Anaesthesia: Single Best Answer Mcqs in
Anaesthesia: Single Best Answer Mcqs in
Anaesthesia: Single Best Answer Mcqs in
anaesthesia. These questions enable the candidates to assess their knowledge
ISBN 978-1-903378-75-5
9 781903 378755
tf m Cyprian Mendonca, Mahesh Chaudhari, Josephine James
Prelims MCQ book_Prelims MCQ book.qxd 22-04-2013 19:17 Page i
Web pdf ISBN: 978-1-908986-65-8
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Prelims MCQ book_Prelims MCQ book.qxd 22-04-2013 19:17 Page iii
Preface iv iii
Acknowledgements vi
Abbreviations viii
Set 1 Questions
Set 1
Answers 15
Set 2 Questions
Set 2
Answers 45
Set 3 Questions
Set 3
Answers 77
Set 4 Questions
Set 4
Answers 107
Set 5 Questions
Set 5
Answers 143
Set 6 Questions
Set 6
Answers 179
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Single best answer type multiple choice questions are being introduced
into anaesthetic postgraduate examinations. They are considered to be a
valuable way of assessing the trainee’s ability to apply knowledge to
clinical practice.
This book consists of six sets of single best answer practice papers.
Each set comprises 30 multiple choice questions drawn from clinical
anaesthesia, pain and intensive care medicine. Each question consists of
a stem describing a clinical scenario or problem followed by five possible
answer options. One of them is the best response for the given question.
Each question and answer is accompanied by supporting notes obtained
from peer-reviewed journal articles and anaesthesia textbooks.
reviewing the manuscript. We extend our thanks to the following who
contributed questions to this book:
Dr Thejas Bhari
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Thomas Billyard
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Narotham Burri
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Shefali Chaudhari
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Adrian Jennings
Specialty Registrar, Birmingham School of Anaesthesia
Dr Payal Kajekar
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Seema Quasim
Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospital, Coventry
Dr Mohan Ranganathan
Consultant Anaesthetist, George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton
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Dr Rajneesh Sachdeva
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Rathinavel Shanmugam
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Catherine Snaith
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
Dr Joyce Yeung
Specialty Registrar, Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm
viii ADH
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
Anti-diuretic hormone
Atrial fibrillation
Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Advanced life support
Alanine transaminase
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
American Society of Anesthesiologists
Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Aspartate transaminase
Twice a day
Base excess
Bezold-Jarisch reflex
Blood pressure
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Community-acquired pneumonia
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Carotid endarterectomy
Creatine kinase
Central nervous system
Carbon monoxide
Chronic obstructive airway disease
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Continuous positive airway pressure
Central pontine myelinolysis
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Chronic post-surgical pain
Complex regional pain syndrome
Combined spinal epidural
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebral salt wasting syndrome
Computed tomography
Cerebrovascular accident
Central venous pressure
1-de-amino-8-D-arginine vasopressin
Diabetes insipidus
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide
Deep vein thrombosis
Electromagnetic interference
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
End-tidal CO2
Fibrin degradation product
Forced expiratory volume
Fresh frozen plasma
Functional residual capacity
Forced vital capacity
General anaesthesia
Gamma aminobutyric acid
Glasgow Coma Scale
Glomerular filtration rate
Growth hormone
Glyceryl trinitrate
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High dependency unit
Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets
Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia
Intracranial pressure
Intensive care unit
Implantable drug delivery system
International normalised ratio
Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension
Injury Severity Score
Jugular venous pressure/pulse
Local anaesthesia
Low back pain
Laryngeal mask airway
Low-molecular-weight heparin
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
Motor evoked potentials
Malignant hyperthermia
Motor neurone disease
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score
Magnetic resonance angiography
Morphine sulphate
Non-invasive blood pressure
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Non-invasive ventilation
Negative pressure pulmonary oedema
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Once a day
Organ system failure
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Patient-controlled analgesia
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
Pulmonary embolism
Positive end expiratory pressure
Peak expiratory flow rate
Post-herpetic neuralgia
Postoperative delirium
Postoperative nausea and vomiting
Postpartum haemorrhage
Prothrombin time
Parathyroid hormone
Red blood cell
Residual volume
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Simplified Acute Physiology Score
Sickle cell disease
Spinal cord stimulator
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sequential organ failure assessment
Somatosensory evoked potentials
Superior vena cava
Systemic vascular resistance
Three times a day
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Tissue factor prothrombin inhibitor
Tri-hydroxymethyl aminomethane
Total intravenous anaesthesia
Total lung capacity
Transfer factor for carbon monoxide
Transfusion-related acute lung injury
Thyrotropin releasing hormone
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Unfractionated heparin
Alveolar volume
Venous air embolism
Visual Analogue Score
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Ventricular fibrillation
Vasoactive intestinal peptide
Venous thrombo-embolism
White blood cell
White cell count
set 1_set 1.qxd 22-04-2013 19:18 Page 1
Set 1 questions
Set 1
1 A 60-year-old male patient is admitted to the emergency department.
He was working on his car in a garage and was found unconscious 1
by his wife, with the garage door almost shut and the car engine
running. On assessment, his GCS is 7, oxygen saturation is 99%
and mucous membranes are ‘cherry red’ in colour. Which of the
following actions is most appropriate in the immediate
to 80/30mmHg from a near normal level for his age. The most
appropriate immediate management is:
a. Haemophilia A.
b. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
c. Haemophilia B.
d. von Willebrand’s disease.
e. Laden V deficiency.
a. Serum amylase.
b. Serum trypsinogen.
c. Serum lipase.
d. Serum transaminases.
e. Serum calcium.
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Set 1 questions
b. Spinal anaesthesia.
c. No need for any anaesthesia.
d. Light general anaethesia.
e. Combined spinal epidural (CSE).
a. Trigeminal neuralgia.
b. Atypical facial pain.
c. Atypical presentation of trigeminal neuralgia.
d. Late signs and symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica.
e. Post-herpetic neuralgia.
a. Thiopentone.
b. Propofol.
c. Etomidate.
d. Ketamine.
e. Methohexitone.
8 A 60-year-old male is undergoing elective posterior fossa surgery in
the sitting position. Forty minutes into the operation, he develops
bronchospasm and his blood pressure drops suddenly from
110/70mmHg to 70/40 mmHg. In the previous 20 minutes the
patient had not received any drugs. What is the most likely cause of
the sudden fall in BP in this patient?
a. Myocardial infarction.
b. High concentration of volatile agents.
c. Profuse bleeding.
d. Air embolism.
e. Anaphylaxis.
Set 1 questions
b. Stop enoxaparin.
c. Stop enoxaparin until the platelet count starts rising.
d. Stop enoxaparin and start an alternative anticoagulant.
e. Stop enoxaparin and transfuse two units of adult platelets.
13 A 29-year-old woman (gravida 2, para 1) has had a ventouse vaginal
delivery of a baby boy weighing 4.2kg. Intramuscular syntometrine
has been administered by the midwife. Thirty minutes after delivery
of the placenta, she suffers a primary postpartum haemorrhage
(PPH) of about 400ml. The most common cause of PPH in this
scenario is:
a. An atonic uterus.
b. Coagulopathy.
c. Retained placental tissue.
d. A vaginal tear.
e. A perineal tear.
a. Status epilepticus.
b. Unilateral pupillary dilatation.
c. Severe headache with neck rigidity.
d. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea.
e. Significant hypotension.
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Set 1 questions
a. Ritodrine.
b. Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN).
c. Atosiban.
d. Magnesium sulphate.
e. Salbutamol nebuliser.
19 You have inserted a central venous catheter via the right internal
jugular vein in a 40-year-old male patient about to undergo a
laparotomy. The best method to confirm the correct placement of
this central venous catheter would be:
a. Median nerve.
b. Ulnar nerve.
c. Superficial radial nerve.
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Set 1 questions
d. Ulnar artery.
e. Radial artery.
a. Arrange for an urgent MRI brain scan.
b. Commence treatment with carbamazepine.
c. Refer the patient to a neurosurgeon.
d. Prescribe fentanyl lozenges.
e. Refer the patient to a psychologist.
a. Airway oedema.
b. Vocal cord paralysis.
c. Arytenoid subluxation.
d. Laryngospasm.
e. Arytenoid dislocation.
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Set 1 questions
a. CT scan of the lumbar region.
b. Plain X-ray of the lumbar region.
c. Neurosurgical referral.
d. Surgical exploration of the back for the missing segment of catheter.
e. Perform an epidural at a different space.
Set 1 questions
and a small flame of fire appears in the surgical field. The most
appropriate immediate measure should be:
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Set 1
Set 1 answers
The history and examination findings indicate that the most likely cause of
unconsciousness in this patient is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.
Carboxy-haemoglobin (COHb) has a similar absorption spectrum to
oxyhaemoglobin and therefore oxygen saturation is falsely raised. Carbon
monoxide binds with haemoglobin about 250 times as avidly as oxygen
and this adversely affects the oxygen content of blood. The half-life of
COHb is 4 hours; it is reduced to an hour with 100% oxygen and to 20-
30 minutes with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This patient is unconscious
which indicates severe CO poisoning. Airway protection and oxygenation
of tissue is an absolute priority and this will be best achieved by tracheal
intubation and ventilation with 100% oxygen.
Further reading
1. Piantadosi CA. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Undersea Hyperb Med
2004; 31: 167-77.
Further reading
1. Bajpai A, Rowland E. Atrial fibrillation. British Journal of Anaesthesia
CEACCP 2006; 6: 219-24.
Answer: D. von Willebrand’s disease.
Further reading
1. Geil JD. von Willebrand disease. (
2. von Willebrand’s disease. In: Anaesthesia and intensive care A-Z. An
encyclopaedia of principles and practice, 4th ed, Yentis SM, Hirsch
NP, Smith GB, Eds. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009;
Set 1 answers
neoplasms. Serum lipase levels are more sensitive and specific than
amylase in acute pancreatitis and are elevated for up to 14 days. Urinary
trypsinogen-2 ‘Dipstix’ testing is still being studied as a test for both
confirmation of diagnosis and as an indicator of severity.
Further reading
1. Young SP, Thompson JP. Severe acute pancreatitis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 125-8.
Complete spinal cord transection leads to loss of all sensation below the 17
level of injury. These patients still, however, have very active local spinal
reflexes and this can lead to autonomic hyper-reflexia. The stimuli for
autonomic hyper-reflexia are usually perineal procedures such as urinary
catheterization. Autonomic hyper-reflexia may present as a severe
tachyarrhythmia and hypertension. Autonomic hyper-reflexia can be best
avoided by administration of spinal anaesthesia. Postoperative pain after
haemorrhoidectomy should not be a significant problem in this patient as
the surgery is below the T10 level.
Further reading
1. Teasdale A. Neuromuscular disorders. In: Oxford handbook of
anaesthesia, 1st ed. Allman KG, Wilson IH, Eds. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press, 2003; Chapter 9: 180-5.
trigeminal nerve is the second most commonly affected nerve; the thoracic
dermatome being the commonest. PHN pain is neuropathic in nature and
can be treated by using 5% lidocaine plasters, tricyclic antidepressant
medication (amitriptyline), calcium channel blockers (gabapentin,
pregabalin), sodium channel blockers (phenytoin, carbamazepine) and
non-pharmacological therapies such as TENS, acupuncture and cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT).
Further reading
1. Dainty P. Prevention and medical management of post-herpetic
neuralgia. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2008; 69: 275-8.
7 Answer: C. Etomidate.
Propofol 1: 80,000
Thiopentone 1: 20,000 to 40,000
Etomidate 1: 450,000
Ketamine 1: 150,000
Methohexitone 1: 7,000 to 15,000
Further reading
1. Aitkenhead AR. Intravenous anaesthetic agents. In: Textbook of
anaesthesia, 5th ed. Aitkenhead AR, Rowbothom DJ, Smith G, Eds.
London, UK: Churchill Livingstone, 2007; Chapter 3: 34-51.
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Set 1 answers
Further reading
1. Clayton T, Manara A. Neurosurgery. In: Oxford handbook of
anaesthesia, 1st ed. Allman KG, Wilson IH, Eds. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press, 2003; Chapter 19: 418-9.
Further reading
1. Wenham T, Cohen A. Botulism. British Journal of Anaesthesia
CEACCP 2008; 8: 21-5.
This patient’s history is suggestive of heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia
(HIT). HIT is an adverse drug reaction to heparin. Adverse reactions are
either non-immune-mediated (type I) or immune-mediated (type II). The
non-immune mediated reaction typically has an earlier onset and seldom
leads to a drop in the platelet count below 100 x 109/L. The immune-
mediated reaction is clinically more significant as it is associated with
thrombosis. It occurs between 5-14 days post-heparin exposure and this
is known as ‘typical’ HIT. The incidence of HIT is estimated at 1% with
low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) and about 5% with unfractionated
heparins (UFH). HIT has been described with every route of heparin
administration. Diagnosis of HIT requires a low threshold of suspicion.
