1st Analysis
1st Analysis
1st Analysis
SRN : 2223042013
1st Article
The title is written clearly and economically. It contains of 19 words, and it is the common
number of words that can be written as a title.
There are two authors complete with the correspondence including organization and affiliation.
The corresponding email is written under the abstract not in the correspondence of the authors.
The abstract consists of 299 words which can be considered common amount of word that can be
written in abstract where most of abstracts are written in 150-250 words.
There are also some keywords that relevant to the recent study.
1) Why Speaking?
As one of the language skills, speaking has a major and crucial role in facilitating
students to learn a foreign language. Speaking is very important because speaking and
human being cannot be separated from each other (Sudharma, 2007:1). Speaking is used
to express their ideas and to communicate to people in civilized world. That is way
speaking is important.
2) What happens to (learners/students) with speaking?
Based on preliminary studies conducted at SMK Harapan Mekar Medan, in class XI AK-
1 SMK Harapan Mekar Medan have difficulty in speaking and many students are not
interested in speaking English, some students do not confidence in speaking English.
Regrettably, the students’ speaking achievement is still far from being satisfactory. The
fact also shows that the students’ problem in speaking is first, in class XI AK-1, the
researcher teaches speaking skills. At that time, the researcher gave the task to retell their
own experiences whatever they wanted to convey. Some students can do that, but some
of them cannot. Second, students are still afraid to explore what they want to ask about
material. Third, students are still afraid to make mistakes if they will talk. Fourth,
students rarely practice using English in their daily communication. Fifth, the method or
technique used by the teacher is exactly the same in each class meeting.
Because, the researcher assumes that one of the good ways of teaching speaking is
through Descriptive Text, Presentation Practice Production (PPP) technique and Picture
Card as a Media. Presentation Practice Production is a technique for teaching structure in
a foreign language, as its name suggests Presentation Practice Production is divided into
three phases, moving from tight teacher control toward greater learner freedom
(Kostoulas, 2012: 2).
4) What researchers have done with respect to PPP Technique for Speaking?
According to Harmer (2013: 24) said that PPP technique is the simple way to teach
foreign language, especially in communicative classroom. The students would
communicate well, if they have rich vocabulary. The new teachers which were applied
PPP technique in their class room, they were often getting successes.
Therefore, the PPP not only can be applied to teach grammar and vocabulary items, but it
can be used to teach speaking. Based on that explanation, the teachers must choose the
best way to teach speaking English. Therefore, this technique can increase their
motivation in learning to speak English. Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP)
techniques are interesting techniques because the learning proc ess is not only important
for the teaching and learning process. In addition, the use of Presentation, Practice,
Production (PPP) techniques can be made to communicate situations in the teaching and
learning process. From the theory above, researchers believe that the techniques of
application, practice, production (PPP) can be improved by the learning process of
speaking English.
1. Are the techniques used appropriate for the collection and analysis of the data?
Yes. The design of classroom action research use in this study is a cyclical process.
2. Does it clearly explain the participants/respondents of research?
Yes. The participants of this research are tenth grade students of SMK Harapan Mekar
Medan in the academic year 2019- 2020. The population consists of two classes with 50
students. The researcher toke 20 students of class IX AK1 as the samples.
3. Does it clearly explain the instruments used in research?
Yes. The qualitative data was analyzed from observation sheet and interview sheet and
the quantitative data was taken by speaking test that pretest and posttest gave to the
students in each cycle.
4. Is the technique of data collection explained clearly?
Yes. It consisted of four main steps, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and
5. Is the technique of data analysis explained clearly?
The researchers did not mention the name of the formula but they stated the formulation
1. Are the findings expressed clearly?
Yes. The researcher explained clearly by stating the results of both cycles.
2. Is the presentation of the findings adequate and consistent?
Yes. For the total increasing of the students’ score from pre-test to post-test of cycle two
(II) were100%. In other words, the students’ speaking skill improved and became well in
the first meeting to the next meeting.
3. Are the tables and figures, if any, arranged and explained well?
There is no table or figure that the researchers stated in the findings.
4. Do the findings answer the research question of this paper?
Yes. The finding showed the increasing of the students’ scores from the pre-test to the
post-test of cycle (I), post-test of cycle (I) to post-test cycle (II). In the first test (pre-test)
the students got the score ≥ 70 were only 2 students of 20 students (10%). In the second
test (post-test cycle I) the students who got the score ≥ 70 were 11 students of 20 students
(55%). In the third test (post-test in cycle II) the students who got the score ≥ 70 were 20
students of 20 students (100%). The increasing of post-test of cycle (I) to the post-test
cycle (II) were about 45%. The result indicated that there was an increasing on the
students speaking skill by using presentation, practice, and production (PPP) technique.
1. Are the discussions meaningful, valid, and based on the findings?
Yes. From the discussion research analysis, it was found the improvement of students’
speaking skill. The mean of post-test in cycle (I) was better than pre-test and mean of
post-test in cycle (II) was better than post-test in cycle (I). The percentage of students
who got 70 up improved in each cycle, and also based on the finding stating that
presentation, practice, and production (PPP) technique could improve students’ speaking
2. Are the discussions drawn reasonable and linked to other studies on the topic?
The researcher did not state the reasonable and linked to other studies on the topic in the
discussion section.