Solutions: (Sect, Tant) T T (2cost, 3sint)

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Chapter 1
1.1 It is a parametrisation of the part of the parabola with x ~ O.
1.2 (i) -y(t) = (sect,tant) with -7r/2 < t < 7r/2 and 7r/2 < t < 37r/2.
(ii) -y(t) = (2cost ,3sint).
1.3 (i) x 1- y 1.
(ii) y = (lnx)2 .
1.4 (i) i'(t) = sin2t(-I, 1).
(ii) i'(t) = (e", 2t).
1.5 i'(t) = 3 sin t cos t( - cos t, sin t) vanishes where sin t = 0 or cos t = 0, i.e.
t = n7r /2 where n is any integer. These points correspond to the four
cusps of the astroid.

282 Elementary Differential Geometry

1.6 (i) Let OP make an angle 0 with the positive z-axis. Then R has coordi-
nates 'Y(O) = (2acotO,a(1 - cos20)).
(ii) From x = 2acotO, y = a(l- cos20), we get sin 2 (} = y/2a, cos2 (} =
cot 2 () sin 2 () = x 2 y/8a 3 , so the cartesian equation is y/2a + x 2 y/8a 3 = 1.
1.7 When the circle has rotated through an angle t, its cent re has moved to
(at , a), so the point on the circle initially at the origin is now at the point
(a(t - sin t), a(l - cos t)) .


1.8 Let the fixed circle have radius a, and the moving circle radius b (so that
b < a in the case of the hypocycloid), and let the point P of the moving
circle be initially in contact with the fixed circle at (a, 0). When the moving
circle has rotated through an angle tp, the line joining the origin to the
point of contact of the circles makes an angle 0 with the positive z-axis,
where a(} = bip, The point P is then at the point
'Y(O) = «a + b)cosO - bcos(O + cp), (a + b) sin(} - bsin(O + tp))
= «a + b)cosO - bcos«a + b)O/b), (a + b) sinO - bsin«a + b)O/b))
in the case of the epicycloid,

'Y(O) = «a - b)cosO + bcos(tp - 0), (a - b) sinO - bsin(tp - 0))
= «a - b)cosO + bcos«(a - b)O/b), (a - b) sinO - bsin((a - b)O/b))
in the case of the hypocycloid .
Solutions 283

1.9 A point (x, y, z) lies on the cylinder if x 2 + y2 = 1/4 and on the sphere
if (x + ~)2 + y2 + z2 = 1. From the second equation, -1 ~ z ~ 1 so
let z = sin t. Subtracting the two equations gives x + + sin 2 t = tso i,
x = ~ - sin 2 t = cos2 t - ~ . From either equation we then get y = sin t cos t
(or y = - sin t cos t , but the two solutions are interchanged by t f--t 7r - t).
1.10 -y(t) = (e'{cos r - sint),et(sint + cos ej) so the angle (J between 'Y(t) and
-y(t) is given by
(J 'Y.-Y e2t(cos2t-sintcost+sin2t+sintcost) 1
= 11 'Y 1111 -y 11
cos = e2t«cos t - sin t)2 + (sin t + cos t)2)
= 2'
and so (J = 7r/3.
1.11 -y(t) = (1, sinh t) so 11 -y 11 = cosh t and the arc-length is s = f~ cosh u du =
sinh t.
1.12 (i) 11 -y 11 2 = t(l + t) + t(l - t) + ~ = 1.
(ii) 11 -y 11 2 = ~: sin 2 t + cos2 t + i5
sin 2 t = cos2 t + sin 2 t = 1.
1.13 The cycloid is parametrised by 'Y(t) = a(t - sin t, 1 - cos t), where t is
the angle through which the circle has rotated. So -y = a(1 - cos t, sin t) ,
11 -y 11 = a - 2 cos t) = 4a2 sin 2 ~, and the arc-length is
2 2(2

271" t t = 271"
2a sin 2 dt = -4a cos 2 = 8a.
o t=o
1.14 (i) -y = sin2t(-I, 1) vanishes when t is an integer multiple of 7r/2, so 'Y is
not regular.
(ii) Now 'Y is regular since -y ::j:. 0 for 0 < t < n /2.
(iii) -y = (1, sinh t) is obviously never zero, so 'Y is regular.
1.15 x = r cos (J = sin 2 (J, y = r sin (J = sin 2 (Jtan (J , so the parametrisation in
terms of (J is (J f--t (sin2 (J , sin 2 (J tan (J). Since (J f--t sin (J is a bijective smooth
map (-7r/2,7r/2) --7 (-1 ,1), with smooth inverse t f--t sin " ! t , t = sin f is
a reparametrisation map. Since sin 2 (J = t 2 , sin 2 (J tan (J = t 3 /~, the
reparametrised curve is as stated.
1.16 We have s = ft: 11 d'Y/du 11 du, S = fL 11 d;y/du 11 du. By the chain rule,
d'Y/du = (d;Y/du)(du/du), so s = ±
sign being that of du/du .
ft: 11 d;y/du 11 (du/du) du = ±s, the

1.17 If'Y(t) = (x(t),y(t),z(t» is a curve in the surface f(x ,y,z) = 0, differen-

tiating f(x(t), y(t), z(t» = 0 with respect to t gives xfx + iJfy + ifz = 0,
so -y is perpendicular to (Ix, fy , fz). Since this holds for every curve in the
surface , (Ix , fy, fz) is perpendicular to the surface. The surfaces f = 0 and
9 = 0 should intersect in a curve if the vectors (Ix, fy, fz) and (gx, gy, gz)
are not parallel.
1.18 Let 'Y(t) = (u(t), v(t), w(t» be a regular curve in R 3 . At least one of ü, V, tU
is non-zero at each value of t, Suppose that ü(t o) ::j:. 0 and xo = u(t o). As
284 Elementary Differential Geometry

in the 'proof' of Theorem 1.2, there is a smooth function h(x) defined

for x near Xo such that t = h(x) is the unique solution of x = u(t) for
each t near to. Then, for t near to, -y(t) is contained in the level curve
!(x,y ,z) = 9(X,y,Z) = 0, where !(x ,y,z) = y - v(h(x» and 9(X,y,z) =
z - w(h(x». The functions ! and 9 satisfy the conditions in the previous
exercise, since (fx , !y, !z) = (-iJh', 1,0), (9x, 9y, 9z) = (-wh', 0,1), a dash
denoting d] dx.
1.19 Define 8(t) = tan rr{}(t)/2, where {} is the function defined in Exercise
8.20. Then 8 is smooth, 8(t) = 0 if t ~ 0, and 8 : (0, (0) --t (0, (0) is a
bijection. The curve
(8(t) ,8(t» if t ~ 0,
-y(t) = { (-8(-t), 8(-t» if t ~ 0,
is a smooth parametrisation of y = [z],

There is no regular parametrisation of y = [z]. For if there were, there

would be a unit-speed parametrisation ;y(t), say, and we can assume that
;y(0) = (0,0) . The unit tangent vector-j would haveto be either ~(1, 1) or
- ~(1, 1) when x > 0, so by continuity we would have ly(O) = ±~(1, 1).
But, by considering the part x < 0 in the same way, we see that ly(O) =
±~(1 , -1). These statements are contradictory.

Chapter 2
2.1 (i) -y is unit-speed (Exercise 1.12(i» so

=11 ;Y 11 =11 (-41 (1 + t)-1/2, -41 (1 - t)-1/2, 0) 11 = 1

V8(1 -
t2 )
(ii) -y is unit-speed (Exercise 1.12(ii» so

1t=1/;Y1/=1I (-~cost,sint,~cost) 11= 1.

Solutions 285

(iii) Using Proposition 2.1,

_ 11 (1, sinh t, 0) x (0, cosh t, 0) 11 _ cosh t _ h
", - - - - - sec 2 t.
11 (1, sinh t, 0) 11 3 cosh" t
(iv) (-3 cos? t sin t, 3 sin2 t cost, 0) x (-3 cos3 t+6 cos tsin 2 t, 6 sin t cos2 t-
3 sin3 t, 0) = (0,0, -9 sin2 t cos2 t), so
(0,0, -9 sin2 t cos2 t) 11
11 1
", = 11 (-3 cos2 t sin t, 3 sin2 t cos t, 0) 11 3 = 31 sin t cos tl'
This becomes infinite when t is an integer multiple of 7l"/2, i.e, at the four
cusps (±I,O) and (0, ±I) of the astroid.
2.2 The proof of Proposition 1.4 shows that, if v(t) is a smooth (vector)
function of t, then 11 v(t) 11 is a smooth (scalar) function of t provided v(t)
is never zero. The result now follows from the formula in Proposition 2.1.
The curvature of the regular curve 'Y(t) = (t, t 3 ) is ",(t) = 6Itl/(I + 9t4)3/2,
which is not differentiable at t = O.
2.3 Differentiate t .n, = 0 and use i = ",sn s.
2.4 If 'Y is smooth, t = "I is smooth and hence so is n, (since it is obtained by
applying a rotation to t) and i. So "'s = t .n, is smooth.
2.5 The arc-length s = J 11 "I 11 dt = J 11 e kt (k cos t - sin t, k sin t + cos t) 11 dt
= J Vk 2 + Ie kt dt = ~ekt + c, where cis a constant. Taking c = 0
makes s ~ 0 as t ~ =foo if ±k > O.
Since t = "1/11 "I 11= v'k;+l(kcost-sint,ksint+cost), we have
n, = v'k!+l (-ksint - cost,kcost - sint). So dt/ds = (dt/dt)/(ds/dt) =
-Alt -let
:2+1 (-ksint-cost,kcost-sint) = Jk2+lnS so x, = I/ks . By Theorem
2.1, any other curve with the same signed curvature is obtained from the
logarithmic spiral by applying a rigid motion .
2.6 (i) Differentiating 'Y = rt gives t = rt + "'srns. Since t and n, are per-
pendicular unit vectors, it follows that "'s = 0 and 'Y is part of a straight
(ii) Differentiating ry = rn s gives t = rn, + rn s = rn s - "'srt (Exercise
2.3). Hence, r = 0, so r is constant, and x, = -I/r, hence x, is constant.
So 'Y is part of a circle.
(iii) Write'Y = r(t cos O+ns sin 0). Differentiating and equating coefficients
of t and n, gives r cos 0 - ",sr sin 0 1, r sin 0 + ",sr cos 0 0, from which =
r = cosO and ",sr = -sinO. From the first equation, r = scosO (we can
assurne the arbitrary constant is zero by adding a suitable constant to
s) so x, = -1/scotO. By Exercise 2.5, 'Y is obtained by applying a rigid
motion to the logarithmic spiral defined there with k = - cot O.
2.7 We can assurne that 'Y is unit-speed. Then "I>" = (1 - A"'s)t, and this is
non-zero since 1 - A",s > O. The unit tangent vector of 'Y>" is t, and the
286 Elementary Differential Geometry

arc-length s of '1>' satisfies ds/dt = 1- )."'s. Hence, the curvature of '1>' is

11 dtJds 11 = 11 i 11 /(1 - )."'s) = "'s/{1 - >"",s) .
2.8 The circle passes through 'Y(s) because 11 E - '1 11 = 11 K,lo , 11 = 1/I"'sl,
which is the radius of the circle. It is tangent to '1 at this point because
E- '1 = ...L
K, n s
is perpendicular to the tangent t of '1. The curvature of the
circle is the reciprocal of its radius, i.e. I"'sl, which is also the curvature
of '1.
2.9 The tangent vector of Eis t +...L( ~.
-"'st) - ~ns
= -~ns
so its arc-length
is u = J 11 E 11 ds = J ~ds
= Uo - ...L,
where Uo is a constant. Hence,
the unit tangent vector of Eis -ns and its signed unit normal is t . Since
-dns/du = "'st/(du/ds) = ~t, the signed curvature of E is ",~/ks .
Denoting d/dt by a dash, '1' = a(1 - cos t, sin t) so the arc-length
s of '1 is given by ds/dt = 2asin(t/2) and its unit tangent vector
is t = 'Y = (sin(t/2), cos(t/2)) . So n, = (- cos(t/2), sin(t/2)) and
i = (dt/dt)/(ds/dt) = 4ash~(t72) (cos(t/2), - sin(t/2)) = -1/4asin(t/2)n s,
so the signed curvature of'Y is -1/4asin(t/2). Its evolute is therefore
E = a(t-sin t, l-cos t) -4a sin(t/2)(- cos(t/2), sin(t/2)) = a(t+sin t, -1 +
cos t). Reparametrising by t = ?T+t, we get a(t-sin t, l-cos t)+a( -?T, -2),
which is obtained from a reparametrisation of'Y by translating by the vec-
tor a( -?T, -2).
2.10 The free part of the string is tangent to '1 at 'Y( s) and has length l- s, hence
the stated formula for ,( s). The tangent vector of , is 'Y - 'Y + (l - s).:y
= "'s(l - s)n, (a dot denotes d/ds). The arc-length v of , is given by
dv/ds = "'s{l - s) so its unit tangent vector is n, and its signed unit
normal is -t. Now dns/dv = ~1 D.s = i-I
1C..\~-8J -8
t, so the signed curvature
of s is 1/(l- s) .
2.11 (i) With the notation in Exercise 2.9, the involute of Eis
dE 1
,(u) = E + (l- u)-d = '1 + -ns - (l- u)n s = '1 - (l- uo)n s,
u "'s
since u = Uo - ...L,
so , is the parallel curve 'Y-(i-u o) .
(ii) Using the results of Exercise 2.10, the evolute of s is
,+ (i- s)( -t) = '1 + (i- s)t - (i- s)t = '1.
2.12 Ir we take the fixed vector in Proposition 2.2 to be parallel to the line of
reflection, the effect of the reflection is to change cp to -cp, and hence to
change "'sto -"'S'
2.13 Ir two unit-speed curves have the same non-zero curvature, their signed
curvatures are either the same or differ in sign . In the first case the curves
differ by a rigid motion by Theorem 2.1; in the latter case, applying a
reflection to one curve gives two curves with the same signed curvature
by Exercise 2.12, and these curves then differ by a rigid motion.
Solutions 287

2.14 (i) t = (~(1 + t)1/2, - Hl - t)1/2, ~) is a unit vector so 'Y is unit-speed;

i = (t(1 + t)-1/2, t(l- t)-1/2, 0), so ~ =11 i 11 = 1/ J8(1 - t 2 )j n = ~i =
~((1 - t)1/2, (1 + t)1/2,0)j b = tx n = (-Hl + t)1/2, ~(1- t)1/ 2, ~)j
b = (-t(l + t)-1/2 , -t(1 - t)-1/2, 0) so the torsion 7 = 1/ J8(1 - t 2 ) .
The equation il = -~t + 7n is easily checked.
(ii) t = (- ~ sin t, - cos t, sin t) is a unit vector so 'Y is unit-speed; i =
(-~cost,sint,Icost), so ~ =:,11 i 11= I: n = ~i = (-~cost,sint,Icost);
b = t x n = (-1,0, -~), so b = 0 and 7 = O.
2.15 Show that 7 = 0 or observe that x = 11
, Y = t + 1, Z = l ; t satisfy

x - y - Z = O.
2.16 By Proposition 2.5, 'Y is a circle of radius 1/ ~ = 1 with centre 'Y +
~n = (0,1,0) in the plane passing through (0,1,0) perpendicular to
b = (-I, 0, -~), i.e. the plane 3x + 4z = O.
2.17 Let a = ~/(~2 + 7 2), b = 7/(~2 + 7 2). By Examples 2.1 and 2.4, the
circular helix with parameters a and b has curvature a/(a 2 + b2 ) = ~ and
torsion b/(a2 + b2 ) = 7. By Theorem 2.3, every curve with curvature ~
and torsion 7 is obtained by applying a rigid motion to this helix.
2.18 This follows from Proposition 2.3 since the numerator and denominator
of the expression in (11) are smooth functions of t.
2.19 Let a dot denote d/dt . Then, 6 =;y= xn, so the unit tangent vector of 6 is
T = n and its arc-Iength s satisfies ds/dt = n, Now dT/ds = il/(ds/dt) =
~-l( -~t + 7b) = -t + ~b. Hence, the curvature of 6 is 11 - t + ~b 11 =
(1 + ~)1/2 = JL, say. The principal normal of 6 is N = JL-l(-t + ~b)
and its binormal is B = T x N == JL-l(b + Lt). The torsion T of 6 is
. '"
given by dB/ds = -TN, i.e, ~-lB = -TN. Computing the derivatives
and equating coefficients of b gives T = (~f - 7K)/~(~2 + 72).
2.20 Differentiating t.a (= constant) gives n .a = O; since t, n, b are an or-
thonormal basis of R 3 , a = t cos 0 + JLb for some scalar JLj since a is a unit
vector, JL = ± sin 0; differentiating a = t cos 0 ± b sin 0 gives 7 = ~ cot O.
Conversely, if 7 = >'~, there exists 0 with >. = cot Oj differentiating shows
that a = t cos 0 + b sin 0 is a constant vector and t.a = cos 0 shows that
() is the angle between t and a.
2.21 Differentiating ('Y - a) .('Y - a) = r 2 repeatedly gives t .('Y - a) = Oj t.t +
~n .('Y-a) = 0, and so n .('Y-a) = -I/~j n.t+ (-~t+7b).('Y-a) = K/~2 ,
and so b.('Y- a) = K/7~2j and finally b .t - 7n.('Y - a) = (K/7~2)", and so
7/ ~ = (K/7~2)".
Conversely, if Eq. (20) holds, then p = -a(pa}, so (p2 + (pa)2)" = 2pp +
2(pa)(pa)" = 0, hence p2 + (pa)2 is a constant, say r 2 (where r > 0). Let
a = 'Y+pn+ pabj then ä. = t+ pn+ p( -~t+7b) + (pa)"b+ (pa)( -7n) = 0
using Eq. (20); so ais a constant vector and 11 'Y - a 11 2 = p2 + (pa)2 = r 2,
288 Elementary Differential Geometry

hence -y is contained in the sphere with centre a and radius r .