Other features include a systemic response to heparin injection and overt
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Where clinical suspicion of HIT
is intermediate to high, it is essential to stop UFH or LMWH. There should
be no delay in commencing anticoagulation with alternative agents while
awaiting confirmatory tests, as the risk of thrombosis remains as high as
50% even after stopping heparin.
Further reading
1. Warkentin TE. Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia: diagnosis and
management. Circulation 2004; 110: 454-8.
Set 1 answers
compared to CSF and can also be used for neurolysis in the management
of malignant pain.
Further reading
1. Medicis E, Laon-Casasoal OA. Neurolytic blocks. Clinical pain
management - practical applications and procedures, 1st ed. Breivik
H, Campbell W, Eccleston C, Eds. London, UK: Arnold, 2002;
Chapter 19: 247-54.
Further reading
1. RCOG Green-Top 10A guideline: The management of severe pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia. (
set 1 answers_set 1 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:17 Page 22
be more difficult to diagnose if high in the genital tract, often requiring an
examination under anaesthesia. Factors predisposing to an atonic uterus
include a large baby (in this case), multiple pregnancy, prolonged labour
(especially if augmented with syntocinon), abnormal placentation,
multiparity, and chorioamnionitis.
Further reading
1. Lannoo E, Van Rietvelde F, Colardyn F, et al. Early predictors of
mortality and morbidity after severe closed head injury. J Neurotrauma
2000; 17: 403-14.
2. Triage, assessment, investigation and early management of head injury
in infants, children and adults. NICE guidelines CG 56, September
2007. (
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Set 1 answers
15 Answer: C. Atosiban.
Further reading
1. RCOG Green-Top 1B guideline: Tocolytic drugs for women in preterm
labour. (
Further reading
1. Mehta V, Langford RM. Acute pain management for opioid-dependent
patients. Anaesthesia 2006; 61: 269-76.
Set 1 answers
Further reading
1. Why mothers die 2000-2002;
18 Answer: B. Hypokalaemia.
Hypokalaemia is the most likely cause for the ECG abnormality because:
Further reading
1. Hypokalaemia. In: ECG diagnosis made easy. Vecht RJ, Ed. Martin
Dunitz, 2001: 185.
2. Abnormal potassium balance. In: Lecture notes on fluid and electrolyte
balance, 2nd ed. Willatts SM, Ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific
Publications, 1987; Chapter 8: 167-76.
wrist during sleep causes further compression of the median nerve. The
contents of the carpal tunnel include the median nerve, the tendon of flexor
pollicis longus, and tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and
Further reading
1. Nerve and muscle. In: Lecture notes on neurology, 7th ed. Ginsberg
L, Ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science, 1999; Chapter 17: 146-7.
Further reading
1. Sindrup SH, Jensen TS. Pharmacotherapy of trigeminal neuralgia. The
Clinical Journal of Pain 2002; 18: 22-7.
Set 1 answers
Further reading
1. Tan V, Seevanayagam S. Arytenoid subluxation after a difficult
intubation treated successfully with voice therapy. Anesthesia and
Intensive Care 2009; 37: 843-6.
Further reading
1. Henderson JJ, et al. Difficult Airway Society guidelines for the
management of the unanticipated difficult intubation. Anaesthesia
2004; 59: 675-94.
24 Answer: B. Haemodialysis.
This patient has severe lactic acidosis with pre-existing impaired renal
function. Metformin is a biguanide oral hypoglycaemic agent. The
set 1 answers_set 1 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:17 Page 28
presence of renal impairment as it is associated with hyperkalaemia.
Further reading
1. Pan LTT, MacLaren G. Continuous venovenous haemofiltration for
metformin induced lactic acidosis. Anesthesia and Intensive Care
2009; 37: 830-2.
2. Teale KFH, Devine A, et al. The managemnet of metformin overdose.
Anaesthesia 1998; 53: 698-701.
Set 1 answers
Further reading
1. Luzzio C. Central pontine myelinosis: differential diagnosis and
workup. (
2. Schuster M, Diekmann S, et al. Central pontine myelinosis despite
slow sodium rise in a case of severe community-acquired
hyponatraemia. Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2009; 37: 117-20.
postoperative pain. Excessive doses of opioid initially cause rising
sedation levels, confusion, nightmares, hallucinations and at this stage
delaying a further dose or reducing the dose is enough to alleviate the
problem. If not recognized, the patient will develop respiratory depression
followed by a decrease in oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation changes
may not be evident in the early stages especially if the patient is on
supplementary oxygen.
Further reading
1. Tran ML, Warfield C. Opioid analgesics. In: Clinical pain management
- practical applications and procedures, 1st ed. Breivik H, Campbell
W, Eccleston C, Eds. London, UK: Arnold, 2002; Chapter 6: 59-76.
Further reading
1. Reducing the harm caused by nasogastric tubes - interim advice for
health care staff, 2005. (
research /NPSAConfPosofNG.pdf).
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Further reading
1. Guidelines for the management of malignant hyperthermia crisis. The
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2007.
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Set 1 answers
The main components of the ‘fire triangle’ include fuel, oxygen and energy.
The ‘Laser flex’ endotracheal tube is a metallic tube with two cuffs. Both
cuffs need to be filled with saline. The cuff part of the tube can act as a
fuel. The laser beam acts as a source of energy. Both oxygen and nitrous
oxide supports combustion. The mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide is
more flammable than an oxygen and air mixture. A lowest possible inspired
oxygen concentration should be used during laser surgery of the airway.
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Set 2 questions
Set 2
1 A 50-year-old female patient with a history of non-insulin-dependent
diabetes has undergone trans-sphenoidal excision of a pituitary 33
adenoma. During the immediate postoperative period she develops
polyuria with a urine output of 600ml over 2 hours. The urine
osmolarity is 320mosmol/L and the specific gravity is 1.001. The
most appropriate treatment for this patient is:
Set 2
hours. There is no myoglobin in the urine. The most likely cause for
his polyuria is:
a. Rhabdomyolysis.
b. Central diabetes insipidus.
c. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
d. Bendrofluazide.
e. Antibiotic therapy.
postoperative day, who is complaining of severe back pain and
increasing numbness in both legs developing over the previous few
hours. He has had an epidural in situ since his operation; the
epidural infusion was switched off 8 hours ago as his blood pressure
had been low. For the last few hours his temperature has been
38°C. Your first step in the management of this patient should be:
e. Deep S waves in lead V1.
Set 2
a. Haemoglobin.
b. D-Dimer.
c. Platelet count.
d. Bleeding time.
e. INR.
L5-S1 level. He does not wish to undergo any surgical intervention.
The most suitable treatment is:
13 A 4-week baby with a history of projectile vomiting for the last few
days has been diagnosed with pyloric stenosis. Which one of the
following parameters is most likely to suggest severe volume
14 A
60-year-old male patient with a history of hypertension and
ischaemic heart disease is scheduled for a carotid endarterectomy
under general anaesthesia. Which of the following would be the
most appropriate monitor of peri-operative cerebral ischaemia?
a. Electro-encephalography.
b. Somatosensory evoked potentials.
c. Transcranial Doppler.
d. Motor evoked potentials.
e. Auditory evoked potentials.
Set 2
e. Administer entonox until he calms down.
a. Intravenous corticosteroids.
b. Intravenous saline and furosemide.
c. Intravenous calcitonin.
d. Haemodialysis.
e. Intravenous biphosphonates.
a. Isoprenaline infusion.
b. Intravenous lidocaine 2mg/kg.
c. Intravenous phenytoin 15mg/kg.
d. Intravenous magnesium 2g.
e. Intravenous potassium chloride.
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a. Wake-up test.
b. Bispectral index.
c. Somatosensory evoked potentials.
d. Invasive blood pressure monitoring.
e. Peripheral nerve stimulation.
Set 2
a. Pulmonary embolism.
b. Endobronchial intubation.
c. Severe bronchospasm.
d. Pulmonary oedema.
e. Air embolism.
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a. Ephedrine.
b. Glycopyrrolate.
c. Atropine.
d. Metaraminol.
e. Phenylephrine.
Set 2
e. Perform an MRI scan of the cervical spine.
30 A 63-year-old male develops a brochopleural fistula following a
pneumonectomy. He is ventilated on the ICU, but achieving
adequate tidal volume is proving to be difficult due to an air leak of
2.5L/min through the fistula. Which one of the following would be
most effective in achieving adequate ventilation in this patient?
Set 2
Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Cronin AJ. Acute postcraniotomy agitation. In: Near misses in
neuroanaesthesia. Russell GB, Cronin AJ, Longo S, Blackburn TW,
Eds. Butterworth Heinemann, 2002; Case 43: 155-7.
2. Osborn IP. Trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy. In: Clinical cases in
anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 22: 113-6.
Further reading
1. Bonhomme V, Hans P. Management of the unstable cervical spine:
elective versus emergency cases. Current Opinions in Anesthesiology
2009; 22: 579-85.
2. Richards PJ. Cervical spine clearance: a review. Injury 2005; 36: 248-
Further reading
1. Giacomini M, Iapichino M, Armani S, et al. How to avoid and manage
pneumothorax. Vascular Access 2006; 7: 7-14.
The history and blood/urine results indicate that this patient is in renal
failure. In intrinsic renal failure, the tubules are dysfunctional and therefore
electrolytes and water are not absorbed efficiently. This leads to dilute
urine with an osmolarity of less than 300mosmol/L and urine Na+ loss of
more than 20mmol/L.
In pre-renal failure, renal tubules still work efficiently and therefore all the
unwanted elements are excreted in the minimum possible volume in order
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Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Anaesthesia and intensive care A-Z. An encyclopaedia of principles
and practice, 4th ed. Yentis SM, Hirsch NP, Smith GB. Oxford, UK:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009: 473-4.
Further reading
1. Paw H, Slingo ME, Tinker M. Late onset of nephrogenic diabetes
inspidus following cessation of lithium therapy. Anesthesia Intensive
Care 2007; 35: 278-80.
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The clinical triad of fever, back pain, and neurologic deficit is suggestive of
an epidural abscess. A sequential evolution of symptoms and signs has
been described, with localised spinal pain, radicular pain and
paresthesiae, muscular weakness, sensory loss, sphincter dysfunction,
and, finally, paralysis. The incidence is extremely rare but is partly affected
by the time the epidural catheter has been in situ, and the general health
of the patient. In order to prevent permanent neurological sequelae, an
early definitive diagnosis by MRI scan and surgical decompression of the
spinal cord and drainage of the abscess is essential. Consultation with a
48 neurosurgeon or spinal surgeon should be requested when a spinal
epidural abscess is detected or strongly suspected. Increasing
neurological deficit, persistent severe pain, or persistent fever and
leukocytosis are all indications for surgery.
Further reading
1. Grewal S, Hocking G, Wildsmith JA. Epidural abscesses. British
Journal of Anaesthesia 2006; 96: 292-302.
7 Answer: E. Electromyography.
Nerve conduction studies include tests for both sensory and motor
components. The likely cause for weakness of the foot in this patient is
compression of the common peroneal nerve by the lithotomy leg holder. A
detailed history and complete neurological examination is essential prior to
any investigations.
Injury to the common peroneal nerve causes foot drop and loss of
sensation over the dorsum of the foot. Electromyography involves
recording the electrical activity in the muscle. It is useful in distinguishing
peripheral neuropathy from nerve root compression from a more central
cause and establishing the site of the lesion. The other differential
diagnosis includes a lumbar disc prolapse causing nerve root
compression for which CT and MRI scans are useful investigations.
Spontaneous foot drop in a previously healthy patient may be due to a
metabolic cause such as diabetes mellitus.
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Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Yigit NA, Bagbanc B, Celebi H. Drop foot after pediatric urological
surgery under general and epidural anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2006;
103: 1616.
2. Horlocker TT, Cabanela ME, Wedel DJ. Does postoperative epidural
analgesia increase the risk of peroneal nerve palsy after total knee
arthroplasty? Anesth Analg 1994; 79: 495-500.
3. Hubbert CH. Peroneal palsy after epidural analgesia. Anesth Analg
1993; 77: 405-6.
4. Hogan QH. Pathophysiology of peripheral nerve injury during regional
anesthesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008; 33: 435-41.
Answer: B. ST-T wave abnormalities.
In about 50% of patients with ischaemic heart disease, the ECG may be
normal. ST-T wave abnormalities are the most commonly observed ECG
findings (65-90%). Tall R waves in V5 and V6, and deep S waves in lead
V1 indicate left ventricular hypertrophy which may be seen in 10-20% of
abnormal ECGs. Pathological Q waves account for 0.5 to 8% of ECG
Further reading
1. Mittnacht A, Reich DL. Recent myocardial infarction. In: Clinical cases
in anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia,
USA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 3: 15-20.
the full extent of pancreatic necrosis cannot be determined until this time.
