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Regulations - SheelOnline.Com covers full text of more than 330+ Environment, Health and Safety
regulations of both Centre and State Governments. Referring these regulations, their updates and
related forms are easy with SheelOnline.com as the legal text/updates/forms of the single act and rule
are available side by side tabs.

Full text of these regulations is updated regularly with amendments published by both center and state
Governments. Search utility to search required text in regulations is also available. Bookmark utility to
bookmark most-referred location of regulations for quick future visit/reference is also available.

Regulations full Legal Text, Legal Updates and Forms (in excel) are available in a single location in
separate tabs for easy and quick reference.

Regulations List
Building & Other Construction Rules
The Building & Other Construction Workers 2. The Building & Other Construction Workers'
1. (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996 Service) Central Rules, 1998
3. The Building & Other Construction Worker's 4. The Building & Other Construction Worker’s
Welfare Cess Act, 1996 Welfare Cess Rules, 1998
1. The Occupational Safety, Health and Working 2. The Industrial Relations Code, 2020
Conditions Code, 2020
3. The Code on Social Security, 2020
Dock & Safety Rules
1. The Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare) 2. Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare)
Act, 1986 Regulations, 1990
Electricity Rules
1. The Electricity Act, 2003 2. The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
3. The Electricity Rules, 2005 4. The Appeal to the Appellate Authority Rules,
5. The Intimation of Accidents (Form & Time of 6. The Procedure for Holding Inquiry by
Service of Notice) Rules, 2004 Adjudicating Officers Rules, 2004
7. The National Electricity Plan Notification Rules, 8. The National Load Dispatch Rules, 2004
9. The Forum of Regulators Rules, 2005 10. The Fees for Making Application for Grant of
Licence Rules, 2004
11. The Means of Delivery of Notice Order or 12. The Electricity (Procedure for Previous
Document Rules, 2004 Publication) Rules, 2005
13. The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity Salary 14. The Distribution of Electricity Licence
Allowances and Other Conditions of Services of (Additional Requirements of Capital Adequacy
the Officers and Employees Rules, 2004 Creditworthiness and Code of Control) Rules,
15. The Central Electricity Authority (Safety 16. The Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Form,
Requirements for Construction, Operation and Verification and the Fee for Filing an Appeal)
Maintenance of Electrical Plants and Electric Rules, 2004
Lines) Regulations, 2011
17. The Central Electricity Authority (Installation and 18. The Procedure for Conducting Inquiry Against a
Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 Member of Appropriate Commission Rules,
19. The Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) 20. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Regulations, 2010 (Preparation of Annual Report) Rules, 2005
21. The Central Electricity Authority (Measures 22. The Central Electricity Authority (technical
Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Standards for Connectivity of the Grid)
Regulation, 2010 Regulation, 2007
23. The Electrical Capacitors (Quality Control) Order,
Environmental Notifications and Guidelines
1. Use of fly ash, bottom ash or pond ash in the 2. Notification on Re-Engineered Process of
manufacture of bricks and other construction Environmental Clearance
3. Criteria for Labeling of Finished Leather
Environment Rules
1. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 2. The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986
3. Environmental Impact Assessment Notification 4. Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 2011
5. The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management 6. The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning,
and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996
7. The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 8. The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
9. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 10. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
11. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules, 12. The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991
13. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) 14. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act, 1974 Rules, 1975
15. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) 16. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Cess Rules, 1978 Cess Act, 1977
17. The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 18. The Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules,
19. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) 20. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation &
Rules, 2000 Control) Rules, 2000
21. The Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 22. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
23. The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 24. The Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
25. The Energy Conservation Building Code Rules, 26. Island Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
2018 2011
27. The Construction and Demolition Waste 28. The National Green Tribunal (Practices and
Management Rules, 2016 Procedures) Rules, 2011
29. Rules for the Manufacture, Use, Import, Export 30. The Environment Protection (Control of Non-
and Storage of Hazardous Micro- biodegradable Garbage) Act, 2016
Organisms/Genetically Engineered Micro-
Organisms or Cells
31. The Regulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls 32. The Wetlands (Conservation and Management)
Order, 2016 Rules, 2017
33. The Regulation of Lead Contents in Household 34. The Island Coastal Regulation Zone (ICRZ)
and Decorative Paints Rules, 2016 Notification, 2019
35. The Energy Conservation Building Code Rules,
Food & Safety Rules
1. The Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006 2. The Food Safety And Standards Rules, 2011
3. The Food Safety and Standards (Food Recall 4. The Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods)
Procedure) Regulations, 2017 Regulations, 2017
5. The Food Safety and Standards (Import) 6. The Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic
Regulations, 2017 Beverages) Regulations, 2018
7. The Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of 8. The Food Safety and Standards (Food Safety
Foods) Regulations, 2018 Auditing) Regulations, 2018
9. The Food Safety and Standards (Recognition and 10. The Food Safety and Standards (Packaging)
Notification of Laboratories) Regulations, 2018 Regulations, 2018
11. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
1. The Mines Act, 1952 2. The Mines Rules, 1955
3. The Mines Regulations, 2003 4. The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017
Pharmaceutical Rules
1. The Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 2. Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945
3. The Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 4. The Drugs (Control) Act, 1950
5. The Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable 6. Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable
Advertisements) Rules, 1955 Advertisement) Act, 1954
7. The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 8. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances (Regulation of Controlled
Substances) Order, 2013
9. The Drugs Cosmetics and Medical Devices Act,
Safety & Fire Rules
1. The Factories Act, 1948 2. Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act, 1983
3. Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Rules, 2007 4. The Boiler Act, 1923
5. The Petroleum Act, 1934 6. The Petroleum Rules, 2002
7. The Explosives Act, 1884 8. The Explosives Rules, 2008
9. The Explosives Substances Act, 1908 10. The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016
11. The Manufacture, Storage and Import of 12. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels
Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 (Unfired) Rules, 2016
13. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Regulation of Supply 14. The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Regulation of Use
and Distribution) Order, 2000 in Motor Vehicles) Order, 2001
15. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 16. The Major Accident Hazard Control Rules, 1997
17. Naphtha (Acquisition, Sake, Storage and 18. The 2-T Oil (Regulation of Supply of
Prevention of use in Automobile) Order, 2000 Distribution) Order, 1998
19. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) 20. The Employee’s Compensation (Transfer of
Act, 1970 Money) Rules, 1935
21. The Employee's Compensation Act, 1923 22. The Workmen's Compensation Rules, 1924
23. Workmen's Compensation returns 24. The Chemical Weapons Convention Act, 2000
25. The Employee’s Compensation (Venue Of 26. The Chemical Weapons Convention Appeals
Proceedings) Rules, 1996 Rules, 2005
27. The Poisons Act, 1919 28. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
29. The Employees State Insurance (Central) Rules, 30. The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
31. The Employees State Insurance (General) 32. Employee's State Insurance Corporation
Regulations, 1950 (General Provident Fund) Rules, 1995
33. The Insecticides Act, 1968 34. The Insecticides Rules, 1971
35. Insecticides [Price, Stock Display and Submission 36. The Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places
of Reports] Order, 1986 Rules, 2008
37. The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 38. The Atomic Energy Act, 1962
39. The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board 40. The Solvent, Raffinate and Slop (Acquisition,
(Codes of Practices for Emergency Response Sale, Storage and Prevention of use in
&Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)) Automobiles) Order, 2000
Regulations, 2010
41. The Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012 42. The Inflammable Substances Act, 1952
43. The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board 44. The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility
Act, 2006 Policy) Rules, 2014
45. The Boiler Appeal Rules, 2013 46. Indian Institute of Legal Metrology Rules, 2011
47. The Legal Metrology Act, 2009 48. The Legal Metrology (Numeration) Rules, 2011
49. The Oil Mines Regulations 2017 50. The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
51. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace 52 The Legal Metrology (Government Approved
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 Test Centre) Rules, 2013
53. The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules, 54. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
55. The Legal Metrology (National Standards) Rules, 56. The Pesticides (Prohibition) Order, 2018
57. The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) 58. The Motor Vehicles (High Security Registration
Rules, 2011 Plates) Order, 2018
59. The Fertiliser Inorganic, Organic or Mixed 60. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
(Control) Order, 1985 Rules, 2020
61. The Equal Remuneration Rules, 1976 62. The Payment of Bonus Rules, 1975
63. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 64. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
65. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 66. The Apprentices Act, 1961
67. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 68. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
69 The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory 70. The Employees' Provident Funds and
Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
71. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 72. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
73. The Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and 74. The Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition
Regulation) Act, 1986 and Regulation) Rules, 1988
75. The Industries (Development and Regulation) 76. The Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance)
Act, 1951 Act, 1963
77. The Employers' Liability Act, 1938 78. The Disaster Management Act, 2005
79. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897
Wild Life and Forest Rules
1. The Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972 2. The Wild life (Protection) Rules, 1995
3. The Wild life (Stock Declaration) Central Rules, 4. The National Board for Wild Life Rules, 2003
5. The Indian Forest Act, 1927 6. The Declaration of Wild Life Stock Rules, 2003
7. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 8. The Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003
9. The Wild life (Protection) Licensing (Additional 10. The Wild life (Specified Plants - Conditions for
Matters for Consideration) Rules, 1983 Possession by Licensee) Rules, 1995
11. The Wild life (Transactions and Taxidermy) Rules,
Andhra Pradesh
1. The Andhra Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 2. The Andhra Pradesh Fire Service Act, 1999
3. The Andhra Pradesh Building Rules, 2017 4. The Andhra Pradesh Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1971
5. The Andhra Pradesh Building & Other 6. The Andhra Pradesh Shops & Establishments
Construction Worker’s (Regulation Of Rules, 1990
Employment & Condition Of Service) Rules, 1999
7. The Andhra Pradesh Industrial Employment 8. The Andhra Pradesh Fire and Emergency
(Standing Orders) Rules, 1953 Operations and Levy of Fee Rules, 2006
9. The Andhra Pradesh Fire Service Rules, 1991 10. The Andhra Pradesh Air (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Rules, 1982
1. The Assam Factories Rules, 1950 2. The Assam Maternity Benefit Rules, 1965
3. The Assam Industrial Employment (Standing 4. The Assam Fire and Emergency Services Act,
Orders) Rules, 1947 1985
5. The Assam Fire Service Rules, 1989 6. The Assam Factories (Safety) Officers Rules,
7. The Assam Control of Industrial Major Accident
Hazards Rules, 1992
1. The Bihar Factories Welfare Officers Rules, 1952 2. The Bihar Factories Rules, 1950
3. The Bihar Building and Other Construction 4. The Bihar Shops and Establishments (Regulation
Workers (Regulation of Employment and of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,
Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005 2017
5. The Bihar Contract Labour (Regulation and 6. The Bihar Maternity Benefit Rules, 1964
Abolition) Rules, 1972
7. The Bihar Fire Service Act, 2014 8. The Bihar Fire Service Rules, 1955
1. The Chhattisgarh Plastic and Other Non 2. The Chhattisgarh Fire and Emergency Service
Biodegradable Material (Regulation of Use and Act, 2018
Disposal) Act, 2020
3. The Chhattisgarh Regulation, Prohibition, Sale
and Use of Acid Rules, 2014
1. The Delhi Building and Other Construction 2. The Delhi Factories Rules, 1950
Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 2002
3. The Delhi Fire Service Act, 2007 4. The Delhi Fire Service Rules, 2010
5. The Delhi Poisons Possession and Sale Rules,
Daman and Diu
1. The Goa, Daman and Diu Factories Rules, 1985 2. The Goa, Daman and Diu Fire Force Act, 1986
3. The Daman and Diu Fire Force Rules, 2004 4. The Daman & Diu (Poisons Possession and Sale)
Rules, 2014
1. The Goa Factories Rules, 1985 2. The Goa Shops and Establishments Act, 1973
3. The Goa Building and Other Construction 4. The Goa State Fire Force Rules, 1997
Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 2008
5. The Goa Control of Industrial Major Accident 6. The Goa Poisons Possession and Sale Rules,
Hazards Rules, 1993 2014
1. The Gujarat Factories Rules, 1963 2. The Gujarat Lifts And Escalators Act, 2000
3. The Welfare Officers (Recruitment and 4. The Gujarat Safety Officers Duty Qualifications
Conditions of Service) (Gujarat) Rules, 1963 and Service Conduct Rules, 1983
5. The Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety 6. The Gujarat Lifts and Escalators Rules, 2001
Regulations 2016
7. Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures 8. The Gujarat Poisons (Regulation and Control of
Act, 2013 Sale and Use of Acid) Rules, 2014
9. The Gujarat Shops and Establishments 10. The Gujarat Shops and Establishments
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 2019 Service) Rules, 2020
11. The Gujarat Building and Other Construction 12. The Gujarat Prohibition Act, 1949
Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Condition of Service) Rules, 2003
13. The Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety
Measures Rules, 2014
1. The Punjab Shops & Commercial Establishment 2. The Punjab Factory Rules, 1952, As applicable in
Rules, 1958 As Applicable in Haryana Haryana
3. The Haryana Fire Service Act, 2009 4. The Haryana Fire (Group C) Service Rules, 2016
5. The Haryana Major Accident Hazard Control
Rules, 2009
Himachal Pradesh
1. The Himachal Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 2. The Himachal Pradesh Fire Fighting Services Act,
3. The Himachal Pradesh Building and Other 4. The Himachal Pradesh Shops & Commercial
Construction Workers (Regulation of Establishment Act,1969
Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules,
5. The Himachal Pradesh Poisons (Possession and
Sale) Rules, 2014
1. The Karnataka Poisons (Possession and Sale) 2. The Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969
Rules 2015
3. The Major Accident Hazards Control (Karnataka) 4. The Karnataka Fire Force Rules, 1971
Rules, 1994
5. The Karnataka Fire Force Act, 1964 6. The Karnataka Legal Metrology (Enforcement)
Rules, 2011
7. The Karnataka Public Safety (Measures) 8. The Karnataka Public Safety (Measures)
Enforcement Act, 2017 Enforcement Rules, 2018
1. The Kerala Factories (Welfare Officers) Rules, 2. The Kerala Factories Rules, 1957
3. The Kerala Boiler Attendants Rules, 1957 4. The Kerala Boiler Operation Engineers Rules,
5. The Kerala Dangerous Machines (Regulation) 6. The Kerala Factories (Major Accident Hazard
Rules, 1990 Control) Rules, 2003
7. The Kerala Boiler Rules, 1967 8. The Kerala Economiser Rules, 1957
9. The Special Rules For The Kerala Factories& 10. The Special Rules for The Kerala Factories &
Boilers Subordinate Service, 1995 Boilers Service, 1996
11. The Kerala Water Supply and Sewerage Act, 1986 12. The Kerala Fire Force Act, 1962
Madhya Pradesh
1. Madhya Pradesh Building & Other Construction 2. The Madhya Pradesh Factory Rules, 1962
Workers (Regulation Of Employment &
Conditions Of Service ) Rules, 2002
3. The Madhya Pradesh Poisons (Possession and
Sale) Rules, 2014
1. The Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 2. The Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963
3. The Maharashtra Boiler Rules, 1962 4. The Bombay Lifts Act, 1939
5. The Bombay Lifts Rules, 1958 6. The Bombay Workmen's Compensation Rules,
7. The Maharashtra Contract Labour (Regulation 8. The Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life
and Abolition) Rules, 1971 Safety Measures Act, 2006
9. The Maharashtra Welfare Officers (Duties, 10. The Maharashtra Workmen's Compensation
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, (Occupational Diseases) Rules, 1962
11. The Maharashtra Building and Other 12. The Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol
Construction Workers (Regulation of Products (Manufacture, Usage, Sale, Transport,
Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, Holding and Storage) Notification, 2018
13. The Maharashtra Safety Officers (Duties), 14. The Maharashtra Factories (Occupational Safety
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, and Health Audit) Rules, 2011
15. The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments 16. The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 2017 Service) Rules, 2018
17. The Maharashtra Factories (Control of Industrial 18. The Maharashtra Groundwater (Development
Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 2003 and Management) Act, 2009
19. The Maharashtra Lifts, Escalators and Moving 20. The Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety
Walks Act, 2017 Measures Rules, 2009
21. The Maharashtra Factories (Safety Audit) Rules, 22. The Maharashtra Disaster Management Rules,
2014 2019
1. The Orissa Factories (Control of Major Accident 2. The Orissa Factories Rules, 1950
Hazard) Rules, 2001
3. The Odisha Poisons (Possession and Sale) Rules, 4. The Odisha Fire Prevention and Fire Safety
2014 Rules, 2017
5. The Odisha Fire Service Act, 1993
1. The Puducherry Factories Rules, 1964
1. The Punjab Factory Rules, 1952 2. Punjab Major Accident Hazard Control Rules,
3. The Punjab Shops & Commercial Establishment 4. The Punjab Shops & Commercial Establishment
Act, 1958 Rules, 1958
5. The Punjab Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Act 6. The Punjab Fire Prevention and Fire
2004 Safety Rules, 2004
7. The Punjab Poisons Possession and Sale Rules,
1. The Rajasthan Factories Rules, 1951 2. The Rajasthan Control of Industrial Major
Accident Hazards Rules, 1991
3. The Rajasthan Building and Other Construction 4. The Rajasthan Shops and Commercial
Workers (Regulation of Employment and Establishment Rules, 1959
Conditions of Service) Rules, 2009
5. The Rajasthan Fire & Emergency Act 2016 6. The Rajasthan Poisons Possession and Sale
Rules, 2015
1. The Sikkim Fire Services Act, 1981 2. The Sikkim Shops and Commercial
Establishments Act, 1983
Tamil Nadu
1. The Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950 2. The Tamil Nadu Factories (Welfare Officers)
Rules, 1953
3. The Tamil Nadu Safety Officers (Duties, 4. The Tamil Nadu Control of Industrial Major
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, Accident Hazards Rules, 1994
5. The Tamil Nadu Building and other construction 6. The Tamil Nadu Building and other construction
workers (Conditions of Employment and workers (Regulation of employment and
Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 1984 conditions of service) Rules, 2006
7. The Tamil Nadu Fire Service Act, 1985 8. The Tamil Nadu Fire Service Rules, 1990
9. The Tamil Nadu Poisons (Regulation of
Possession and Sale) Rules, 2015
1. The Telangana Factories Rules, 1950 2. The Telangana Fire Service Act, 1999
3. The Telangana Shops and Establishments Rules, 4. The Telangana Payment of Wages Rules, 1937
5. The Andhra Pradesh Building and Other 6. The Telangana Fire and Emergency Operations
Construction Workers (Regulation of and Levy of Fee Rules, 2006
Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules,
1999 (Telangana Adoption) Order, 2015
Uttar Pradesh
1. The U. P. Factories (Safety Officers) Rules, 1984 2. The U. P. Factories Welfare Officer's Rules, 1955
3. The Uttar Pradesh Building and Other 4. The Uttar Pradesh Factories (Control of
Construction Workers (Regulation of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 1996
Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules,
5. The U. P. Factories Rules, 1950 6. The Uttar Pradesh Fire Prevention and Fire
Safety Act, 2005
7. The Uttar Pradesh Fire Prevention And Fire
Safety Rules, 2005
1. The Uttarakhand Factories (Safety Officers) 2. The Uttarakhand Factories Rules, 1950
Rules, 1984
3. The Uttaranchal Building and Other Construction 4. The Uttarakhand Factories Welfare Officers'
Workers (Regulation of Employment and Rules 1955
Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005
5. The Uttarakhand Fire & Emergency Service, Fire 6. The Uttarakhand Fire Service Subordinate
Prevention and Fire Safety Act, 2016 Officer/Employees Service Rules, 2016
7. The Uttarakhand Poisons (Possession and sale)
Rules, 2015
West Bengal
1. The West Bengal Factories (Safety Officers) Rules, 2. The West Bengal Factories Rules, 1958
3. The West Bengal Industrial Disputes Rules, 1958 4. The West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act,
5. The West Bengal Workmen's House-rent 6. The West Bengal Factories (Welfare Officers)
Allowance Act, 1974 Rules, 1971
7. The West Bengal Prevention and Control of 8. The West Bengal Workmen's House-rent
Water Pollution (Procedure for Immersion of Idol Allowance Rules, 1975
after Pujas) Rules, 2018
9. The West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 10. The West Bengal Fire Services Act, 1950

Legal Abstract - Understanding legal language of EHS regulations is not easy for all. To make this job
easier, SheelOnline.Com covers briefs of 50+ Environment, Health and Safety Regulations with
abstract/obligations/responsibilities/rights applicable to industries in simple English language and in
tabular format.

