Third Periodical Test - Science 10 ANS KEY
Third Periodical Test - Science 10 ANS KEY
Third Periodical Test - Science 10 ANS KEY
I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and choose the CORRECT
answer. Write the LETTER only.
c. Female reproductive hormones, such as testosterone, help develop and
1. Sperm is produced in the maintain female sex characteristics and help make egg cells in the
a. testicles b.penis c. seminal vesicle d. urethra ovaries.
d. The production of sperm cells and the release of semen can be
2. Ovaries produce the female sex cells called
regulated by hormones or special chemicals that come from the testis,
a. sperm cell b. egg cells c. estrogen d. progesterone the brain and the pituitary gland These hormones keep the reproductive
3. How does your endocrine system function? system properly functioning.
a. Release hormones into the bloodstream. This lets the hormones 7. Which hormone produce by the ovaries, maintains the lining of the uterus
travel to cells in other parts of the body. after ovulation?
b. Regulate many body functions by constantly releasing a steady amount of a. .Estrogen b. FSH c. Progesterone d. LH
thyroid hormones into the bloodstream. 8. Which hormone, released from the pituitary gland, stimulates the egg to
c. Creates hormones and is responsible for fertility, menstruation and sexual mature?
activity. a. Estrogen b. Progesterone C. FSH D. LH
d. helps all the parts of the body to communicate with each other. It also 9. Why does progesterone inhibit the release of LH after ovulation has
reacts to changes both outside and inside the body. occurred?
4. Both men and women produce hormones in the same areas with one a. So the FSH can be produced and can stimulate the egg to mature
exception, b. So multiple eggs can be released from the ovaries
a. thyroid glands c. pituitary gland c. So only one egg is released from the ovaries
b. reproductive glands d. parathyroid gland d. So the uterus lining can be broken down during menstruation
5. What will happen to a person if there is over or less functioning thyroid? 10. The menstrual cycle begins with the breakdown and shedding of the uterine
a. This may lead to goiter. lining. What scientific term is given to this event?
b. This may lead to dwarfism because growth is stunted. a. Follicular Maturation c. Uterine Breakdown
c. This may lead hypopituitarism b. Menstruation d. Ovulation
d. This may lead to gigantism 11. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for around 4
6. How would you explain the role of hormones in the female reproductive days.Assuming a female is following a typical 28-day cycle, when would a
system? pregnancy be most likely?
a. The female reproductive system has prostate glands. Chemicals from a. Days 6-10 b. Day 12- 16 c. Days 0-5 d. Days 24-28
these glands nourish the gamets and help them mature.
b. The follicles produce hormones that control growth and release of
eggs from the ovaries. While the other hormones prepare the uterus
so a baby can grow in it.
a. RNA b. mRNA c. tRNA d. DNA
12. Predict the outcome if fertilization occurs.
a. The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus then placenta will 20. The following are the nucleotides of DNA except
develop and placenta transfer nutrition & oxygen to the fetus from the a. Uracil b. adenine c. guanine d. thymine
mother. 21. What is codon?
b. The egg moves through the oviduct and enters the uterus. a. A set of three nucleotides in the mRNA which specify a particular
c. If the egg is fertilized by the sperm as it travels down the fallopian amino acid.
tube, then pregnancy occurs. b. a trinucleotide sequence located at one end of a transfer RNA (tRNA)
d. The thick uterine lining is no longer necessary, so the cells of the molecule, which is complementary to a corresponding codon in a
thickened uterine lining break off and leave the vagina. The unfertilized messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence.
egg is lost and some blood is lost too. c. A set of three nucleotides in the tRNA which specify a particular amino
13. An example of natural method acid.
a. Patch b. IUD c. pulling out d. implant d. a trinucleotide sequence located at middle of tRNA molecule, which is
14. The following are the hormonal methods except complementary to a corresponding codon in mRNA sequence
a. Vaginal ring b. injection c. implant d. condom 22. What would happen if there is a change in the DNA sequence of an
15. An organ located within the skull that functions as organizer and distributor of organism?
information for the body. a. Mutation occurs c. translation occurs
a. Brain b. spinal cord c. nerves d. neurons b. Replication occurs d. nothing will happen
16. How can you describe spinal cord? 23. Why is RNA important to the cell?
a. regulate some body functions, including your breathing and heart rate. a. carries information in the DNA to the ribosomes found in the
b. serves as channel for signals between the brain and the rest of the cytoplasm.
body. b. contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and
c. helps with voluntary control of body movements.
d. helps with involuntary control of body movements
c. carry protein information from the DNA in a cell's nucleus to the cell's
17. How will you differentiate the sensory and motor neurons based on their
d. serves as an adaptor [1] between the genetic instructions written in nucleic
a. The motor neurons transmit impulses from the receptor to the brain while
sensory neurons transmit impulses from the brain to the effector. acid sequences and the protein products encoded in genes.
