Metallic Implant Materials: 5.1. Stainless Steels
Metallic Implant Materials: 5.1. Stainless Steels
Metallic Implant Materials: 5.1. Stainless Steels
Metals have been used in various forms as implants. The first metal developed
specifically for human use was the "Sherman Vanadium Steel," which was used
to manufacture bone fracture plates and screws. Most metals such as Fe, Cr, Co,
Ni, Ti, Ta, Mo, and W used for manufacturing implants can be tolerated by the
body in minute amounts. Sometimes those metallic elements, in naturally occur-
ring forms, are essential in cell functions (Fe) or synthesis of a vitamin BJ2 (Co),
but cannot be tolerated in large amounts in the body. The biocompatibility of
the implant metals is of considerable concern because they can corrode in the
hostile body environment. The consequence of corrosion is loss of material, which
will weaken the implant, and probably more important, the corrosion products
escape into the tissue resulting in undesirable effects. In this chapter we study
the composition-structure-property relationship of metals and alloys used for
implant fabrications.
The first stainless steel used for implant materials was the 18-8 (type 302 in
modern classification), which is stronger than the vanadium steel and more
resistant to corrosion. Vanadium steel is no longer used in implants since its
corrosion resistance is inadequate as discussed in Section 5.6. Later, 18-8sMo
stainless steel was introduced, which contains molybdenum to improve the
corrosion resistance in salt water. This alloy became known as type 316 stainless
steel. In the 1950s the carbon content of 316 stainless steel was reduced from
0.08 wt% to 0.03 wt% maximum for better corrosion resistance in chloride
solution; this became known as 316L.
Table 5-2 gives the mechanical properties of 316 and 316L stainless steels.
As can be noted, a wide range of properties can be obtained depending on the
heat treatment (to obtain softer materials) or cold-working (for greater strength
and hardness). The designer must be careful when selecting materials of this
type. Even the type 316L stainless steels may corrode inside the body under
certain circumstances such as in a highly stressed and oxygen-depleted region.
Composition (wt%)
U From Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 46, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1980, p.578.
h Slight variations are given (0.025 max) for special quality stainless steels
(F318 and F139 of ASTM).
20 \ I
Ni(w/ol!5 1\ Austenite
'\ /
Ferritic or ""'- V
intermediate struCiur'i(
o 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 5-1. The effect of Ni and Cr contents on the austenitic phase of stainless steels containing
0.1 wt% C. From F. H. Keating, Chromium-Nickel Austenitic Steels, Butterworths, London, 1956.
They are, however, suitable to use in temporary devices such as fracture plates,
screws, and hip nails.
a From Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 46, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
1980, p. 579.
Type. 316L. 317L. 318
600 80
60 ("to)
400 ,
""""=> 20
.................. _-- ______~~~?!'_9Q'ion
o 20 40 60 80
Figure 5-2. Effect of cold-work on the yield and ultimate tensile strength of 18-8 stainless steel.
From Source Book on Industrial Alloy and Engineering Data, American Society for Metals, Metal
Park, Ohio, 1978, p. 223.
After the scales are removed, the surface of the component is polished to a mirror
or mat finish. The surface is then cleaned, degreased, and passivated in nitric
acid (ASTM Standard F86). The component is washed and cleaned again before
packaging and sterilizing.
Example 5-1
Calculate the amount of the volume change when iron is oxidized to FeD (p = 5.95 g/ cm 3 ).
The density of Fe is 7.87 g/cm 3 .
55.87 g/mol 3
= 7.1 cm /mol
7.87 g/cm
71.85 g/mol
= 12.08 cm 3 / mol
5.95 g/cm
Therefore, a v = (12.08 - 7.1)/7.1 = 0.7 (70% volume increase by oxidation). This increase
in volume by oxidation causes the oxides formed to be very porous. Continued oxidation
can then take place via further diffusion of oxygen to the underlying metal.
ASTM lists four types of Co-based alloys that are recommended for surgical
implant applications: (1) cast CoCrMo alloy (F76), (2) wrought CoCrWNi alloy
(F90), (3) wrought CoNiCrMo alloy (F562), and (4) wrought CoNiCrMoWFe
alloy (F563). The chemical compositions of the first three types are summarized
in Table 5-3. At the present time, only two of the four alloys are used extensively
in implant fabrications, the castable CoCrMo and the wrought CoNiCrMo alloy.
