ETI Chapter 1. Artificial Intelligence

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Chapter 1.

Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

In today's world, technology is growing very fast, and we are getting in touch with
different new technologies day by day.

Here, one of the booming technologies of computer science is Artificial Intelligence

which is ready to create a new revolution in the world by making intelligent
machines.The Artificial Intelligence is now all around us. It is currently working with a
variety of subfields, ranging from general to specific, such as self-driving cars, playing
chess, proving theorems, playing music, Painting, etc.

AI is one of the fascinating and universal fields of Computer science which has a great
scope in future. AI holds a tendency to cause a machine to work as a human.

Artificial Intelligence is composed of two words Artificial and Intelligence, where

Artificial defines "man-made," and intelligence defines "thinking power", hence AI means
"a man-made thinking power."

So, we can define AI as:

"It is a branch of computer science by which we can create intelligent machines

which can behave like a human, think like humans, and able to make decisions."

Artificial Intelligence exists when a machine can have human based skills such as
learning, reasoning, and solving problems

With Artificial Intelligence you do not need to preprogram a machine to do some work,
despite that you can create a machine with programmed algorithms which can work
with own intelligence, and that is the awesomeness of AI.

It is believed that AI is not a new technology, and some people says that as per Greek
myth, there were Mechanical men in early days which can work and behave like

Why Artificial Intelligence?

Before Learning about Artificial Intelligence, we should know that what is the
importance of AI and why should we learn it. Following are some main reasons to learn
about AI:

● With the help of AI, you can create such software or devices which can solve
real-world problems very easily and with accuracy such as health issues,
marketing, traffic issues, etc.

● With the help of AI, you can create your personal virtual Assistant, such as
Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri, etc.

● With the help of AI, you can build such Robots which can work in an environment
where survival of humans can be at risk.

● AI opens a path for other new technologies, new devices, and new Opportunities.

Goals of Artificial Intelligence

Following are the main goals of Artificial Intelligence:

1. Replicate human intelligence

2. Solve Knowledge-intensive tasks

3. An intelligent connection of perception and action

4. Building a machine which can perform tasks that requires human intelligence
such as:

○ Proving a theorem

○ Playing chess

○ Plan some surgical operation

○ Driving a car in traffic

5. Creating some system which can exhibit intelligent behavior, learn new things by
itself, demonstrate, explain, and can advise to its user.
What Comprises to Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is not just a part of computer science even it's so vast and requires
lots of other factors which can contribute to it. To create the AI first we should know
that how intelligence is composed, so the Intelligence is an intangible part of our brain
which is a combination of Reasoning, learning, problem-solving perception, language
understanding, etc.

To achieve the above factors for a machine or software Artificial Intelligence requires
the following discipline:

● Mathematics

● Biology

● Psychology

● Sociology

● Computer Science

● Neurons Study

● Statistics
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
Following are some main advantages of Artificial Intelligence:

● High Accuracy with less errors: AI machines or systems are prone to less errors
and high accuracy as it takes decisions as per pre-experience or information.

● High-Speed: AI systems can be of very high-speed and fast-decision making,

because of that AI systems can beat a chess champion in the Chess game.

● High reliability: AI machines are highly reliable and can perform the same action
multiple times with high accuracy.

● Useful for risky areas: AI machines can be helpful in situations such as defusing
a bomb, exploring the ocean floor, where to employ a human can be risky.
● Digital Assistant: AI can be very useful to provide digital assistant to the users
such as AI technology is currently used by various E-commerce websites to show
the products as per customer requirement.

● Useful as a public utility: AI can be very useful for public utilities such as a
self-driving car which can make our journey safer and hassle-free, facial
recognition for security purpose, Natural language processing to communicate
with the human in human-language, etc.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Every technology has some disadvantages, and thesame goes for Artificial intelligence.
Being so advantageous technology still, it has some disadvantages which we need to
keep in our mind while creating an AI system. Following are the disadvantages of AI:

● High Cost: The hardware and software requirement of AI is very costly as it

requires lots of maintenance to meet current world requirements.

● Can't think out of the box: Even we are making smarter machines with AI, but still
they cannot work out of the box, as the robot will only do that work for which they
are trained, or programmed.

