Phylogeny and Classification, Student Learning: Name: - Period: - Date
Phylogeny and Classification, Student Learning: Name: - Period: - Date
Phylogeny and Classification, Student Learning: Name: - Period: - Date
1. Read “Phylogeny shows evolution’s branching pattern.” MASTERING THE TERMS: In the space below, define each of
the following terms
2. Take the quiz “Phylogeny Introduction: Checking ● Clade
SUMMARIZING: Using the phylogenetic tree below, write a ● Node
paragraph explaining the story of finch evolution on the
Galapagos islands. Use terms such as “node,” “clade,” ● Lineage
“speciation,” and “common ancestor.”
● Taxon
● Terminal taxon
● Binomial Page 1 of 3
Checking Understanding: In the spaces below, answer, 6. Explain the diagram below (with a particular focus on the
define or explain. tangled web on the bottom).
1. What’s a character table?
5. For a given protein or gene, why would you expect sister taxa
to have closely matching amino acid and nucleotide
sequences? Page 2 of 3 Name:________________________
Phylogeny and Classification
Note: if you can’t print this out, make a table below these clues and put your answers there.
Across: Down:
3 - The name for the process that occurs at the branch points in a 1 - A diagram that shows branching evolution, but
phylogenetic tree. the branches have no relationship to time.
4 - The most general of the classification categories 2 - The two part name given to every species is
5 - The classification category just above species known as a _____________.
6 - The scientist who developed the modern science of 3 - These kind of taxa split off from the same
classification ancestor
10 - Avoid this type of character when creating a phylogeny 6 - A single line of descent within a phylogenetic
12 - The study of evolutionary history tree is a ________.
13 – An oxygen-carrying protein widely used in determining 7 - A taxon that's also a clade must be
phylogenetic relationships ______________.
16 - If you can calibrate a molecular _________, you can estimate 8 - A group of organisms that can interbreed to
the time of divergence between two species. produce fertile offspring
18 - A group that consists of a common ancestor, and all of its 9 - In a phylogenetic tree, the ancestors are
descendants. located at ___________.
19 - The science of classification is known as ___________. 11 - Every clade is united by a single common
20 - This kind of taxon excludes some members of its clade. _____________.
21 - A feature that unites a clade is a shared ___________ feature. 14 - The language used to name species
22 - A protein in the electron transport chain widely used as a 15 - This type of gene transfer occurs in bacteria,
molecular clock. and happened very frequently early in life's history.
24 - A taxon used to identify the common ancestor of an ingroup. 17 - Any quantifiable, heritable trait that can be
25 - This kind of taxon includes lineages that spring from separate used to determine phylogeny
ancestors. 23 - A named group of organisms.
Possible Answers: Latin, Linnaeus, analogy, ancestor, binomial, character, clade, cladogram, clock, cytochrome, derived,
domain, genus, hemoglobin, horizontal, lineage, monophyletic, nodes, outgroup, paraphyletic, phylogeny, polyphyletic,
sister, speciation , species, taxon, taxonomy Page 3 of 3