,288 1,610 2,409 1.1%
central with a 20.1% market share.
161 n/a Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co Ltd Australia’s largest manufacturer of dairy products with nearly 35% of milk production in the Co-operative Food & Agri Australia 1950 1,421 1,070 1,134 917 14.5%
country. It accounts for 9% of the world dairy trade.
162 152 Foremost Farms A major dairy co-operative in the USA that processes and markets milk and related dairy Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1995 1,419 345 1,443 352 -1.6%
products. 14th biggest cheese producer in the world.
163 144 Coop Atlantique Retail and distribution co-op in Mid West France with 271 points of sale and 10 cafeteria. Co-operative Retailing France 1912 1,409 n/a 1,497 n/a 7.6%
Turnover in excess of 1.1 billion.
164 153 PPCS Limited A leading New Zealand producer and exporter of meat processing 37% of New Zealand’s Co-operative Food & Agri New Zealand 1948 1,406 514 1,440 467 -7.5%
sheep exports, 35% of beef exports and 54% of venison exports.
165 145 Midlands Co-operative Society Second largest independent retailer in the U K with sales of USD 1.5 billion. Co-operative Retailing UK 1925 1,4 02 733 1,496 733 -6.3%
166 159 Associated Food Stores Inc Wholesale distributor in Utah and surrounding States. A provider of services to almost Consortium Retailing USA 1940 1,3 93 369 1,372 365 1.5%
600 independent Retailers. + Federation
167 164 Coop Lombardia Ranks 6th among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement Co-operative Retailing Italy 1945 1,391 2,036 1,353 2,182 17.5%
central with a 20.1% market share.
168 n/a Tradeka Tradeka owns 19 hypermarkets, Finland’s largest chain of neighbourhood stores (720 outlets) Co-operative Retailing Finland 1917 1,368 513 1,711 723 -8.6%
and the largest Finnish hotel and restaurant business.
169 n/a SACMI A recognised world leader in manufacturing machines and complete plants for the ceramics, Co-operative Materials Italy 1919 1,3 59 1,602 1,560 1,881 -0.4%
beverage & packaging, processing and plastics industries.
170 165 Staplcotn, Inc. Largest cotton warehouser in the USA with 1.7 million bails and over 20,000 farmer members. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1921 1,354 202 1,347 226 0.5%
171 146 Co-op Tokyo Retail co-operative. 18.7% of Japanese households in the region are members of its consortium. Co-operative Retailing Japan 1957 1,334 n/a 1,491 585 2.5%
172 148 Unicoop Tirreno Ranks 5th among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement central Co-operative Retailing Italy 1945 1,331 2,534 1,485 2,644 2.4% www.unicooptireno.e-coop
199 n/a COAMO – Agroindustrial Cooperativa 60th largest private Company in Brazil, with 19,000 associates in 53 communities. Coamo Co-operative Food & Agri Brazil 1968 1,161 906 1,383 762 n/a
produces 3.3 percent of all grains and fibers produced nationally.
200 194 Atria Group Atria is Finland’s largest meat processor in terms of turnover and one of the industry’s leading Co-operative Food & Agri Finland 1990 1,157 758 1,128 702 17.2%
companies in the Nordic region, Russia and the Baltic countries. Group
201 n/a U.S. AgBank, FCB Is part of the Nationwide Farm Credit System. The bank reported in 2005 assets of Co-operative Div. Financials USA 1916 1,148 21,451 886 19,425 n/a
$330.6 billion and a net income of $21.45 billion.
202 n/a HAGe Kiel (RHG Nord) One of the largest agriculture trading companies of Northern Germany with a turnover of more Co-operative Retailing Germany n/a 1,147 509 1,312 403 0.0%
than 1 billion in 2005.
203 n/a Liverpool Victoria The UK’s largest Friendly Society by net assets. At present the group manages more than Mutual Insurance UK 1843 1,137 13,858 1,386 14,179 -8.7%
£8 billion on behalf of its members and customers.
204 200 Associated Wholesalers, Inc. Associated Wholesaler’s Inc. is a major grocery distributor in the Northeast USA (PA). Co-operative Retailing USA 1962 1,136 163 1,088 155 4.4%
205 201 Affiliated Foods Supplies produce, meat, bread and dairy products to over 700 grocery stores and restaurants Co-operative Retailing USA 1946 1,133 132 1,082 133 4.7%
Incorporated Company in 7 southern US states. Owns 1 million sq ft of warehouse.