2.22 Let A ij = v i .v] , The vectors VI, V2 , Va are orthonormal if and only if
Aij = &i j (= 1 if i = j and = 0 if i =I j) . So it is enough to prove that
Aij = 8i j for all values of 8 given that it holds for 8 = 80 . Differentiating
vi .v, gives
).ij = 'L)aikAkj + ajkAik).

Now Aij = 8i j is a solution of this system of differential equations because

a ij + aji = O. But the theory of ordinary differential equations teIls us
that there is a unique solution with given values when 8 = 80 .

Chapter 3
3.1 If;Y is obtained from -y by a translation, then .y = l' so by Eqs. (1) and (3)
the length and area of;Y are the same as those of -y. If;Y is obtained from -y
by a rotation by an angle () about the origin, then x = x cos ()- Y sin (), fj =
x sin ()+ Y cos (). This implies that &;2 + t/ =
±2 + il and Xii -
fj&; xiJ - y±, =
so Eqs. (1) and (3) again show that the length and area are unchanged.
3.2 -y(t') = -y(t) <===} cost' = cost and sint' = sint <===} t' - t is a multiple of
27r, so -y is simple closed with period 27r. Taking x = a cos t, y = b sin t in
Eq. (3) gives the area as ~
3.3 l' = (-
abdt = nab.
sin t - 2 sin 2t, cos t + 2 cos 2t) so 11 l' 11 V5 + 4 cos t, which is never
zero, so -y is regular. -y(t + 27r) = -y(t) is obvious. If -y is simple closed with
period a, then -y(O) = -y(a) implies (1 + 2cosa) cosa = 3 so cosa = 1 and
a = 27r. But -y(2rr/3) = -y(47r/3) and 47r/3 - 2rr/3 is not a multiple of 27r.
3.4 Differentiating -y(t + a) = -y(t) gives t(t + a) = t(a); rotating anti-clockwise
by 7r/2 gives ns(t+a) = ns(t); differentiating again gives Ks(t+a)ns(t+a) =
Ks(t)ns(t), so Ks(t + a) = Ks(t).
3.5 By Exercise 3.2 and the isoperimetric inequality, the length i of the ellipse
satisfies i ~ v'47r x 7rab = 27r../äb, with equality if and only if the ellipse
is a circle, i.e, a = b. But parametrising the ellipse as in Exercise 3.2, its
length is

Jr Jr
21r 21r
11 l' 11 dt =
J a2 sin 2 t + v cos2 t dt.
3.6 Let (Xl, YI) and (X2, Y2) be points in the interior of the ellipse, so that
2 2
~ + ~ < 1 for i = 1,2. A point of the line segment joining the two points
is (txI + (1- t)X2,tYI + (1- t)Y2) for some 0 $ t $ 1. This is in the interior
Solutions 289

of the ellipse because

(txI + (1 - t)X2)2 (tYI + (1 - t)Y2)2
a2 + b2
= t2 (x~2 + Y~) + (1- t)2 (x~2 + Y~) + 2t(1- t) (X IX2 + YIY2)
a 2 b a v a2 b2
x2 y2 x2 y2)
< t 2 + (1 - t)2 + t(l - t) ( ---!..2 + -.!. + .2 + 2
a b2 a2 b2
< + (1 - t)2 + 2t(1 - t) = 1.
3.7 If i(t) is a reparametrisation of 'Y(t), the vertices of'Y (resp. i) are given by
dKs/dt = 0 (resp . dKs/dt = 0). Since dKs/dt = (dKs/dt)(dt/dt) and sinee
dt/dt is never zero, 'Y and i have the same vertices.
3.8 'Y = (- sin t - 2 sin 2t, cos t + 2 cos 2t) and 11 'Y 11 = y"'5-:-+-'4'-e-os"""7t, so the angle
<p between 'Y and the z-axis is given by
- sin t - 2 sin 2t .
eosif) = , Sln'f) = eos t + 2 eos 2t .
T V5 + 4eost T V5 + 4eost
Differentiating the seeond equation gives <p eos <p = - sin t(24 eos2 t
42cost + 9)/(5 + 4cost)3/2, so <p = sint(24eos2t + 42eost + 9)/(5 +
4cost)(sint + 2 sin 2t ) = (9 + 6eost)/(5 + 4eost). Henee, if s is the arc-
length of 'Y, Ks = d<p/ds = (d<p/dt)/(ds/dt) = (9 + 6 eos t)/(5 + 4 eos t)3/2,
so Ks = 12 sin t(2 + eos t)/(5 + 4 COS t)5/2. This vanishes at only two points
of the eurve , where t = 0 and t = 1r.

Chapter 4
4.1 Let U be an open disc in R 2 and S = {(x, Y, z) E R 3 I (x, y) E U, z = O}.
If W = {(x , y, z) E R 3 I (x, y) EU}, then W is an open subset of R 3 ,
and Sn W is homeomorphic to U by (x , y, 0) t-t (x, y) . So S is a surface.
4.2 Let U = {(u,v) E R 2 10< u 2 +v 2 < 11"2}, let r = vu
2 +v 2, and define

a : U -+ R by u(u,v) = (;, ~,tan(r - I».


4.3 The image of u~ is the intersection of the sphere with the open set ±x > 0
in R 3 , and its inverse is the projection (x, y, z) t-t (y, z). Similarly for u~
and u±. A point of the sphere not in the image of any of the six patches
would have to have x , y and z all zero, which is impossible.
4.4 Multiplying the two equations gives (X2_ Z 2) sin 8 eosB = (1_ y2) sin 8 eos 8,
so x 2 +y2 - z2 = 1 unless cos8 = 0 or sin8 = 0; if cos8 = 0, then x = -z
and y = 1 and if sin 8 = 0 then x = z and y = -1, and both ofthese lines
are also eontained in the surface.
290 Elementary Differential Geometry

The given line L o passes through (sin 28, - cos 28,0) and is parallel to the
vector (cos 28, sin 28, 1) j it follows that we get all of the lines by t aking
o::; 8 < tt , Let (x , y , z) be a point of the surface; if x i- z , let 8 be such
that cot8 = (1 - y)/(x - z}; then (x,y, z) is on LOi similarly if xi- - z.
The onl y remaining cases are the points (0,0, ±1), which lie on the lines
L 7r / 2 and u;
With the notation of Exercise 4.2, define (1 : U -+ R 3 by (1(u , v) =
(sin 28, - cos 28,0) + t(cos 28, sin 28,1) , where t = tan(r - ~), cos 8 = u/r
and sin 8 = u]«, This is a surface patch which, by the preceding paragraph,
covers the whole surface.
Let M <p be the line
(x - z) cos e = (1 + y) sin <p, (x + z) sin <p = (1 - y) cos <po
By the same argument as above, M<p is contained in the surface and
every point of the surface lies on some M<p with 0 ::; sp < 'Tr. Ir 8 +
<p is not a multiple of 1r, the lines L o and M <p intersect in the point
( cos(O-<p) sin 0- '1' cos(O+<p») r h LI • h 0 <
sin( O+<p) 'sin (O+<p ' sin(O+ <p ) i ror eac U wit
here i 1
_ U < rr, t ere IS exact y

one <p with 0 ::; <p < 1r such that 8 + sp is a multiple of n , and the lines L o
a nd M <p do not intersect. Ir (x, y, z) lies on both L o and L <p , with 8 i- sp,
then (1 - y) tan 8 = (1 - y) tan <p and (1 + y) cot 8 = (1 - y) cot <p, which
gives both y = 1 and y = -1 (the case in which 8 = 0 and sp = 1r/2 , or
vice versa, has to be treated separately, but the conclusion is the same).
This shows that L o and L <p do not intersect; similarly, Mo and M <p do not
4.5 Ir the sphere S could be covered by a single surface patch (1 : U -+ R 3 , then
S would be homeomorphic to the open subset U of R 2 • As S is a closed
and bounded subset of R 3 , it is compact. Hence, U would be compact,
and hence closed. But, since R 2 is connected, the only non-empty subset
of R 2 that is both open and closed is R 2 itself, and this is not compact
as it is not bounded.
4.6 (1 is obviously smooth and (1u X a; = (-lu, - Iv, 1) is nowhere zero, so (1
is regular.
4.7 (1± is a special case of Exercise 4.6, with I = ±Vl - u 2 - v 2 (VI - u 2 - v 2
is smooth because 1 - u 2 - v 2 > 0 if (u, v) E U) i similarly for the other
patches. The transition map from (1,+- to (1~, for example, is tP(ü , v) =
(u,v) , where (1~(ü,v) = (1,+-(u ,v) j so u = Vl- ü 2 - v2, V = v, and this is
smooth since 1- ü 2 - v 2 > 0 if (ü,v) EU.
4.8 (1 is a smooth map on the open set R = {(r,8) E R 2 Ir> O} , and
its image is contained in the surface because cosh 28 - sinh 28 = 1; and
(1 r X (10 = (- 2r cosh 8, 2r sinh 8, r), which is never zero on R.
2 2
Exercise 4.6 gives the parametrisation Ö'(u, v) = (u, v, u 2 - v2), defined on
Solutions 291

the open set U = {( u, v) E R 2 I u 2 - v 2 > O}. This is a reparametrisation

of a via the reparametrisation map (u, v) 1--7 (r,O), where r = vu 2 - v 2 ,
0= cosh-1(u/VU2 - v 2) (this is smooth because u 2 - v 2 > 0).
For the part with z < 0, we can take u(r,O) = (r sinhO, r cosh 0, _r 2 )
defined on the open set R; and Ö'(u,v) = (u,v,u 2 - v 2 ) defined on the
open set V = {(u,v) E R 2 I u 2 - v 2 < O}.
4.9 This is similar to Example 4.5, but using the 'latitude longitude' patch
u(O,cp) = (acosOcoscp,bcosOsincp ,csinO). Alternatively, one can use
Theorem 4.1, noting that if I(x , y, z) = ~+~+~ -1, then (Ix , I y , Iz) =
(2x/a 2,2y/b2,2z/c2) vanishes only at the origin , and hence at no point of
the ellipsoid.
4.10 A typical point on the circle C has coordinates (a + b cos 0,0, bsin 0); ro-
tating this about the z-axis through an angle sp gives the point u(O, cp)j
the whole of the torus is covered by the four patches obtained by tak-
ing (0, cp) to lie in one of the following open sets : (i) 0 < 0 < 27r, 0 <
sp < 27r, (ii) 0< 0 < 27r, -7r < cp < 7r, (iii) -7r < 0 < 7r,0 < cp < 27r,
(iv) -7r < 0 < 7r, -7r < sp < rr. Each patch is regular because
Ue x ul{> = -b(a + bcosO)(cosOcoscp,cosOsincp, 1) is never zero (since
a + bcosO ~ a - b > 0).
Let u(O,cp) = (x,y,z) . Then, x 2 + y2 + Z2 + a2 - b2 = 2a(a + bcosO), so
(x 2+y2+ z2+ a2_b 2)2 = 4a2(a+bcosO)2 = 4a2(x2+y2) . Let I(x,y ,z) be
the left-hand side minus the right-hand side; then , Ix = 4x(x 2 + y2 + z2 -
a2 - b2), I y = 4y(x 2 + y2 + z2 - a2 - b2), Iz = 4z(x 2 + y2 + z2 + a2 - b2); if
I z = 0 then z = 0 since x 2 + y2 + Z2 + a2 - b2 > 0 everywhere on the torus;
if Ix = I y = 0 too, then since the origin is not on the torus, we must have
x 2 + y2 = a 2 + b2, but then substituting into the equation of the torus
gives (2a 2)2 = 4a 2(a2 +b 2), a contradiction. So (Ix, I y , fz) is nowhere zero
on the torus, which is therefore a smooth surface by Theorem 4.1.
4.11 If S is covered by a single surface patch a : U ~ R 3 , then I : S ~ R is
smooth if and only if I 0 u : U ~ R is smooth. We must check that, if
Ö' : (j ~ R 3 is another patch covering S, then 10 Ö' is smooth if and only
if I 0 a is smooth. This is true because I 0 Ö' = (I 0 u) 0 1/>, where I/> is the
transition map from a to Ö', and both I/> and 1/>-1 are smooth.
4.12 If Ö' = u+a, where a is a constant vector, then Ö' is smooth if a is smooth,
and Ö' u = U u , Ö' v = U v, so Ö' is regular if a is regular.
If Ö' = A 0 a, where A is a linear transformation of R 3 , then 0' is smooth
if a is smooth, and O'u = A(uu),O'v = A(uv), so, if Ais invertible, O'u and
O'v are linearly independent if Uu and U v are linearly independent.
4.13 (i) At (1,1,0), Uu = (1,0,2) , U v = (0,1 , -2) so Uu x U v = (-2,2,1) and
the tangent plane is -2x + 2y + z = O.
(ii) At (1,0,1), where r = 1,0 = 0, Ur = (1,0,2), Ue = (0,1,2) so Ur XUe =
292 Elementary Differential Geometry

(-2, -2, 1) and the equation of the tangent plane is -2x - 2y + z = 0.

