Beadon Creek
Beadon Creek
Beadon Creek
Prepared by:
BMTO I Lambay
C 23.11.2016 Issued for Approval S Watkins
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Project Background ......................................................................................................................... 4
2 References ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Client and/or Contract specific procedures, documents, standards ............................................... 5
2.2 Maritime Constructions’ (project specific) procedures, documents, standards .............................. 5
2.3 Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards .................................................... 6
3 Definitions & Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 7
4 Outline of Project ..................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Project Identification ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Milestones ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Construction Program ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Site Lay-Out .................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4.1 Marine Activity Zone .................................................................................................................... 9
4.4.2 Land Operations ........................................................................................................................ 10
5 Project Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Mobilisation ................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Site Setup ...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3.1 Construction of Swale and Bund Walls ..................................................................................... 13
5.3.2 Pipeline ...................................................................................................................................... 13
6 Detailed Method of Working .................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Dredging by Cutter Suction Dredge .............................................................................................. 14
6.1.1 Cutter Suction Dredge (CSD) General Process ........................................................................ 14
6.1.2 Dredge Area and CSD Sequencing .......................................................................................... 16
6.1.3 Bulk Dredging ............................................................................................................................ 16
6.1.4 Dredging of Low Concentration TBT’s ...................................................................................... 17
6.1.5 Dredging of High Concentration TBT’s ..................................................................................... 19
6.2 Reclamation Activities ................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.1 Spreading Area-A Dredged Material ......................................................................................... 22
6.3 Clean-up Dredging ........................................................................................................................ 24
6.3.1 Dragflow Dredge ....................................................................................................................... 25
6.3.2 Long Reach Excavator .............................................................................................................. 25
6.4 Process Control ............................................................................................................................. 27
6.5 Tolerances / Acceptance Criteria .................................................................................................. 27
6.6 Demobilisation ............................................................................................................................... 28
7 Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 29
7.1 Assigned Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 29
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Document Number MCE0455_PMP_011 Document Name Dredging & Reclamation Mgmt Plan
Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - OMSB Proposed Development Area .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2 Marine Activity Zone ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3 : Land activity zone ......................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 : Overview of Sit – showing Dredge Area (Red) and Reclaim area (Green) .................................. 11
Figure 5 : Site Layout Plan for commencement of CSD Dredging ............................................................... 12
Figure 6: Principles of bund construction ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Schematic overview of a Cutter Suction Dredge ........................................................................... 14
Figure 8 : Typical Dredge and Anchor Layout (in Plan) ................................................................................ 14
Figure 9: Graphical presentation of the movements of a CSD ..................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Dredge and Disposal Area for bulk dredging ............................................................................... 17
Figure 11 : Dredging Area B ......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12 : Dredging Area C and D .............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 13: Dredge and Disposal Area for TBT identified spoil ...................................................................... 20
Figure 14 : Geobag Laydown and water containment pond ......................................................................... 20
Figure 15: Site Plan during land reclamation phase ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 16 : Spreading and Placing Area-A materials, within the reclamation area and above HAT ............ 23
Figure 17: Site Plan during clean up dredging phase ................................................................................... 24
Figure 18: Submersible Dragflow Cutter/Pump ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 19: Long Reach Excavator Kobelco SK260 ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 20: Wharf and lay down area, after clean up dredging ...................................................................... 26
Figure 21: Sample Screen Print of Dredgepack software ............................................................................. 27
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Document Number MCE0455_PMP_011 Document Name Dredging & Reclamation Mgmt Plan
Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
1 Introduction
1.1 General
This document describes the intended working method for the dredging and reclamation of Beadon
Creek river sediments for the Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB) Project in Onslow (WA) as
further described in the Contract between Onlsow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd and Maritime
Constructions Pty Ltd.
The maritime facility in Onslow was originally designed for recreational, fishing and charter
operations. However, extensive growth of the resources sector in the Pilbara region has led to
increased demand for maritime support services and industries. As a result, the Department of
Transport (DoT) released more land at the facility for development.
