Meal Plan: Your Total 30 Day Healthy Living Meal Plan & Work Book
Meal Plan: Your Total 30 Day Healthy Living Meal Plan & Work Book
Meal Plan: Your Total 30 Day Healthy Living Meal Plan & Work Book
This is primarily a healthy eating guide, but if you are following along with a BodyRock bootcamp or other workout challenge, keep track of
everything together in this meal plan workbook! Note your starting points here, so you can compare at the end of the 30 days!
Some of you may have allergies, or intolerances so don’t forget to run through the meal plan and make notes of swap outs. For all the vegans and vegetarians out there, feel
free to use protein/meat replacements, or swap out the entire recipe - the recipe book accompaniment has a bunch of vegan and vegetarian recipes, just remember to pick
one with similar macros (calories, carbs, fats, & proteins). If you have an allergy to an ingredient, just switch it out.
For some people this plan may be the perfect balance of calories and macros, but for others it may be a little high or low, depending on you physical goals. Some of you
might be looking to lose weight, others may be hardcore BodyRockers, that require a lot more of everything.
So we’re going to show you a few guides to work out what you should be eating! But in order to know that you’re going to need to know your BMR &
TDEE. But don’t worry! We’ll make it as simple as possible, lets start with the basics...
So, what exactly is a calorie? We hear the Each cell in your body requires energy (which Once you have calculated your BMR, you can
word all the time but when it comes to actual- it gets from calories you eat) to function. The scale this number to include your physical ac-
ly defining it, most of us are in the dark. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the absolute tivity level, arriving at your Total Daily Energy
minimal amount of energy your body needs in Expenditure (TDEE). This number can then
By definition, a calorie is the amount of ener- a 24 hour period to stay alive. This measure- be used to determine the number of calories
gy required to heat up one kilogram of water ment excludes any and all physical activity, you need to maintain your weight, and with a
one degree Celsius. calculating the number of calories you would few more calculations, the amount you need
burn if you laid in bed all day without moving. to consume to lose weight.
When it comes to your fitness goals, a calorie
is, simply put, a measurement of stored (po- One of the most accurate ways to calculate To find your TDEE, take your BMR and mul-
tential) energy. The calorie count of food is a your BMR is with the Mifflin-St Jeor Formula. tiply that by the number that is determined
way for you to track the amount of potential It looks like this: by your activity level.
energy contained in that food.
For Men:
10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age
(y) + 5
For Women:
10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age
(y) – 161
e ’ s S a r a h hERE’S YOU
H e r
Adapt • Adding or subtracting ingredients until you’re hitting your desired intake.
• Changing specific ingredients for dietary needs
use me As you achieve the goals, tick them off, and once you’ve completed the week plan, you can reward yourself with
whatever you put in the rewards area (Try not to make this cheat foods!). Also don’t forget to jot down any achieve-
ment and setbacks, these will also help keep you motivated!
You’ll find your weekly shopping lists before the corresponding week schedule. But here is a pantry list of things you’ll most likely have already, the staple
spices and condiments, if there’s any you don’t have add them to your shopping lists!
1 large container of protein 1 bag chili powder 1 bag basil 1 curry powder
powder (flavor of choice: vanilla
recommended) 1 bag crushed red pepper 1 jar salsa 1 bag turmeric
1 bottle extra virgin olive oil 1 bag onion powder 1 jar dijon mustard 1 container nutmeg
1 bag oats 1 bag oregano 1 bag thyme 1 package basmati rice
1 bottle red wine vinegar 1 bag cinnamon 1 container raw cacao 1 container cornstarch
1 bottle balsamic vinegar 1 bag cumin 1 bottle vanilla extract
1 container coarse sea salt 1 container Mrs. Dash Streak 1 bag garlic powder
1 container black pepper 1 jar banana peppers
1 container Mrs. Dash Garlic
1 bag cayenne pepper and Herb Seasoning 1 container nutmeg
VEGETABLES 1 1/2 cup grape PROTEINS/ 5 oz salmon fillet entire 30 days) DAIRY
& FRUITS tomatoes LEGUMES 1 large jar natural,
4 oz flank steak 1 container of un-
1 cup berries 1 bunch cilantro 4 slices deli turkey unsweetened peanut sweetened almond
(fresh or frozen) breast 1/2 cup black butter milk (32 oz)
2 bunch aspara- beans
2 cups red grapes gus 5 oz lean ground 5 walnuts 2 oz cheddar
turkey NUTS/OILS/ cheese
2 cups blueberries 1 bulb garlic GRAIN 1 large box brown
1 turkey bacon rice (at least 7 cups, 1 oz feta cheese
1 cup mango (fro- 3 lemons (this will last the en- 1 package brown this will last the entire
zen) tire 30 days) flax 30 days) 2 cups plain
2 tomatoes Greek yogurt
1 cup peach 2 x 4 oz lean 5 kalamata olives 1 cup almonds
(frozen) 2 cups green one stick of butter
beans ground beef 1 package quinoa 1 package chia
3 red bell peppers 4 oz tuna steak seeds 1 cup cottage
1 medium sweet 1 bottle extra vir- cheese
4 bananas potato 6 eggs gin olive oil 15 pecans
2 oz manchego
2 avocados 1 carrot 1 carton liquid 1 bag oats 1 package hemp cheese
2 limes 5 strawberries egg whites 1 package Eze- seeds
2 x 4 oz cod fillets kiel tortilla (keep 1 package lentils
7 1/2 cups spinach 14 pitted dates in freezer to use 1 can vegetable
2 apple 7 cups brussels 4 x 4 oz chicken throughout entire 30 1 package millet broth
sprouts breast days) SPICES &
1 large onion OPTIONAL
1 package frozen 1 cup shelled eda- 1 package Ezekiel CONDIMENTS
1/2 cucumber mame bread (keep in freez- PB2
corn 1 jar salsa
er to use throughout
VEGETABLES 2 limes matoes 2 x 4 oz ahi tuna 1 jar almond but- 2 oz feta cheese
& FRUITS 1 cups blueberries steaks ter
4 bunch aspara- 1 oz sliced ched-
5 bananas gus 2 tomatoes 4 slices deli turkey 5 walnuts dar
1 apple 4 cups brussels 2 pears 10 pecans 1 oz manchego
sprouts 4 x 4 oz chicken cheese
1 1/2 cups berries 12 pitted dates breasts SPICES &
(fresh or frozen) 1 carrot CONDIMENTS MISC.