4.14 Suppose the centre of the propeller is initially at the origin. At time t, the
cent re is at (0,0, at) where o is the speed of the aeroplane. If the propeller
is initially along the z-axis, the point initially at (v, 0, 0) is therefore at
the point (v cos wt,v sin wt, at) at time t, where w is the angular velocity
of the propeller. Let U = wt, ,X = ccli».
fT u = (-vsinu ,vcosu,'x) , fT v = (cosu,sinu,O), so the standard unit nor-
mal is N = (,X2 +v 2)-1/2(-'xsinu,'xcosu, -v) . IfO is the angle between
N and the z-axis, cosO = -V/(,X2 +v 2)1/ 2 and hence cotO = ±v/'x, while
the distance from the z-axis is v.
4.15 Let Ö"(u, u) be a reparametrisation of a . Then,
8u_ 8u_ 8u_ 8u_
fT u = 8u fT ü + 8u fT u, o; = 8v fT ü + 8v fT u,
so a.; and a; are linear combinations of Ö"Ü and Ö"U. Hence, any linear
combination of fT u and fT v is a linear combination of Ö"Ü and Ö"U . The
converse is also true since o is a reparametrisation of Ö".
If 'Y(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t)) is a curve in 5, differentiating I(x(t), y(t), z(t)) =
gives Ixx+lyiJ+Izz = 0, i.e. V I."y = 0, showing that V I is perpendicular
to the tangent vector of every curve in 5, and hence to the tangent plane
of 5 . Since 5 has a canonical (smooth) choice of unit normal V I /11 V I 11
at each point , it is orientable.
4.17 See the proof of Proposition 11.1 for the first part. By the argument in
Exercise 4.16, V F."y(O) = !tF(-y(t))lt=o, so V sF- VF is perpendicular to
the tangent plane of 5 at P. This proves that V s F is the perpendicular
projection of V F onto the tangent plane . If F has a local maximum or

minimum at P, then t ~ F(-y(t)) has a local maximum or minimum at
t = for all curves 'Y on 5 with 'Y(O) = P; hence, VsF = 0 at P, so VF
is perpendicular to the tangent plane of 5 at P, and hence is parallel to
VI by Exercise 4.16. So VF = ,XVI for some scalar X.
From Example 4.13, the surface can be parametrised by fT(u, v) =
(cosh u cosv, cosh u sinv, u), with u E Rand -11" < v< 11" or < v < 211".
11 fT(u,v) 11 2 = sech v+sin 2 v) +tanh 2u = sech2u+tanh2u = 1, so fT
2u(cos 2
parametrises part of the unit sphere; (1 is c1early smooth; and o u X a v =
-sech2u(1(u , v) is never zero, so a is regular. Meridians correspond to the
parameter curves v = constant, and parallels to the curves u = constant.
4.20 The vector a u is tangent to the meridians, so a unit-speed curve y is a loxo-
drome if "y.fT u/ 11 a u 11 = cos a , which gives u = cosh u cos o ; since 'Y is unit-
speed, "y = (-u sech u tanh u cos v - i.J sech u sin v, -u sech u tanh u sin v +
i.J sech u cos v, Ü sech2u) is a unit vector; this gives ü 2 + i.J2 = cosh'' U, so
i.J = ± cosh u sin o. The correponding curve in the uv-plane is given by
Solutions 293

dv/ du = iJ /iJ. = ± tan o , and so is a straight line v = ±u tan a + c, where

cis a constant.
4.21 The point at a distance v from the z-axis on the ruling through (0,0, u)
has position vector given by O'(u, v ) = (O ,O,u) + v(cosB(u) ,sinB(u) ,O) =
(vcosB(u) ,vsinB(u),u) ; O'u x O'v = (-sinB ,-cosB,-vdB/du) is clearly

never zero, so 0' is regular.
4.22 (i) i'.a = so i' is contained in the plane perpendicular to a and passing
through the origin; (ii) simple algebra; (iii) ii is clearly a smooth function
of (u, v) and the jacobian matrix of the map (u, v) ~ (u, ii) is ('Y~a ~ ),
where a dot denotes d/du; this matrix is invertible so i' is a reparametri-
sation of 'Y.
4.23 (i) (a cos u cos v , bcos u sin v, csin u) (cf. Exercise 4.9); (ii) see Exercise 4.4 ;
(iii) (u, v, ± V/1 +~
+ ~)j
(iv), (v) see Exercise 4.6j (vi) see Example 4.3 j
(vii) (p cos u, q cos u, v); (viii) (±p cosh u, q sinh u, u): (ix) (u , U 2/ p2, v) ; (x)
(0, u , v); (xi) (±p, u, v).
4.24 (a) Types (viij-fxi); (b) type (vi) ; (c) types (ii) (see Exercise 4.4), (v) (see
Exercise 4.25) and (vij-Ix); (d) type (i) if p2, q2 and r 2 are not distinct,
types (ii), (iii) , (iv), (vi) and (vii) if p2 = q2, and type (x).
4.25 z = (~- ~) (~ + ~) = uv , x = ~p(u + v), Y = ~q(v - u) , so
a parametrisation is O'(u, v) = (~p(u + v) , ~q(v - u),uv); O'u x O'v =
(-~q(u + v), ~p(v - u) ,pq) is never zero so 0' is regular. For a fixed value
of u, O'(u,v) = (~pu , -~qu,O) +v(~p, ~q,u) is a straight line; similarly for
a fixed value of Vj hence the hyperbolic paraboloid is the union of each of
two families of straight lines.
4.26 Substituting the components (x, y, z) of 'Y(t) = a + bt into the equation
of the quadric gives a quadratic equation for t; if the quadric contains
three points on the line, this quadratic equation has three roots, hence is
identically zero, so the quadric contains the whole line.
Take three points on each of the given lines; substituting the coordinates
of these nine points into the equation of the quadric gives a system of
nine homogeneous linear equations for the ten coefficients al, ... , c of the
quadric; such a system always has a non-trivial solution. By the first part,
the resulting quadric contains all three lines.
4.27 Let LI, L 2 , L 3 be three lines from the first family; by Exercise 4.26, there
is a quadric Q containing all three Iines; all but finitely many lines of
the second family intersect each of the three lines; if L' is such a line, Q
contains three points of L', and hence the whole of L' by Exercise 4.26j
so Q contains all but finitely many lines of the second family ; since any
quadric is a closed subset of R 3 , Q must contain all the lines of the second
294 Efementary Differential Geometry

family, and hence must contain S .

4.28 Both parts are geometrically obvious.
4.29 Let (a, b, c) be a point of R 3 with a and b non-zero . Then Ft(a, b, c) -t 00
as t -t 00 and as t approaches p2 and q2 from the left; and Ft(a , b, c) -t
-00 as t -t -00 and as t approaches p2 and q2 from the right. From
this and the fact that Ft(a, b, c) = 0 is equivalent to a cubic equation
for t, it follows that there exist unique numbers u, v, w with u < p2,
p2 < V < q2 and q2 < w such that Ft(a, b, c) = 0 when t = u, vor w. The
surfaces Fu(x, y, z) = 0 and Fw(x, y, z) = 0 are elliptic paraboloids and
Fv(x , y , z) = 0 is a hyperbolic paraboloid, and we have shown that there
is one surface of each type passing through each point (a, b, c).
To parametrise these surfaces, write Ft(x, y, z) = 0 as the cubic equation
X2(q2 _t)+y2(P2 -t) -2z(p2_t)(q2 -t)+t(P2 -t)(q2 -t) = 0, and note that
the left-hand side must be equal to (t - u)(t - v)(t - w); putting t = p2, q2
zives x = ±..j(p2_U)(p2_
and then equating coefficients of t 2 (say) O' V)(p2_ W)
q2_ p 2 '

Y = ±..j(q2_ p2_ q'i

U)(q2_ v)(q2_ w) z = !(u + v + w _ p2 _ q2).
, 2
4.30 Let F : W -t V be the smooth bijective map with smooth inverse F -l :
V -t W constructed in the proof of Proposition 4.1. Then, (u(t), v(t)) =
F- 1 (-y( t)) is smooth.
4.31 Suppose, for example, that fy :f: 0 at (xo, Yo). Let F(x, y) = (x,J(x, y)) ;
then F is smooth and its jacobian matrix (~ ~:) is invertible at
(xo, Yo) . By the inverse function theorem, F has a smooth inverse G de-
fined on an open subset of R 2 containing F(xo, Yo) = (xo, 0), and G must
be of the form G(x,z) = (x ,g(x,z)) for some smooth function g. Then
-y(t) = (t,g(t,O)) is a parametrisation of the level curve f(x ,y) = 0 con-
taining (xo, Yo) .
The matrix (fx fy fz) has rank 2 everywhere ; suppose that, at some
gx gy gz
point (xo, Yo, zo) on the level curve, the 2 x 2 submatrix (fY fz) is
gy gz
invertible. Define F(X'y,z();= (Xof(tiy),z),g(x,y,z)) ; then Fis smooth

and its jacobian matrix fx fy fz is invertible at (XO,yo,zo). Let

gx gy gz
G(x, u, v) = (x, cp(x, u, v), .,p(x, u, v)) be the smooth inverse of F defined
near (xo, 0, 0). Then -y(t) = (t, cp(t, 0, 0), .,p(t, 0, 0)) is a parametrisation of
the level curve f(x, y, z) = g(x, y, z) = 0 containing (xo, s», zo).
Solutions 295

Chapter 5
5.1 (i) Quadric cone; we have Uu = (cosh usinh v, cosh u cosh v , cosh u) , a; =
(sinhu cosh v, sinhusinhv, 0), and so we get 11 Uu 11 2 = 2cosh2u, uu.u v =
2sinhucoshusinhvcoshv, 11 a; 11 2 = sinh 2u, and the first fundamental
form is 2 cosh'' U du 2 + 4 sinh u cosh u sinh v cosh v dudv + sinh 2 u dv 2.
(ii) Paraboloid of revolution; (2 + 4u 2) du 2 + 8uv dudv + (2 + 4v 2) dv 2.
(iii) Hyperbolic cylinder; (cosh2 u + sinh 2 u) du 2 + dv 2.
(iv) Paraboloid of revolution; (1 + 4u 2) du 2 + 8uv dudv + (1 + 4v 2) dv 2.
5.2 The first fundamental form is 2 du 2 + u 2 dv 2, so the length of the curve is
Jo'/l" (2u 2 + U 2V2)1/ 2 dt = Jo'/l" (2).2 e2>.t + e2>.t)1/2 dt = (2).2~l) lI2 (e>.t - 1).

5.3 Applying a translation to a surface patch o does not change Uu or Uv' H

Ais a rotation about the origin, (Au)u = A(uu), (Au)v = A(u v), and A
preserves dot products (A(p) .A(q) = p .q for all vectors p ,q E R 3 ) .
5.4 By th e chai I Uü
am rue, - -- UU&ü
&u &v -
+UV&ü' Ujj -- UU8jj&u &v
+UV8jj ' w hilC h grves
E-_ -- u- ü .u- ü -_E(&U)2

8u 8v 8 ü ' S'Iml'1 ar expreSSlOns
+ 2F 8ü 8ü + G(&V)2 . lor
J: F- an d
G can be found; multiplying out the matrices shows that these formulas
are equivalent to the matrix equation in the question.
5.5 The map is u(u, v) I--t (uV2 cos 0 ' uV2sin 0 ,0) = Ö'(U, v), say. The im-
age of this map is the sector of the xy-plane whose polar coord inates (T,9)
satisfy 0 < 9 < 1rV2. The first fundamental form of u is 2 du 2+u 2 dv 2 (Ex-
ercise 5.2); Ö'u = (V2cos ~, V2sin~, 0),
Ö'v = (-usin ~, ucos ~, 0),
2 2 2
so 11 Ö'u 11 = 2, uU'u v = 0, 11 a; 11 = u and the first fundamental form of
Ö' is also 2 du 2 + u 2 dv 2.
5.6 No: the part of the ruling (t, 0, t) with 1 ~ t ~ 2 (say) has length .,fi and
is mapped to the straight line segment (t, 0, 0) with 1 ~ t ~ 2, which has
length 1.
5.7 For the generalised cylinder, Example 5.3 shows that the first fundamental
296 Elementary Differential Geometry

form is du 2 + dv 2, so O'(u, v) t-t (u, v, 0) is an isometry from the cylinder

to part of the xy-plane. For the generalised cone, Example 5.4 shows that
the first fundamental form is v 2 du 2 + dv 2. This is the same as the first
fundamental form of Ü (.12' uv'2), where ü is as in Exercise 5.5. Since ü
parametrises part of the plane, the generalised cone is isometrie to part
of the plane.
5.8 A straightforward calculation shows that the first fundamental form of O't
is coslr' u(du 2+dv 2)j in particular, it is independent of t. Hence, O'(u, v) t-t
O't (u, v) is an isometry for all t, Taking t = 'Ir /2 gives the isometry from
the catenoid to the helicoid; under this map, the paralleIs u = constant
on the catenoid go to circular helices on the helicoid, and the meridians
v = constant go to the rulings of the helicoid .
5.9 If the first fundamental forms of two surfaces are equal, they are certainly
proportional, so any isometry is a conformal map . Stereographie projec-
tion is a conformal map from the unit sphere to the plane, but it is not
an isometry since >. ::11 (see Example 5.7).
5.10 The vector O'u is tangent to the rulings ofthe cone, so the angle () between
the curve and the rulings is given by cos() = "/'O'u/ 11 "/ 1II1 O'u 11. l.From
')'(t) = (eAtcost,eAtsint ,eAt) and O'u = (cost,sint,l) at ')'(t), we get
cos() = J2>.2/(2).2 + 1), whieh is independent oft.
5.11 The first fundamental form is sech 2 u(du 2 + dv2 ) .
5.12 The first fundamental form is (1 + P)du 2 + u 2 dv 2, where a dot denotes
d/du . So 0' is conformal if and only if i = ±vu2 - 1, i.e, if and only if
f(u) = ±(tuvu2 - 1 - t cosh"? u) + c, where c is a constant.
5.13 The first fundamental form is (1 + 2v"/.6 + v 26.6)du2 + 2"/.6 dudv + dv 2. So
0' is conformal if and only if 1 + 2v"t.6+ v .6 = 1 and "/.6 = 0 for all u, Vj
the first condition gives 6 = 0, so 6 is constant, and the second condition
then says that ')'.6 is constant, say equal to d. Thus, 0' is conformal if and
only if 6 is constant and ')' is contained in a plane r .6 = d. In this case, 0'
is a generalised cylinder.
5.14 0' is conformal if and only if I~ + g~ = f; + g; and lulv + gugv = O. Let
z = lu +igu, w = Iv +igvj then 0' is conformal if and only if zz = ww and
zw + zw = 0, where the bar denotes complex conjugate; if z = 0, then
w = 0 and all four equations are certainly satisfied; if z ::I 0, the equations
give z2 = _w 2 , so Z = ±iwj these are easily seen to be equivalent to
the Cauchy-Riemann equations if the sign is +, and to the 'anti-Cauchy-
Riemann' equations if the sign is - .
5.15 Parametrise the paraboloid by O'(u, v) = (u, v, u 2+v 2), its first fundamen-
tal form is (1 + 4u2)du2 + 8uv dudv + (1 + 4v 2)dv2. Hence, the required
area is JJ JI + 4(u 2 + v 2) dudv, taken over the disc u 2 + v 2 < 1. Let
u = r sin B, v = r cosBj then the area is 2'1r J; vI + 4r 2r dr = *(5 3/ 2 - 1).
Solutions 297

This is less than the area 21T of the hemisphere .

5.16 Parametrize the surface by O'(u , v) = (p(u) cosv,p(u) sinv, a(u)) , where
'Y(u) = (p(u), 0, a(u)) . By Example 6.2, the first fundamental form is
du 2 + p(U)2 dv 2, so the area is JJ p(u) dudv = 21T J p(u) du.
(i) Take p(u) = cosu, a(u) = sinu, with -1T/2 ~ u ~ 1T/2j so
21T J~~~2 COS u du = 41T is the area.
(ii) For the torus, the profile curve is 'Y(O) = (a + bcosO,O,bsinO),

but this is not unit-speed; a unit-speed reparametrisation is .y(u) =
(a+bcosI,O ,bsinI) with ~ u ~ 21Tb. So 21TJ:7I"b(a+bcosI) du =
41T 2ab is the area.
5.17 0' is the tube swept out by a circle of radius a in aplane perpendicular to
'Y as its centre moves along 'Y. 0'a = (1 - IW cos O)t - Ta sin On+ Ta cos Ob,
0'9 = -asinOn+acosOb, givingO'aX0'9 = -a(1-KacosO)(cosOn+sinOb);
this is never zero since na < 1 implies that 1 - sa cos 0 > for all O.
The first fundamental form is «1 - KacosO)2 + T2a2) ds 2 + 2Ta2 dsdO +
a2 d02, so the area is J;l0 J0 71" a(l - na cos O)dsdO = 21Ta(SI - so).
5.18 If EI = E 2,F1 = F2,G1 = G2, then E 1G1 - F12 = E 2G2 - F2, 2 so any
isometry is equiareal. The map f in Archimedes's theorem is equiareal
but not an isometry (as EI ::j:. ~ , for example).
5.19 If EI = >'~,F1 = >.F2, GI = >'G2, and if E 1G1 - Fr = ~G2 - F:j, then
>.2 = 1 so >. = 1 (since >. > 0).
5.20 By Theorem 5.5, the sum of the angles of the tri angle is 1T + A/R 2 ,
where A is its area and R is the radius of the earth, and so is ~
1T + (7500000)/(6500)2 = 1T + 136°9 radians. Hence, at least one angle
of the tri angle must be at least one third of this, i.e, 1T + 116°9 radians.
5.21 3F = 2E because every face has three edges and every edge is an edge
of exactly two faces. The sum of the angles around any vertex is 21T, so
the sum of the angles of all the triangles is 21TV; on the other hand, by
Theorem 5.5, the sum of the angles of any triangle is 1T plus its area, so
since there are F triangles and the sum of all their areas is 41T (the area
of the sphere), the sum of all the angles is 1TF + 41T. Hence, 2V = F + 4.
Then, V - E + F = 2 + ~ F - E + F = 2 + ~ (3F - 2E) = 2.
5.22 Let 0' : U -+ R 3 . Then, f is equiareal if and only if