The Onslow Marine Support Base will include the construction of a 204m of new wharf frontage, a
single heavy lift crane-pad, laydown and car park facilities and the capital dredging of a berth pocket
and turning basin immediately west of the existing channel.
The dredged material will be used to create an additional land-backed wharf area immediately north
of the existing lots. This capital dredging requires approximately 55,000 m of material to be
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Document Number MCE0455_PMP_011 Document Name Dredging & Reclamation Mgmt Plan
Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
2 References
Reference in this Management Plan is made to the latest revision of the following documents:
OEPA Notice EPA Public Advice ref 13-283104 dated 28 April 2014
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
Maritime Constructions operates in accordance with Laws, Regulations and Australian Standards at all
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
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MC Maritime Constructions
TBT Tributyltin
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
4 Outline of Project
4.1 Project Identification
Name Design & Construction of Onslow Marine
Support Base
Location Onslow, Western Australia
Contract No. DnC OMSB Contract 20161116
Contract Manager Imran Lambay
Project Manager Sam Watkins
Engineering Consultant
Name Aztec Analysis Pty Ltd
Design Manager David McKay
Name Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB)
Client’s Representative Andrew Natta
4.2 Milestones
Task Name Start Finish
Design and Construction of OMSB Mon 4/07/16 Mon 18/09/17
LOI Award Mon 4/07/16 Mon 4/07/16
Contract Negotiations Mon 4/07/16 Mon 14/11/16
Contract Award Wed 16/11/16 Wed 16/11/16
Preliminaries Mon 4/07/16 Fri 9/09/16
Design Mon 4/07/16 Fri 18/11/16
Procurement Wed 16/11/16 Wed 5/04/17
Mobilisation Wed 26/10/16 Fri 24/02/17
Execution Mon 5/12/16 Tue 22/08/17
Early Works Mon 5/12/16 Tue 14/02/17
Construction E - Dredging Mon 12/12/16 Fri 23/06/17
Construction A - Sheet Piling Fri 24/02/17 Mon 19/06/17
Construction B - Laydown Area Tue 20/06/17 Fri 21/07/17
Construction C - Crane Pads Fri 19/05/17 Thu 15/06/17
Construction D - LCT Ramp Wed 31/05/17 Fri 21/07/17
Construction F - Office Area Mon 24/07/17 Tue 8/08/17
Construction G - Miscellaneous Tue 20/06/17 Tue 22/08/17
Practical Completion Tue 22/08/17 Tue 22/08/17
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The MAZ provides the pubic and all port users a clearly defined area to avoid, reducing navigational
risks during the term of this project. However the MAZ will not be entirely occupied by floating plant
during the works and only when navigational hazards such as anchors need to be located when
operating close to the channel. This marine activity zone will be occupied by floating plant for a
period of approximately 6-8 weeks, comprising of dredging activities performed by a cutter suction
dredge, as well as during setup and demobilisation activities.
An agreed VHF radio channel will be reserved for on-water marine works communication, based on
standard marine communication protocols and alerts in case of emergencies. The station will serve
as the means of communication between vessels. Other facility users, such as commercial and
charter boat operators will also be provided with this VHF channel for communication with Maritime
Constructions’ dredge operator and project supervisor should the need arise.
The position of the cutter suction dredge will be controlled by anchors placed on the seafloor,
comprising of a single stern anchor and 2 forward anchors. The planned position of all floating plant
and anchors will be reported to the Harbour Master each day. Anchors will be clearly marked by
‘Special Marker’ buoys. The dredge anchors and pipeline will be marked with Norwegian buoys and
white strobe lights. The cutter suction dredge will be operated and crewed 24 hours per day 7 days
per week.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
5 Project Setup
5.1 General
The dredging and disposal works for the OMSB project consist of the capital dredging of a berth
pocket to a declared depth of -2.6m CD. The materials will be removed by two methods of dredging
at two distinct phases of the project;
Primary Dredging Phase; Using a Cutter Suction Dredge and hydraulically transported
through a pipeline to the reclamation site.