206 n/a Dairylea Cooperative Inc Largest milk cooperative in the Northeast US with sales reaching almost $1 billion. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1907 1,124 134 963 131 16.7%
207 n/a Dairy Farmers of Britain The leading dairy farmers’ co-operative and 3rd largest milk processor in the UK. Reported Co-operative Food & Agri UK 2002 1,122 350 824 145 n/a
turnover in 2005-06: £608.7m.
208 n/a Swedish Meats Responsible for the majority of livestock slaughtering in Sweden. Market leader in cut and Co-operative Food & Agri Sweden n/a 1,116 422 1,242 541 7.1%
processed meat production.
209 186 Cooperl Hunaudaye Europe’s leading integrated pork producer with 2,500 active members. Not Classified Food & Agri France 1966 1,113 n/a 1,160 n/a 9.7%
210 206 Central Grocers Cooperative Inc Supplies and services over 200 independent grocery retailers in the Chicago and Co-operative Retailing USA 1918 1,1 03 189 1,048 197 5.2%
Northwest Indiana area.
211 196 Ocean Spray The leading producer of canned and bottled juice drinks in North America since 1981 with Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1930 1,0 93 892 1,113 885 -1.8%
over 50% of the cranberry market.
212 n/a Coop Consumatori Nordest Ranks 4th among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement central Co-operative Retailing Italy 1905 1,088 2,872 1,366 2,837 -8.9%
with a 20.1% market share.
213 187 Granlatte Granlatte is the market leader in Italy for milk processing. Its members represent 1600 dairy . Co-operative Food & Agri Italy 1959 1,081 761 1,153 844 7.2%
farmers in fourteen Italian regions Group
214 n/a Seminole Electric Cooperative Inc. 2nd largest generation and transmission co-op in the USA based on 2004 revenues. Co-operative Utilities USA 1948 1,080 1,314 897 958 n/a
Reported assets in 2005 are $1.08 billion.
215 208 Groupe Euralis With a turn-over of EUR 831 million in 2005, Euralis is the largest global producer of goose liver Co-operative Food & Agri France 1936 1,049 770 1,034 761 0.2%
(foie gras) and a market leader in corn. It is among the 15 first agri-food cooperatives in France. Group
216 203 Saitama Co-op A member of the Co-op Net business association. Saitama has 560,000 members. Co-operative Retailing Japan 1947 1,048 502 1,065 9 2.8%
217 191 Groupe Even French Dairy co-operative, owner of Bio D’Armor, Even, Kerguelen and Salmor brands. Co-operative Food & Agri France n/a 1,048 n/a 1,134 n/a 5.6%
218 226 HK Ruokatalo HKScan is one of the leading food companies in Northern Europe. The company’s home Co-operative Food & Agri Finland 1975 1,046 609 921 582 n/a
market consists of Finland, Sweden, the Baltics and Poland. Group
219 n/a Système U Centrale Regional part of Système U, the sixth largest consumer food distributor in France, holds 8.4% Co-operative Retailing France 1978 1,037 306 1,136 303 4.4%
Regionale Nord Ouest market-share with turnover of about 9bn Euro in 2005 for the Group.
220 n/a Associated Grocers Inc The cooperative distributes food and nonfood goods to more than 320 independent grocery Co-operative Retailing USA 1934 1,032 160 795 157 n/a
retailers in the Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, and the Pacific Rim. Latest estimated sales
figure is $288 m.
221 n/a Plains Cotton Co-op Association The world’s largest producer and supplier of Texas-style cotton and a major denim manufacturer. Consortium Food & Agri USA 1953 1,028 201 880 192 16.8%
+ Federation
222 212 National Rural Utilities Cooperative Provides finance for utility co-operatives throughout the USA. These 1,050 co-operatives Co-operative Div. Financials USA 1969 1,026 20,046 1,006 21,350 2.0%
Finance Corporation (CFC) provide power to 12% of households in the USA. Group
223 n/a Dairygold Co-operative Society Limited Ireland’s largest farmer owned co-operative active in dairy and agriculture. Co-operative Food & Agri Ireland n/a 1,026 590 1,186 455 -1.1%
237 Recreational Equipment Inc Largest consumer co-op in the USA, selling outdoor gear and sporting goods via Internet. Co-operative Retailing USA 1938 1,022 591 888 542 15.1%
Sales reported in 2006: $1.17 billion.
