A Case Study of Tanzania
A Case Study of Tanzania
A Case Study of Tanzania
Completing road construction projects in time is a challenge for developing countries, specifically for Tanzania, where great economic costs result
from difficulties in identifying and reducing the factors that cause the delay.
This study addresses factors that cause the delay of a road construction project in Tanzania and proposes some methods that could potentially
reduce this delay. A structured questionnaire was drawn up through an interactive online workshop with the help of experts and professionals from
the road construction sector in Tanzania, and follow-up interviews were conducted.
Furthermore, from across these groups, six significant causes of delays emerged, and these were inadequate access to finance and delayed
payments for completed work, financial problems or difficulties, unwillingness or inability to sustain operations over long periods of non-payment,
an unrealistic program of works (Works Schedule), inadequate site management, and political interference.
Keywords: Delays, Construction industry, Road Construction project, Relative importance index, Projects, Economic growth.
Article History Received: September 29, 2021 Revised: February 1, 2022 Accepted: March 11, 2022
1. INTRODUCTION the economy of any country [2]. Cost, time, and quality are key
indicators for project outcomes. Delays in the completion of
Many public road construction projects across Tanzania
road construction projects are a universal phenomenon. In
have been conducted with significant public spending over the
general, cost overruns result from these projects. Delays affect
last decade as part of the government's national development
clients, contractors, and consultants, leading to mistrust,
program. Roads are fundamental infrastructure for socio-
litigation, and cash flow issues. This problem is not unique to
economic growth, enabling society to connect to goods and
services cost-effectively. Annual investments in road developed countries but also exists in most developing
infrastructure construction, management, maintenance, and countries [3]. A project may not be considered worthy until it
restoration are important compared to designations for other meets the applicable cost, time, and quality constraints.
competing socio-economic infrastructure facilities. The However, most construction projects will ultimately achieve
construction industry is a mechanism for countries to achieve their purpose over time [4]. In 2014, Tanzania's transport sector
urban and rural development goals [1]. It has a huge impact on contributed 8.1% ($ 2.8 billion) to the country's real GDP, and
it increased by 33% to $ 3.8 billion in 2018 [5, 6]. According to
* Address correspondence to this author at the International School of Urban Al-Najjar [7], some of these problems are:
Sciences, University of Seoul, Seoul, South Korea; Tel: +82-2-6490-5154;
E-mail: chunhoy7@uos.ac.kr (i) Too many workers compared to the number of projects
(ii) Continuous rise in the prices of materials A quantitative and qualitative analysis of construction
delays in Tanzania was conducted by [13]. Results indicated
(iii) Contractors’ financial position and
that the main causes of delay in road construction projects were
(iv) Unstable political situation politicians’ interference, poor construction process
In Tanzania, general observations show that delays are management, inadequate designs, resource unavailability, and
common in completing road construction projects. This study poor contractual relations. Similarly [14], surveyed the main
presents the results of a survey aimed at determining the causes reasons for the delay in completing traditional contract-type
of these delays. Chang (2002) argues that “identifying the road construction projects from the perspective of construction
cause is often the first step to solving a problem, after which contractors and consultants. Survey results showed that
corrective action can be taken.” The present study and its contractors and consultants agreed that owner intervention,
contractor inexperience, inadequate financing and payment,
results can guide efforts to improve the construction industry's
low labor productivity, slow decision-making, inadequate
performance. The main objective of this study is to analyze the
planning, and poor performance of subcontractors were the ten
main causes of delays in the completion of road construction
most important factors.
projects implemented by the Tanzania National Roads Agency
(TANROADS). Specifically, the study is confined to the Previous studies [15, 16] suggest that delays in road
following two specific objectives: construction projects in Tanzania are a common problem.
According to [17], projects in Tanzania are delayed by an
(i) To identify the main factors causing delays in road
estimated 110% of the time, as outlined in the contract. The
construction projects in Tanzania using literature review and
general indication is that several factors can cause delays,
data analysis.
which may vary from project to project. However, previous
(ii) To determine strategies/solutions to overcome delays in investigations failed to determine the direct causes of the
road construction projects in Tanzania. delays. They integrated the opinions of professionals working
Various research papers have examined and discussed the with clients, contractors, and consultants and used limited
causes of construction project delays differently. Some have resources and methods. In order to study the Tanzanian
identified the main causes of delays in different countries, and construction experience, 63 variables were identified from
project types and others have explored approaches to analyzing previous studies and grouped. Based on the results of the
survey, suggestions were made to alleviate the identified
delays and suggested ways to reduce them. Delay is a period
beyond the time specified in a contractual agreement or the
date the contractor and client decided to submit a project.