2 cups grapes 3 medium onions PROTEINS/ 4 oz extra lean
1 jar salsa 1 can vegetable
LEGUMES ground beef
1 cup peach 2 avocados 2 cups edamame 3/4 cup black DAIRY
(frozen) beans
1 cucumber 3 x 4 oz lean 2 cups Greek yo-
1 cup mango (fro- ground turkey NUTS/OILS/ gurt
zen) 7 cups spinach
GRAIN 1/2 cup cottage
2 cups kale 4 lemons 2 x 5 oz salmon cheese
fillet 10 kalamata olives
1 bunch cilantro 1 bulb garlic 42 oz unsweet-
1 carton egg 1 jar coconut oil
4 cup grape to- whites ened almond milk
4 red bell peppers 84 almonds
VEGETABLES 2 bunch aspara- 1 cup snap peas 4 oz extra lean 1 package red len- 1 oz manchego
& FRUITS gus ground turkey tils cheese
1 1/2 tbsp fresh
2 avocados 4 bananas ginger 4 x 4 oz chicken SPICES & 1 stick butter
1 bulb garlic 5 strawberries 1 lime 1/3 cup coconut
2 x 4 oz cod fillets 1 jar salsa milk
2 large onions 2 cup blueberries 1 medium pear
2 x 4 oz flank 8oz tomato sauce
1 cup peach 2 cup green beans 2 dates steaks
1 medium sweet PROTEINS/ 5 oz salmon fillet
1 cup mango (fro- potato LEGUMES DAIRY
zen) 8 slices deli turkey
1 cup mixed ber- 6 eggs breast 1 cup Greek yo-
4 cups brussels ries gurt
sprouts 1 carton liquid 1 cup edamame
10 1/2 cup spinach egg white 1 cup cottage
2 lemons NUTS/OILS/ cheese
2 carrots 1/4 cup black GRAIN
2 cup red grapes beans 38 oz unsweet-
1 cucumber 88 almonds ened almond milk
1 apple 4 oz ahi tuna
2 red bell pepper steak 3 pecans 1 oz feta cheese
1 1/2 cup grape
tomatoes 4 green onion 4 oz extra lean 5 kalamata olives 1 oz sliced ched-
10 mushrooms ground beef dar
1 tomato
VEGETABLES 2 lime 2 tomatoes 4 slices deli turkey 1 jar coconut oil 1 oz manchego
& FRUITS breast cheese
4 bunch aspara- 2 pears 5 walnuts
5 bananas gus 4 x 4 chicken MISC.
12 pitted dates breast SPICES &
1 apple 1 carrot CONDIMENTS 1 can vegetable
PROTEINS/ 4 oz extra lean broth
1 1/2 cup berries 3 medium onions LEGUMES ground beef 1 jar salsa
(fresh or frozen)
2 avocados 2 cup edamame 3/4 cup black DAIRY
2 cups grapes beans
1 cucumber 3 x 4oz lean 2 cups Greek yo-
1 cup mango (fro- ground turkey NUTS/OILS/ gurt
zen) 7 cup spinach
2 x 5 oz salmon GRAIN 1/2 cup cottage
1 cup peach (fro- 4 lemons fillet cheese
84 almonds
zen) 1 bulb garlic 1 carton egg 10 pecans 42 oz unsweet-
2 cups kale 4 cup grape to- whites ened almond milk
matoes 10 kalamata olives
1 bunch cilantro 2 x 4 oz ahi tuna 2 oz feta cheese
1 cup blueberries steak 1 jar almond but-
4 red bell pepper ter 1 oz sliced ched-
4 oz flank steak dar
VEGETABLES 1/2 cup snap peas 2 dates 1 cucumber ground turkey 5 walnuts
1/2 tbsp ginger 1 cup grape toma- 1/2 cup spinach 2 x 4 oz flank DAIRY
1 carrot toes steaks
2 cloves garlic PROTEINS/ 1/2 cup cottage
1 red bell pepper 1 bunch asparagus LEGUMES NUTS/OILS/ cheese
1 lime GRAIN
2 green onions 1 lemon 4 oz ahi tuna 8 oz unsweetened
1 avocado steak 3 pecans almond milk
5 mushrooms 1 small onion
2 banana 4 oz extra lean 5 kalamata olives 1 oz feta cheese
STATS: WEIGHT: FAT % OR BMI ETC ________ MAX: ________ MAX: ________ MAX: