Pocurement: 50 Confusing Terms in
Pocurement: 50 Confusing Terms in
Pocurement: 50 Confusing Terms in
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Procurement vs Supply
Chain Management
Procurement refers to the acquisi-
tion of goods or services, while
supply chain management
involves managing the entire
process of getting goods or
services to the end user.
Supplier vs Vendor
A supplier is a company that
provides goods or services to
HERE another company, while a vendor
is a company that sells goods or
Incoterms vs Payment
Contract vs Agreement Terms
Incoterms are a set of international
A contract is a legally binding
rules that define the responsibilities
agreement between two parties,
of buyers and sellers in international
while an agreement is a less formal
trade, while payment terms refer to
commitment that may or may not
the terms and conditions for
be legally binding.
Procurement vs Con-
tract Management
Procurement involves acquiring
goods or services, while contract
management involves managing Bid vs Tender
the terms and conditions of the A bid is a proposal from a supplier to
contracts with suppliers. provide goods or services, while a
tender is a formal invitation for bids.
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Purchase Order (PO) vs Category Management
Purchase Requisition vs Supplier Manage-
(PR) ment
Category management involves
A purchase order is a document
managing a group of related
that formalizes an order for goods
products or services, while suppli-
or services, while a purchase
er management involves manag-
requisition is a request for goods
ing relationships with individual
or services.
Inventory vs Stock
Compliance vs Inventory refers to the raw materials, work in progress,
Conformance and finished goods held by a company, while stock
Compliance refers to refers to the finished goods that are available for sale.
adhering to legal or
regulatory require-
ments, while confor-
mance refers to meet-
ing specified standards
or requirements.
e-Procurement vs Pro-
cure-to-Pay (P2P) RFX vs Bid Package:
E-procurement involves using RFX
technology to automate the is a generic term that refers to
procurement process, while P2P requests for information, propos-
refers to the entire process of als, or quotes, while a bid package
acquiring goods or services, from is a set of documents that suppli-
procurement to payment. ers use to prepare their bids.
Material Requirements
Quality Assurance Planning (MRP) vs
vs Quality Control Just-in-Time (JIT)
Quality assurance involves MRP is a system that uses
preventing defects from occurring, forecasting and inventory data to
while quality control involves plan production and purchasing,
identifying and correcting defects. while JIT is a system that focuses
on minimizing inventory levels by
receiving goods or materials just in
time for production.
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Outsourcing vs Off- Purchase Order vs
shoring: Outsourcing Sales Order
involves contracting out a A purchase order is a document
used to order goods or services
business process or function to from a supplier, while a sales order
an external supplier, while is a document used to confirm a
offshoring involves moving the customer's order for goods or
production or service delivery services.
to a different country.
Quality vs Quantity
Quality refers to the level of excellence or superiority of a Request for Informa-
product or service, while quantity refers to the amount tion (RFI) vs Request
or number of products or services.
for Expression of Inter-
est (RFEI)
RFI is a document used to gather
information about potential
suppliers, while RFEI is a docu-
ment used to gauge the interest
of potential suppliers in bidding
on a project.
Logistics vs Transportation
Logistics involves managing the movement of goods
or materials from the supplier to the customer, while Commodity vs Special-
transportation refers specifically to the physical move-
ment of goods or materials. ty Procurement
Commodity procurement involves
purchasing standardized goods or
services, while specialty procure-
ment involves purchasing goods
or services that require specialized
knowledge or expertise.
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Service Level Agree-
ment (SLA) vs Key Per-
Payment Terms vs Pay- formance Indicator
ment Method (KPI)
Payment terms refer to the An SLA is a contract between a
agreed-upon timeline for supplier and a customer that
payment, while payment method outlines the expected service
refers to the means by which levels, while a KPI is a measurable
payment will be made indicator of the performance of a
supplier or a process.