Legal Abstract
Environment Rules
1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) 2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1974/Rules,1975 cess Act, 1977/Rules, 1978
3. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 4. The Environmental (Protection) Act/Rules, 1986
1981/Rules, 1982
5. Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 6. Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 2011
7. The Public Liability Insurance Act/Rules, 1991 8. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control)
Rules, 2000
9. The Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules, 10. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation &
1999 Control) Rules, 2000
11. The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 12. The Hazardous and Other Wastes
2001 (Management, Handling & Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2016
13. The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 14. The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning,
Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996
15. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 16. The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
17. The Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 18. Island Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
19. The Construction and Demolition Waste
Management Rules, 2016
Safety Rules
1. The Factories Act, 1948 2. The Petroleum Act, 1934/Rules, 2002
3. The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016 4. Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act,
1983/Rules, 1984
5. The Explosives Act, 1884 6. The Explosives Rules, 2008
7. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) 8. Manufacture, Import and Storage of Hazardous
Act, 1970 Chemicals Rules, 1989
9. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired)
Rules, 2016
Electricity Rules
1. The Electricity Act, 2003 2. The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
Andhra Pradesh
1. The Andhra Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 2. The A. P. Building & Other Construction
Worker’s (Regulation Of Employment &
Condition Of Service) Rules, 1999
1. The Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963 2. The Maharashtra Welfare Officers (Duties,
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules,
3. The Maharashtra Safety Officers (Duties, 4. The Maharashtra Building and Other
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, Construction Workers (Regulation of
1982 Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules,
5. The Maharashtra Factories (Control of Industrial
Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 2003
1. The Gujarat Factories Rules, 1963 2. The Gujarat Safety Officers (Duties,
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules,
3. The Welfare Officers (Recruitment and 4. The Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety
Conditions of Service) (Gujarat) Rules, 1963 Regulation 2016
1. The Punjab Factories Rules, 1952 (As applicable
in Haryana)
1. The Telangana Factories Rules, 1950
Building & Other Construction Rules
1. Building & Other Construction Workers 2. Building & Other Construction Workers'
(Regulation Of Employment & Conditions of (Regulation Of Employment & Conditions Of
Service) Act, 1996 Service) Central Rules, 1998
3. Building & Other Construction Worker's Welfare 4. Building & Other Construction Worker's Welfare
Cess Act, 1996 Cess Rules,1998

Legal Updates - SheelOnline.Com covers full text of 330+ Environment, Health and Safety regulations
form Centre and State Governments in tree view format for easy reference along with search and
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these 330+ Environment, Health and Safety regulations, which users can refer and download for their

Text of these 330+ Environment, Health and Safety regulations will also be updated on receipt of
amendments regularly, so that users always refer to the updated legal text of these regulations.

These Legal Updates are sorted by upload date and notification no. is linked to open the pdf file of legal
Update. User can search and sort legal updates based on search conditions (Date, Regulations, Upload
Date, etc.)
Legal Orders – SheelOnline.com Legal Order module keep track of the legal orders, directions issued by
issued by different Central + State Ministries and Government departments and made them available at
one place for easy reference and necessary actions, if any. It will upload Legal orders, which users can
refer and download for their requirements. These Legal Orders are sorted by upload date and title is
linked to open the pdf file of legal order. User can sort/filter legal orders based on tags.
Regulatory Documents - SheelOnline.com Regulatory Documents covers forms of 330+ Environment,
Health and Safety regulations in excel, which users can download for their requirements.

Legislative Requirements - SheelOnline.Com Legislative Requirements module covers more than 6000
identified legislative requirements of 110+ environment, health and safety regulations.SheelOnline.com
users can subscribe to requirements applicable to their organizations from these requirements and
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List of EHS Regulations

1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) 2. The Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016
Rules, 1975
3. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) 4. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Cess Rules, 1978 Rules, 1982
5. The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 6. The Gas Cylinder Rule ,2016
7. The Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963 8. The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991
9. The Environment Impact Assessment (2006) 10. The Gujarat Factories Rule 1963
11. The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 12. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation &
2016 Control) Rules, 2000
13. Solid Waste Management Rule,2016 14. The Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage
Rules, 1999
15. The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991 16. The Petroleum Rules,2002
17. The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 18. The Insecticides Rules, 1971
19. The Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 20. The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection)
2001 Rules, 2004
21. The Construction and Demolition Waste 22. The Legal Metrology Act, 2009
Management Rules, 2016
23. The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management 24. The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models)
and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 Rules, 2011
25. The Legal Metrology (Government Approved 26. The Manufacture, Storage and Import of
Test Centre) Rules, 2013 Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
27. The Explosives Rules, 2008 28. The Regulation of Lead Contents in Household
and Decorative Paints Rules, 2016
29. The Regulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls 30. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control)
Order, 2016 Rules, 2000
31. Rules for the Manufacture, use, import, export 32 The Energy Conservation Building Code Rules,
and storage of hazardous micro-organisms/ 2018
genetically engineered organisms or cells
33. The Factories Act, 1948 34. The Boiler Act,1923
35. The Chemical Weapons Convention Act, 2000 36. The Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970
37. The Employee's Compensation Rules 1924 38. The Legal Metrology (National Standards)
Rules, 2011
39. The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels 40. The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Regulation of
(Unfired) Rules, 2016 Use in Motor Vehicles) Order, 2001
41. The Explosive Substances Act, 1908 42. The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
43. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Regulation of Supply 44. The Maharashtra Safety Officers (Duties,
and Distribution) Order, 2000 Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules,
45. Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act, 1983 46. The Inflammable Substances Act, 1952
47. The Intimation of Accidents (Form and Time of 48. The Bombay Lifts Rules, 1958
Service of Notice) Rules, 2004
49. The Food Safety and Standards (Food Safety 50. The Food Safety and Standards (Organic
Auditing) Regulations, 2018 Foods) Regulations, 2017
51. The Gujarat Safety Officers (Duty Qualifications 52. The Kerala Dangerous Machines (Regulation)
and Service Conduct) Rules, 1983 Rules, 1990
53. The Maharashtra Factories (Control of Industrial 54. The Maharashtra Factories (Occupational
Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 2003 Safety and Health Audit) Rules, 2011
55. Punjab Major Accident Hazard Control Rules, 56. The Major Accident Hazard Control Rules,
1993 1997
57. The Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety 58. The Maharashtra Workmen's Compensation
Regulations 2016 (Occupational Diseases) Rules, 1962
59. The Food Safety And Standards Rules, 2011 60. The Odisha Poisons (Possession and Sale)
Rules, 2014
61. The Electricity Rules, 2005 62. The Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life
Safety Measures Rules, 2009
63. The Mines Rules, 1955 64. The Gujarat Lifts and Escalators Rules, 2001
65. The Employees State Insurance (Central) Rules, 66. Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945
67. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic 68. The Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012
Substances (Regulation of Controlled
Substances) Order, 2013
69. The Kerala Factories (Welfare Officers) Rules, 70. The Maharashtra Welfare Officers (Duties,
1957 Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules,
71. The Maharashtra Groundwater (Development 72. The Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969
and Management) Act, 2009
73. Rajasthan Factories Rules, 1951 74. The Andhra Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950
75. The TamilNadu Factories Rules, 1950 76. The Gujarat Fire Prevention and Life Safety
Measures Rules, 2014
77. The Tamil Nadu Safety Officers (Duties, 78. The Telangana Factories Rules, 1950
Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules,
79. The Punjab Factory Rules, 1952 (As applicable in 80. The Goa Factories Rule, 1985
81. The Goa, daman and diu Factories Rule, 1985 82. The Punjab Factory Rules, 1952
83. The Madhya Pradesh Factories Rules, 1962 84. The U.P. Factories Rule, 1950
85. The Uttarakhand Factories Rule, 1950 86. The Himachal Pradesh Factories Rule, 1950
87. The Orissa Factories Rule, 1950 88. The Delhi Factories Rule, 1950
89. The Assam Factories Rule, 1950 90. The kerala Factories Rule, 1957
91. The West Bengal factories Rule, 1958 92. The Bihar Factories Rule, 1950
93. The Tamil Nadu Factories (Welfare Officers) 94. The Puducherry Factories Rule, 1964
Rules, 1953
95. The Tamil Nadu Control of Industrial Major 96. The Kerala Factories (Major Accident Hazard
Accident Hazards Rules, 1994 Control) Rules, 2003
97. The Major Accident Hazards Control (Karnataka) 98. The Gujarat Poisons (Regulation and Control of
Rules, 1994 Sale and Use of Acid) Rules, 2014
99. The Welfare Officers (Recruitment and 100. The Orissa Factories (Control of Major
Conditions of Service) (Gujarat) Rules, 1963 Accident Hazard) Rules, 2001
101. The Karnataka Poisons (Possession and Sale) 102. The Bihar Factories Welfare Officers Rules,
Rules 2015 1952
103. The West Bengal Factories (Safety Officers) 104. The West Bengal Factories (Welfare Officers)
Rules, 1978 Rules, 1971
105. The U.P. Factories Welfare Officers rules, 1955 106. The Rajasthan Control of Industrial Major
Accident Hazards Rules, 1991
107. The Uttar Pradesh Factories (Control of 108. The U. P. Factories (Safety Officers) Rules,
Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Rules, 1996 1984
109. The Maharashtra Lifts, Escalators and Moving 110. The Uttarakhand Factories Welfare Officers'
Walks Act, 2017 Rules 1955
111. The Uttarakhand Factories (Safety Officers) 112. The Maharashtra Factories (Safety Audit)
Rules, 1984 Rules, 2014
113. The Andhra Pradesh Fire Service Act, 1999 114. The Telangana Fire Service Act, 1999

Training Aid’s - SheelOnline.com covers 250+ safety training videos with voice narration and image
animation in both English and Hindi Languages.

List of Training Aids

S.No. Training Aids English S.No. Training Aids Hindi
SE001 5S SH001 5 एस
SE002 7 Common Causes of Accidents SH002 दुघघटनाओं के सात मुख्य कारण
SE003 10 Commandments of Safety SH003 सुरक्षा के दसमंत्र
SE004 Ammonia Safety SH004 अमोननया सुरक्षा
SE005 Basic Machine Safety SH005 सामान्य मशीन सुरक्षा
SE006 Battery Safety SH006 बैटरी सुरक्षा
SE007 Carbon Monoxide Safety SH007 काबघन मोनोऑक्साइड सुरक्षा
SE008 Chlorine Safety SH008 क्लोरीन सुरक्षा
SE009 Cleaning with Compressed Air SH009 कम्प्रेस्डएयर से सफाई
SE010 Deadly Dozen SH010 दुघघटना के बारह कारण
SE011 Drum Handling SH011 ड्रमों का सुरनक्षत रखरखाव
SE012 Drum Handling Static Electricity SH012 ड्रमहैंडललग सुरक्षा –स्टेटटकइलेनक्िनसटी
SE013 Eight Crane Danger Signs SH013 क्रेन के आठ खतरनाक निन्ह
SE014 Electrical Safety SH014 नवद्युत सुरक्षा
SE015 Electrical Safety Lab SH015 नवद्युत सुरक्षा_रयोगशाला
SE016 Emergency Information Panel SH016 आपातकालीन सूिना पैनल
SE017 Energy Saving @ Home SH017 घर में नबजली की बित
SE018 Energy Saving @ Office SH018 कायाघलय में नबजली की बित
SE019 Excavation Safety SH019 खुदाई करते समय सुरक्षा
SE020 Extention Cord Safety SH020 एक्सटैन्शनकॉडघ
SE021 Fall Protection Wearing Safety Harness SH021 नगरने से सुरक्षा_सेफ़्टीहानेस
SE022 Fire Triangle SH022 अनि नत्रकोण
SE023 Forklift Trucks - Common Factors in SH023 फोकघ नलफ्ट- दुघघटना के कारण
Forklift Accidents
SE024 Gloves Donning - Removing Techniques SH024 दस्ताने पहनने व उतारने की सुरनक्षत तकनीक
SE025 Grinding Wheel Safety SH025 ग्राईंलडगव्हील सुरक्षा
SE026 Hydrogen Sulphide SH026 हाइड्रोजन सल्फाईड सुरक्षा
SE027 Hazard and Risk SH027 खतरा व जोनखम
SE028 HAZCHEM Code SH028 हैजकै मकोड
SE029 Housekeeping SH029 हाउसकीलपग
SE030 Lock out Tag out SH030 लॉक आउट-टैग आउट
SE031 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) SH031 मटटटरयलसेफ़्टी डाटा शीट
SE032 NFPA Diamond SH032 NFPA डायमंड
SE033 Office Fire Safety SH033 कायाघलय में आग से सुरक्षा
SE034 Safe Driving of Tankers SH034 टेंकर का सुरनक्शत संिालन
SE035 Safe handling of Corrosive Chemicals SH035 कोरोनसव रसायन सुरक्षा
SE036 Workplace &Diabities SH036 कायाघलय और मधुमेह
SE037 Static Electricity SH037 स्टेटटक नवद्युत सुरक्षा
SE038 Time Management SH038 समय रबंधन
SE039 Washing Hands SH039 हाथ धोने की रक्रक्रया
SE040 Welding Safety SH040 वैलल्डग सुरक्षा
SE041 10 Commandments of Emergency SH041 आपातकालीन तैयाटरयों के दस ननदेश
SE042 10 commandments of Pre-Work Activities SH042 कायघ रारम्प्भ करने से पूवघ ध्यान में रखे जाने वाले सुरक्षा के
for Safety दस ननदेश
SE043 10 safety commandments of store स्टोररबन्धन से संबनन्धत सुरक्षा के दस ननयम
management SH043
SE044 Abrasive Sand Blasting SH044 अब्रेनसवब्लालस्टग कायघ से सुरक्षा
SE045 Acetone Use & Care SH045 ऐसीटोन उपयोग व सावधाननयााँ
SE046 Aerial Lift Safety SH046 एटरयलनलफ्टसेफ़्टी
SE047 Aerial Work Platform SH047 एटरयलवकघ प्लेटफॉमघ
SE048 Arc Welding and Electrical Safety SH048 आकघ वेलल्डग और नवद्युतीय सुरक्षा
SE049 Back Injuries Prevention SH049 पीठददघ रोकथाम
SE050 Band Saw Tool Safety SH050 बैंड सॉसेफ़्टी
SE051 Chain Hoist Safety SH051 िेन होइस्ट सुरक्षा
SE052 Chemical Safety SH052 रसायन सुरक्षा
SE053 Circular Saw Tool Safety SH053 सक्युघलरसॉसेफ़्टी
SE054 Confined Space Entry SH054 कन्फाइन्डस्पेस सुरक्षा
SE055 Construction Worker SH055 ननमाघण स्थल पर कायघ करने वाले कमघिारी
SE056 Crane Safety SH056 क्रेन सुरक्षा
SE057 Cryogenics Safety SH057 क्रायोजेननक सुरक्षा
SE058 Cut & Burn Safety SH058 कटने व जलने से सुरक्षा
SE059 Defensive Driving SH059 नडफें नसवड्राइलवग
SE060 Drill Press Safety SH060 नड्रलरैस मशीन सेफ़्टी
SE061 Electric Chainsaw Safety SH061 इलैनक्िक िैन सॉसेफ़्टी
SE062 Electrical Safety at Construction Site SH062 ननमाघण स्थलों पर नवध्युत से सुरक्षा
SE063 Ergonomics SH063 एगोनोनमक्स
SE064 Eye Safety SH064 आंखो की सुरक्षा
SE065 Eyewash and Safety Shower Proper Use SH065 आइवॉश और सेफ़्टीशावर का उनित उपयोग
SE066 Fatigue SH066 थकावट
SE067 Fire Extinguisher SH067 अनिशामक यंत्र
SE068 Fire Safety at Construction Site SH068 ननमाघण स्थलों पर आग से सुरक्षा
SE069 First Aid SH069 राथनमक निक्रकत्सा
SE070 Flammable and Combustible Liquids SH070 ज्वलनशील और दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
SE071 Food and Kitchen Hygiene SH071 खाद्य पदाथो और रसोई की स्वच्छता
SE072 Foot and Leg Protection SH072 पैरों की सुरक्षा
SE073 Forklift Safety SH073 फोकघ नलफ्ट सुरक्षा
SE074 Gas Cylinder Safety SH074 गैस नसलैन्डर सुरक्षा
SE075 Global Warming SH075 ग्लोबलवार्ममग
SE076 Grinder Tool Safety SH076 ग्राइन्डरटू ल सुरक्षा
SE077 Hand Protection SH077 हाथों की सुरक्षा
SE078 Handling of Flammable and Combustible SH078 ज्वलनशील और दहनशील तरल पदाथघ का रबंधन
SE079 Head Protection SH079 नसर की सुरक्षा
SE080 Hearing Protection SH080 श्रवणसुरक्षा
SE081 Heat Gun Tool Safety SH081 हीट गन औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE082 Heat Stress SH082 हीटस्िैस
SE083 Heat Stroke SH083 हीटस्िोक
SE084 Heavy Equipment Safety SH084 भारी यंत्रों से सुरक्षा
SE085 Industrial Ventilation SH085 औद्योनगक वेंटटलेशन
SE086 Jointer Tool Safety SH086 जोइं टरटू लसेफ़्टी
SE087 Kitchen Safety SH087 रसोई मे कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
SE088 Ladder Safety SH088 लैडरसेफ़्टी
SE089 Ladder Safety Three Point Rule SH089 लैडरसेफ़्टी_थ्रीपॉइं टरूल
SE090 Lifting Equipment Safety SH090 नललफ्टग उपकरण का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
SE091 Liquid Sulphur Safety SH091 तरल सल्फर से सुरक्षा
SE092 Maintenance Safety SH092 मैंटेनेंस (रख-रखाव) सुरक्षा
SE093 Manual Material Handling SH093 मैन्युअलमटटटरयलहैंनडललग
SE094 Methods of Noise Control SH094 शोर ननयंत्रण की तकनीक
SE095 Motivation in Industrial Sector SH095 औद्योनगक क्षेत्र में कमघिाटरयों को रेटरत करना
SE096 Motor Vehicle Safety at Construction Site SH096 ननमाघण स्थल पर मोटर वाहन से सुरक्षा
SE097 Near Miss SH097 ननयर नमस
SE098 Occupational Skin Diseases SH098 कायघस्थल पर होने वाले त्विा संबंधी रोग
SE099 Pallet Safety SH099 पैलेट का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
SE100 Phosgene Safety SH100 फॉसज़ीन सुरक्षा
SE101 Safety is everyone's responsibility the SH101 सुरक्षा (हर व्यनि की नज़म्प्मेदारी है) – गुलाबी हाथी
Pink Elephant
SE102 Portable Ladder SH102 पोटेबललैडर
SE103 Power Tools Safety SH103 नवद्युतीय औजारों का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
SE104 PPE SH104 व्यनिगत सुरक्षा उपकरण
SE105 Pressure Vessels Safety SH105 रेशरवेसल सुरक्षा
SE106 Respiratory Protection SH106 श्वास संबंधी सुरक्षा
SE107 Rigging Safety SH107 रस्सी/िेन से भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
SE108 Router Tool Safety SH108 राउटरटू लसेफ़्टी
SE109 Safe use of Scaffolding SH109 स्काफोलल्डग का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
SE110 Smoke Detector SH110 स्मोकनडटेक्टर
SE111 Spray Painting Safety SH111 स्रे-पेंटटग के दौरान सुरक्षा
SE112 Stairways Fall Prevention SH112 सीक्रढ़यााँ – नगरने से बिाव
SE113 Struck By Hazards at construction site SH113 ननमाघण स्थलों पर टकराने के खतरे
SE114 Sulphur Safety SH114 सल्फर से सुरक्षा
SE115 Vaccum Safety SH115 वैक्युमसेफ़्टी
SE116 Visitor Induction SH116 आगन्तुको की सुरक्षा के नलए रनशक्षण
SE117 Weather Lightning SH117 आकाशीय नबजली के खतरों से सुरक्षा
SE118 Wood Lathe Safety SH118 वुडलेथटू लसेफ़्टी
SE119 Work Permit System SH119 वकघ परनमटनसस्टम
SE120 Working Safely with Solvents SH120 सोंलवेंट के साथ कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
SE121 Workplace Inspection SH121 कायघस्थल का ननरीक्षण
SE122 Workplace Transportation Safety SH122 कायघस्थल पर पटरवहन से सुरक्षा
SE123 Fire Safety Important Terms SH123 आग से सुरक्षा संबनन्धत महत्वपूणघ शब्दावली
SE124 Hazardous Area Classification, IS 5572 खतरनाक क्षेत्रों का वर्गगकरण IS 5572:1994
1994 SH124
SE125 ISO 14001 SH125 आइएसओ14001
SE126 Selection of Electrical Equipments for SH126 नवद्युत उपकरणों का िुनाव IS:5571
hazardous area
SE127 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) SH127 एयर (नरवेंशन और रदुषणकं िोल)
SE128 The Factories Act, 1948 SH128 फै क्िीजएक्ट, 1948
SE129 The Hazardous Wastes Rule SH129 खतरनाक अपनशष्ट ननयम
SE130 The Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 SH130 सावघजननक दानयत्व बीमा अनधननयम 1991
SE131 Energy management ISO 50001_2011 SH131 ऊजाघ रबंधन_आइएसओ50001_2011
SE132 Covid - 19 SH132 कोनवड - 19
SE133 Fire Safety SH133 अनि सुरक्षा
SE134 Working Near Water SH134 पानी के पास काम करना
SE135 Communication Skills SH135 संिार कौशल