225 n/a Alliance Agro-Alimentaire (3A Groupe) Dairy Co-operative in the South West France. Processes 600 million litres of milk Co-operative Food & Agri France 2002 1,021 750 1,184 433 -1.5%
from 2,700 producers.
226 211 Shelter Insurance Companies The 6th largest primarily personal lines mutual insurance company and 62nd largest Mutual Insurance USA 1946 1,017 1,892 1,012 2,099 0.5%
property and casualty insurer in the United States.
227 214 Affiliated Foods Midwest Co-op Inc. Wholesaler to independant grocers in 12 mid-west states. Owns 1.4 million sq ft Co-operative Retailing USA 1931 1,015 140 995 134 2.0%
of warehouse space.
228 n/a Les Coopérateurs de Distribution of produce and management of Hypermarkets with 3586 employees. Co-operative Retailing France n/a 1,006 182 n/a n/a n/a
229 216 Sunkist Growers Sunkist is one of the 10 largest marketing co-operatives in America and the largest Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1893 1,005 169 975 176 3.1%
marketing co-operative in the world’s fruit and vegetable industry.
230 n/a Grupo de Alimentacion Coren Agricultural processor of turkey and chicken with over 70 plants. Also produces animal feed. Co-operative Food & Agri Spain 1959 996 22 1,134 218 0.4%
233 ENAP, Inc. Largest retailer-owned lumber distribution coop in the USA. Co-operative Utilities USA 1967 990 72 901 65 9.9%
n/a ZG Raiffeisen, Karlsruhe Agricultural and building materials co-operative and also active in the energy market. Consortium Food & Agri Germany 1932 989 n/a 1,071 338 5.5%
+ Federation
233 n/a Societe Cooperative Wholesale grocery distributor. One of the 500 largest companies in France. Co-operative Retailing France 1980 984 230 1,055 234 6.7% n/a
d’Approvisionnement Normande
234 n/a Consum Valencia based supermarket chain with over 560 retail outlets. Co-operative Retailing Spain 1959 973 463 1,118 490 -0.5%
244 MFA Incorporated MFA Inc. is a Midwest-based regional farm supply and marketing co-operative with 106 Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1914 969 332 860 333 12.7%
company-owned MFA Agri Services Centers. In 2005, assets amounted to $332.5m and
net income to $11.63m.
236 n/a Societe Cooperative Wholesale grocery distributor. One of the 500 largest companies in France. Co-operative Retailing France 1976 966 293 1,051 328 5.1%
d’Approvisionnement Rhone Alpes
237 n/a Novacoop Ranks 7th among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement central Co-operative Retailing Italy 1906 966 1,361 1,144 1,411 -3.5%
with a 20.1% market share.
238 n/a American Crystal Sugar Co. American Crystal Sugar Co. is the largest beet sugar producer in the United States. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1973 965 774 1,033 822 -6.5%
239 n/a Societe Cooperative d’Achat Regional distribution of agricultural products
Co-operative Retailing France n/a 9 62 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Midi Languedoc
240 n/a Cooperateurs Normandie Picardie Second largest French consumer cooperative. Co-operative Retailing France n/a 955 314 1,085 328 0.7%
Point Coop Maxicoop Viking
241 n/a First Milk First Milk accounts for 18% of total the annual milk production in Great Britain. Co-operative Food & Agri UK 2001 9 53 237 1,030 52 -7.5%
n/a Cristal Union Second largest French sugar producer with 20% of market share. Co-operative Food & Agri France 1998 937 122 1,190 916 -18.8%
243 n/a Hermandad Farmaceutica Del Spanish regional pharmaceutical distribution cooperative. Co-operative Retailing Spain n/a 936 263 997 279 9.6%
Mediterraneo Scl
244 242 Dairy Farmers Group One of Australia’s largest dairy products manufacturers with 17 manufacturing sites Co-operative Food & Agri Australia 1900 9 12 466 874 516 -4.7%
throughout Australia.
245 223 Riceland Foods Riceland is the largest miller and marketer of rice with eight separate mills. It processes over Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1921 909 412 924 434 -1.7%
25% of the total USA rice crop. It is also a major soybean processor.
