Structure IV: Bachelor of Architecture Cosmos College of Management and Technology

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Bachelor of Architecture

Cosmos College of Management and Technology

Structure IV
Course Coordinator:

Dr Bharat Pradhan (B.Eng., M.Sc., P.hD.)

Chairman (Pro Eth. Pvt. Ltd.)
Earthquake Resistant Design Technical Advisor (Avtech Company Pvt. Ltd.)
Code Provisions? Scientific Committee Member (ReLUIS, Italy)
Design Considerations
The aim of structural design is to design a structure so that it fulfils its intended purpose during its intended lifetime with
• adequate safety (in terms of strength, stability and structural integrity)
• adequate serviceability (in terms of stiffness, durability, etc.)
• and economy

Safety implies that the likelihood of (partial or total) collapse of the structure is acceptably low not only under the normal
expected loads (service loads) but also under abnormal but probable overloads (such as due to earthquake or extreme wind)

Serviceability implies satisfactory performance of the structure under service loads, without discomfort to the user due to
excessive deflection, cracking, vibration, etc.

Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)

According to NBC 2020, the earthquake ground motion considered for normal design, taken as two‐thirds of the corresponding Maximum
Considered Earthquake (MCE) is the DBE.
A fully earthquake proof structure is very huge and highly uneconomic. Therefore , it is a practice to design for structure to resist the
earthquake without significant structural damage and this level of earthquake is the design basis earthquake. This level of earthquake can
be reasonably expected to occur at least once during the lifetime of structures.
Principal of Earthquake Resistant Design
Structural simplicity
Structural simplicity is characterized by the existence of clear and direct paths for the transmission of the seismic forces.
Modeling, analysis, dimensioning, detailing and construction of simple structures are subject to much less uncertainty and thus the
prediction of their seismic behavior is much more reliable.

Uniformity, symmetry and redundancy

Uniformity in plan is characterized by an even distribution of the structural elements which allows direct transmission of the
inertia forces induced in the distributed masses of the building. If necessary, uniformity may be realized by subdividing the entire
building by seismic joints into dynamically independent units, provided that these joints are designed against pounding between the
individual units. Uniformity of the structure along the height of the building is also essential is necessary to avoid concentration of

If the building configuration is symmetrical or quasi-symmetrical, a symmetrical layout of structural elements, which should be
well-distributed in-plan, is appropriate for the achievement of uniformity.
Principal of Earthquake Resistant Design
The use of evenly distributed structural elements increases redundancy and allows a more favorable redistribution of member
forces and spreads the energy dissipation widely across the entire structure.

Adequate resistance and stiffness

Horizontal seismic motion is a bi-directional phenomenon and thus the building structure shall be able to resist horizontal actions
in any direction.
To meet this, structural elements should be arranged in an orthogonal in-plan structural pattern, ensuring adequate resistance
and stiffness characteristics in both main directions.

In addition to lateral resistance and stiffness, building structures should possess adequate torsional resistance and stiffness in
order to limit the development of torsional motions which tend to stress different structural elements in a non-uniform way.
Principal of Earthquake Resistant Design
Diaphragm action
In buildings, floors (including the roof) play a very important role in the overall seismic behavior of the structure. They act as
horizontal diaphragms that collect and transmit the inertia forces to the vertical structural systems and ensure that those
systems act together in resisting the horizontal seismic
Floor systems and the roof should be provided with in-plane stiffness and resistance and with effective connection to the vertical
structural systems.

Adequate foundation
A. With regard to the seismic action, the design and construction of the foundations and their connection to the superstructure
shall ensure that the whole building is subjected to a uniform seismic excitation.

B. For buildings with individual foundation elements (footings or piles), the use of a foundation slab or tie-beams between these
elements in both main directions is recommended.
Principal of Earthquake Resistant Design
Ductility is generally defined as the ratio of maximum roof displacement to yeild displacement which can be obtained from nonlinear
static analysis also known as global ductility factor.

Ductility in a structural member is developed only if the member material is itself ductile. For example, the plain concrete element is
not ductile, as it has not tensile property. Ductility in a RC member can be ensured by adding the reinforcement.

Ductility can be defined in terms of strains, rotations, curvature or the deflections.