Toolbox Talks - SheelOnline.com covers 200+ safety toolbox talk videos with voice narration and image
animation in both English and Hindi Languages.

Toolbox Talks
S.No. Toolbox Talk English S.No. Toolbox Talk Hindi
TT001 Plant and Machinery TT001 संयंत्र और मशीनरी
TT002 Equipment Rollover TT002 उपकरणका पलटना
TT003 Near Miss TT003 ननयरनमस
TT004 Proper Lifting TT004 भारउठाने की तकनीक
TT005 Effects of Weather TT005 मौसमके रभाव
TT006 Barricades and Warning signs TT006 बैटरके डऔर िेतावनी संकेत
TT007 Heat Exhaustion TT007 गमीसे होने वाली थकान
TT008 Dress for Winter Work TT008 शीतकालीनकायघ के नलए उपयुि कपड़े
TT009 Deadly Dozen TT009 डेडलीडजन
TT010 Housekeeping TT010 हाउस्कीलपग
TT011 Trash Chutes TT011 िैशशूट
TT012 Material Handling TT012 सामग्रीका रबंधन
TT013 Hand Tools TT013 हैंडटू ल्स
TT014 Bloodborne Pathagons TT014 रिजननतरोगाणुओं से सुरक्षा
TT015 Signaling Techniques TT015 नसिलदेने की तकनीकें
TT016 Screwdrivers TT016 पेिकसके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT017 Wrench Safety TT017 टरिके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT018 Chainsaw Safety TT018 िेनसॉ के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT019 Powder Actuated Tools TT019 पाउडरएक्िुएटेडटू ल्स
TT020 Portable Electric Tools TT020 पोटेबलइलैनक्िकलटू ल्स
TT021 Spotter TT021 स्पॉटर
TT022 Head Protection-Hard Hat TT022 नसरकी सुरक्षाहाडघहटै -
TT023 Eye Protection TT023 आाँखोंकी सुरक्षा
TT024 Foot Protection TT024 पैरोंकी सुरक्षा
TT025 Fire Extinguisher TT025 अनिशामकयंत्र
TT026 Job Site Hazards- The Big Four TT026 कायघस्थलपर िार मुख्य खतरे
TT027 Hand Protection TT027 हाथोंकी सुरक्षा
TT028 Respiratory Protection TT028 श्वाससंबंधी सुरक्षा
TT029 Construction Clothing TT029 ननमाघणकायघ के नलए उपयुि कपड़े
TT030 Hammers/chisels TT030 हथौड़ेछेनी/के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT031 Table Saw TT031 टेबलसॉ के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT032 Ladder Safety TT032 सीक्रढ़योंके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT033 Ramp and Runways TT033 रै म्प्पऔररनवे
TT034 Guardrails TT034 गाडघरेल्स
TT035 Falls- Working at Height TT035 ऊंिाईपर कायघ करते समय नगरने से सुरक्षा
TT036 Safety Harness TT036 सेफ़्टीहानेस
TT037 Excavation TT037 खुदाईके कायघ से सुरक्षा
TT038 Working around Cranes TT038 क्रेनके आसपास कायघ करना
TT039 Electric Hazards TT039 नवद्युतीयखतरे
TT040 Working in Confined Spaces TT040 कनफाइं डस्पेसमें कायघ करना
TT041 Fire Protection and Control TT041 आगसे सुरक्षा और ननयंत्रण
TT042 Refueling Equipment TT042 उपकरणोंमें ईंधन भरना
TT043 Gasoline TT043 पेिोलडीजल/
TT044 Compresses Gas Cylinder TT044 कम्प्रेस्डगैसनसलेन्डर
TT045 Shortcuts TT045 शॉटघकट
TT046 Knife Safety TT046 िाकु ओंके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT047 Horseplay TT047 मौजमस्ती
TT048 Safety is Common Sense TT048 सुरक्षाएक व्यावहाटरक ज्ञान है
TT049 Floors and other Openings TT049 असुरनक्षतछेद
TT050 Noise Exposure and Control TT050 शोरसे खतरे और ननयंत्रण
TT051 Scaffold Safety TT051 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डका सुरनक्षत उपयोग
TT052 Warming Up TT052 तैयाररहना
TT053 Electric Power Tools TT053 नवद्युतसे िलने वाले औज़ार
TT054 Workplace Violence TT054 कायघस्थललहसा
TT055 Welding and Cutting Safety TT055 वेलल्डगऔरकटटग कायघ से सुरक्षा
TT056 The Three F's of Welding TT056 वैलल्डगके तीन मुख्य शब्द
TT057 Frostbite and Hypothermia TT057 फ़्रोस्टबाइटऔरहाइपोथर्गमया
TT058 Pinch Points TT058 लपिपॉइं ट
TT059 Hand Truck Safety TT059 हाथसे िलने वाले ठे लेिौली/का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
TT060 Chemical Burns TT060 रसायनोंसे होने वाली जलन
TT061 Flammable and Combustible Liquids TT061 ज्वलनशीलऔर दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
TT062 Carbon-Monoxide- The Hidden Killer TT062 काबघनमोनोऑक्साइडएक गुप्त खतरा -
TT063 Traffic Management TT063 यातायातरबंधन
TT064 Non-Powered Hand Tools TT064 हाथके औज़ार
TT065 Machine Guarding TT065 मशीनगार्डसघ
TT066 Focusing on Lasers TT066 लेज़रके खतरे
TT067 Use of Solvents TT067 सोलवेंट्स (नवलायक द्रवका उपयोग )
TT068 Defensive Driving TT068 नडफ़ें नसवड्राइलवगसुरनक्षत वाहन िलाना/
TT069 Right Habit, Safe Habit TT069 सहीआदत, सुरनक्षत आदत
TT070 Lockout/Tagout TT070 लॉकआउटऔरटैगआउट
TT071 Pedestrian Safety TT071 पैदलयानत्रयों की सुरक्षा
TT072 Ten Rules to Save Your Ten Fingers TT072 दसउाँ गनलयों की सुरक्षा के नलए दस ननयम
TT073 Safety Attitude TT073 सुरनक्षतव्यवहार
TT074 Falling Objects TT074 नगरनेवाली वस्तुओं से सुरक्षा
TT075 MSDS and Labels- Read Them TT075 मटटटरयलसेफ़्टीडेटा शीट और लेबल
TT076 Chock and Block TT076 िॉकऔरब्लॉक
TT077 Empty Skid and Pallets TT077 पैलेटके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT078 Wheelbarrow Safety TT078 व्हीलबैरोके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
TT079 Loading Dock Safety TT079 डॉकमेंलोलडग करते समय सुरक्षा
TT080 Backing Up TT080 वाहनोंकोपीछेलेना
TT081 Controlling High Blood Pressure TT081 उच्चरििाप पर ननयंत्रण
TT082 Lift Sling Safety TT082 नललफ्टगलस्लग का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
TT083 Spray Painting TT083 स्रेपेंटटग
TT084 Ventilation TT084 वेंटटलेशन
TT085 Water Pollution Control TT085 जलरदूषण ननयंत्रण
TT086 Vibration TT086 कं पन
TT087 Working with Cement TT087 सीमेंटके साथ कायघ करना
TT088 Emergency Response Plan TT088 आपातकालीनरनतक्रक्रया योजना
TT089 Spill Prevention TT089 नीिेनगरे हुए तरल पदाथों की रोकथाम
TT090 Demolition TT090 नडमोनलशन
TT091 Computer Ergonomics TT091 कम्प्प्युटरएगोनोनमक्स
TT092 Overhead Power Lines TT092 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन्स
TT093 Portable Generators TT093 पोटेबलजनरे टर
TT094 Office Safety TT094 कायाघलयमें सुरक्षा
TT095 Heat Stress TT095 हीटस्िैस
TT096 Working Near Water TT096 पानीके आसपास कायघ करना
TT097 Waste Disposal TT097 किरे का ननपटान
TT098 Slips, Trips and Falls TT098 क्रफसलना, टकराना और नगरना
TT099 First aid for Burns TT099 जलनेकी िोट के नलए राथनमक निक्रकत्सा
TT100 Hints for Preventing Headache TT100 नसरददघरोकने के उपाय
TT101 Safe Driving TT101 सावधानीसे वाहन िलाना
TT102 Exercise For Health TT102 स्वास््यके नलए व्यायाम
TT103 Cutting Down on Cholesterol TT103 कोलेस्िॉलको कम करना
TT104 Coping with Stress TT104 तनावसे मुक़ाबला करना
TT105 Grinding Wheels TT105 ग्राइं लडगव्हील
TT106 Driving in Wintry Condition TT106 सर्ददयोंमें वाहन िलाना
TT107 Nutrition TT107 पौनष्टकखाद्य पदाथघ
TT108 Prepare for Natural Disasters TT108 राकृ नतकआपदाओं के नलए तैयारी
TT109 Beware of Extension Cords TT109 एक्सटेंशनकॉडघ से सावधानी
TT110 Electric Shock TT110 नबजलीका झटका लगना
TT111 Beware of Battery Hazards TT111 बैटरीके खतरों से सावधानी
TT112 Teamwork TT112 सामूनहककायघ करना
TT113 Status Quo TT113 वतघमाननस्थनत

Do’s and Don’ts - SheelOnline.com covers 180+ safety do’s and don’t videos with voice narration and
image animation in both English and Hindi Languages.

Do's & Don'ts

S.No. Do’sand Don’ts English S.No. Do’sand Don’ts Hindi
DD001 Confined Spaces DD001 कन्फाइन्डस्पेस
DD002 Crane Safety DD002 क्रेनसे सुरक्षा
DD003 Electrical Safety DD003 नवद्युतसे सुरक्षा
DD004 Excavation Safety DD004 खुदाईका कायघ
DD005 Ladder Safety DD005 सीक्रढ़योंसे सुरक्षा
DD006 Power Tools DD006 नवद्युतीयऔज़ार
DD007 Scaffold Safety DD007 स्कै फोल्ड
DD008 Scissor Lift DD008 नसज़रनलफ़्ट
DD009 Working at Height DD009 ऊंिाईपर कायघ करना
DD010 Chemical Safety DD010 रसायनसुरक्षा
DD011 Fire Safety DD011 आगसे सुरक्षा
DD012 Forklift Safety DD012 फोकघ नलफ्ट
DD013 Gas Cylinder DD013 गैसनसलेंडर
DD014 Hand Tools DD014 हाथसे िलने वाले वाले औज़ार
DD015 Hard Hat DD015 हाडघहटै
DD016 Lockout and Tagout DD016 लॉकआउटटैगआउट/
DD017 Machine Safety DD017 मशीनसे सुरक्षा
DD018 Pedestrian Safety DD018 पैदलयानत्रयों की सुरक्षा
DD019 Proper Lifting DD019 भारकोसहीतरह से उठाना
DD020 Rigging and Hoisting DD020 टरगलगगऔरहोइलस्टग
DD021 Welding and Cutting DD021 वेलल्डगऔरकटटग
DD022 Fire Extinguisher DD022 अनिशामकयंत्र
DD023 Barricades DD023 बैटरके ड
DD024 Housekeeping DD024 हाउस्कीलपग
DD025 Portable Generators DD025 पोटेबलजनरे टघर
DD026 Grinding Wheel DD026 ग्राइं लडगव्हील
DD027 Electric Chainsaw DD027 इलैनक्िकिेनसॉ
DD028 Slips, Trips and Falls DD028 क्रफसलना, टकराना और नगरना
DD029 Overhead Power Lines DD029 ऊपरीनबजली के तार
DD030 Carbon Monoxide DD030 काबघनमोनोऑक्साइड
DD031 Nail Guns DD031 नेलगन्स
DD032 Solvents DD032 सोल्वेंट
DD033 Hand Protection DD033 हाथोंकी सुरक्षा
DD034 Screwdrivers DD034 पेिकस
DD035 Circular Saw DD035 सक्युघलरसॉ
DD036 Dump Truck DD036 डम्प्पिक
DD037 Aerial Lift DD037 एटरयलनलफ़्ट
DD038 First Aid DD038 राथनमकनिक्रकत्सा
DD039 Hearing Protection DD039 कानोंकी सुरक्षा
DD040 Respiratory Protection DD040 श्वाससंबंधी सुरक्षा
DD041 Refueling Equipment DD041 उपकरणोंमें ईंधन भरना
DD042 Floor Opening DD042 फशघपर नस्थत गड्ढे
DD043 Battery Safety DD043 बैिीसे सुरक्षा
DD044 Extension Cords DD044 एक्सटेन्शनकॉडघ
DD045 Safe Driving DD045 सुरनक्षततरीके से वाहन िलाना
DD046 Teamwork DD046 सामूनहककायघ करना
DD047 Powder Actuated Tool DD047 पाउडरएक्िुएटेडटू ल
DD048 Ergonomics DD048 एगोनोनमक्स
DD049 Working with Cement DD049 सीमेंटके साथ कायघ करना
DD050 Handling Petrol Safely DD050 पेिोलसे सुरक्षा
DD051 Wheelbarrow DD051 व्हीलबैरो
DD052 Personal Fall Arrest System DD052 पसघनलफॉलअरै स्टनसस्टम
DD053 Lead Safety DD053 लेडसे सुरक्षा
DD054 Demolition DD054 इमारतको ढहाना
DD055 Waste Management DD055 किरे का रबंधन
DD056 Hand-Arm Vibration DD056 हाथोंमें होने वाला कं पन
DD057 Jointer Tool DD057 जोइं टरटू ल
DD058 Eye Protection DD058 आाँखोंकी सुरक्षा
DD059 Spray Painting DD059 स्रेपेंटटग
DD060 Heat Stroke DD060 हीटस्िोक
DD061 Weather Lightning DD061 नबजलीसे सुरक्षा
DD062 Chemical Storage DD062 रसायनोंकाभंडारण
DD063 Band Saw Tool DD063 बैंडसॉटू ल
DD064 Lab Safety DD064 लैबमें सुरक्षा
DD065 Drill Press Machine DD065 नड्रलरेस मशीन
DD066 Smoke Detector DD066 स्मोकअलामघ
DD067 Chiesel Safety DD067 छेनीसे सुरक्षा
DD068 Warehouse DD068 गोदाम
DD069 Hydrogen Sulphide DD069 हाइड्रोजनसल्फाइड
DD070 Acetylene Gas DD070 एनसटटलीनगैस
DD071 Hammer Safety DD071 हथोड़ीसे सुरक्षा
DD072 Wrench Safety DD072 टरिसे सुरक्षा
DD073 Pilers Safety DD073 प्लायसघसे सुरक्षा
DD074 Knife Safety DD074 िाकू से सुरक्षा
DD075 Silica Safety DD075 नसनलकासे सुरक्षा
DD076 Stairs and Walkways DD076 सीक्रढ़यााँऔर मागघ
DD077 Arc Welding Safety DD077 आकघ वेलल्डग
DD078 Ammonia Safety DD078 अमोननयासे सुरक्षा
DD079 Pressure Vessel Safety DD079 रेशरवेसल
DD080 Router Tool DD080 राउटरटू ल

Course Snippets - SheelOnline.com covers 130+ safety snippet videos with voice narration and image
animation in both English and Hindi Languages.