Overtime is a delay beyond the contractor's planned completion
date [8]. Delays can therefore be viewed as “events” affecting a In order to study the Tanzanian construction experience, 63
project such that it falls behind its planned schedule. This is a variables were identified from previous studies and grouped.
common problem in the construction industry. Due to the These have been categorized as follows:
dynamism of construction projects and the associated high (i) Design–associated factors include inadequate site
level of uncertainty, delays in construction projects are surveys, design errors, ambiguities, the complexity of the
unavoidable, especially in Tanzanian government agencies [9], project design, inadequate and/or unclear design information,
where the projects entail a structured process of constructing, incongruous site conditions, incorrect selection of technology,
maintaining, and rehabilitating public or privately owned design modifications, and unpredictable construction
structures or infrastructure. This process may include circumstances and customer requirements/scale of construction
feasibility studies, design, procurement, financing, and physical misunderstandings.
construction. The construction process is characterized by time
(normally short), pre-determined quality of the product, fixed (ii) External Factors include extreme weather, changes in
budget, and short-term relationships among the parties to the laws and regulations, corruption, a shortage of good materials
contract [10]. Every construction project has a distinctive set of inside the project corridor, the need for advanced equipment
uncertainties related to the nature of the project, tasks, the and resources that are often unavailable on the market,
contract, and the assemblage of the organization managing the unpredictable economic conditions (such as exchange rate,
contract [6]. Additional uncertainties in construction projects inflation rate), transportation difficulties (logistical issues in
arise from the weather, acts of nature, and the tension supply), political interference, labor shortages, and a scarcity of
generated by the temporary nature of the project-specific construction equipment.
organization structure and dimensions [6]. (iii) Client Factors include delay in site handover (due to
There are mainly three types of construction project delays: right-of-way obstructions), poor communication and planning,
non-excusable, excusable, and concurrent [11]. The analysis of sluggish decision-making, finance, slow payments for
completed work, unrealistic contract length projections, poor
project delays is vital to support decisions on the reasonable
contract management, lack of working knowledge, lack of
compensation of contractual claims to parties to the contract.
coordination with suppliers, contract adjustment, and
The existing delay analysis methods use different appraisal
procurement method (International Competitive Bidding).
techniques, and likely different analysis methods may result in
different outcomes for the same delay scenario depending on (iv) Contractor Factors include an unrealistic work
the unique requirements and the method's application [12]. program, financial difficulties, insufficient management of site
An Analysis of the Main Causes of Delays The Open Transportation Journal, 2022, Volume 16 3
areas, insufficient sub-contractors, construction methodology, management to assess the success of construction activities and
inaccurate preparation of projects, inadequate contracting applied methodologies that were incorporated during the
experience, material quality, and unrealistic cost estimates. execution of works to identify best practices for future projects.
(Table. 1)
(v) Consultant Factors include poor mobilization of
competent personnel, poor contract management, delays in the
2.1. Ranking of Causes of Delay Using (RII)
preparation and approval of drawings, insufficient quality
control, unrealistic cost estimates (low bid), lack of experience Classifying answers by order of meaning is a part of
in the practice of a standard form of contract, inexperienced logical analysis that enables interpretation of participants'
site personnel, delays in making decisions, incomplete answers obtained through questionnaires. We used the method
documents, and financial instability. of evaluating traits using the relative importance index (RII)
formula [19], [20];
Participants were asked to rate the importance of each
factor based on their own experiences in the survey. Questions
were written using a 5-point Likert scale. Compared to the ∑𝑊
single-scale method, a previous study by [18] supports Likert 𝑅𝐼𝐼 =
scales as an efficient measure of providing effective 𝐴×𝑁
information from data. As part of the process of improving the
survey content, a pilot survey was conducted to evaluate the Where;
completeness and consistency of the questions, and the results
RII = relative importance index,
of the survey were used to improve the survey content. Next,
the questionnaire was emailed to experienced professionals W = weight of each attribute,
who had participated during project implementation. These
Σw = summation of weights of each attribute,
professionals would provide us with the required information
for our study. The questionnaire survey was conducted A = is the highest weight score (5 in this case),
between July 3, 2021, and August 3, 2021. The population N = total number of respondents.
surveyed included consultants, clients, and contractors with It was used to measure the relative value of the causes and
valid registrations with the Tanzanian Contractor Registration consequences of different delays. In this analysis, the same
Board (CRB). For this report, a sample of 15 government- approach was used in other classes (e.g., contractors, project
funded projects was selected for detailed analysis. The projects engineers, consultants, owners, and field supervisors).