● No feelings and emotions: AI machines can be an outstanding performer, but still

it does not have the feeling so it cannot make any kind of emotional attachment
with human, and may sometime be harmful for users if the proper care is not

● Increase dependency on machines: With the increment of technology, people are

getting more dependent on devices and hence they are losing their mental

● No Original Creativity: As humans are so creative and can imagine some new
ideas but still AI machines cannot beat this power of human intelligence and
cannot be creative and imaginative.
Application of AI
Artificial Intelligence has various applications in today's society. It is becoming essential
for today's time because it can solve complex problems with an efficient way in multiple
industries, such as Healthcare, entertainment, finance, education, etc. AI is making our
daily life more comfortable and fast.

Following are some sectors which have the application of Artificial Intelligence:

1. AI in Astronomy

● Artificial Intelligence can be very useful to solve complex universe problems. AI

technology can be helpful for understanding the universe such as how it works,
origin, etc.
2. AI in Healthcare

● In the last, five to ten years, AI becoming more advantageous for the healthcare
industry and going to have a significant impact on this industry.

● Healthcare Industries are applying AI to make a better and faster diagnosis than
humans. AI can help doctors with diagnoses and can inform when patients are
worsening so that medical help can reach to the patient before hospitalization.

3. AI in Gaming

● AI can be used for gaming purpose. The AI machines can play strategic games
like chess, where the machine needs to think of a large number of possible

4. AI in Finance

● AI and finance industries are the best matches for each other. The finance
industry is implementing automation, chatbot, adaptive intelligence, algorithm
trading, and machine learning into financial processes.

5. AI in Data Security

● The security of data is crucial for every company and cyber-attacks are growing
very rapidly in the digital world. AI can be used to make your data more safe and
secure. Some examples such as AEG bot, AI2 Platform,are used to determine
software bug and cyber-attacks in a better way.

6. AI in Social Media
● Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat contain billions of
user profiles, which need to be stored and managed in a very efficient way. AI can
organize and manage massive amounts of data. AI can analyze lots of data to
identify the latest trends, hashtag, and requirement of different users.

7. AI in Travel & Transport

● AI is becoming highly demanding for travel industries. AI is capable of doing

various travel related works such as from making travel arrangement to
suggesting the hotels, flights, and best routes to the customers. Travel industries
are using AI-powered chatbots which can make human-like interaction with
customers for better and fast response.

8. AI in Automotive Industry

● Some Automotive industries are using AI to provide virtual assistant to their user
for better performance. Such as Tesla has introduced TeslaBot, an intelligent
virtual assistant.

● Various Industries are currently working for developing self-driven cars which can
make your journey more safe and secure.

9. AI in Robotics:

● Artificial Intelligence has a remarkable role in Robotics. Usually, general robots

are programmed such that they can perform some repetitive task, but with the
help of AI, we can create intelligent robots which can perform tasks with their
own experiences without pre-programmed.
● Humanoid Robots are best examples for AI in robotics, recently the intelligent
Humanoid robot named as Erica and Sophia has been developed which can talk
and behave like humans.

10. AI in Entertainment

● We are currently using some AI based applications in our daily life with some
entertainment services such as Netflix or Amazon. With the help of ML/AI
algorithms, these services show the recommendations for programs or shows.

11. AI in Agriculture

● Agriculture is an area which requires various resources, labor, money, and time
for best result. Now a day's agriculture is becoming digital, and AI is emerging in
this field. Agriculture is applying AI as agriculture robotics, solid and crop
monitoring, predictive analysis. AI in agriculture can be very helpful for farmers.

12. AI in E-commerce

● AI is providing a competitive edge to the e-commerce industry, and it is becoming

more demanding in the e-commerce business. AI is helping shoppers to discover
associated products with recommended size, color, or even brand.

13. AI in education:

● AI can automate grading so that the tutor can have more time to teach. AI
chatbot can communicate with students as a teaching assistant.

● AI in the future can be work as a personal virtual tutor for students, which will be
accessible easily at any time and any place.
History of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is not a new word and not a new technology for researchers. This
technology is much older than you would imagine. Even there are the myths of
Mechanical men in Ancient Greek and Egyptian Myths. Following are some milestones
in the history of AI which defines the journey from the AI generation to till date

Maturation of Artificial Intelligence (1943-1952)

● Year 1943: The first work which is now recognized as AI was done by Warren
McCulloch and Walter pits in 1943. They proposed a model of artificial neurons.
● Year 1949: Donald Hebb demonstrated an updating rule for modifying the
connection strength between neurons. His rule is now called Hebbian learning.

