Mathematics: GCSE (9-1) Specification
Mathematics: GCSE (9-1) Specification
Mathematics: GCSE (9-1) Specification
Oxford Cambridge and RSA
GCSE (9-1)
For first assessment in 2017
5 Appendices 55
5a. Grade descriptors 55
5b. Overlap with other qualifications 56
5c. Avoidance of bias 56
Summary of Updates 56
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics i
GCSE (9–1) Mathematics (from September 2015)
We’ve developed an inspiring, motivating and coherent Meet the team
mathematics specification for the entire ability range.
We have a dedicated team of Mathematics Subject
It emphasises and encourages:
Advisors working on our mathematics qualifications.
• Sound understanding of concepts
Find out more about our mathematics qualifications
• Fluency in procedural skill and support at
• Competency to apply mathematical skills in a If you need specialist advice, guidance or support, get
range of contexts in touch:
• Confidence in mathematical problem solving. 01223 553998
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ii GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
Teaching and learning resources
We recognise that the introduction of a new Plenty of useful resources
specification can bring challenges for implementation
and teaching. Our aim is to assist you at every stage. You’ll have four main types of subject-specific teaching
We have worked hard in close consultation with and learning resources at your fingertips:
teachers and other subject experts to provide a
• Delivery Guides
practical package of support to help you to make the
move to OCR GCSE (9-1) Maths. • Transition Guides
Designed to support progression for all • Topic Exploration Packs
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics iii
Professional Development
Take advantage of our improved Professional These events are designed to help support you at
Development webpages, designed with you in mind. every stage, from making the move to OCR through to
Whether you want to come to events, look at our new preparing for assessment.
digital training or search for training materials, you
can find what you’re looking for all in one place on our Visit for details and booking
Professional Development webpages. of upcoming training, or to find materials from
previous courses.
We run regular sessions introducing OCR GCSE (9-1)
Mathematics qualification, as well as sessions on To receive the latest information about the training we
marking or giving you feedback on student exam offer, please register for GCSE email updates at
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iv GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
1 Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in
1a. Why choose an OCR qualification?
Choose OCR and you’ve got the reassurance that We provide a range of support services designed to
you’re working with one of the UK’s leading exam help you at every stage, from preparation through to
boards. Our GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics course
has been developed in consultation with teachers,
the delivery of our specifications. This includes:
employers and Higher Education to provide students • A wide range of high-quality creative resources
with a qualification that’s relevant to them and meets including:
their needs. o Delivery Guides
o Transition Guides
We’re part of the Cambridge Assessment Group, o Topic Exploration Packs
Europe’s largest assessment agency and a department o Lesson Elements
of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge Assessment o …and much more.
plays a leading role in developing and delivering
assessments throughout the world, operating in over
150 countries. • Access to Subject Advisors to support you
through the transition and throughout the
We work with a range of education providers, including lifetimes of the specifications.
schools, colleges, workplaces and other institutions
in both the public and private sectors. Over 13,000
• CPD/Training for teachers to introduce the
centres choose our A levels, GCSEs and vocational
qualifications and prepare you for first teaching.
qualifications including Cambridge Nationals and
Cambridge Technicals.
• Active Results – our free results analysis service
Our Specifications helps you review the performance of individual
students or across your whole school.
We believe in developing specifications that help you
bring the subject to life and inspire your students to
achieve more. • ExamBuilder – our free online past papers
service that enables you to build your own test
We’ve created teacher-friendly specifications based on papers from past OCR exam questions.
extensive research and engagement with the teaching
community. They’re designed to be straightforward
and accessible so that you can tailor the delivery of All GCSE (9–1) qualifications offered by OCR are
the course to suit your needs. We aim to encourage accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications
learners to become responsible for their own learning, offered in England. The QN for this qualification is
confident in discussing ideas, innovative and engaged. QN 601/4606/0.
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 1
1b. Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics?
OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics provides a broad, Learner-focused
coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study.
1 It encourages learners to develop confidence in,
and a positive attitude towards mathematics and to
• OCR’s specification and assessment will consist
of mathematics fit for the modern world and
recognise the importance of mathematics in their presented in authentic contexts.
own lives and to society. It also provides a strong • It will allow learners to develop mathematical
mathematical foundation for learners who go on to independence built on a sound base of
study mathematics at a higher level, post-16. conceptual learning and understanding.