Incentive Contract vs
Purchase Order vs Con-
Cost Reimbursement
tract Release Order
An incentive contract is a contract
that provides additional incentives A purchase order is a document
to a supplier for achieving certain used to order goods or services
performance goals, while a cost from a supplier, while a CRO is a
reimbursement contract is a document used to release goods
contract that reimburses a suppli- or services under an existing
er for all costs incurred, plus a fee. contract.
Blanket Purchase
Make or Buy Decision
Order (BPO) vs Stand-
vs Outsourcing
ing Order (SO)
Make or buy decision involves
deciding whether to produce a A BPO is an agreement between a
product or service in-house or to buyer and a supplier to purchase
outsource it to a supplier, while goods or services at predeter-
outsourcing involves contracting mined prices over a set period,
out a business process or function while an SO is an agreement to
to an external supplier. purchase a fixed quantity of goods
or services at specified intervals.
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Request for Proposal Letter of Intent (LOI) vs
(RFP) vs Request for Memorandum of Un-
Quotation (RFQ) derstanding (MOU)
An RFP is a document used to A letter of intent is a document
solicit proposals from potential used to express an intent to do
suppliers for a project, while an business with another party, while
RFQ is a document used to a memorandum of understanding
request quotes from potential is a non-binding agreement
suppliers for specific goods or between parties to cooperate on a
services. specific project.
Category Management
vs Supplier Relation- Incoterms
ship Management Incoterms are standard-
Receiving vs
Receiving involves accept-
ing goods or services
Invoicing vs Payment delivered, while inspec-
Invoicing involves issuing an invoice for tion involves verifying that
goods or services delivered, while payment the goods or services
involves making payment for goods or received meet the
services received. required specifications.
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Request for Informa-
tion (RFI) vs Request Service Contract vs
for Proposal (RFP) Purchase Order
An RFI is a document used to A service contract is a contract for
gather information about poten- the delivery of services, while a
tial suppliers, while an RFP is a purchase order is a document
document used to solicit propos- used to order goods or services
als from potential suppliers for a from a supplier.
Supplier Performance
Statement of Work Management vs Sup-
(SOW) vs Scope of plier Quality Manage-
Work (SOW) ment
A statement of work is a docu- Supplier performance manage-
ment that defines the work to be ment involves managing supplier
performed by a supplier, while a performance in terms of delivery,
scope of work is a document that cost, and service levels, while
defines the boundaries of a project supplier quality management
and the work to be performed by involves managing supplier
all parties. performance in terms of product
Warranty vs Guar-
Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) vs
A warranty is a promise by a
supplier to repair or replace Project Scope
a product that fails due to a A work breakdown structure is a
defect, while a guarantee is hierarchical decomposition of a
a promise by a supplier to project into smaller tasks, while
refund the purchase price of project scope defines the bound-
a product if the customer is aries of a project, including its
not satisfied. objectives, deliverables, and
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Procurement vs Purchasing
Procurement refers to the entire process of acquiring Payment Terms vs Pay-
goods or services, while purchasing refers to the specific
act of buying those goods or services. ment Conditions
Payment terms refer to the time
frame in which payment is due,
while payment conditions refer to
the specific terms and conditions
regarding payment, such as
payment method and currency.
Sourcing vs Strategic
Direct vs Indirect Pro-
Sourcing refers to finding and
evaluating potential suppliers, Direct procurement involves
while strategic sourcing is a more purchasing goods or services that
comprehensive approach that are directly used in the production
involves analyzing spending process, while indirect procure-
patterns, identifying cost-saving ment involves purchasing goods
opportunities, and building or services that support the
long-term supplier relationships. production process.
Procurement Process BATNA stands for Best Alternative
vs Procurement Policy to a Negotiated Agreement, which
refers to the best course of action
The procurement process refers to
a party can take if a negotiation
the steps involved in acquiring
fails. On the other hand, BAFO
goods or services, while the
stands for Best and Final Offer,
procurement policy refers to the
which refers to the final offer
rules and guidelines that govern
made by a supplier or buyer in a
the procurement process.
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for your time and attention.
If you have any questions or would like to
learn more about procurement best
practices, please feel free to reach out to us.
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