b. The sensory neurons transmit impulses from the receptor to the 24. What sequence shows translation of DNA sequence into RNA code
brain while the motor neurons transmit impulses from the brain to the a. GCA AGT ACC TGA c . GCU AGU ACG TGA
c. Both sensory and motor neurons transmit impulses from the brain to the
d. Both sensory and motor neurons does not transmit impulses from the CGT TCA TGG ACT CCU UCA UGG ACU
brain to the effector 25. Down Syndrome
18. What is the most important organ of our body? a. Trisomy 18 b. trisomy 21 c. trisomy 12 d. trisomy 11
a. lungs b. liver c. brain d. intestines 26. the science of making changes to the genes of a plant or animal to produce
19. It is a single helix molecule composed of complimentary strands of a desired result.
deoxyribonucleotides unit. a. Chemical engineering c. Mechanical engineering
b. Genetic engineering d. civil engineering
27. Is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene c. To know who is the fittest
a. Chromosomal mutation c. karyotyping d. All of the above
b. Gene mutation d. genetic engineering 37. It is the splitting of an ancestral population into two or more sub-populations
that are geographically isolated from one another.
28. How can you compare DNA from RNA? a. Divergent evolution c. homologous
a. DNA- ribose; RNA- deoxyribose b. Convergent evolution d. analogous
b. DNA- cytoplasm; RNA- nucleus 38. The first evolutionist who proposes the Theory of Use and Disuse.
c. DNA- deoxyribose; RNA- ribose a. Charles Darwin c. John Dalton
b. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck d. Alfred Charles Wallace
d. DNA- single strand; RNA- double strand
39. Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural
29. What will happen if a single base is deleted from a DNA strand?
a. No changes will happen c. mutation occurs a. Organs that are not used may disappear, while the organs that are
b. Translation occurs d. replication occurs constantly used may be develop.
30. What would happen if a baby has an extra 18th chromosome? b. In nature, the organism with desirable characteristics may survive,
a. Down Syndrome c. Edward’s Syndrome while those with weaker traits may not.
b. Patau Syndrome d. “Cri du chat” c. Organisms develop desirable structures to survive in a given
31. It is the largest division of Geologic Time Scale. environment.
a. Period b. eon c. epoch d. era d. Acquired characteristics of parents can be passed to the offsprings.
32. Where can most of the fossils be found? 40. According to evolutionists, which is the best test to show the relatedness of
a. Sedimentary rock c. igneous rock two organisms?
b. Granite rock d. metamorphic rock a. Similarity in development
33. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution b. Similarity in courting behaviour
a. Evolution is continuous c. Similarity in structure
d. Similarity in genomic DNA
b. Evolution refers to change
41. Which of the following statements explains Lamarck’s Theory of Use and
c. The world is stable and unchanging Disuse?
d. If there is mutation, there is evolution a. Body structures develop because they are used extensively
34. Which pairs of animals show a correct example of homologous structures? b. Body structures develop because they are not in use
a. Wings of butterfly and bat c. Body structures develop because of competition
b. Flipper of whale and forelimb of cat d. Body structures develop because of mutation
c. Fingers of human and arm of starfish 42. How would you arrange the series of events in the Geologic Time Scale?
d. Tongue of frog and proboscis of mosquito a. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
35. How can you describe The Geologic Time Scale? b. Precambrian , Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic
a. It shows the major events in the Earth’s history c. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian
b. It shows the mammals that are already extinct d. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Precambrian, Cenozoic
c. Its shows how the human evolve 43. A term that describes how varied living things are in a specific area.
d. It shows the age of the Earth a. Ecosystem b. biodiversity c. population d .habitat
36. Which of the following statements supports the idea that extinction is 44. Organisms are part of biodiversity and may be economically and ecologically
valuable. Their products are sources of
a. Food c. shelter
a. To give way for other organisms to develop
b. Medicine d. all of the above
b. To let other organisms evolve and progress 45. Human basic needs belongs to what economic value?
a. Direct economic c. aesthetic value
b. Indirect economic value d. both A and B
47. Mrs. Rosales has 55 students in her Biology class, but she has room for 50.
Because the room was crowded, the 5 students were asked to go to the
curriculum chairperson to change their schedules.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. competition for resources
48. Dinoflagellates in Laguna de Bay increase in population due to an increase
in organic substance in the body of water brought by water pollution.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. competition for resources
49. The oil spill in Cavite area harmed many aquatic organisms in the vicinity.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. competition for resources
50. A new strain of Dengue virus breaks out in the country.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. competition for resources
51. Super typhoon Yolanda caused many residents to leave Leyte.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. natural disaster
52. An increase in population of house lizards in Barangay Himpot causes a
decrease in population of mosquitoes.
a. Human activities c. predation
b. Emigration d. natural disaster