Korean Lesson For Enhancement

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I. A Korean letter in Hangul. ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ are consonants

and ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ are vowels.
The Consonants: The following are the Hangul consonants. The symbols and the sounds
are hereby given. Being a neophyte to the language, try to memorize the symbol and its
corresponding sound. (Listening activity via Zoom).

ㄴ sounds like n. ㄱ sounds like g.

ㄷ sounds like d. ㄹ sounds like l.

ㅁ sounds like m. ㅂ sounds like b.

ㅇ doesn’t have any sound when it comes first and sounds like ~ng when it is at the bottom.

ㅈ sounds like j. ㅊ sounds like ch.

ㅋ sounds like k. ㅌ sounds like t.

ㅎ sounds like h. ㅅ sounds like s.

The Vowels: Below are the Hangul vowels. Memorize each symbol and its corresponding
sound. (Listening activity as the teacher produce the sound via Zoom)

ㅏ sounds like a. ㅑ sounds like ya. ㅡ sounds like eu

ㅓ sounds like u. ㅕ sounds like yu ㅣ sounds like i

ㅗ sounds like o. ㅛ sounds like yo.

ㅜ sounds like oo. ㅠ sounds like yoo.

II. Below are some mixed consonants and vowels which are also used in Hangul
grammar. You should also familiarize yourself with them. ( Listening activity via
(ㄲ sounds like gg. ㄸ sounds like dd ㅃ sounds like bb

ㅆ sounds like ss. ㅉ sounds like jj. ㅐ sounds like ae

ㅒ sounds like yae ㅔ sounds like ae ㅖ sounds like yae

ㅚ sounds like oi ㅙ sounds like oae ㅟ sounds like we

ㅞ sounds like wae ㅢ sounds like eui ㅝ sounds like wu.

Activity 1. ( Speaking Activity). Produce the above sounds through recording your voices
then send via google classroom/zoom (link or id will be sent to you).

III. HANGUL SYLLABLES. Let us combine Hangul consonants and vowels to

make syllables. Get your paper and practice write the following.
ㄱ + ㅏ = 가  (ga) ㄴ + ㅏ = 나  (na) ㄷ + ㅏ = 다  (da)

ㄹ + ㅏ = 라  (la) ㅁ + ㅏ = 마  (ma)ㅂ + ㅓ = 버  (bu)

ㅅ + ㅓ = 서  (su)

ㅇ + ㅓ = 어  (uh)  (If ㅇ comes at the beginning of the letter it has no sound.)

ㅈ + ㅓ = 저  (ju) ㅊ + ㅓ = 처  (chu) ㅌ + ㅗ = 토  (to)

ㅍ + ㅗ = 포  (po) ㅋ + ㅗ = 코  (ko) ㅎ + ㅗ = 호  (ho)

ㄲ + ㅜ = 꾸  (ggoo) ㄸ + ㅜ = 뚜  (ddoo) ㅃ  +ㅣ = 삐  (bbi)

ㅆ + ㅣ = 씨  (ssi) ㅉ + ㅡ = 쯔  (jjeu)
ACTIVITY 2. Below is a basic letter chart. Read them to produce the sounds as indicated
above. ( Be ready for virtual reading via Zoom).

ACTIVITY 3. To memorize the Hangul Alphabet, write the given chart in your paper. Do
as many as you can in extra sheets until you memorize them. Be ready for virtual reading.

ACTIVITY 4: Give the equivalent Hangul syllable counterpart of the following syllables.
Write your answer below each entry. (submit to google classroom link)