246 n/a Western Corporate Federal WesCorp provides small and medium credit unions with balance sheet and payment Credit union Div. Financials USA 1969 904 25,698 534 24,851 n/a
Credit Union (WesCorp) management solutions through short term finance.
247 n/a Nordiconad This is one of the 8 distribution centers of CONAD, 2nd largest distributor in Italy with Co-operative Retailing Italy 1993 9 02 496 1,092 532 -5.5%
12.2% market share.
248 256 North Carolina Electric Its 27 cooperatives deliver electricity to nearly 30% of the state’s population. Combined assets Controlled Energy USA 1949 874 1,181 784 1,143 11.5%
Membership Corp. are approx. $4.5 billion. by Co-ops
249 253 Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. AECI provides low-cost wholesale power to 6 regional and 39 local electric power Co-operative Energy USA 1961 873 1,704 798 1,494 9.4%
cooperatives in 3 States. Operating income in 2005: $873m. Group
250 n/a Miyagi Co-op It is a retail co-operative in the northern part of Japan and has 553,155 members, a share of Co-operative Retailing Japan 1952 871 n/a 972 515 2.6%
61% of the total households in Miyagi Prefecture.
251 n/a Cehave Landbouwbelang Produces more than 2.5 million tones of feed per year through feed facilities in four countries Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1993 8 62 298 998 349 -1.2%
with a workforce of approximately 1,500 people.
252 241 CCPL (Consortium Coop. A multi-purpose co-operative and highly diversified industrial group in food packaging, Co-operative Commercial Italy 1904 858 634 875 699 12.1%
Produz Lav. S.c.r.i) construction material, petroleum products etc. 2006 turnover is stated at EUR 730m. Group Services &
253 264 United Suppliers, Inc. A wholesale distributor and manufacturer of agricultural products based in the Midwest. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1963 858 333 735 288 16.7%
It has three core divisons: feed, fertilizer and chemicals.
254 n/a UN IPEG UNIPEG is Italy’s leading co-operative in the beef sector – distributes its products to more Co-operative Food & Agri Italy 1941 858 220 545 131 n/a
than 3000 points of sale throughout Italy.
255 227 Cecofar (Centro Cooperativo CECOFAR ranks 4th in wholesale of pharmaceutical, dietry and veterinarial pharmaceutical Co-operative Health Spain 1930 8 52 n/a 919 271 6.0%
Farmacéutico) preparations, holding 7.4% market share in Spain.
256 248 Maryland & Virginia Milk Production A regional raw milk marketing and processing co-operative, operating 3 fluid processing plants. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1920 8 52 122 822 116 3.7%
Co-operative Association Markets over 3 billion pounds of milk annually.
257 n/a Societe Cooperative Wholesale grocery distributor for the region. Co-operative Retailing France n/a 8 42 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
d’Approvisionnement Nord
258 n/a Camif Coollectivites The 3rd French company of mail order sales, and a subsidiary company of the Co-operative Retailing France n/a 8 42 287 990 373 -2.9%
CAMIFsocial economy company.
259 232 Conad Romagna (Commercianti This is one of the 8 distribution centers of CONAD, 2nd largest distributor in Italy with Co-operative Retailing Italy 1959 833 599 908 620 4.9%
Indipendenti Associati) 12.2% market share.
260 228 Societe Cooperative Wholesale grocery distributor for the Paris area. Co-operative Retailing France 1977 833 241 914 270 n/a n/a
d’Approvisionnement d’lle de France
261 n/a Groupe Coop Alsace A retail co-operative and no. 1 in the Alsace region. It provides food and non-food through Co-operative Retailing France 1902 825 346 1,039 375 -9.3%
249 retail outlets.
262 n/a Lactogal A food products company focused on dairy products, milk, fruit juice and mineral water. Controlled Food & Agri Portugal 1996 820 503 922 592 1.7%
It is placed among the twenty largest agro-food European companies. by Co-ops
263 258 Milcobel The result of the merger Belgomilk and BZU MELKAANOVER in 2004. Milcobel, a cooperative Co-operative Food & Agri Belgium 1887 8 12 332 770 330 n/a
of dairy farmers, is aiming at a turnover of EUR 700m.
264 249 Fairprice NTUC FairPrice is the leading supermarket chain in Singapore. Its network comprises over Co-operative Retailing Singapore 1973 808 n/a 806 581 0.3%
100 stores and has 450.000 members.
