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European Technical ET A-07/0189

Assessment dated 06/07/2022
English translation prepared by CSTB - Original version in French language

General Part

Nom commercia: SPIT EPCON C8 XTREM

Trade name
Famille de produit : Scellement d’armatures rapportées, diamètres 8 à 40 mm, avec
Product family résine d’injection SPIT EPCON C8 XTREM.
Post installed rebar connections diameter 8 to 40 mm made
with SPIT EPCON C8 XTREM injection adhesive.

Titulaire: Société SPIT

Manufacturer Route de Lyon

Usine de fabrication: Société SPIT

Manufacturing plants Route de Lyon

Cette evaluation contient: 18 pages incluant 15 pages d’annexes qui font partie
This Assessment contains intégrante de cette évaluation
18 pages including 15 pages of annexes which form an
integral part of this assessment

Base de l‘ETE: DEE 330087-01-0601

Basis of ETA EAD 330087-01-0601

Cette evaluation remplace: ETE-0 7 / 0 1 8 9 du 02/08/2017

This Assessment replaces ETA-0 7 / 0 1 8 9 dated 02/08/2017

Translations of this European Technical Assessment in other languages shall fully correspond to the original issued document and should be identified as
such. Communication of this European Technical Assessment, including transmission by electronic means, shall be in full. However, partial reproduction
may be made, with the written consent of the issuing Technical Assessment Body. Any partial reproduction has to be identified as such.
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Specific Part

1 Technical description of the product

The EPCON C8 XTREM is used for the connection, by anchoring or overlap joint, of reinforcing
bars (rebars) in existing structures made of ordinary non-carbonated concrete C12/15 to C50/60.
Covered are rebar anchoring systems consisting of EPCON C8 XTREM bonding material and an
embedded straight deformed reinforcing bar with properties according to Annex C of EN 1992-1-
1:2004 and EN 10080:2005. The classes B and C of the rebar are recommended. The illustration
and the description of the product are given in Annexes A.
The ETA covers rebar connections with a diameter, ϕ, from 8 to 40 mm.

2 Specification of the intended use

The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if the anchor is used in compliance with the
specifications and conditions given in Annexes B.
The provisions made in this European Technical Assessment are based on an assumed working
life of the anchor of at least 50 and/or 100 years for hammer drilling, compressed air drilling and
diamond core drilling. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a
guarantee given by the producer but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the right
products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

3 Performance of the product

3.1 Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1)

Essential characteristic Performance

Characteristic resistance under static and quasi-static loading See Annex C1 and C2
Characteristic resistance under seismic loading NPD

3.2 Safety in case of fire (BWR 2)

Essential characteristic Performance

Reaction to fire NPD
Resistance to fire NPD

3.3 Hygiene, health, and the environment (BWR 3)

Regarding dangerous substances contained in this European Technical Assessment, there may
be requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g., transposed European
legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the
provisions of the Construction Products Directive, these requirements need also to be complied
with, when and where they apply.
3.4 Safety in use (BWR 4)
For Basic requirement Safety in use the same criteria are valid as for Basic Requirement
Mechanical resistance and stability.
3.5 Protection against noise (BWR 5)
Not relevant.
3.6 Energy economy and heat retention (BWR 6)
Not relevant.
3.7 Sustainable use of natural resources ( (BWR 7)
For the sustainable use of natural resources, no performance was determined for this product.
3.8 General aspects relating to fitness for use
Durability and Serviceability are only ensured if the specifications of intended use according to
Annex B1 are kept.
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English translation prepared by CSTB

4 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP)

According to the Decision 96/582/EC of the European Commission1, as amended, the system of
assessment and verification of constancy of performance (see Annex V to Regulation (EU)
No 305/2011) given in the following table apply.
Product Intended use Level or class System
For fixing and/or supporting to
Metal anchors for use in concrete, structural elements
― 1
concrete (which contributes to the stability of
the works) or heavy units

5 Technical details necessary for the implementation of the AVCP system

Technical details necessary for the implementation of the Assessment and verification of
constancy of performance (AVCP) system are laid down in the control plan deposited at Centre
Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment.
The manufacturer shall, based on a contract, involve a notified body approved in the field of
anchors for issuing the certificate of conformity CE based on the control plan.