Aims and learning outcomes • OCR will target support and resources to develop
fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.
OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics enables learners to:
• It will be a springboard for future progress and
• develop fluent knowledge, skills and achievement in a variety of qualifications across
understanding of mathematical methods and subjects along with employment.
concepts Teacher-centred
• acquire, select and apply mathematical
• OCR will provide an extensive teacher support
techniques to solve problems
package, including high-quality flexible
• reason mathematically, make deductions and resources, particularly for the new GCSE (9–1)
inferences and draw conclusions subject areas and assessment objectives.
• comprehend, interpret and communicate • OCR’s support and resources will focus on
mathematical information in a variety of forms empowering teachers, exploring teaching
appropriate to the information and context. methods and classroom innovation alongside
more direct content-based resources.
OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics is:
• OCR’s assessment will be solid and dependable,
Worthwhile recognising positive achievement in candidate
learning and ability.
• Research, international comparisons and
engagement with both teachers and the wider Dependable
education community have been used to
enhance the reliability, validity and appeal of our • OCR’s high-quality assessments are backed up
assessment tasks in mathematics. by sound educational principles and a belief that
the utility, richness and power of mathematics
• It will encourage the teaching of interesting should be made evident and accessible to all
mathematics, aiming for mastery leading to learners.
positive exam results.
• An emphasis on learning and understanding
mathematical concepts underpinned by a sound,
reliable and valid assessment.
© OCR 2021
2 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
1c. What are the key features of this specification?
• A simple assessment model, featuring 3 papers • A flexible support package for teachers formed
at each tier, of equal length with identical through listening to teachers’ needs, allowing
mark allocations and identical weightings of
Assessment Objectives and subject content.
teachers to easily understand the requirements
of the qualification and present the qualification 1
to learners.
• A specification developed by teachers
specifically for teachers, laying out the required • A team of OCR Subject Advisors, who centres
content clearly in terms of both topic area can contact for subject and assessment queries.
and difficulty, facilitating learners’ progression
through the content. • Part of a wide range of OCR mathematics
assessments, allowing progression into a range
• An exciting package of free resources, developed of further qualifications, from A and AS Level
in conjunction with teachers and through Mathematics and Further Mathematics to Free
research by Cambridge Assessment, taking Standing Mathematics Qualifications, Core
learners from Key Stage 3 right the way through Maths, Level 3 certificates and more.
GCSE, which can be adapted as required by
teachers and shaped to their learners’ needs. • A mock exams package to assess the progression
of learners and easily pick up on topics requiring
further teaching.
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 3
2 The specification overview
Any topic area may be assessed on any
Where content in one column is not further 2
exemplified in the column(s) to its right, that content
component, as relevant at that tier. may be assessed at a higher level of demand than
• The content of this specification is presented given, as appropriate for learners attaining a higher
in three columns, representing a progression grade. The expectation is that themes will be
within the content strands. developed further and connections explored even
when not explicitly stated.
• The columns are cumulative so that the
expectation of a Foundation tier learner is Formulae
exemplified by the first two columns and
that of a Higher tier learner is the sum of the The assessment for this specification will not include
statements in all three columns. a formula sheet. All formulae which learners are
required to know are given in the specification under
• Many higher tier learners will already be 6.02d.
confident and competent with the content of
the first column when they begin their GCSE All other formulae required will be given in the
(9–1) course. It may therefore not be necessary assessment.
to cover this content explicitly with all learners,
though all learners will be assessed on this Units and measures
content at an appropriate level of demand.
Learners should be familiar with and calculate with
• Learners should build on all of the content from appropriate units: 24-hour and 12-hour clock;
earlier key stages. Knowledge of the content of seconds (s), minutes (min), hours (h), days, months
Key Stages 1 and 2 is therefore assumed, but will and years including the relation between consecutive
not be assessed directly. units (1 year = 365 days); £ and pence; $ and cents;
€ and cents; degrees; standard units of mass, length,
The division of content into three columns is intended
area, volume and capacity, and related compound
to give an indication of the progression in conceptual
units. Learners should be able to convert between
and procedural difficulty in each content strand.
units efficiently. Learners should be able to use rulers
This structure: and protractors to measure the lengths of lines and the
sizes of angles.