A contrast-enhanced CT scan is useful to assess the severity by detecting
pancreatic necrosis and the degree of peri-pancreatic collection. A plain
X-ray of the abdomen may show a gas-filled duodenum secondary to
obstruction, but this is not a specific diagnostic test.
Further reading
1. Young SP, Thompson JP. Severe acute pancreatitis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 125-8.
10 Answer: B. D-Dimer.
Fibrinolysis is an important component of disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC). Breakdown products of fibrin, fibrin degradation
products (FDPs) and D-Dimers are therefore elevated. The specificity of
these tests is, however, limited because other conditions such as venous
thrombo-embolism, trauma and recent surgery can lead to elevated FDPs
and D-Dimers. The ongoing consumption of coagulation factors leads to
elevated global clotting times (aPTT and PT). The diagnosis of DIC should
be based on both clinical history and laboratory tests. The laboratory tests
include FDPs, D-Dimers, fibrinogen level, PT and aPTT. D-Dimers would
not be elevated in dilutional coagulopathy.
Further reading
1. Becker JU, Wira CR. Disseminated intravascular coagulation:
differential diagnosis and workup. (
Set 2 answers
Epidural steroids are used in the treatment of sciatica with limited
Further reading
1. Gregory DS, Seto CK, Wortley GC, Shugart CM. Acute lumbar disk
pain: navigating evaluation and treatment choices. Am Fam Physician
2008; 78: 835-42.
Further reading
1. Mercieri M, Paolini S, et al. Tetraplegia following parathyroidectomy in
two long-term haemodialysis patients. Anaesthesia 2009; 64: 1010-3.
2. Whiteson JH, Panaro N, et al. Tetraparesis following dental extraction:
case report and discussion of preventive measures for cervical spinal
hyperextension injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 1997; 20:
3. Mihai R, Farndon JR. Parathyroid disease and calcium metabolism.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85: 29-43.
Further reading
1. Fell D, Chelliah S. Infantile pyloric stenosis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEPD review 2001; 1: 85-8.
Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Schwartz AE. Carotid endarterectomy. In: Clinical cases in
anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 19: 101-3.
2. Babikian VL, Cantelmo NL. Cerebrovascular monitoring during carotid
endarterectomy. Stroke 2000; 31: 1799-1801.
Answer: D. Pulmonary function tests to estimate
postoperative FEV1.
Further reading
set 2 answers_set 2 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:18 Page 54
Further reading
1. Webber SJ, Barker I. Paediatric anaesthetic pharmacology. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEPD review 2003; 3: 50-3.
Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Ariyan CE, Sosa JA. Assessment and management of patients with
abnormal calcium. Crit Care Med 2004; 32: S146-54.
2. Mihai R, Farndon JR. Parathyroid disease and calcium metabolism.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85: 29-43.
Further reading
1. Roden DM. A practical approach to Torsade de pointes. Clin Cardiol
1997; 20: 285-90.
2. Schenck JB, Rizvi AA, Lin T. Severe primary hypothyroidism
manifesting with Torsades de pointes. Am J Med Sci 2006; 331: 154-
Further reading
1. Polderman KH. Mechanisms of action, physiological effects, and
complications of hypothermia. Crit Care Med 2009; 37: S186-202.
2. Management of inadvertent hypothermia, NICE clinical guideline.
3. Kirkbride DA, Buggy DJ. Thermoregulation and mild peri-operative
hypothermia. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEPD review 2003; 3: 24-
4. Kirkpatrick AW, Chun R, Brown R, et al. Hypothermia and the trauma
patient. Canadian Journal of Surgery 1999; 42: 333-43.
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Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Osborn IP, Spine surgery. In: Clinical cases in anaesthesia, 3rd ed.
Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier Churchill
Livingstone, 2005; Case 21: 109-22.
2. Entwistle MA, Patel D. Scoliosis surgery in children. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2006; 6: 13-6.
set 2 answers_set 2 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:18 Page 58
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) lists the following
diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain syndrome I (CRPS I):
Further reading
1. Wilson JG, Serpell MG. Complex regional pain syndrome. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2007; 7: 51-4.
22 Answer: B. Haemophilia A.
Set 2 answers
In Factor V deficiency, PT, PTT and bleeding times are all prolonged. The
bleeding is most often from the mucosal membranes.
Further reading
1. Coagulopathies. In: Anesthesia and co-existing disease, 4th ed.
Stoelting RK, Dierdorf SF. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill Livingstone,
2002; 489-504.
This patient is obese and suffers with immobility due to paraparesis; both
are risk factors for pulmonary embolism. The causes of desaturation
should be systematically considered starting from the anaesthetic machine
all the way to the lungs. Once the oxygen delivery, integrity of the breathing
system and airway patency are confirmed, any cause arising in the cardio-
respiratory system, such as bronchospasm, pneumothorax, and
endobronchial intubation should be diagnosed and corrected. In this
scenario desaturation is associated with a low EtCO2. Other causes of
low EtCO2, such as breathing system disconnection, a leak in the gas
sampling line and hyperventilation, should be ruled out.
set 2 answers_set 2 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:18 Page 60
Further reading
1. Riedel M. Diagnosing pulmonary embolism. Postgraduate Medical
Journal 2004; 80: 309-19.
2. van Beek EJR, Elliot CA, Kiely DG. Diagnosis and initial treatment of
patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism. British Journal
of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9(4): 119-24.
Further reading
1. RCOG Green-Top 10A guideline: The management of severe pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia (
2. The Eclampsia Trial Collaborative Group: Which anticonvulsant for
women with eclampsia? Evidence from the Collaborative Eclampsia
Trial. Lancet 1995; 345: 1455-63.
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Set 2 answers
25 Answer: A. Ephedrine.
vasoconstrictor. Both phenylephrine and metaraminol will increase blood
pressure and can cause reflex bradycardia. Atropine alone is not effective
in treating this condition.
Further reading
1. Campagna JA, Carter C. Clinical relevance of the Bezold-Jarisch
reflex. Anesthesiology 2003; 98: 1250-60.
2. Reiss LWJ. Brachial plexus anesthesia. In: Clinical cases in
anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 57: 337.
nerve fibres in the various tissue structures of facet joints suggests that
these structures may cause pain when placed under increased or
abnormal loads. Biomechanically, facet joints assume a prominent role in
resisting stress. During the rotation of the spine, the facet capsular
ligaments protect the intervertebral discs by preventing excessive
movement. There are no unique signs or symptoms identified which can
help in diagnosing the pain originating from the facet joint. However,
biomechanical studies of the facet joint during extension and rotation
support the belief that facet joint pain is worse with extension and rotation.
Lumbar facet joint pain is lateralised and can radiate to the groin and thigh.
Further reading
62 1. Manchikanti L, Boswell MV, Singh V, et al. Prevalence of facet joint
pain in chronic spinal pain of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2004; 5: 15.
Further reading
1. Fombon F, Thompson J. Anaesthesia for the adult patient with
rheumatoid arthritis. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2006; 6:
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Set 2 answers
Further reading
1. Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary, 58th ed.
London: British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain; 2009.
2. Davies M, Hardman J. Anaesthesia and adrenocortical disease. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2005; 5: 122-6.
3. Nicholson G, Burrin JM, Hall GM. Peri-operative steroid
supplementation. Anaesthesia 1998; 53: 1091-104.
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Unilateral foot drop may be the only presenting symptom of conus injury
and a needle-through-needle technique for CSE technique carries a risk
of this problem occurring. A CT scan is not the best imaging technique to
look for this problem, so an MRI scan is indicated. Other pathologies
which can cause foot drop in this situation include disc prolapse and
space-occupying lesions (though other neurological signs and symptoms
are more likely to be present with the latter). If the MRI scan is normal
further management should include referral to a neurologist and possible
nerve conduction studies.
Further reading
1. Reynolds F. Damage to the conus medullaris following spinal
anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2001; 56: 235-47.
2. Complications of obstetric regional anaesthesia. In: Complications of
regional anaesthesia, 2nd ed. Finucane BT, Ed. Springer, 2007:
Chapter 14.
Further reading
1. Lois N, Noppen M. Bronchopleural fistulas: an overview of the
problem with special focus on endoscopic management. Chest 2005;
128: 3955-65.
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Set 3 questions
Set 3
1 A 50-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease is suffering from severe
postoperative nausea and vomiting following an inguinal hernia 65
repair under general anaesthesia. The most suitable choice of anti-
emetic from this list for this patient would be:
d. CPR, defibrillation, 20% Intralipid, Caesarean section.
e. CPR, defibrillation, adrenaline, 20% Intralipid.
a. Non-invasive ventilation.
b. Corticosteroid therapy.
c. Intravenous immunoglobulin given over 5 days.
d. CSF filtration.
e. Physiotherapy.
Set 3 questions
More recently her pain control has been poor, needing an increase
in the dose of MST. Although this has relieved her pain it has caused
unacceptable side effects. Her life expectancy is about 2 years.
Which of the following would be most likely to improve her pain
control with minimal risk of side effects?
a. Compensatory sweating.
b. Horner’s syndrome.
c. Persisting pneumothorax.
d. Subcutaneous emphysema.
e. Haemothorax requiring drainage.
sepsis secondary to community-acquired pneumonia. The patient is
intubated, ventilated and commenced on inotropic support. The
haematology results, 24 hours after admission show:
Clinical examination reveals a petechial rash all over his skin. From
the list below, the most appropriate treatment of this patient’s
haematological condition would be:
a. Warfarin.
b. Antithrombin concentrate.
c. Transexamic acid.
d. Activated protein C.
e. Tissue factor prothrombin inhibitor (TFPI).
Set 3 questions
a. Intravenous ketanserin.
b. Intravenous ephedrine 6mg.
c. Intravenous metaraminol 1mg.
d. Intravenous octreotide 10µg.
e. Intravenous atracurium 10mg.
11 A 52-year-male has been suffering from pain in the right groin for the
last 6 months. The pain started after hernia repair surgery and any
identifiable reversible cause for this has been ruled out. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate scale with which to assess
his pain?
a. Diaphragmatic paralysis.
b. Intercostal muscle paralysis.
c. Respiratory centre depression.
d. Pulmonary aspiration.
e. Morphine overdose.
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Set 3 questions
e. Urinary vanillylmandelic acid.
a. Blood transfusion.
b. Exploratory laparotomy.
c. Splenectomy.
d. Observation and monitoring.
e. Arterial embolisation.
Set 3 questions
21 A 14-year-old girl with sickle cell disease presents with severe chest
and abdominal pain. For the last 2 years she has suffered from
intermittent exacerbations every few weeks. During the acute
exacerbations her pain always has been severe and is affecting her
sleep and ability to attend school. Which one of the following would
be the most suitable analgesic to manage her pain?
a. Psychological counselling.
b. Regular paracetamol.
c. Regular diclofenac sodium.
d. Regular morphine.
e. Tunnelled thoracic epidural catheter.
a. Pulmonary haemorrhage.
b. Emphysema.
c. Fibrosing alveolitis.
d. Asthma.
e. Pneumonectomy.
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae.
b. Staphylococcus aureus.
c. Haemophilus influenzae.
d. Legionella pneumophilia.
e. Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Set 3 questions
a. Bupivacaine toxicity.
b. Hypocalcaemia.
c. Hypokalaemia.
d. Hypermagnesaemia.
e. Hypercapnia.
set 3_set 3.qxd 22-04-2013 19:19 Page 76
a. Diaphragmatic palsy.
76 b. Acute pancreatitis.
c. Sub-phrenic abscess.
d. Abdominal wound infection.
e. Hospital-acquired pneumonia.
Set 3
Set 3 answers
Further reading
1. Errington D, Severn A, Meara J. Parkinson’s disease. British Journal
of Anaesthesia CEPD reviews 2002; 2: 69-73.
Further reading
1. Management of Anaesthesia for Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2nd ed.
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2005.
Further reading
1. Guidelines for the management of severe local anaesthetic toxicity.
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, 2007.
2. Cardiopulmoary resuscitation in the non-pregnant and pregnant
woman. In: Managing obstetric emergencies and trauma course
manual, 2nd ed. Grady K, Howell C, Cox C, Eds. Advanced Life
Support Group 2007; Chapter 4; 21-9.
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Set 3 answers
The platelet count has decreased by one third in the last 12 hours, which
is quite a precipitous fall. There is no test for platelet function, however,
and clotting results are abnormally prolonged (INR and APTT are >1.5).
The systolic blood pressure is adequately controlled. Given the clotting
and platelet abnormalities, and the fact that the platelet count often drops
in the 48 hours following delivery in haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes
and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome, the best choice in this situation
would be general anaesthesia, with attenuation of the response to
laryngoscopy and intubation. This may be done by administering any of the
following drugs prior to laryngoscopy:
w Alfentanil 20-30mg/kg.
w Magnesium sulphate 40mg/kg.
w Labetalol 0.25mg/kg.
w Esmolol 0.5mg/kg.
w Remifentanil 0.5mg/kg.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 80
Further reading
1. HELLP syndrome. In: Analgesia, anaesthesia and pregnancy – a
practical guide, 2nd ed, Yentis S, May A, Malhotra S, Eds.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007; 80: 187-9.
