AEDG Vol 4 Iss 4
AEDG Vol 4 Iss 4
AEDG Vol 4 Iss 4
Official Publication
Editor’s Desk; Creating a “Hydrogen Society” to Protect the Global Envi-
ronment; Takao Kashiwagi
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Volume 1, No. 1 5
Editor’s Desk
Electricity and heat are generated when hydrogen and oxygen combine to
become water.
Takao Kashiwagi is a Distinguished Professor and Emeritus
Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and he is Director, International
Research Center of Advanced Energy Systems for Sustainability. A leading
figure in the fields of the environment and energy, he has been deeply
involved in Japan’s energy policies for many years. He has served as head
of the working group on new energy sources on the Advisory Committee
for Natural Resources and Energy and in many other capacities, such as
chairman of the Japan Institute of Energy and a member of the Science
Council of Japan.
8 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Part 2 of 5
Figure 2. Energy Flow and Losses at Every Energy Conversion Step- chemical, thermal,
mechanical, electrical —in typical power system. Source: From Chester L. Dawes. Industrial
Electricity. Volume 1. Direct Currents. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956.
12 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
You can look for yourself at their annual balance sheets, to see how
profitable this business is. Would this not be the case, the system would
quickly find a way to change.
If the consumers were to be shown that they are not only paying the
kWh logged by their meter, but in fact the coal which is shoveled into the
power plants, they might start thinking about their energy-consuming
It is all a bit embarrassing, frankly. With all the progress made by
modern technologies, we still use a rather old fashioned and not very
smart way to produce, transport and to use electricity. Do we not have
more households paying all the losses with their utility bills/
Do we not have more imaginative ways of generating elec-
tricity? And if so, what options do we have to put us on another
track? Which challenges do we face to make a change?
Figure 7. The wind park in the San Gorgonio Pass Area near Palm Springs, CA
was one of the first in the USA. The installed power of the individual wind-
mills, of those several thousands are erected there, is between 65 and 1,000
kW. However, many of them are already around 30 years old; the investment
should be more than amortized by now. The spatial proximity to high tension
power lines, supplying the Greater Los Angeles area, is an advantage of the
location. However, without transformer substations, even if some parts are
made of wood as seen here, nothing really works.
Volume 1, No. 1 23
the course of the day and concentrate the sunlight onto absorber pipes
where the radiation is converted into heat. A heat transfer fluid which
is circulating through the pipes is heated up to temperatures of almost
400°C. The heat is used to generate steam with which electricity is then
produced by conventional steam turbines. The process water is then
cooled and returned to the cycle. The surplus heat could be used for
heating, desalination, cooling, air conditioning, and other applications,
but in most cases, it is currently rejected to the atmosphere.
Solar-thermal power plants have been in commercial use for several
decades now. The first plants have been operating in the Mojave Desert
in California (354 MWe) since 1982 and will be up scaled to 553 MWe
by 2011. Three new plants have come on stream in 2008 in Granada,
Spain: Andasol I to III [7]. Each Andasol power plant covers an area
of 195 hectares (about two square kilometers) with a collector area of
510,120 square meters (aperture surface).
Volume 1, No. 1 25
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC). In this context we learn that the
transportation of electricity by high voltage AC, as it is done now, is inef-
fective. Good to know.
Various other technologies have been studied, developed and con-
structed in the field of solar energy, such as Solar Power Tower plants,
which use an array of flat, moveable mirrors (heliostats) to focus the sun’s
rays on a collector tower. The heat transfer media to produce steam for
the turbine within the tower could be water, molten salts or compressed
air. This technology is also suitable for a number of chemical high tem-
perature processes, such as direct solar hydrogen which will be explored
in more detail in a forthcoming article in this journal and series: “Here
Comes the Sun.”
Figure 11. Commuters leaving Manhattan, New York City, USA to the east
walking via the Brooklyn Bridge. The reason for this unexpected march: On
August 14, 2003, a huge power cut grounded all air conditions units, elevators,
subways, building-lightning, traffic lights and computers. So what did the
concerned citizen do? Walk away, heading home. Not a bad decision at that
time. New Yorkers tasted a bit of how about a billion people live in the rest of
the World, without electricity (13% of humanity) [9].
30 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Figure 12. Impressions from India in 2008. Over 600 million people are living
in South Asia in similar conditions. Children are born and raised, families
with up to four generations nurtured, jobs created and descended, hopes
raised and hopes definitely lost. A situation very hard to imagine by people
from the western world. And yet they are there, even increasing, not only in
numbers but in individual fates.
Volume 1, No. 1 31
The biggest energy poverty reduction so far took place in China and
East Asia, where booming economies saw the number of people without
electricity access fall to 195 million in 2008, from 241 million in 2001.