As can be seen in Table 5-3, the compositions of the alloys are quite different.
The two basic elements of the Co-based alloys form a solid solution of up
to 65 wt% Co and the remainder is Cr as shown in Figure 5-3. The molybdenum
is added to produce finer grains, which results in higher strengths after casting
or forging.
a From Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 46, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1980.
/' ~
""'---. :::....... ~
~~. l~
(OC) 1200
800 ~
I' "" ,,
"", I (3+y Yt~ ,
/ : ,,,
/~ :
I ,
I ,
200 I
o 20 40 60 80 100
Cr (w/o)
Figure 5-3. Phase diagram of Co-Cr. From C. J. Smithells (ed.), Metals Reference Book, Butter-
worths, London, 1976, p. 549.
One of the most promising wrought Co-based alloys is the CoNiCrMo alloy
originally called MP35N (Standard Pressed Steel Co.), which contains approxi-
mately 35 wt% Co and Ni each. The alloy has a high degree of corrosion resistance
to seawater (containing chloride ions) under stress. The cold-working can increase
the strength of the alloy considerably as shown in Figure 5-4. However, there is
0 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Figure 5-4. Relationship between ultimate tensile strength and the amount of cold-work for
CoNiCrMo alloy. From T. M. Devine and J. Wulff, "Cast vs. Wrought Cobalt-Chromium Surgical
Implant Alloys," J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 9, 151-167, 1975.
U From Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Part 46, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1980.
b Data from M. Semlitsch, "Properties of Wrought CoNiCrMo Alloy Protasul-10, a Highly Corrosion and Fatigue
Resistant Implant Material for Joint Endoprostheses," Eng. Med., 9,201-207, 1980.
CoNiCrMo -
hot forged ( t ! . ) /
passivated (0) L
Ni ION 0.03
(fLg/cm 2 )
0.02 316L ss /
0.0 I
0 20 40 60
Figure 5-5. Nickel ion release versus time for hot-forged and passivated CoNiCrMo and 316L
stainless steel in 37°C Ringer's solution. From Biophase Implant Material, Technical Information
Publ. No. 3846, Richards Mfg. Co., Memphis, Tenn., 1980, p.7.
have some implications of different load transfer modes to the bone although it
is not established clearly what the effect of the increased modulus is.
Controlling the mold temperature will have an effect on the grain size of the
final cast; coarse ones are formed at higher temperatures, which will decrease
the strength. However, high processing temperature will result in larger carbide
precipitates with greater distances between them resulting in a less brittle material.
Again there is a complementary (trade-off) relationship between strength and
Figure 5-6. Lost wax casting of femoral joint prosthesis. (Courtesy of Howmedica, Inc., Rutherford,
N.J.) (a) Injection of wax into a brass mold. (b) Wax patterns assembled for a ceramic coating
(note the hollow part of the femoral head). (c) Application of the ceramic coating. (d) A hot
pressure chamber retrieves the wax, leaving behind a ceramic coating. (e) Pouring molten metals
into the preheated ceramic mold.
Example 5-2
Calculate the number of Co atoms released during a year from the femoral head of a hip
joint prosthesis made of CoCrMo alloy. Assume that the wear rate is 0.14 mm/yr and that
all of the atoms become ionized.
Assume a nominal diameter of the prosthetic femoral head of 28 mm . The surface area is
A = (4/3)7T (1.4 cm)2 = 8.21 cm 2 • Half of this area is in contact with the socket portion
of the joint. Therefore, the volume of wear material is 0/2) x (1.4 cm)2 x 0.014 cm/yr =
0.055 cm 3/yr. Since the density of Co is 8.83 g/cm 3, and the atomic weight is 58.93, and
the alloy is about 65% cobalt,
atoms 0.65 x 0.055 cm 3/yr x 8.83 g/cm 3 x 6.02 x 10 23 atoms/mol
yr 58.93 atoms/mol
= 3.2 x 10 21 atoms/yr, or 10 14 atoms/sec.
Attempts to use titanium for implant fabrication date to the late 1930s.