2. The use of neuraxial anesthesia in parturients with thrombocytopenia:
what is an adequate platelet count? In: Evidence-based obstetric
anesthesia. Halpern SJ, Douglas M, Eds. London: BMJ Books, 2005.
80 Drug toxicity and fear of drug toxicity are the leading causes of failure of
cancer pain therapy. About 10% of cancer patients have refractory pain
and require advanced techniques such as adjunct medications, nerve
blocks, or an intrathecal implantable drug delivery system (IDDS).
Systemic drugs relieve pain but often have serious side effects including
sedation, confusion, constipation, or fatigue. These symptoms can be
severe enough to limit the increment in the dose to an adequate level.
IDDSs deliver small doses of morphine directly into the cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF), achieving pain relief with much smaller doses (1/300th of the oral
dose). As the dose required is only a fraction of the oral or parenteral
dose, side effects are significantly less. The IDDS consists of a small,
battery-powered, programmable pump that is implanted under the skin of
the abdomen and connected to a small intrathecal catheter.
In this patient a limiting factor in achieving satisfactory pain relief is the side
effects of opioids, and this can be best addressed by an implantable
IDDS. An epidural infusion would have a higher risk of infection and the
dose required would be ten times higher than the intrathecal dose. All
other mentioned options would reduce the dose and therefore not reduce
the side effects.
Further reading
1. Smith TJ, et al. Randomized clinical trial of an implantable drug delivery
system compared with comprehensive medical management for
refractory cancer pain: impact on pain, drug-related toxicity, and
survival. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002; 20: 4040-9.
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Set 3 answers
Further reading
1. Martin A, Telford R. Anaesthesia for endoscopic thoracic
sympathectomy. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9: 52-
Further reading
1. Webber S, Andrzejowski J, Francis G. Gas embolism in anaesthesia.
British Journal of Anaesthesia CEPD Reviews 2002; 2: 53-7.
Further reading
1. Levi M, Toh C, Thachil J, Watson H. Guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of disseminated intravascular coagulation. British Journal
of Haematology 2009; 145: 24-33.
Set 3 answers
Further reading
1. Chinniah S, French J, Levy D. Serotonin and anaesthesia. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 43-5.
2. Houghton K, Carter JA. Peri-operative management of carcinoid
syndrome. Anaesthesia 1986; 41: 596-9.
Further reading
1. Bruce J, Poobalan AS, Smith WC, Chambers WA. Quantitative
assessment of chronic postsurgical pain using the McGill Pain
Questionnaire. Clin J Pain 2004; 20: 70-5.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 84
Further reading
1. Kang L, Tao-Chen L, Cheng-Loong L, et al. Delayed apnea in patients
with mid- to lower cervical spinal cord injury. Spine 2000; 25: 1332-8.
Further reading
1. Feierman DE, Gaberielson GV. Liver disease. In: Clinical cases in
anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 35: 181-93.
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Set 3 answers
APACHE and SAPS are scores calculated on the first day of ICU
admission only. In this case, these scores would have been relatively low,
since on day 1 the patient was relatively well. Other scoring systems are
repetitive and collect data sequentially throughout the duration of the ICU
stay and, hence, would give worsening scores should the patient
deteriorate, e.g. MODS, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA)
and Organ System Failure (OSF). ISS is an anatomical scoring system
based on the location and types of injury following trauma.
Further reading
1. Bouch D, Thompson J. Severity scoring systems in the critically ill.
British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 181-5.
Plasma free metanephrines provide the best test for the diagnosis of
pheochromocytoma. Sensitivities of plasma free metanephrines is 99%
and urinary fractionated metanephrines (97%) are higher than those for
plasma catecholamines (84%) and urinary catecholamines (86%).
Specificity is highest for urinary vanillylmandelic acid (95%) and urinary
total metanephrines (93%).
Further reading
1. Lenders JW, Pacak K, et al. Biochemical diagnosis of
phaeochromocytoma: which test is best? JAMA 2002; 287: 1427-34.
The brachial plexus is formed by C5, C6, C7, C8, and T1 nerve roots. In
the supraclavicular region, the brachial plexus is most compact as at this
level roots join to form the trunks. Blockade at this level has the greatest
likelihood of blocking all the branches of the plexus and has a high
success rate. The apex of the lung is just medial and posterior to the
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 86
Further reading
86 1. Neal JM, et al. Brachial plexus anaesthesia: essentials of our current
understanding. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002; 27: 402-28.
2. Pinnock CA, Fischer HBJ, Jones RP. Peripheral nerve blockade.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1996.
The Goldman Risk Index uses nine independent risk factors which are
evaluated on a point scale:
Patients with scores >25 have a 56% incidence of death, and a 22%
incidence of severe cardiovascular complications.
Patients with scores <25 but >6 have a 4% incidence of death, and a
17% incidence of severe cardiovascular complications.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 87
Set 3 answers
Patients with scores <6 have a 0.2% incidence of death, and a 0.7%
incidence of severe cardiovascular complications.
Further reading
1. Goldman L, Caldera DL, Nussbaum SR, et al. Multifactorial index of
cardiac risk in noncardiac surgical procedures. N Engl J Med 1977;
297: 845-50.
Cauda equina syndrome causes lower motor neurone signs in the lower
limbs, the precise features of which depend upon on the level of
compression. Lower motor neurone signs include: muscle wasting,
fasciculations, flaccid paralysis, absent/reduced reflexes and a flexor
plantar response. Compression of L5, S1 nerve roots can cause peri-anal
numbness (saddle anaesthesia), sensory loss along the lateral aspect of
the foot, an absent ankle jerk and loss of bowel and bladder function. Hip
flexion is a function of L2 and L3 nerve roots and the knee jerk involves L3
and L4 nerve roots.
Further reading
1. Small SA, Perron AD, Brady WJ. Orthopedic pitfalls: cauda equina
syndrome. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2005; 23: 159-
Further reading
1. Abdominal trauma. In: ATLS manual, 7th ed., 2004: 141.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 88
This child has been given hypotonic fluid as a maintenance regime and this
has been administered at a high rate for a long period of time. The child
weighs 20kg, and using the ‘4-2-1’ rule she should have received fluid at
a rate of 60ml/hr. Severe hyponatraemia is the most likely explanation for
the seizure and plasma levels need to be urgently measured.
Hypoglycaemia is unlikely given the glucose-containing fluid being infused.
Further reading
1. Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
APA consensus guideline on perioperative fluid management in
children. London: Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great
Britain and Ireland, 2007.
Pain is the most frequent problem experienced by patients with sickle cell
disease. The frequency and severity of painful episodes are highly variable
among patients. Painful episodes may start in the first year of life and
continue thereafter. The episodes last from hours to weeks followed by a
return to baseline. Dehydration, infection, stress, fatigue, menstruation and
cold can precipitate painful episodes. Medication is one of the mainstays
of treatment during the acute episode. Medication includes paracetamol,
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, adjuvants such
as tricyclic antidepressants, and invasive approaches such as epidural
analgesia. Painful crises are treated symptomatically with analgesics. The
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Set 3 answers
milder crises can be managed using NSAIDs and paracetamol, but most
patients with severe crises such as this will require opioids.
Further reading
1. Ballas SK. Current issues in sickle cell pain and its management.
Hematology American Society of Education program book, 2007: 97-
Further reading
1. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network: British guideline on the
management of asthma (SIGN guideline 101). Edinburgh: SIGN,
2009. (
23 Answer: C. Fibrosing alveolitis.
In obstructive lung disease (e.g. COPD, asthma), both FEV1 and the
FEV1/FVC ratio are reduced. There may be an increase in residual volume
(RV) and TLC. This is particularly marked in emphysema.
DLCO, also known as the transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide,
is a measure of the diffusing capacity from alveolar gas to the red blood
cells in the pulmonary circulation. It is helpful in evaluating the presence of
possible parenchymal lung disease when spirometry and/or lung volume
determinations suggest a reduced vital capacity, RV, and/or TLC. Because
the DLCO is directly proportional to VA, non-pulmonary processes that
reduce the TLC cause reductions in the DLCO. If VA can be assessed
accurately, these reductions produce a normal or elevated DL/VA ratio,
e.g. lung resection, thoracic cage abnormalities. A reduced DLCO and a
reduced DL/VA ratio suggest a true interstitial disease such as pulmonary
fibrosis or pulmonary vascular disease.
Further reading
1. Plummer AL. The carbon monoxide diffusing capacity. Chest 2008;
134: 663-7.
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Set 3 answers
Further reading
1. Lim WS, et al. BTS guidelines for the management of community-
acquired pneumonia in adults: update 2009. Thorax 2009; 64 (Suppl 91
III): iii1-55
Further reading
1. Ravi R, Howell T. Anaesthesia for paediatric ear, nose, and throat
surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2007; 7: 33-7.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 92
Further reading
1. General Medical Council. Consent guidance: patients and doctors
making decisions together, 2008. (
2. O’Rourke N, Khan K, Hepner DL. Contraindications to neuraxial
anaesthesia. In: Spinal and epidural anesthesia. Wong CA, Ed. USA:
McGraw Hill Medical, 2007; Chapter 5: 127-50.
Set 3 answers
Further reading
1. Wiersema UF. Chest Injuries. In: Oh’s intensive care manual, 6th ed.
Bersten A, Soni N, Eds. Elsevier, 2009: 800.
28 Answer: B. Hypocalcaemia.
Further reading
1. Ray N, Camann W. Hyperventilation-induced tetany associated with
epidural analgesia for labour. International Journal of Obstetric
Anaesthesia 2005; 14: 74-6.
This patient shows signs of sepsis with symptoms mainly localizing to the
left upper abdomen. A sub-phrenic abscess usually produces elevation of
the left hemi-diaphragm, pleural effusion and basal atelectasis. The
abscess can be confirmed by a CT scan or ultrasound. Unilateral
diaphragmatic palsy can produce a raised hemi-diaphragm, seen on the
chest X-ray. Acute pancreatitis can present with epigastric pain, pyrexia
and shock. Usually there is a history of alcohol abuse, dyspepsia or biliary
colic. In this patient, as there is a history of recent trauma and abdominal
surgery, a sub-phrenic abscess is the most likely diagnosis. The clinical
features are also suggestive of a chest infection, but the abdominal X-ray
showing air fluid level suggests intra-abdominal pathology.
set 3 answers_set 3 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 19:41 Page 94
Further reading
1. Padley S. Imaging the chest. In: Oh’s intensive care manual, 6th ed.
Bersten A, Soni N, Eds. Elsevier, 2009: 466.
trapping behind the foreign body (ball and valve effect) with pneumothorax,
surgical emphysema, and pneumo-mediastinum a possibility. In this
situation, the usual inspiratory chest X-ray can appear normal; an
expiratory film, however, if it can be obtained, may reveal air trapping.
Further reading
1. Maloney E, Meakin GH. Acute stridor in children. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2007; 183-6.
2. Warshawsky ME. Foreign body aspiration. (http://emedicine.
set 4_set 4.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 95
Set 4 questions
Set 4
1 A 60-year-old female patient is admitted to the neurosurgical unit
with a subarachnoid haemorrhage secondary to a ruptured 95
intracranial aneurysm. Which of the following is the most serious
complication that could occur during the subsequent 3 days?
a. Re-bleeding.
b. Cerebral vasospasm.
c. Hypertension.
d. Hydrocephalus.
e. Pulmonary oedema.
a. Hypercarbia.
b. Hypoxia.
c. Intrapulmonary shunt.
d. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
e. Ventilation perfusion mismatch.
set 4_set 4.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 96
a. Intravenous ephedrine.
b. Intravenous metaraminol.
c. Intravenous phenylephrine.
d. Reducing the dose of propofol.
e. I.V. infusion of 1L of normal saline.
a. Postoperative pneumonia.
b. Bibasal atelectasis.
c. Severe sepsis.
d. Acute coronary syndrome.
e. Pulmonary embolism.
Set 4 questions
a. Transoesophageal Doppler.
b. Precordial stethoscope.
c. EtCO2 monitor.
d. Pulse oximeter.
e. PA catheter.
a. Aspiration pneumonia.
b. Negative pressure pulmonary oedema.
c. Bronchial asthma.
d. Fluid overload.
e. Congestive cardiac failure.
a. Phenytoin.
b. Fluoxetine.
c. Ethylene glycol.
d. Amitryptiline.
e. Amphetamine.
a. Transverse myelitis.
b. Epidural haematoma.
c. Epidural abscess.
d. Anterior spinal artery syndrome.
e. Posterior spinal artery syndrome.