!L (EI GI - Ff)1/2 dudv = !L (E 2G 2 - Fi)1/2 dudv

for all regions R ~ U. This holds if and only if the two integrands are
equal everywhere, i.e. if and only if EI GI - Fr
= ~G2 - Fi .
298 Elementary Differential Geometry

Chapter 6
6.1 (Tu = (1,0, 2u), a; = (0,1, 2v), so N = .>.( -2u, -2v, 1), where .>. = (1 +
4u 2+4v2 ) - 1/ 2 j (Tuu = (0,0,2), (Tuv = 0, (Tvv = (0,0,2), so L = 2'>', M = 0,
N = 2'>', and the second fundamental form is 2'>'(du 2 + dv 2 ) .
6.2 (Tu .Nu = -(Tuu.N (since (Tu.N = 0), so Nu .(Tu = O; similarly, Nu.(Tv =
Nv·(Tu = Nv .(Tv = O; hence, Nu and N, are perpendicular to both (Tu
and (Tv, and so are parallel to N . On the other hand, Nu and N v are
perpendicular to N since N is a unit vector. Thus, Nu = N, = 0, and
hence N is constant. Then, ((T.N)u = (Tu.N = 0, and similarly ((T.N)v = 0,
so (T.N is constant, say equal to d, and then (T is part ofthe plane r.N = d.
6.3 From Section 4.3, N = ±N, the sign being that of det(J). From Ö'ü =
(Tu 8u

+ a; 8ü'
8v (Tii 8ii + a; 8v
- -_ (Tu 8u 8ii' we get
_ = (Tu 02 u + (Tv 02
(Tüü 2
V (OU)2
ou +(Tuu ou +2(Tuv
OU ov +(Tvv (OV)2
ou 2 ou ou

L =± (L (OU)2
2M oUOV N(OV)2)
+ ouou+ OU

since (Tu .N = (Tv.N = 0. This, together with similar formulas for !VI and
N, are equivalent to the matrix equation in the question.
6.4 Applying a translation to a surface patch (T does not change (Tu and (Tv , and
hence does not change N, (Tuu, (Tuv or (Tvv, and hence does not change the
second fundamental form. A rotation A ab out the origin has the following
effect: (Tu ~ A((Tu), (Tu ~ A((Tv) and hence N ~ A(N) , (Tuu ~ A((Tuu),
(Tuv ~ A((Tuv), (Tvv ~ A((Tvv)j since A(p) .A(q) = p.q for any vectors
p, q E R 3 , the second fundamental form is again unchanged.
6.5 By Exercise 6.1, the second fundamental form ofthe paraboloid is 2(du 2 +
dv 2)/Jl + 4u 2 + 4v2 j so

"'n = 2((- sin t)2 + cos2 t)/v'1 + 4cos2 t + 4sin2 t = 2/../5.

6.6 ",2 = "'~ + "'~ = 0, so '" = and 'Y is part of a straight line.
6.7 Let 'Y be a unit-speed curve on the sphere of centre a and radius r . Then,
('Y - a).('Y - a) = r 2 j differentiating gives 'Y.('Y - a) = 0, so ;Y.('Y - a) =
-1'.1' = -1. At the point 'Y(t), the unit normal of the sphere is N =
±~('Y(t) - a), so "'n = ;Y.N = ±~;Y.('Y - a) = =F~.
6.8 Ir the sphere has radius R, the parallel with latitude () has radius r =
R cos (}j if P is a point of this circle, its principal normal at P is parallel to
the line through P perpendicular to the z-axis, while the unit normal to
the sphere is parallel to the line through P and the centre of the sphere.
Solutions 299

The angle t/J in Eq. (8) is therefore equal to () or 'Ir - () so K g = ±~ sin () =

± tan (). Note that this is zero if and only if the parallel is a great circle.
6.9 The unit normal is N = (-gcosv, -gsin v, j) , where a dot denotes d/du.
On a meridian v = constant, we can use u as the parameter; since (Tu =
(j cos v, j sin v, g) is a unit vector, u is a unit-speed parameter on the
meridian and
jcosv jsinv jj
K g = (Tuu .(N x (Tu) = -gcosv -gsinv j =0.
jcosv jsinv 9
On a parallel u = constant, we can use v as a parameter, but a; =
(-f sin v, f cos v, 0) is not a unit vector ; the arc-length s is given by
ds/dv = 11 (Tv 11 = f(u), so s = f(u)v (we can take the arbitrary con-
stant to be zero). Then,
1 ( 1) 1 - f cos v - f sin v 0 j
Kg = f(u) 2(TVV ' N X f(u)(Tv = f(u)3 -gcosv -gsinv j = 7'
- f sin v f cos v 0

KIN2 - K2Nl = K«(N1 .n)N2 - (N 2.n)N 1 ) = K(N 1 x N 2) x n .

Taking the squared length of each side, we get
Ki + K~ - 2KIK2Nl.N2 = K2 11 (NI x N 2) x n 11 2 .
Now, N 1.N2 = cos o ; 'Y is perpendicular to NI and N 2, so NI X N 2 is
parallel to 'Y, hence perpendicular to n; hence,
11 (NI x N 2) x nll = 11 NI X N2 1111 n 11 = sin o .
6.11 N .n = cost/J, N.t = 0, so N .b = sint/Jj hence, N = ncost/J + b sin e and
B = t x (n cos e + b sin e) = b cos e - n sin e. Hence,
N = n cos t/J + b sin t/J + .,p(-n sin t/J + b cos t/J)
= (-Kt + rb) cos t/J - nr sin t/J + .,p(-n sin t/J + b cos t/J)
= -K cos t/Jt + (r + .,p)(bcos t/J - n sin t/J)
= -Knt + rgB.
The formula for B is proved similarly. Since {t, N, B} is a right -handed
orthonormal basis of R 3 , Exercise 2.22 shows that the matrix expressing
i, N,B in terms of t, N, B is skew-symmetric, hence the formula for i.
6.12 A straight line has a unit-speed parametrisation -y(t) = P + qt (with q a
unit vector), so ;y = 0 and hence Kn = ;Y.N = O.
In general, Kn = 0 {::::::} ;y is perpendicular to N {::::::} N is perpendicular
to n {::::::} N is parallel to b (since N is perpendicular to t).
300 Elementary Differential Geometry

6.13 The second fundamental form is (-du 2 + u 2 dv2)/uV1 + u 2, so a curve

-y(t) = O'(u(t),v(t)) is asymptotic if and only if -u2 + u 2iJ2 = 0, i.e,
dof du = iJju = ±1/u, so lnu = ±(v + c), where c is a constant.
6.14 By Exercise 6.12, b is parallel to N , so b = ±N; then, B = t x N = =fn.
Hence, B = =fit = =f(-Kt+rb) = ±Kt-rNj comparing with the formula
for B in Exercise 6.11 shows that rg = r (and Kn = ±K).
6.15 For the helicoid 0'(u, v) = (v cos u, v sin u , ,xu), the first and second funda-
mental forms are (,X2 + v 2)du2 + dv 2 and 2'xdudv/J,X2 + v 2, respectively.
Hence , the principal curvatures are the roots of
- K(,X2 + v
2) ,,;}+v2!_
I ~

i.e. ±,X/(,X2 + v2 ) .
For the catenoid O'(u,v) = (coshucosv,coshusinv,u) , the first and sec-
ond fundamental forms are cosh'' u(du 2+dv2) and -du 2+dv2, respectively.
Hence , the principal curvatures are the roots of
- I - K COSh
u 0 I
I o 1 - Kcosh 2u '

i.e, K = ±sech2u .
6.16 Let s be arc-length along -y, and denote df ds by a dash. Then, by Propo-
sition 6.1,
_L,2 2M" N,2 _ Lu 2 + 2MuiJ + NiP _ Lu 2 + 2MüiJ + NiJ2
K - U + uv + v - (ds/dt)2 - Eü2 + 2FüiJ + GiJ 2 .
6.17 By Exercises 5.4 and 6.3, we have (in an obvious notation),:F] = JtT]J,
:Fu = ±JtTuJ, where the sign is that of det(J) . The principal curvatures
of Ö' are the roots of det(:Fu -k:F]) = 0, i.e. det(±JtTuJ -kJ t TuJ) = 0,
which (since J is invertible) are the same as the roots of det(±Tu-kT]) =
O. Hence, the principal curvatures of Ö' are ± those of 0'.
Let ~Ö'ii. + ijÖ'ü be a principal vector for Ö' corresponding to the principal
curvature k. Then,

so if J (~) = (~), then ~O' u +TJO'v is a principal vector for 0' correspond-
. to t hee nri
ing pnncip al curvature K . B u, t smce
' ..c 8u =
811."i + 8u - TJ
8fJ TJ, =8v i+ 8v
tJii." 8ü TJ- ,
we have ..O'u + TJO'v_ =.. 8ii.(1u + 8ii.O'v + TJ 8ü(1u + 8üO'v = .. 0'11. + TJ(1ü,
c i ( 8u 8v) - (8u 8v) c- --
which shows that eÖ'ii. + ijÖ'ü is a principal vector for 0' corresponding to
the principal curvature K.
The second part also follows from Corollary 6.2.
Solutions 301

6.18 l' = Ü(fu + iia; is a principal vector corresponding to the principal curva-
ture K ~ (FII - KF]) (:) = (~) ~ Fi l FII (:) =K (:) ~
(~ ~) (:) = -K ( : ) ~ aü + eil = -KÜ and bü + dv = -KV. But,
N = üNu+vN v = Ü(OOu+bo'v)+V(Ct:1 u+Mv) = (aü+eil)(fu+(bü+dv)(fv '
Hence, l' is principal ~ N = -K(Üt:1u + V(fV) = -K'Y.
From Example 6.2, the first and second fundamental forms of a surface
of revolution are du 2 + f(U)2dv 2 and (jü - jiJ)du 2 + fiJdv 2, respectively.
Since the terms dudv are absent, the vectors (fu and a v are principal; but
these are tangent to the meridians and parallels, respectively.
6.19 By Exercise 6.11, N = -Knt + TgB, so by Exercise 6.18 '1 is a line of
curvature if and only if T g = 0 (in which case A = K n ) .
6.20 Let NI and N 2 be unit norm als of the two surfaces; if'Y is a unit-speed
parametrisation of C, then NI = -Al'Y for some scalar Al by Exercise
6.18. If Cis a line of curvature of 8 2, then N 2 = -A2'Y for some scalar A2,
and then (N l .N 2)" = -Al'Y.N2 - A2'Y.Nl = 0, so N l .N 2 is constant along
'1, showing that the angle between 8 1 and 8 2 is constant. Conversely, if
N l .N 2 is constant, then N l.N2 = 0 since N l .N 2 = -Al'Y.N2 = 0; thus,
N 2 is perpendicular to Nb and is also perpendicular to N 2 as N 2 is a
unit vector; but l' is also perpendicular to NI and N 2; hence, N 2 must
be parallel to 1', so there is a scalar A2 (say) such that N 2 = -A2'Y.
6.21 (i) Differentiate the three equations in (21) with respect to w, u and v,
respectively; this gives

Subtracting the second equation from the sum of the other two gives
(fu.(fvw = 0, and similarly (fv.(fuw = (fw.(fuv = O.
(ii) Since (fv .(fw = 0, it follows that the matrix F] for the u = Uo surface
is diagonal (and similarly for the others) . Let N be the unit normal of the
u = Uo surface; N is parallel to a v x o w by definition, and hence to (f u since
(fu, (fv and (fw are perpendicular; by (i), (fvw.(fu = 0, hence (fvw.N = 0,
proving that the matrix F ] ] for the u = Uo surface is diagonal.
(iii) By part (ii), the parameter curves of each surface u = Uo are lines
of curvature. But the parameter curve v = vo, say, on this surface is the
curve of intersection of the u = Uo surface with the v = Vo surface.
302 Elementary Differential Geometry

6.22 We have Nu = oa.; + oov, N , = ca.; + dtT v, so

F rII = ( NNuu.N u
.N v
Nu .Nv)
N v·N v
_ ( 2
Ea + 2Fab + Gb 2 Eac + F(ad + bc) + Gbd)
- Eac + F(ad + bc) + Gbd Ee + 2Fcd + GrP
= (~ :) (; ~) (: ~) =(-FilFrdFr(-FilFII)
=FrrFi 1FrFi1 Fu =FrrFi 1Fu-
6.23 By Example 6.2, the principal curvatures are jg - jiJ and iJ/ [ , If iJ = 0,
the surface is part of a plane z = constant and no point is parabolic. Thus,
iJ # 0, and every point is parabolic if and only if jg - jiJ = 0. Multiplying
through by iJ and using j2 + iJ2 = 1 (which implies that j j + iJg = 0), we
get j = 0. Hence, f(u) = au + b, where a and bare constants. If a = 0,
we have a circular cylinder; if a # 0, we have a circular cone.
6.24 On the part of the ellipsoid with z # 0, we can use the parametrisation
u(x,y) = (x,y ,z) , where z = ±rVl-~-~ .
The first and second
fundamental forms are (l+ z;)dx2+2zzzydxdy+(I+ z~)dy2 and (zz zdx 2+
2zzydxdy+zyydy2)/ VI
+ zi + z~ , respectively. By Proposition 5.3(ii) , the
condition for an umbilic is that Frr = KFr for some scalar K. This leads
to the equations
Zz z = >'(1 + z; ), Zzy = >'zzZy, Zyy = >'(1 + z~) ,
where>. = KV1+ zi + z~. If x and y are both non-zero , the middle equa-

tion gives >. = 1/ z, and substituting into the first equation gives the con-
tradiction p2 = r 2 • Hence, either x = or y = 0. If x = 0, the equations
have the four solutions
q: r:
x = 0, y = ±qvq - P:, z
= ±rvr - P: .
Similarly, one finds the following eight other candidates for umbilics :

2 _ q2 ~2_q2
X = ±p 2
P -r
2' Y = 0, z = ±r r

x = ±PV~ =::, y = ±qv:: =; , z = 0.

Of these 12 points, exactly 4 are real, depending on the relative sizes of
p2, q2 and r 2 .
Solutions 303

Chapter 7
7.1 tT u = (1,1, v), tTv = (1, -1, u), tTuu = tTvv = 0, tTuv = (0,0,1). When
u = v = 1, we find from this that E = 3, F = 1, G = 3 and L =
N = 0, M = -Ij.,fi. Hence, K = (LN - M 2)j(EG - F 2) = -IjI6,
H = (LG - 2MF + NG)j2(EG - F2) = IjS.,fi.
7.2 For the helicoid tT(u,v) = (vcosu,vsinu,Au), tTu = (-vsinu,vcosU,A),
tT v = (cosu,sinu,O), N = (A2 + v2)-1/2(-Asinu,AcosU,-v), tTuu =
(-vcosu,-vsinu,O), tT uv = (-sinu,cosu,O), tT vv = O. This gives
E = A2 + v 2, F = O,G = 1 and L = N = O,M = AjVA2 +v 2. Hence,.
K = (LN - M 2)j(EG - F 2) = _A 2j(A 2 + V 2)2.
For the catenoid tT( u, v) = (cosh u cos v, cosh u sin v, u), we have a u =
(sinh u cos v, sinh u sin v, 1), a; = (- cosh u sin v, cosh u cosv, 0),
N = sechu(-cosv,-sinv,sinhu), tT uu = (coshucosv,coshusinv,O),
tT uv =(- sinh u sin v, sinh u cos v, 0), tT vv = (- cosh u cosv, - cosh u sin v, 0).

K = (LN - M2)j(EG - F2) = -sech4u.

This gives E = G = cosh U, F = and L = -1, M = 0, N = 1. Hence,

Alternatively, use the results of Exercise 6.15.