It was found that titanium was tolerated in cat femurs as was stainless steel
and Vitallium® (CoCrMo alloy). Its lightness (4.5 g/cm 3 compared to 7.9 g/cm 3
for 316 stainless steel, 8.3 g/ cm3 for cast CoCrMo, and 9.2 g/ cm 3 for wrought
CoNiCrMo alloys) and good mechanochemical properties are salient features
for implant application.
There are four grades of unalloyed titanium for surgical implant applications
as given in Table 5-5. The impurity contents separate them; oxygen, iron, and
nitrogen should be controlled carefully. Oxygen in particular has a great influence
on the ductility and strength.
One titanium alloy (Ti6AI4V) is widely used to manufacture implants and
its chemical requirements are given in Table 5-5. The main alloying elements of
the alloy are aluminum (5.5-6.5 wt%) and vanadium (3.5-4.5 wt%).
1. Aluminum tends to stabilize the a phase, that is, increase the transforma-
tion temperature from Q: to f3 phase (Figure 5-7).
Table 5-5. Chemical Compositions of Titanium and Its Alloy (ASTM F67, F136)
" Aluminum 6.00 wt% (5.50-6.50), vanadium 4.00 wt% (3.50-4.50), and other elements 0.1 wt% maximum or 0.4 wt%
h All are maximum allowable weight percent.
TEMP. 800 ,,
(Oel ,,
600 ,,,
o 2 468 10
AI (w/ol
Figure 5-7. Part of phase diagram of Ti-AI-V at 4wt% V. From C. J. E. Smith and A. N. Hughes,
"The Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of a Titanium--6 wlo Aluminum-4 wlo Vanadium Alloy," Eng.
Med., 7,158-171,1966.
Figure 5-8. Microstructure of Ti alloys (all are 500 x ). (a) Annealed a alloy. (b) Ti6AI4V, a-f3 alloy,
annealed. (c) f3 alloy, annealed. From G. H. Hille, "Titanium for Surgical Implants," J. Mater., 1,
373- 383, 1966.
Titanium is very reactive at high temperature and burns readily in the presence
of oxygen. It therefore requires an inert atmosphere for high-temperature process-
ing or is processed by vacuum melting. Oxygen diffuses readily in titanium and
the dissolved oxygen embrittles the metal. As a result, any hot working or forging
operation should be carried out below 925°C. Machining at room temperature
is not the solution to all of the problems since the material also tends to gall or
6AI4V Annealed I
Unallayed- Grade4 I
Cold-worked I
J Wrought annealed
J As cast
-.J Cold-worked I
=:=J Annealed
=::::J Cold-worked
r- ] Annealed
seize the cutting tools. Very sharp tools with slow speeds and large feeds are
used to minimize this effect. Electrochemical machining is an attractive means.
Example 5-3
The allotropic phase change of titanium at 882°C is from hcp structure (a = 2.95 A,
C = 4.683 A) to bcc structure (a = 3.32 A). Calculate the volume change in cm 3/g by
heating above the transformation temperature. The density is 4.54 g/ cm 3 and the atomic
weight is 47.9 g.
3)3 2 03
V hcp = ~ a c = 106.3 A which contains 6 atoms
Y + Hg ~ Y + YI + Y2 (5-0
in which the Y phase is Ag 3 Sn, the YI phase is Ag 2Hg 3 , and the Y2 phase is
Sn7Hg, as shown in Figure 5-10.
The phase diagram for the Ag-Sn-Hg system shows that over a wide composi-
tional range, all three phases are present. Dental amalgams typically contain 45%
960.5 0
Liquid (Ll
(OC) 600
221 0
Ag 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sn
to 55% mercury, 35% to 45% silver, and about 15% tin, when fully set. Strength
of the restoration increases during the setting process, so that the amalgam has
attained one quarter of its final strength after 1 hour, and almost all of its final
strength after 1 day.