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Set 4 questions
prednisolone and methotrexate. Auscultation of the chest reveals a
pericardial rub. The 12-lead ECG shows diffuse ST elevation with a
heart rate of 110 per minute. The most likely diagnosis is:
Set 4 questions
a. Mitral stenosis.
b. Mitral incompetence.
c. Aortic stenosis.
d. Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.
e. Aortic incompetence.
set 4_set 4.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 102
a. Oral labetalol.
b. Immediate delivery.
c. Hydralazine and magnesium.
d. Continue close monitoring and initiate treatment if she deteriorates.
e. Oral methyldopa.
a. Pneumonia.
b. Tension pneumothorax.
c. Sepsis.
d. Hypovolaemia.
e. Myocardial infarction.
Set 4 questions
a. Intravenous dexamethasone.
b. Intravenous hydrocortisone.
c. Saline nebulisation.
d. CPAP by face mask.
e. Sedation and tracheal intubation.
a. Cholecystectomy.
b. Mastectomy.
c. Amputation of limb.
d. Thoracotomy.
e. Hernia repair.
Set 4 questions
a. Peptic ulcer.
b. Oesophageal stricture.
c. Reflux oesophagitis.
d. Hiatus hernia.
e. Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
a. TENS therapy.
b. Stellate ganglion block.
c. Regular NSAIDs.
d. Regular diamorphine.
e. Fentanyl patch.
a. Acute cholecystitis.
b. Acute gastritis.
c. Acute pancreatitis.
d. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.
e. Acute lumbar disc prolapse.
a. Serum magnesium.
b. Nasendoscopy to assess the vocal cord function.
c. Serum calcium.
d. Serum TSH.
e. Electrocardiogram.
Set 4
Set 4 answers
1 Answer: A. Re-bleeding.
Although cerebral vasospasm is the most common problem, the most
serious complication of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is re-bleeding;
the occurrence is about 15% during the first week. The management of
cerebral vasospasm consists of nimodipine and triple H therapy (induced
hypertension, hypervolaemia and haemodilution). SAH is also frequently
associated with systemic and pulmonary hypertension, cardiac
arrhythmias and neurogenic pulmonary oedema. Other complications
include hydrocephalus and electrolyte disturbances. Hyponatraemia
develops as a result of either cerebral salt wasting syndrome or the
syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion.
Further reading
1. Solenski NJ, Haley E, et al. Medical complications of aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage: a report of the multicenter, cooperative
aneurysm study. Critical Care Medicine 1995; 23: 1007-17.
2. Priebe H-J. Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage and the
anaesthetist. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2007; 99: 102-18.
2 Answer: A. Hypercarbia.
Further reading
1. Neustin SM, Eisenkraft JB. One-lung anesthesia. In: Clinical cases in
anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 15: 73-84.
Further reading
1. DeSouza G, Lewis MC, TerRiet MF. Severe bradycardia after
remifentanil. Anesthesiology 1997; 87: 1019-20.
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Set 4 answers
This patient has type 1 respiratory failure with severe hypoxia indicating a
significant ventilation perfusion mismatch. Pneumonia and atelectasis are
unlikely due to the absence of clinical and radiological signs. Similarly,
severe sepsis is less likely because of the normal pH and lactate. Acute
coronary syndrome complicated with left ventricular failure and pulmonary
oedema can result in hypoxia. Pulmonary embolism is the most likely
diagnosis given the background of major abdominopelvic cancer surgery
with the associated immobilisation, chest pain and unexplained severe
Further reading
1. Tapson VF. Acute pulmonary embolism. N Engl J Med 2008; 358:
During the repair of retinal detachment, the surgeon usually uses intra-ocular
injection of air and sulfurhexafluoride (SF6). The coincident use of nitrous
oxide expands the volume of air within the eye and increases the intra-ocular
pressure. During the procedure nitrous oxide should be discontinued at least
10-15 minutes prior to intra-ocular injection of SF6. Nitrous oxide should be
avoided at least 30 days following repair of retinal detachment to prevent a
rise in intra-ocular pressure. Rapid sequence induction using succinylcholine
can cause a transient increase in intra-ocular pressure but rocuronium can
be used as an alternative to succinylcholine.
Further reading
1. Herlich A. Retinal detachment. In: Clinical cases in anaesthesia, 3rd
ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier
Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 44: 239-41.
(pancreas, liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, kidneys, small bowel, and
2/3 of the large bowel). Coeliac ganglia lie on each side of the L1 vertebral
body with the aorta lying posteriorly, the pancreas anteriorly and the
inferior vena cava laterally. The plexus receives sympathetic fibres from the
greater splanchnic nerve (T6 to T10), lesser splanchnic nerve (T10, T11),
and least splanchnic nerve (T11, T12).
The block is performed with the patient in the prone position under X-ray
guidance. Normally, two needles are inserted, one on each side to block
both of the coeliac ganglia; good spread to both sides can sometimes be
achieved just using one needle. The needle entry point is just below the tip
of the 12th rib. Using X-ray screening in two planes, the needle is
advanced until the tip of the needle is in front of the aorta (one needle
technique) or just lateral to the aorta (two needle technique) at the level of
the L1 vertebra.
Further reading
1. Garcia-Eroles X, Mayoral V, Montero A, et al. Celiac plexus block: a
new technique using the left lateral approach. The Clinical Journal of
Pain 2007; 23: 635-7.
Set 4 answers
stage of VAE. Pulse oximetry may show low oxygen saturation which is
not specific for VAE.
Further reading
1. Omlor J. Loss of CO2 trace. In: Near misses in neuroanaesthesia.
Russell GB, Cronin AJ, Longo S, Blackburn TW, Eds. Butterworth
Heinemann, 2002; Case 6: 19-21.
2. Palmon SC, Moore IE, et al. Venous air embolism: a review. Journal of
Clinical Anaesthesia 1997; 9: 251-7.
Further reading
112 1. Thiagarajan RR, Laussen PC. Negative pressure pulmonary oedema
in children - pathogenesis and clinical management. Pediatric
Anesthesia 2007; 17: 307-10.
2. Herrick IA, Mahendran B, Penny FJ. Postoperative pulmonary oedema
following anesthesia. J Clin Anesth 1990; 2: 116-20.
3. Dicpinigaitis PV, Mehta DC. Postobstructive pulmonary oedema
induced by endotracheal tube occlusion. Intensive Care Med 1995;
21: 1048-50.
9 Answer: D. Amitryptiline.
Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Drug overdose. In: Key topics in critical care, 2nd ed. Craft TM, Nolan
JP, Parr MJA, Eds. Taylor and Francis, 2004.
2. Ward C, Sair M. Oral poisoning: an update. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10: 6-10.
on the third postoperative day. Further clinical signs such as pyrexia and a
raised white cell count would support the diagnosis of an epidural
The posterior spinal artery suplies the posterior 1/3 of the spinal cord,
mainly the dorsal columns. Ischaemia of the posterior 1/3 of the spinal
cord is less common than the anterior 2/3.
Further reading
1. Djurberg H. Haddad M. Anterior spinal artery syndrome. Paraplegia
following segmental ischaemic injury to the spinal cord after
oesophagectomy. Anaesthesia 1995; 50: 345-8.
114 2. Sinha AC, Cheung AT. Spinal cord protection and thoracic aortic
surgery. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2010; 23: 95-102.
Further reading
1. Reilley TE, Gerhardt MA. Anesthesia for foot and ankle surgery. Clin
Podiatr Med Surg 2002; 19: 125-47.
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Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Valvular heart disease. In: Anesthesia and co-existing diseases, 4th
ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill
Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 2: 33-5.
set 4 answers_set 4 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 116
14 Answer: E. Pericarditis.
Further reading
1. Pericardial Diseases. In: Anesthesia and co-existing disease, 4th ed.
Stoelting RK, Dierdorf SF, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill
Livingstone, 2002; 135-42.
In patients with liver disease the mortality risk can be estimated using
Pugh’s modification of Child’s scoring system. There are five variables in
the scoring system (Table 1). Each variable has a lowest score of 1 and a
highest score of 3. From the available clinical and laboratory data, this
patient has a total score of 8. This patient therefore carries a moderate
peri-operative risk with a mortality rate of about 25%.
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Set 4 answers
Variable Score
1 2 3
Encephalopathy None Minimal Advanced
Ascites None Minimal Moderate
Bilirubin, mg/dL <2 2-3 >3
Albumin, g/L >35 28-35 <28
PT (s above control) <4 4-6 >6
Further reading
1. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In: Anesthesia and co-existing
diseases, 4th ed, Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Churchill Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 18: 299-324.
2. Vaja R, McNicol R, Sisley I. Anaesthesia for patients with liver disease.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2010; 10: 15-9.
The intercostal nerve enters the subcostal groove and continues to run
parallel to the rib. Its course within the thorax is sandwiched between
internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles. A typical intercostal
nerve gives off the lateral cutaneous branch and terminates as the anterior
cutaneous nerve.
posterior angle of the rib. 3ml of local anesthetic solution injected through
a needle spreads some 4-6cm easily along that single subcostal groove
distally and proximally. If a catheter is inserted at the angle of the rib and
directed medially 2-3cm, a larger volume (about 20ml) of solution could be
injected which can spread to the paravertebral space to block 3-5
intercostal nerves.
Further reading
1. Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Acute pain management of patients with
multiple fractured ribs. J Trauma 2003; 54: 612-5.
Morbidity and mortality rates vary and depend on the age, the degree of
pulmonary hypertension, and the response to vasodilator therapy. Death
as a result of both acute and chronic right heart failure and its associated
arrhythmias may occur. The treatment of IPH includes general medical
measures such as annual influenza vaccination, treating fever and
respiratory illnesses aggressively, and supplemental oxygen. Patients with
severe pulmonary hypertension resulting in recurrent syncope or right-to-
left intracardiac shunting may benefit from palliation with blade atrial
septostomy or balloon dilation of the atrial septum.
Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Rashid A, Ivy D. Severe paediatric pulmonary hypertension: new
management strategies. Arch Dis Child 2005; 90(1): 92-8.
2. Melson H, Sykes E, et al. Perioperative implications of pulmonary
hypertension. CPD Anaesthesia 2008; 10: 39-66.
Answer: C. Hydralazine and magnesium.
Further reading
1. RCOG Green-Top 10A guideline: The management of severe pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia. (
Further reading
1. De Mendoza D, Lujan M, Rello J. Mechanical ventilation for asthma
Exacerbations. In: Yearbook of intensive care medicine. Vincent LL,
Eds. New York, USA: Springer, 2008; VII: 256-68.
2. Rodrigo GJ, Rodrigo C, Hall JB. Acute asthma in adults: a review.
Chest 2004; 125: 1081-102.
Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Holden JP, Vaughn WC, Brock-Utne JG. Airway complications
following functional endoscopic sinus surgery. J Clinical Anesthesia
2002; 14: 154-7.
2. Postoperative airway complications after sinus surgery. In: Clinical
anesthesia: near misses and lessons learned. Brock-Utne JG, Ed. 121
New York, USA: Springer, 2008; Case 22: 54-6.
3. Hawkins DB, Crockett DM, Shum TK. Corticosteroids in airway
management. Otolaryn Head Neck Surg 1983; 91: 593-6.
Cholecystectomy 3-56%
Mastectomy 11-57%
Amputation of limb 30-85%
Thoracotomy 5-67%
Hernia repair 0-63%
Further reading
1. Searle RD, Simpson KH. Chronic post-surgical pain. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10: 12-4.
set 4 answers_set 4 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 122
Further reading.
1. Deiner S, Silverstein JH. Postoperative delirium and cognitive
dysfunction. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2009; 103 (Suppl. I): i41-
The most common cause for intra and postpartum haemorrhage following
prolonged labour is uterine atony. Other less common causes include a
retained placenta, other causes of mechanical obstruction to contraction,
and genital tract trauma. Rarer causes include coagulopathies,
endometritis and intra-uterine sepsis.
Further reading
1. RCOG Green-Top 10A guideline: The management of severe pre-
eclampsia/eclampsia. (
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Set 4 answers
Not all platelet-heparin antibodies are associated with the development of
HIT. Only 1% of patients with detectable antibodies will develop clinically
relevant disease. IgA and IgM antibodies are unimportant - only those with
IgG antibodies will develop the disease.
In true HIT the platelet count will start to recover 2 to 3 days after stopping
heparin, and is usually normal by day 14. A recovery more rapid than this
does not support the diagnosis of HIT.
Further reading
1. Hall A, Thachil J, Martlew V. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the
intensive care unit. J Intensive Care Soc 2010; 11: 20-5.
Further reading
1. Diseases of the gastro-intestinal system. In: Anesthesia and co-
existing diseases, 4th ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia,
USA: Churchill Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 19: 337-8.
Answer: B. Stellate ganglion block.