Clean-up Dredging Phase; using Dragflow pump suspended from crane and/or by
Longreach excavator
Quantity to be Approximately 55,000m3 Approximately 15,000m
dredged (including over-dredge quantity) (including over-dredge quantity)
Main equipment CSD Ngurunderi, Carter AHV Kobelco Long Reach Excavator, Dragflow
Pump suspended by crawler crane
Total length of Approximately 800m (floating and
pipeline landline combined)
Figure 4 : Overview of Sit – showing Dredge Area (Red) and Reclaim area (Green)
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
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5.2 Mobilisation
All required marine plant and equipment will be prepared at Maritime Constructions’ facilities in Port
Adelaide. The Cutter Suction Dredge Ngurunderi will be slipped serviced and tested. All relevant
documents (e.g. Certificate of Survey, inspection records, etc) will be provided to OMSB upon
request prior to mobilisation.
All plant and equipment will be road transported to the project site. Due to the remote location of the
works and the minimal availability of spare-parts or the time it takes to get the spare parts to the
project site, we will bring all essential and critical spares. This way, the progress of work will not be
unnecessarily delayed.
Upon arrival on site, the dredge will be launched at the Onslow Marine Facility. The installation of the
dredged (including the launch thereof) will be done in accordance with an appropriate Safe Work
Method Statement (SWMS)
After the dredge has been launched, it will be further assembled using shore cranes, after which it
will be towed to site by the anchor barge.
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The swale type design has been selected as this type of construction provides a large length for the
flow of the dredge slurry to maximise the retention time of dredged spoil. This allows for heavy
material to drop out to aid in dredge material harvesting, while still allowing the material to dry out for
land reclamation by providing an opened end outflow at the downstream point of the bunds, without
extensive ponding throughout the system.
An outer bund wall will be constructed approximately at the existing HAT mark on the site, for
secondary containment and for future stockpile protection.
The swale and internal bund walls will be constructed from existing material on site, and the
principles of the construction of the bund wall are shown in Figure 6 below.
The construction of the reclamation bund walls will be by onsite excavator and done in accordance
with a SWMS for Bund Wall Construction.
5.3.2 Pipeline
A pipeline with a diameter of 315mm will be used to transport the dredged material from the dredge
to the reclamation area. The pipeline will partially be floating and land based, depending on the final
alignment. These are approximately 400m in total length, as measured from the dredge.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The bulk of the dredging works will be carried out by means of the CSD Ngurunderi. This is a
stationary pontoon and consists of a U-shaped pontoon with a central ladder and is held in position
by means of a 3-point mooring system.
The soil is loosened by rotating a cutting head (the “cutter”). The cutter head, which is hydraulically
driven, encloses the suction intake of a centrifugal dredge pump. The cutter head is mounted at the
extremity of the ‘ladder’, which is attached to the main hull by heavy hinges, enabling rotation in the
vertical plane. The ladder assembly is lowered and raised by means of a hoisting winch controlled
from the operator’s cabin.
By means of winches, the cutter (and therefore the whole pontoon), is pulled in turns to the port and
starboard side-anchor. In this way (part of) a circular movement is made. Forward movement of the
dredge is controlled by releasing length of wire on the rear anchor, while simultaneously heaving
wire in on the two forward anchors.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The anchors to achieve this movement will be placed to minimise intermediate relocation. The total
area which a dredge can cover without re-locating its anchors is called the “cut”. Depending on the
width and length of the dredge area, several “cuts” might be needed (see figure 05 below). Each
“cut” will then have an overlap with another cut in order to cover the entire dredge area.
After loosening and suction, the soil is pumped through a floating pipeline, which is connected to the
rear end of the CSD, to the reclamation site.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
For the purposes of this Dredging and Land Reclamation Management Plan, the dredging footprint
has been divided into 5 key areas, as defined by the table below.
*volumes specified above are calculated based on contamination depth (A= 0.5m, B = 0.5m, C = 1.0m, D
= 1.5m).