5.4.2. Gold
Gold and gold alloys are useful metals in dentistry as a result of their
durability, stability, and corrosion resistance. Gold fillings are introduced by two
methods: casting and malleting. Cast restorations are made by taking a wax
impression of the prepared cavity, making a mold from this impression in a
material such as gypsum silica, which tolerates high temperature, and casting
molten gold in the mold. The patient is given a temporary filling for the intervening
time. Gold alloys are used for cast restorations, since they have mechanical
properties that are superior to those of pure gold. Corrosion resistance is retained
in these alloys provided they contain 75 wt% or more of gold and other noble
metals. Copper, alloyed with gold, significantly increases its strength. Platinum
also improves the strength, but no more than about 4% can be added, or the
melting point of the alloy is elevated excessively. Silver compensates for the color
of copper. A small amount of zinc may be added to lower the melting point and
to scavenge oxides formed during melting. Gold alloys of different composition
are available. Softer alloys containing more than 83% gold are used for inlays,
which are not subjected to much stress. Harder alloys containing less gold are
chosen for crowns and cusps, which are more heavily stressed.
Malleted restorations are built up in the cavity from layers of pure gold foil.
The foils are degassed before use, and the layers are welded together by pressure
at room temperature. In this type of welding, the metal layers are joined by
thermal diffusion of atoms from one layer to the other. Since intimate contact is
required in this procedure, it is particularly important to avoid contamination.
The pure gold is relatively soft, so this type of restoration is limited to areas not
subjected to much stress.
The nickel-titanium alloys show an unusual property, i.e., after the material
is deformed it can snap back to its previous shape following heating the material.
This phenomenon is called shape memory effect (SME). This effect of Ni-Ti alloy
was first observed by Buehler and Wiley at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory.
The equiatomic Ni-Ti alloy (Nitinol®) exhibits an exceptional SME near room
temperature: if it is plastically deformed below the transformation temperature,
it reverts back to its original shape as the temperature is raised. The SME can
be generally related to a diffusionless martensitic phase transformation that is
also thermoelastic in nature, the thermoelasticity being attributed to the ordering
in the parent and martensitic phases. The thermoelastic martensitic transformation
exhibits the following general characteristics:
1. Martensite formation can be initiated by cooling the material below Mso
defined as the temperature at which the martensitic transformation begins.
Martensite formation can also be initiated by applying a mechanical stress
at a temperature above Ms.
2. Ms and As (the temperature at which the reverse austenitic transformation
begins upon heating) temperatures can be increased by applying stresses
below the yield point; the increase is proportional to the applied stress.
3. The material is more resilient than most metals.
4. The transformation is reversible.
Some possible applications of shape memory alloys are orthodontic dental
archwires, intracranial aneurysm clips, a vena cava filter, contractile artificial
muscles for an artificial heart, orthopedic implants and other medical devices.
In order to develop such devices, it is necessary to understand fully the
mechanical and thermal behavior associated with the martensitic phase transfor-
mation. A widely known Ni-Ti alloy is 55-Nitinol (55 wt% or 50 at% NO, which
has a single phase and the "mechanical memory" plus other properties, e.g., high
acoustic damping, direct conversion of heat energy into mechanical energy, good
fatigue properties, and low-temperature ductility. Deviation from the 55-Nitinol
(near stoichiometric NiTi) in the Ni-rich direction yields a second group of alloys
that are also completely nonmagnetic but differ from 55-Nitinol in their capability
of being thermally hardened to higher hardness levels. Shape recovery capability
decreases and heat treatability increases rapidly as the Ni content approaches
60 wt%. Both 55- and 60-Nitinols have relatively low moduli of elasticity and
can be tougher and more resilient than stainless steel, Ni-Cr, or Co-Cr based
Efficiency of 55-Nitinol shape recovery can be controlled by changing the
final annealing temperatures during preparation of the alloy device. For the most
efficient recovery, the shape is fixed by constraining the specimen in a desired
Ni 54.01
Co 0.64
Cr 0.76
Mn 0.64
Fe 0.66
Ti Balance
configuration and heating to between 482 and 510°C. If the annealed wire is
deformed at a temperature below the shape recovery temperature, shape recovery
will occur upon heating, provided the deformation has not exceeded crystallo-
graphic strain limits (-8% strain in tension). The Ni-Ti alloys also exhibit good
biocompatibility and corrosion resistance in vivo.
The mechanical properties of Ni-Ti alloys are especially sensitive to the
stoichiometry of composition (typical composition is given in Table 5-7) and the
individual thermal and mechanical history. Although much is known about the
processing, mechanical behavior, and properties relating to the SME, considerably
less is known about the thermomechanical and physical metallurgy of the alloy.
The differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) is a device that is capable
of measuring the heat capacity of materials as a function of temperature.