In general, ductility is increased in RC element by; an increase in ultimate concrete strain, an increase in compression steel content;
an increase in shear reinforcement, increase in compression strength of concrete

Ductility in RC element is decreased in general by: An increase in tension steel content, increase in the axial load, an increase in the
steel yield strength.
Principal of Earthquake Resistant Design
Strength Hierarchy

Structural elements that are supporting (other structural elements and items of the buildings) are required to be stronger than those
that are being
supported by them.
For Example: In case of Moment resisting frame building

1) Beams stronger than adjoining braces, if any;

2) Beam-column joints stronger than the adjoining beams;
3) Columns stronger than adjoining beams;
4) Beam-column joint stronger than the adjoining columns;
5) Foundations stronger than adjoining columns; and
6) Soil strata underneath stronger than foundations.
The structural analysis for design seismic actions shall be carried out using any one of the following methods:

a) Equivalent Static Method also known as Seismic Coefficient Method

b) Linear Dynamic Methods

i. Modal Response Spectrum Method
ii. Elastic Time History Analysis

c) Non-linear Methods
i. Non-linear Static Analysis
ii. Non-linear Time History Analysis
a) Equivalent Static Method

The Equivalent Static Method may be used for all serviceability limit state (SLS) calculations regardless of the building

For ultimate limit state (ULS), the Equivalent Static Method may be used when at least one of the following criteria is satisfied:

• The height of the structure is less than or equal to 15 m.

• The natural time period of the structure is less than 0.5 secs
• The structure is not irregular and total height is below 40 m.
b) Linear Dynamic Methods

i) Modal Response Spectrum Method (MRSM)

The Modal Response Spectrum Method may be used for all types of structures and the structures where Equivalent Static Method
is not applicable. A three dimensional analysis shall be performed for torsionally sensitive structures.

Ii) Elastic Time History Analysis

The elastic time history analysis may be used for all types of structures to verify that the specific response parameters are within
the limits of acceptability assumed during design. A three dimensional analysis shall be performed for torsionally sensitive

The analysis consists of an analysis of a linear mathematical model of the structure to obtain various response quantities
employing the methods of numerical integration based on ground motion acceleration histories compatible with the design
response spectrum for the site.
c) Non-linear Methods

As an alternative to linear analysis methods, nonlinear analysis methods can be used for structural analysis.

These methods are normally used to verify the performance of the structures (existing or retrofitted or new). These methods can
also be used to verify that the specific response parameters are within the limits of acceptability assumed during design.
c) Non-linear Methods
An example output of nonlinear static analysis of masonry buildings by using equivalent frame method

Moment hinges only Both moment and shear hinges

Design Lateral Force a) Equivalent Static Method

• Philosophy of Earthquake-Resistant Design

• First calculate maximum elastic seismic forces
• Then reduce to account for ductility and overstrength

Lateral Force
H, 
Elastic Force

Elastic Force
reduced by R


Design Force

Lateral Deflection
• Design Horizontal Acceleration Spectrum
• Indian Standard Elastic
IS 1893:1984
 Sa 
IS 1893:2002
Z  T  I
IS 1893:2016
Ah T    g 
Reduction to account
Z = Seismic Zone
for ductility and
Sa/g = design acceleration coefficient for different soil
types, normalized with peak ground acceleration,
corresponding to different natural period T of the
I = Importance factor
R = response reduction factor
also known as Seismic Coefficient Method
• Design Seismic Base Shear VB
IS 1893:2016
 Z  S a 
  Ta 
 2  g 
VB  Ah Ta  W  W
Factor of 2 in A for reducing
h  
PGA for Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)

Ah(Ta) = Design horizontal acceleration coefficient
W = Seismic weight
• Seismic Zone Factor
Seismic Zone II III IV V

IS 1893:2016
Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36

• Reflects Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)

of the region during
Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE)

Acceleration Spectral Acceleration


(ZPA:: Natural
Zero Period Acceleration)0 Period
• Importance factor I
• Degree of conservatism
• Willing to pay more for assuring essential services
• Domino effect of disaster
IS 1893:2016
• Important & community buildings

S.No. Building I
1 Important, Community, and Lifeline Buildings 1.5
2 All Others 1.0
• Can use higher value of I
• Buildings not mentioned can be designed for higher value
of I depending on economy and strategic considerations
• Temporary (short term) structures exempted from I
• Structure Flexibility Factor Sa/g (acceleration coefficient)
• Local soil profile reflected through different design spectra for 3
types of soil