The original French version is signed by

Anca Cronopol
Head of the division

Official Journal of the European Communities L 254 of 08.10.1996
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Installed condition
Figure A1:
Overlap joint with existing reinforcement for rebar connections of slabs and beams

Figure A2:
Overlap joint with existing reinforcement at a foundation of a column or wall where the rebars are
stressed in tension

Figure A3:
End anchoring of slabs or beams


Product description Annex A1

Installed condition – application examples of post-installed rebars

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Figure A4:
Rebar connection for components stressed primarily in compression

Figure A5:
Anchoring of reinforcement to cover the enveloped line of acting tensile force in the bending member

Note to Figure A1 to Figure A5:

 In the Figures no transverse reinforcement is plotted, the transverse reinforcement as required by

EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC:2010 shall be present.
 The shear transfer between existing and new concrete shall be designed according to
EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC:2010.
 Preparing of joints according to Annex B2.

The reference to EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC:2010 is cited in the following as EN 1992-1-1 only.


Product description Annex A2

Installed condition – application examples of post-installed rebars

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Product description: Injection mortar and steel elements

Two components epoxy system


▪ Identifying mark of the producer SPIT ▪ Expire date

▪ Trade name EPCON C8 XTREM ▪ Curing and processing time
▪ Charge code number


400ml coaxial cartridge

450ml side by side cartridge

900ml side by side cartridge


Product description Annex A3

Injection mortar
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Mixing nozzles

Standard 400-450-900

High flow mixing nozzle

Reduction for mixing nozzles

Piston Plug


Product description Annex A4

Mixing nozzles and piston plug

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Piston plug Plastic extension Nozzle

Plastic extension
Ø Drilling for mixing nozzle Mixing nozzle Piston plug
Φext x l
[mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-]
9x196 Standard mixing nozzle
10 à 40
9x1000 400-450-900
Standard mixing nozzle High flow mixing nozzle +
15 à 40 13x1000
400-450-900 Reduction

35 à 50 20 x 1000 High flow mixing nozzle

▪ Electric dispenser EGI 450
▪ Pneumatic dispenser P450 / P900 / P400
▪ Manual dispenser M450 / M450 premium / M400

Metallic brush


Product description Annex A5

Plastic extension, dispenser, and metallic brush

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Steel elements
Reinforcing bar (rebar):  8 to  40
▪ Materials and mechanical properties according to Table A1.
▪ Minimum value of related rib area fR according to EN 1992-1-1.
▪ Rib height of the bar hrib shall be in the range:
0,05 x ϕ ≤ hrib ≤ 0,07 x ϕ
▪ The maximum outer rebar diameter over the ribs shall be:
ɸ + 2 x 0,07 · ϕ = 1,14 x ϕ
(ɸ: Nominal diameter of the bar; hrib: Rib height of the bar)

Table A1: Materials

Product form Bars and de-coiled rods
Class B C

Characteristic yield strength fyk or f0,2k (MPa) 400 to 600

≥ 1,15
Minimum value of k = (ft/fy)k ≥ 1,08
< 1,35
Characteristic strain at maximum force, uk (%)
≥ 5,0 ≥ 7,5

Bendability Bend / Rebend test

Maximum deviation from Nominal bar size (mm)
nominal mass (individual ≤8 ± 6,0
bar or wire) (%) >8 ± 4,5

Bond: Nominal bar size (mm)

Minimum 8 to 12 0,040
relative rib area, fR,min > 12 0,056


Product description Annex A5

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Specifications of intended use

Anchorages subject to:

 Static and quasi static loading.