Figure 5-11 shows a typical DSC plot for Ni-Ti alloy and identifies several
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 5-11. A typical DSC curve of the specific heat (thermal energy) versus temperature. From
J. H. Lee, J. B. Park, S. F. Andreasen, and R. S. Lakes, "Thermomechanical Studies of NiTi Alloys,"
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 22, 573-588, 1989.
relevant parameters. The Ni-Ti alloys generally display two peaks that are
associated with the martensitic phase transformation temperature in cooling (Ms
and M r) and heating (austenitic phase transformation temperature; As and Ar)
where subscripts sand f indicate the starting and finishing of transformations,
respectively. The area under the specific heat versus temperature curve can be
used to calculate the amount of thermal energy used for the phase transformation.
The typical curves for bending moment versus bend angle are shown in
Figure 5-12. Ni-Ti alloy wire specimens were tested at O°C and room temperature.
As can be seen from the curves, the samples deformed at room temperature
recovered almost completely to their original states, indicating that the transforma-
tion temperature is close to room temperature. From these curves the elastic
stiffnesses of the alloy were calculated using the straight portions of the curves
and are given in Table 5-8. The results also indicate that the elastic modulus is
higher at higher temperature.
Figure 5-13 shows the typical microstructure of a Ni-Ti specimen at room
temperature. The optical microscopic picture of the cross section of the wire
shown in Figure 5-13a illustrates the evenly dispersed nonmetallic inclusions in
the Ni-Ti matrix. The inclusions are presumed to be primarily titanium car-
bonitrides, with a few nickel-titanium oxides. Panels band c show SEM photo-
micrographs of the unbent and bent portions of specimens, respectively, at room
temperature. From these photomicrographs one can see that long pores are aligned
8 9
I O· c--- ---
.r; x
6 •
t- t-
Z4 Z
~ ~
o o
~ ~
(!) 3(!)
5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 5-12. The bending moment versus bending angle curves for a NiTi specimen at O°C and
room temperature. From J. H. Lee, J. B. Park, S. F. Andreasen, and R. S. Lakes, "Thermomechanical
Studies of NiTi Alloys," J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 22, 573-588,1989.
o 1.4 1.58 31
Room temp. 4.3 4.86 30
with the longitudinal direction of the specimen. The long pores appear to be
created by the polishing and chemical etching steps used to prepare the specimen.
However, Figure 5-13c shows transformed martensitic structure near the surface
in contrast to the undeformed structure shown in Figure 5-13b, which does not
show martensitic structure at room temperature.
Several other metals have been used for a variety of specialized implant
Tantalum has been subjected to animal implant studies and has been shown
very biocompatible. Due to its poor mechanical properties (Table 5-9) and its
high density (16.6 g/ cm3 ), it is restricted to few applications such as wire sutures
for plastic surgeons and neurosurgeons and a radioisotope for bladder tumors.
Platinum and other noble metals in the platinum group are extremely cor-
rosion resistant but have poor mechanical properties. They are mainly used as
alloys for electrodes such as pacemaker tips because of their high resistance to
corrosion and low threshold potentials.
Tissue fluid in the human body contains water, dissolved oxygen, proteins, and
various ions such as chloride and hydroxide. As a result, the human body presents
a very aggressive environment to metals used for implantation. Corrosion
resistance of a metallic implant material is consequently an important aspect of
its biocompatibility.
The lowest free energy state of many metals in an oxygenated and hydrated
environment is that of the oxide. Corrosion occurs when metal atoms become
ionized and go into solution, or combine with oxygen or other species in solution
to form a compound that flakes off or dissolves. The body environment is very
aggressive in terms of corrosion since it is not only aqueous but also contains
chloride ions and proteins. A variety of chemical reactions occur when a metal
is exposed to an aqueous environment, as shown in Figure 5-14. The electrolyte,
which contains ions in solution, serves to complete the electric circuit. In the
human body, the required ions are plentiful in the body fluids. Anions are negative
ions, which migrate toward the anode, and cations are positive ions, which migrate
toward the cathode. The electrical component V in Figure 5-14 can be a voltmeter
with which to measure the potential produced; or it can be a battery in which
case the cell is an electroplating cell; or it can be tissue resistance, in which case
the electrochemical cell is an unwanted corrosion cell for a biomaterial in the
body. In the body, an external electrical driving source may be present in the
form of a cardiac pacemaker, or an electrode used to stimulate bone growth. At
the anode, or positive electrode, the metal oxidizes. The following reactions
involving the metal M may occur:
If less oxygen is available, Fe304, magnetite, may precipitate rather than ferric
The tendency of metals to corrode is expressed most simply in the standard
electrochemical series of Nernst potentials, shown in Table 5-10. These potentials
are obtained in electrochemical measurements in which one electrode is a standard
hydrogen electrode formed by bubbling hydrogen through a layer of finely divided
platinum black. The potential of this reference electrode is defined to be zero.