● Year 1950: The Alan Turing who was an English mathematician and pioneered
Machine learning in 1950. Alan Turing publishes "Computing Machinery and
Intelligence" in which he proposed a test. The test can check the machine's
ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to human intelligence, called a
Turing test.

The birth of Artificial Intelligence (1952-1956)

● Year 1955: An Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon created the "first artificial
intelligence program"Which was named as "Logic Theorist". This program had
proved 38 of 52 Mathematics theorems, and find new and more elegant proofs
for some theorems.

● Year 1956: The word "Artificial Intelligence" first adopted by American Computer
scientist John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. For the first time, AI
coined as an academic field.

At that time high-level computer languages such as FORTRAN, LISP, or COBOL were
invented. And the enthusiasm for AI was very high at that time.

The golden years-Early enthusiasm (1956-1974)

● Year 1966: The researchers emphasized developing algorithms which can solve
mathematical problems. Joseph Weizenbaum created the first chatbot in 1966,
which was named as ELIZA.

● Year 1972: The first intelligent humanoid robot was built in Japan which was
named as WABOT-1.
The first AI winter (1974-1980)

● The duration between years 1974 to 1980 was the first AI winter duration. AI
winter refers to the time period where computer scientist dealt with a severe
shortage of funding from government for AI researches.

● During AI winters, an interest of publicity on artificial intelligence was decreased.

A boom of AI (1980-1987)

● Year 1980: After AI winter duration, AI came back with "Expert System". Expert
systems were programmed that emulate the decision-making ability of a human

● In the Year 1980, the first national conference of the American Association of
Artificial Intelligence was held at Stanford University.

The second AI winter (1987-1993)

● The duration between the years 1987 to 1993 was the second AI Winter duration.

● Again Investors and government stopped in funding for AI research as due to

high cost but not efficient result. The expert system such as XCON was very cost

The emergence of intelligent agents (1993-2011)

● Year 1997: In the year 1997, IBM Deep Blue beats world chess champion, Gary
Kasparov, and became the first computer to beat a world chess champion.

● Year 2002: for the first time, AI entered the home in the form of Roomba, a
vacuum cleaner.
● Year 2006: AI came in the Business world till the year 2006. Companies like
Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix also started using AI.

Deep learning, big data and artificial general

intelligence (2011-present)

● Year 2011: In the year 2011, IBM's Watson won jeopardy, a quiz show, where it
had to solve the complex questions as well as riddles. Watson had proved that it
could understand natural language and can solve tricky questions quickly.

● Year 2012: Google has launched an Android app feature "Google now", which
was able to provide information to the user as a prediction.

● Year 2014: In the year 2014, Chatbot "Eugene Goostman" won a competition in
the infamous "Turing test."

● Year 2018: The "Project Debater" from IBM debated on complex topics with two
master debaters and also performed extremely well.

● Google has demonstrated an AI program "Duplex" which was a virtual assistant

and which had taken hairdresser appointment on call, and lady on other side
didn't notice that she was talking with the machine.

Now AI has developed to a remarkable level. The concept of Deep learning, big data, and
data science are now trending like a boom. Nowadays companies like Google,
Facebook, IBM, and Amazon are working with AI and creating amazing devices. The
future of Artificial Intelligence is inspiring and will come with high intelligence.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence can be divided in various types, there are mainly two types of main
categorization which are based on capabilities and based on functionally of AI.
Following is flow diagram which explain the types of AI.
AI type-1: Based on Capabilities

1. Weak AI or Narrow AI:

● Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform a dedicated task with

intelligence.The most common and currently available AI is Narrow AI in the
world of Artificial Intelligence.

● Narrow AI cannot perform beyond its field or limitations, as it is only trained for
one specific task. Hence it is also termed as weak AI. Narrow AI can fail in
unpredictable ways if it goes beyond its limits.

● Apple Siriis a good example of Narrow AI, but it operates with a limited
pre-defined range of functions.