Dredging will initially commence in the undefined ‘clean material’ zone to start the works. Water
Quality Sampling will commence at the start of dredging works and will be performed daily for the
first 14 days, as per the stand-alone Water Quality Monitoring Plan (MCE0455_PMP_004).
The bulk dredging of the undefined dredging areas will be performed as and when required
throughout the dredging campaign. As above, the first dredging activities will be the performed in
bulk dredge area and, after the removal of contamination risk material, the remainder of the dredging
will be performed by the method described in below.
These activities are described generally and will be further detailed as per a specific Cut Plan and
further described in a Safe Work Method Statement for Dredging by CSD.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
Dredged material will be dredged and pumped into the start of the swale bund and an excavator will
maintain bund-walls and progressively install additional lengths of shore pipeline to allow for
continuous dredging and sand harvesting
As above, the swale bund area will not be closed and will allow water to free-flow out from the south-
eastern end of the site and such that ponding cannot occur. This will allow sand material to drop out
from the discharge slurry close to the outfall point. Sand will then be harvested from close to the
outfall point by excavator and placed in a high sand stockpile to mass store the material and to allow
it to sufficiently dry out.
The swale will be a dynamic system and manipulation by excavator or other mechanical plant will
allow the flow to be directed to suit the reclamation process, continue to maximise the flow path and
material settlement, and minimise turbidity throughout the dredging campaign.
Three areas within the dredging footprint, Areas B, C and D, have been identified as containing TBT
contamination with a concentration that is acceptable to be managed by dilution from the dredging
process. As with the undefined areas, these areas will be dredged by CSD into the onsite swale,
however the dredge will pump at a fixed low solids concentration to sufficiently dilute any potential
contamination in the dredge slurry.
The target depth and solids concentration in the dredge slurry for each area will be per the following;
Area B to be dredged to 0.5m from natural level at 5% or less (sediments in dredge slurry)
Area C to be dredged to 1.0m from natural level at 10% or less (sediments in dredge slurry)
Area D to be dredged to 1.5m from natural level at 16% or less (sediments in dredge slurry)
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The material that is dredged from these areas will be harvested and placed as part of the
reclamation process. This is described below by Figure 11 and Figure 12.
The control of the dredge solids concentration will be by using the dredge-pump flow rate and volume of in-
situ material removed.
Pumping flow rate, and hence total slurry volume for a given time frame, will be determined by the on-
board flowrate monitoring equipment. The solids volume will be calculated by determining dredged volume
from the CSD Dredgepack software. The Dredgepack software creates a real-time bed surface profile
during dredging, and using the pre-dredge survey the volume of in-situ material removed can be
determined. Using the in-situ volume calculation and total flow over a given timeframe, an average slurry
concentration will be determined, recorded and provided as part of the Water Quality Monitoring report to
DoT on a weekly basis.
This process will also be performed and calibrated at the start of dredging onsite in the undefined ‘clean
material’ areas (bulk dredging).
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The top 0.5m of the Area-A dredging area is considered to be at risk to contain remnants of TBT and
as such, MC will develop a dredge Cut-Plan to control the dredging of this the identified area.
A method of dredging into Geotextile bags (for containing the solid material) and separating the
supernatant water (into a containment pond) has been selected due to its benefits, namely;
Separation of potentially contaminated solids and return-water for testing and later disposal
Drying and convenient storage of solid material removed from Area-A for later spreading into
the reclaim area. Area A sediments will be spread into the laydown above HAT level, but
also below finished level – i.e. capped with a clean material layer.
Maximising the water-holding capacity of the containment pond by removing the solid
component of the dredged slurry – and storing ‘dry’ with a minimum footprint
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Figure 13: Dredge and Disposal Area for TBT identified spoil
Figure 13 shows the dredge area for the Berth Box as well as the area identified to contain high risk
levels of TBTs – Area A - and only this area will be dredged with full containment of return water.