This patient has refractory angina. The various treatment options for this
condition include analgesic drugs such as opioids, TENS therapy, stellate
ganglion block, and spinal cord stimulation. In this patient opioids may not
be safe as he suffers from obstructive sleep apnoea. TENS therapy is
contraindicated due to the presence of a pacemaker. Refractory angina
pain is vascular pain and responds poorly to NSAIDs. A stellate ganglion
block is therefore the most suitable option in this patient.
The stellate ganglion is formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical and the
first thoracic ganglion as they meet at the neck of the first rib. It is present
in 80% of subjects. The structures anterior to the ganglion include the skin
and subcutaneous tissue, the sternocleidomastoid and the carotid sheath.
The dome of the lung lies anterior and inferior to the ganglion. The
prevertebral fascia, vertebral body of C7, oesophagus and thoracic duct
lie medially. Structures posterior to the ganglion include the longus colli
muscle, anterior scalene muscle, vertebral artery, brachial plexus sheath
and neck of the first rib.
The indications for a stellate ganglion block include complex regional pain
syndrome types I and II, refractory angina, phantom limb pain, post-
herpetic neuralgia and vascular insufficiency, such as Raynaud’s
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Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Chester M, Hammond C, Leach A. Long-term benefits of stellate
ganglion block in severe chronic refractory angina. Pain 2000; 87:
The axillary nerve arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus and
carries nerve fibres from C5 and C6. It travels through a quadrilateral
space bounded above by teres major, below by teres minor, medially by
the long head of triceps and laterally by the surgical neck of the humerus.
It divides into anterior and posterior branches. The anterior branch of the
axillary nerve winds round the surgical neck of the humerus. The axillary
nerve provides sensory innervation to the lower part of the deltoid region
and motor innervation to the deltoid and teres minor muscles. Weakness
of the deltoid limits abduction of the arm (0-30°). Contraction of
supraspinatus causes initial abduction up to 30°, and further abduction
from 30-90° is achieved by contraction of the deltoid.
The median nerve supplies the pronator teres and flexors of the wrist
except flexor carpi ulnaris and part of flexor digitorum profundus. Median
nerve injury above the level of the elbow results in weakness of pronation
and flexion of the wrist.
Further reading
1. Kroll DA, Caplan RA, Posner K, et al. Nerve injury associated with
anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1990; 73: 202-7.
set 4 answers_set 4 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:20 Page 126
Pain in the right hypochondrium and at the inferior angle of the right
scapula is common in cholecystitis. In pancreatitis, pain is in the epigastric
region, and often radiates to the back. In severe acute pancreatitis the
patient may present in shock. Nausea and vomiting are common; there
may be a past history of dyspepsia, biliary colic or transient jaundice. In
lumbar disc prolapse, the back pain usually radiates to the legs and shock
is uncommon.
Further reading
1. Tan WA, Makaroun MS. Abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture.
Set 4 answers
Further reading
1. Aguilera IM, Vaughan RS. Calcium and anaesthetist. Anaesthesia
2001; 55: 779-90.
2. Water, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. In: Anesthesia and co-
existing diseases, 4th ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia,
USA: Churchill Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 21: 385-90.
The lingual nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve, and carries the
fibres from the chorda tympani (branch of the facial nerve). The lingual
nerve provides sensory innervation to the mucous membrane of the
anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and to the side wall and floor of the
mouth. The fibres from the chorda tympani are secretomotor to the
submandibular and sublingual salivary glands and also carry taste
sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.
The inferior alveolar nerve is the largest branch of the mandibular nerve. It
provides sensory innervation to the molar teeth and premolar teeth.
The buccal nerve supplies the skin over the anterior part of the cheek, the
mucous membrane of the inner aspect of the cheek and the lateral aspect
of the gum adjacent to the molar teeth of the mandible.
The hypoglossal nerve supplies all the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the
tongue (with the exception of palatoglossus).
Further reading
1. The cranial nerves. In: Anatomy for anaesthetists. 8th ed. Ellis H,
Feldman S, Harrop-Griffiths W. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2004;
Part 6: 235-83.
2. Graff-Radford SB, Evans RW. Lingual nerve injury.
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Set 5 questions
Set 5
1 A 44-year-old female presents with generalized body pain. She feels
lethargic and also complains of depression. She has generalized 129
muscle tenderness all over her body. She is known to have irritable
bowel syndrome. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Muscular dystrophy.
b. Polymyalgia rheumatica.
c. Fibromyalgia.
d. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
e. Rheumatoid arthritis.
a. Pulmonary embolism.
b. Amniotic fluid embolism.
c. Hypermagnesaemia.
d. Hyponatraemia.
e. Hyperkalaemia.
set 5_set 5.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 130
a. Intravenous midazolam.
b. Intravenous physostigmine.
c. Intravenous neostigmine.
d. Intravenous haloperidol.
e. Oral clonidine.
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae.
b. Legionella pneumophilia.
c. Staphylococcus aureus.
d. Haemophilus influenzae.
e. Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Set 5 questions
peripheral neuropathy in the lower limbs. CSF examination shows a
normal cell count but a raised protein concentration. The most likely
diagnosis is:
a. Myasthenia gravis.
b. Transverse myelitis.
c. Severe electrolyte disturbances.
d. Motor neurone disease.
e. Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Set 5 questions
d. Intravascular injection.
e. Right phrenic nerve palsy.
a. Retrobulbar block.
b. Peribulbar block.
c. Sub-Tenon’s block. 133
d. General anaesthetic with endotracheal intubation.
e. General anaesthetic with LMA.
a. Glycopyrrolate.
b. Atropine.
c. Ephedrine.
d. Isoprenaline.
e. Norephedrine.
a. Electrocardiography.
b. Transosesophageal echocardiography.
c. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measurement.
d. ECG monitoring with CM5 configuration.
e. Dipyridamole-thallium scanning.
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Set 5 questions
a. Gabapentin.
b. Amitriptyline.
c. Morphine sulphate.
d. Lidocaine 5% plasters. 135
e. Capsaicin 0.025% cream.
Set 5 questions
level 2 years ago; his pain, however, still remains a significant
problem. He has tried neuropathic and opioid medications, TENS, a
lumbar epidural and physiotherapy without satisfactory pain relief.
TENS relieves his pain for a short duration only. He works as a
security officer and is quite keen to continue working. His family and
employer are sympathetic and supportive. What would be the next
most suitable therapy for his pain?
Set 5 questions
a. Troponin.
b. Echocardiography.
c. D-dimers.
d. CT pulmonary angiogram.
e. Isotope lung scan.
set 5_set 5.qxd 02-05-2013 20:55 Page 140
Set 5 questions’
a. Epidural abscess.
b. Intervertebral disc prolapse.
c. Subdural haematoma.
d. Obstetric palsy.
e. Spinal arachnoiditis.
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Set 5
Set 5 answers
1 Answer: C. Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is characterised by chronic widespread pain and muscle
tenderness. Other associated symptoms include fatigue, poor sleep,
functional bowel disturbances, and joint stiffness. It is frequently
associated with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and depression.
Further reading
1. Goldenberg DL. Multidisciplinary modalities in the treatment of
fibromyalgia. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008; 69: 30-4.
2. Nochimson G. Polymyalgia rheumatica. (http://emedicine.medscape.
2 Answer: C. Hypermagnesaemia.
patient had features suggestive of hypermagnesaemia. The clinical
features range from nausea and vomiting to respiratory and cardiac arrest,
depending on the serum magnesium level. A marked reduction in tendon
reflexes indicates impending magnesium toxicity. Monitoring should
include the regular assessment of tendon reflexes. A marked depression
of patellar reflexes is an indication of impending magnesium toxicity. The
ECG may show a prolonged PR interval and intraventricular conduction
defects. Respiratory rate, tendon reflexes and urine output should be
monitored during magnesium therapy. If prolonged infusion or higher
doses are used, serum magnesium levels should be monitored to prevent
magnesium toxicity.
Further reading
1. Diseases associated with pregnancy. In: Anesthesia and co-existing
disease, 4th ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf SF, Eds. Philadelphia, USA:
Churchill Livingstone, 2002: 662.
2. Magnesium sulphate. In: Analgesia, anaesthesia and preganancy, a
practical guide. Yentis SM, Grighouse D, May A, Bogod D, Elton C,
Eds. London: W.B. Saunders, 2002: 198-200.
3. Novello NP, Blumstein HA. Hypermagnesemia. (http://emedicine.
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Set 5 answers
3 Answer: B. Physostigmine.
Further reading
1. Burns MJ, Linden CH, Graudins A, et al. A comparison of
physostigmine and benzodiazepines for the treatment of
anticholinergic poisoning. Ann Emerg Med 2000; 35: 374-81.
Further reading
1. Sadashivaiah B, Carr B. Severe community-acquired pneumonia.
British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9: 87-91.
Answer: A. Domperidone and ondansetron.
Several drugs used during the peri-operative period may have an adverse
effect on Parkinsonism. Opiates are often necessary after major surgery,
but may worsen muscle rigidity. Pethidine should be avoided as it can
cause hypertension and muscle rigidity in patients on selegiline. Patients
may not be able to physically use patient-controlled analgesia (PCA).
Antipsychotics, e.g. phenothiazines and butyrophenones, used as enti-
emetics, may worsen symptoms of Parkinsonism, as they have
antidopaminergic actions. Propofol may have dopamine-like effects, and
thus helps to reduce tremor and muscle rigidity. Anticholinergic drugs
which cross the blood brain barrier, such as atropine, can precipitate
central anticholinergic syndrome. Glycopyrrolate is the anticholinergic of
choice. Anti-emetics, such as metoclopramide, droperidol and
prochlorperazine, may worsen the symptoms of Parkinsonism and cause
extra-pyramidal effects. The anti-emetic of choice is domperidone as it
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Set 5 answers
does not cross the blood brain barrier and thus does not cause extra-
pyramidal effects. 5-HT3 antagonists (e.g. ondansetron, granisetron) and
cyclizine can safely be used.
Further reading
1. Nicholson G, Pereira AC, Hall GM. Parkinson’s disease and
anaesthesia. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002; 89: 904-16.
Chemical sympatholysis is commonly performed for palmar or plantar
hyperhidrosis, Buerger’s disease, and critical lower limb ischaemia where
there is no revascularization option available for palliative treatment of the
Lumbar epidural and nerve root blocks are useful for treatment of radicular
pain in the legs but are not effective in ischaemic vascular pain. A superior
hypogastric plexus block may be effective for the management of pelvic
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 148
Further reading
1. Nesargikar P, Ajit M, Eyers P, et al. Lumbar chemical sympathectomy
in peripheral vascular disease: does it still have a role? International
Journal of Surgery 2009; 7: 145-9.
existing channels, or it may spread from the mediastinum along the bronchi
until it breaks through the weak spot into the pleural cavity. The distended
neck veins (increased CVP), hypotension and desaturation suggest
development of a tension pneumothorax. The specific treatment is needle
decompression followed by insertion of a chest drain.
Further reading
1. Farn J, Hammerman A, Brunt LM. Intraoperative pneumothorax during
laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a complication of prior
transdiaphragmatic surgery. Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy &
Percutaneous Techniques 1993; 3: 219-22.
2. Complications and contraindications of laparoscopic surgery. In:
Anaesthesia for minimally invasive surgery. Crozier TA, Ed.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Set 5 answers
cause generalised muscle weakness. EMG and neurological studies are
Further reading
1. Hughes RAC, Cornblath DR. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Lancet 2005;
366: 1653-66.
Set 5 answers
Further reading
1. Carling A, Simmonds M. Complications from regional anaesthesia for
carotid endarterectomy. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 84: 797-
2. Ross S, Scarborough CD. Total spinal anaesthesia following brachial
plexus block. Anesthesiology 1973; 39: 458.
3. Edde RR, Deutsch S. Cardiac arrest after interscalene brachial plexus
block. Anesthesia Analgesia 1977; 56: 446-7.
Anaesthesia for cataract surgery can be provided using local and general
techniques. Local anaesthetic techniques can be divided into superficial
eye blocks such as sub-Tenon’s, or topical anaesthesia alone, and deep
eye blocks via the peribulbar and retrobulbar routes.
Further reading
1. Kumar C, Dodds C. Ophthalmic regional block. Ann Acad Med
Singapore 2006; 35: 158-67.
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 152
12 Answer: D. Isoprenaline.
Further reading
1. Stone ME. Non-cardiac surgery after heart transplantation. In: Clinical
cases in anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds.
Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 12: 59-
Absolute indications for lung isolation include a giant unilateral lung cyst or
bulla, broncho-pleural fistula, open surgery on the main bronchus,
unilateral massive haemorrhage and infection in one of the lungs where
contamination of the other lung is to be avoided. The use of a double-
lumen tube facilitates the ventilation of the normal lung in conditions such
as a unilateral lung cyst and bulla, thereby avoiding barotrauma. Relative
indications for lung isolation include lobectomy, thoracic spinal surgery,
thoracic aneurysm repair and pneumonectomy.