● IBM's Watson supercomputer also comes under Narrow AI, as it uses an Expert
system approach combined with Machine learning and natural language

● Some Examples of Narrow AI are playing chess, purchasing suggestions on

e-commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition, and image recognition.
2. General AI:

● General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with
efficiency like a human.

● The idea behind the general AI to make such a system which could be smarter
and think like a human by its own.

● Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI and
can perform any task as perfect as a human.

● The worldwide researchers are now focused on developing machines with

General AI.

● As systems with general AI are still under research, and it will take lots of efforts
and time to develop such systems.

3. Super AI:

● Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass

human intelligence, and can perform any task better than human with cognitive
properties. It is an outcome of general AI.

● Some key characteristics of strong AI include capability include the ability to

think, to reason,solve the puzzle, make judgments, plan, learn, and communicate
by its own.

● Super AI is still a hypothetical concept of Artificial Intelligence. Development of

such systems in real is still world changing task.
Artificial Intelligence type-2: Based on functionality

1. Reactive Machines

● Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence.

● Such AI systems do not store memories or past experiences for future actions.

● These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible
best action.

● IBM's Deep Blue system is an example of reactive machines.

● Google's AlphaGo is also an example of reactive machines.

2. Limited Memory

● Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short
period of time.

● These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only.
● Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems.
These cars can store recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars,
speed limit, and other information to navigate the road.

3. Theory of Mind

● Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and
be able to interact socially like humans.

● This type of AI machines are still not developed, but researchers are making lots
of efforts and improvement for developing such AI machines.

4. Self-Awareness

● Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will be

super intelligent, and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and

● These machines will be smarter than human mind.

● Self-Awareness AI does not exist in reality still and it is a hypothetical concept.

Turing Test in AI
In 1950, Alan Turing introduced a test to check whether a machine can think like a
human or not, this test is known as the Turing Test. In this test, Turing proposed that the
computer can be said to be an intelligent if it can mimic human response under specific

Turing Test was introduced by Turing in his 1950 paper, "Computing Machinery and
Intelligence," which considered the question, "Can Machine think?"
The Turing test is based on a party game "Imitation game," with some modifications.
This game involves three players in which one player is Computer, another player is
human responder, and the third player is a human Interrogator, who is isolated from
other two players and his job is to find that which player is machine among two of them.

Consider, Player A is a computer, Player B is human, and Player C is an interrogator.

Interrogator is aware that one of them is machine, but he needs to identify this on the
basis of questions and their responses.

The conversation between all players is via keyboard and screen so the result would not
depend on the machine's ability to convert words as speech.

The test result does not depend on each correct answer, but only how closely its
responses like a human answer. The computer is permitted to do everything possible to
force a wrong identification by the interrogator.

The questions and answers can be like:

Interrogator: Are you a computer?

PlayerA (Computer): No

Interrogator: Multiply two large numbers such as (256896489*456725896)

Player A: Long pause and give the wrong answer.

In this game, if an interrogator would not be able to identify which is a machine and
which is human, then the computer passes the test successfully, and the machine is
said to be intelligent and can think like a human.

"In 1991, the New York businessman Hugh Loebner announces the prize competition,
offering a $100,000 prize for the first computer to pass the Turing test. However, no AI
program to till date, come close to passing an undiluted Turing test".

Chatbots to attempt the Turing test:

ELIZA: ELIZA was a Natural language processing computer program created by Joseph
Weizenbaum. It was created to demonstrate the ability of communication between
machine and humans. It was one of the first chatterbots, which has attempted the
Turing Test.

Parry: Parry was a chatterbot created by Kenneth Colby in 1972. Parry was designed to
simulate a person with Paranoid schizophrenia(most common chronic mental
disorder). Parry was described as "ELIZA with attitude." Parry was tested using a
variation of the Turing Test in the early 1970s.

Eugene Goostman: Eugene Goostman was a chatbot developed in Saint Petersburg in

2001. This bot has competed in the various number of Turing Test. In June 2012, at an
event, Goostman won the competition promoted as largest-ever Turing test content, in
which it has convinced 29% of judges that it was a human.Goostman resembled as a
13-year old virtual boy.

The Chinese Room Argument:

There were many philosophers who really disagreed with the complete concept of
Artificial Intelligence. The most famous argument in this list was "Chinese Room."