7.3 Parametrise the surface by tT(u,v) = (u,v ,f(u,v» . Then, tT u = (I,O,fu),
a; = (O,I,fv), N = (I+f~+{;)-1/2(-fu,-fv,I), tT uu = (0,0, fuu),
tT uv = (0, o'/uv) , tT vv = (0, 0, fvv). This gives E = 1 + f~,F = fufv,G =
1 + {; and L = (1 + f~ + f;)-1/2 fuu, M = (1 + f~ + J';)-1/2 fuv, N =
(1 + f~ + f;)-1/2 fvv. Hence,
K = fuufvv - f~v
(1 + f~ + f;)2 .
7.4 (i) From Example 7.3, K = 0 {::::::::} 6.N = °{:: : : :}
6.«t + v6) x eS) = 0 {::::::::}
6.(t x eS) = 0. If 6 = n , 6 = -lI:t + rb, t x 6 = b, so K = °{: : : : } °{: : : : }
'Y is planar (by Proposition 2.4). If 6 = b, 6 = -rn, t x 6 = -n, so again
r =

K =0 {::::::::}r =0.
(ii) Let NI be a unit normal of S. Then, K = °{: : : : }
NdtxNd = O. Since
NI is perpendicular to NI and NI is perpendicular to t, this condition
holds {::::::::} NI is parallel to t, i.e. {::::::::} NI = -A'Y for some scalar A. Now
use Exercise 6.IS .
7.5 Using the parametrisation tT in Exercise 4.10, we find that E = b2 , F =
O,G = (a + bCOSO)2 and L = b,M = O,N = (a + bcosO)cosO. This gives
K = cosOjb{a + bcosO), dk = (EG - F 2)1/2dOdep = b{a + bcosO)dOdep.
304 Elementary Differential Geometry

7.6 The first part follows from Exercises 5.3 and 6.4. The dilation multiplies
E, F, G by a2 and L, M, N by a, hence H by a- 1 and K by a- 2 (using
Proposition 7.1).
7.7 Since (T is smooth and (Tu X a; is never zero, N = (Tu x (Tvl 11 (Tu x (Tv 11
is smooth. Hence, E, F, G, L , M and N are smooth. Since EG - F2 > 0
(by the remark following Proposition 5.2), the formulas in Proposition
7.1(i) and (ii) show that H and K are smooth. By Proposition 7.1(iii),
the principal curvatures are smooth provided H 2 > K, i.e, provided there
are no umbilics.
7.8 At a point P of an asymptotic curve, the normal curvature is zero. By
Corollary 6.2, one principal curvature Kl ~ 0 and the other K2 ~ O. Hence
K = KIK2 ~ O. On a ruled surface, there is an asymptotic curve, namely
a straight line, passing through every point (see Exercise 6.12).
7.9 By Exercise 6.22, FIII = FIIF]1 FII. Multiplying on the left by F]I,
the given equation is equivalent to
A 2+2HA+KI=0,

where A = _F]1 FI I = (: ~). By the remarks following Definition

6.1, the principal curvatures are the eigenvalues of -A. Hence, 2H =
sum of eigenvalues of -A = -(a + d), K = product of eigenvalues of
-A = ad - bc. Now use the fact stated in the question.
7.10 By Eq. (9) in Chapter 6, -y.-y = TtFITj by Eq. (10) in Chapter 6,
N.-y = -N..:y (since N.-y = 0) = -Kn = - T tF II T . Now, N.N = (üN u +
iJNv).(üNu+iJN v) = (Nu .Nu)ü2+2(Nu.Nv)üiJ+(Nv .Nv)iJ2 = TtFIIIT.
Hence, multiplying the equation in Exercise 7.9 on the left by T" and on
the right by T gives N .N+2HN.-Y+K-Y.-Y = O.JE.-yis an asymptotic curve,
K n = 0 so N.-y = O. So, assuming that 'Y is unit-speed, we get N.N = -K.
But Exercise 6.12 gives N = ±b, so N = =frn and N.N = r 2 .
7.11 The parametrisation is (T(U, v) = (f(u) cosv, f(u) sin v , g(u)) , f(u) = e",
g(u) = VI - e2u - cosh- 1(e-u ) , -00 < u < O.
(i) A parallel u = constant is a circle of radius f(u)= e", so has length
271'e u •
(ii) From Example 7.2, E = I,F = O,G = f(U)2 , so dAq = f(u)dudv and
the area is J: 1f
J~oo eUdudv = 271'.
(iii) From Example 7.2, the principal curvatures are Kl = jg - iiJ =
-i IiJ = _(e- 2U- 1)-1/2, K2 = NIP = iJI f = (e- 2u - 1)1/2.
(iv) Kl < 0, K2 > O.
7.12 (i) Setting ü = v,v = w = e- u , we have u = -lnv,v = ü so, in the
notation of Exercise 5.4, J = (~ -o~). Since J is invertible, (u, v) I-t
Solutions 305

(v,w) is a reparametrisation map. The first fundamental form in terms of

v, w is given by

(~ ~) = r (; ~) J
= (_Oi ~) (~ f(~)2) (~ -oi) = (* ?), ~

so the first fundamental form is (dv2 + dw2)/ w2.

(ii) We find that the matrix
_ (8V
J- 8V) - (
äU 8V v(w+1) 1(v
- ~~ ~~ - _~(v2 - (w + 1)2) v(w + 1) ,
so the first fundamental form in terms of U and V is given by
Jt(~ O)J=(V + (W+ 1)2)2 I=
° ~ 4w2
1 I
(1 - U2 - V2)2 '

after some tedious algebra.
In (i), u and -1r < V < 1r corresponds to -1r < V < 1r and w > 1, a
semi-infinite rectangle in the upper half of the vw-plane.

To find the corresponding region in (ii), it is convenient to introduce the

complex numbers z = v + iw , Z = U + iV. Then, the equations in (ii)
are equivalent to Z = ~+~, z = i(~!.ll)' The line v = 1r in the vw-plane
corresponds to z + Z = 21r (the bar denoting complex conjugate), i.e,
i(~!ll) - i(~!.ll) = 21r, which simplifies to IZ - (1 - ~W = ~; so v = 1r
corresponds to the circle in the UV -plane with centre 1 - ~ and radius ~.
Similarly, v = -1r corresponds to the circle with centre 1 + ~ and radius
~. Finally, w = 1 corresponds to z - z = 2i, i.e. i(~!.~) + i&!.ll) = 2i.
This simplifies to IZ - ~12 = ~; so w = 1 corresponds to the circle with
centre 1/2 and radius 1/2 in the UV-plane. The required region in the
UV -plane is that bounded by these three circles:
306 Elementary Differential Geometry


7.13 Let -y(u) = (J(u) ,O,g(u)) and denote d/du by a dot; by Eq . (2), j +KI =
0. If K < 0, the general solution is 1 = ae- FKu + beFKu where a, b
are constants; the condition 1(1r /2) = I( -1r /2) = forces a = b = 0,
so -y coincides with the z-axis, contradicting the assumptions. If K = 0,
1 = a + bu and again a = b = is forced. So we must have K > and
1 = acosVKu + bsinVKu. This time, 1(1r/2) = 1(-1r/2) = and a,b °
not both zero implies that the determinant
cos ..jK1r /2 sin ..jK1r /2 I= 0.
Icos VK1r /2 - sin VK1r /2
This gives sin VK1r = 0, so K = n 2 for some integer n =!' 0. If n = 2k
is even, 1 = bsin 2ku, but then 1(0) = 0, contradicting the assumptions.

If n = 2k + 1 is odd, 1 = acos(2k + l)u and 1(1r/2(2k + 1)) = 0, which
contradicts the assumptions unless k = or -1, Le. unless K = (2k+ 1)2 =
1. Thus, 1 = acosu, 9 = )1- j2 = J1- a 2sin 2u. Now, 'Y = <i,O,g) is
perpendicular to the z-axis {::::} 9 = 0. So the assumptions give '-"I - a 2 =
0, i.e. a = ± 1. Then, -y( u) = (± cos u, 0, ± sin u) (up to a translation along
the z-axis) and S is the unit sphere.
7.14 Let ü(ü, v) be a patch of S containing P = ü(üo,vo). The gaussian curva-

ture K of S is < at P; since K is a smooth function of (ü, v) (Exercise
7.7), K (u, v) < for (u, v) in some open set Ü containing (uo, vo); then

every point of ü(Ü) is hyperbolic. Let 11':1,11':2 be the principal curvatures
of ü, let < () < tt /2 be such that tan () = -1I':t! 11':2, and let Cl and e2 be
the unit tangent vectors of Ü making angles () and -(), respectively, with
the principal vector corresponding to 11':1 (see Corollary 6.1). Applying
Solutions 307

Proposition 7.4 gives the result.

7.15 See the proof of Proposition 9.5 for the first part.
The first fundamental form ofthe given surface patch is (l+u 2+v2)2(du2+
dv 2), so it is conformal, and Uuu +utItI = (-2u, 2v, 2) + (2u, -2v, -2) = O.
7.16 Parametrize the surface by u(u, v) = (u, v, f(u, v)). By Exercise 7.3, E =
1 + f~,F = fuftl,G = 1 + {;,L = (1 + f~ + J';)-1/2fuu,M = (1 + f~ +
{;)-1/2 futl, N = (1 + f~ + {;)-1/2 ftltl. Hence,
H = LG - 2MF + NE = fuu(1 + {;) - 2futlfuftl + ftltl(1 + f~)
2(EG - F2) 2(1 + f~ + f';)3/2
Taking f(u,v) = In (~~:~) gives
H _ sec u(1 + tan 2 v) - sec2 v(1 + tan 2 u) _ 0

- 2(1 + tan 2 u + tan 2 v)3/2 - .

7.17 Eu = Uu + wN u, E tl = a; + wN tI, E w = N . Eu.E w = 0 since
uu .N = Nu.N = 0, and similarly EtI .Ew = O. Finally, Eu .EtI = Uu.UtI +
w(uu .NtI + utI.Nu) + w 2Nu .NtI =
F - 2wM + w 2N u .NtI w 2Nu .NtI; by =
Proposition 6.4, Nu = -~uu, N, = -~UtI, so Nu .NtI = ~~F = O.
Every surface u = Uo (a constant) is ruled as it is the union of the straight
lines given by v = constant; by Exercise 7.4(ii) , this surface is Hat provided
the curve 'Y(v) = u( Uo, v) is a line of curvature of S, i.e, if U tI is a prin-
cipal vector; but this is true since the matrices ;:1 and ;:11 are diagonal.
Similarly for the surfaces v = constant.
7.18 By Eq. (15), the area of u(R) is

J1 11 Nu x x, 11 dudv = J11K'1I UU x Utl 11 dudv = J11K1dAq .

7.18 From the formula for K in the solution of Exercise 7.5, it follows that S+
and S- are the annular regions on the torus given by -71"/2 ~ u ~ 71"/2
and 71"/2 ~ u ~ 371"/2, respectively.

S+ S-
308 Elementary Differential Geometry

It is clear that as a point P moves over S+ (resp. S-), the unit normal at P
covers the whole of the unit sphere. Hence, 11s + IK ldA = 11s - IKldA =
411" by Exercise 7.18; since IKI = ±K on S±, this gives the result.

Chapter 8
8.1 By Exercise 4.4, there are two straight lines on the hyperboloid passing
through (1,0,0); by Proposition 8.3, they are geodesics. The circle given
by z = 0, x 2 + y2 = 1 and the hyperbola given by y = 0, x 2 - z2 = 1
are both normal sections, hence geodesics by Proposition 8.4 (see also
Proposition 8.5).
8.2 Let IIs be the plane through "Y(s) perpendicular to t(s); the parameter
curve s = constant is the intersection of the surface with IIs . From the
solution to Exercise 5.17, the standard unit normal of t1' is N = -(cosOn+
sin 0 b). Since this is perpendicular to t, the circles in question are normal
8.3 Take the ellipsoid to be ~ + ~ + ~ = 1; the vector ('ir,~,~) is normal
to the ellipsoid by Exercise 4.16. If "Y(t) = (f(t),g(t),h(t» is a curve on
j2 ·2 .2 ,2 2 2 1
the ellipsoid, R = (~+ ~ + ~ )-1 / 2, 8 = (j;4 + + ~ )-1 2. Now, "Y is a
geodesie -<==>;Y is parallel to the normal -<==> (1,9, h) = >..({;t ,~ , ~) for
some scalar >..(t). From ~ +;; + ~
j2 I/ .. hh .
= 1 we get
fJ + ~ + I;4 = 0, hence
(/ 2 h2)
·2 ;'2
~+~+~+~+'+j:"2"" 0, i.e. ~+~+~+>.. j;4 + ~ +
.2 ;'2 2
j:4 = 0,
which gives >.. = _8 2 / R 2 • The curvature of"Y is

1I;Y1I=(P+92+ h2)1 /2=1>"I(P +g2 +h2)1/2

p4 q4 r4
8 R2

1d ( 1) (li
2 dt R28 2 = p4
99 hh)
+ q4 + -;:4
(i2 2
9 h2
p2 + q2 + r

+ (P + g2 + h
p4 q4 r4
(ii p2
+ 99
+ hh)

= R2
1 (li 99 hh)
p4 + q4 + -;:4 + 82
x (li 99 hh)
p4 + q4 + -;:4 = 0,

since >.. = _8 2 / R 2 • Hence, R8 is constant.

8.4 If "Y is a geodesic, ;Y = xn is parallel to N (in the usual notation), so
n = ±N. In the notation of Exercise 6.11, B = t x N = ±b, so B =
Solutions 309

Kgt - TgN = ±b = =fTn = -TN. Hence, T g = T (and K g = 0, whieh we

knew already).
8.5 ;y is parallel to II since "I lies in II , and ;y is parallel to N since "I is a
geodesic ; so N is parallel to II . It follows that N is also parallel to II .
Since N is perpendieular to N, and l' is also perpendieular to N and
parallel to II, N is parallel to 1'. By Exercise 6.18, "I is a line of curvature
of S.
8.6 Ir P and Q lie on the same parallel of the cylinder, there are exactly
two geodesies joining them, namely the two circular arcs of the parallel
of whieh P and Q are the endpoints. Ir P and Q are not on the same
parallel, there are infinitely many circular helices joining P and Q (see
Example 8.7).
8.7 Take the cone to be O'(u,v) = (ucosv,usinv,u) . By Exercise 5.5, 0' is
isometrie to part ofthe xy-plane by O'(u,v) t-+ (uV2cos~, uV2sin .12,0).