265 n/a PAX Holding It is the mutual organized holding of PAX Life Insurance, the core business of the company. Mutual Health Switzerland 1959 805 4,891 947 5,471 -1.9%
It has 150.000 members.
266 n/a Capsa Spain’s largest dairy company with a market share of 13.5% and reported net profits of Co-operative Food & Agri Spain 1959 798 440 922 467 -1.1%
EUR 2.8m ($5.32m) in 2005.
267 n/a East Of England Fifth largest co-operative society in the UK with 200 trading outlets. It is the largest Co-operative Retailing UK 1844 795 3,982 1,095 436 -19.1%
community retailer in East Anglia.
268 n/a Brazos Electric Power Cooperative Power generation co-operative providing 20% of electrical power to Texas. Co-operative Utilities USA 1941 793 n/a n/a n/a n/a
269 n/a Coop Liguria Ranks 8th among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement central Co-operative Retailing Italy 1945 785 1,623 890 1,750 0.8%
with a 20.1% market share.
270 262 Avebe Group Production, marketing and sale of potato starch and other types of starch and their derivatives. Co-operative Food & Agri Netherlands 1919 775 553 755 587 1.7%
Has facilities in 20 countries.
271 n/a Countrymark Cooperative Owns Indiana’s only US owned fuel refinery, five fuel terminals, 200 delivery trucks and Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1955 775 249 549 198 n/a
Holding Corporation 90 retail stations.
272 n/a Bäko Gruppe Nord Bäko Gruppe Nord supplies raw materials and ingredients to 47 bakery and confectionary Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1906 773 n/a 896 203 -1.4%
co-operatives throughout Germany. Group
273 257 UN EAL Group Unéal Group is the regional leader in commercialisation of cereal seeds, animal feed and Co-operative Food & Agri France 2002 767 327 779 361 -0.8%
fertiliser as well as renting und supplying agricultural equipment.
274 277 Tri State Generation and A wholesale electric power supplier owned by the 44 electric cooperatives in the west. Its total Co-operative Utilities USA 1952 758 2,125 673 2,034 12.6%
Transmission Association Inc operating revenues amounted to $758 million in 2005. Group
275 265 URM Stores URM Stores is a wholesale food distributor to more than 160 grocery stores and 1,500-plus Co-operative Retailing USA 1921 756 202 732 202 3.3%
restaurants, hotels, and convenience stores in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Sales in 2007: $799.4m.
276 n/a Coopercentral Aurora One of Brazil’s major industrial conglomerates and a world leader in meat processing technology, Co-operative Food & Agri Brazil 1973 750 132 548 112 16.8%
Aurora is comprised of 17 co-operatives with 74.252 members and employs 9,000 people.
277 281 Groupe Coopératif Maisadour Manufacturer and processor of food, corn, cereal, wine, poultry, ducks, geese and seed. Co-operative Food & Agri France 1936 750 466 661 403 14.2%
France’s 2nd largest poultry producer.
278 259 Agri-Mark The largest dairy co-operative serving the New England market with four processing plants. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1916 750 247 762 265 -1.6%
n/a Bäko-Zentrale Süddeutschland Bäko-Zentrale Süddeutschland supplies raw materials and ingredients to 36 bakery and Co-operative Food & Agri Germany 1917 747 50 864 176 -1.3%
confectionary co-operatives throughout Germany. Group
280 n/a Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Generation and transmission co-operative with 2000 MW of generating capacity. Co-operative Utilities USA 1948 738 1,712 588 1,550 n/a
260 Alliance Group Limited A farmer-owned co-operative processing and marketing lamb, sheep, etc. from 7 processing sites Co-operative Food & Agri New Zealand 1930 738 269 759 235 -5.3%
located in the south of New Zealand. 95% of the products are exported. Turnover in 2005: $1.1bn.
282 n/a DEVK The DEVK group is managed by two mutual insurance companies founded by railway workers. Mutual Insurance Germany 1886 733 5,412 2,651 12,467 n/a
n/a Central Electric Power Cooperative CEPC provides service to its 8 member distribution cooperatives located in central Missouri. Co-operative Utilities USA 1949 725 173 608 177 19.2%
They are the third largest co-op electric network serving 80% of the demographic area.