In the year 1980, John Searle presented "Chinese Room" thought experiment, in his
paper "Mind, Brains, and Program," which was against the validity of Turing's Test.
According to his argument, "Programming a computer may make it to understand a
language, but it will not produce a real understanding of language or consciousness in
a computer."

He argued that Machine such as ELIZA and Parry could easily pass the Turing test by
manipulating keywords and symbol, but they had no real understanding of language. So
it cannot be described as "thinking" capability of a machine such as a human.

Features required for a machine to pass the Turing


● Natural language processing: NLP is required to communicate with Interrogator

in general human language like English.

● Knowledge representation: To store and retrieve information during the test.

● Automated reasoning: To use the previously stored information for answering

the questions.

● Machine learning: To adapt new changes and can detect generalized patterns.
● Vision (For total Turing test): To recognize the interrogator actions and other
objects during a test.

● Motor Control (For total Turing test): To act upon objects if requested.

Examples of AI-Artificial Intelligence

What is AI-Artificial Intelligence?

The term "Artificial Intelligence" refers to the simulation of human intelligence

processes by machines, especially computer systems. It also includes Expert systems,
voice recognition, machine vision, and natural language processing (NLP).

AI programming focuses on three cognitive aspects, such as learning, reasoning, and


● Learning Processes

● Reasoning Processes

● Self-correction Processes

Learning Processes

This part of AI programming is concerned with gathering data and creating rules for
transforming it into useful information. The rules, which are also called algorithms, offer
computing devices with step-by-step instructions for accomplishing a particular job.

Reasoning Processes

This part of AI programming is concerned with selecting the best algorithm to achieve
the desired result.


Prime Ministers of India | List of Prime Minister of India (1947-2020)

Self-Correction Processes

This part of AI programming aims to fine-tune algorithms regularly in order to ensure

that they offer the most reliable results possible.

Artificial Intelligence

is an extensive field of computer science which focuses on developing intelligent

machines capable of doing activities that would normally require human intelligence.
While AI is a multidisciplinary science with numerous methodologies, advances in deep
learning and machine learning create a paradigm shift in almost every aspect of
Examples of AI-Artificial Intelligence

The following are the examples of AI-Artificial Intelligence:

1. Google Maps and Ride-Hailing Applications

2. Face Detection and recognition

3. Text Editors and Autocorrect

4. Chatbots

5. E-Payments

6. Search and Recommendation algorithms

7. Digital Assistant

8. Social media

9. Healthcare

10. Gaming

11. Online Ads-Network

12. Banking and Finance

13. Smart Home devices

14. Security and Surveillance

15. Smart Keyboard App

16. Smart Speaker

17. E-Commerce

18. Smart Email Apps

19. Music and Media Streaming Service

20. Space Exploration

Let's discuss the above examples in detail.

1. Google Maps and Ride-Hailing Applications

Travelling to a new destination does not require much thought any longer. Rather than
relying on confusing address directions, we can now easily open our phone's map app
and type in our destination.

So how does the app know about the appropriate directions, best way, and even the
presence of roadblocks and traffic jams? A few years ago, only GPS

(satellite-based navigation) was used as a navigation guide. However, artificial

intelligence (AI) now provides users with a much better experience in their unique

The app algorithm uses machine learning to recall the building's edges that are supplied
into the system after the person has manually acknowledged them. This enables the
map to provide simple visuals of buildings. Another feature is identifying and
understanding handwritten house numbers, which assists travelers in finding the exact
house they need. Their outline or handwritten label can also recognize locations that
lack formal street signs.
The application has been trained to recognize and understand traffic. As a result, it
suggests the best way to avoid traffic congestion and bottlenecks. The AI-based
algorithm also informs users about the precise distance and time it will take them to
arrive at their destination. It has been trained to calculate this based on the traffic
situations. Several ride-hailing applications have emerged as a result of the use of
similar AI technology. So, whenever you need to book a cab via an app by putting your
location on a map, this is how it works.

2. Face Detection and Recognition

Utilizing face ID for unlocking our phones and using virtual filters on our faces while
taking pictures are two uses of AI that are presently essential for our day-by-day lives.

Face recognition is used in the former, which means that every human face can be
recognized. Face recognition is used in the above, which recognizes a particular face.
How does it work?