The Area A material will be dredged and pumped into Geotextile Bags in the specially designed and
constructed containment pond and GeoBag laydown area, located in Lot 14 Beadon Creek, to the
South of the OMSB development site. The material will be dewatered and stored in the GeoBags for
containment and future spreading as a capped layer in the laydown area.
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The GeoBag laydown (shown in Dark Red) and the water containment pond (shown in Yellow) will
be set up high on the site on Lot 14. The walls of the containment pond will be lined with a bentonite-
impregnated geotextile fabric liner to prevent seepage of water back into the creek.
The toe of the lower (eastern) bund wall is set above HAT and will be constructed as 1.5m high. This
is to ensure that during normal environmental conditions, the bund walls will be kept ‘dry’ from creek
waters, and in extreme cyclonic conditions, with a storm surge of +4.5m Chart Datum (Ref: Beadon
Creek Maritime Facility Cyclone Management Plan) will also be sufficient elevation to keep the creek
water from over-topping and mixing the supernatant water with back into Beadon Creek.
The pond has been sized to hold enough capacity to contain all of the water dewatered from the
slurry in the GeoBags after dredging the volume of material from Area A. During the Area A dredging
the pond will be monitored while dredging and operations will be stopped if the pond is nearing
nominally 60% capacity, as measured from the top of the bund walls. It is also of note the lag time
from water entering the dewatering bags and flowing into the containment pond will be considered.
Water contained in the bunded area will be sampled and tested. This water will not be released back into
the creek until test results indicate that TBT concentrations are below levels as specified in the Water
Quality Monitoring Plan (MCE0455_PMP_004).
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The reclaimed ‘bank’ will form the construction pad for the construction phase of the works, as well
as the base of the final lay down area. The swale area may also be backfilled with the bund wall
material, and additionally topped up or brought to near finished grade with the dredged materials. All
of the reclamation activities will be in accordance with a project specific SWMS.
After the completion of dredging and land reclamation, the construction of the main wharf will
commence on the newly constructed sand bank / laydown area.
The material dredged from Area-A that was identified as the ‘high concentration TBT contamination
area’ will be dewatered and stored in Geotextile bags. The material will be stored until the
reclamation pad has been laid and raised above HAT (Highest Astronomical Tide).
After the construction pad, and final laydown sub-base, has been raised above HAT the Area-A
material may then be excavated out of the storage and containment bags and spread and placed
throughout the reclaim area and capped with clean material.
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Figure 16 : Spreading and Placing Area-A materials, within the reclamation area and above HAT
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
The final dredging event will occur after the construction of the two sheet pile walls (main wall and
anchor wall), installation of the tie rods and tensioning of the wall.
The toe of the construction pad, which extends past the front sheet pile wall and encroaches into the
berth pocket, will be dredged after the tensioning of the sheet pile wall system. This remaining toe
volume, as well as the final ‘clean up’ volume will be dredged and placed to back fill the excavation
between the front and anchor sheet pile walls, top up the rear laydown base, or stockpiled for
relocation and use elsewhere.
Dredging of the toe of the construction pad, and the clean-up dredging will be performed by a
combination of two dredging methods;
1. Dragflow dredging, suspended front a crane, and;
2. Dredging by Long Reach excavator (LRE)
Both methods are performed ‘from shore’ and are described in further detail below.
After verification by hydrographic survey of the berth pocket, a final dredge plan for the clean-up
dredging campaign will be made and included in the relevant SWMS.
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The dragflow cutters rotate in such that the materials which are being cut are mixed with a minimal
quantity of water and pushed towards the intake of a centrifugal dredge pump located between the
rotating cutting wheels. The dredge pump then pumps the spoil, which is a mixture of water and soil,
through a certain length of pipeline towards a disposal location.
The Dragflow will be attached to the hook of a mobile construction crane, positioned along the wharf
front wall line, within reach of the material that forms the toe of the construction pad.
Dredging with a dragflow cutter as attachment to a mobile crane is a continuous operated process,
whereby the cutter mounted at the end of the stick will cut the soil from the seabed and will be
pumped via a certain length of pipeline to the disposal and treatment area.
