Out of school youth means an individual 16-19 years of age whose high school class
has not graduated and who is no longer enrolled in K-12 of instruction. As per PSA, the out-of-
school children are those who don’t attend school, have not finished a course, or not working.
Youth who do not attend school, or who drop out prematurely, miss many of the fundamentals
of basic education, including basic health information life skills. Such youth are vulnerable to
According to the law (Republic act NO.9155) that was released in August 11, 2001. An
Declaration of policy as it was declared of the state education and to make such education
accessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in high school
level. Such education also includes alternative learning in high school youth and adult learners.
Base on Youth Power of learning and education, despite the remarkable progress over the
past two decades, an estimated 263 million children, adolescents a nd youth worldwide are out
of school. That is the equivalent of one in every five, a figure that has remained relatively
unchanged in the last five years. Estimates suggest that many of these youth (43% of the
children) never enter the classroom. Almost one-third of out-of school adolescents live in conflict
Also, there are known studies about out of school youth that addresses some factors and
problems in dropping out from school that is most likely stems from economic and social reason.
According to the study that they conducted, more than 100,000 girls were pregnant while in
There are no known study in Capoocan Leyte, Specifically in Poblacion Zone 1, Barangay
Buri that states in knowing the common factors affecting the rate of out-of-school in the said
Barangay. Hence, the researcher aims to determine the common factor and also their reason
Hence, the goal of this study is to identify the common factors why there are still out of
school youth in Poblacion Zone 1 in Capoocan, Leyte who have not graduate from high school
or who have not completed a GED (General Educational Development) on high school
equivalency certificate and have demonstrated their eligibility to receive migrant services.
Public schools offer free tuition for enrolment for elementary but also in high school
students. This may count for high enrolment in schools, although the enrolment has a high
result, many poor families in unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their children. The
reason why out of school youth happens because of the problems in the family that forces a
teenager to work early that they shouldn’t be .Department of Education (DepEd) has now a
program for out of school which is the Alternative Learning System (ALS) in which all the non-
scoolers are given opportunity to pursue schooling. And even for those who are already
married, they can still attend this program if they want to have a certificate that will help them
find a better job. Also, for those who are dropped out in Elementary and Secondary School may
Some of the factors that influenced out-of-school youth in this study namely: unaware
of free tuition, financial incapacity of parents, difficulty in passing the entrance exam, some are
getting married early. Among these factors, it was financial incapacity of parents that influenced
information is through Survey Questionnaire, Gathering Data, Interpretation of Data. The output is to determin
the profile of the respondents the out-of-school youth in Pob. Zone 1 Brgy. Buri Capoocan, Leyte
Theoretical Framework
This study was based primarily on Robert k. Merton’s Structural Strains Theory. Clinto
socioeconomic status, gender and, dropout. Boys are much more likely to drop out than girls and dropouts a
most likely from a family with a low socioeconomic status. There has been contention over the influence. Lo
socioeconomic status is a significant predictor of dropout beyond poor academic achievement. Ethnicity an
Poor family socialization theory focuses to the institution of family that appears to very formativ
for developing child. As such, this theory examines the relationship between family background and dropo
rates. The relationship is not particularly strong, pas academic achievement has much more of an influence th
poor family socialization. Factors of poor family socialization include low parental expectations and a paren
lack of education.
Academic mediation theory research has shown that poor academic achievement is the one of th
strongest predictor of high school dropout. This theory examines the mediation effect of poor academ
achievement on other factors, such as deviant affiliation, personal deviance, family socialization and structur
strains, associated with school dropout. Essentially, it looks at how poor academic achievement interacts w
and effects the relationship between high school dropout and other factors. The model for this theory was show
In a relation to these theories, the present study aimed to analyze the common
factors affecting the OSY (Out of School). To determine why there are out of school in
This study aims to determine the different factors or reasons why there are still out of
4. Are you willing to continue your studies with the help of the program of the DepEd?
There is no significant relationship between factors affecting out-of-school to the out of school
There is a significant relationship between factors affecting out-of-school to the out of school
This study focuses on the common factors affecting out-of-school youth that aged (16-14, 15-
To all the youth, this study will serve as their bases and will make them realize why education is
To the out-of-school youth, the result of this study may provide information and may serve to
encourage them to continue to reach their goals and the learning’s and norms in the said
society. This study can also help to people to realize the importance of having good education.
To the parents, this study parental involvement is a critical factor in the success of children’s
such education. When parents are involved in their children’s education, parental support is a
very big help for their children to feel that they are being supported by their parents in achieving
their goals. This may also inform them that there will be a possible negative impact to their
To the teachers, this study will help them identify on what kind of support or strategy to do to
To the municipality, this study will enable them to generate strategy on how to lessen the ratings
of out of school or on how to help them find work or something that will be helpful to them.
Title of the study: Out of School Youth in Poblacion Zone 1 Barangay Buri, Capoocan, Leyte
WHERE: This study was conducted in Poblacion Zone 1 Barangay Buri in Capoocan, Leyte.
WHO: The population considered was limited to those youth who is being identified as out of
WHAT AND WHY: The study was concerned with(1)the factors affecting the out of school
youth; and (2) the effect of those existing factors to the current situation of the out of school
youth. The condition of the respondents was to be described also in terms of their demographic
HOW: This involves a survey for those who are out of school youth. The selections of the
respondents are limited since there are lots of people in Poblacion Zone 1 in Capoocan Leyte
Definition of terms
Education- its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge skills, values, beliefs,
and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through
storytelling, training, and search.
Poverty- the state of being extremely poor. Being inferior in quality or insufficient in amount.
Peer Pressure- is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages
others to change their attitudes, values, or behavior to conform the group norms.