Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
3.3. Identify information in simple written messages from friends or peers
3.4. Show curiosity for reading navigational texts
4. Write messages in everyday communication situations
4.1. Write short, simple messages
4.2. Describe aspects of daily life (people, places, school, family, hobbies), using short
4.3. Show willingness to exchange simple written messages
Competențe generale și specifice din programa școlară
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje și dialoguri uzuale, clar articulate
1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar articulate, în situaţia
în care interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a facilita înţelegerea
1.3. Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de unele elemente specifice spaţiului cultural al limbii
2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
2.1. Prezentarea simplă a unei persoane/a unui personaj
2.2. Stabilirea de contacte sociale pe baza unor formule conversaţionale simple (salut, bun
rămas, prezentare, mulţumire, instrucţiuni)
2.3. Exprimarea preferinţelor
2.4. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru participarea la dialog
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
3.1. Identificarea informaţiilor de pe panouri și indicatoare aflate în locuri publice pentru
facilitarea orientării
3.2. Extragerea informaţiilor dintr-un text scurt, însoţit de ilustraţii
3.3. Identificarea informaţiilor din mesaje scrise simple de la prieteni sau de la colegi
3.4. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru lectura de orientare
4. Redactarea de mesaje în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte
4.2. Descrierea unor aspecte ale vieţii cotidiene (oameni, locuri, școală, familie, hobby-
uri), folosind propoziţii scurte
4.3. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru schimbul de mesaje scrise simple
AIM OF THE LESSON: to consolidate notions about clothes and use words in context
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
- to consolidate lexis related to clothing items
- to give controlled oral practice of the structure: He/She is wearing…
- to develop speaking skills by using the structures
- to improve group work
I anticipate that the following may cause problems:
- The students may have difficulties in understanding the text so the teacher may translate
some words or may use other techniques to make sure that students understood the tasks.
- pupils might incorrectly use the plural forms It’s a trousers., instead of They are trousers.
because they still have difficulties in recognizing plural nouns
Stages of the Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Resources Interactions
1. Warm Up - The teacher greets the students - The students greet the teacher T - Ss
4’ and marks the absences and asks and read the homework
the students about the homework
2. Lead – in - The teacher asks the students a - The students answer the T - Ss
3’ few questions about clothes questions.
to listen and look carefully to
- The students associate the
exercise 1/103 and to associate
words with the images
them with the images
textbook T - Ss
- The teacher writes on the board
the words related to clothes and - The students write the words
asks the students to write them in
their notebooks
- The teacher asks the students to
solve exercise 2/103 both orally - The students solve exercise
and in writing and invites students 2/103
to the board
- Then, the teacher continues with
exercise 3/103 and plays the
- The students repeat the words
recording and asks the students to
that they hear
repeat the words
- The teacher plays the recording
- The students listen carefully
for exercise 4/103 and asks the
and solve the exercise
students to listen carefully so that
they can solve the exercise
4. Production - The teacher presents exercise - The students listen to the textbook T - Ss
5’ 5/103 and asks the students to recoding carefully and they
listen to a recording in which decide who the owner of each
some teenagers are talking about item is Jack, Angie or Ellie
their favourite clothes and
accessories and then to solve the
5. Practice - The teacher asks the children to - The students work in pairs and T - Ss
5’ work in pairs and talk about discuss about the clothes they
clothes they like and do not like like / dislike and they also
and to describe their favourite describe their favourite clothes
6. Feedback - The teacher gives the students a - The students pay attention to Video T - Ss
5’ worksheet where they have to the worksheet and choose the projector
choose only the words related to right words
7. Homework - The teacher presents the - The students write the worksheet T - Ss
3’ homework: A worksheet about homework.