IS 1893:2016
• Structure Flexibility Factor Sa/g (acceleration coefficient)
• Local soil profile reflected through different design spectra for 3
types of soil

IS 1893:2016
• Empirical Natural Period Ta
• RC moment-resisting frames without infills
Ta  0.075 h 0.75

Others (including RC buildings with brick infills)

IS 1893:2016
Ta  d
where h is in meters
• T for Seismic Coefficient Method
• only from empirical expression
• not from dynamic analysis
• Response Reduction Factor R
• Two Step Approach ::
• Calculate maximum elastic force on building
• Reduce for ductility and overstrength to get design force
• MRFs

IS 1893:2016

Building with FRAMES R IS 456:2000

Ordinary MRFs 3.0

Special MRFs 5.0

IS 13920:1993
• Shear Walls

IS 456:2000
Building with SHEAR WALLS R
IS 1893:2016 Ordinary RC Shear Walls 3.0
Ductile RC Shear Walls 4.0
IS 13920:1993
• DUAL Systems

IS 1893:2016

Building with DUAL Systems R

Ordinary RC Shear Walls with OMRFs 3.0
Ordinary RC Shear Walls with SMRFs 4.0
Ductile RC Shear Walls with OMRFs 4.5
Ductile RC Shear Walls with SMRFs 5.0
• R values can be taken as those given under Dual Systems,
only if both conditions below are satisfied
• Shear walls and MRFs are designed to resist VB in proportion to their
stiffnesses considering their interaction at all floor levels
• MRFs are designed to independently resist at least 25% of VB

IS 1893:2016


Shear Wall

Shear Wall
• Seismic Weight of Building W
• Dead load
• Part of imposed loads

IS 1893:2016 Imposed Uniformly Distributed % of Imposed Load

Floor Loads (kN/m2) to be considered
Up to and including 3.0 25

Above 3.0 50
Distribution of Design Lateral Force (Base Shear) to different
floor levels
IS 1893:2016 At each floor level, design storey shear should be distributed to vertical
elements resisting lateral loads
• in proportion to their stiffnesses, If rigid floor diaphragm
• considering in-plane flexibility of diaphragm, If floor diaphragm flexible,

𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∗ 𝑛 2
𝑖=1 𝑤𝑖 ℎ𝑖
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:1994
•NBC 105:2020

Spectral shape factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static method NBC 105:2020
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:1994
•NBC 105:2020

Spectral shape factor, Ch(T) NBC 105:2020 for Modal

Response Spectrum Method, Nonlinear Time History
Analysis , Vertical Loading and Parts and Components
Nepal Standard
Seismic Zoning •NBC 105:2020

According to NBC 105:2020, Nepal is subdivided into different seismic zones

based on the local seismic hazard. The seismic hazard is assumed to be
constant within each zone. The Seismic Zoning Factor (Z) represents the peak
ground acceleration (PGA) for 475 year return period.
Seismic Zoning

NBC 105:2020
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:2020
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:2020

The approximate fundamental period of vibration, T1, in seconds is determined from following
empirical equation
Nepal Standard
Nepal Standard

For serviceability limit state,

ductility factor Rs =1
Ductility factor and Overstrength factor
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:2020
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:2020 Seismic Weight

The seismic weight at each level, Wi, shall be taken as the sum of the dead loads and the factored
seismic live loads between the mid-heights of adjacent stories.
Nepal Standard
•NBC 105:2020 Horizontal Seismic Base Shear

The horizontal seismic base shear, V, acting at the base of the structure, in the direction being
considered, shall be calculated as
W i = seismic weight of the structure assigned to level i
hi= height (m) from the base to level i
n= total number of floors/levels
V= horizontal seismic base shear
k= an exponent related to the structural period
W = Seismic Weight of the structure

Vertical distribution of seismic forces (Base Shear)

Linear Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis shall be performed for
• Regular Buildings
• Height > 40 m
• Irregular Buildings
• Height > 15 m
• frame building with long spans
Linear Dynamic Analysis may be performed either by Time history method or the
Modal Response spectrum method.
Linear Time history Analysis:
Time history method shall be based on an appropriate ground motion compatible
with the design acceleration spectrum in the desired range of natural periods. IT
shall be performed by using accepted principles of earthquake structural
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Design horizontal acceleration Ak in mode k
Z Sa
 Tk 
2 g
Ak 