Upon dredging a section within the reach of the crane, the machine will be shifted to the next location
by tracking crane along the wall line and support crane moving the associated hydraulic power unit
and the pipeline.
The pipeline used for these operations will be an HDPE pipe. The total length of the discharge
required is approximately 200m. Disposal of this material will be by pumping through the pre-set
HDPE pipeline and directly into the discharge area, backfilling and self-compacting by hydraulic
compaction in the excavation between the front and anchor walls. A temporary sump will be dug into
the site that will be placed at the naturally lowest part of the fill area. A dewatering pump will be used
to dewater the area and return waters to Beadon Creek.
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Client OMSB Revision 0
The LRE is used for the final works as the machine has the ability to work the closest to the newly
constructed wall, with the minimal risk of damage to the steel and paint system. The LRE, combined
with the installed DredgePack positioning system, also provides the ability to form an accurate
dredged seabed profile, which is confirmed by the final site survey.
After the final survey to confirm the completion of the dredging, the remainder of the wharf and lay
down area construction, as described in MCE0455_WMS_001, will continue.
Figure 20: Wharf and lay down area, after clean up dredging
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Client OMSB Revision 0
The positioning system will be Differential Global Positioning System, DGPS in combination with a
tidal receiver. The output of this positioning system will be X, Y and Z co-ordinates of the vessel.
With the ship’s bearing, provided by the gyro-compass, a fully determined position of the vessel is
Cutter position is determined relative to the ship by means of an angle transducer, measuring the
angle of the cutter ladder. The x, y, and z of the cutter position is calculated by the dredger
computer. A sample screen print is given in Figure 21 above. With this software package and in
combination with a mass-flow meter, it is possible to accurately calculate the quantity of materials
moved during a shift.
Regular hydrographic surveys will be performed in co-ordination with the Client to check the actual
progress of the dredge, which will be used for reporting purposes.
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Client OMSB Revision 0
6.6 Demobilisation
Upon completion of works, demobilisation activities will begin with and include;
Dredge retrieval and transport off site (in accordance with document MCE.0455.SWMS04
Dredge Demobilisation);
Deconstruct all pipelines and transport off site (in accordance with document
MCE.0455.SWMS04 Dredge Demobilisation);
The monitoring of the water quality will continue as per the water quality monitoring plan (Document
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
7 Resources
Discharge of dredged materials by
500m CSD Pipeline Ø350- MC
Polyethylene Discharge of dredged materials by
100m Dragflow Pipeline MC
Ø250mm Dragflow
Bulldozer CAT D6 3 Party Spreading of dredged materials
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Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
8 Risk Management
8.1 Project Management Plans
The following additional and related management will be prepared as stand-alone documents in
accordance with this Method Statement. The latest revision of each should be read in conjunction
with this Construction Management Plan:
Reference is made to the following documents for detailed Environmental Management, with respect
to the dredging and construction activities for this project.
MCE0450_PMP_003 - Environment Management Plan
MCE0450_PMP_004 - Water Quality Monitoring Plan
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Document Number MCE0455_PMP_011 Document Name Dredging & Reclamation Mgmt Plan
Project Onslow Marine Support Base Date of Issue 07 December 2016
Client OMSB Revision 0
8.3.1 Non-conformance
This section is applicable for all Non Conformances having direct effect on the progress and/or
quality of the project works. It is also applicable for the corrective and/or preventive actions taken.
The following procedures from the IMS of Maritime Constructions are applicable in these
MC-IMSPR15C Non-conformance reporting;
MC-IMSPR16A Corrective and preventive actions register; and
MC-IMSPR16B Corrective and preventive actions.
These procedures describe the instructions for dealing with non-conformities when reported to
ensure that:
non-conformities are identified, documented and reported;
the cause of the non-conformance will be investigated;
corrective and/or preventive action is taken to prevent re-occurrence;
8.4 Reporting
The following reporting will be done in connection with this Work Method Statement;
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