Further reading
1. Eastwood J, Mahajan R. One lung anaesthesia. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2002; 2: 83-7.
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 153
Set 5 answers
Further reading
1. Rudarakanchana N, Trembath RC, Morrell NW. New insights into the
pathogenesis and treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.
Thorax 2001; 56: 888-90.
Further reading
1. Shore-Lesserson LJ. Coronary artery bypass grafting. In: Clinical cases
in anaesthesia, 3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia,
USA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 13: 65-8.
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 154
The clinical presentation of this patient’s pain, her age, and recent course
of steroids, all indicate that she is suffering from post-herpetic neuralgia
(PHN). The reactivation of the Herpes zoster virus occurs due to
immunosuppression and therefore is more commonly seen in patients with
old age, poor nutrition, malignancy, and immunosuppression due to any
154 cause. PHN is treated using lidocaine 5% plasters, tricyclic
antidepressants (amitriptyline), calcium channel blockers (gabapentin,
pregabalin), sodium channel blockers (phenytoin and carbamazepine) and
non-pharmacological therapies such as TENS, acupuncture and cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT). In this particular patient, lidocaine 5% plasters
would be most appropriate. The soothing effect of the plaster will minimise
the pain from mechanical allodynia and will also provide local analgesia
without any systemic side effects. This patient has multiple comorbidities
so it would be wise to avoid any systemic therapy.
Further reading
1. Guy H, et al. Efficacy and tolerability of a 5% lidocaine medicated
plaster for the topical treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia: results of a
long-term study. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2009; 25:
Set 5 answers
Acute heart failure may occur due to valve destruction or distortion and/or
rupture of the chordae tendinae. Chronic heart failure may be due to
progressive valvular insufficiency with worsening ventricular function. 155
Heart failure with aortic insufficiency is associated with a high mortality
Further reading
1. Bayer AS, Bolger AF, Taubert KA, et al. Diagnosis and management
of infective endocarditis and its complications. Circulation 1998; 98:
The clinical information along with the raised respiratory rate and low PaO2
suggests the diagnosis of acute life-threatening asthma. Appropriate first-
line treatment has already been started, but there are no signs of a
There is little good quality evidence regarding drug therapy for the further
management of severe asthma. The use of aminophylline is limited due to
its side effects (arrhythmias, restlessness, vomiting, and convulsions),
related to a narrow therapeutic window. Intravenous salbutamol has no
benefit compared to nebulised salbutamol provided administration of
nebulisers is not a problem. In practice this means that intravenous b2
agonists should generally be reserved for patients who are ventilated.
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 156
Intubation and ventilation of patients with severe asthma is difficult and can
have deleterious effects both at the time of intubation and during
mechanical ventilation. It should be used in the presence of life-threatening
hypoxia, cardiac or respiratory arrest or after all other medical treatment
has failed.
156 Heliox (79% helium and 21% oxygen) will reduce the work of breathing in
acute upper airway obstruction by improving the turbulent flow due to low
density of helium. It has been suggested in severe asthma but it limits the
FiO2 that can be achieved and has no role in acute life-threatening asthma.
Further reading
1. British guideline in the management of asthma. British Thoracic
Society, 2009.
2. Stanley D, Tunnicliffe W. Management of life-threatening asthma in
adults. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 95-9.
Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic that reduces ICP by drawing fluid from the
brain. It has been shown to improve surgical access and reduce ICP
within a few minutes of administration. It can also temporarily improve
cerebral perfusion by increasing intra-vascular volume.
Set 5 answers
Steroids have no role in reducing ICP in acute head injury; they are only
useful in reducing the bulk of tumours and intracranial infective lesions. A
large-scale study has found evidence of increased mortality with the
administration of steroids in acute head injury.
Further reading
1. Mishra LD, Rajkumar N, Hancock SM. Current controversies in
neuroanaesthesia, head injury management and neurocritical care.
British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2006; 6: 79-82.
In this case the axillary nerve block has spared part of the radial nerve
distribution. The patient is very keen to have surgery performed under a
regional block so general anaesthesia should be used only if other
measures fail.
Further reading
1. Oakley J, Prager J. Spinal cord stimulation: mechanism of action.
Spine 2002; 27: 2574-83.
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Set 5 answers
Although central venous pressure (CVP) is widely used for assessing fluid
status, in reality it is a poor guide. A single reading of CVP bears little
relationship to the right ventricular end-diastolic volume, and as such does
not measure the degree of filling. The same is true of the pulmonary
capillary occlusion pressure as an assessment of left ventricular filling.
These non-linear relationships are thought to be due to dynamic changes
in ventricular wall compliance.
not diagnostic. There are several other possible causes of acute renal
failure in the sick surgical patient. Equally, prolonged capillary refill time
represents poor peripheral perfusion, but this is not necessarily due to
hypovolaemic shock.
Further reading
1. Eyre L, Breen A. Optimal volaemic status and predicting fluid
responsiveness. British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10:
Further reading
1. Grewal S, Hocking G, Wildsmith JA. Epidural abscesses. British
Journal of Anaesthesia 2006; 96: 292-302.
The clinical features and history of drug abuse, and the intake of
citalopram suggests serotonin syndrome. This is characterised by the triad
of altered level of consciousness, neuromuscular hyperactivity and
autonomic instability. The treatment is mainly supportive and should follow
an ABC approach. Benzodiazepines or phenytoin are used for the
management of convulsions. Activated charcoal is useful but only within
the first hour. Cyproheptadine and chlorpromazine have been used but
there is no evidence to support their use. Alkalinization of urine is useful in
reducing the incidence of renal failure.
Further reading
1. Ward W, Sair M. Oral poisoning: an update. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10: 6-11.
This child has severe diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) with signs of marked
intravascular fluid depletion (severe tachycardia, hypotension and raised
lactate). A cautious 10ml/kg fluid bolus should be given (10-20ml/kg 0.9%
saline over the first 1-2 hours) and the response assessed. Hypotonic
fluids should not be used. Children with DKA are at high risk of developing
cerebral oedema. DKA results in low 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG),
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 161
Set 5 answers
which reduces the oxygen delivery to the tissues. This effect of low 2,3
DPG is opposed by a low pH which shifts the oxygen dissociation curve
to the right. Intravenous bicarbonate shifts the oxygen dissociation curve
to the left, and along with low 2,3 DPG it reduces the oxygen delivery to
the tissues. Hypertonic saline or mannitol should be given if cerebral
oedema is suspected. Insulin is best administered as a low dose I.V.
infusion rather than a bolus dose. A low-dose infusion of 0.1unit/kg/hour
should achieve an adequate steady state plasma level within an hour. An
I.V. bolus dose may increase the risk of cerebral oedema.
Further reading
1. Steel S, Tibby SM. Paediatric diabetic ketoacidosis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9: 194-9. 161
Further reading
1. Thromboembolic disease in pregnancy and the puerperium.
Guidelines and Audit Committee of RCOG, April 2001.
27 Answer: B. Echocardiography.
This patient has risk factors for and clinical features of a massive
pulmonary embolism (PE). Because of her haemodynamic compromise a
set 5 answers_set 5 answers.qxd 02-05-2013 21:47 Page 162
Further reading
1. van Beek EJR, Elliot CA, Kiely DG. Diagnosis and initial treatment of
patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 4: 119-24.
162 2. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of suspected
pulmonary embolism. Thorax 2003; 58: 470-83.
This patient did not have respiratory distress or hypoxaemia; this makes
postoperative chest infection and transfusion-related acute lung injury
unlikely causes for this clinical presentation. A non-haemolytic febrile
transfusion reaction can develop up to several hours afterwards but is
more common around 30 minutes into the transfusion. It is very common
and only rarely leads to more severe symptoms such as hypotension,
vomiting and respiratory distress. ABO incompatability should be
suspected when the symptoms occur within a few minutes of commencing
transfusion. It is important that the diagnosis is made rapidly so that
transfusion is stopped immediately and supportive management is
commenced promptly.
Further reading
1. Serious Hazards of Transfusion Annual Report 2008.
2. Maxwell MJ, Wilson MJA. Complications of blood transfusion. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2006; 6: 225-9.
3. Blood transfusion and the anaesthetist. Red cell transfusion 2. AAGBI
guidelines, 2008.
4. British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BSCH). Guidelines
for administration of blood and blood components and the
management of transfused patients. Transfusion Medicine 1999; 9:
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Set 5 answers
In all planned surgical procedures, both the anaesthetist and the surgeon
should be made aware of the presence of a pacemaker. In this instance,
the patient is unable to give the indication for the use of the pacemaker nor
the device type; therefore, the pacemaker clinic should be contacted for
more clinical information. A chest X-ray will give some device information
but would not confirm whether the device has been checked recently.
Interference from monopolar diathermy remains a risk even if the operative 163
site is far from the pacemaker and this mode should only be used as a last
resort. Bipolar diathermy should be used whenever possible but
interference is still possible. A magnet will in many cases inhibit delivery of
shock therapy but this is not guaranteed and may vary between
manufacturers. In the presence of electromagnetic interference (EMI), the
magnet may alter the programmability of the pacemaker, resulting in
malfunction. Its use is not indicated for programmable pacemakers. In
addition to an ECG, an alternative method of monitoring heart rate should
be considered in the presence of pacemaker spikes on the ECG.
Further reading
1. Guidelines for perioperative management of patients with implantable
pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators. (http://www. safety information and advice).
Obstetric palsy can result in unilateral foot drop due to compression of the
lumbosacral plexus by the large foetus or by forceps-assisted delivery.
Maternal obstetric palsy is a common transient weakness in the
distribution of nerves anywhere along the lumbosacral plexus. The
condition can present commonly as meralgia paraesthetica (neuropathy of
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve), femoral neuropathy or sacral
numbness. It occurs during the immediate postpartum period and
gradually improves over a period of weeks.
Further reading
1. Green LK, Paech MJ. Obstetric epidural catheter-related infections at
a major teaching hospital: a retrospective case series. International
Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia 2010; 19: 38-43.
2. Sghirlanzoni A, Marrazzi R, Pareyson R, et al. Epidural anaesthesia
and spinal arachnoiditis. Anaesthesia 1989; 44: 317-21.
3. Aldrete JA. Neurological deficit and arachnoiditis following neuroaxial
anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2003; 47: 3-12.
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Set 6 questions
Set 6
1 A 42-year-old female is being seen in the pre-operative assessment
clinic prior to an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. She gives a 165
history of shortness of breath and fatigue on minimal exertion.
Cardiovascular examination reveals a heart rate of 62 bpm, BP of
110/70mmHg and a mid-diastolic murmur. A postero-anterior view
of the chest X-ray shows straightening of the left heart border. What
is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Mitral stenosis.
b. Tricuspid stenosis.
c. Mitral regurgitation.
d. Aortic stenosis.
e. Pulmonary stenosis.
is 143/87mm Hg, respiratory rate is 18/minute and SpO2 is 97% in
room air. He also has a tremor, muscle weakness and hyper-reflexia.
Assuming the diagnosis of overdose is correct, which of the
following medications is most likely to be responsible for his
a. Aspirin.
b. Lorazepam.
c. Edrophonium.
d. Citalopram.
e. Amitriptyline.
Set 6 questions
a. Sepsis.
b. Cerebral oedema.
c. Arrhythmias.
d. Acute pancreatitis.
e. Hypokalaemia.
reveals an elevated TSH level and low T3 and T4 levels. Which of
the following is the most likely cause for her symptoms?
a. Pituitary failure.
b. Hypothalamic failure.
c. Iodine deficiency.
d. Autoimmune hypothyroidism.
e. Hypophysectomy.
Set 6 questions
a. Neisseria meningitidis.
b. Streptococcus pneumoniae.
c. Haemophilus influenzae type B.
d. Myobacterium tuberculous.
e. Herpes simplex virus.
a. Subarachnoid bleed.
b. Subdural haematoma.
c. Depressed skull fracture.
d. Obliteration of the third ventricle.
e. An extradural haematoma.
a. Morphine sulphate.
b. Cognitive behavioural therapy.
c. Image-guided physiotherapy.
d. Gabapentin.
e. Stellate ganglion block.
set 6_set 6.qxd 22-04-2013 19:22 Page 170
a. Axillary petechiae.
b. Emboli present in the retina.
c. Fat present in urine.
d. Fat globules present in the sputum.
e. Increasing ESR.
13 A 12-year-old girl with a history of cerebral palsy underwent insertion
of a cochlear implant into the right ear under general anaesthesia.
She had not received her morning dose of regular medications. The
procedure took 3 hours with no adverse events during the intra-
operative period and recovery. On return to the ward she
experienced nausea and one episode of vomiting. About 6 hours
later she became very disorientated and developed dystonia and
painful muscle spasms. Which of the following regular medications
would be the most likely to lead to these clinical features?
a. Ondansetron.
b. Diazepam.
c. Ibuprofen.
d. Sodium valproate.
e. Baclofen.
a. Induced emesis.
b. Gastric lavage.
c. Activated charcoal.
d. N-acetyl cysteine.
e. Methionine.
