Fugabella Color KKG 2019
Fugabella Color KKG 2019
Fugabella Color KKG 2019
Fugabella® Color
Decorative Resina-cemento® (resin-cement)
for grouting of ceramic and porcelain tiles,
mosaic and natural stone in a 50-colour
design range. Green product for bio-building.
Areas of application
High-performance grouting of joints from 0 to 20 environments subject to heavy traffic, also in
mm, with smooth finish, high degree of hardness, areas subject to thermal shock and freezing
water-repellence with water-drop effect. -- swimming pools, tanks and fountains
Materials to be grouted: -- underfloor heating systems.
-- porcelain tiles, low thickness slabs, ceramic
tiles, klinker, cotto, glass and ceramic mosaic, Do not use on joints more than 20 mm in width,
of all types and formats on floors and walls where specific chemical
-- natural stone, recomposed materials, marble. resistances or absolutely no water absorption
are required; to grout elastic expansion or
Intended use: fractionising joints; on substrates which are
-- internal and external flooring and walls, highly deformable, not perfectly dry or subject to
in domestic, commercial and industrial moisture rising.
applications and street furniture, in
Special notes
When using Fugabella® Color to grout joints The partial or full replacement of mixing water
in large surface areas, use suitable electrical with Fugaflex Eco eco-friendly flexibilizing
equipment to increase application speed and latex for cement-based grouts, gives increased
cleaning times. In particular, cleaning with flexibility to Fugabella® Color, reduces the
electric sponges can be easily carried out and elastic modulus, increases resistance to water
ensures superior coverage and perfect results in and substrate adhesion. Its use is recommended
aesthetic terms. in the following specific applications: laying on
Before grouting highly porous surface coverings, wooden floors, laying on substrates or using
or at high temperatures, it is advisable to wipe a materials with high thermal expansion or where
damp sponge over the surface to counteract the surfaces are to be subsequently smoothed.
porosity or to cool the surface, being careful not Approved for marine use.
to cause water to stagnate in the joints.
It is recommended to use materials from the
same production batch throughout.
118.7 13007-3
mission dans l’air intérieur Information sur le niveau d’émission de substances volatiles dans l’air intérieur, présentant un risque de
toxicité par inhalation, sur une échelle de classe allant de A+ (très faibles émissions) à C (fortes émissions).
Certified, high-performance grouting of ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, low thickness slabs, marble and natural stone with
eco-friendly, naturally bacteriostatic and fungistatic mineral grout with high colour fastness, compliant with standard ISO
13007-3 – class CG2 WA, GreenBuilding Rating® 4, such as Fugabella® Color by Kerakoll Spa. Joints must be dry and free
from traces of adhesive and loose debris. Use a spreader or hard rubber float to apply the grout and suitable sponges and
clean water to clean joints on completion. Joints of ____ mm width and tiles ____ x ____ cm in size will give an average
coverage of approx. ____ kg/m2. Existing elastic expansion and fractionizing joints must be respected.
Fugabella® Color Code: P1091 2019/07 GCC/EN
Colour Fastness*
Fugabella® Color colour chart * GSc (Daylight)
EN ISO 105-A05 standard
01 4,5
02 4,5
03 4,5
04 4,5
05 4,5
06 4,5
07 4,5
08 4,5
09 5
10 4,5
11 5
12 5
13 4,5
14 4,5
15 4
16 4
17 4,5
18 4,5
19 4,5
20 5
21 4,5
22 4,5
23 4,5
24 4,5
25 4,5
26 4,5
27 5
28 5
29 4,5
30 4,5
31 4,5
32 4,5
33 4,5
34 4,5
35 4,5
36 4,5
37 4,5
38 4,5
39 4,5
40 4,5
41 4
The shades shown are intended as an indication only.
42 3,5
43 5
44 4,5
45 5
46 4,5
47 5
48 4,5
49 4,5
50 4,5
Legend from 5 to 4 high colour fastness; for internal and external use * ageing data
from 3.5 to 3 good colour fastness; for internal and external use 500 hrs Daylight.
from 2.5 to 1 limited colour fastness; for internal use ISO 11341:2004.
GSc (EN ISO 105 A05)
Fugabella® Color Code: P1091 2019/07 GCC/EN
Mixing water:
Shelf life:
≈ 24 months in the original packaging in
- 3 kg bag
dry environment
≈ 12 months in the original packaging in
- 20 kg bag
dry environment
Pack bags 20 kg – 3 kg ISO 11600
- mortar ≈ 7 – 14 days
Coverage table
1 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 8 mm 12 mm
100x100 cm 3 mm ≈ 11 ≈ 22 ≈ 34 ≈ 45 ≈ 57 ≈ 91 ≈ 136
100x300 cm 3 mm ≈7 ≈ 15 ≈ 22 ≈ 30 ≈ 38 ≈ 60 ≈ 91
The data provided must be considered merely as an indication of the grout coverage, averaged out based on our experience and taking into account normal site wastage. The following may vary
according to specific conditions at the building site: roughness of tile, excess of residual product, lack of surface flatness, temperatures, seasonal conditions.
Fugabella® Color Code: P1091 2019/07 GCC/EN
Values taken at +23 °C, 50% R.H. and no ventilation. Data may vary depending on specific conditions at the building site.
Fugabella® Color Code: P1091 2019/07 GCC/EN
Product for professional use protect the grout from direct rainfall and sun for
in swimming pools, check the suitability of the at least 12 hours after application
product based on the type of water and the type in warm climates cool the surface and mix the
of chemical or physical treatment used grout with cold water
grout shades are not reproducible and may grouting joints on substrates that are still damp
even vary during application, as a result of will cause variations in the grout
application techniques and ambient conditions if necessary, ask for the safety data sheet
during and immediately after the grout has been for any other issues, contact the Kerakoll
applied Worldwide Global Service - info@kerakoll.ae
workability times may vary considerably,
depending on environmental conditions and on
tile and substrate absorbency
The Rating classifications refer to the GreenBuilding Rating® Manual 2012. This information was last updated in June 2019 (ref. GBR Data Report - 07.19); please note that additions and/or amendments may be
made over time by KERAKOLL SpA; for the latest version, see www.kerakoll.com. KERAKOLL SpA shall therefore be liable for the validity, accuracy and updating of information provided only when taken directly
from its institutional website. The technical data sheet given here is based on our technical and practical knowledge. As it is not possible for us to directly check the conditions in your building yards and the execu-
tion of the work, this information represents general indications that do not bind Kerakoll in any way. Therefore, it is advisable to perform a preliminary test to verify the suitability of the product for your purposes.