Base material:
 Reinforced or unreinforced normal weight concrete according to EN 206:2013+A1:2016.
 Strength classes C12/15 to C50/60 according to EN 206:2013+A1:2016.
 Maximum chloride content of 0,40 % (CL 0.40) related to the cement content according to
EN 206:2013+A1:2016.
 Non-carbonated concrete.
Note: In case of a carbonated surface of the existing concrete structure the carbonated layer shall be
removed in the area of the post-installed rebar connection with a diameter of ϕ + 60 mm prior to the
installation of the new rebar. The depth of concrete to be removed shall correspond to at least the
minimum concrete cover in accordance with EN 1992-1-1. The foregoing may be neglected if building
components are new and not carbonated and if building components are in dry conditions.

Temperature in the base material:

 at installation
+5 °C to +40 °C
 in-service
-40 °C to +80 °C (max. long term temperature +50 °C and max. short term temperature +80 °C)

 Anchorages are designed under the responsibility of an engineer experienced in anchorages and
concrete work.
 Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the forces to be transmitted.
 Design under static or quasi-static loading in accordance with EN 1992-1-1, Annex B2.
 The actual position of the reinforcement in the existing structure shall be determined on the basis of the
construction documentation and taken into account when designing.

 Use category: dry or wet concrete (not in flooded holes).
 Drilling technique:
 hammer drilling,
 diamond core drilling,
 compressed air drilling
 Overhead installation is permitted for sizes up to 25mm.
 Rebar installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervision of the
person responsible for technical matters of the site.
 Check the position of the existing rebars (if the position of existing rebars is not known, it shall be
determined using a rebar detector suitable for this purpose as well as on the basis of the construction
documentation and then marked on the building component for the overlap joint).


Intended Use
Annex B1
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Figure B1: General construction rules for post-installed rebars

 Post-installed rebar may be designed for tension forces only.

 The transfer of shear forces between new concrete and existing structure shall be designed additionally
according to EN 1992-1-1.
 The joints for concreting must be roughened to at least such an extent that aggregate protrudes.

8 mm ≤ ϕ ≤ 40 mm

*) If the clear distance between lapped bars exceeds 4 x ϕ, then the lap length shall be increased by the
difference between the clear bar distance and 4 x ϕ.

Minimum clear spacing between two post-installed bars a = 40 mm ≥ 4 x ϕ. When using a drilling aid
the requirement of 4 x ϕ may be replaced by 2 x ϕ.

c concrete cover of post-installed rebar

c1 concrete cover at end-face of existing rebar
cmin minimum concrete cover according to Table B1 and to EN 1992-1-1
ϕ diameter of reinforcement bar
l0 lap length, according to EN 1992-1-1
lv effective embedment depth ≥ l0 + c1
d0 nominal drill bit diameter, see Table B2


Intended Use Annex B2

General construction rules for post-installed rebars.
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Table B1: Minimum concrete cover cmin1) of the post-installed rebar depending on drilling
method and drilling tolerance

Minimum concrete cover cmin1) [mm]

Bar diameter
Drilling method
Without drilling aid With drilling aid

ϕ < 25 30 + 0,06 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ 30 + 0,02 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ

Hammer drilling
ϕ ≥ 25 40 + 0,06 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ 40 + 0,02 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ

ϕ < 25 50 + 0,08 · lv 50 + 0,02 · lv

Compressed air drilling
ϕ ≥ 25 60 + 0,08 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ 60 + 0,02 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ

ϕ < 25 30 + 0,02 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ
Drill stand is used
Diamond Core drilling
as drilling aid
ϕ ≥ 25 40 + 0,02 · lv ≥ 2 · ϕ

1) See Annex B2, Figure B1.

