Mabini Colleges, Inc. College of Education: Vision
Mabini Colleges, Inc. College of Education: Vision
Mabini Colleges, Inc. College of Education: Vision
MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction, research and extension service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution to
national and global growth and development.
Specifically, it transforms students into:
Productive, and
Locally and Globally competitive persons
Institutional Philosophy
Mabini Colleges shall be citadel to learning, like a beacon, ever inspiring and urging the youth of Camarines Norte to forge ahead higher levels of
achievement. It is inspired by the immortal words, loving thoughts, moral values and intense nationalism of its late founder Miguel R. Ibana and the
enduring Filipino values of our great hero, Apolinario Mabini. The college is committed to produce Filipino citizens who:
PEO1: Demonstrate competence on teaching across the different learning areas in elementary education/demonstrate competence on teaching
children with special needs/demonstrate competence in teaching preschool pupils/ demonstrate competence on teaching in one of the learning
areas in secondary schools particularly, Mathematics, English, Filipino, Social Studies, Culture and Arts, or Physical Education.
PEO2: Practice professional and ethical acts in the work place and other human relations;
PEO3: Participate in research activities to improve teaching-learning conditions;
PEO4: Engage in lifelong learning through graduate and post graduate studies, and training in the field;
PEO5: Demonstrate effective organizational communication for sound interpersonal relations; and
PEO6: Involve in service-oriented activities in the organization.
Program Outcomes:
PLO1-Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, Socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts;
PLO2-Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline;
PLO3-Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environment;
PLO4-Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;
PLO5 -Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices;
PLO6- Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes;
PLO7 -Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and global realities;
PLO8 -Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities.
Course Mapping:
A. Program Educational Outcomes with Program Outcomes
PLO3-Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate; HC MC C C MC C
PLO4-Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse HC MC HC C MC C
PLO5-Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, and reporting relevant HC C HC HC MC C
and sustainable educational practices;
PLO6-Demonstrate a variety skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes HC C HC HC MC C
and outcomes
PLO7-Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and C HC C C HC C
global realities;
PLO8-Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and C C HC HC C C
field-based opportunities
Course Outcomes PLO1 PLO 2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6 PLO7 PLO8
Cognitive L L P O P L L P
B. Discuss leadership and management styles that establish positive school culture for L L P P O L L L
effective school performance.
Affective L L O O O P L O
Psychomotor L L P P O P L P
F. Design and develop an action plan/development plan reflective of their skills and
competencies as school leaders.
I. Course Code and Title: PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 5 – The Teacher and Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
II. Prerequisite/s: None
III. Unit Credit: 3 units
IV. Course Description: This course focuses on society as a context in which the schools have been established. Educational philosophies that are
related to society as a foundation of schools and schooling shall be emphasized. Further, principles and theories on school culture, and organizational
leadership shall be included to prepare prospective teachers to become school leaders and managers.
V. Learning Plan
Intended Learning Asynchronous Synchronous
Topics/Subject Matter (1.5 hours per week) (1.5 hours per week) Evaluation Tools Time
Resources and Materials
At the end of the unit, the
students can: 1. Philosophical Thoughts on Writing a reflection paper Lecture Written Quiz
Discuss the six philosophical Education about their roles as an ESP Weeks
thoughts on education a. John Locke: The teacher Small-Group discussion Oral Questioning 2-6
Empiricist Educator
State the relationship between b. Herbert Spencer: Role-play the six philosophical Group Presentations
society and schools Utilitarian Education Internet research thoughts on education
c. John Dewey: Learning
Prove that schools transmit
through Experience Illustrating through a diagram
cultural values by stating facts
d. George Counts: the development of the Action song
from education history in the
Building a New Social Philippine Educational System
world and in the Philippines
Explain the meaning of e. Theodore Brameld:
socialization as a function of Social
schools Reconstructionism
f. Paulo Freire: Critical
2. Historical Foundation of
a. Education in Primitive
b. The History of the
Philippine Educational
3. Other Developments
Cite some ways by which 2. Global Issues that Concern Research (interview, survey) Weeks
schools can counteract the Schools and Society Simulation Group Presentation 7-10
weaknesses of the Filipino
character 3. The Why and How of Essays
School and Community
Discuss global issues that Partnership Presentation of outputs
concern schools and society a. What the community
do for schools
Explain and propose solutions b. What schools do for
to the social problems community
c. Experiences of Schools
Explain the meaning of school and Community
and community partnership Partners
d. Sociological Basis of
Explain the legal and School-Community
sociological bases of school Partnership
and community partnership e. Legal Bases for
Parents and
Cite examples of school- Community
community partnerships Involvement
IX. Course Policies: In this Pandemic time, reasonable consideration in attendance and submission of assignments and projects is observed.
However, everyone should observe ethics in attending Google meets and in posting/responding in the Google classroom.
X. Textbook/s References:
Prieto, N.; Arcangel, C.; and Corpuz, B. (2019). The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing House.
Gloria G. Salandanan (2012) Teaching and The Teacher. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing House.
Tassoni, P. (2016) Reducing Educational Disadvantages
Vitaliano Bernardino The Philippine community school Kulbir Singh Sidhu School Organization and Administration