General Information: Company Code
General Information: Company Code
General Information: Company Code
Structure. When used together, these structures defined the legal entities of the company, work locations for the company, and the Companys various employee groups. Because the enterprise and personnel structures help the company differentiates between the various type of employee and work locations, the structures values are used extensively in payroll, time and benefit processing rules. The enterprise and personnel structures are also used extensively by the financial components of SAP. For instance, the structure values are used in rules to appropriately posts payroll expenses to the correct GL accounts. Additionally, the tracking of recurring base budgets by staff group relies heavily on Enterprise and Personnel structure values. Enterprise and Personnel structures are stored on positions. When positions are created by the HR compensation Analyst, the appropriate structure values will be selected and stored for the position. As employees are assigned to positions, the employee will inherit the structure values stored on the position. If the values are not appropriate for the assignment, the values may be changed on the employee assignment screen (Infotype 0001, Organizational Assignment). Especially with concurrent employment, the enterprise and personnel structure values will require carefull over sight. OVERVIEW OF the ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE The enterprise structure for Personnel Administration is made up of the following elements. Client : an independent legal and organizational unit of the system Company Code : An independent company with its own accounting unit;a company that draws its own balance sheet Personnel Area : A specific entity for Personnel Administration; a sub division of the company code Personnel SubArea : A sub division of the personnel Area Following is a more detailed of each enterprise structure value. Company Code
The company code is the highest level of the enterprise structure within the client. It represents an independent company. The company code is established in the Finance module of SAP. The IMG Path: IMG-> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define Company IMG-> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Edit, Copy, Delete and Check Company Code And Related above definition altogether: IMG-> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Assign Company Code to Company Note: Country groupings are assigned to the company code. The country groupings control master data entry and the setting up and processing of wage types and pay scale groups in Payroll on a country-specific basis. The country grouping must be unique within a company code. Personnel Area The personnel Area represent a subdivision of the company code. The personnel Area can be used to perform system evaluations of data or to perform authorization checks. It is also can be used in report selection parameter in delimiting the report output. The IMG Path: IMG-> Enterprise Structure -> Human Resources -> Definition -> Pesonnel Areas Then to link personnel Area to related Company Code IMG-> Enterprise Structure -> Human Resources -> Assignment Personnel Area to Company Code By relate the personnel Area and Company Code, in case FI module has Go-Live, the the configuration will be directly linked to the Controlling Area that is used by Finance Side. Thus the payroll live posting into FI has been set In case, the FI module has not GO-Live yet, then this Company, Company Code also have to be set anyway..
Personnel SubAreas The personnel subarea represents a subdivision of the personnel area. For instance, within each personnel area, the company has a variety of employees. Some are eligible for pay while others are not. Some are eligible for benefits while others are not. For Instance, company A has 2 separate location of plant. One is for their head office and the other is for manufacturing plant. But both of their financing transaction m would be reconciled into the same Accounting balance sheet, that is to company A. Each of plant will issue their Tax reporting to separate Tax office addresses.
Infotypes have a validity period - start date and end date Each Organizational object has a record of infotype 1000 (object infotype)
OM Objects and infotypes are used when defining the organizational plan. From the user's standpoint, the organizational plan is a display of the organizational structure that shows relationships between objects such as organizational units, positions and persons. The most frequently used organizational objects are organizational units, position, job and person. The relationships between objects are represented in Infotype 1001. These infotypes form the organizational structure or hierarchy. The relation is defined in both the related objects. PPCI (Personal Planning Infotype Copier) is used to develop OM infotypes. Suppose the client demands maximum loan limit to be defined for each and every position, then this is defined by creating a new OM infotype. Use SE11 (ABAP Dictionary) to create a table. Create a few sample records in the table. It is a good idea to create the elementary search help ZLOAN in transaction SE11 with the selection method ZLOAN and the export parameter ZTTYP.
SPOCK - Objects in OM
S.P.O.C.K - These are the most important objects in OM S - Position P - Person O - Organizational Unit C - Job K - Cost Center Organizational units can any type of organizational entity. Eg. programs, regions, districts, divisions, departments, teams, etc. Seperate Organizational units are needed when: 1. 2. 3. Reporting for each is required seperately Units can have Managers/Leaders Units that have distinct tasks/activities
Jobs are general classification of tasks that are preformed together. Eg. Human Resources Director, Administrative Specialist, Equipment Operator, etc. Positions are organization specific. A number of positions can be based on the same job. As a general rule, each position represents only one employee. Persons hold positions - more information on persons are stored in PA (Personnel Administration) Relationships: Position belongs to org unit <-> org unit incorporates position Job describes a position <-> position is described by a job A postion reports to another position <-> A position is the line supervisor of another position A person is the holder of a position <-> Position is assigned to a person as a holder OM Attributes - Each object can have a number of attributes. These attributes are stored in infotypes. These attributes are inherited based on the relationships. Eg. If a job has a salary range, the position related to it inherits it and thus the person that holds that position. Org Units and postions will inherit cost center of the parent org units. Positions can inherit tasks of the jobs that describe them (and can also have tasks directly assigned to them). The important attributes of the OM objects are listed below.