Intelligent machines often match-and some cases, even exceed human performance! -
Human potential. Human babies begin to identifying facial features such as eyes, lips,
nose, and face shapes. A face, though, is more than just that. A number of
characteristics distinguish human faces. Smart machines are trained in order to
recognize facial coordinates (x, y, w, and h; which form a square around the face as an
area of interest), landmarks (nose, eyes, etc.), and alignment (geometric structures).
This improves the human ability to identify faces by several factors. Face recognition is
also used by government facilities or at the airport for monitoring, and security.

3. Text Editors or Autocorrect

When typing a document, there are inbuilt or downloadable auto-correcting tools for
editors of spelling errors, readability, mistakes, and plagiarism based on their difficulty
It should have taken a long time for us to master our language and become fluent in it.
Artificially intelligent algorithms often used deep learning, machine learning, and
natural language in order to detect inappropriate language use and recommend
improvements. Linguists and computer scientists collaborate in teaching machines
grammar in the same way that we learned it in school. Machines are fed large volumes
of high-quality data that has been structured in a way that machines can understand.
Thus, when we misspell a single comma, the editor will highlight it in red and offer

4. Chatbots

Answering a customer's inquiries can take a long time. The use of algorithms to train
machines to meet customer needs through chatbots is an artificially intelligent solution
to this problem. This allows machines to answer as well as take and track orders.
We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to train chatbots to impersonate customer
service agents' conversational approaches. Advanced chatbots do not require complex
input formats (such as yes/o questions). They are capable of responding to complex
questions that necessitate comprehensive answers. They will appear to be a customer
representative, in fact, another example of artificial intelligence (AI). If you give a
negative rating to a response, the bot will figure out what went wrong and fix it the next
time, ensuring that you get the best possible service.

5. Online-Payments

It can be a time-consuming errand to rush to the bank for any transaction. Good news!
Artificial Intelligence is now being used by banks to support customers by simplifying
the process of payment.
Artificial intelligence has enabled you to deposit checks from the convenience of our
own home. Since AI is capable of deciphering handwriting and making online cheque
processing practicable. Artificial Intelligence can potentially be utilized to detect fraud
by observing consumers' credit card spending patterns. For example, the algorithms are
aware of what items User X purchases, when and where they are purchased, and in what
price range they are purchased. If there is some suspicious behaviour that does not
match the user's profile, then the system immediately signals user X.

6. Search and Recommendation Algorithms

When we wish to listen to our favorite songs or watch our favorite movie or shop online,
we have ever found that the things recommended to us perfectly match our interests?
This is the beauty of artificial intelligence.

These intelligent recommendation systems analyze our online activity and preferences
to provide us with similar content. Continuous training allows us to have a customized
experience. The data is obtained from the front-end, saved as big data, and analysed
using machine learning and deep learning. Then it can predict your preferences and
make suggestions to keep you amused without having to look for something else.
Artificial intelligence can also be utilized to improve the user experience of a search
engine. Generally, the answer we are searching for is found in the top search results.
What cause this?

Data is fed into a quality control algorithm to identify high-quality content from
SEO-spammed, low-quality content. This aids in creating an ascending order of search
results on the basis of the quality for the greatest user experience. Since search engines
are made up of codes, natural language processing technology aids in understanding
humans by these applications. In reality, they can predict what a person wants to ask by
compiling top-ranked searches and guessing their questions when they begin to type.

Machines are constantly being updated with new features such as image search and
voice search. If we need to find out a song that is playing at a mall, all we have to do is
hold the phone up to it, and a music-identifying app will tell us what it is within a few
seconds. The machine will also offer you song details after searching through an
extensive collection of tunes.

7. Digital Assistants

When our hands are full, we often enlist the help of digital assistants to complete tasks
on our behalf. We might ask the assistant to call our father while we are driving with a
cup of tea in one hand. For instance, Siri would look at our contacts, recognize the word
"father," and dial the number.
Siri is an example of a lower-tier model which can only respond to voice commands
and cannot deliver complex responses. The new digital assistant is fluent in human
language and uses advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing) and ML (Machine
Learning) techniques. They are capable of understanding complex command inputs and
providing acceptable results. They have adaptive abilities which can examine
preferences, habits, and schedules. It enables them to use prompts, schedules, and
reminders to help us systemize, coordinate, and plan things.