Comments: The minimum concrete cover acc. EN 1992-1-1.
Table B2: Drilling diameter and maximum anchorage length

Nominal drilling diameter Maximum anchorage length lv

Rebar d0 Dispenser
Drill bit Diamond core M450 EGI 450
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
8 10 10
10 12 12
12 15 15
14 18 18
16 20 20 900
1500 1500
20 25 25
25 30 30
28 35 35
32 40 40
40 50 50 -


Intended Use Annex B4

Installation instructions
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Drilling the hole

Rotary hammer drilling or compressed air drilling

Diamond core drilling

(Water in the hole is not permitted)

• Observe concrete coverage , c, as per

setting plan.
• Drill parallel to the edge (when appropriate
use the drilling aid for minimum concrete


• Put the anchorage depth mark on the rebar


d0 Anchorage depth mark



Intended Use Annex B4

Installation instructions
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Cleaning the hole:

Hammer drilling technique

1. Insert air nozzle fitted with the relevant plastic extension to bottom of
the hole and blow out at least 2 times using oil free compressed air and
until no dust is evacuated.
2. Using the relevant brush and extension fitted on a drilling machine,
starting from the top of the hole, move downward to the bottom of the
hole (duration 5s) then move upward to the top of the hole (duration 5s).
Repeat this operation.
3. Insert air nozzle fitted with the relevant plastic extension to bottom of
the hole and blow out at least 2 times using oil free compressed air
and until no dust is evacuated.

Diamond core drilling technique

1. Clean the hole with tap water

2. Using the relevant brush and extension fitted on a drilling machine,

starting from the top of the hole, move downward to the bottom of the
hole (duration 5s) then move upward to the top of the hole (duration 5s).
Repeat this operation.

3. Clean the hole with tap water

4. Insert air nozzle fitted with the relevant plastic extension to bottom of
the hole and blow out at least 2 times using oil free compressed air and
until no dust is evacuated.

Rebar Brushes Extension for brushes Plastic Extension for compressed air
diameter Diameter
[mm] [mm] [-] [-]
8 11
10 13
12 16
14 20
16 22
Lg 325 mm
20 26 9x1000
25 32
28 37
32 42
40 52
The diameter of the round steel brush shall be checked before use. The minimum brush diameter has to be
at least equal to the borehole diameter d0. The round steel brush shall produce natural resistance as it
enters the drill hole. If this is not the case, please use a new brush or a brush with a larger diameter.


Intended Use Annex B5

Installation instructions
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Dispensing into the hole:

• Storage temperature of cartridge +0°C to +35 °C
• Cartridge temperature at time of installation: Must be ≥ +5°C
• Minimum building component temperature ≥ +5°C
• Check the date of expiry of the cartridge

Safety precaution
The safety data sheet must be red before using the product and the safety instructions must be followed.

1. Put the anchorage depth mark on the rebar

2. Check the anchorage depth

3. Cut the piston plug at the relevant diameter. The volume of resin
that need to be injected in the hole must be indicated on the mixing
nozzle or its extension. The marking must be placed at 0.5 time the
anchorage depth

4. Screw the mixing nozzle onto the cartridge and dispense the
first part to waste until an even color is achieved for each new
cartridge or mixing nozzle. Insert the nozzle to the far end of the
hole, and inject the resin, withdrawing the nozzle as the hole fills.
Fill the hole until the mark appear.

Inserting the rebar:

1. Immediately insert the rebar, slowly and with a slight twisting

motion. Remove excess resin from around the mouth of the
hole before it sets. Control the embedment depth.