Noble metals are those that have a potential higher than that of a standard
hydrogen electrode; base metals have lower potentials.
If two dissimilar metals are present in the same environment, the one that
is most negative in the galvanic series will become the anode, and bimetallic (or
galvanic) corrosion will occur. Galvanic corrosion can be much more rapid than
the corrosion of a single metal. Consequently, implantation of dissimilar metals
(mixed metals) is to be avoided. Galvanic action can also result in corrosion
within a single metal, if there is inhomogeneity in the metal or in its environment,
as shown in Figure 5-15.
Matrix Crack
(cathode) (anode)
Grains (cathode)
-- Boundaries (anode)
Figure 5-15. Micro-corrosion cells. (a) Grain boundaries are anodic with respect to the grain
interior. (b) Crevice corrosion due to oxygen-deficient zone in metal's environment.
........................... -
o r-~~~~~--~'r------+----~--
0--- 7 pH
--.. --.. -Urine Bile
Figure 5-16. Pourbaix diagram for chromium, showing regions associated with various body fluids.
From J. H. Dumbleton and J. Black, An Introduction to Orthopaedic Materials, Charles C. Thomas,
Springfield, III., 1975.
Figure 5-17. Pourbaix diagram for an immune
metal: gold. Stippled region: immunity;
hatched region: corrosion. From M. Pourbaix, : :: " . .: ', ... :
-.: .. . , - "
Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous
Solutions, NACE, Houston/CEBELCOR,
o 7 14
Brussels, 1974. pH
(V) 0
(V) 0
Figure 5-19. Pourbaix diagram for magnesium.
Hatched region: corrosion; unmarked region:
passivity. From M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electro-
0 7 14 chemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions,
pH NACE, Houston/CEBELCOR, Brussels, 1974.
The regions in the Pourbaix diagram specify whether corrosion will take
place, but they do not determine the rate. The rate, expressed as an electric
current density (current per unit area), depends on electrode potential as shown
in the polarization curves in Figure 5-20. From such curves, it is possible to
calculate the number of ions per unit time liberated into the tissue, as well as
the depth of metal removed by corrosion in a given time. An alternative experiment
is one in which the weight loss of a specimen of metal due to corrosion is measured
as a function of time.
The rate of corrosion also depends on the presence of synergistic factors,
such as those of mechanical origin. For example, in corrosion fatigue, repetitive
deformation of a metal in a corrosive environment results in acceleration of both
the corrosion and the fatigue microdamage. Since the body environment involves
both repeated mechanical loading and a chemically aggressive environment,
fatigue testing of implant materials should always be performed under physiologi-
cal environmental conditions: under Ringer's solution at body temperature. In
fretting corrosion, rubbing of one part on another disrupts the passivation layer,
resulting in accelerated corrosion. In pitting, the corrosion rate is accelerated in
a local region. Stainless steel is vulnerable to pitting. Localized corrosion can
,.. Base Metal Substrate
-Ti Alloy
10- 4 10- 3 10- 2 10- 1
Figure 5-20. Potential-current density curves for some biomaterials. From E. H. Greener, J. K.
Harcourt, and E. P. Lautenschlager, Materials Science in Dentistry, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
Example 5-4
Consider a restoration made of dental amalgam. Suppose that the corrosion current density
is 100 }.tA/ cm 2 . Is this a reasonable value? This material is an alloy; assume the density
is 11 g/ cm 3 and that the mean atomic weight is 150 amu.
(a) How many univalent ions will be released per year from a restoration surface 3.16 mm
by 3.16 mm?