• Use Tk from dynamic analysis

• Sa/g given for 3 soil types for 5% damping. For other damping values, multiplying
factors are given

Damping (%) 0 2 5 7 10 15 20 25 30
Factor 3.20 1.40 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.55 0.50
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Simplified method of dynamic analysis (cl. IS 1893:2016)
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Simplified method of dynamic analysis (cl. IS 1893:2016)
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Simplified method of dynamic analysis (cl. IS 1893:2016)

Replace the coefficient Ak in the IS 1893 standard by the

Cd(Ti) from NBC 105, the other expressions are same.
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Number of Modes to be Considered
A sufficient number of modes shall be included in the analysis to include at least 90%
of the total seismic mass in the direction under consideration.
 M k  0.9 M
k 1

All modes that are not part of the horizontal load resisting systems shall be ignored in
modal combination.
Modal Response Spectrum Method
Modal Combination Rules (cl
• Complete Quadratic Coefficient (CQC) Method

8 2 (1   )  1.5
 ij 
r r (1   2 ) 2  4 2  (1   ) 2
  i ij  j where
 
i 1 j 1 i
  Modal damping ratio

• If modes considered are well separated (i.e., frequencies differ from each other
by 10% or more of the lower frequency), Square Root of Sum of Squares (SRSS)
 
 k
 2

k 1
Modal Response Spectrum Method

• If a few modes considered are closely spaced (i.e., frequencies differ from each
other by less than 10% of the lower frequency),
• For the closely spaced modes alone, Absolute Sum Method

*   c
• This response should be Combined with that of remaining modes by SRSS or CQC Method
Modal Response Spectrum Method
• Example:
(a) Closely-Spaced Modes
• Consider frequencies 1.2 Hz and 1.5 Hz corresponding to two modes of a building.
Lower frequency = 1.20 Hz
Courtesy: 10% of lower frequency = 0.12 Hz
Content from the lecture
note of Prof. PN Maskey Since 1.5 Hz > (1.2 Hz + 0.12 Hz), the modes are well-separated.
• Consider frequencies 1.1 Hz and 1.2 Hz corresponding to two modes of a building.
Lower frequency = 1.10 Hz
10% of lower frequency = 0.11 Hz
Since 1.2 Hz < (1.1 Hz + 0.11 Hz), the modes are closely-spaced.
Modal Response Spectrum Method

(b) SRSS and Absolute Sum Methods

Consider a certain response quantity from three modes to be 10.0, -7.4
and 0.8.
The net response by the Content from the lecture note of
Prof. PN Maskey

SRSS Method :: 10.0 2  (  7.4)2  (0.8)2  12.47

Absolute Sum Method :: 10.0   7.4  0.8  18.2

Modal Response Spectrum Method
Design base shear obtained by combining the modal base shear forces should be equal
or greater than s less than the base shear (V) calculated using Equivalent Static Method

VB  VB from Seismic Coefficient Method,

which is based on empirical Ta

from Response Spectrum Method

If not, all response quantities from RSM are multiplied by 𝑉𝐵/VB.

Drift Evaluation and Verification
Inter-storey Drift limitation (IS 1893 cl. 7.11.1)

Storey drift under design lateral load with partial load hi
factor 1.0 shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey

Incase Linear Dynamic Analysis (MRSM), if   0.004hi

RSM SCM As per NBC 105: 2020

The ratio of the inter-story deflection to the corresponding
VB  VB story height shall
not exceed:
then displacements from MRSM 0.025 at ultimate limit state
need not be multiplied by a scale 0.006 at serviceability limit state
factor of 𝑉𝐵/VB.
Drift Evaluation and Verification
Deformation Compatibility Requirement (IS 1893 cl. 7.11.2)

For buildings located in seismic zones IV and V, it shall be ensured that the structural
components that are not a part of the seismic force resisting system in the direction
under consideration, do not loose their vertical load carrying capacity under the
induced moments resulting from storey deformations equal to R times the storey
displacements calculated under design lateral force in that direction.
Drift Evaluation and Verification
R1  1 R2   2
Separation between Adjacent Units (IS 1893 cl. 7.11.3)