• helps teachers to target teaching appropriately
• promotes assessment for learning by presenting Calculators
the content as a progression not simply the end If no reference is made in the specification to
point calculator use then learners are expected to be able
to use both calculator and non-calculator methods. All
• allows teachers to start this GCSE (9–1) course
content may be assessed on either the calculator or
at a level which is appropriate to their learners,
non-calculator papers.
without feeling that they have to spend time on
content with which their learners are familiar
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 5
Sketching and plotting curves Statement References
This specification makes a distinction between Individual references for the statements of this
sketching and plotting curves. specification are included in the column headed ‘GCSE
(9–1) Content Ref.’. Corresponding statements from the
• A sketch shows the most important features of Department for Education (DfE) Mathematics – GCSE
a curve. It does not have to be to scale, though subject content and assessment objectives document
axes should be labelled and the graph should are included in the column headed ‘DfE Ref.’.
interact with the axes correctly. A sketch should
fall within the correct quadrants and show the For further information on this specification including
correct long-term behaviour. A sketch only needs our accessibility principles, content weightings,
to be labelled with x-intercepts, y-intercepts, command words, formulae guides and example
turning points or other features when requested questions, please download our Exploring Our
in the assessment. A sketch does not require Question Papers guide.
graph or squared paper. The assessment for this
specification will expect a sketch to be drawn
• A plot is drawn on squared or graph paper
for a given range of values by calculating
the coordinates of points on the curve and
connecting them as appropriate. Where a table
of values is given it will include sufficient points
to determine the curve. Where such a table is
not given, the number of points required is left
to the discretion of the learner.
© OCR 2021
6 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
© OCR 2021
1 3 –1
3+1 2
Currency conversion
[see also Similar shapes, 9.04c]
5.02b Inverse proportion Solve simple word problems Solve more formal problems Formulate equations and R10,
involving quantities in inverse involving quantities in inverse solve problems involving a R13
proportion or simple algebraic 1 quantity in inverse proportion
proportion (i.e. where y ? ).
proportions. x to a power or root of another
e.g. speed–time contexts k quantity.
(if speed is doubled, time is Recognise that if y = ,
halved). where k is a constant, then y is
inversely proportional to x.
6.01b Collecting like terms in sums and Simplify algebraic expressions A1,
differences of terms by collecting like terms. A3,
e.g. 2a + 3a = 5a A4
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
© OCR 2021
2a # 3b = 6ab e.g. a2 # 2a = 2a 2
2 3 5 2 3 -3 1 5 2
a #a = a 2a b ' 4a b = 2 a b
3 2
3a ' a = 3a
[see also Laws of indices,
6.01d Multiplying out brackets Simplify algebraic expressions Expand products of two Expand products of more than A1,
by multiplying a single term binomials. two binomials. A3,
over a bracket. e.g. e.g. A4
e.g. 2 (a + 3b) = 2a + 6b 2
(x - 1) (x - 2) = x - 3x + 2 (x + 1) (x - 1) (2x + 1)
2 (a + 3b) + 3 (a - 2b) = 5a (a + 2b) (a - b) = a + ab - 2b
2 2
= 2x + x - 2x - 1
3 2
6.01e Factorising Take out common factors. Factorise quadratic expressions Factorise quadratic expressions A1,
e.g. 3a - 9b = 3 (a - 3b) of the form x + bx + c . of the form ax2 + bx + c (where A3,
e.g. x - x - 6 = (x - 3) (x + 2) a ≠ 0 or 1) A4
2x + 3x = x (2 + 3x)
x - 16 = (x - 4) (x + 4) e.g.
x - 3 = _x - 3i_x + 3i
2 2
2x + 3x - 2 = (2x - 1) (x + 2)
6.02d Recall and use standard formulae Recall and use: Recall and use: Recall and use: A2,
Circumference of a circle Pythagoras’ theorem The quadratic formula A3,
2rr = rd 2 2 2 2 A5
a +b = c b!