2. Leave the rebar undisturbed until the cure time has elapse.


Intended Use Annex B6

Installation instructions
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Table B3 : Processing and curing time

Curing time Curing time

Temperature of base material Gel time
in dry concrete in wet concrete

5°C to 9°C 20 min 30 h 60 h

10°C to 19°C 14 min 23 h 46 h

20°C to 24°C 11 min 16 h 32 h

25°C to 29°C 8 min 12 h 24 h
30°C to 39°C 5 min 8h 16 h
40°C 5 min 6h 12 h


Intended Use Annex B7

Processing and curing time
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Essential characteristics under static and quasi-static loading

Minimum anchorage length, minimum lap length and design values of the bond strength for a
working life of 50 and 100 years for following drilling techniques:
 hammer drilling,
 compressed air drilling,
The minimum anchorage length lb,min and the minimum lap length l0,min according to EN 1992-1-1 shall be
multiplied by the amplification factor αlb = αlb,100y given in Table C1.
The design values of the bond strength fbd,PIR and fbd,PIR,100y are given in Table C3. It is obtained by
multiplying the design value of the bond strength fbd according to EN 1992-1-1 (Eq. 8.3) by the bond
efficiency factor kb = kb,100y according to Table C2.
The minimum anchorage length lb,min and the minimum lap length l0,min according to EN 1992-1-1 shall be
multiplied by the relevant amplification factor αlb given in Table C1.

Table C1: Amplification factor αlb = αlb,100y for a working life of 50 or 100 years
Amplification factor lb = lb,100y [-]
diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - ϕ 40 1,0

Table C2: Bond efficiency value kb = kb,100y for a working life of 50 or 100 years
Bond efficiency value kb = kb,100y [-]
diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8-40 1,0

Table C3: Design values of the ultimate bond resistance fbd = fbd,PIR,100y in N/mm²
for a working life of 50 or 100 years
fbd,PIR = kb • fbd
fbd,PIR,100y = kb,100y • fbd

fbd : Design value of the bond strength in N/mm² considering the concrete strength classes and the
rebar diameter for good bond condition (for all other bond conditions multiply the values by
1 = 0,7) and recommended partial factor c = 1,5 according to EN 1992-1-1.

kb et kb,100y : Bond efficiency factor according to Table C2

Design values of the ultimate bond resistance fbd,PIR = fbd,PIR,100y [N/mm²]

diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8-40 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,3


Performance Annex C1
Essential characteristics under static and quasi-static loading
Hammer drilling, compressed air drilling
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Essential characteristics under static and quasi-static loading

Minimum anchorage length, minimum lap length and design values of the bond strength for a
working life of 50 and 100 years for following drilling techniques:
 diamond coring
The minimum anchorage length lb,min and the minimum lap length l0,min according to EN 1992-1-1 shall be
multiplied by the amplification factor αlb = αlb,100y given in Table C4.
The design values of the bond strength fbd,PIR and fbd,PIR,100y are given in Table C6. It is obtained by multiplying
the design value of the bond strength fbd according to EN 1992-1-1 (Eq. 8.3) by the bond efficiency factor k b =
kb,100y according to Table C5.
The minimum anchorage length lb,min and the minimum lap length l0,min according to EN 1992-1-1 shall be
multiplied by the relevant amplification factor αlb given in Table C4.

Table C4: Amplification factor αlb = αlb,100y for a working life of 50 or 100 years
Amplification factor lb= lb,100y [-]
diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 40 1,0

Table C5: Bond efficiency factor kb = kb,100y for a working life of 50 or 100 years
Bond efficiency factor kb = kb,100y [-]
diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - ϕ 40 1,00 0,89 0,80 0,73 0,67 0,63

Table C6: Design values of the bond strength fbd = fbd,PIR,100y in N/mm²
for a working life of 50 or 100 years
fbd,PIR = kb • fbd
fbd,PIR,100y = kb,100y • fbd

fbd : Design value of the bond strength in N/mm² considering the concrete strength classes and the
rebar diameter for good bond condition (for all other bond conditions multiply the values by
1 = 0,7) and recommended partial factor c = 1,5 according to EN 1992-1-1.

kb et kb,100y : Bond efficiency factor according to Table C5

Bond strength fbd,PIR = fbd,PIR,100y [N/mm²]

diameter Concrete class
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
8 - 40 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,7


Annex C2
Essential characteristics under static and quasi-static loading
Diamond coring

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