• Two adjacent buildings

• Two adjacent units of same building

• Amount of separation As per NBC 105:2020

Parts of buildings or buildings on the same site which are not
designed to act as an integral unit shall be separated from each
• Floors levels are at same elevation other by a distance of not less than the sum of the design

 
R horizontal deflections
  1 design
 2 design
The design horizontal deflections shall be determined by multiplying
• Floors levels are at different elevations the horizontal deflection found from Equivalent Static Method or

  R   1 design   2 design  Modal Response Spectrum Method by the Ductility factor (Rμ)
IS 1893 cl. 7.9
Provision shall be made in all buildings for increase in shear force on the lateral force resisting
elements resulting from the horizontal torsional moment arising due to eccentricity between the
centre of mass and centre of rigidity.
The design horizontal forces are to be applied at the centre of mass appropriately displaced so as to
cause design eccentricity.
• Design Eccentricity
1.5esi  0.05bi
edi  Worst of 
 esi  0.05bi
esi is the static eccentricity defined as a difference
Between the CM and CR. bi
The factor 1.5 represents the dynamic amplification factor
and the other factor 0.05 represents the accidental eccentricity.
NBC 105:2020 cl. 5.7

For the analysis for torsional effects, the applied torsion at each level shall
use either the forces calculated by the Equivalent Static Method or the
combined story inertial forces found in a Modal Response Spectrum Method.
i.e. The design eccenttricity is equal to static eccentricity ± accidental eccentricity.

The accidental eccentricity can be taken as ±0.1b.

Course Content by Er. Bharat Pradhan (Structural Engineer and Research Fellow)
Design Horizontal earthquake load and load combinations
IS 1893:2016

Design Horizontal earthquake load and load combinations

NBC 105:2020 cl.3.6

Numerical Problems
Question 1

Determine the design horizontal seismic coefficients for a special reinforced concrete moment resisting frame
(SMRF) hospital building without infill panels for a damping of 5%. The building is situtted in seismic zone V
according to IS1893:2002/2016. The height of the building is 19m and it is resting on the soft soil. Also write down
the expressions for the base shear and the vertical distribution of the base shear.
Numerical Problems

Question 1
Determine the design horizontal seismic coefficients for a special reinforced concrete moment resisting frame
(SMRF) hospital building without infill panels for a damping of 5%. The building is situated in seismic zone V
according to IS1893:2002/2016. The height of the building is 19m and it is resting on the soft soil. Also write down
the expressions for the base shear and the vertical distribution of the base shear.
Zone V, Z=0.36
Importance factor , I = 1.5
Response reduction factor for SMRF , R = 5
Height of the building , H = 19 m
Calculation of the time period of the building without infill panels
Ta  0.075 h 0.75
Ta= 0.075*190.75 = 0.68 s
From the response spectrum curve for equivalent static method (Is 1893:2016) or the equation
Design acceleration coefficient for soft soil, Sa/g = 1.67/Ta =1.67/0.68 = 2.44
Numerical Problems

Question 1
Solution:  Sa 
 g T  
Design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah T    
Ah = 0.36*2.44*1.5/(2*5) = 0.13

Semic Base Shear, VB = Ah * Seismic Weight (W)

Vertical distribution of the base shear (VB) along the height of the building

𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∗ 𝑛 2
𝑖=1 𝑤𝑖 ℎ𝑖
Numerical Problems

Question 2
A three storey RC public building with a height of 12 m and a storey height of 4 m is to be designed as a special
reinforced concrete moment resisting frame (SMRF). The building is situtted in seismic zone IV according to
IS1893:2002/2016 in a medium soil type. The lumped weight due to dead load is 12 kN/m2 on floors and 8 kN/m2
on roof. The live load on the floors were 4.5 kN/m2 while on roof it was 2 kN/m2. If the area of floor and roof is
taken to be 250 m2 determine the design seismic load on the structures as per Is 1893:2002 (Is 1893:2016).
Calcution is to be done considering a bare frame structure.
Numerical Problems