1. Org Unit - Org title, description, address, head of Org Unit, cost center, account assignment features 2. Position - Position title, description, Vacancy, Address, Work Schedule, Cost Distribution, Worker's Comp codes, Account assignement features, Cost Center override 3. Job - Class title, Description, Salary band/Scale, FLSA Status, EEO/AAP codes
provides a clear picture of the organization at any point in time:past, present or future). Organizational Management is the basis for additional Human Resources components and functions as well as for SAP Business Workflow. OM is installed before Personnel Development(PD), Recruitment, Compensation Management (CM/ECM), Workflow, Time Management, Security, ESS/MSS etc. OM structure provides the foundation for these modules and streamlines business processes. For example MSS setup can be such that the manager will be able to view only the details of those working under him/her - the details of persons working under the manager are picked up from OM. Similarly data from OM is used when WF has to route the work of approving the leave of an employee to his/her manager. OM is based on the objects and their relationships. Jobs, tasks, positions, etc are the objects. These objects are created in OM. The relationship between various objects is also stored in OM.
Organizational Plan
To Copy org plan Use report RHCOPL00 /RE_RHCOPL00 But an entry should be there in OOPV transaction with the target Plan Version before copying an existing one Leaving evaluation path empty copies the complete org structure. Evaluation path is used to focus on certain relations which are changing To compare Use report RE_RHCOPLPT OOAP - to set Active plan version
OM - PA Integration
To make integration between PA and OM (also read as integration between PA and PD) IMG--> PA--> OM--> Basic settings --> integration-->set up integration with PA set the integration switch PLOGI ORGA to X Table T77S0 is the major table for OM - PA integration
Reports in relation to PA - OM
Report RHINTE00 is used to transfer data from PA to OM RHINTE10 is to transfer OM data to PA tables RHINTE30 is to update IT0001 (org assignment) for the person you have selected RHINTE20 is to determine whether the data relevant for integration is available in PA and OM Overview It is important to realize that in PA, there are tables that contain objects from OM, i.e. for those items displayed on infotype 0001 Organizational Assignment. Sometimes the tables can get out of step with those in PD table HRP1000. The tables are: T513, T513S Object type C (Job) T528B, T528T Object types S (Position) and A (Work center) T527X Object type O (Organizational unit) RHINTE00 This loops through all employees in PA by looking at positions on infotype 0001. It checks thecorresponding person to position relationship exists in PD (A008), if not it is created. RHINTE10 Generally, the program RHINTE20 will be used instead of this one. This program loops through the PD table HRP1000. For each job, position, work centre and organization unit, corresponding entry is created in the PA tables, which are shown above. Run this with evaluation path o_s_p, which runs through Org units, jobs and positions or find a suitable alternative if you wish to update work centers also. The main difference with this program as opposed to RHINTE20 is that this one has the option to delete items from the PA tables, which no longer exist in PD. RHINTE20 This program loops through the PD table HRP1000. For each job, position, work centre andorganization unit, corresponding entry is created in the PA tables, which are shown above. Run this with evaluation path o_s_p, which runs through Org units, jobs and positions or find a suitable alternative if you wish to update work centers also.
OM - Configuration Steps
Configurations Steps: -------------------------
set up number assignment for all plan versions Maintain number ranges Basic settings Organizational management Personnel managementIMG Maintain object type: maintain object type Data model enhancement Basic settings Organizational management Personnel management IMG Maintain infotypes maintain infotypes Data model enhancementinfotype maintenance Basic settings Organizational management Personnel management IMG Relationaship maintenance: maintain relationships Relationship maintenance Data model enhancement Basic settings Organisational management Personnel management IMG Maintain evaluation paths: Maintain evaluation paths Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG Maintain personnel actions: Maintain personnel actions Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG Activate inheritance of account assignment features Activate inheritance of account assignment features Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG Setup integration with Personnel Administration Setup integration with PA Integration Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG Transfer data from Pa transfer data from PA integration Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG
Perepare integration with Pa Prepare integration with PA integration Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management MG Transfer data to PA Transfer data to PA integration Basic settingsOrganisational management Personnel management IMG Check integration consistency Check integration consistency integration Basic settingsOrganizational management Personnel management IMG