284 n/a CERP Cooperative d'Exploitation et Another regional CERP cooperative, part of the second largest pharmaceutical distribtion Co-operative Retailing France n/a 715 239 759 251 7.6%
de Répartition Pharmaceutique network in Europe.
de Bretagne Nord
285 n/a Great River Energy Great River Energy is the second largest wholesale electric power supplier in Minnesota and Co-operative Utilities USA 1999 713 1,817 558 1,693 n/a
the fifth largest generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative in the U.S. in terms of assets.
286 n/a Système U Centrale Nationale Regional part of Système U, the sixth largest consumer food distributor in France, holds 8.4% Co-operative Retailing France 1986 709 474 470 471 n/a
market-share with turnover of about 9bn Euro in 2005 for the Group.
287 n/a MFA Oil Company Produces fuel and lubrication products and operates bulk petroleum and propane plants. Controlled Energy USA 1929 694 211 556 201 n/a
Owns 75 convenience stores and 10 Jiffy Lube and four Big O Tire franchises. by Co-ops
288 n/a CAMST 5th largest chain in Italy of consumer food service catering to school canteens, hospitals Co-operative Food & Agri Italy 1945 694 591 785 412 1.0%
and other public institutions.
289 282 Calgary Co-operative Locally owned and operated, Calgary Co-op is one of the largest retail co-operatives in North Co-operative Retailing Canada 1956 691 244 656 235 1.8%
America, with 413,000 members, $314 million in assets and annual sales of $884 million. Group
290 n/a Coop Centro Italia Ranks last among the 9 large regional centers of COOP Italia, the largest procurement Co-operative Retailing Italy 1861 687 1,482 805 1,540 -2.5%
central with a 20.1% market share.
291 n/a Blue Diamond Growers The world’s largest tree nut processing and marketing company. Co-operative Food & Agri USA 1914 675 198 542 201 n/a
274 Agralys Ranking 2nd among France’s cereal producers, grain production represents 75% and Co-operative Food & Agri France 1992 673 334 682 334 -0.6%
processing represents 11% of its activities. Turnover in 2005 was EU557k. Group
293 270 Scottish Midlands Co-operative With over 250 retail outlets, Scotmid’s reported turnover in 2005 was £356.7million. Co-operative Retailing UK 1859 672 377 695 377 -3.4%
Society Limited (SCOTMID) Scotmid is also a major funeral director in Scotland.
294 286 Certified Grocers Midwest Inc. Certified Grocers Midwest is a retailers’ distribution co-operative with warehouse facilities Co-operative Retailing USA 1940 671 120 644 116 4.1%
under-one-roof exceeding one million square feet in the Chicago area.
295 279 Amul (Gujarat Cooperative India’s largest food processing business – collecting 1.81 billion litres of milk in 2003/04. Co-operative Food & Agri India 1966 670 11 670 10 0.0%
Milk Marketing Federation) 12 district cooperative milk producers’ Union are members. Group
296 285 Soc. Consortile EUCLIDA A R.L. A member of the Italian retail co-operative movement. Co-operative Retailing Italy n/a 667 161 648 138 17.7% n/a
273 Piggly Wiggly Alabama A leading wholesale supplier cooperative that distributes food and non-food products to Co-operative Retailing USA 1947 665 79 687 78 -3.2%
Distributing Company Piggly Wiggly supermarkets in Alabama and neighboring states. Revenue in 2007: $700.3M.
298 280 Kyosuiren A savings and credit association for Japanese fishermen. Mutual Insurance Japan 1951 6 63 n/a 667 4,908 -0.5%
n/a Midcounties Co-operative Midcounties is the largest independent retailer in its region. The co-operative has six trading Co-operative Retailing UK 1860 660 302 992 540 n/a
groups – retail, motor, funeral, travel, property and childcare. Sales are at £313.0m in 2005.
300 292 Associated Press AP is owned by its 1,500 U.S. daily newspaper members. It has 243 offices in 97 countries Co-operative Media USA 1848 654 467 630 448 3.8%
and provides news services and reports. AP has received 49 Pulitzer Prizes, and 30 photo
Pulitzers, the most of any news organization.