Question 2
A three storey RC public building with a height of 12 m and a storey height of 4 m is to be designed as a special
reinforced concrete moment resisting frame (SMRF). The building is situated in seismic zone IV according to
IS1893:2002/2016 in a medium soil type. The lumped weight due to dead load is 12 kN/m2 aon floors and 8 kN/m2
on roof. The live load on the floors were 4.5 kN/m2 while on roof it was 2 kN/m2. If the area of floor and roof is
taken to be 250 m2 determine the design seismic load on the structures as per Is 1893:2002 (Is 1893:2016).
Calculation is to be done considering a bare frame structure.
Calculation of seismic weight in each floor
Seimic weight on first floor = W1= DL +factor of LL = 12*250+4.5*250*0.5 = 3565.5 kN
Seimic weight on second floor = W2= DL +factor of LL = 12*250+4.5*250*0.5 = 3565.5 kN
Seimic weight on roof = W3= DL = 8*250 = 2000 kN
Total seismic weight = 3565.5 + 3565.5 + 2000 = 9125 kN
Calculation of lateral force in each floor
Zone IV, Z=0.24
Importance factor , I = 1.5
Numerical Problems

Question 2
Calculation of lateral force in each floor
Response reduction factor for SMRF , R = 5
Height of the building , H = 12 m
Calculation of the time period of the building without infill panels
Ta= 0.075*120.75 = 0.48 s
From the response spectrum curve for equivalent static method (IS 1893:2016) or the equation
Design acceleration coefficient for medium soil, Sa/g = 2.5
 Sa 
 g T 
Z I
Ah T    
Design horizontal seismic coefficient, 2R

Ah = 0.24*2.5*1.5/(2*5) = 0.09
Numerical Problems

Question 2
Semic Base Shear, VB = Ah * Seismic Weight (W) = 0.09 * 9125 = 821.25 kN

Vertical distribution of the base shear (VB) along the height of the building

𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2 Vertical distribution of earthquake forces

𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∗ 𝑛 2
𝑖=1 𝑤𝑖 ℎ𝑖

Storey level Wi hi wihi2 Qi

3 2000 12 288000 412.77
2 3565.5 8 228000 326.78
1 3565.5 4 57000 81.69
VB= 821.25

Base Shear in the floor levels

Numerical Problems

Question 3
The plan and elevation of a 4 storied RCC building with masonry infill walls located in a medium soil site is shown in
the figure. The building has given features: Seismic zone = III, Live load on all floor except roof=3 kN/m2, Column size
= 450*450 mm2, Beam size = 250*400 mm2, Thickness of infill wall = 120 mm, Importance factor = 1.0, Structure
type = Ordinary moment resisting frame (OMRF), strength of concrete (fck) = 25 Mpa, unit weight of concrete = 25
kN/m3 and unit weight of masonry = 10 kN/m3. Use Ec =5000*sqrt(fck). Floor thickness = 150 mm
Workout the design lateral load and storey shear force distribution by equivalent static metho of analysis.
Numerical Problems

Question 3
Solution: Equivalent static method
Calculation of seismic weight in each floor
Dead load:
Slab = (22.5*22.5*0.15) *25 = 1898.4 kN
Beams = (0.25*0.4*(4*22.5*2))*25 = 450 kN
Columns = 16*(0.45*0.45*3)*25 = 243 kN
Walls = 0.12*3*(4*22.5*2)*10 = 648 kN
Live load:
first, second and third floor = 0.25 (factor choosen )since the live load is 3 kN/m2)*3*22.5*22.5 = 380 kN
top floor = 0
Therefore, seismic weights W
W1 = W2= W3 = 1898.4+450+243+648+380 = 3619 kN
W4 = 1898.4+450+243/2+648/2 = 2793.5 kN
W = 3619*3+2793.5 = 13650.5 (kN)
Calculation of base shear
For moment resisting frame with infills Ta  0.09h
h=12 m d=22.5 m, Ta = 0.28 s d
Numerical Problems

Question 3
Solution: Equivalent static method

Calculation of base shear

for medium soil, Sa/g = 2.5
For zone III, Z= 0.16
For OMRF , R = 3
Ah = 0.16*1*2.5/(2*3) = 0.067
Semic Base Shear, VB = Ah * Seismic Weight (W) = 0.067 * 13650.0 = 910 kN

Vertical distribution of the base shear (VB) along the height

of the building
Storey level Wi hi wihi2 Qi
4 2793.5 12 --- 426.53
𝑊𝑖 ℎ𝑖2
𝑄𝑖 = 𝑉𝐵 ∗ 𝑛 2 3 3619 9 ---- 310.83
𝑖=1 𝑤𝑖 ℎ𝑖
2 3619 6 ---- 138.14
1 3619 3 ----- 34.54

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