By Corollary 8.2, the geodesies on the cone correspond to the straight lines
in the xy-plane. Any such line, other than the axes x = and y = 0, has
equation ax + by = 1, where a, b are constants; this line corresponds to the
curve v t-+ ( cos v sin V I ) .,
y'2(acos 72+bsin 72)' y'2(acos ~+bsin~)' V'2(acos ~+bsin~)
the x and y-axes correspond to straight lines on the cone.
8.8 From Example 5.3, O'(u, v) = 'Y(u) + va, where "I is unit-speed, 11 a 11 = 1,
and "I is contained in aplane perpendicular to a ; the map 0'( u, v) t-+
(u,v ,O) is an isometry from the cylinder to the xy-plane. A curve t t-+
O'(u(t), v(t)) is a geodesie on the cylinder {::::::} t t-+ (u(t) ,v(t) , 0) is a
constant-speed parametrisation of a straight line in the plane {::::::} ü
and iJ are constant {::::::} iJ is constant (since ü 2 + iJ2 is constant). Since
a.ftO'(u(t) ,v(t)) = ii, iJ = constant {::::::} the tangent vector ftO'(u ,v)
makes a fixed angle with the unit vector a parallel to the axis of the
8.9 Take the cylinder to be O'(u, v) = (cos u, sin u, v) . Then, E = G = 1, F = 0,
so the geodesie equations are ü = ii = 0. Hence, u = a + bt, v = c + dt,
where a, b, c, d are constants. Ir b = this is a straight line on the cylinder ;
otherwise, it is a circular helix.
8.10 E = 1, F = 0, G = 1 + u 2 , so "I is unit-speed {::::::} ü 2 + (1 + U2)iJ2 = l.
The second equation in (2) gives ft«1 + u 2 )iJ) = 0, i.e. iJ = 1':u2' where
a is a constant. So ü 2 = 1 - (1~U2) and , along the geodesic,

dv = '!!. = ± a
du ü J(1 - a2 + u 2 )(1 + u 2 ) •
Ir a = 0, then v = constant and we have a ruling. If a = 1, then dv/du =
±1/uVI + u 2 , which can be integrated to give v = Vo =f sinh"? ~, where
310 Elementary Differential Geometry

Vo is a constant.
8.11 We have
N x a = (tTu X tTtI) x tT u = (tTu.tTu)tTtI -
(tTu.tTtI)tTu = EtTtI -FtTu
u 11 au X tT tI 11 J EG - F2 J EG - F2 '
and similarly for N x tT tI. Now, -y = iur; + iJtTtI, so
. u(EtTtI - FtT u) + iJ(FtTtI - GtT u)
N X 'Y - --'-----.:..---:~===1=~=---~
- JEG-F2 '
;y = ÜtTu + iitTtI + U2 tT u u + 2uiJtTutl + iJ2 tTtltI .
Hence, /\,g = ;Y.(Nx-Y) = (uii-iJü)VEG - F2+Au 3+Bu2iJ+CuiJ2+DiJ3,
where A = tTuu .(EtTtI - FtT u) = E«tTu.tTtI)u - tTu.tTUtl) - ~F(tTu.tTu)u =
E(Fu - ~EtI) - ~FEu, with similar expressions for B,C,D.
8.12 We have
(Eu 2+2FuiJ + GiJ2)'
= (Euu + EtliJ) u2 + 2(Fuu + FtliJ)uiJ + (Guu + G tliJ)iJ 2
+ 2Euü + 2F( uii + üiJ) + 2GiJii
=u(Euu2 + 2FuuiJ + G uiJ2) + iJ(Etlu2 + 2FtluiJ + G tliJ2)
+ 2Euü + 2F( uii + üiJ) + 2GiJii
= 2(Euu + FiJ)'u + 2(Fu + GiJ)'iJ
+ 2(Eu + FiJ)ü + 2(Fu + GiJ)ii (by the geodesie equations)
=2[(Eu + FiJ)u]' + 2[(Fu + GiJ)iJ]'
= 2(Eu2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ 2r
Hence, (Eu 2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ2)' = 0 and so 11 -y 11 2 = Eu 2 + 2FuiJ + GiJ 2 is
8.13 They are normal sections.
8.14 Every parallel is a geodesie {:::::::} every value of u is a stationary point
of f(u) (in the notation of Proposition 8.5) {:::::::} f = constant {:::::::} the
surface is a circular cylinder.
8.15 The two solutions of Eq. (13) are v = b - w 2 , so the condition
Vo ±)
for a self-intersection is that, for some w > 1,2) b - w 2 = 2k1r for some
integer k > O. This holds {:::::::} 2) b - 1 > 21r, i.e. n < (1 + 1r2)- 1/ 2. In
this case, there are k self-intersections, where k is the largest integer such
that 2k1r < 2)b - 1.
8.16 (i) If 'Y(t) is a geodesic, so is fh(t)) , and if'Yis defined for all -00 < t < 00 ,
so is f('Y(t)). So f takes meridians to meridians, i.e, if v is constant, so is
v. Hence, v does not depend on w.
Solutions 311

(ii) f preserves angles and takes meridians to meridians, so must take

parallele to parallels. Hence, tÜ does not depend on v .
(iii) The parallel w = constant has length 27r/w by Exercise 7.11(i) (w =
e- U ) . As f preserves lengths, part (ii) implies that 27r [ui = 27r [ib, so
(iv) We now know that f(O'(u,v)) = O'(F(v),w) for some smooth function
F(v) . The firstfundamental form ofO'(F(v) ,w) is w- 2 ((~~)2 dv 2 + dw 2 ) ;
since f is an isometry, this is equal to w- 2(dv2+dw2 ) , hence dF/dv = ±1,
so f(v) = ±v + o, where o is a constant. If the sign is +, fis rotation by
o around the z-axis ; if the sign is -, f is reflection in the plane containing
the z-axis making an angle a/2 with the xz-plane.
8.17 From the solution to Exercise 7.12, Z = U + iV = ~+~, where z = v +
iw. Since the geodesics on the pseudosphere correspond to straight lines
and circles in the vw-plane which are perpendicular to the v-axis, they
correspond in the UV -plane to straight lines and circles perpendicular to
the image of the v-axis under the transformation z ~ ~+~' i.e, the unit
circle U 2 + V2 = 1.
8.18 (i) Let the spheroid be obtained by rotating the ellipse ~ + ~ = 1 around
the z-axis, where a, b > O. Then, a is the maximum distance of a point of
the spheroid from the z-axis, so the angular momentum {] of a geodesie
must be ::; a (we can assurne that {] ~ 0). If {] = 0, the geodesie is a
meridian. If 0 < {] < a, the geodesie is confined to the annular region
on the spheroid contained between the circles z = ±bJ
1 - ~' and the
discussion in Example 8.9 shows that the geodesie 'bounces' between these
two circles:
312 Elementary Differential Geometry

If = a, Eq. (10) shows that the geodesie must be the parallel z = O.
(ii) Let the torus be as in Exercise 4.10. If = 0, the geodesie is a meridian
(a circle). If 0 < n < a - b, the geodesie spirals around the torus:

If n = a - b, the geodesie is either the parallel of radius a - b or spi-

rals around the torus approaching this parallel asymptotically (but never
crossing it) :

If a - b < n < a + b, the geodesie is confined to the annular region

consisting of the part of the torus a distance ~ n from the axis, and
bounces between the two parallels which bound this region:

If n = a + b, the geodesie must be the parallel of radius a + b.

Solutions 313

8.19 From Exercise 5.5, the cone is isometrie to the 'sector' S of the plane with
vertex at the origin and angle nV2:

Geodesies on the cone correspond to possibly broken line segments in S: if

a line segment meets the boundary of S at a point A, say, it may continue
from the point B on the other boundary line at the same distance as A
from the origin and with the indieated angles being equal :

o B

(i) TRUE: if two points P and Q can be joined by a line segment in S

there is no problem; otherwise, P and Q can be joined by a broken line
segment satisfying the conditions above:

o s

314 Elementary Differential Geometry

To see that this is always possible , let PI, P2, ql and q2 be the indicated
distances, and let R and S be the points on the boundary of the sector at
a distance (1J2ql + PIq2)/(1J2 + q2) from the origin. Then, the broken line
segment PR followed by SQ is the desired geodesic.
(ii) FALSE:

(iii) FALSE: many meet in two points, such as the two geodesics joining
P and Q in the diagram in (ii).
(iv) TRUE: the meridians do not intersect (remember that the vertex of
the cone has been removed), and parallel straight lines that are entirely
contained in S do not intersect.
(v) TRUE: since (broken) line segments in S can c1early be continued
indefinitely in both directions.
(vi) TRUE: a situation of the form

in which the indicated angles are equal is c1early impossible. But the
answer to this part of the question depends on the angle of the cone: if
the angle is 0:, instead of 1r/4, lines can self-intersect if 0: < 1r/6, for then
the corresponding sector in the plane has angle < 1r:
Solutions 315

8.20 (i) This is obvious if n ~ 0 since e- 1 / t 2 ~ 0 as t ~ O. We prove that
t - n e- 1 / ~ 0 as t ~ 0 by induction on n ~ O. We know the result if
n = 0, and if n > 0 we can apply L'Hopital's rule :
. r» . nt- n- 1 • n t-(n-2)
hm l/t2 = hm 2 l/t2 = hm -2 l/t2'
e-su e t-tO i!"e t-tO e
which vanishes by the induction hypothesis.
(ii) We prove by induction on n that 0 is n-times differentiable with
~O = { ~n3lt) e- 1 / t 2 if t i:- 0,
dt n 0 if t = 0,
where Pn is a polynomial in t. For n = 0, the assertion holds with Po = 1.
Assuming the result for some n ~ 0,
~+l0 _ (-3nPn P~ 2Pn ) e-1/t2
dt n+1 - t 3n +l + t3n + t3n+3
if t i:- 0, so we take Pn+l = (2 - 3nt2)Pn + t 3P~ . If t = 0,
~+10 _ . Pn(t) -1/t2 _ . e- 1/
dt n+1
- hm 3 + 1 e
t-tO t n
- Pn(O) t-tO
hm t 3 n +1 - 0
by part (i).
Parts (iii) and (iv) are obvious .
8.21 Since "(s is unit-speed, Ur'U r = 1, so Jo Ur 'U r dr = R. Differentiating

with respect to 0 gives Jo Ur.UrS dr = 0, and then integrating by parts



us.urlr=o - 0 US 'U rr dr = O.

Now u(O,O) = P for all 0, so Us 0 when r = O. So we must show that

the integral in the last equation vanishes. But, U r r = 'Ys, the dot denoting
the derivative with respect to the parameter r of the geodesie "(s, so U rr
is parallel to the unit normal N of Uj since us.N = 0, it follows that
US'U rr = O.
The first fundamental form is as indicated since Ur 'U r = 1 and Ur .Us = O.
316 Elementary Differential Geometry

Chapter 9
9.1 This follows from Exerdse 7.6.
9.2 This follows from Exercise 7.3.
9.3 K1 + K2 = 0 and K1 = K2 ==> K1 = K2 = O.
9.4 K1 + K2 = 0 ==> K2 = -K1 ==> K = K1K2 = -K~ :$ O. K = 0 ~ K~ =
o ~ K1 = K2 = 0 ~ the surface is part of a plane (by Proposition
9.5 By Proposition 7.6, a compact minimal surface would have K > 0 at some
point, contradicting Exerdse 9.4.
9.6 By the solution of Exerdse 7.2, the helicoid 0'(u, v) = (v cos u, v sin u, >.u)
has E = >.2 + v 2 , F = O,G = I ,L = O,M = >./(>.2 + V 2)1/2,N = 0, so
H = LG- 2MF+NG = 0
2(EG - F2) .
9.7 A straightforward calculation shows that the first and second fundamental
forms of O't are cosh'' u( du 2 + dv 2 ) and - cos t du 2 - 2 sin t dudv + cos t dv 2 ,
respectively, so
2 2
H = - cos t cosh U + cos t cosh U = O.
2cosh4 u
9.8 From Example 4.10, the cylinder can be parametrised by O'(u, v) = 'Y(u) +
va , where 'Y is unit-speed, 11 a 11 = 1 and 'Y is contained in aplane II
perpendicular to a. We have O'u = 'Y = t (a dot denoting d/du), a; = a,
so E = 1, F = 0, G = 1; N = t x a , O'uu = i = xn, O'uv = O'vv = 0, so
L = Kn.(t x a) , M = N = O. Now t x a is a unit vector parallel to II
and perpendicular to t, hence parallel to n; so L = ±K and H = ±K/2.
SO H = 0 ~ K = 0 ~ 'Y is part of a straight line ~ the cylinder is
part of a plane.
9.9 Using Exercise 9.2, the surface is minimal ~
(1 + g'2)j + (1 + p)g" = 0,
where a dot denotes d/dx and a dash denotes d] dy ; hence the stated
equation. Since the left-hand side of this equation depends only on x and
the right-hand side only on y , we must have
j g"
- - . =a, ---=-a
1 + j2 1 + g/2 '

for some constant a. Suppose that a =j:. O. Let r = j ; then j = rdr/df and
the first equation is rdr/ df = a(1 + r 2 ) , which can be integrated to give
af = In(1 + r 2 ) , up to adding an arbitary constant (which corresponds
to translating the surface parallel to the z-axis). So df /dx = ±Je2a J - 1,
Solutions 317

which integrates to give f = -~ In cosa(x + b), where b is a constant;

we can assurne that b = 0 by translating the surface parallel to the x-
axis , Similarly, 9 = ~ In cos ay, after translating the surface parallel to the
y-axis. So, up to a translation, we have
_ 1 1 (cosa y
z--n - -) ,
a cosax
which is obtained from Scherk 's surface by the dilation (x, y, z) H
a(x, y, z) . Ir a = 0, then j = 9" = 0 so f = b + cx, 9 = d + ey, for
some constants b, c, d, e, and we have the plane z = b + d + cx + ey.
9.10 The first fundamental form is (cosh v + 1)(cosh v - cos u)(du 2 + dv2 ) , so a
is conformal. By Exercise 7.15, to show that a is minimal we must show
that lT u u + lT v v = 0; but this is so, since
lT u u = (sin u cosh v, cos u cosh v, sin ~ sinh ~),
lT v v = (- sin u cosh v, - cosu cosh v , - sin ~ sinh ~) .
(i) lT(O, v) = (0,1 - cosh v , 0), which is the y-axis . Any straight line is a
(ii) lT( 11", v) = (11", 1 + cosh v, -4 sinh ~), which is a curve in the plane x = 11"
such that
Z2 = 16sinh2 ~ = 8(coshv -1) = 8(y - 2),

i.e, a parabola. The geodesie equations are

dt = 21E u (u' 2 +v' 2), d(E v')
dt = 21E v (u' 2 +v' 2) ,
where a dot denotes the derivative with respect to the parameter t of the
geodesie and E = (cosh v + 1)(cosh v - cos u). When u = 11", the unit-speed
condi tion is EiJ2 = 1, so iJ = 1/(cosh v + 1). Hence, the first geodesie
equation is 0 = !E
u iJ2, which holds because Eu = sin u(cosh v + 1) = 0
when u = 11"; and the second geodesie equation is

~ (cosh v + 1) = (cosh v + 1) sinh v iJ2 = sinh v b,

which obviously holds.

(iii) lT(u, 0) = (u-sin u, 1-cosu, 0), which is the cycloid ofExercise 1.7 (in
the xy-plane, with a = 1 and with t replaced by u) . The second geodesie
equation is satisfied because E; = sinh v(2 cosh v + 1 - cos u) = 0 when
v = O. Theunit-speedconditionis2(1-cosu)ü2 = l,soü = 1/2sin~. The
1t 1t
first geodesie equation is (4 sin 2 ~ü) = sin uü 2 , i.e, (2 sin ~) = cos ~ü,
which obviously holds .
9.11 >. = a 2 + bc = -(ad - bc) (since d = -a) = - det W = - K.
318 Elementary Differential Geometry

9.12 (i) From Example 9.1, N = (-sech u cos v, -sech u sin v, tanh u). Hence ,
if N(u,v) = N(U',V '), then u = u' since u ~ tanhu is injective, so
cos v = cos Vi and sin v = sin o" , hence v = Vi; thus, N is injective. If N =
(x , y , z), then x 2 + y2 = sech 2u :p 0, so the image of N does not contain
the poles. Given a point (x, y, z) on the unit sphere with x 2 + y2 :p 0, let
u = ±sech -1 J x 2 + y2, the sign being that of z, and let v be such that
cosv = -x/Jx2 +y2, sinv = -y/Jx 2 +y2 j then, N(u,v) = (x ,y,z).
(ii) By the solution ofExercise 7.2, N = (A2+V2)- 1/ 2( -Asin u, A cos u, -v) .
Since N (u, v) = N (u + 2k7r, v) for all integers k, the infinitely many points
0'(u + 2k1l", v) = 0'(U, v) + (0, 0, 2k1l") of the helicoid all have the same image
under the Gauss map. If N = (x, y, z), then x 2 + y2 = A2/(A2 + v 2) :p 0,
so the image of N does not contain the poles. If (x, y, z) is on the unit
sphere and x 2 + y2 :p 0, let v = -AZ/ Jx 2 + y2 and let u be such that
sinu = -x/Jx 2 +y2, COSU = -y/Jx 2 +y2; then N(u, v) = (x,y,z).
9.13 The plane can be parametrised by O'(u,v) = ub +vc, where {a, b,c} is a
right-handed orthonormal basis of R 3 . Then, tp = O'u - ia; = b - ic . The
conjugate surface corresponds to itp = c + ib; since {a, c, - b} is also a
right-handed orthonormal basis of R 3 , the plane is self-conjugate (up to
a translation).
9.14 tp = (~f(1 - g2), ~ f(1 + g2), fg) ==} itp = (~if(1 - g2), ~if(1 + g2), ifg),
which corresponds to the pair if and g.
9.15 By Example 9.6, tp«() = (sinh (, -i cosh (,1). From the proof of Proposi-
tion 9.7, f = <PI - i<P2 = sinh( - cosh( = -e-C:, 9 = <P3/f = -eC:.
9.16 cp = O'u - ia; = (1 - u 2 + v 2 - 2iuv, 2uv - i(1 - v 2 + u 2 ) , 2u + 2iv) =
(1 - (2, -i(1 + (2), 2() . So the conjugate surface is

Ö'(u, v) = ~e ! (i(1 - (2),1 + (2, 2i() d(

= ~e (i (( - ~) , (+ ~ ,i(2) (up to a translation)

3 3
= (-v + u 2v _ v U + u _ uv 2 -2UV)
3' 3 ' .
Let U = (u - v)/V2, V = (u + v)/V2, Ö'(U, V) = O'(u,v); then,
,V) = ( -V2
1 (U - V + UV 2 - U 2V + -31 V 3--U
1 3)
3 '

(u + V + UV 2 + U 2V - !V3 - !U 3) U 2 - V2) .
3 3 '

Applying the 11"/4 rotation (x,y,z)~(~(x + y), ~(y - x),z)

to Ö'(U, V)
then gives (U - ~U3 + UV2, V - ~ V3 + U 2V, 2
U - V 2), which is En-
neper's surface again.
Solutions 319

9.17 I{) = (t(1- C 4)( 1 - (2) , t(1 - (-4)(1 + (2) , «(1 - (-4)), SO
1 ( (3 -1 (-3) i ( (3 -1 (-3) (2 (-2)
u=~t ( 2 (-3"-( + 3 '2 (+3"+( + 3 ' 2 + 2

= ~t ( -~( - C 1 ) 3 , ~( + C 1)3, ~( + C 1 )2),

up to a translation. Put ( = i, ( = ü+iii. Then, u(u, v) = ü(ü, ii), where
ü(ü , ii) = ~t ( -~ sinh3 ( , ~ cosh" ( ,2 cosh'' ()
= (4sinhüCOSii(COSh 2üsin2ii - ~sinh2ücos2ii),
4 sinh ü sin ii( ~ sinh 2 ü sin 2 ii - cosh 2 Ü cos2 ii),

2(cosh 2 Ü cos2 ii - sinh 2 ü sin 2 ii)) .

