OBJECTIVES and Summary Integrator Project
OBJECTIVES and Summary Integrator Project
OBJECTIVES and Summary Integrator Project
OBJECTIVES The GENERAL OBJECTIVE is the final goal that you want to find in your integrator
Project, you must write it with a verb in infinitive at the begining of the sentence and with the
perspective to satisfy the need of the final consumer.
The specific objectives are three. They must give account of steps and resources of each
integrated subject without mention the specific sbuject, you can integrate a loto f subjects in an
objectives. Dont forget orientate the objective to satisfy the need of final consumer.
SUMMARY: In order to write the summary you must start with the general objective wrote in
simple past, you have to give a brief report of the results gotten in the survey done to identify the
need of the product. It is important to emphazise that you don´t have to give exactly
data(numbers) in this part of the Project, only a general idea of the results to tell the importance
of your product. In the same paragrapth you have to tell the achievment of the specific objectives,
always in past. And the last part of the paragraph you have to close with a litlle conclusión of the
final product and if this really satisfied the final cliente need. Don´t forget write the clue words at
the end.
1. Fill out the next structure to organize the ideas for your objectives.
Specific objective 1:
Specific objective 2:
Specific objective 3:
Result: To satisfy the need of the people who don´t have an arm in order to improve theri qualiiy
3. Fill out the next structure to organize the ideas for your summary.
General objective in past:
Survey results in a general way with specify exactly numbers. (mention the kind of
survey and write in simple past,
Closing summary: a litlle conclusión of the final product and if this really satisfied the
final cliente need. Don´t write in first person, use passive voice for this part and even
future if you have espectactives with the procuct.
4. Write here your paragraph using connectors as: first, second and finally or as a first thing,
next, then and finally , or first that all in adition.