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Set 6 questions
a. Laparotomy.
b. Oxygen and intravenous Hartmann’s solution.
c. Sickledex testing.
d. Blood transfusion to achieve Hb >10g/dl.
e. Pre-optimisation in the anaesthetic room.
a. Sepsis.
b. Volume overload.
c. Myocardial infarction.
d. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI).
e. Cardiogenic shock.
Set 6 questions
a. Serum electrolytes.
b. Haemoglobin.
c. Ultrasound of his gall bladder.
d. Electromyography.
e. ECG.
set 6_set 6.qxd 22-04-2013 19:22 Page 174
22 Which
Set 6 questions
a. Neostigmine.
b Edrophonium.
c. Pyridostigmine.
d. Naloxone.
e. Doxapram.
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following a thoracotomy for a stab injury of the chest. Six hours after
surgery, following extubation, he suddenly starts complaining of
shortness of breath. His core body temperature is 37°C, his pulse
is irregular with a rate of 150 bpm, his respiratory rate is 25/minute
and his blood pressure is 105/82mmHg. A 12-lead ECG shows
atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 160 per minute. Arterial
blood gas shows a respiratory acidosis. On examination the patient
is pale and sweaty. His JVP is 12mm Hg. There are no clinical signs
of a pneumothorax or haemothorax. Which of the following would be
the most appropriate immediate management in this situation?
Set 6 questions
a. Administration of norepinephrine.
b. Administration of dobutamine.
c. Intravenous furosemide 40mg.
d. Intravenous mannitol 0.5g/kg.
e. Expansion circulating volume using a fluid challenge.
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Set 6
Set 6 answers
Further reading
1. Valvular heart disease. In: Anesthesia and co-existing diseases, 4th
ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill
Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 2: 33-5.
This child is suffering from status epilepticus; the priority is to stop the
seizures. Initial supportive management includes ensuring a patent airway,
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 180
Further reading
1. CG20 Epilepsy in adults and children: full guideline, appendix C
180 (corrected). NICE clinical guidelines, October 2004.
2. Chapman MG, Smith M, Hirschz NP. Status epilepticus, review
article. Anaesthesia 2001; 51: 648-59.
3. Appleton R, Choonara I, Martland T, et al. The treatment of convulsive
status epilepticus in children. Arch Dis Child 2000; 83: 415-9.
4. El-Radhi AS, Barry W. Do antipyretics prevent febrile convulsions?
Arch Dis Child 2003; 88: 641-2.
5. Young GM. Paediatric status epilepticus: treatment and medication.
3 Answer: D. Citalopram.
Further reading
2. Mokhlesi B, Leiken JB, Murray P, et al. Adult toxicology in critical care:
Part II Specific poisoning. Chest 2003; 123: 897-922.
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Set 6 answers
This patient has developed hyponatraemia during the first week following
head injury. Clinical examination and biochemical tests suggest that he is
dehydrated, but the usual hypernatraemia seen with body water deficit is
not apparent.
Further reading
1. Bradshaw K, Smith M. Disorders of sodium balance after brain injury,
British Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2008; 8: 129-33.
Further reading
1. CG92 Venous thromboembolism - reducing the risk. National Institute
for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines, 2010. (
This patient’s pain is generalised in the stump area and is therefore unlikely
to be neuroma-related pain. He did initially respond to opioid analgesics,
but seemed to have developed acute tolerance to them. As he has a
history of opioid addiction, acute tolerance to opioids is most likely.
Administering epidural or intrathecal opioids is effective in patients who
are responsive to opioid analgesia but cannot tolerate it due to side
effects. Gabapentin may be useful in this patient but it is not available
intravenously. Ketamine has been shown to reverse, at least partly reverse,
acute opioid tolerance in doses that are not large enough to provide a
direct antinociceptive effect. Therefore, intravenous infusion in the dose
range of 10 to 20mg/hour is likely to be the most effective.
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 183
Set 6 answers
Further reading
1. Yamauchi M, Asano M, Watanabe M, et al. Continuous low-dose
ketamine improves the analgesic effects of fentanyl patient-controlled
analgesia after cervical spine surgery. Anesth Analg 2008; 107: 1041-
with DKA, accounting for 60-90% of all paediatric DKA deaths. Other
causes of mortality include hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia with
associated arrhythmias, sepsis, aspiration pneumonia, acute pancreatitis,
intracranial venous thrombosis and rhabdomyolysis.
Further reading
1. Steel S, Tibby SM. Paediatric diabetic ketoacidosis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9: 194-9.
Further reading
1. Farling PA. Thyroid disease. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85:
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 184
2. Howlett TA. Endocrine disease. In: Clinical medicine, 6th ed. Kumar P,
Clark M. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier Saunders, 2005; Chapter 18:
The results of CSF analysis suggest viral meningitis. Common viruses that
can cause meningitis include arbovirus, cytomegalovirus and the Herpes
simplex virus. This patient should be treated with I.V. acyclovir (10mg/kg
8- hourly). CSF findings in early bacterial meningitis and partially treated
bacterial meningitis may be similar to those found with viral meningitis.
Viral meningitis is also known as aseptic meningitis due to the inability to
isolate pathogens in CSF. In viral meningitis, the CSF biochemistry is likely
to reveal low protein and an elevated white cell count, predominantly
monocytes (lymphocytes). The CSF biochemistry in meningitis is shown in
Table 1.
Further reading
1. Steiner I, Budka H, Chaudhuri A, et al. Viral encephalitis: a review of
diagnostic methods and guidelines for management. European Journal
of Neurology 2005; 12: 331-45.
2. Van de Beek D, de Gans J, Tunkel AR, et al. Community-acquired
bacterial meningitis in adults. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 44-53.
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Set 6 answers
All of the above findings on the CT scan are associated with a poor
prognosis. Obliteration of the third ventricle and midline shift are, however,
the strongest predictors of mortality at 14 days.
Further reading
1. The MRC CRASH Trial Collaborators. Predicting outcome after
traumatic brain injury: practical prognostic models based on a large
cohort of international patients. BMJ 2008; 336: 425-9.
11 Answer: D. Gabapentin.
This particular patient has phantom limb pain and therefore gabapentin
would be the most appropriate initial therapy. If this fails, intervention
therapy or, more recently recommended, image-guided therapy could be
considered. Image-guided therapy is a novel treatment for phantom limb
pain. Through the use of artificial visual feedback (mirror box) it becomes
possible for the patient to ‘move’ the phantom limb, and to unclench it from
potentially painful positions. Repeated training in some subjects has led to
long-term improvement.
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 186
Further reading
1. Halbert J, Crotty M, Cameron ID. Evidence for the optimal
management of acute and chronic phantom pain: a systematic review.
Clin J Pain 2002; 18: 84-92.
w Tachycardia.
w Pyrexia.
w The presence of fat in the urine.
w The presence of retinal emboli.
w Increased ESR.
Further reading
1. Gupta A, Reilly CS. Fat embolism. British Journal of Anaesthesia
CEACCP 2007; 7: 148-51.
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Set 6 answers
13 Answer: E. Baclofen.
Further reading
1. Prosser DP, Sharma N. Cerebral palsy and anaesthesia. British
Journal of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2001; 10: 72-6.
Further reading
1. Ward W, Sair M. Oral poisoning: an update. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10: 6-11.
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 188
Further reading
1. Haemoglobinopathy and sickle cell disease. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEACCP 2010; 10: 24-7.
set 6 answers_set 6 answers.qxd 22-04-2013 19:21 Page 189
Set 6 answers
Further reading
1. Joyce BA, Keck JF, Gerkensmeyer J. Evaluation of pain management
interventions for neonatal circumcision pain. Journal of Pediatric
Health Care 2001; 15: 105-14.
Further reading
1. Al-Refai A, Gunka V, Douglas J. Spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean
section in a parturient with long QT syndrome. Canadian Journal of
Anaesthesia 2004; 51: 993-6.
2. Drake E, Preston R, Douglas J. Brief review: anaesthetic
implications of long QT syndrome in pregnancy. Canadian Journal of
Anaesthesia 2007; 54: 561-72.
Further reading
1. Teague G, Hughes A, Gaylard D. Transfusion-related acute lung
injury. Anesthesia Intensive Care 2005; 33: 124-7.
2. Rajan GR. Severe transfusion-related acute lung injury in the
intensive care unit secondary to transfusion of fresh frozen plasma.
Anaesthesia Intensive Care 2005; 33: 400-2.
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Set 6 answers
19 Answer: A. Septicaemia.
Further reading
1. Nozoe T, Kimura Y, Ishida M, et al. Correlation of pre-operative
nutritional condition with postoperative complications in surgical
treatment for oesophageal carcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol 2002; 28:
20 Answer: E. ECG.
Further reading
1. Russell SH, Hirsch P. Anaesthesia and myotonia, review article. British
Journal of Anaesthesia 1994; 72: 210-6
2. Myotonic dystrophy In: Anesthesia and co-existing disease, 4th ed.
Stoelting RK, Dierdorf SF, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill
Livingstone, 2002; 519-20.
Further reading
1. Fell D, Chelliah S. Infantile pyloric stenosis. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEPD Reviews 2001; 1: 85-8.
Set 6 answers
Further reading
1. Moppett IK. Respiratory risk. In: Consent, benefit, and risk in
anaesthetic practice. Hardmann JG, Moppett IK, Aitkenhead AR, Eds.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009; Chapter 12: 173-87.
Further reading
1. Ali AZ, Radebold K. Insulinoma. (
The most likely source of embolus is a vein in the leg that has recently
been treated for the fracture. If there are clinical signs of DVT then a
Doppler ultrasound should be arranged, but treatment should be started in
the meantime. If a DVT is not found then a CT pulmonary angiogram will
be necessary to confirm the diagnosis, but again this should not delay
Further reading
1. Van Beek EJR, Elliot CA, Kiely DG. Diagnosis and initial treatment of
patients with suspected pulmonary thromboembolism. British Journal
of Anaesthesia CEACCP 2009; 9: 119-24.
25 Answer: B. Edrophonium.
The likely cause for muscle weakness and hypoventilation in this patient is
either a cholinergic crisis or a myasthenic crisis. Both can result in muscle
weakness. A cholinergic crisis occurs as a result of excessive
acetylcholine, due to an excessive dose of anticholinesterase. In a
cholinergic crisis, the pupils are constricted, whereas in a myasthenic
crisis they are dilated. In a myasthenic crisis a small dose of edrophonium
improves muscle strength; in a cholinergic crisis it does not improve
muscle weakness. A myasthenic crisis should be treated with
pyridostigmine. Any further doses of neostigmine should be used
cautiously to avoid a cholinergic crisis. Doxapram is a respiratory stimulant
and naloxone reverses opioid-induced respiratory depression.
Further reading
1. Myasthenic syndrome. In: Anesthesia and co-existing diseases, 4th
ed. Stoelting RK, Dierdorf S, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Churchill
Livingstone, 2002; Chapter 26: 527-8.
2. Abel M. Myasthenia gravis. In: Clinical cases in anaesthesia, 3rd ed.
Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier Churchill
Livingstone, 2005; Case 27: 137-42.
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Further reading
1. NICE guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, June 2006.
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Further reading
1. Prys-Roberts C. Phaeochromocytoma - recent progress in its
management. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85: 44-57.
2. Pace N, Buttigieg M. Phaeochromocytoma. British Journal of
Anaesthesia CEPD review 2003; 3: 20-3.
3. Malhotra V, Garland TA. Pheochromocytoma. In: Decision making in
anesthesiology - an algorithmic approach, 3rd ed. Bready LL, Mullins
RM, Noorily SH, Smith RB, Eds. Missouri, USA: Mosby, 180-1.
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Further reading
1. Herlich A. Tympanomastoidectomy. In: Clinical cases in anaesthesia,
3rd ed. Reed AP, Yudkowitz FS, Eds. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier
Churchill Livingstone, 2005; Case 45: 243-5.
This patient has low systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and hypovolaemia
as indicated by the low PCWP. Clinical signs also indicate that the patient
is volume depleted probably due to sequestration of the fluid in the
peritoneal cavity and increased capillary permeability due to sepsis.
Mannitol will increase urine output but will worsen the hypovolaemia.
Furosemide can cause a diuresis but will not improve renal function.
Administration of dobutamine would be appropriate if the urine output
does not improve despite restoration of the circulating volume.
Further reading
1. Carcillo JA, Tasker RC. Fluid resuscitation of hypovolemic shock:
acute medicine’s great triumph for children. Intensive Care Med 2006;
32: 958-61.
2. Sturm JA, Wisner DH. Fluid resuscitation of hypovolaemia. Intensive
Care Medicine 1985; 11: 227-30.
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anaesthesia. These questions enable the candidates to assess their knowledge
ISBN 978-1-903378-75-5
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tf m Cyprian Mendonca, Mahesh Chaudhari, Josephine James