(b) If the corrosion is uniform, how many millimeters of depth will be lost per year?
Discuss your answer.
J= [
4 A ] [
10 -- coul x e- ]
cm 2 sec x 1.6 x 10- 19 coul
Choice of a metal for implantation should take into account the corrosion
properties discussed above. Metals that are in current use as biomaterials include
gold, cobalt-chromium alloys, type 316 stainless steel, titanium, nickel-titanium
alloys, and silver-mercury amalgam. This section deals with the corrosion aspects
of these metals. Their composition and physical properties are discussed in
Section 5.4.
The noble metals are immune to corrosion and would be ideal materials if
corrosion resistance were the only concern. Gold is widely used in dental restor-
ations and in that setting it offers superior performance and longevity. Gold is
not, however, used in orthopedic applications as a result of its high density,
insufficient strength, and high cost.
Titanium is a base metal in the context of the electrochemical series; however,
it forms a robust passivating layer and, as shown in Figure 5-18, it remains passive
under physiological conditions. Corrosion currents in normal saline are very low:
10- 8 AI cm 2 • Titanium implants remain virtually unchanged in appearance. Ti
offers superior corrosion resistance but is not as stiff or strong as steel.
Cobalt-chromium alloys, like titanium, are passive in the human body. They
are widely in use in orthopedic applications. They do not exhibit pitting.
Stainless steels contain enough chromium to confer corrosion resistance by
passivity. The passive layer is not as robust as in the case of titanium or the
cobalt-chromium alloys. Only the most corrosion resistant of the stainless steels
are suitable for implants. These are the austenitic types 316, 316L, and 317, which
contain molybdenum. Even these types of stainless steel are vulnerable to pitting
and to crevice corrosion around screws.
Dental amalgam is an alloy of mercury, silver, and tin. Although the phases
are passive at neutral pH, the trans passive potential for the 'Y2 phase is easily
exceeded, due to interphase galvanic couples or potentials due to differential
aeration under dental plaque. Amalgam, therefore, often corrodes and is the most
active (corrosion prone) material used in dentistry.
Figure 5-21. Corrosion of an obsolete metal. Radiograph of a vanadium steel bone plate in place
30 years. The screws have lost their clear outline as a result of corrosion. From C. O. Bechtol,
A. B. Ferguson, Jr., and P. G. Laing, Metals and Engineering in Bone and Joint Surgery, Williams
and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1959.
Figure 5-22. Corrosion due to use of improper metals. (A) Radiograph of a CoCrMo mold hip
arthroplasty. An ordinary iron nail was used to reattach the osteotomized greater trochanter. (B)
The retrieved nail is grossly rusty. From C. O. Bechtol, A. B. Ferguson , Jr., and P. G. Laing, Metals
and Engineering in Bone and Joint Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1959.
The screws were removed and examined. One was found to be CoCrMo and
the others of stainless steel. Bimetallic corrosion had resulted. Such cases can be
avoided by better efforts by both manufacturers and surgeons to avoid mixed
Case 5. A broken drill bit was found in a radiograph of a repaired broken
hip (Figure 5-24).
Removal of the metal revealed severe corrosion. Mixed metals had been
implanted unintentionally.
Experience in the orthopedic setting suggests that corrosion is minimized
by the following:
Figure 5-23. Mixed metals . Radiograph of a repaired shoulder. This patient experienced pain and
disability. Examination of the screws following removal revealed one to be made of CoCrMo and
the others of stainless steel.
Experience in the dental setting has led to the following suggestions for the
minimization of corrosion.
Figure 5-24. Unintentional implantation of mixed metals. (A) Broken and corroded screws and a
broken drill bit removed from a patient. (B) Radiograph of fracture fixation device showing screws
and drill. From C. O. Bechtol, A. B. Ferguson, Jr., and P. G. Laing, Metals and Engineering in Bone
and Joint Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1959.
5-1. A I-mm-diameter eutectoid steel is coated with I-mm-thick aluminum. Using the following data,
answer (a)-(d) below.
(a) If the composite bar is loaded in tension, which metal will yield first?
(b) How much load can the composite carry in tension without plastic deformation?
(c) What is the Young's modulus of the composite?
(d) What is the density of the composite?