9.18 By Example 5.7, 1r(x,y,z) = (u,v,O), where x = 2u/(u 2 +v 2 + l),y =
2v/(u 2 + v 2 + 1), z = (u2 + v 2 - 1)/(u2 + v 2 + 1). If ( = u + iv , then
x+iy = 2(/(1(1 2+1), z = (\(1 2 _ 1)/ (\( 12+ 1). This gives ( = (x+iy)/(I-z).
Hence, identifying (u, v , 0) with u+iv, we have 1r(x, y, z) = (x+iy)/(I-z).
From Eq. (25) , Q() = IgIJ+l (g + g, -i(g - g), Igl 2 - 1), so
1r(Q()) = Igl2 + 1 _ (lgl 2 - 1) = g(() .

Chapter 10
10.1 By Corollary 10.2(i),

(0ou ((e>.)u)
1 0 ((e>')tI)) =-2e>.(A
~ + ov ~
1 uu+AtltI).

10.2 . (E F) (E F)
By Exercise 5.4, F G = Jt F G J, where J =
(8r!~ !~8r) =
( !tI ~). By Exercise 8.21 , E = 1, F = 0, and we get the stated
?"" ~
--- - -
formulas fo: E ,F,G. Fr~m E - 1 = 2'2a
(~-J), G - 1 = ~ (~-1),
» ra
we get u 2 (E - 1) = v 2 (G - 1). Since E and G are smooth functions of
(u, v), they have Taylor expansions E = L:i+ ' < 2 eijUiV j + o(r 2), G =
L:i+j<2 gijUiVj +o(r2), where o(r k) denotes ter~s such that o(rk)/r k -+
o as r -+ O. Equating coefficients on both sides of u 2 (E -1) = v 2 (G -1)
320 Elementary Differential Geometry

shows that all the e's and g's are zero except e02 = g20 = k , say. Then,
jj; = 1 + kv 2 + 0(r 2), which implies that G = r 2 + kr" + 0(r 4).
By Corollary 1O.2(ii), K = - Ja
8~'!P . From the first part, .j(j = r +
~ kr3 + 0(r 3), hence K = -3k + 0(1). Taking r = 0 gives K(P) = -3k.
10.3 (i) CR = J;7T 11 Uo 11 d8 = J;7T .j(j dB = J;7T (R - ~K(P)R3 + 0(R3)) dB
= 211" (R - ~K(P)R3 + 0(R 3)).
R 27T
(ii) Since dAq = .j(j drdB, the area AR = Jo J0 .j(j drdB is equal to
211" Jo (r - ~K(P)r3 + 0(r 3)) dr = 1I"R2 (1-
Kg')R 2 + 0(R 2)).
Let S be the unit sphere, let P be the north pole, and let (B , cp) be
the usual latitude longitude parametrisation of S. Then, the geodesie
circle with cent re P and radius R is the parallel B = ~ - R , which is an
ordinary circle of radius sin R, so that CR = 211" sin R; since 211" sin R =
211"(R - ~R3 + 0(R 3)) and K = 1, this agrees with the formula in (i).
AR= r ["/2 COSBdBdCP=211"(I-cOSR)=211"(~2 _~: +0(R4)),
Jo J7T/2 -R
in agreement with the formula in (ii).
10.4 (i) Let s be the arc-length of 'Y, so that ds/dB = A, and denote dl ds by
a dot. The first of the geodesie equations «2) in Chapter 8) applied to
'Y gives r = ~GrÖ2 . Since r = !(B) , this gives

(1)' 1
= 2A2Gr.

This simplifies to give the stated equation.

(ii) Since Ur and-j are unit vectors, cos1/J = ur.'Y = ±Ur.(f'ur + uo) =
I'/A. Also, Ur X 'Y = ±(ur X uo) = VfN , so sin1/J = .j(j/A. Hence ,

( ~ ) 1 = -1/J' sin 1/J = - ~ 1/J/,

1/J' = _ _
(I" _f'A')
= __1_8G = _ 8.j(j
2.j(j 8r 8r .
(iii) Using the formula for K in Corollary 1O.2(ii) and the expression for
the first fundamental form of U in Exercise 8.21, we get

r t'" __1_8 vp VGdrdB

LA 2
KdAq =
Jo Jo .j(j 8r

8.j(j I ) dB.
8.j(j r=f(O)
= - -- dB =
1/J +- -
o 8r 0 8r
r=O r=O
Solutions 321

= r + o(r) so ßJG/ßr = 1 at r = O. Hence,

By Exercise 10.2, JG

KdAa = 1/7(LA) - 1/7(0) + LA = LC - (11" - LB) + LA

= LA + LB + LC - 11".
,p(L A )


10.5 By Exercise 5.7, generalised cylinders and cones are isometrie to a plane .
Hence, if the sphere were isometrie to a generalised cylinder or cone, the
sphere would be isometrie to a plane, sinee eomposites of isometries are
isometries. This eontradiets Proposition 10.l.
10.6 With the notation of Example 4.9 we have, on the median circle t = 0,
a t = (- sin ~ eos (}, - sin ~ sin (}, eos ~) , o U = (- sin (}, eos (}, 0), henee E =
1,F = O,G = 1 and N = (-eos~eos(},-sin~sin(},-sin~); qtt = 0,
a tU = (- ~ eos ~ cos (} + sin ~ sin (}, - ~ eos ~ sin (} - sin ~ eos (}, - ~ sin ~) ,
from whieh L = 0, M = ~. Henee, K = (LN - M2)/(EG - F 2) = -1/4.
Since K :f 0, the Theorema Egregium implies that the Möbius band is
not isometrie to a plane.
10.7 The first fundamental forms of a and iT are found to be (1+ ~ )du2+u 2dv 2
and du2 + (u 2 + 1)dv2, respectively. Since these are different, the map
q(u,v) I-t iT(u, v) is not an isometry. Nevertheless, by Corollary 1O.2(ii),
the gaussian curvatures are equal:

K=K= 2~(:U(~))=-(1+lU2)2.
If q( u, v) I-t iT( ü, v) is an isometry, the Theorema Egregium tells us
that -1/(1 + U2)2 = -1/(1 + Ü 2)2, so Ü = ±u; let v = f(u, v). The
first fundamental form of iT(±u, f(u, v)) is (1 + (1 + u2)f~)du2 + 2(1 +
u 2) fufv dudv + (1+u 2)f;dv2j this is equal to the first fundamental form of

° °
q(u,v) <==> 1+(1+u2)f~ = 1+ 1/u 2, fufv = and (1+u 2)f; = u 2. The
middle equation gives fu = or fv = 0, but these are both impossible
by the other two equations. Henee, the isometry does not exist.
10.8 For the eatenoid q(u,v) = (eoshueosv,eoshusinv,u), the first funda-
mental form is cosh'' u(du 2 + dv 2) (Exercise 5.8) and the gaussian curva-
ture is K = -seeh4u (Exercise 7.2). If q(u, v) I-t q(ü, v) is an isometry,
322 Elementary Differential Geometry

then sech 4u = sech4ü, so Ü = ±Uj reflecting in the plane z = 0 changes

U to -U, so assume that the sign is +. Let ii = f(u , v); the first funda-

mental form of O'(±u, f(u , v)) is (cosh'' U + f~)du2 + 2fufv cosh 2 ududv +
f; cosh" udv 2j hence, cosh'' u = cosh'' U + f~ , fufv = 0 and f; cosh 2 u =
cosh 2 U , so I« = 0, fv = ±1. Thus, f = ±v + Q , where Q is a constant; if
the sign is +, we have a rotation by Q about the z-axis: if the sign is -
we have arefleetion in the plane containing the z-axis, making an angle
Q/2 wit h the xz -plane.

10.9 W
= -Tl-1 Tu = - (cos0 V 1 -1 ( - cos? 0
V 0)
-1 = I , so Nu = O'u,
N, = O'v' Thus, N = O'-a, where a is a constant vector. Hence, 11 O'-a 11
= 1, showing that the surface is part of the sphere of radius 1 and cent re
a . The standard latitude longitude parametrisation of the unit sphere has
first and second fundamental forms both given by du 2 + cos2 vdv 2, so the
parametrisation O'(v , u) has the given first and second fundamental forms
(the second fundamental form changes sign because 0' v X 0' u = -0' u X 0' v).
10.10 r i2 = sin u cos u and the other Christoffel symbols are zero; the second
Codazzi-Mainardi equation is not satisfied.
'10.11 The Christoffel symbols are rl1 = E u/2E , rrl = -Ev/2G, rl2 =
E v/2E , rr2 = Gu/2G , Fi2 = -Gu/2E, ri2 = Gv/2G . The first Codazzi-
Mainardi equation is

= LE (-E v ) (L
+ N)
L; 2E - N 2G = 2"1 E; E G '
and similarly for the other equation. Finally,

(~d v
= 2E (L
E + N) LEv e, (N L) e ; (
G - E2 = 2E G - E = 2E ~2 - ~d ,
and similarly for (~2)u'
10.12 Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 10.4, we suppose that J attains
it s maximum value > 0 at some point P of S contained in a patch
0' of S . We can assume that the principal curvatures ~1 and ~2 of 0'
satisfy ~1 > ~2 > 0 everywhere. Since H = H~l + ~2), ~1 > Hand
J = 4(~1 - H)2. Thus, J increases with ~1 when ~1 > H, so ~1 must
have a maximum at P, and then ~2 = 2H - ~1 has a minimum there.
By Lemma 10.2, K ::; 0 at P , contradicting the assumption that K > 0
Solutions 323

Chapter 11
11.1 If 'Y is a simple closed geodesic , Theorem 11.1 gives JJ;nt('Y ) KdA = 271";
since K ~ 0, this is impossible. The parallels of a cylinder are not t he
images under a surface patch a : U -t R 3 of a simple closed curve 1r in
the plane such that int(1r) is contained in U. Note that the whole cylinder
can actually be covered by a single patch (see Exercise 4.2) in which U
is an annulus, but that the parallels correspond to circles going 'around
the hole' in the annulus.
11.2 By Proposition 2.2, "-s = dcp/ds, where cp is the angle through which a
fixed unit vector must be rotated anti-clockwise to bring it into coinci-
dence with the unit tangent vector of 'Y. So
l ('Y)
ll('Y) dcp
"-s ds = -d ds = 271",
o 0 s
by the Umlaufsatz.
11.3 By Corollary 11.1, the interior angles 01, • . . , On of the polygon satisfy

t Oi
= (n - 2)71" + f'Jint('Y)
~ KdAu.
Since 0 < 0 i < 271" for all i , the left-hand side is > 0; since K < 0, we have
(n - 2)71" > 0 and hence n ;::: 3; and if n = 3, t hen JJ;nt('Y)(- K)dAu < 71"
r dAu s f'Jint('Y)
f'Jint('Y) r (-K)dAu < 71".
11.4 The parallel u = U1 is the curve 'Yl (v) = (f(ud cos v, f(U1) sin v , g(Ul));
if s is the arc-length of "Y1 ' dsf d» = /(ut}. Denote d/ds by a dot and
d/du by a dash. Then, "I = (-sinv,cosv,O),;Y = - !(~tl(cosv,sin v ,O) ,
and the unit normal of the surface is N = (-g' cos V, -s' sin v , /,) . This
gives the geodesie curvature of "Y as "-g = ;Y.(N x "I) = ~(<::8 . Since
f('Y1) = 271"f(ud , Jol("Yl) "-gds = 271"/'(Ul) . Similarly for 'Y2' By Example
7.2, K = -1"//, so

f'rJR KdAu = Jor r r

JUl - j f dudv = 21l'(f'(ud - f'(U2))'

Hence ,
J0 "-g ds - J 0
r l
"-g ds =
f'JRrK dAu.
This equation is the result of applying Theorem 11.2 to the following
curvilinear polygon,
324 Elementary Differential Geometry

where AB is part of the meridian v = 0 (or v = 211"); the integrals of

K g along AB and along BA cancel out . (Strictly speaking, this curve
is not a curvilinear polygon in the sense of Definition 11.2 - condition
(i) is violated - but this difficulty can be circumvented by replacing the
double path AB and BA by two meridians v = e and v = 211" - € and
then letting e tend to zero.)
11.5 3F = 2E because each face has 3 edges and each edge is an edge of 2
faces. From X = V -E+F , we get X = V -E+~E, so E = 3(V -X) . Since
each edge has 2 vertices and two edges cannot intersect in more than one
vertex, E S; ! V(V -l)j hence, 3(V - X) S; ! V(V -1), which is equivalent
to V 2 -7V + 6X ~ O. The roots of the quadratic are! (7 ± J49 - 7X), so
V S; ! (7- J49 - 7X) or V ~ (7 + J49 - 7X) . Since X = 2,0, - 2, .. .,
the first condition gives V S; 3, which would allow only one triangle;
hence, the second condition must hold.
11.6 The n triangles have 3n vertices , but each vertex is counted r times as
it is a vertex of r triangles, so V = 3n/rj similarly, E = 3n/2. Then,
V - E + F = 2 gives 6/r - 4/n = 1. This implies 6/r > 1, so r < 6.
Triangulations for r = 3,4 and 5 can be obtained by 'inflating' a regular
tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron, respectively.

tetrahedron octahedron icosahedron

Solutions 325

11.7 H such curves exist they would give a triangulation of the sphere with 5
vertices and 5 x 4/2 = 10 edges , hence 2 + 10 - 5 = 7 polygons. Since each
edge is an edge of two polygons and each polygon has at least 3 edges,
3F ~ 2E j but 3 x 7 > 2 x 10. H curves satisfying the same conditions
exist in the plane, applying the inverse of the stereographic projection
map of Example 5.7 would give curves satisfying the conditions on the
sphere, which we have shown is impossible.
11.8 Such a collection of curves would give a triangulation of the sphere with
V = 6, E = 9, and hence F = 5. The total number of edges of all the
polygons in the triangulation is 2E = 18. Since exactly 3 edges meet at
each vertex, going around each polygon once counts each edge 3 times,
so there should be 18/3 = 6 polygons, not 5.
11.9 By Corollary 11.3, ffs KdA = 411"(1 - g), and by Theorem 11.6, 9 = 1
since S is diffeomorphic to Tl. By Proposition 7.6, K > 0 at some point
of S.
11.10 The ellipsoid is diffeomorphic to the unit sphere by the map (x ,y,x) t-+
(x / a, y / a, z / b), so the genus of the ellipsoid is zero . Hence, Corollary 11.3
gives ffs KdA = 411"(1 - 0) = 411".
Parametrising the ellipsoid by 0'(0, cp) = (a cos 0 cos ip, a cos 0 sin cp, b sin 0)
(cf. the latitude longitude parametrisation of the sphere), the first and
second fundamental forms of 0' are (a2 sin 2 0+b2 cos2 0)d02 +a 2 cos2 Odcp2
and v a2
sin 2 ~~b2 cos 2 1J (d0 + cos
20dcp2), respectively. This gives K =

b2/(a 2 sin 2 0+b2 cos2 0)2, dAcr = acosOVa 2 sin 2 0 + b2 cos- OdOdcp; hence ,

/1 1
2"' 1 "./ 2 ab2 cosO dOdcp
KdAcr = 0 _". /2 (a sin 2 0 + b2 cos- 0)3/2
2 .
11.11 K > 0 =? ffs KdA > O. By Corollary 11.3, 9 < 1; since 9 is a non-
negative integer, 9 = 0 so S is diffeomorphic to a sphere by Theorem
11.6. The converse is false: for example, a 'cigar tube' is diffeomorphic
to a sphere but K = 0 on the cylindrical part.
326 Elementary Differential Geometry

11.12 Both surfaces are closed subsets of R 3 , as they are of the form 1-1 (0),
where I : R 3 ~ R is a continuous function (equal to x 2 - y2 + Z4 - 1
and x 2 + y2 + z4 - 1 in the two cases). The surface in (i) is not bounded,
and hence not compact, since it contains the point (1, a 2 , a) for all real
numbers a; that in (ii) is bounded, and hence compact, since X 2+y2+ z4 =
The surface in (ii) is obtained by rotating the curve x 2 + z4 = 1 in the
xz-plane around the z-axis:

It is clearly diffeomorphic to the sphere, so X = 2.