8. Social Media

The advent of social media gave the world a new narrative with immense freedom of
speech. Although, it brought certain social ills like cyberbullying, cybercrime, and abuse
of language. Several social media apps are using AI to help solve these issues while
also providing users with other enjoyable features.

AI algorithms are much quicker than humans at detecting and removing hate
speech-containing messages. It is made possible by their ability to recognize hostile
terms, keywords, and symbols in a variety of languages. These have been entered into
the system, which can also contribute neologisms to its dictionary. Deep learning's
neural network architecture is a vital part of the process.

Emojis have become the most common way to express a wide range of emotions. This
digital language is also understood by AI technology because it can understand the
meaning of a certain piece of text and guess the exact emoji.
Social networking, a perfect example of artificial intelligence, may even figure out what
kind of content a user likes and recommends similar content. Facial recognition is also
used in social media profiles, assisting users in tagging their friends via automatic
suggestions. Smart filters can recognize spam and undesirable messages and
automatically filter them out. Users may also take advantage of smart answers.

The social media sector could use artificial intelligence to detect mental health issues
such as suicidal thoughts by analyzing the information published and consumed. This
information can be shared with mental health professionals.

9. Healthcare

Infervision is using artificial intelligence and deep learning to save lives. In China, where
there are insufficient radiologists to keep up with the demand for checking 1.4 billion CT
scans each year for early symptoms of lung cancer. Radiologists essential to review
many scans every day, which isn't just dreary, yet human weariness can prompt errors.
Infervision trained and instructed algorithms to expand the work of radiologists in order
to permit them to diagnose cancer more proficiently and correctly.

The inspiration and foundation for Google's DeepMind are Neuroscience, which aims to
create a machine that can replicate the thinking processes in our own brains. While
DeepMind has effectively beaten people at games, what are truly captivating are the
opportunities for medical care applications. For example, lessening the time it takes to
plan treatments and utilizing machines to help diagnose ailments.

10. Gaming
Artificial Intelligence has been an important part of the gaming industry in recent years.
In reality, one of AI's most significant achievements is in the gaming industry.

One of the most important achievements in the field of AI is DeepMind's AI-based

AlphaGo software, which is famous for defeating Lee Sedol, the world champion in the
game of GO. Shortly after the win, DeepMind released AlphaGo, which trounced its
predecessor in an AI-AI face off. The advanced machine, AlphaGo Zero, taught itself to
master the game, unlike the original AlphaGo, which DeepMind learned over time using
a vast amount of data and supervision.

Not at all like the first AlphaGo, which DeepMind prepared over the long run by utilizing a
lot of information and oversight, the high-level framework, AlphaGo Zero instructed itself
to dominate the game. Another example of Artificial Intelligence in gaming comprises
the First Encounter Assault Recon, also known as F.E.A.R that is the first-person shooter
video game.
11. Online Ads Network

The online advertising industry is the most significant user of artificial intelligence that
uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to not only monitor user statistics but also to advertise
us on the basis of the statistics. The online advertising industry will struggle if AI is not
implemented, as users will be shown random advertisements that have no relation to
their interests.

Since AI has been so good at determining our preferences and serving us ads, the
worldwide digital ad industry has crossed 250 billion US dollars, with the business
projected to cross the 300 billion mark in 2019. So, the next time remembers that AI is
changing your life while you browse the internet and encounter adverts or product

12. Banking and Finance

The banking and finance industry has a major impact on our daily lives which means the
world runs on liquidity, and banks are the gatekeepers who control the flow. Did you
know that artificial intelligence is heavily used in the banking and finance industry for
things such as customer service, investment, fraud protection, and so on? The
automatic emails we get from banks if we make an ordinary transaction, are a simple
example. That's AI keeping an eye on our account and trying to alert us regarding any
potential fraud. AI is now being trained to examine vast samples of fraud data in order
to identify patterns so that we can be alerted before it happens to us. If we run into a
snag and contact our bank's customer service, we are probably speaking with an AI bot.
Even the largest financial industry use AI to analyse data in order to find the best ways
to invest capital in order to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Not only that, but AI is set to play an even larger role in the industry, with major banks
around the world investing billions of dollars in AI technology, and we will be able to see
the results sooner rather than later.

