How Are Biomes Modified For Agriculture?: From The Board, Write The Headings
How Are Biomes Modified For Agriculture?: From The Board, Write The Headings
How Are Biomes Modified For Agriculture?: From The Board, Write The Headings
Throughout the twentieth century rapid population growth and the development of new technologies
allowed for larger scale agriculture to occur. To accommodate the increase in size and number of farms to
grow crops and graze animals, biomes were altered to meet the higher production demands. In general, the
focus of agriculture is to modify water, climate, soils, land, and crops.
Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil to supplement natural rainfall. It is used to
assist in the growing of agricultural crops to increase food production in dry areas and during periods of
inadequate rainfall. In flood irrigation, water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity. It is
by far the most common form of irrigation throughout the world, and has been practised in many areas,
virtually unchanged, for thousands of years. Modern irrigation methods include computer-controlled drip
systems that deliver precise amounts of water to a plant’s root zone.
Another way of modifying climate is with the use of greenhouses (or glasshouses) used for growing
flowers, vegetables, fruits, and tobacco. Greenhouses provide an artificial biotic environment to protect
crops from heat and cold and to keep out pests. Light and temperature control allows greenhouses to turn
non-arable land into arable land, thereby improving food production in marginal environments.
Greenhouses allow crops to be grown throughout the year, making them especially important in high-
latitude countries.
The largest expanse of plastic greenhouses in the world is around Almeria, in south-east Spain. Here,
since the 1970s, semi-arid pasture land has been replaced by greenhouse horticulture. Today, Almeria has
become Europe’s market garden. To grow food all year round, the region has around 26 000 hectares of
Fertilisers are organic or inorganic materials that are added to soils to supply one or more essential plant
nutrients. Fertilisers are essential for high-yield harvests, and it is estimated that about 40 to 60 per cent of
crop yields are due to fertiliser use. It is estimated that almost half the people on Earth are currently fed as
a result of adding fertiliser to food crops.
People change landscapes in order to produce food. Undulating land can be flattened, steep slopes
terraced, or stepped, and wetlands drained. Land reclamation is the process of creating new land from
seas, rivers or lakes. In addition, it can involve turning previously unfarmed land, or degraded land, into
arable land by fixing major deficiencies in the soil’s structure, drainage, or fertility.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch have tackled huge reclamation schemes to add land area to their country.
One such scheme is the Ijsselmeer, where four large areas (polders) have been reclaimed from the sea,
adding an extra 1650 square kilometres for cultivation. This has increased the food supply in the.
Netherlands and created an overspill town for Amsterdam.
2. Describe how soils are modified and how undulating land is changed for agriculture.
4. Draw an image of a greenhouse. Provide a sentence as to why people use them to produce food.