Global 300 total 2005: USD 983,349m
Da ta so u rc e: C or p or at e we b si te an d a nn u al re p or t wh e re a pp lica b le. Eve ry e ffo rt h as b e en m a de to e ns ur
18 ICA Global 300 list e th at th e in fo rm a tio n co n tain e d h er ein i s c o rr ec t. ICA Global 300 list 1 9
Th e I CA a n d its a ss oc ia te d o rg an is at ion s d e clin e s all r es po n sib ilit y in c as e o f e r ro r o r o m iss ion . F or fu
rt he r in fo r m ati on visi t ww w .gl ob a l3 0 0 .co o p
5765.5_ICA_Global300_List_art:Layout 1 10/10/07 11:00 Page 1 l
5765.5_ICA_Global300_List_art:Layout 1 10/10/07 11:01 Page 23 hor
Methodology ed
Thank you
The following approach was adopted in compiling the 2007 Global 300. poi
Data Source Since the end of the 2005 financial year, there i
01 18 37 86
Our two primary data sources were: have been a number of mergers, demutualisations kt
Hassan Kashef, ICA, ICA Global 300 and other corporate changes which have
Dr Onno von Bekkum, The Netherlands Institute for Audited public accounts – these provide an affected co-operative and mutual businesses in
independent verifiable source for the financial ke
Cooperative Entrepreneurship (N ICE) this listing. However, as our ranking is based on
figures. As a consequence of our work, we have et
Shaun Tarbuck, ICMIF 2005 data we have listed organisations as they
02 19 38 5487116 149
developed an extensive electronic database of oG
Dave Lenton, ICM IF reported their activities and structure in 2005.
Global 300 annual reports and other relevant lt
Dave Chesnick, USDA
public documents. Sectors hto
Barry Silver, NCB, USA
In relation to the various sectors represented in ihb
David Coulter, Co-operatives UK
Existing databases of co-operative and mutual the list we have adopted the following: sa
03 20 39 55 88 117150
organisations. In particular we have worked with a Produced by the nl
number of ICA’s national members, sectoral For insurance
International we have usedAlliance
Co-operative net premiums ok
organisations and co-operative researchers to written,
15 Route des where available, rather than the total
Morillons n3
ensure consistency of data and approach. revenue for the business. This is consistent t0e
1218 Grand-Saconnex
with the recommended approach of ICMIF. h0
Selection Criteria Geneva
04 21 40 56 89 118151
Revenue was used as the criteria for selection For agriculture, retail and wholesale we have
Switzerland fl
and ranking. used the total revenue figures. i
Marc Sormani For co-operative banks, UK Building Societies, tas
US currency was used with local currencies
Rafael Ruiz and non-USA Credit Unions we have used net hnt
converted into USD on the conversion rate at
05 22 41 57 90 119152
Vincent Devel the respective 2005 financial year end. We have interest income plus other income. For USA
Thomas Good based co-operative banks and Credit Unions on
however included a year on year comparison of
Osmond Plummer we have followed the approach of NCB and Ing
changes to revenue. This is based on changes
Ursula Brugger taken total received interest income plus other C
in local currency to avoid problems with
Isabel M. Cortes income. oa
currency fluctuations.
06 23 42 58 91 120153
Iustina Ionel
Martin Inwood The highest level of audited business aggregation This refinement of methodology from the ds
was used. This has meant that we include a approach taken for the first list has meant in a G
number of regional co-operatives belonging to few instances our revenue figures are not ea
national groups, where such national groups do comparable between years. on
07 24 43 59 92 121154
not have audited consolidations.
This year apart from comparative data for FY tvl
If a co-operative or mutual group had majority 2004 we have also added a short description of ay
ownership of an underlying (non-co-operative) the activities of the featured business. ,se
business it was included if brought to account in Due care G
the group’s balance sheet. acw
08 25 44 60 93 122155
While we have taken care to ensure the
Structure information is accurate, it is not possible to
The Global 300 includes a range of co-operative guarantee total accuracy in an exercise which yiza
and mutual business structures – which can be involves collecting data from many hundreds of
classified as: sources. We would welcome any corrections, C
09 26 45 61 94 123
additions or deletions to our data.
Consortium + federation nral
Co-operative groups 3ona
Companies controlled by co-operatives i0n
Co-operative enterprises c0adb
Mutual enterprises an
10 27 46 62 124
Credit Union .D
International Co-operative Alliance
Global 300
Employee owned a
95 oeuh
63 tIe
11 28 47
20 ICA Global 300 list ICA Global 300 list 2 1
12 list
Garry Cronan paw
Global 300 Director ot
97 gph