13. Smart Home Devices

Another popular example of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is smart home devices. Artificial
intelligence is even being welcomed into our homes. Most of the smart home gadgets
we purchase use artificial intelligence to learn our habits and automatically change
settings to make our experience as seamless as possible.

We have effectively examined how we utilize savvy voice assistants to control these
smart home gadgets. We probably are aware that it is a great example of AI's impact on
our lives. That is to say, there are smart thermostats that change the
temperature-dependent on our preferences, smart lights which change the colour and
intensity of lights dependent on time, and much more. This will not happen when our
primary interaction with all our smart home devices is only through AI.

14. curity and Surveillance

Although we all can debate about the ethics of using a large surveillance system, there's
no denying that it's being used, and AI is playing a significant role in it. It isn't workable
for people to keep monitoring many monitors simultaneously, and thus, utilizing AI
makes well. With technologies such as facial recognition and object recognition
improving every day, it won't be long when all the security camera deals with are being
checked by an AI and not a human. Right now, before AI can be completely
implemented, this is going to be our future.

15. Smart Keyboard Apps

Smart keyboard apps are another example of AI (Artificial Intelligence). In all actuality,
not every person loves managing on-screen keyboards. Although, they have become far
more intuitive, permitting clients to type comfortably and quickly. What has likely ended
up being a catalyst for them is the integration of AI. The smart keyboard applications
keep a tab on the composing style of a client and predict words and emojis based on
that. Consequently, typing on the touchscreen has gotten quicker and more
advantageous. Not to mention that artificial intelligence is crucial in detecting
misspellings and typos.

16. Smart Speakers

Not in vain, many thinks that smart speakers are good to go for a major blast in
technology. Besides controlling smart home gadgets, they are likewise capable of
various things like sending fast messages, setting updates, checking the climate, and
getting the most recent news.
Also, it's this flexibility that is ending up being a conclusive factor for them. Driven by the
hugely popular Amazon Echo series, the worldwide brilliant speaker market arrived at an
exceptional high in 2019 with sales of 149.9 million units, which is a huge increment of
70% in 2018. Additionally, the sales in Q4 2019 also saw another record with an
incredible 55.7 million units. Smart speakers are likely the most unmistakable instances
of the utilization of AI in our reality.

17. E-Commerce

Artificial intelligence algorithms have given the necessary vital impulse to web-based
businesses to give a more customized insight. According to many sources, its use has
significantly improved sales and has also aided in developing long-term consumer
relationships. Thus, organizations take advantage of AI to deploy chatbots to gather
urgent information and predict purchases to make a client-centric experience.
On the way across this shift of technique? Simply invest some time on websites such as
Amazon, and eBay and we will soon see how quickly the scene around you is improving

18. Smart Email Apps

In the event that you actually find your inbox cluttered with an excessive number of
undesirable messages, the possibility is quite high that we can yet stay with an
old-fashioned email application.
Present-day email applications such as Spark make several AI to filter out spam
messages and furthermore arrange messages so you can rapidly get to the significant
ones. Likewise, it additionally provides smart answers dependent on the messages we
get to help us answer to any email rapidly. The "Smart Reply" highlight of Gmail is an
extraordinary illustration of this. It utilizes AI to filter the content of the email and gives
you context-oriented answers.

19. Music and Media Streaming Service

Another amazing illustration of how AI affects our lives is the music and media
streaming features that we utilize reliably. Whether or not you are utilizing Spotify,
Netflix, or YouTube, AI is making the decisions for you.
All things considered as everything, once in a while is great and some of the time is
awful. For instance, I enjoy Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist since it has acquainted me
with a few new artists who I would not have known about if it weren't for Spotify's AI
divine beings.

Then again, I additionally remember going down the YouTube rabbit hole, wasting
uncountable hours simply watching the suggested videos. That suggested videos
section has become so great at knowing my taste that it's alarming. Thus, keep in mind
that AI is at work whenever you are watching a suggested video on YouTube, viewing a
suggested show on Netflix, listening to a pre-made playlist on Spotify, or using any other
media and music streaming service.

20. Space Exploration

Space expeditions and discoveries consistently require investigating immense
measures of information. Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are the best
approach for dealing with and measure information on this scale. After thorough
astronomers, and research utilized Artificial Intelligence to filter through long periods of
information got by the Kepler telescope to distinguish an inaccessible eight-planet solar

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