Course Snippets
S.No. Course Snippets English S.No. Course Snippets Hindi
1 SE054 -CS -1- Atmospheric Hazards 1 SE054 -CS -1- वायुमंडलीय खतरें
2 SE054 -CS -2- Gas Testing Sequence 2 SE054 -CS -2- कनफाइं डस्पेस में गैसों की जांि
SE054 -CS -3- Emergency Rescue SE054 -CS -3- आपातकालीन बिाव ऑपरे शन के
3 Operation Priorities 3 दौरान राथनमकताएाँ
4 SE054 -CS -4-Types of Rescue 4 SE054 -CS -4- बिाव के रकार
5 SE054 -CS -5-Types of Rescue Equipment 5 SE054 -CS -5- बिाव उपकरण के रकार
6 SE059-CS-1-Road Safety Introduction 6 SH059-CS-1-सड़कसुरक्षा का पटरिय
7 SE059-CS-2-Importance of road safety 7 SH059-CS-2-सड़कसुरक्षा का महत्व
8 SE059-CS-3-Road safety Tips 8 SH059-CS-3-सड़कसुरक्षा सलाह
9 SE059-CS-4-Safe and Responsible Driving 9 SH059-CS-4-सुरनक्षतड्राइलवग
10 SE059-CS-5-Arm Signals 10 SH059-CS-5-हाथोंके संकेत
11 SE059-CS-6-Traffic Signs 11 SH059-CS-6-यातायातसंकेत
SE059-CS-6A-Limit and Vehicle Control
12 Signs 12 SH059-CS-6A-वाहनननयंत्रण संकेत
13 SE059-CS-6B-Prohibittory Signs 13 SH059-CS-6B-नननषद्धसंकेत
SE059-CS-6C-Compulsory Direction
14 Control and Other Signs 14 SH059-CS-6C-अननवायघक्रदशा ननयंत्रण और अन्य संकेत
15 SE059-CS-6D-Give Way, Stop and End Sign 15 SH059-CS-6D-रास्तादें, रुके और एंड संकेत
16 SE059-CS-7A-Parking Signs 16 SH059-CS-7A-पार्ककगसंकेत
17 SE059-CS-7B-Information Signs 17 SH059-CS-7B-सूिनासंकेत
18 SE059-CS-8-Cautionary Sign 18 SH059-CS-8-सावधानीसंकेत
19 SE059-CS-9-Road Markings 19 SH059-CS-9-सड़कनिह्न
20 SE059-CS-10-Traffic light Signals 20 SH059-CS-10-िेक्रफकलाइटनसिल
21 SE059-CS-11-Traffic Police Hand Signals 21 SH059-CS-11-िेक्रफकपुनलसहैंडनसिल
22 SE059-CS-12-Active & Passive Safety 22 SH059-CS-12-सक्रक्रयऔर नननरक्रय सुरक्षा
23 SE059-CS-13-Security devices 23 SH059-CS-13-सुरक्षाउपकरण
24 SE059-CS-14-Two Wheeler Safety 24 SH059-CS-14-टू व्हीलर सुरक्षा सलाह
SE059-CS-15-Know and Check Your SH059-CS-15-अपनीमोटरसाइक्रकल को जानें और
25 Motorcycle 25 उसकी जााँि करें
26 SE059-CS-16-Basic Vehicle Control 26 SH059-CS-16-वाहनपर ननयंत्रण
27 SE059-CS-17-Helmet 27 SH059-CS-17-हेलमेट
SE059-CS-18-Handling Dangerous
28 Surfaces 28 SH059-CS-18-खतरनाकसतहों पर ड्राइलवग करना
SE059-CS-31-Safe Driving in Unfavourable SH059-CS-31-मौसमकी खराब नस्थनत में सुरनक्षत
29 Weather Conditions Introduction 29 ड्राइलवग
30 SE059-CS-32-Driving in Rainy Weather 30 SH059-CS-32-बाटरशके मौसम में ड्राइलवग करना
31 SE059-CS-33-Flooded Roads 31 SH059-CS-33-पानीसे भरी हुई सड़कें )बाढ़(
32 SE059-CS-34-Driving on Snow 32 SH059-CS-34-बफघ की सतहों पर ड्राइलवग करना
33 SE059-CS-35-Fog and Mist while Driving 33 SH059-CS-35-कोहरे के दौरान ड्राइलवग करना
34 SE059-CS-36-Safe Driving in Strong Winds 34 SH059-CS-36-तेजहवाओं में सुरनक्षत ड्राइलवग करना
SH059-CS-37-धूपमेंड्राइलवग करते समय रखी जाने
35 SE059-CS-37-Sun Glare while Driving 35 वाली सावधाननयााँ
SE059-CS-38-Emergency preparedness for SH059-CS-38-खराबमौसम में ड्राइलवग के दौरान
36 bad weather driving 36 ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें
37 SE059-CS-39-Emergency Kit 37 SH059-CS-39-आपातकालीनक्रकट
38 SE014-CS-1-Causes of Electric Shock 38 SH014-CS-1-नबजलीके झटके लगने के कारण
SE014-CS-2-What to do in case of electric
39 shock 39 SH014-CS-2-नबजलीका झटका लगने पर क्या करें
SE014-CS-3-Effects of Electrical Current in
40 the Human Body 40 SH014-CS-3-मानवशरीर में नवद्युत रवाह के रभाव
SE014-CS-4-How Do I Protect Myself from SH014-CS-4-नबजलीके झटके से स्वयं क्रक सुरक्षा कै से
41 Electrical Shock 41 करें
SE014-CS-5-Dangers of Working Near SH014-CS-5-ओवरहैड पावर लाइन के पास कायघ करते
42 Overhead Power Lines 42 समय खतरे
43 SE014-CS-6-Safe Limit Approach Distance 43 SH014-CS-6-ओवरहेडपावर लाइन से सुरनक्षत दूरी
44 SE014-CS-7-Emergency Rescue Procedure 44 SH014-CS-7-आपातकालीनबिाव रक्रक्रया
45 SE014-CS-8-Electrical Fire and its Causes 45 SH014-CS-8-नवद्युतीयआग और उसके कारण
46 SE014-CS-9-General Electrical Safety Tips 46 SH014-CS-9-सामान्यनवद्युत सुरक्षा ननयम
SE014-CS-10-Installing and Maintaining SH014-CS-10-उपकरणस्थानपत करना और उसे बनाए
47 Safe Equipment 47 रखना
SE134-CS-1-Introduction of Working Near
48 Water 48 SH134-CS-1-पानीके आस पास कायघ करना
SE134-CS-2-Hazards for Working on or SH134-CS-2-पानीके आस पास कायघ करते समय
49 Near Water 49 संभानवत खतरे
50 SE134-CS-3-Drowning 50 SH134-CS-3-पानीमें डू बना
51 SE134-CS-4-Buoyancy Aids 51 SH134-CS-4-डू बनेसे बिाने वाले उपकरण
SH134-CS-5-भारउठाने वाले उपकरण का सुरनक्षत
52 SE134-CS-5-Safe Use of Lifting Appliances 52 उपयोग
53 SE134-CS-6-Working at Height 53 SH134-CS-6-ऊंिाईपर कायघ करना
54 SE133-CS-1-Introduction of Fire Safety 54 SH133-CS-1 अनि सुरक्षा का पटरिय
55 SE133-CS-2-Hazards of Fire 55 SH133-CS-2 आग के खतरे
56 SE133-CS-3-Duties of Responsible Person 56 SH133-CS-3 नजम्प्मेदार व्यनि के कतघव्य
57 SE133-CS-4-Emergency Evacuation Plan 57 SH133-CS-4 आपातकालीन ननकास योजना
58 SE133-CS-5-Personnel Training 58 SH133-CS-5 कमघिाटरयों को रनशक्षण देना
59 SE133-CS-6-Fire Prevention 59 SH133-CS-6 आग की रोकथाम
60 SE133-CS-7-Fire Detection 60 SH133-CS-7 फायर नडटेक्टर
61 SE133-CS-8-Types of Fire Extinguisher 61 SH133-CS-8 अनिशामक यंत्र के रकार
62 SE133-CS-9-Fighting Fires 62 SH133-CS-9 आग से बिाव
63 SE133-CS-10-Importance of Fire Safety 63 SH133-CS-10 अनि सुरक्षा का महत्व
SE133-CS-11-Human behavior during SH133-CS-11 आपातकालीन नस्थनत में इं सान का
64 Emergency 64 व्यवहार
SE135-CS-1 - Communication Skills
65 Introduction 65 SH135-CS-1 - पटरिय
66 SE135-CS-2 - Channel of Communication 66 SH135-CS-2- संिार के माध्यम
67 SE135-CS-3 - Methods of Communication 67 SH135-CS-3- संिार के तरीके
68 SE135-CS-4 - Communication Process 68 SH135-CS-4- संिार रक्रक्रया
SE135-CS-5 - Importance of
69 Communication Skills 69 SH135-CS-5- संिार कौशल का महत्व
70 SE135-CS-6 - Verbal Communication 70 SH135-CS-6- मौनखक संिार
71 SE135-CS-7 - Non Verbal Communication 71 SH135-CS-7- गैर मौनखक संिार
SE135-CS-8 - Types of Nonverbal
72 Communication 72 SH135-CS-8- गैर मौनखक संिार के रकार
73 SE135-CS-9 - Visual Communication 73 SH135-CS-9- दृश्य संिार
74 SE135-CS-10 - Effective Communication 74 SH135-CS-10- रभावी संिार
SE135-CS-11 - Ways to Overcome Barriers SH135-CS-11- रभावी संिार के नलए बाधाओं को दूर
75 to Effective Communication 75 करने के तरीके
76 SE132-CS-1 - Introduction 76 SH132-CS-1-पटरिय
77 SE132-CS-2 - Spread 77 SH132-CS-2-फै लनेके तरीके
78 SE132-CS-3 - Symptoms 78 SH132-CS-3-लक्षण
79 SE132-CS-4- Preventive Measures 79 SH132-CS-4-बिावके उपाय
80 SE132-CS-5 - Do’s and Don’ts 80 SH132-CS-5-यहकरें , इनसे बिें
81 SE132-CS-6 -Proper way of washing Hands 81 SH132-CS-6-हाथधोने का सही तरीका
SE132-CS-7 -Steps to Wear and Remove SH132-CS-7-मास्कपहनने ओर उतारने का सही
82 Face Mask 82 तरीका
SE132-CS-8 -COVID 19 - What to Do If You
83 Are Sick 83 SH132-CS-8-कोनवड 19 से संक्रनमत होने पर क्या करें
SH132-CS-9-ननयोिाद्वारा ली जाने वाली
84 SE132-CS-9 - Precautions by Employer 84 सावधाननयााँ
SH132-CS-10-कमघिारीद्वारा ली जाने वाली
85 SE132-CS-10 - Precautions by Employee 85 सावधाननयााँ
SE132-CS-11 - Precautions during
86 Meetings 86 SH132-CS-11-मीटटगके दौरान सावधाननयााँ
87 SE132-CS-12 - Precautions at Canteen 87 SH132-CS-12-कै न्टीनमें ली जाने वाली सावधाननयााँ
SE132-CS-13 - Precautions while Cleaning SH132-CS-13-सफाईओरक्रकटाणुनाशन के दौरान
88 & Disinfection 88 सावधाननयााँ
SE132-CS-14 - Precautions while SH132-CS-14-उद्योगकी वानपस शुरुआत करते समय
89 Restarting Manufacturing Industries 89 ये सावधाननयााँ बरतें
SE132-CS-15 - Preventive Measures in
90 Case of Covid19 Occurrence at Workplace 90 SH132-CS-15-कायघस्थलपरकोनवड19 का संक्रमण होने
पर क्या करें
SE132-CS-16 - Closure of Workplace in SH132-CS-16-कायघस्थलपरकोनवड19 के संक्रमण पर
91 Case of Covid19 Occurrence at Workplace 91 कायघस्थल को बंद करने के ननयम
92 SE132-CS-17 -Before starting from Home 92 SH132-CS-17- घर से काम पर ननकलने से पहले
93 SE132-CS-18 -During Travel 93 SH132-CS-18- सफर के दौरान
94 SE132-CS-19 -At Company Gate 94 SH132-CS-19- कं पनी गेट पर
95 SE132-CS-20 -During Work 95 SH132-CS-20- कायघस्थल पर
96 SE132-CS-21 -Return to Home 96 SH132-CS-21- काम से घर लोटने पर
97 SE063-CS-1-Importance of Ergonomics 97 SE063-CS-1-ऐगोनोनमक्सका महत्व
98 SE063-CS-2-Musculoskeletal Disorders 98 SE063-CS-2-मस्कु लोस्के लेटलनडसऑडघसघ क्या है ?
SE063-CS-3-एगोनॉनमक्ससे संबनन्धत जोनखम के
99 SE063-CS-3-Ergonomic Risk Factors 99 कारण
SE063-CS-4-Controlling Ergonomic
100 Hazards 100 SE063-CS-4-एगोनॉनमक्सखतरो का ननयंत्रण
101 SE063-CS-5-Computer Ergonomics 101 SE063-CS-5-कम्प्प्यूटरएगोनोनमक्स
102 SE063-CS-6-Lighting and Vision Care 102 SE063-CS-5-आंखोकी सुरक्षा
103 SE063-CS-7-Exercise at Your Computer 103 SE063-CS-6-कं प्यूटरपर कायघ करते समय व्यायाम
104 SE063-CS-8-Hand Tools Ergonomics 104 SE063-CS-7-हैंडटू ल्सएगोनोनमक्स
105 SE063-CS-9-Vibration 105 SE063-CS-8-कं पन
106 SE063-CS-10-Vibration Health Effects 106 SE063-CS-9-कं पनका स्वास््य पर रभाव
107 SE063-CS-11-Exposure Levels 107 SE063-CS-10-कं पनकी जोनखम सीमा
108 SE063-CS-12-Preventive Measures 108 SE063-CS-11-कं पनसे बिाव
SE063-CS-13-Identifying Hazardous SE063-CS-12-खतरनाकमैन्युअल कायघ की पहिान
109 Manual Tasks 109 करना
SE063-CS-13-मैन्यूअलहैंनडललग के जोनखमो से बिने
110 SE063-CS-14-Prevention Measures 110 के नलए उपाय
111 SE063-CS-15-Correct Handling Techniques 111 SE063-CS-14-भारउठाने की उनित तकनीक
112 SE063-CS-16-Team Lifting 112 SE063-CS-15-टीमनललफ्टग

Safety Tips - SheelOnline.com covers 200+ safety tips in video format with voice narration and image
animation in both English and Hindi Languages.