were selected based on the project history and data they Attributes are evaluated in descending order by the RII
contained for our study. These data projected commencement approach, from the most important to the least important. The
date, completion date, budget reports and final accounts. The RII with the highest score was given a ranking of 1 (significant
Project Completion Report forms an integral part of the final factor), and the RII with the lowest score (lowest important
documents produced for the project and is used by senior
Project ID Contract Type Original Revised Percentage Original Revised Contract Percentage
Completion Completion (Days) Time Delay Contract Amount Increase in Cost
(Days) (Days) Amount (Million (Million $) ($)
1 Design-Bid-Build 1,129 1,295 15 27.97 42.03 50.3
2 1,077 1,675 56 27.89 29.39 5.4
3 991 1,212 22 32.83 38.49 17.2
4 883 1,460 65 27.97 34.14 22.1
5 920 1,435 56 28.32 45.12 59.3
6 717 1,148 60 35.88 38.78 8.1
7 698 846 21 33.08 39.4 19.1
8 928 1,435 55 29.45 43.43 47.5
9 884 1,016 15 25.21 27.54 9.2
10 759 1,124 48 30.57 38.32 25.4
11 832 1,210 45 27.07 30.5 12.7
12 994 1,125 13 34.7 36.8 6.1
13 986 1,157 17 22.45 24.76 10.3
14 842 913 8 30.39 34.42 13.3
15 731 1,042 43 27.33 38.18 39.7
4 The Open Transportation Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Kullaya et al.
factor) was given a rank according to the number of attributes. 3.1. Analysis of the Data from the Questionnaire Survey
Doloi [21] says that “the first step in evaluating the relative A total of 63 factors contributing to the delay in the project
values of various quantitative variables is a multivariate implementation were defined and categorized into five groups:
regression analysis of the results.” However, since the data are Client-Related Factors, Consultant-Related Factors,
quite multicollinear [22], it was reported that it was impossible Contractor-Related Factors, External Factors, and Design-
to consider the results of multivariate regression analysis alone Related Factors. Literature review and preliminary review of
as conclusive. This was because most of the developed features project documentation were used to identify these five groups.
and surveys are interconnected [22], [20], and the Respondents were allowed to add another category to the
multicollinearity problem was solved using factor analysis survey but did not use it.
methods. Researchers used relative significance indices (RIIs)
and correlation coefficients to estimate the data and variables 3.2. Client-related Factors
contributing to project delays [21]. It was found that the The RII of client-related factors ranged from 0.501 to
Relative Important Index (RII), in relative order of criticism, 0.905, showing that all client-related factors significantly
strongly reflected respondents' perceived value [23]. Another impacted project time. The client-related factors are
study evaluated the perceived value of an attribute using summarized in Fig. (1). This figure shows the ratio of RII and
descriptive analysis to statistically compare and contrast the importance of each element within a category. Difficulty in
effects. According to [20] and [24], there are no best methods financing and paying for completed work, making decisions on
for evaluating mean and default variance characteristics. financial matters, delays in delivery of the site (problems
Ekanayake and Perera [25] used the Multi attractiveness Utility caused by barriers to right-of-way), unreasonable expected
System (MWU) to determine the average rating of each contract length, procurement process (granting the lowest bid
respondent in Malawi. These include the mean assessment, the price) and insufficient contract management emerged as the
relevance assessment of the RII criteria, and the overall most important reasons for delays.
assessment of conformity (OSS). Data were analyzed using RII
and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 3.3. Consultant-related Factors
According to the survey, the RII of consultant-related
3. RESULTS factors ranged from 0.580 to 0.707, indicating that all
consultant-related factors would cause project delays. The
The data analysis protocol was designed to determine the factors related to consultants are summarized in Fig. (2). The
relative importance of various factors leading to construction top six key factors were decision-making delays, drawing
delays and strategies for reducing them. Data were analyzed in preparation and acceptance delays, unwillingness/inability to
two steps: measuring the relative importance index and operate long-term in the absence of payment, slow order
evaluating each element according to RII. delivery, insufficient mobilization of training staff, and poor
contract management.
that the causes of project delays are evenly distributed among corruption, client suspension of work, the need for specialized
all contract parties (contractors, consultants, and clients), equipment and tools that are not normally available on the
external factors, and technological, administrative, abilities, market, and client intervention are all critical in other studies.
behavioral, and attitude aspects of the project participants. In the future, we must carefully monitor the impact of these
Efforts must be made to reduce the incidence of the same to factors on project performance.
boost the construction sector's efficiency. According to detailed
(vi) The least critical factor in this study is political
interviews by experts, assessments in Tanzania are based on
interference where a politician can issue verbal instructions on-
past results and financial conditions, and the criteria used to
site regarding stoppage of work or change of work item
evaluate contractors' potential performance qualifications are without considering contract clauses. Many politicians have
subjective and cannot guarantee future project performance. used road construction projects to gain popularity and garner
This is probably due to the dynamic and competitive business votes. This has led to delayed completion of some projects.
environment of construction projects. Politicians will occasionally instruct a contractor to suspend a
Time management is vital in a construction project, so project while on-site or to change some of the work and add
anticipating delays can be critical to the project's success. non-contract work without involving the relevant authorities,
Before the tendering phase, it is necessary to develop a all for the sole purpose of appeasing the people in the project
probabilistic lead time analysis model for construction projects area. If the politician's wishes are accepted, changing the scope
as a decision support method for contractors. The analysis of work, and creating an addendum or variation order leads to
identified the six most important delay factors out of sixty- many projects being delayed and an increase in cost.
three, which are explained in detail below.
