Atmospheric Soundings Stability - Activities
Atmospheric Soundings Stability - Activities
Atmospheric Soundings Stability - Activities
The activity numbers below correspond to the section numbers in the online Tutorial
Readings. You should already have with you hard copies of printouts S1 , S2 , and S3 .
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UBC ATSC 201 - Atmospheric Soundings & Stability: Act...
65 10 -20
80 25 -5
90 25 20
100 40 25
The P = 65°C isobar should be below the P = 60°C isobar, not above
Straight lines should be used to connect the plotted points. Curved
lines should not be used.
a. Humidity of the Air: Identify the humidity mixing ratio (r) lines
(isohumes, Fig 3).
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The line for T should be drawn parallel to the adiabats (not to the
isotherms) and Td should be drawn parallel to the isohumes (not to
the isotherms).
1) T = ___________ °C
2) rs = ___________ g/kg
3) Td = ___________ °C [Hint: Td = T for
saturated air.]
4) r = ___________ g/kg [Hint: r = rs for
saturated air.]
5) rT = ___________ g/kg
6) liquid-water mixing ratio rL = rT -
rs = ___________ g/kg
where this last number shows how much liquid water (cloud and rain
droplets) are being carried by the air parcel.
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Above the LCL, the line for parcel temperature should curve to
maintain its relative distance between neighbouring saturated
adiabats. Namely, the lines should gradually fan out as you go
higher in the graph.
4. Static Stability
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c. Following the instructions in the on-line Lab Readings, and using the
sounding from exercise 2 (which is replotted here as Fig 12 and on
printout S2), determine which regions of the environment are statically:
Indicate your results along the right edge of Fig 12. The answers are shown
in Figs 13-15.
1) Identify and label the boundary layer and its capping stable
2) Identify and label the stratosphere, troposphere, and
3) Would you anticipate the sounding of Fig 12 to be
conducive to severe thunderstorms? (yes / no) Why?
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b. Tracking Parcel Rise: Starting with Fig 18, draw a line showing how
the temperature and total mixing ratio change in a rising air parcel starting
from the surface with the same initial conditions as the environmental
sounding. For our example, this is in Fig 19 with all the background
thermo diagram lines removed for clarity.
Trigger mechanisms can overcome this obstacle two ways: (1) by forcing
the surface air parcel above the top of this cap (Fig 21); and (2) by heating
the surface air such that rising parcels are buoyany enough to penetrate
the cap on their own (Fig 22). Sometimes condition (2) is satisfied in later
afternoon, after the sun has caused more heating of the earth's surface.
1) Using Fig 18, to what pressure altitude must the air parcel
be lifted from the surface to trigger thunderstorms? This is
called the level of free convection (LFC). LFC = ________
2) Or, to what temperature must the parcel be heated near the
surface to give it enough buoyancy to penetrate the cap?
_____ °C
When lifting the surface air parcel, first follow the dry adiabat. But
above the LCL don't forget to switch to following the saturated
2) The area between the moist adiabat of the rising parcel and
the environmental sounding (between the LFC and LOC
heights) is proportional to the Convective Available Potential
Energy (CAPE). Larger values of CAPE means that the
thunderstorm can tap more of the buoyant energy associated
with latent heat release, to become a more intense storm.
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You now know how to determine thunderstorm base, top, and trigger
needed to get it started. You can identify the boundary layer, cap,
troposphere, tropopause, and stratosphere. You can use the thermo
diagram to help calculate various humidities, to determine temperature
change of vertically moving air parcels, and to determine how much liquid
water could be produced within the one rising air parcel. You can identify
layers of stratiform and cumulus clouds. (Also, from the extra material of
section 4, you can find the static stability of the environment. From the
advanced materials, you can determine CAPE area and thunderstorm
intensity, and you can interpret Skew-T diagrams.)
To help solidify your new skills as summarized in section 5e above, you might want to
try exercise 1 below. Exercise 2 below will not be covered on any tests, but provides real,
current soundings to study.
1. Practice this on your own as homework, with the following sounding on a blank
thermo diagram (S3 Printout):
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98 25 15
100 30 20
a) Plot this new sounding on the full thermo diagram (S3 Printout).
b) Determine the static stability layering.
c) Identify the boundary layer, cap, troposphere, tropopause, and
d) For an air parcel at the surface with the same T and Td as listed in
the table above at P=100 kPa, use the thermo diagram to estimate
its mixing ratio, saturation mixing ratio, and relative humidity
e) For this air parcel starting from the surface, draw lines on the
thermo diagram showing how the temperature and dew-point of this
air parcel change as it rises.
f) Find the pressure heights of the LCL, LFC and LOC.
g) Calculate the CAPE, and determine thunderstorm intensity.
h) Indicate what is needed to trigger this thunderstorm.
i) Identify any layers of stratiform or cumulus clouds, if any.
2. Use the following web link (or other links as suggested by the TA or prof), to
examine plots of real soundings near thunderstorms.
US National Radar (R) web sites. The first site (Ra) is often the
quickest and simplest. The other two sites provide more detail, and
allow you to click on the map to zoom into a region. Also, the last
site (Rc) gives storm-top altitutde, storm movement, and indications
of hail or tornadoes.
(Ra) American Meteorlogical Society DataStreme
(Rb) US National Weather Service
(Rc) Microsoft Intellicast
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with CAPE)
(Sb) American Meteorlogical Society DataStreme: Stuves for US
(Sc) Ohio State Univ: Skew-T for US and Canada
(Sd) UCAR RAP: Skew-T (US and Canada) with CAPE
(Se) Northern Illinois Univ. Weather Machine (draws graphs on
demand): Emagram, Skew-T, or Stuve (international, with CAPE,
but no station list)
c) Retrieve the sounding for that station from the web. If your
sounding doesn't have large CAPE, try a diferent location near other
d) For each such plot, first identify which type of thermo diagram it
is (i.e., the type used here, or a Skew-T/Tephigram type).
e) Then identify all of the isopleths (isobars, isotherms, isohumes,
dry and moist adiabats, height contours if any).
f) Look at the sounding and identify the boundary layer, cap,
troposphere, and stratosphere.
g) For an air parcel starting from the surface, find the LCL, LFC,
LOC, CAPE, and thunderstorm intensity (often, these numbers are
computed automatically by the computer program that plotted the
graph, and are displayed near the graph).
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