Safety Tips
S.No. Safety Tips English S.No. Safety Tips Hindi
1 SE054 -ST -1-Confined Space Hazards 1 SH054 -ST -1 - कनफाइं डस्पेस में मौजूद खतरें
2 SE054 -ST -2-Safety Requirements of 2 SH054 -ST -2 - कनफाइं डस्पेस सहायक की मुख्य
Attendant नजम्प्मेदाटरयााँ
3 SE054 -ST -3-Confined Space Permit 3
System SH054 -ST -3 –एंिीपरनमटनसस्टम
4 SE054 -ST -4-Confined Space - General 4
Safety Tips SH054 -ST -4 - सामान्य सुरक्षा सलाह
5 SE054 -ST -5-Rescue Procedure 5 SH054 -ST -5 - बिाव रक्रक्रया
6 SE054 -ST -6-Emergency Procedure 6 SH054 -ST -6- आपातकालीन रनतक्रक्रया
7 SE059-ST-1-Defensive Driving General 7 SH059-ST-1-सामान्यड्राइलवग सुरक्षा -1
Safety Tips 1
8 SE059-ST-2-Defensive Driving General 8
Safety Tips 2 SH059-ST-2-सामान्यड्राइलवग सुरक्षा -2
9 SE059-ST-3-Defensive Driving General 9
Safety Tips 3 SH059-ST-3-सामान्यड्राइलवग सुरक्षा -3
10 SE059-ST-4-Two-Wheeler Safety 10 SH059-ST-4-टू व्हीलरसेफ़्टी
11 SE059-ST-5-Driving at Night 11 SH059-ST-5-रातमेंड्राइलवग करना
12 SE059-ST-6-Defensive Driving General 12
Safety Tips SH059-ST-6-नडफ़ें नसवड्राइलवग सुरक्षा सलाह
13 SE014-ST-1-General Safety 13 SH014-ST-1-सामान्यसुरक्षा सलाह
14 SE014-ST-2-Power Line Safety 14 SH014-ST-2 - ओवरहैडपावर लाइन से सावधानी
15 SE014-ST-3-Extension cord 15 SH014-ST-3-एक्सटैन्शनकॉडघ से सावधानी
16 SE014-ST-4-Electrical Safety on jobsite 16 SH014-ST-4-कायघस्थलपर में नवद्युत से सुरक्षा
17 SE014-ST-5-Electrical Shock 17 SH014-ST-5-नबजलीका झटका लगना
18 SE014-ST-6-Plug and Switches Electrical 18
Safety SH014-ST-6- प्लग और नस्वि से सुरक्षा
19 SE014-ST-7-Electrical Safety at Lab 19 SH014-ST-7-रयोगशालामें नवद्युत से सुरक्षा
20 SE014-ST-8- Arc Flash Safety 20 SH014-ST-8- आकघ फ्लैश से सुरक्षा
21 SE014-ST-9-Electrical Hazards 21 SH014-ST-9- नवद्युतीय खतरे
22 SE134-ST-1-General Safety Tips 22 SH134-ST-1- सामान्य सुरक्षा ननयम
23 SE133-ST-1-What to Do When a Fire 23 SH133-ST-01-आगलगने पर अपनाएं जाने वाले सुरक्षा
Breaks Out उपाय
24 SE133-ST-2-General Safety Tips 24 SH133-ST-02-आगसे सुरक्षा
25 SE133-ST-3-How to Properly Operate a 25
Fire Extinguisher SH133-ST-03-अनिशामकयंत्र का सुरनक्षत उपयोग
26 SE133-ST-4-Types of Extinguisher 26 SH133-ST-04-अनिशामकयंत्र के रकार
27 SE133-ST-5-Minimize the Potential for 27 SH133-ST-05-आगलगने के संभानवत स्रोतों को कम
Fires करना
28 SE133-ST-6-FIre Preventing in Workplace 28 SH133-ST-06-कायघस्थलमें आग लगने से रोकना
29 29 SH133-ST-07-आपातकालीननस्थनत में आग से बिाव
SE133-ST-7-Emergency or Fire Exit के उपाय
30 SE133-ST-8-Fire Safety Equipment 30 SH133-ST-08-अनिसुरक्षा उपकरण
31 SE133-ST-9-Fire Detection and Alarm 31
Systems SH133-ST-09-फायरनडटेक्शन और अलामघनसस्टम
32 SE133-ST-10-Ware House Fire Safety Tips 32 SH133-ST-10-वेयरहाउस फायर सेफ्टी
33 SE133-ST-11-Fire Safety Tips in Workplace 33
Canteen Kitchen SH133-ST-11-कायघस्थलकीकैं टीन में अनि सुरक्षा
34 SE133-ST-12-Safety Tips During Fire 34 SH133-ST-12-आगके दौरान सुरक्षा के उपाय
35 SE133-ST-13-Flammable Liquid Fire Safety 35
Tips SH133-ST-13-ज्वलनशीलतरल अनि सुरक्षा उपाय
36 SE133-ST-14-Fire Burn Prevention Safety 36
Tips SH133-ST-14-आगमें जलने से बिाव के सुरक्षा उपाय
37 SE133-ST-15-Fire Safety Tips for Keeping 37 SH133-ST-15-कायाघलयकमघिाटरयों के नलए अनि
Office Employees Safety सुरक्षा उपाय
38 SE133-ST-16-Common Construction Site 38
Fire Hazards SH133-ST-16-ननमाघणस्थल पर आग के खतरे
39 SE133-ST-17-Construction Site Fire Safety 39 SH133-ST-17-ननमाघणस्थल अनि सुरक्षा
40 SE135-ST-1-How to Communicate Clearly 40 SH135-ST-1- कायघस्थल में स्पष्ट रूपसे संवाद कै से करें
Within the Workplace
41 SE135-ST-2-Developing Communication 41 SH135-ST-2-कायघस्थलपर संिार कौशल सुधार करे
skills at Workplace
42 SE135-ST-3-How to Improve 42 SH135-ST-3-संिारकौशल में सुधार कै से करें
Communication Skills
43 SE135-ST-4-What’s stopping you from 43 SH135-ST-4-आपकोरभावी ढंग सेसंवाद करने से क्या
communicating effectively रोक रहा है?

Training Courses- SheelOnline.com covers 260+ EHS Training courses in both English and Hindi
Languages. These courses are compiled with combination of the available training content in
SheelOnline.com i. e. 870+ training videos.

EHS Training Courses

S.No. Training Courses English S.No. Training Courses Hindi
SE001 5S SH001 5 एस
SE002 7 Common Causes of Accidents SH002 दुघघटनाओंके सात मुख्य कारण
SE003 10 Commandments of Safety SH003 सुरक्षाके दसमंत्र
SE004 Ammonia Safety SH004 अमोननयासुरक्षा
SE005 Basic Machine Safety SH005 सामान्यमशीन सुरक्षा
SE006 Battery Safety SH006 बैटरीसुरक्षा
SE007 Carbon Monoxide Safety SH007 काबघनमोनोऑक्साइड
SE008 Chlorine Safety SH008 क्लोरीनसुरक्षा
SE009 Cleaning with Compressed Air SH009 कम्प्रेस्डएयर से सफाई
SE010 Deadly Dozen SH010 दुघघटनाके बारह कारण
SE011 Drum Handling SH011 ड्रमोंका सुरनक्षत रखरखाव
SE012 Drum Handling Static Electricity SH012 ड्रमहैंडललगसुरक्षा–स्टेटटकइलेनक्िनसटी
SE013 Eight Crane Danger Signs SH013 क्रेनके आठ खतरनाक निन्ह
SE014 Electrical Safety SH014 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
SE015 Electrical Safety Lab SH015 नवद्युतसुरक्षा_रयोगशाला
SE016 Emergency Information Panel SH016 आपातकालीनसूिनापैनल
SE017 Energy Saving @ Home SH017 घरमें नबजली की बित
SE018 Energy Saving @ Office SH018 कायाघलयमें नबजली की बित
SE019 Excavation Safety SH019 खुदाईकायघ में सुरक्षा
SE020 Extention Cord Safety SH020 एक्सटैन्शनकॉडघ
SE021 Fall Protection Wearing Safety Harness SH021 नगरनेसे सुरक्षा_सेफ़्टीहानेस
SE022 Fire Triangle SH022 अनिनत्रकोण
Forklift Trucks Common Factors in Forklift
फोकघ नलफ्ट-दुघघटनाके कारण
SE023 Accidents SH023
SE024 Gloves Donning - Removing Techniques SH024 दस्तानेपहननेवउतारने की सुरनक्शत तकनीक
SE025 Grinding Wheel Safety SH025 ग्राईंलडगव्हील सुरक्षा
SE026 Hydrogen Sulphide Safety SH026 हाइड्रोजनसल्फाईड सुरक्षा
SE027 Hazard & Risk SH027 खतराव जोनखम
SE028 HAZCHEM Code SH028 हैजकै मकोड
SE029 Housekeeping SH029 उनितहाउसकीलपग
SE030 Lock out Tag out SH030 लॉकआउट टैग-आउट
SE031 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) SH031 एमएसडीएस
SE032 NFPA Diamond SH032 NFPA डायमंड
SE033 Office Fire Safety SH033 कायाघलयमें आग से सुरक्षा
SE034 Safe Driving of Tankers SH034 टेंकरकासुरनक्शत संिालन
SE035 Safe handling of Corrosive Chemicals SH035 कोरोनसवरसायनसेसुरक्षा
SE036 Workplace &Diabities SH036 मधुमेह
SE037 Static Electricity SH037 स्टेटटकनवद्युत सुरक्षा
SE038 Time Management SH038 समयरबंधन
SE039 Washing Hands SH039 हाथधोनेकीरक्रक्रया
SE040 Welding Safety SH040 वैलल्डगसुरक्षा
10 Commandments of Emergency
आपातकालीनतैयाटरयों के दस ननदेश
SE041 Preparedness SH041
10 commandments of Pre-Work Activities कायघरारम्प्भ करने से पूवघ ध्यान में रखे जाने वाले सुरक्षा
SE042 for Safety SH042 के दस ननदेश
10 safety commandments of store
स्टोररबन्धन से संबनन्धतसुरक्षा के दस ननयम
SE043 management SH043
SE044 Abrasive Sand Blasting SH044 अब्रेनसवब्लालस्टगकायघ से सुरक्षा
SE045 Acetone Use & Care SH045 ऐसीटोनउपयोग व सावधाननयााँ
SE046 Aerial Lift Safety SH046 एटरयलनलफ्टसेफ़्टी
SE047 Aerial Work Platform SH047 एटरयलवकघ प्लेटफॉमघ
SE048 Arc Welding and Electrical Safety SH048 आकघ वेलल्डग और नवद्युतीय सुरक्षा
SE049 Back Injuries Prevention SH049 पीठददघरोकथाम
SE050 Band Saw Tool Safety SH050 बैंडसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE051 Chain Hoist Safety SH051 िेनहोइस्ट सुरक्षा
SE052 Chemical Safety SH052 रसायनोंके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE053 Circular Saw Tool Safety SH053 सक्युघलरसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE054 Confined Space Entry SH054 सीनमतस्थान सुरक्षा
SE055 Construction Worker SH055 ननमाघणस्थल पर कायघ करनेवाले कमघिारी
SE056 Crane Safety SH056 क्रेनसुरक्षा
SE057 Cryogenics Safety SH057 क्रायोजेननकसुरक्षा
SE058 Cut & Burn Safety SH058 कटनेव जलने से सुरक्षा
SE059 Defensive Driving SH059 नडफें नसवड्राइलवग
SE060 Drill Press Machine Safety SH060 नड्रलरैस मशीन के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE061 Electric ChainSaw Safety SH061 इलैनक्िकिैनसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE062 Electrical Safety at Construction Site SH062 ननमाघणस्थलों पर नवध्युत से सुरक्षा
SE063 Ergonomics SH063 एगोनोनमक्स (कमघिारी पटरनस्थनत नवज्ञान)श्रमदक्षता/
SE064 Eye Safety SH064 आंखोकी सुरक्षा
SE065 Eyewash and Safety Shower Proper Use SH065 आइवॉशऔरसेफ़्टीशावर का उनित उपयोग
SE066 Fatigue SH066 थकावट
SE067 Fire Extinguisher SH067 अनिशामकयंत्र
SE068 Fire Safety at Construction Site SH068 ननमाघणस्थलों पर नवध्युत से सुरक्षा
SE069 First Aid SH069 राथनमकनिक्रकत्सा
SE070 Flammable and Combustible Liquids SH070 ज्वलनशीलऔर दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
SE071 Food and Kitchen Hygiene SH071 खाद्यपदाथो और रसोई की स्वच्छता
SE072 Foot and Leg Protection SH072 पैरोंकी सुरक्षा
SE073 Forklift Safety SH073 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
SE074 Gas Cylinder Safety SH074 गैसनसलैन्डर के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE075 Global Warming SH075 ग्लोबलवार्ममग
SE076 Grinder Tool Safety SH076 ग्राइन्डरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE077 Hand Protection SH077 हाथोंकी सुरक्षा
Handling of Flammable and Combustible
ज्वलनशीलऔर दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
SE078 Liquids SH078
SE079 Head Protection SH079 नसरकी सुरक्षा
SE080 Hearing Protection SH080 सुननेकी क्षमता के बिाव
SE081 Heat Gun Tool Safety SH081 हीटगन औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE082 Heat Stress SH082 हीटस्िैस
SE083 Heat Stroke SH083 हीटस्िोक
SE084 Heavy Equipment Safety SH084 भारीयंत्रों से सुरक्षा
SE085 Industrial Ventilation SH085 औद्योनगकवेंटटलेशन
SE086 Jointer Tool Safety SH086 जोइं टरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE087 Kitchen Safety SH087 रसोईमे कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
SE088 Ladder Safety SH088 सीढ़ीसुरक्षा
SE089 Ladder Safety Three Point Rule SH089 सीढ़ीसुरक्षा_थ्रीपॉइं टरूल
SE090 Lifting Equipment Safety SH090 नललफ्टगउपकरण के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE091 Liquid Sulphur Safety SH091 तरलसल्फर से सुरक्षा
SE092 Maintenance Safety SH092 मैंटेनेंस (रखसुरक्षा )रखाव-
SE093 Manual Material Handling SH093 मैन्युअलमटटटरयलहैंनडललग
SE094 Methods of Noise Control SH094 सुननेकी क्षमता के बिाव
SE095 Motivation in Industrial Sector SH095 औद्योनगकक्षेत्र में कमघिाटरयों को रेटरत करना
SE096 Motor Vehicle Safety at Construction Site SH096 ननमाघणस्थल पर मोटर वाहन से सुरक्षा
SE097 Near Miss SH097 ननयरनमस
SE098 Occupational Skin Diseases SH098 कायघस्थलपर होने वाले त्विा संबंधी रोग
SE099 Pallet Safety SH099 पैलेटके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE100 Phosgene Safety SH100 फॉसज़ीनसुरक्षा
Safety is everyone's responsibility the
सुरक्षा (हर व्यनि की नज़म्प्मेदारी है )– गुलाबी हाथी
SE101 Pink Elephant SH101
SE102 Portable Ladder SH102 पोटेबललैडर
SE103 Power Tool Safety SH103 नवद्युतीयऔजारों के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE104 PPE SH104 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
SE105 Pressure Vessels Safety SH105 रेशरवेसल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE106 Respiratory Protection SH106 श्वाससंबंधी सुरक्षा
SE107 Rigging Safety SH107 रस्सीिेन/से भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
SE108 Router Tool Safety SH108 राउटरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE109 Safe use of Scaffolding SH109 स्काफोलल्डगकासुरनक्शत उपयोग
SE110 Smoke Detector SH110 स्मोकनडटेक्टर
SE111 Spray Painting Safety SH111 स्रेपेंटटग-के दौरान सुरक्षा
SE112 Stairways Fall & Prevention SH112 सीक्रढ़यााँ – नगरने से बिाव
SE113 Struck By Hazards at construction site SH113 ननमाघणस्थलों पर रभानवत करने वाले खतरे
SE114 Sulphur Safety SH114 सल्फरसे सुरक्षा )आग एवं नवस्फोट(
SE115 Vaccum Safety SH115 वैक्युमसे सुरक्षा
SE116 Visitor Induction SH116 आगन्तुकोकी सुरक्षा के नलए रनशक्षण
SE117 Weather Lightning SH117 आकाशीयनबजली के खतरों से सुरक्षा
SE118 Wood Lathe Safety SH118 वुडलेथटू लके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
SE119 Work Permit System SH119 वकघ परनमटनसस्टम
SE120 Working Safely with Solvents SH120 सोंलवेंटके साथ कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
SE121 Workplace Inspection SH121 कायघस्थलका ननरीक्षण
SE122 Workplace Transportation Safety SH122 कायघस्थलपर पटरवहन से सुरक्षा
SE123 Fire Safety Important Terms SH123 आगसे सुरक्षा संबनन्धत महत्वपूणघ शब्दावली
Hazardous Area Classification, IS 5572
खतरनाकक्षेत्रों का वर्गगकरण IS 5572:1994
SE124 1994 SH124
SE125 ISO 14001 SH125 आइएसओ 14001
Selection of Electrical Equipments for
नवद्युतउपकरणों का िुनाव IS:5571
SE126 hazardous area SH126
The Air(Prevention and Control of
एयर (नरवेंशन और रदुषणकं िोल)
SE127 Pollution) Act 1981 SH127
SE128 The Factories Act, 1948 SH128 फै क्िीजएक्ट, 1948
SE129 The Hazardous Wastes Rule SH129 खतरनाकअपनशष्ट ननयम
SE130 The Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 SH130 सावघजननकदानयत्व बीमा अनधननयम 1991

SE131 Energy management ISO 50001_2011 SH131 ऊजाघरबंधन_आइएसओ50001_2011

Interactive Quizzes-SheelOnline.com has interactive quizzes for users, which they can take after
finishing their courses or can be used on adhoc basis for participants of their training course. These
quizzes are interactive and questions will be presented to user one by one. On completion of all
questions, user will submit all answers. The results with automatically calculated and shown to the user.
User can review his answers and print the results.