Although the proportion of the world’s population with access to elec-
tricity will rise over the next 20 years, the IEA still predicts more than a
billion people without power in 2030. As a consequence, a lot of rural
electrification programs and national electrification agencies have been
created in these countries to monitor more accurately the needs and the
status of rural development and electrification. But the question is: Who
is better off? Those who have a close connection to their environment,
who “live with the sun”? Or is it those who live in air-conditioned apart-
ments and have never seen a cow in their lives? Is it necessary to have
household appliances running all day, or is it more important to listen to
a bird singing? Probably it is a mixture of both.
Hence our mutual target must be to reduce the number of people
without access to electricity by 2030 at an even greater rate. How are we
going to do that? Well, there are two ways: We could use more fossil fuels,
and force them into a dependence on international energy companies at
the expense of their culture and environment. Or we could try to imple-
ment a really smart system combining the decentralized use of all avail-
able renewable energies as primary sources. Maybe even with hydrogen
as the main energy carrier. This system has to deploy fuel cells only at
the point of usage, at the very end of the functional chain. We will get
to more about this idea in following articles of this series, but first let’s
conclude our journey into the world of electricity with an analysis of its
current distribution system: the grid.
Figure 13. Population without access to electricity (millions), 2008 and 2030.
Volume 1, No. 1 33
[1] Minchener Andrew. Future Coal Supply Prospects. IEA Clean Coal Centre. London, UK
[2] decision_1801101.
[3] BP p.l.c. BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2008. London, UK. page 38
[5] REN21. Renewables Global Status Report: 2009 Update. Paris, France 2009, page 8.
[8] Ibidem, page 14
34 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
US Hydrogen Strategy
Enabling A Low-Carbon Economy
Office of Fossil Energy
United States Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585, USA
(~65%), and Japan (~85%). This forecast is based on the regional abun-
dance of fossil fuels, the low cost of hydrogen production, and other
benefits (e.g., reduced emissions) of sourcing hydrogen from fossil fuels
with CCUS, rather than using it for power generation directly.
As the lead Federal agency for energy R&D, DOE develops tech-
nologies to diversify and increase domestic energy supplies and make
energy more affordable, improve domestic energy production and use,
and enhance the security, reliability, and resilience of energy infra-
structure. FE has a broad portfolio of R&D activities and is focused
on technological advancements that could enable a transition toward a
low-carbon economy with hydrogen. DOE is well positioned to acceler-
ate this transition by developing technology solutions that enable the
production of hydrogen from fossil fuels with neutral, or even negative,
carbon emissions. FE’s depth of experience and R&D conducted over
the past 30 years have been focused on fossil fuels. Future efforts can be
summarized in four major R&D focus areas:
*SMR involves the reaction of natural gas and steam over a nickel-based catalyst. This breaks the
methane component of the natural gas into carbon monoxide (CO) and H2 gas, similar to synthesis
gas (syngas) produced via gasification. Then water-gas shift (WGS) reaction is performed to increase
the amount of H2 in the product gas as much as possible.
Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
*Water electrolysis is the electrochemical splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Volume 1, No. 1
Figure 5. Current Hydrogen Production Cost Ranges and Averages by Technology and Equivalent
Prices for Fossil Sources with CO2 Capture and Storage.
Volume 1, No. 1 47
*The natural gas pipeline network within the United States is a highly integrated network that
moves natural gas across about 3 million miles of mainline to end-user markets and other pipelines
between natural gas producing areas and storage facilities with consumers. Within this network, over
1,600 miles of pipeline are dedicated to the transmission of hydrogen, representing the largest total
of dedicated hydrogen pipeline system worldwide (57% as of 2016).
†Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement refers to the degradation of fatigue and fracture resistance of
structural materials due to exposure to gaseous hydrogen.
¶Minor detrimental effects can include increased transmission costs and a slight reduction in the
overall quantity of energy delivered due to lower volumetric energy density of hydrogen as com-
pared to natural gas.
54 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
tube trailers that operate at pressures twice the amount of normal trans-
porting pressures. Liquid tanker trailers are used for transport distances
up to 600 miles. Cryogenic liquid hydrogen trailers operate at near atmo-
spheric pressure [27].
Other: Compared to trucks, it could be more economical to trans-
port hydrogen by railcars, barges, or ships for larger quantities of hydro-
Volume 1, No. 1 55
gen. By utilizing the same style of tube or liquid tanks used by trucks,
these modes of transport are not restricted by weight requirements
encountered on roadways. The first liquid hydrogen transport ship was
launched as a pilot in Japan at the end of 2019, with an anticipated stor-
age capacity of 1,250 m3 (less than 1% of typical LNG carriers). It is
expected that the next version will have greater capacity.