(i) The most critical one is the failure of the client to pay
the contractors timely. Appropriate funding levels should The parties to the contracts (contractors, consultants, and
always be calculated during the project planning stage to clients) will need to pursue several actions intended to (i)
ensure that the contractor receives regular payments for consolidate the achievements to reduce delay to enhance the
completed work. Clients can work closely with funding value for money of road projects and (ii) strengthen the
agencies and institutions to ensure timely payment. capacity of implementing agencies entrusted to manage road
construction projects to be completed in time to manage value
(ii) The contractor’s financial difficulties and poor site for money. To improve the performance of the construction
management are probably due to imperfect procurement industry in Tanzania, each stakeholder must have the following
procedures, which may allow for the procurement of responsibilities:
incompetent contractors. An in-depth review revealed that
Tanzania’s procurement procedures provide the ability to (i) The client must obtain project financing to satisfy all
screen potential contractors before awarding and successfully contractual commitments, including payment of due
executing contracts; however, due to limited resources, most certificates, to minimize outstanding payments to contractors,
projects have not completed this process. According to [20], which directly impact the customer's entrepreneurial progress
the successful investigation of the contractor’s capabilities and project results. The government needs to ensure that
before awarding the contract is critical to the success of the project funds are available and released from donor agencies
project. before the commencement of projects.
(iii) Delay in payment to the contractor or non-payment (ii) Provide guidelines to enhance the capacity of
over the long term will affect the contractor's financial position. implementing agencies to plan and manage the execution of
If the situation is not communicated clearly to the contractor, road construction projects. The implementing board should
they may choose not to pre-finance the project to reduce risks. support interventions to develop comprehensive road
However, regardless of the capabilities of the individual construction standards in the country and develop a
contractor, under no circumstances should the contractor be procurement and contract administration manual for road
expected to finance the project in advance rather than construction projects. Currently, there is only a road
constructing the project in line with the terms of the contract. maintenance manual.
(iv) The problem of an unrealistic work program may be (iii) The actual scope of work and time of the project
due to an unrealistic project duration determined by the client should be measured during the feasibility and design stages to
or insufficient knowledge and experience of the contractor. To help decision-makers accurately foresee future project risk
overcome this problem, the client must use scientific methods before engaging in the project and/or allocating sufficient
to research and realize a realistic project schedule. However, to resources before beginning the construction phase to avoid
variation orders and addenda that contribute to delays.
avoid working with incompetent contractors, the client must
improve the procurement and monitoring procedures, including (iv) Contracting authorities should ensure that contractors
improving the evaluation standards, effective project are not selected solely based on the lowest bid. The chosen
monitoring, and evaluation procedures, to find problems early contractor must have ample expertise, technological
and take timely measures to alleviate them. capabilities, financial capability, and labor to complete the
(v) Inadequate site management is related to the
capabilities of the deployed monitoring team and the support (v) Streamline the procedures for conducting joint
methods or tools used in project management. Labor shortages, inspection and measurement before payment to ensure that all
8 The Open Transportation Journal, 2022, Volume 16 Kullaya et al.
parties involved in these projects adhere to the procedures and CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
develop a good system for site management and proper Not applicable.
supervision of project planning and scheduling.
(vi) Appoint supervision teams (clients and consultant AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIAL
personnel) with the required knowledge and experience to The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings
manage the construction process and establish an effective of this study are available in the article.
communication strategy that allows easy flow of information
and traceability of a communication breakdown to quickly FUNDING
identify and mitigate delays. The system should provide both This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of
contemporary records and enhance the learning process. the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation
(vii) The government, through parliament, must develop a of Korea (NRF-2020S1A5C2A01092978).
long-term road construction policy and laws that direct
politicians not to interfere or provide any guidance on road CONFLICT OF INTEREST
construction. There should also be contractual clauses in the The author declares no conflict of interest, financial or
contractor directing policy contract documents. This will otherwise.
eliminate the problem of project delays and the resulting cost to
the government. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Due to time and resource limitations, this study might not Declared none.
be exhaustive enough to provide more reliable data and REFERENCES
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