Bib Bab beob beub bub Bob

Jib Jab jeob jeub jub Job

Dib Dab deob deub dub Dob

Gib Gab geob geub gub Gob

Sib Sab seob seub bub Sob

Mib Mab meob meub mub Mob

Nib Nab neob neub nub Nob

Hib Hab heob heub hub Hob

Lib Lab leob leub lub Lob

A. Consonant J
Bij Baj beoj beuj buj Boj

Bij Jaj Jeoj jeub Juj Joj

Dij Daj Deoj deub Duj Doj

Gij Gaj Geoj geub Guj Goj

Sij Saj Seoj seub Buj Soj

Mij Maj Meoj meub Muj Moj

Nij Naj Neoj neub Nuj Noj

Hij Haj Heoj heub Huj Hoj

Lij Laj leoj leub Luj Loj

B. Consonant D

Bid Bad beod beud bud Bod

Jid Jad jeod jeud jud Jod

Did Dad deod deud dud Dod

Gid Gad geod geud gud God

Sid Sad seod seud bud Sod

Mid Mad meod meud mud Mod

Nid Nad neod neud nud Nod

Hid Had heod heud hud Hod

Lid Lad leod leud lud Lod

Consonant K

Bik Bak beok beuk Buk Bok

Jik Jak jeok jeuk juk Jok

Dik Dak deok deuk duk Dok

Gik Gak geok geuk gu Gok

Sik Sak seok seuk buk Sok

Mik Mak meok meuk muk Mok

Nik Nak neok neuk nuk Nok

Hik Hak heok heuk huk Hok

Lik Lak leok leuk luk Lok

Consonant S

Bis Bas beos beus bus Bos

Jis Jas jeos jeus jus Jos

Dis Das deos deus dus Dos

Gis Gas geos geus gus Gos

Sis Sas seos seus bus Sos

Mis Mas meos meus Mus Mos

Nis Nas neos neus Nus Nos

His Has heos heus Hus Hos

Lis Las leos leus lus Los

Consonant M

Bim Bam beom beum bum Bom

Jim Jam jeom jeum jum Jom

Dim Dam deom deum dum Dom

Gim Gam geom geum gum Gom

Sim Sam seom seum bum Som

Mim Mam meom meum mum Mom

Nim Nam neom neum num Nom

Him Ham heom heum hum Hom

Lim Lam leom leum lum Lom

Consonant N

Bin Ban beon beun bun Bon

Jin Jan jeon jeun jun Jon

Din Dan deon deun dun Don

Gin Gan geon geun gun Gon

Sin San seon seun Bun Son

Min Man meon meun Mun Mon

Nin Nan neon neun Nun Non

Hin Han heon heun hun Hon

Lin Lan leon leun lun Lon

Consonant H

Bih Bah beoh beuh buh Boh

Jih Jah jeoh jeuh juh Joh

Dih Dah deoh deuh Duh Doh

Gih Gah geoh geub guh Goh

Sih Sah seoh seuh buh Soh

Mih Mah meoh meuh Muh Moh

Nih Nah neoh neuh nuh Noh

Hih Hah heoh heuh huh Hoh

Lih Lah leoh Leuh luh Loh

Consonant R/L

Bil Bal beol Beul bul Bol

Jil Jal jeol Jeul jul Jol

Dil Dal deol Deul dul Dol

Gil Gal geol Geul gul Gol

Sil Sal seol seul bul Sol

Mil Mal meol meul mul Mol

Nil Nal neol neul nul Nol

Hil Hal heol heul hul Hol

Lil Lal leol leul Lul Lol


The following combinations of consonants and vowels will help you widen your
knowledge on syllabications. You can make even more combinations by combining a consonant
and a combined vowel as follows.

ㅐ ㅒ ㅔ ㅖ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅢ
ae yae e ye wa oe weo we we wi ui

ㄱ 개 걔 게 계 과 괘 괴 궈 궤 귀 긔
g gae gyae ge gye gwa gwae goe gweo gwe gwi gui

ㄴ 내 냬 네 녜 놔 놰 뇌 눠 눼 뉘 늬
n nae nyae ne nye nwa nwae noe nweo nwe nwi nui

ㄷ 대 댸 데 뎨 돠 돼 되 둬 뒈 뒤 듸
d dae dyae de dye dwa dwae doe dweo dwe dwi dui

ㄹ 래 럐 레 례 롸 뢔 뢰 뤄 뤠 뤼 릐
r rae ryae re rye rwa rwae roe rweo rwe rwi rui

ㅁ 매 먜 메 몌 뫄 뫠 뫼 뭐 뭬 뮈 믜
m mae myae me mye mwa mwae moe mweo mwe mwi mui
ㅂ 배 뱨 베 볘 봐 봬 뵈 붜 붸 뷔 븨
b bae byae be bye bwa bwae boe bweo bwe bwi bui

ㅅ 새 섀 세 셰 솨 쇄 쇠 숴 쉐 쉬 싀
s sae syae se sye swa swae soe sweo swe swi sui

ㅇ 애 얘 에 예 와 왜 외 워 웨 위 의
slient ae yae e ye wa wae oe weo we wi ui

ㅈ 재 쟤 제 졔 좌 좨 죄 줘 줴 쥐 즤
j jae jyae je jye jwa jwae joe jweo jwe jwi jui

ㅊ 채 챼 체 쳬 촤 쵀 최 춰 췌 취 츼
ch chae chyae che chye chwa chwae choe chweo chwe chwi chui

ㅋ 캐 컈 케 켸 콰 쾌 쾨 쿼 퀘 퀴 킈
k kae kyae ke kye kwa kwae koe kweo kwe kwi kui

ㅌ 태 턔 테 톄 톼 퇘 퇴 퉈 퉤 튀 틔
t tae tyae te tye twa twae toe tweo twe twi tui

ㅍ 패 퍠 페 폐 퐈 퐤 푀 풔 풰 퓌 픠
p pae pyae pe pye pwa pwae poe pweo pwe pwi pui

ㅎ 해 햬 헤 혜 화 홰 회 훠 훼 휘 희
h hae hyae he hye hwa hwae hoe hweo hwe hwi hui

ㄲ 깨 꺠 께 꼐 꽈 꽤 꾀 꿔 꿰 뀌 끠
kk kkae kkyae kke kkye kkwa kkwae kkoe kkweo kkwe kkwi kkui

ㄸ 때 떄 떼 뗴 똬 뙈 뙤 뚸 뛔 뛰 띄
tt ttae ttyae tte ttye ttwa ttwae ttoe ttweo ttwe ttwi ttui

ㅃ 빼 뺴 뻬 뼤 뽜 뽸 뾔 뿨 쀄 쀠 쁴
pp ppae ppyae ppe ppye ppwa ppwae ppoe ppweo ppwe ppwi ppui

ㅆ 쌔 썌 쎄 쎼 쏴 쐐 쐬 쒀 쒜 쒸 씌
ss ssae ssyae sse ssye sswa sswae ssoe ssweo sswe sswi ssui

ㅉ 째 쨰 쩨 쪠 쫘 쫴 쬐 쭤 쮀 쮜 쯰
jj jjae jjyae jje jjye jjwa jjwae jjoe jjweo jjwe jjwi jjui

NOTE: After a combination of a consonant and a vowel, if there is one more consonant
attached at the end, the consonant comes in at the very bottom of the already existing
square, and the other parts get squeezed a little toward the top to make the entire shape a
square again. And the final consonant is called 받침 (batchim).

For Example:

 아 + ㄴ = 안 [an]
 조 + ㅇ = 종 [jong]
 부 + ㄹ = 불 [bul]

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