Interactive Quizzes
S.No. Interactive Quizzes English S.No. Interactive Quizzes Hindi
QE001 5S QH001 5 एस
QE002 7 Common Causes of Accidents QH002 दुघघटनाओंके सात मुख्य कारण
QE003 10 Commandments of Safety QH003 सुरक्षाके दसमंत्र
QE004 Ammonia Safety QH004 अमोननयासुरक्षा
QE005 Basic Machine Safety QH005 सामान्यमशीन सुरक्षा
QE006 Battery Safety QH006 बैटरीसुरक्षा
QE007 Carbon Monoxide Safety QH007 काबघनमोनोऑक्साइड
QE008 Chlorine Safety QH008 क्लोरीनसुरक्षा
QE009 Cleaning with Compressed Air QH009 कम्प्रेस्डएयर से सफाई
QE010 Deadly Dozen QH010 दुघघटनाके बारह कारण
QE011 Drum Handling QH011 ड्रमोंका सुरनक्षत रखरखाव
QE012 Drum Handling Static Electricity QH012 ड्रमहैंडललगसुरक्षा–स्टेटटकइलेनक्िनसटी
QE013 Eight Crane Danger Signs QH013 क्रेनके आठ खतरनाक निन्ह
QE014 Electrical Safety QH014 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
QE015 Electrical Safety Lab QH015 नवद्युतसुरक्षा_रयोगशाला
QE016 Emergency Information Panel QH016 आपातकालीनसूिनापैनल
QE017 Energy Saving @ Home QH017 घरमें नबजली की बित
QE018 Energy Saving @ Office QH018 कायाघलयमें नबजली की बित
QE019 Excavation Safety QH019 खुदाईकायघ में सुरक्षा
QE020 Extention Cord Safety QH020 एक्सटैन्शनकॉडघ
QE021 Fall Protection Wearing Safety Harness QH021 नगरनेसे सुरक्षा_सेफ़्टीहानेस
QE022 Fire Triangle QH022 अनिनत्रकोण
Forklift Trucks Common Factors in Forklift
फोकघ नलफ्ट-दुघघटनाके कारण
QE023 Accidents QH023
QE024 Gloves Donning - Removing Techniques QH024 दस्तानेपहननेवउतारने की सुरनक्शत तकनीक
QE025 Grinding Wheel Safety QH025 ग्राईंलडगव्हील सुरक्षा
QE026 Hydrogen Sulphide Safety QH026 हाइड्रोजनसल्फाईड सुरक्षा
QE027 Hazard & Risk QH027 खतराव जोनखम
QE028 HAZCHEM Code QH028 हैजकै मकोड
QE029 Housekeeping QH029 उनितहाउसकीलपग
QE030 Lock out Tag out QH030 लॉकआउटटैग आउट-
QE031 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) QH031 एमएसडीएस
QE032 NFPA Diamond QH032 NFPA डायमंड
QE033 Office Fire Safety QH033 कायाघलयमें आग से सुरक्षा
QE034 Safe Driving of Tankers QH034 टेंकरकासुरनक्शत संिालन
QE035 Safe handling of Corrosive Chemicals QH035 कोरोनसवरसायनसेसुरक्षा
QE036 Workplace &Diabities QH036 मधुमेह
QE037 Static Electricity QH037 स्टेटटकनवद्युत सुरक्षा
QE038 Time Management QH038 समयरबंधन
QE039 Washing Hands QH039 हाथधोनेकीरक्रक्रया
QE040 Welding Safety QH040 वैलल्डगसुरक्षा
10 Commandments of Emergency
आपातकालीनतैयाटरयों के दस ननदेश
QE041 Preparedness QH041
10 commandments of Pre-Work Activities कायघरारम्प्भ करने से पूवघ ध्यान में रखे जाने वाले सुरक्षा
QE042 for Safety QH042 के दस ननदेश
10 safety commandments of store
स्टोररबन्धन से संबनन्धतसुरक्षा के दस ननयम
QE043 management QH043
QE044 Abrasive Sand Blasting QH044 अब्रेनसवब्लालस्टगकायघ से सुरक्षा
QE045 Acetone Use & Care QH045 ऐसीटोनउपयोग व सावधाननयााँ
QE046 Aerial Lift Safety QH046 एटरयलनलफ्टसेफ़्टी
QE047 Aerial Work Platform QH047 एटरयलवकघ प्लेटफॉमघ
QE048 Arc Welding and Electrical Safety QH048 आकघ वेलल्डग और नवद्युतीय सुरक्षा
QE049 Back Injuries Prevention QH049 पीठददघरोकथाम
QE050 Band Saw Tool Safety QH050 बैंडसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE051 Chain Hoist Safety QH051 िेनहोइस्ट सुरक्षा
QE052 Chemical Safety QH052 रसायनोंके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE053 Circular Saw Tool Safety QH053 सक्युघलरसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE054 Confined Space Entry QH054 सीनमतस्थान सुरक्षा
QE055 Construction Worker QH055 ननमाघणस्थल पर कायघ करनेवाले कमघिारी
QE056 Crane Safety QH056 क्रेनसुरक्षा
QE057 Cryogenics Safety QH057 क्रायोजेननकसुरक्षा
QE058 Cut & Burn Safety QH058 कटनेव जलने से सुरक्षा
QE059 Defensive Driving QH059 नडफें नसवड्राइलवग
QE060 Drill Press Machine Safety QH060 नड्रलरैस मशीन के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE061 Electric Chain Saw Safety QH061 इलैनक्िकिैनसॉ औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE062 Electrical Safety at Construction Site QH062 ननमाघणस्थलों पर नवध्युत से सुरक्षा
QE063 Ergonomics QH063 एगोनोनमक्स (कमघिारी पटरनस्थनत नवज्ञान)श्रमदक्षता/
QE064 Eye Safety QH064 आंखोकी सुरक्षा
QE065 Eyewash and Safety Shower Proper Use QH065 आइवॉशऔरसेफ़्टीशावर का उनित उपयोग
QE066 Fatigue QH066 थकावट
QE067 Fire Extinguisher QH067 अनिशामकयंत्र
QE068 Fire Safety at Construction Site QH068 ननमाघणस्थलों पर नवध्युत से सुरक्षा
QE069 First Aid QH069 राथनमकनिक्रकत्सा
QE070 Flammable and Combustible Liquids QH070 ज्वलनशीलऔर दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
QE071 Food and Kitchen Hygiene QH071 खाद्यपदाथो और रसोई की स्वच्छता
QE072 Foot and Leg Protection QH072 पैरोंकी सुरक्षा
QE073 Forklift Safety QH073 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
QE074 Gas Cylinder Safety QH074 गैसनसलैन्डर के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE075 Global Warming QH075 ग्लोबलवार्ममग
QE076 Grinder Tool Safety QH076 ग्राइन्डरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE077 Hand Protection QH077 हाथोंकी सुरक्षा
Handling of Flammable and Combustible
ज्वलनशीलऔर दहनशील तरल पदाथघ
QE078 Liquids QH078
QE079 Head Protection QH079 नसरकी सुरक्षा
QE080 Hearing Protection QH080 सुननेकी क्षमता के बिाव
QE081 Heat Gun Tool Safety QH081 हीटगन औज़ार के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE082 Heat Stress QH082 हीटस्िैस
QE083 Heat Stroke QH083 हीटस्िोक
QE084 Heavy Equipment Safety QH084 भारीयंत्रों से सुरक्षा
QE085 Industrial Ventilation QH085 औद्योनगकवेंटटलेशन
QE086 Jointer Tool Safety QH086 जोइं टरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE087 Kitchen Safety QH087 रसोईमे कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
QE088 Ladder Safety QH088 सीढ़ीसुरक्षा
QE089 Ladder Safety Three Point Rule QH089 सीढ़ीसुरक्षा_थ्रीपॉइं टरूल
QE090 Lifting Equipment Safety QH090 नललफ्टगउपकरण के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE091 Liquid Sulphur Safety QH091 तरलसल्फर से सुरक्षा
QE092 Maintenance Safety QH092 मैंटेनेंस (रखसुरक्षा )रखाव-
QE093 Manual Material Handling QH093 मैन्युअलमटटटरयलहैंनडललग
QE094 Methods of Noise Control QH094 सुननेकी क्षमता के बिाव
QE095 Motivation in Industrial Sector QH095 औद्योनगकक्षेत्र में कमघिाटरयों को रेटरत करना
QE096 Motor Vehicle Safety at Construction Site QH096 ननमाघणस्थल पर मोटर वाहन से सुरक्षा
QE097 Near Miss QH097 ननयरनमस
QE098 Occupational Skin Diseases QH098 कायघस्थलपर होने वाले त्विा संबंधी रोग
QE099 Pallet Safety QH099 पैलेटके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE100 Phosgene Safety QH100 फॉसज़ीनसुरक्षा
Safety is everyone's responsibility the सुरक्षा (हर व्यनि की नज़म्प्मेदारी है )– गुलाबी हाथी
QE101 Pink Elephant QH101
QE102 Portable Ladder QH102 पोटेबललैडर
QE103 Power Tool Safety QH103 नवद्युतीयऔजारों के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE104 PPE QH104 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
QE105 Pressure Vessels Safety QH105 रेशरवेसल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE106 Respiratory Protection QH106 श्वाससंबंधी सुरक्षा
QE107 Rigging Safety QH107 रस्सीिेन/से भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
QE108 Router Tool Safety QH108 राउटरटू ल के उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE109 Safe use of Scaffolding QH109 स्काफोलल्डगकासुरनक्शत उपयोग
QE110 Smoke Detector QH110 स्मोकनडटेक्टर
QE111 Spray Painting Safety QH111 स्रेपेंटटग-के दौरान सुरक्षा
QE112 Stairways Fall & Prevention QH112 सीक्रढ़यााँ – नगरने से बिाव
QE113 Struck By Hazards at construction site QH113 ननमाघणस्थलों पर रभानवत करने वाले खतरे
QE114 Sulphur Safety QH114 सल्फरसे सुरक्षा )आग एवं नवस्फोट(
QE115 Vaccum Safety QH115 वैक्युमसे सुरक्षा
QE116 Visitor Induction QH116 आगन्तुकोकी सुरक्षा के नलए रनशक्षण
QE117 Weather Lightning QH117 आकाशीयनबजली के खतरों से सुरक्षा
QE118 Wood Lathe Safety QH118 वुडलेथटू लके उपयोग से सुरक्षा
QE119 Work Permit System QH119 वकघ परनमटनसस्टम
QE120 Working Safely with Solvents QH120 सोंलवेंटके साथ कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
QE121 Workplace Inspection QH121 कायघस्थलका ननरीक्षण
QE122 Workplace Transportation Safety QH122 कायघस्थलपर पटरवहन से सुरक्षा
QE123 Fire Safety Important Terms QH123 आगसे सुरक्षा संबनन्धत महत्वपूणघ शब्दावली
Hazardous Area Classification, IS 5572
खतरनाकक्षेत्रों का वर्गगकरण IS 5572:1994
QE124 1994 QH124
QE125 ISO 14001 QH125 आइएसओ 14001
Selection of Electrical Equipments for
नवद्युतउपकरणों का िुनाव IS:5571
QE126 hazardous area QH126
The Air(Prevention and Control of
एयर (नरवेंशन और रदुषणकं िोल)
QE127 Pollution) Act 1981 QH127
QE128 The Factories Act, 1948 QH128 फै क्िीजएक्ट, 1948
QE129 The Hazardous Wastes Rule QH129 खतरनाकअपनशष्ट ननयम
QE130 The Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 QH130 सावघजननकदानयत्व बीमा अनधननयम 1991
QE131 Energy management ISO 50001_2011 QH131 ऊजाघरबंधन_आइएसओ50001_2011

Lesson Learned Videos -Animated videos on past accidents in English and Hindi languages covering a
snapshot of past accidents and then its preventive measures to avoid the similar accident in future.

Lesson Learned Video

S.No. Lesson Learned Video English S.No. Lesson Learned Video Hindi
LVE001 Fire Safety LVH001 अनि सुरक्षा
LVE002 Aerial lift Safety LVH002 एटरयलनलफ्टसेफ़्टी
LVE003 Welding Safety LVH003 वेलल्डगसेफ़्टी
LVE004 Loader Safety LVH004 लोडरसेफ़्टी
LVE005 Cutting Trees Safety LVH005 पेड़ों की कटाई करते समय सुरक्षा
LVE006 Fire Safety LVH006 अनि सुरक्षा
LVE007 Digging Safety LVH007 खुदाई सुरक्षा
LVE008 Crane Safety LVH008 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE009 Electrical Isolation LVH009 नबजली को रथक करना
LVE010 Crane Safety LVH010 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE011 Crane Safety LVH011 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE012 Scaffold Safety LVH012 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डसेफ़्टी
LVE013 Working at Height LVH013 ऊंिाई पर कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
LVE014 Ladder Safety LVH014 लैडरसेफ़्टी
LVE015 Loading and Unloading LVH015 भार िढ़ाते/ उतारते समय सुरक्षा
LVE016 Ladder Safety LVH016 लैडरसेफ़्टी
LVE017 Static Electricity LVH017 स्थैनतक नबजली
LVE018 Work Equipment LVH018 उपकरण लेते समय सुरक्षा
LVE019 Load Safety LVH019 भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
LVE020 Heavy Equipment Safety LVH020 भारी उपकरण उपयोग लेते समय सुरक्षा
LVE021 Crane Safety LVH021 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE022 Hoist Safety LVH022 होइस्टसेफ़्टी
LVE023 Working Safety LVH023 कायघ करते समय सुरक्षा
LVE024 Hoist Safety LVH024 होइस्टसेफ़्टी
LVE025 Tanker Safety LVH025 टैंकर का उपयोग लेते समय सुरक्षा
LVE026 Spotters LVH026 संकेतक
LVE027 Forklift LVH027 फोकघ नलफ्टसेफ़्टी
LVE028 Crane Safety LVH028 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE029 Crane Safety LVH029 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE030 Scaffolding LVH030 स्काफ़्फ़ोलल्डग
LVE031 Forklift LVH031 फोकघ नलफ्ट
LVE032 Load Safety LVH032 भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
LVE033 Forklift LVH033 फोकघ नलफ्ट
LVE034 Shortcut LVH034 शॉटघकट
LVE035 Crane Safety LVH035 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE036 Forklift LVH036 फोकघ नलफ्ट
LVE037 Stacker Safety LVH037 स्टैकरसेफ़्टी
LVE038 Welding Safety LVH038 वैलल्डगसेफ़्टी
LVE039 Load Safety LVH039 भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
LVE040 Power Line Safety LVH040 पावर लाइन सुरक्षा
LVE041 Lathe Machine Safety LVH041 लेथ मशीन सेफ़्टी
LVE042 Crane Safety LVH042 क्रेनसेफ़्टी
LVE043 Load Safety LVH043 भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
LVE044 Workplace Safety LVH044 कायघस्थल सुरक्षा
LVE045 Forklift Safety LVH045 फोकघ नलफ्टसेफ़्टी
LVE046 Tank Safety LVH046 टैंक सेफ़्टी
LVE047 Equipment Safety LVH047 उपकरण सुरक्षा
LVE048 Excavation Safety LVH048 खुदाई कायघ सुरक्षा
LVE049 Load Safety LVH049 भार उठाते समय सुरक्षा
LVE050 Aerial Lift Safety LVH050 एटरयलनलफ्टसेफ़्टी
Knowledgebase - SheelOnline.com covers briefs on different environment, health and safety topics
and related codes in simple English language.

1. Confined Space Safety 2. Excavation
3. Eye Safety 4. Fall Protection - Wearing Safety Harness
5. Fire Safety 6. Fire Safety at Construction Site
7. Office Fire Safety 8. Foot and Leg Protection
9. Ladder Safety 10. Safe Use of Scaffolding
11. Personal Protective Equipment 12. Respiratory Protection
13. Hand Protection 14. Head Protection
15. Eye Wash & Safety Shower 16. Aerial Work Platform
17. Electrical Safety 18. Electrical Safety at Lab
19. Electrical Safety at Construction Site 20. Extension Cord
21. 5S 22. 7 Common Causes of Accidents
23. 10 Commandments of Emergency Preparedness 24. 10 Commandments of Pre-Work Activities
25. Construction Worker 26. Workplace Transportation
27. Flammable & Combustible Liquids 28. Safety in Chemical Laboratories
29. Occupational Skin Disease 30. Gas Cylinder Safety
31. Power Tool Safety 32 Defensive Driving
33. Maintenance Safety 34. Manual Material Handling
35. Basic Machine Safety 36. Methods of Noise Control
37. Battery Safety 38. Stairway Fall Prevention
39. Cryogenics Safety 40. Abrasive Sand Blasting
41. Kitchen Safety 42. Ammonia Safety
43. First Aid 44. Grinder Tool
45. Crane Safety 46. Circular Saw Safety
47. Drill Press Safety 48. Housekeeping
49. LOTO 50. Electric Chain Saw Safety
51. Spray Painting 52. Forklift Safety
53. Band Saw Safety 54. Welding Safety
55. Heat Gun Safety 56. Jointer Tool Safety
57. Router Tool Safety 58. Industrial Ventilation
59. Pressure Vesssel 60. Heat Stress
61. Hazardous Area Classification 62. Carbon - Monoxide
63. MSDS 64. Chlorine Safety
65. Acetone Use and Care 66. Energy Saving at Home
67. Chemical Safety - Basic 68. Energy Saving at Office
69. Cleaning with Compressed Air 70. Drum Handling
71. NFPA Diamond 72. Global Warming
73. Sulphur Safety + Liquid Sulphur 74. Pallet Safety
75. HAZCHEM Code 76. Near Miss
77. Struck By Hazards at Construction Site 78. Motor Vehicle Safety at Construction Site
79. Phosgene Safety 80. Deadly Dozen
81. Safe Driving of Tankers 82. Workplace Inspection
83. Workplace and Diabetes 84. Food & Kitchen Hygiene
85. Time Management
1. Code of Safety in Chemical Laboratories. 2. Code of Safety for Excavation Work
3. Specification for Industrial Safety Face Shields- 4. Industrial Safety Belts and Harnesses—
Plastics Visor Specification
5. 6. Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Building
Selection, Installation and Maintenance of First- (General): General Principles of Fire Grading
Aid Fire Extinguishers and Classification
7. Guide for Selection of Industrial Safety 8. Scaffolds and Ladders
Equipment for Protection of Foot and Leg
9. Selection of Industrial Safety Equipment for Body 10. Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory
Protection Protective Devices
11. Industrial Safety Gloves Leather and Cotton 12. Specification for Industrial Safety Helmets
13. Specification for Aprons, Rubberized, Acid and 14. Specification for Industrial Emergency Showers,
Alkali Resistant Eye and Face Fountains and Combination Units
15. Computation of Frequency and Severity Rates for 16. Maintenance and Care of Industrial Safety
Industrial Injuries and Classification of Industrial Clothing
17. Industrial Plant Layout 18. Safe Use of Cranes
19. Specification for Principles of Mechanical 20. General Safety Requirements for Machine Tools
Guarding of Machinery and their Operation
21. Code of practice for fire safety of chemical 22. Classification of Dangerous Goods
industries - Part 1: Rubber and plastic
23. Pipelines Identification Colour Code 24. Pictorial marking Dangerous Goods
25. Earthing 26. Code of practice for noise reduction in
Industrial Buildings
27. Selection, Installation and Maintenance of 28. (Classification of Hazardous Areas (Other than
Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System Mines) having Flammable Gases and Vapours
for Electrical Installation
29. Safety of Gas Cylinders

EHS Checklists - Checklists provide detail for every step in a process, thereby keeping things organized.
SheelOnline.com covers 200+ EHS checklists, which user can download for their requirement.

