Relative Clauses.: Who/that Which/ That Where
Relative Clauses.: Who/that Which/ That Where
Relative Clauses.: Who/that Which/ That Where
This is a scientist This is the Pen drive is a It’s a USB port These are web
robot gadget browsers
invented a robot. cleans the floor. can store lots of you put US B we can find
texts and photos. gadgets. information.
I like the town This is the These are the I know a boy These are the
teacher books people
I was born. teaches me plays computer
Physics. I must read games all the time. work for Microsoft.
People Wash your hands I wear a mask The Tower of The double-decker
stay at home to get rid of in the places London is a castle is the bus
will not get Coronavirus there are lots of has seats upstairs
infected with the people. was a palace, a zoo, and downstairs.
coronavirus. is very a prison and a
dangerous. museum.
This is the That is the A parrot is a bird This is the tent This is the person
mechanic picture
I painted. can speak. we will sleep. we admire the
repaired my car. most.
This is the car Last summer I This is the fish A nurse is a person This is the village
was at the sea
my aunt likes to my parents bought looks after ill our family lives.
drive. I learned to swim. me. people.