b - 4ac
2 x=
Area of a circle rr 2a
Trigonometry formulae
o a o Sine rule
sin i = , cos i = , tan i =
h h a a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C
Cosine rule
2 2 2
a = b + c - 2bc cos A
Area of a triangle
ab sin C
area 40cm . 2 2
- =1
x x+1
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
© OCR 2021
1 1 3x - 5 G 10
#x | 2 1 x G 5-
2 3 4 5
9.04 Similarity
9.04a Similar triangles Identify similar triangles. Prove that two triangles are G6,
similar. G7
9.04b Enlargement Enlarge a simple shape from Identify the centre and Perform and recognise R2,
a given centre using a whole scale factor (including enlargements with negative R12,
number scale factor, and fractional scale factors) of scale factors. G7
identify the scale factor of an an enlargement of a simple
enlargement. shape, and perform such
an enlargement on a simple
9.04c Similar shapes Compare lengths, areas and Apply similarity to calculate Understand the relationship R12,
volumes using ratio notation unknown lengths in similar between lengths, areas and G19
and scale factors. figures. volumes of similar shapes.
[see also Direct proportion, [see also Direct proportion,
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
5.02a] 5.02a]
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
© OCR 2021
10.01b Compound units Use and convert simple Use and convert other N13,
compound units (e.g. for compound units (e.g. density, R1,
speed, rates of pay, unit pressure). R11,
pricing). Know and apply: G14
Know and apply in simple density = mass ÷ volume
cases: speed = distance ÷ time Use and convert compound
units in algebraic contexts.
10.01c Maps and scale drawings Use the scale of a map, and R2,
work with bearings. G15
Construct and interpret scale
10.02 Perimeter calculations
10.02a Perimeter of rectilinear shapes Calculate the perimeter of G17
rectilinear shapes.
10.02b Circumference of a circle Know and apply the formula Calculate the arc length of a G17,
circumference = 2rr = rd to sector of a circle given its angle G18
calculate the circumference of and radius.
a circle.
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
© OCR 2021
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 47
3 Assessment of OCR GCSE (9–1) in
3a. Forms of assessment
• The GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics is a linear • Learners are permitted to use a scientific or
qualification with 100% external assessment. graphical calculator for Paper 1 and Paper 3
on the Foundation tier or Paper 4 and Paper
• This qualification consists of six examined 6 on the Higher tier. Calculators are subject
components. Three are Foundation tier and to the rules in the document Instructions for
three are Higher tier, all are externally assessed Conducting Examinations, published annually by
by OCR. Each carries an equal weighting of one JCQ (
third of the marks for that tier of the GCSE (9–1)
qualification. Each examination has a duration of • In each question paper, learners are expected to
1 hour and 30 minutes. support their answers with appropriate working.
© OCR 2021
48 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
3d. Assessment objectives (AOs)
There are three Assessment objectives in the OCR
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics. These are detailed in the
table below:
Assessment Objectives
Higher Foundation
Use and apply standard techniques
Learners should be able to:
accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions
use and interpret notation correctly
40% 50% 3
• accurately carry out routine procedures or set tasks requiring
multi-step solutions.
Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically
Learners should be able to:
• make deductions, inferences and draw conclusions from
mathematical information
• construct chains of reasoning to achieve a given result
• interpret and communicate information accurately
AO2 30% 25%
• present arguments and proofs
• assess the validity of an argument and critically evaluate a given
way of presenting information.
Where problems require learners to ‘use and apply standard
techniques’ or to independently ‘solve problems’ a proportion of
those marks should be attributed to the corresponding Assessment
Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts
Learners should be able to:
• translate problems in mathematical or non-mathematical
contexts into a process or a series of mathematical processes
• make and use connections between different parts of
AO3 • interpret results in the context of the given problem 30% 25%
• evaluate methods used and results obtained
• evaluate solutions to identify how they may have been affected
by assumptions made.
Where problems require learners to ‘use and apply standard
techniques’ or to ‘reason, interpret and communicate mathematically’
a proportion of those marks should be attributed to the corresponding
Assessment objective.
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 49
Mark distribution of AO weightings in GCSE (9–1) Mathematics
The relationship between the Assessment objectives and the question papers at each tier in terms of marks are
shown in the following tables.