EHS Checklists
1. Inspection of Ladders 2. Housekeeping Audit format
3. Inspection of Normal Cranes Operation 4. Inspection of Welding Machines
5. Inspection of Overhead and Gantry Cranes 6. Inspection of Hazardous Waste Storage Area
7. Inspection of Excavation and Trenching 8. Excavation Daily Inspection
9. Inspection of Grinding Area 10. Work Permit Audit
11. Inspection of Guards 12. Inspection of Fire Safety
13. Inspection of Stairs & Ladders 14. Inspection of Portable Ladders
15. Inspection of Scaffolding 16. Inspection of Hydraulic Platform
17. Inspection of Office Safety 18. Inspection of Lifting Tools
19. Inspection of Gas Welding and Cutting 20. Inspection of Forklift
21. Inspection of Cylinders & Tonners 22. Inspection of Office Safety Detail
23. Inspection of Forklifts 24. Inspection of Forklifts
25. Portable Electrical Tools 26. Inspection of Excavation Prior to Opening
27. Inspection of Bucket trucks 28. Inspection of Earthing System
29. Inspection of Contractor 30. Hand Tools Inspection
31. Ergonomics 32. Inspection of Chemical, Storage and Disposal
33. Inspection of Cartridge and Airline Respirators 34. Inspection of Cryogenics (General)
35. Inspection of BA Sets 36. Inspection of Safety Belts
37. Checklist nos.65C-Inspection ofLaboratory 38. Inspection of Fall Protection
Safety (Audit)
39. Inspection of Fire Drill 40. Inspection of Fire Extinguishers
41. Inspection of Fleet Vehicles 42. Inspection of Harness
43. Inspection of Hospital Safety 44. Inspection of Fire Water Sprinklers
45. Inspection of Semi fixed Foam Pourer 46. Inspection of Industrial safety
47. Inspection of FM200 System 48. Inspection of MCP
49. Inspection of Fire Doors 50. Inspection of LEL-Toxic Detectors
51. IS 2190-2010 (Fire Extinguishers Checklist) 52. IS 9623-2008 (Respiratory Protected Devices
53. Inspection of Blasting and Explosives 54. Inspection of Behaviour Based Safety
55. Inspection of Confined Spaces 56. Inspection of Employees Head Protection
57. Inspection of Tower Crane Daily Operator 58. Inspection of Industrial safety
59. Inspection of Machine Guarding 60. Inspection of Safety Shower
61. Inspection of Hoses 62. Inspection of Fire Safety (Fire Protection
63. Inspection of 5S 64. Inspection of Abrasive Wheel Grinders
65. Inspection of Aerial Work Platform 66. Inspection of Building Hoist or Winch
67. Inspection of Chemical Storage 68. Inspection of Circular Saw
69. Inspection of Compressed air and Compressed 70. Inspection of Concrete Forming
71. Inspection of Confined Space Operation 72. Inspection of Construction Site
73. Inspection of Electrical Safety 74. Inspection of Equipment and Emergency
75. Inspection of Extension Cord 76. Inspection of Fall Protection
77. Inspection of Fire Hydrant 78. Inspection of Fire Prevention and Protection
79. Inspection of Fire Protection Storage 80. Inspection of First Aid Kit
81. Inspection of Flammable and Combustible 82. Inspection of General Work Environment &
Materials Indoor Air Quality
83. Inspection of Hand and Power Tools (Pre- 84. Inspection of Hand and Power Tools
85. Inspection of Hazardous Chemical Exposure 86. Inspection of Hazardous Waste, Material
Disposed and Recycling
87. Inspection of Hazmat Internal Audit 88. Inspection of Hot Work Permit
89. Inspection of Hot Work Pre-Inspection 90. Inspection of Housekeeping at Workplace
91. Inspection of Industrial Noise 92. Inspection of Laboratory Safety
93. Inspection of Lift Inspection 94. Inspection of Lift Truck Operators
95. Inspection of Loader Back Hoe 96. Inspection of Loading and Wiring
97. Inspection of Lockout and Tagout 98. Inspection of Machine Guarding
99. Inspection of Machine 100. Inspection of Nearmiss
101. Inspection of PPE Requirement 102. Inspection of Pressure Vessel
103. Inspection of Respirator Inspection 104. Inspection of Rock fill
105. Inspection of Scaffolding 106. Inspection of Scissor Lift and Work Platform
107. Inspection of Shaft Work Permit 108. Inspection of Vehicles
109. Inspection of Working at Height 110. Inspection of Workplace Inspection
111. Safety Checklist

Posters - SheelOnline.com covers 500+ EHS Posters in English and Hindi Languages, which users can
download and display them on notice boards around workplace to increase environmental, health &
safety awareness.

PE001 Personal Protective Equipment PH001 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
PE002 Hand Safety PH002 हाथ की सुरक्षा
PE003 Forklift Safety PH003 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE004 Working at Height PH004 ऊाँिाई पर कामकरना
PE005 Eye Protection PH005 आाँखों कीसुरक्षा
PE006 Work Place Safety PH006 कायघस्थलसुरक्षा
PE007 Ladder Safety PH007 सीढ़ी सुरक्षा
PE008 Forklift Weekly Checks PH008 फोकघ नलफ्टकीसाप्तानहक जााँि
PE009 Power Tool Safety PH009 नबजली उपकरणसुरक्षा
PE010 Footwear Safety PH010 सुरक्षात्मकजूते
PE011 Forklift Shut Down PH011 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरनक्षत पार्ककग
PE012 Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls PH012 क्रफसलने, टकरानेऔर नगरने से बिाव
PE013 Hand Tool Safety PH013 हाथ के औज़ारोंका सुरनक्षत उपयोग
PE014 Forklift Safe Drive PH014 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE015 Tool Safety PH015 औज़ारों कासुरनक्षत उपयोग
PE016 Hearing Safety PH016 श्रवण सुरक्षाउपकरण
PE017 Personal Protective Equipment PH017 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
PE018 Don't Overload PH018 एक्सटेंशनकोओवरलोडनकरे
PE019 Protect Hand PH019 अपूरणीय औज़ार
PE020 Breath Easy PH020 सरलता से सााँसलेना
PE021 Near Miss PH021 ननयर नमस
PE022 Safe Lifting PH022 सुरनक्षत तरीके से भार उठाना
PE023 Safe Lifting PH023 सुरनक्षत तरीके से भार उठाना
PE024 Fall Protection PH024 नगरने सेसुरक्षा
PE025 Grinding Safety PH025 ग्राइलन्डगसुरक्षा
PE026 Eye Protection PH026 नेत्र सुरक्षा
PE027 Avoid Rip-offs PH027 अपनी सुरक्षाकरे
PE028 Sleepiness PH028 नींद की कमी एकसुरक्षा जोनखम
PE029 Safety Conscious PH029 सुरक्षा के रनतजागरुक बने
PE030 Fall Prevention PH030 नगरने से बिाव
PE031 Ladder Safety Easy PH031 सीढ़ी सुरक्षा
PE032 Forklift Safety PH032 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE033 Saferty Helmet PH033 सुरक्षा हेलमेटपहनें
PE034 Forklift Safety PH034 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE035 Hand Injuries PH035 हाथ की िोटें
PE036 Safety Shoes PH036 सुरक्षा जूतेपहनें
PE037 Safe Drive PH037 सुरनक्षतड्राइलवगकरे
PE038 Drivers PH038 सुरनक्षतड्राइलवगकरे
PE039 Safe Jump PH039 सुरनक्षतछलांग
PE040 Ties PH040 जॉइं ट पर बाधान डालें
PE041 Ispection PH041 पूव-घ ननरीक्षण
PE042 Machine PH042 मशीन को जाने
PE043 Unsafe Condition PH043 असुरनक्षत सतह
PE044 Overhead PH044 ओवरहेडबाधाओंसे सुरनक्षत रहे
PE045 Cables PH045 ओवरहेडके बल्ससे सुरनक्षत रहे
PE046 Falling PH046 नगरने वालीवस्तुओं से सावधान रहें
PE047 No Smoking PH047 धूम्रपान ननषेध
PE048 Weather PH048 तूफान से बिाव
PE049 Dig PH049 खुदाई से पहलेसतह की जााँि करें
PE050 Know your Machine PH050 मशीन कोजाने
PE051 Forklift Safe Drive PH051 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरनक्षतड्राइव
PE052 Forklift Safety PH052 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE053 Forklift Safety PH053 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE054 Forklift Safety PH054 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE055 Be Safe PH055 सुरक्षा रहे
PE056 Forklift Safety PH056 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE057 Avoid Working at height PH057 ऊाँिाई पर कामकरना
PE058 Electrical Safety PH058 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE059 Fall Protection PH059 नगरने सेसुरक्षा
PE060 Avoid Working at Height PH060 ऊाँिाई पर कामकरना
PE061 Safe Lifting Practices PH061 सुरनक्षत तरीके से भार उठाए
PE062 Forklift Safety PH062 फोकघ नलफ्टसुरक्षा
PE063 Bleeding PH063 वायुमंडल में 'रिस्राव’
PE064 Trouble PH064 समस्या ननवारण
PE065 Weapons PH065 एयररेशरसेसावधान
PE066 Outcome PH066 पटरणाम सेहरै ान न हो
PE067 Quit PH067 सुरनक्षतसमायोजन
PE068 Irreconcilable PH068 क्रॉसब्रांड-कनेक्शन
PE069 Pressures PH069 काम के दबाव सेदरू रहे
PE070 Rigging Procedures PH070 टरलगगरक्रक्रया
PE071 Truck Driver Checklist PH071 िक ड्राइवरिेकनलस्ट
PE072 Near Miss PH072 ननयर नमस
PE073 Implement Permit to Work PH073 परनमट
PE074 Implement electrical & mechanical Isolation PH074 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE075 Implement Traffic Management Procedures PH075 िैक्रफ़करबंधन
PE076 Unsafe Condition PH076 असुरनक्षतस्थनत
PE077 Implement electrical & mechanical Isolation PH077 नवद्युत औरयांनत्रक रक्रक्रया
PE078 Implement Permit to Work PH078 परनमट
PE079 lifting Procedures PH079 उनितरक्रक्रयों
PE080 Implement Electrical Safety Procedures PH080 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE081 Accident PH081 शॉटघकट न लें
PE082 Hand Injuries PH082 हाथ की िोटों
PE083 Fire Action PH083 अनिआपातकालीन रक्रक्रया
PE084 Keep Guards in Place PH084 गाडघ को सहीजगह रखें
PE085 Never Turn PH085 कभी न मुड़ें
PE086 Proper Tool PH086 जोनखम नउठाए
PE087 Near Miss PH087 अजीबनस्थनत
PE088 Unsafe Conditions PH088 ननयर नमस
PE089 Normal Speed PH089 सामान्य गनत
PE090 Safety Helmet PH090 सुरक्षा हेलमेट
PE091 Plastic Waste Management PH091 प्लानस्टकअपनशष्ट रबंधन
PE092 Reduce Plastic PH092 प्लानस्टकअपनशष्ट रबंधन
PE093 Be Aware PH093 जागरूक रहें
PE094 Heat Stress PH094 हीटस्िेस
PE095 National Safety Day PH095 राष्ट्रीयसुरक्षा क्रदवस
PE096 Environment Safety PH096 पयाघवरणसुरक्षा
PE097 Heat Stress PH097 हीटस्िेस
PE098 National Safety Day PH098 राष्ट्रीयसुरक्षा क्रदवस
PE099 Safety Management PH099 राष्ट्रीयसुरक्षा क्रदवस
PE100 Caution PH100 सावधान रहे
PE101 Rescue Plan PH101 बिाव योजना
PE102 Fire Safety PH102 अनि सुरक्षा
PE103 Avoid Slips, Trips and Falls PH103 क्रफसलने, टकरानेऔर नगरने से बिाव
PE104 Ear Protection PH104 श्रवण सुरक्षा
PE105 Lift Properly PH105 सुरनक्षत तरीके से भार उठाना
PE106 Attention PH106 सावधानरहे
PE107 DANGER PH107 सुरक्षात्मकहेलमेट
PE108 Hearing Protection PH108 श्रवण सुरक्षा
PE109 Avoid Slip PH109 क्रफसलने से बिे
PE110 Noise and Hearing Protection PH110 श्रवण सुरक्षा
PE111 Seat Belt PH111 सीट बेल्ट
PE112 Hazard Control PH112 जोनखम ननयंत्रण
PE113 Hazard Control PH113 जोनखम ननयंत्रण
PE114 Electrical Safety PH114 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE115 Water Fire Extinguisher PH115 जल अनिशामकयंत्र
PE116 Powder Fire Extinguisher PH116 पाउडरअनिशामक यंत्र
PE117 Foam Fire Extinguisher PH117 झाग अनिशामकयंत्र
PE118 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher PH118 काबघनडाइऑक्साइड अनिशामक यंत्र
PE119 Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher PH119 गीला रसायनअनिशामक यंत्र
PE120 Fire Extinguisher PH120 अनिशामकयंत्र के रकार
PE121 Fire Safety Tips PH121 अनि सुरक्षासलाह
PE122 Fire Safety PH122 अनि सुरक्षा
PE123 How to use a Fire Extinguisher PH123 अनिशामकयंत्र
PE124 Know Your Fire Extinguisher PH124 अनिशामकयंत्र
PE125 Safety First PH125 सुरक्षा रथम
PE126 Personal Protective Equipment PH126 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
PE127 Personal Protective Equipment PH127 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण
PE128 Stay Alert PH128 सतकघ रहें
PE129 Hearing Protection PH129 श्रवण सुरक्षा
PE130 Protect Your Hand PH130 हाथ की रक्षा
PE131 Heat Stress PH131 हीटस्िेस
PE132 Welding Safety PH132 वेलल्डगसुरक्षा
PE133 Power Tools Safety PH133 नबजली उपकरणसुरक्षा
PE134 Electrical Safety PH134 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE135 Electrical Safety PH135 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE136 Use Right Tool PH136 सही उपकरण काउपयोग
PE137 Workplace Safety PH137 कायघस्थलसुरक्षा
PE138 Avoid Accident PH138 दुघघटना सेबिें
PE139 Use Right Tools PH139 सही उपकरण काउपयोग
PE140 Fire Safety PPE PH140 अनि सुरक्षा
PE141 Electrical Safety PH141 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE142 Electrical Safety PH142 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE143 Drill Machine Safety PH143 नड्रललगसुरक्षा
PE144 Grinding Safety PH144 ग्रैलन्डगसुरक्षा
PE145 Welding Safety PH145 वेलल्डगसुरक्षा
PE146 Grinding Safety PH146 ग्रैलन्डगसुरक्षा
PE147 Drilling Method PH147 नड्रललगसुरक्षा
PE148 Grinding Safety PH148 नग्रलन्डगसुरक्षा
PE149 Drilling Machine Safety PH149 नड्रललगमशीनसुरक्षा
PE150 Keep You Safe PH150 औजारों को सहीजगह पर रखे
PE151 Wood Lather Tool Safety PH151 वुडलेथटू लसेफ़्टी
PE152 Drilling Safety PH152 नड्रललगसुरक्षा
PE153 Posture PH153 सही आसन
PE154 Personal Protective Equipment PH154 दुघघटनाओं सेबिे
PE155 Grinding Safety PH155 नग्रलन्डगसुरक्षा
PE156 Hearing Protection PH156 श्रवण सुरक्षा
PE157 Electrical Safety PH157 दुघघटनाओं सेबिे
PE158 Overhead Power Line Safety PH158 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE159 Electrical Safety PH159 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE160 Electrical Device Safety PH160 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE161 Overhead Power Line Safety PH161 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE162 Overhead Power Line Safety PH162 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE163 Overhead Power Line Safety PH163 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE164 Overhead Power Line Safety PH164 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE165 Overhead Power Line Safety PH165 ओवरहेडपावरलाइन सुरक्षा
PE166 Electrical Safety PH166 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE167 Electrical Safety PH167 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE168 Electrical Safety PH168 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE169 Electrical Safety PH169 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE170 Electrical Safety PH170 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE171 Electrical Safety PH171 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE172 Electrical Safety PH172 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE173 Electrical Safety PH173 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE174 Electrical Safety PH174 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE175 Electrical Safety PH175 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE176 Electrical Safety PH176 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE177 Electrical Safety PH177 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE178 Electrical Safety PH178 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE179 Electrical Safety PH179 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE180 Electrical Safety PH180 नवद्युतसुरक्षा
PE181 Respiratory Equipment PH181 श्वासन यंत्र
PE182 Respiratory Equipment PH182 श्वासन यंत्र
PE183 Respiratory Equipment PH183 श्वासन यंत्र
PE184 Respiratory Equipment PH184 श्वासन यंत्र
PE185 Respiratory Equipment PH185 श्वासन यंत्र
PE186 Respiratory Equipment PH186 श्वासन यंत्र
PE187 Respiratory Equipment PH187 श्वासन यंत्र
PE188 Respiratory Equipment PH188 श्वासन यंत्र
PE189 Respiratory Equipment PH189 श्वासन यंत्र
PE190 Respiratory Equipment PH190 श्वासन यंत्र
PE191 Reflective Clothing PH191 टरफ्लेनक्टवकपड़े
PE192 Ear Protection PH192 कान की सुरक्षा
PE193 Respiratory Equipment PH193 श्वसन उपकरण
PE194 Safety Gloves PH194 सुरक्षादस्ताने
PE195 Safety Helmet PH195 सुरक्षात्मकहेलमेट
PE196 Safety Glasses PH196 सुरक्षात्मकिश्मा
PE197 Safety Shoes PH197 सुरक्षात्मकजूते
PE198 Safety Harness PH198 नगरने सेसुरक्षा
PE199 Hand Tools PH199 हाथ के औज़ार
PE200 Personal Protective Equipment PH200 व्यनिगतसुरक्षा उपकरण

Lesson Learned - SheelOnline.com has Lesson learnt database, which can be used as an interactive
training tool with participants or can be posted at prominent location in workplace for workers. Workers
when go through these lessons learnt will be more informative and will never meet similar accident.