Atomic no. 29
Atomic mass (amu) 63.54
Melting point (0C) 1084.5
Density (gjcm 3 ) 8.96
Crystal structure fcc
Atomic radius (nm) 0.1278
Ionic radius (nm) 0.096
A bioengineer is trying to construct a binary phase diagram of Cu-Ag and the following additional
information was given:
(a) Construct the binary phase diagram by using the information on Cu in Problem 5-2.
(b) Label all the phases in the phase diagram.
5-5. In general, pearlite steels are susceptible to corrosion. Explain why this is to be expected and
how it may be prevented.
5-6. Type 316L stainless steel has a maximum carbon content of 0.03%. Welding of finished com-
ponents is acceptable for this steel but not for type 316. Why? Explain how you would expect the
mechanical properties of each metal to differ.
5-7. Calculate the densities of cast and wrought cobalt alloys (CoNiCrMo). Densities for Co, Cr,
Mo, and Ni are 8.8, 7.9,10.22, and 8.91 gjcm3 , respectively. Use the mixture rule.
(a) Calculate the theoretical weight percentage of the silver and tin of the I' phase (Ag 3 Sn).
(b) What is the eutectic temperature?
(c) Can you age-harden the amalgam?
5-9. Suppose a titanium alloy (Ti6AI4V) implant experiences a corrosion current density of
0.1 fLA/cm 2 .
(a) Determine the depth of metal removed each year.
(b) Suppose no titanium were excreted and that all of the metal became lodged in a 1-cm thickness
of tissue near the implant. Determine the average concentration of metal in the tissue, in parts
per million by weight, in one year.
5-10. Magnesium is used in airplanes. Is it sensible to use it in an implant? Explain.
5-11. A patient is to be treated for a fracture from a hunting accident. Lead shotgun pellets remain
in the wound. The surgeon decides a bone plate should be used. What is your recommendation?
5-12. Chromium is considered as a candidate material for a staple to be exposed to stomach contents.
Is this suitable? Why?
5-13. An amalgam filling has been in service for 30 years and has corroded. The filling surface has
become black and the patient complains of tooth sensitivity. A gap has formed at the margin of the
restoration, allowing leakage. Should the filling be drilled out and replaced by gold?
5-14. A patient with a stainless steel bone plate complains of pain. The plate has been in service for
30 years and the original fracture has long since healed. Should the plate be removed and replaced
by gold?
5-15. Aluminum and iron are used as electrodes in an electrochemical cell. A voltmeter is connected
across the electrodes. What potential difference is observed?
5-16. The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) issued standard specifications for
thermomechanically processed CoCrMo alloy for surgical implants (F799-82). What is the rationale
of the new standard and what are the differences from the earlier standard (F76)?
Greek Letters
Latin Letters
Temperature for the start of reverse transformation, NiTi (III)-NiTi
(II). NiTi (II) and NiTi (III) designate structural variations
(phases) produced by diffusionless (martensitic) transformation.
Observed electrochemical potential difference.
Standard electrochemical potential difference, for negligible con-
Faraday's constant, 96,485 coulombs per mole.
Temperature where martensitic transformation ceases.
Martensitic transformation starting point in cooling.
Number of electron charges removed from ion.
Number of moles.
Gas constant.
Absolute temperature in K.
c. O. Bechtol, A. B. Ferguson, and P. G. Laing, Metals and Engineering in Bone and Joint Surgery,
Balliere, Tindall and Cox, London, 1959.
T. W. Duerig, K. N. Melton, D. Stockel, and C. M. Wayman (eds.), Engineering Aspects of Shape
Memory Alloys, Butterworths-Heinemann, London, 1990.
1. H. Dumbleton and 1. Black, An Introduction to Orthopedic Materials, Chapter 9, Charles C. Thomas,
Springfield, IL. 1975.
E. H. Greener, 1. K. Harcourt, and E. P. Lautenschlager, Materials Science in Dentistry, Williams
and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1972.
B. Harris and A. R. BunselI, Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials, Chapters 7 -9, Longmans,
London, 1977.
S. N. Levine (ed.), Materials in Biomedical Engineering, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
Vol. 146, 1968.
D. C. Mears, Materials and Orthopedic Surgery, Chapter 5, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1979.
1. Perkins (ed.), Shape Memory Effects in Alloys, Plenum Press, New York, 1975.