3e. Tiers
This scheme of assessment consists of two tiers: Higher tier option for learners who are a small number
Foundation tier and Higher tier. Foundation tier of marks below the grade 3/4 boundary. Learners must
assesses grades 5 to 1 and Higher tier assesses grades be entered for either the Foundation tier or the Higher
9 to 4. An allowed grade 3 may be awarded on the tier.
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50 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
3g. Calculating qualification results
A learner’s overall qualification grade for GCSE (9–1) This mark will then be compared to the qualification
in Mathematics will be calculated by adding together level grade boundaries for the entry option taken
their marks from the three components taken to give by the learner and for the relevant exam series to
their total weighted mark. determine the learner’s overall qualification grade.
© OCR 2021
GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 51
4 Admin: what you need to know
The information in this section is designed to give an More information about the processes and deadlines
overview of the processes involved in administering involved at each stage of the assessment cycle can be
this qualification so that you can speak to your exams found in the Administration area of the OCR website.
officer. All of the following processes require you OCR’s Admin overview is available on the OCR website
to submit something to OCR by a specific deadline. at
4a. Pre-assessment
Estimated entries
Estimated entries are your best projection of the should be submitted to OCR by the specified deadline.
number of learners who will be entered for a They are free and do not commit your centre in any
qualification in a particular series. Estimated entries way.
Final entries
4 Final entries provide OCR with detailed data for Final entries must be submitted to OCR by the
each learner, showing each assessment to be taken. published deadlines or late entry fees will apply.
It is essential that you use the correct entry code,
considering the relevant entry rules and ensuring that All learners taking OCR GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
you choose the entry option for the assessment tier to must be entered for one of the following entry options:
be taken.
© OCR 2021
52 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
4b. Accessibility and special consideration
Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements Special consideration is a post-assessment adjustment
allow learners with special educational needs, to marks or grades to reflect temporary injury, illness
disabilities or temporary injuries to access the or other indisposition at the time the assessment was
assessment and show what they know and can do, taken.
without changing the demands of the assessment.
Applications for these should be made before the Detailed information about eligibility for special
examination series. Detailed information about consideration can be found in the JCQ publication,
eligibility for access arrangements can be found A guide to the special consideration process.
in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable
The Head of Centre is required to provide a declaration Any failure by a centre to provide the Head of Centre
to the JCQ as part of the annual NCN update, Annual Declaration will result in your centre status
conducted in the autumn term, to confirm that the being suspended and could lead to the withdrawal of
centre is meeting all of the requirements detailed in our approval for you to operate as a centre.
the specification.
Private candidates
Private candidates may enter for OCR assessments. Private candidates need to contact OCR approved
centres to establish whether they are prepared to
A private candidate is someone who pursues a course host them as a private candidate. The centre may
of study independently but takes an examination charge for this facility and OCR recommends that the
or assessment at an approved examination centre. arrangement is made early in the course.
A private candidate may be a part-time student,
someone taking a distance learning course, or Further guidance for private candidates may be found
someone being tutored privately. They must be based on the OCR website:
in the UK. candidates
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GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics 53
4d. Results and certificates
Grade Scale
GCSE (9–1) qualifications are graded on the scale: 9–1, subjects in which grades 9 to 1 are attained will be
where 9 is the highest. Learners who fail to reach the recorded on certificates.
minimum standard of 1 will be Unclassified (U). Only
Results are released to centres and learners for The following supporting information will be available:
information and to allow any queries to be resolved
before certificates are issued. • raw mark grade boundaries for each component
• weighted mark grade boundaries for each entry
Centres will have access to the following results option.
information for each learner:
4 • the grade for the qualification
Until certificates are issued, results are deemed to
be provisional and may be subject to amendment.
A learner’s final results will be recorded on an OCR
• the raw mark for each component
• the total weighted mark for the qualification.
The qualification title will be shown on the certificate
as ‘OCR Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics’.
4f. Malpractice
Any breach of the regulations for the conduct Detailed information on malpractice can be found
of examinations and coursework may constitute in Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and
malpractice (which includes maladministration) and Assessments: Policies and Procedures published by
must be reported to OCR as soon as it is detected. JCQ.
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54 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
5 Appendices
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5b. Overlap with other qualifications
There is a small degree of overlap between the content
of this specification and those for GCSE Statistics and
Free Standing Mathematics Qualifications.
Summary of Updates
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56 106712/7 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics
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