Lesson Learned
S.No. Lesson Learned English S.No. Lesson Learned Hindi
LLE001 Stepladder LLH001 स्टेपलैडर
LLE002 Demolition LLH002 दीवारका ढहना
LLE003 Stepladder LLH003 सीढ़ीपर नवद्युतीय काम करना
LLE004 Laceration LLH004 घावसे संक्रमण
LLE005 Work at Height LLH005 ऊंिाईसे नगरना
LLE006 Refuse Chutes LLH006 शूटका नगरना
LLE007 Floor Opening LLH007 गड्डेमें नगरना
LLE008 Scaffold LLH008 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डहटाना
LLE009 Scaffold LLH009 मेटलके ज और रे क्स को हटाना
LLE010 Unloading Work LLH010 लॉरीसे सामान उतारना
LLE011 Scaffold LLH011 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डका पलट जाना
LLE012 Scaffold LLH012 ऊंिाईसे नगरना
LLE013 Scaffold LLH013 िसआउटस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड हटाते समय नगरना
LLE014 Scaffold LLH014 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डका पलट जाना
LLE015 Electric Work LLH015 नबजलीका झटका लगना
LLE016 Welding Work LLH016 वेलल्डगकरना
LLE017 Scaffold LLH017 कमजोरकायघ सतह से नगरना
LLE018 Concrete Skip LLH018 कं क्रीटसे भरी टोकरी नगरना
LLE019 Pedestrian Safety LLH019 व्हीललोडर से टकराना
LLE020 Forklift Safety LLH020 फोकघ नलफ्टके कारण िोट पहुाँिना
LLE021 Demolition LLH021 ईंटकी दीवार नगरना
LLE022 Pallet Stacker LLH022 पैलेटस्टेकर से िोट पहुाँिना
LLE023 Arc Welding LLH023 आकघ वेलल्डग के दौरान जलना
LLE024 Inclined gangway LLH024 लॉरीकी सतह से नगरना
LLE025 Struck by Fallinbg Object LLH025 ऊंिाईसे वस्तु नगरना
LLE026 Electrocution LLH026 नबजलीका झटका लगना
LLE027 Struck by Pipe LLH027 पाइपसे िोट लगना
LLE028 Explosion LLH028 पाइपलाइन स्थानपत करते समय जलना
LLE029 Maintenance Work LLH029 नलफ्टशाफ्ट में फं सना
LLE030 Lift Installation Work LLH030 नलफ्टशाफ्ट में नगरना
LLE031 Lift Installation Work LLH031 धातुकी प्लेट नगरना
LLE032 Lift Installation Work LLH032 नलफ्टनपट में नगरना
LLE033 Lift Installation Work LLH033 नलफ्टशाफ्ट में फं सना
LLE034 Lift Installation Work LLH034 रनवेमें फं सना
LLE035 Lift Maintenance Work LLH035 नलफ्टकार और दरवाजे में फं सना
LLE036 Lift Maintenance Work LLH036 नलफ्टमें नबजली का झटका लगना
LLE037 Entangled in Rope LLH037 नाइलॉनकी रस्सी मे उलझना
LLE038 Hoist LLH038 होइस्टवे से नगरना
LLE039 Electrocution LLH039 तारकाटते समय नबजली का झटका लगना
LLE040 Crane Operation LLH040 कं टेनरके नीिे दबना
LLE041 Scaffold LLH041 िसआउटस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड से नगरना
LLE042 Scaffold LLH042 िसआउटस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड से नगरना
LLE043 Scaffold LLH043 ऊंिाईसे नगरना
LLE044 Scaffold LLH044 मरम्प्मतकरते समय नगरना
LLE045 Scaffold LLH045 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डहटाते समय नगरना
LLE046 Scaffold LLH046 िसआउटस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड हटाते समय नगरना
LLE047 Scaffold LLH047 िसआउटस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड हटाते समय नगरना
LLE048 Electrocution LLH048 सुरंगमें नबजली का झटका लगना
LLE049 Fall From Height LLH049 नवमानकी जांि करते समय नगरना
LLE050 Floor Opening LLH050 गड्डेमें नगरना
LLE051 Scaffold LLH051 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डसे नगरना
LLE052 Mobile Crane LLH052 समुद्रमें डू बना
LLE053 Scaffold LLH053 स्काफ़्फ़ोल्डसे नगरना
LLE054 Fall from Height LLH054 पेड़काटते समय नगरना
LLE055 Fall from Ladder LLH055 'ए' लैडर से नगरना
LLE056 Fall from Scaffold LLH056 ट्यूबलरस्काफ़्फ़ोल्ड से नगरना
LLE057 Work at Height LLH057 छतसे नगरना
LLE058 Fall from Hoistway LLH058 होइस्टसंिानलत रास्ते से नगरना
LLE059 Work at Height LLH059 प्लैटफ़ामघझुकने की वजह से नगरना
LLE060 Work at Height LLH060 कमजोरछत से नगरना
LLE061 Front Loader Accident LLH061 फ्रंटलोडरसेटकराना
LLE062 Struck by Jib Crane LLH062 नजबक्रेनसेटकराना

LLE063 Accident by Stacker LLH063 स्टैकरसेटकराना

LLE064 Forklift Accident LLH064 फोकघ नलफ्टके नीिे आना

LLE065 Forklift Accident LLH065 फोकघ नलफ्टऔरकं टेनर के बीि फं सना
LLE066 Excavation Wall Collapses LLH066 खुदाई करते समयमृत्यु होना
LLE067 Tank Cable Strike LLH067 टैंक की रस्सीटू टना

LLE068 Forklift Accident LLH068 फोकघ नलफ्टकापलटना

LLE069 Pump jack Maintenance LLH069 पंपजैकका रखरखाव

LLE070 Burn on Foot LLH070 गमघ पानी सेपैर जलना

LLE071 Poisoning in Metal Duct LLH071 मेटलडक्टमेंनवषािता
LLE072 Poisoning in Manhole Sewer LLH072 मैनहोलसीवरमें नवषािता

LLE073 Electrocution by Hand Tool LLH073 हैंडटू लसेनबजली का झटका लगना

LLE074 Lifting Operation LLH074 नललफ्टगकायघके दौरान दुघघटना
LLE075 Bricks falling from Height LLH075 कमघिारी के ऊपर ऊंिाई से ईंट नगरना

LLE076 Falling from Temporary Ladder LLH076 जाल हटाते समयस्टू ल से नगरना
LLE077 Structural Railing Failure LLH077 रे ललगकाटू टना
LLE078 Eye Injury LLH078 आाँख में िोटलगना

LLE079 Flex Hose LLH079 पाइपकापलटना

LLE080 Lubricating Oil LLH080 नघरनी में ईंधनडालते समय िोट लगना
LLE081 Lockout Servicing LLH081 कनवेयरकीमरम्प्मत करना

LLE082 Electric Burn LLH082 नवद्युतकमघिारी को िोट लगना

LLE083 Loose Discharge Hose LLH083 ढीली ननवघहननली से टकराना

LLE084 Worker Fall LLH084 ननरीक्षण के दौरान नगरना

LLE085 Explosion LLH085 टैंक की मरम्प्मतके दौरान नवस्फोट होना

LLE086 Hand_Held Grinder LLH086 ग्राइन्डरऔरव्हील का पलटना

LLE087 Pallet Jack LLH087 पैलेटजैकके नीिे आना

LLE088 Articulated Boom Crane LLH088 बूमक्रेनकाटु ब्लॉक होना
LLE089 Rivet Busters LLH089 टरवेटबस्टरकोक्रफक्स करना
LLE090 Pinch Point LLH090 पन्ि रेस मेंहाथ दबना
LLE091 Fracture by Runway Tractors LLH091 रनवेिैक्टरसे टकराना
LLE092 Crushing Injuries by Sheet Metal LLH092 ब्रेकरेसमशीनमेन हाथ दबना
LLE093 Explopsion in Brakery Oven LLH093 बेकरी ओवनमेंनवस्फोट होना
LLE094 Burn by Hot Water LLH094 गमघ पानी मेंक्रफसलना
LLE095 Crushed by Steel Beam LLH095 स्टील बीमके नीिे दबना
LLE096 Kickback by Stripsaw LLH096 नस्िपसॉसेलकड़ी का उछलना
LLE097 Swaging Press LLH097 स्वैलगगरैससे िोट लगना

LLE098 Explosion LLH098 ज्वलनशील तरलपदाथों के कारण नवस्फोट होना

LLE099 Aerosol Ignition in Confined Space LLH099 एरोसोलनमश्रणके कारण हाथ और मुंह जलना
LLE100 Severly Burn by Cutting Torch LLH100 कटटगटॉिघसेदघ
ु घटना होना

Chemical Videos - SheelOnline.com has 100+ videos on Chemical Safety with voice narration and
image animation in English and Hindi Languages which can be used effectively for providing information
on chemicals.

Chemical Videos
S.No. Chemical Video English S.No. Chemical Video Hindi
1 Acetaldehyde 1 ऐसीटैल्डहाइड
2 Acetic Acid 2 एनसटटकएनसड
3 Acetic Anhydride 3 एनसटटकएनहाईड्राइड
4 Acetone 4 एसीटोन
5 Acetone Cyanohydrin 5 एसीटोननसइनोहाईनड्रन
6 Acetonitrile 6 एसीटोनाईिाइल
7 Acetylene 7 एनसटटलीन
8 Acrylamide 8 एक्रक्रलामाइड
9 Acrylonitrile 9 एक्रक्रलोनाईिाइल
10 Aldicarb 10 एनल्डकाबघ
11 Aldrin 11 एनल्ड्रन
12 Allyl Alcohol 12 अलाएलएल्कोहौल
13 Allyl Chloride 13 अलाएलक्लोराइड
14 Aluminium Chloride 14 ऐल्युमीननयमक्लोराइड
15 Aluminium Fluoride 15 ऐल्युमीननयमफ्लोराइड
16 Aluminium Phosphide 16 ऐल्युमीननयमफॉस्फाइड
17 Aluminium Powder 17 ऐल्युमीननयम पाउडर
18 Aluminium Sulfate 18 ऐल्युमीननयमसल्फे ट
19 Ammonia 19 अमोननया
20 Aniline 20 ऐनीलीन
21 Arsine 21 आसीन
22 Benzidine 22 बैन्जीडीन
23 Butane 23 ब्यूटेन
24 Calcium Carbonate 24 कै नल्शयमकाबोनेट
25 Calcium Oxide 25 कै नल्शयमऑक्साइड
26 Carbon Monoxide 26 काबघन मोनोऑक्साइड
27 Chlorine 27 क्लोरीन
28 Ethylene 28 एनथलीन
29 Ethylene Dichloride 29 एनथलीनडाइक्लोराइड
30 Hydrogen 30 हाइड्रोजन
31 Hydrogen Cyanide 31 हाइड्रोजन साइनाइड
32 Hydrogen Sulfide 32 हाइड्रोजन सल्फाइड
33 Liquid Nitrogen 33 नलक्रिड नाइिोजन
34 Methane 34 मीथेन
35 Nitric Acid 35 नाइटिकएनसड
36 Nitrogen Compresses Gas 36 नाइिोजन कम्प्रेस्ड गैस
37 Oxygen 37 ऑक्सीजन
38 Phosphoric Acid 38 फॉस्फोटरकएनसड
39 Potassium Hydroxide 39 पोटेनशयमहाइड्रोक्साइड
40 Propylene 40 रोपीलीन
41 Sodium Carbonate 41 सोनडयम काबोनेट
42 Sodium Hydroxide 42 सोनडयम हाइड्रॉक्साइड
43 Sulfuric Acid 43 सल्फ्यूटरकएनसड
44 Toluene 44 टाल्युईन
45 Urea 45 यूटरया
46 Vinyl Chloride 46 वाइननलक्लोराइड

Hazardous Chemical Factsheets - Information on hazardous chemicals with information on their

properties, health hazards, exposure limits, personal protective equipment, proper handling, first aid,
and emergency procedures for fires and spills.

Hazardous Chemicals List

1. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2-Difluoroethane 2. Acetic Acid
3. Benzene 4. Barium
5. Beryllium 6. Bromine
7. Butane 8. Benzamide
9. Butoxyl 10. Butylene
11. Butyric Acid 12. Cadmium
13. Calcium 14. Carbon Dioxide
15. Carbon Monoxide 16. Carbon Disulfide
17. Acetone 18. Chloric Acid
19. Acephate 20. Acetylene
21. Chloroform 22. Chromium
23. Acrylic Acid 24. Aluminium
25. Copper 26. Ammonia
27. Cobalt 28. Aluminium Phosphate
29. Ammonium Acetate 30. Amyl Alcohol
31. Ammonium Nitrate 32 Aniline
33. Aluminium Chloride 34. Argon
35. Aluminium Fluoride 36. Antimony
37. Arsine 38. Dibutylaminoethanol
39. Arsenic 40. Dicamba
41. Dibutylamine 42. Diborane
43. Atrazine 44. Dichlone
45. Asphlat Oxidized 46. Dicofol
47. Dicyclohexylamine 48. Dioxolane
49. Diethanolamine 50. Dipentene
51. Digoxin 52. Diphenyl
53. Diketene 54. Diphenylamine
55. Dimethoate 56. Dipropyl Ether
57. Disulfiram 58. Endothall
59. Diuron 60. Endrin
61. Divinyl Benzene 62. Ethane
63. Divinyl Ether 64. Ethanolamine
65. Endosulfan 66. Ethion
67. Ethyl Acetate 68. Ethyl Fluoride
69. Ethyl Acetylene 70. Ethyl Alcohol
71. Ethyl Chloride 72. Ethyl Benzene
73. Ethyl Isocyanate 74. Ethyl Nitrate
75. Ethyl Oxalate 76. Ethylene
77. Ethyl Sulfuric Acid 78. Famphur
79. Ethylamine 80. Ferbam
81. Ethylbutanol 82. Ferric Fluoride
83. Cyanide 84. Ferric Nitrate
85. Ferric Sulfate 86. Fonofos
87. Ferrous Chloride 88. Formic Acid
89. Ferrous Sulfate 90. Formothion
91. Fluorene 92. Fumaric Acid
93. Fluorobenzene 94. Chlorobenzene
95. Cyanamide 96. Gallium
97. Cycloheximide 98. Gasoline
99. Cyanogen 100. Glyphosate
101. Fumarin 102. Guthion
103. Furfural 104. Halothane
105. Helium 106. Cyclopentane
107. Heptene 108. Cyclopentanol
109. Hexachlorobenzene 110. Cyclopropane
111. Hexachloroethane 112. Hexamine
113. Hexaldehyde 114. Hydrazine
115. Cumene 116. Cupric Acetate
117. Hydriodic Acid 118. Hydrogen Fluoride
119. Hydrogen Chloride 120. Hydrogen Sulfide
121. Cyhexatin 122. Cupric Nitrate
123. Cymenes 124. Chromic Acid
125. Chromic Sulfate 126. Indium
127. Chromic Acetate 128. Iodine
129. Hydrogen 130. Chromic Fluoride
131. Indene 132. Iodoform
133. Chromic Chloride 134. Iron Chloride
135. Iron Oxide 136. Isobutane
137. Isoamyl Acetate 138. Isobutyl Acetate
139. Kepone 140. Kerosene
141. Isobenzan 142. Ketene
143. Isoamyl Alcohol 144. Isobutyl Alcohol
145. Isobutylamine 146. Isobutyric Acid
147. Lead 148. Lead Arsenite
149. Lead Acetate 150. Isooctane
151. Lead Arsenate 152. Isooctene
153. Isobutylene 154. Lead Chloride
155. Lead Chromate 156. Lead Dioxide
157. Lead Cyanide 158. Lead Fluoborate
159. Isopentane 160. Lead Fluoride
161. Isoprene 162. Isopropenyl Acetate
163. Isopropenyl Benzene 164. Lead Phosphate
165. Lead Iodide 166. Magnesium Hydride
167. Isopropyl Acetate 168. Magnesium Oxide
169. Isopropylamine 170. Magnesium
171. Lead Nitrate 172. Malathion
173. Lead Stearate 174. Mercuric Acetate
175. Lead Subacetate 176. Lead Sulfide
177. Maleic Acid 178. Lead Sulphate
179. Maneb 180. Mercuric Chloride
181. Melphalan 182. Mercuric Oxide
183. Mercuric Sulfate 184. Methyl Acetate
185. Metaldehyde 186. Methyl Acetylene
187. Lethane 188. Lewisite
189. Methane 190. Lindane
191. Methomyl 192. Methyl Amyl Acetate
193. Methyl Bromide 194. Methyl Cyclopentane
195. Methyl Butyrate 196. Methyl Demeton
197. Methyl Chloride 198. Methyl Ethyl Ketone
199. Methyl Chloroacetate 200. Methyl Formate
201. Methyl Cyclohexanol 202. Methyl Mercaptan
203. Methyl Methacrylate 204. Methylal
205. Methyl Parathion 206. Methylamine
207. Methyl Propionate 208. Methylbutene
209. Methyl Thiocyanate 210. Methylcyclohexane
211. Methyl Vinyl Ketone 212. Methylene Bromide
213. Methylene Chloride 214. Mevinphos
215. Metolcarb 216. Mexacarbate
217. Chlorine 218. Mica
219. Lead Thiocyanate 220. Morpholine
221. Metribuzin 222. Muscimol
223. Mustard Gas 224. Nickel Chloride
225. Naphtha 226. Nickel Cyanide
227. Naphthenic Acid 228. Nickel Hydroxide
229. Neon 230. Nickel Sulfate
231. Nickel Carbonyl 232. Nickel
233. Nicotine Sulfate 234. Nitrobenzene
235. Nicotine 236. Nitrofen
237. Nitrapyrin 238. Nitrogen Dioxide
239. Nitric Acid 240. Nitrogen
241. Nitric Oxide 242. Nitroglycerin
243. Nitrosyl Chloride 244. Oryzalin
245. Nitrous Oxide 246. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
247. Nonane 248. Oxalic Acid
249. Octadiene 250. Oxamyl
251. Octane 252. Lithium Aluminum Hydride
253. Lithium Chromate 254. Paraldehyde
255. Oxygen 256. Paraoxon
257. Ozone 258. Paraquat
259. Lithium Nitrate 260. Lithium Nitride
261. Oxygen Difluoride 262. Parathion
263. Pentaborane 264. Permethrin
265. Pentachloroethane 266. Peroxyacetic Acid
267. Pentachlorophenol 268. Phenacetin
269. Pentadecylamine 270. Phenanthrene
271. Pentane 272. Phenarsazine Oxide
273. Phenol 274. Quinoline
275. Phenothiazine 276. Phenyl Isocyanate
277. Phenothrin 278. Phenylacetyl Chloride
279. Phenyl Ether 280. Phenylcarbylamine Chloride
281. Phenyl Glycidyl Ether 282. Phenyldichloroarsine
283. Phenylhydrazine 284. Phenytoin
285. Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride 286. Phorate
287. Phenylmercuric Acetate 288. Phosacetim
289. Phenylsilatrane 290. Red Squill
291. Phenylthiourea 292. Phosfolan
293. Phosgene 294. Phosphoric Anhydride
295. Phosphamidon 296. Phosphorus Oxychloride
297. Phosphine 298. Phosphorus Pentafluoride
299. Phosphoric Acid 300. Phosphorus Pentasulfide
301. Resmethrin 302. Phosphorus Sesquisulfide
303. Resorcinol Digycidyl Ether 304. Picloram
305. Phosphorus Tribromide 306. Resorcinol
307. Phosphorus 308. Lithium Hypochlorite
309. Phosphorus Trichloride 310. Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate
311. Phthalic Anhydride 312. Asbestos
313. Lithium Amide 314. Lithium Carbonate

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