11.13 Take the reference tangent vector field to be ( = (1,0), and take the
simple closed curve 'Y(s) = (coss,sins) . At 'Y(s), we have V = (Ci,ß),
'ß - {(coss + i sin s)k if k > 0,
Ci + t - ( cos s - t" sm s) - k 1ifk <.0
By de Moivre's theorem, Ci = cos ks, ß = sin ks in both cases . Hence,
the angle t/J between V and ( is equal to ks, and Definition 11.6 shows
that the multiplicity is k.
11.14 If O'(u,v) = ü(ü,v), where (ü,v) M (u ,v) is a reparametrisation map,
- - ß-O'iJ~Ci=Ciäü+
t hen V =CiO'u7 ßO'v=CiO'ü+ - - 8ü ß8u'
8iJ ß- =Ci 8ü ß8v'
Hence, Ci and ß are smooth if Ci and ß are smooth.
Since the components of the vectors 0' u and 0' v are smooth, if V is smooth
so are its components. If the components of V = CiO'v + ßav are smooth,
then V .O'u and V.O'v are smooth functions, hence
G(V.O'u) - F(V .O'v) ß = E(V.O'v) - F(V.O'u)
Ci = EG -F2 ' EG-F2
are smooth functions, so V is smooth.
11.15 If;P is the angle between V and we have ;p - t/J = () (up to multiples
of 271"); so we must show that J;m iJ ds = 0 (a dot denotes d/ds) . This is
not obvious since () is not a weIl defined smooth function of s (although
d()/ds is weIl defined) . However, p = cos() is weIl defined and smooth,
since p = (.e;
11 ( 1111 e
11 · Now, jJ = -Osin(), so we must prove that
Solutions 327

J:('Y) -J--ds
y1- p2
= O. Using Green's theorem, this integral is equal to

r Pu du + Pv dv r 8 ( Pv )
J'Ir VI - p2 = Jint('Ir) 8u VI - p2 -
8 (
VI _ p2
where er is the curve in U such that 'Y(s) = O'('Ir(s))j and this Une integral
vanishes because

8 ( Pv ) 8 ( Pu )
8u ~ = 8v VI _ p2
11.16 Let F : S ~ R be a smooth function on a surface S, let P be a point of S,
let 0' and iT be patches of S containing P, say 0'( UO, vo) = iT( üo, vo) = P,
and let I = F 0 0' and i = F 0 iT. Then, iü ~ lu$~ + Iv~, iv =
lu ~~ + Iv~, so if I« = Iv = 0 at (uo, vo), then l« = Iv = 0 at (üo, vo).
Since I« = Iv = 0 at P, we have

s; = t.; (::r + 2/ uv:: :~ + Ivv (:~r,

with similar expressions for iüv and ivv. This gives, in an obvious no-
tation, il = J t1iJ, where J = (i~

is the jacobian matrix of
the reparametrisation map (ü,v) t-7 (u,v) . Since J is invertible, il is
invertible if 'H is invertible.
Since the matrix 1i is real and symmetrie, it has eigenvectors VI, V2,
with eigenvalues Al , A2, say, such that vfvj = 1 if i = j and 0 if i :j; j .
Then, if v = 0:1 VI + 0:2V2 is any vector, where 0:1,0:2 are scalars, v t1iv =
A10:~ + A20:~ j hence, v t1iv > 0 (resp. < 0) for all v :j; 0 {::::} Al and A2
are both > 0 (resp . both < 0) {::::} P is a local minimum (resp. local
maximum); and hence P is a saddle point {::::} v t1iv can be both > 0
and < 0, depending on the choiee of v. Since J is invertible, a vector
v :j; 0 {::::} v = Jv :j; O; and vtilv = v t J t1iJv = v t1iv. The assertions in
the last sentence of the exercise follow from this.
11.17 (i) Ix = 2x - 2y, I y = - 2x + 8y , so Ix = Iy = 0 at the origin . lxx =
2,lxy = -2,/yy = 8, so 1i = (~2 ~2). 1i is invertible so the origin
is non-degenerate; and the eigenvalues 5 ± v'l3 of 1i are both > 0, so it
is a local minimum.
(ii) Ix = I y = 0 and 1i = (~ ~) at the origin; det1i = -16 < 0, so
the eigenvalues of 1i are of opposite sign and the origin is a saddle point.
(iii) Ix = I y = 0 and 1i = 0 at the origin, whieh is therefore adegenerate
critical point.
328 Elementary Differential Geometry

11.18 Using the parametrisation u in Exercise 4.10 (with a = 2, b = 1) gives

J(O, ip) = F(u(O, ip)) = (2 + eos 0) eos ip + 3. Then, 10 = - sin 0 eos ip,
J<P = -(2 + eosO) sin o; sinee 2 + eosO > 0, J<P = ~ ip = or °
° °
n, and then Je = ~ 0 = or 'Trj so there are four eritical points,
P = (3,0,0), Q = (1,0,0), R = (-1,0,0) and S = (-3,0,0). Next, 'H =
- eos 0 eos ip
( sinOsinip
sin 0 sin ip
-(2 + eosO)eosip
) = (-1° 0) -3
(1 0)
at P =
' 0-1
at Q, = ° 0)1 at
(-1 R, and = (1° 0)
3 at S;
henee, . a loeal

maximum, Q and R are saddle points, and S is a loeal minimum (all of

which is geometrically obvious).

angle, 106 Codazzi -Mainardi equations, 241, 244,

angular momentum, 185 322
anti-holomorphic, 112, 219 compact, 164
Archimedes's Theorem, 117, 238, 297 conformal, 107-8, 111, 190, 203, 216-7,
arc-length , 7-8, 11, 97 219-21, 296, 307
area, 50, 113-5, 202 connected, 18, 72
- of a geodesie triangle, 119, 237, continuous, 60
256-7, 320-1 convex, 55, 289
- signed, 168 Cornu's spiral, 33
astroid, 3, 6, 281, 285 critical point, 275-8, 280, 327-8
asymptotic curve, 129-30, 150-1, 161, - non-degenerate, 276-8, 280
304 curvature
- constant, 31-2, 41, 44
atlas, 60
- of a curve, 24, 25
- maximal 68
- gaussian, 147, 150, 161-2, 164, 166,
bifurcation, 271
168-9, 207, 219, 225-6, 229, 233, 239,
binormal, 36 245, 248, 268
Catalan's surface, 216, 317 - geodesie, 127, 248, 310, 323
catenary, 9, 283 - mean, 147, 150, 161-2, 201, 307
catenoid, 83, 106, 140, 150, 203, 216, - normal, 127, 130, 137-8, 140, 299-300
219, 223, 227, 240, 296, 300, 303, 318, - principal, 132-3, 137-8, 140, 142-3,
321 148, 150, 162, 164, 244-4, 300, 304,
Cauchy-Riemann equations, 112, 220, 306
296 - signed, 28-30, 34-6, 51, 165, 242, 252
cent re of curvature, 35 curve
Christoffel symbols, 241, 322 - asymptotic, 129-30, 150-1, 161, 304
circular cone, 63, 72, 103, 105, 180, - level, 2, 16, 19, 96
196,313-5 - parallel, 35, 285
circular cylinder, 65, 103, 136, 179-80, - parameter, 107,161,175
252,289 - parametrised, 2, 16, 19, 21
circular helix , 26-7, 39, 104, 115, 287, - plane, 40, 150, 242
296 - smooth, 4, 74, 96
cissoid, 15 - spherical, 6, 45, 287, 298
Clairaut's theorem, 183, 185 curvilinear polygon, 252
closed set, 195 - positively-oriented, 252
330 Elementary Differential Geometry

cyeloid , 6, 35, 282-3 geodesie equations, 176-7, 181, 309,

diffeomorphic, 71 317, 320
diffeomorphism, 71 geodesie patch, 199
- conformal, 107-8, 111, 121, 190 geodesie polar patch, 199
- equiareal, 116, 121, 297 geodesie torsion, 129, 141, 309
dilation, 207, 304 gradient, 275
disc model, 155, 190 graph, 72, 163
double to rus, 274 great cirele, 174,179,299
doubl y ruled, 66, 90, 290, 293 Green's Theorem, 50
Dupin's Theorem, 141 helicoid, 77, 106, 140, 150, 181, 210-1,
edge , 252 216, 219, 223, 227, 239, 292, 296, 300,
ellipsoid, 73, 85, 91, 145, 175, 268, 302, 303,318
308 Henneberg's surface, 227
elliptic cylinder, 86 holomorphic, 112, 219-20, 222
elliptic paraboloid, 85, 93, 126, 129, homeomorphism, 60
143, 294 Hopf's Umlaufsatz, 250-2, 270, 323
elliptic point, 143, 164 hyperbolic cylinder, 86
Enneper's surface, 163, 214, 227 hyperbolic paraboloid, 72-3, 86, 89, 93,
epicyeloid, 6, 282 143,293-4
equiareal, 116, 121, 297 hyperbolic point, 143, 161, 164
Euler number, 260-2, 264-5, 267, 269, hyperboloid
271,324 - of one sheet, 66, 85, 91, 175, 187,
Eule r's Theorem, 137 289, 308
evolute, 35-6, 285 - of two sheets, 85, 91
first fundamental form , 98, 100, 102, hypo cyeloid, 6, 282
108,242 integral curve, 269
Four Vertex Theorem, 56 Inverse Function Theorem, 93-4
Frenet-Serret equations, 41 involute, 35-6, 285
Fresnel's int egrals, 33 isometric, 101, 235, 296
Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, 248, 253, 255, - deformation, 105-6, 216, 296
260 isomet ry, 101, 111, 121, 179, 190, 229,
Gauss equations, 240 238-40, 297, 321-2
Gauss map, 166, 169, 217, 228, 318-9 isoperimet ric inequality, 51, 288
gauss ian curvature, 147, 150, 161-2, jacobian matrix, 93, 100, 126, 160
164, 166, 168-9, 207, 219, 225-6, 229, Jordan Curve Theorem, 48,252
233, 239, 245, 248, 268 Lagrange's Method of Undeterm ined
- constant, 162, 235, 244 Multipliers, 78, 292
Gauss's Lemma, 200, 315 latitude, 61
general helix , 44-5 level curve , 2, 16, 19, 96
generalised cone, 79, 89, 99, 105, 157-8, level surface, 71
239,296 limacon, 20, 51, 57, 289
generalised cylinder, 78, 84, 89, 99, line of curvature, 140-1, 150, 301, 307,
105, 157-8, 168, 174, 180, 216, 239, 309
295-6,309 local maximum, 277-8, 280, 292, 327-8
genus, 258, 265, 325 local min imum, 277-8, 280, 292, 327-8
geodesic, 171, 175, 177-83, 187-96, 217, logarithmic spiral, 7, 8, 14, 34-5, 285
308-15, 317 longitude, 61
- incomplete, 186, 196 loxodrome, 83
- simple elosed, 252, 323 lune , 118
geodesie cirele , 199-200, 237, 320 mean curvature, 147, 150, 161-2, 201,
geodesie coordinates, 199, 235 307
geodesie curvature, 127, 172, 181,248, - constant, 203, 246
310,323 Mercator's projection, 83, 111, 238
Index 331

meridian, 81, 129, 140, 182, 189, 292 ruling, 80, 293, 296
Meusnier's Theorem, 131 saddle point, 277-8, 280, 327-8
Möbius band, 76-7,239-40,321 Scherk's surface, 164, 214, 216, 317
Möbius transformation, 190 second fundamental form , 125-6, 242
monkey saddle, 143 signed unit normal, 28, 51
multiplicity, 269, 274-5, 277, 326 simple closed curve, 47, 247-8, 288
non-euclidean geometry, 154 - area of, 50-1
normal - exterior of, 48
- to a curve, 17 - interior of, 48, 248
- to a surface, 75 - length of, 49, 51
normal curvature, 127, 130, 137-8, 140, - period of 47, 247
299-300 - positively-oriented, 49, 248
normal section, 128, 173 simply-connected, 221
open ball, 60 sink, 271, 273
open disc, 60, 289 smooth
open interval, 2, 60 - curve, 4, 74, 96
open set, 59 - function, 73, 78
osculating circle, 35, 285 - map, 69
parabolic cylinder, 87 - surface, 67, 71
parabolic point, 143, 164 soap films, 202-3
parallel, 81, 129, 140, 182, 189, 252, source, 271, 273
292 speed, 9, 172
parallel curve, 35, 285 spheroid, 190, 311-2
parallel surface, 161-4
standard unit normal, 75, 139
parameter curve, 107, 161, 175
stationary point, 269, 271, 274-5
stereographie projection, 110, 238, 296
- of a curve, 2
- of a surface, 60 surface, 60
parametrised curve , 2, 16, 19, 21 - area of, 113-5
period, 47, 247 - compact, 164, 207, 244, 246, 258,
planar point, 143, 164 260, 268, 271
Plateau's problem, 201 - conjugate, 223, 226-7, 318
principal curvature, 132-3, 137-8, 140, - Hat, 155, 164
142-3, 148, 150, 162, 164, 244-5, 304, - level, 71
306 - minimal, 202, 207-8, 211, 214-7,
principal normal, 36, 175, 298 219-21
principal patch, 156 - of revolution, 81, 89, 125, 129, 140,
principal vector, 133, 137-8, 140, 162, 145, 149, 182-3, 189, 208, 234, 257
300,306 - orientable, 75, 78, 166
profile curve, 81 - parallel, 161-4
pseudosphere, 153-5, 185-6, 190, 235-6, - ruled, 80, 89, 111, 149-50, 156, 164,
257, 304-6, 310-1 211, 304
quadric, 84-7, 89, 293 - smooth 67, 71
quadric cone, 86, 295 - translation, 216, 316
regular, 11, 15, 21 surface patch, 60
regular point, 11, 16 - allowable 68-70
reparametrisation, 10, 69, 100, 126 - regular 67-8
- unit-speed, 12, 13, 172 surface variation, 201-2, 206
reparametrisation map, 10, 69 tangent developable, 103-4, 157-8
right conoid, 83 tangent plane, 75, 292
rigid motion, 30, 42, 100, 150, 207, tangent space, 74
242, 285-6 tangent vector, 4, 5, 51
Rodrigues' formula, 140 tangent vector field, 269, 274, 326
332 Elementary Differential Geometry

Theorema Egregium, 229, 238, 240, unit sphere, 61, 65, 67-8, 71-2, 135,
242,321 152, 168, 177
third fundamental form, 141, 150, 302 upper half-plane model, 155
torsion, 37-8, 40-1, 44, 151, 175 Utilities problem, 268
torus, 73, 144, 150, 169, 190, 258, 274, vertex
291, 297, 312 - of a curve, 55, 289
tractrix, 153
- of a curvilinear polygon, 252
transition map, 65, 68, 72, 291
triangulation, 259-60, 324-5 Viviani's curve, 6, 45
triply orthogonal system, 90, 92-3, 141, vortex, 271
164,294 Weierstrass's representation, 224,
tube, 115, 175, 297 226-8
twisted cubic, 14 Weingarten matrix, ·139
umbilic, 133, 144-5, 155, 207, 245, 302 Wirtinger's inequality, 52, 54
unit-speed, 9 witch of Agnesi, 6

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