While the overall DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program [30]
describes activities of various offices including EERE, Nuclear Energy
(NE), and Science, this document focuses on FE activities. FE’s Office
of Clean Coal and Carbon Management (CC&CM) and Office of Oil
and Natural Gas (ONG) are the two programs currently leading fossil
energy-based hydrogen related R&D. Their past, current, and planned
areas of research are described below.
R&D toward enabling the future hydrogen economy, its markets, supply
infrastructure, transportation, storage, and use for industrial purposes
and power generation. Natural gas networks are well developed in the
United States and represent infrastructure that could be adopted for
conveyance of hydrogen. While converting natural gas infrastructure to
hydrogen infrastructure is a long-term proposition, transition strategies
call for the introduction of hydrogen into the existing natural gas infra-
structure. This strategy is being pursued by other countries, although
significant questions remain regarding safety associated with hydrogen
transport. There are many unknowns about the suitability of materials
for hydrogen service in natural gas distribution systems; however, ONG
and its partners have an existing and expanding transportation and stor-
age infrastructure R&D portfolio that is relevant to a comprehensive
hydrogen economy strategy.
ONG is currently centered on developing processes to convert flared
or vented gas to hydrogen products to include modular hydrogen pro-
duction from natural gas streams and utilizing hydrogen for upcycling
methane into other higher-value products. ONG’s efforts in this area
are being pursued via hydrogen-related R&D under a Funding Oppor-
tunity Announcement (FOA), “FE FOA2006 – Advanced natural gas
infrastructure technology development process-intensified technologies
for the upcycling of flare gas into transportable, value-added products.”
Through the selections made under the FOA in January 2020, FE is cur-
rently expanding its research program focused on mitigating emissions
from midstream natural gas infrastructure.
and potential retrofits for the existing fleet. All major turbine manufac-
turers have committed to capabilities of at least 20% hydrogen com-
bustion by 2020 and 100% hydrogen combustion by 2030. However, a
significant amount of work remains (e.g., additional combustor develop-
ment) before the full commercial offering of 100% hydrogen-fueled tur-
bines, which could have technology applications to multiple sectors, such
as the aviation industry.
Reversible SOFCs* can be a source of efficient, low-cost electricity
from natural gas or hydrogen for baseload and distributed power gen-
eration. The high operating temperatures of SOFCs offer the possibil-
ity of internal reforming of methane, providing additional sources of
hydrogen production. Thus, SOFCs with internal reforming can enable
the hydrogen economy by producing hydrogen at scale within a carbon-
capture-ready paradigm through simple condensation of the SOFC
FE has been advancing technologies to produce hydrogen from
coal and natural gas, but more work is needed in this area. Hydrogen
from natural gas is commercially viable today and it could be a bridge
technology with Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage or CCUS to
enable future energy scenarios where hydrogen is sustainably produced
using all of the diverse domestic resources, but need to reduce the capital
costs and improve the efficiency of these technologies to be competitive.
Major investments in R&D over the next 5 years can help accelerate and
address several key areas that could enable the transition to a hydrogen
economy. In addition, more work is required on natural gas-to-solid
carbon plus hydrogen, which offers a valuable byproduct and additional
revenue streams for new markets. FE’s depth of experience, previous
R&D, and future efforts can be summarized in four major focus areas:
*Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC): The U.S. Department of Energy initiated the SOFC Program in
2000 to develop low-cost, highly efficient, environmentally friendly SOFC technology for smaller,
modular-scale as well as large-scale power generation from natural gas or coal-derived synthesis gas.
60 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
[1] Encyclopedia Britannica Editors. “William Nicholson.” 2019. Accessed online: https://
[2] International Energy Agency (IEA). “The Future of Hydrogen.” 2019. Accessed online:
[3] IEA. “Energy Technology Perspectives.” 2017. Accessed online:
[4] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE). Adapted from H2@Scale information webpage. Accessed online: https://www.
[5] IEA. “The Future of Hydrogen.” 2019. Accessed online:
[6] Shaner, Matthew R.; Atwater, Harry A.; Lewis, Nathan S.; McFarland, Eric, W. “A
comparative technoeconomic analysis of renewable hydrogen production using solar
energy.” 2016. doi:10.1039/c5ee02573g. Accessed online:
[7] IEA. “Technology Roadmap: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.” 2015. Accessed online: https://
[8] Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). “Hydrogen Technical Analysis.” 2018.
Accessed online:
[9] Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). “H2 Hydrogen Tools.” Accessed online:
[10] Calise, Francesco; Dentice D’Accadia, Massimo; Santarelli, Massimo; Lanzini, Andrea;
Ferrero, Domenico (Editors). “Solar Hydrogen Production: Processes, Systems and Tech-
nologies (Chapter 3, Hydrogen Production).” Academic Press. August 2019.
[11] Brown, D. “Hydrogen Production and Consumption in the U.S. - The Last 25 Years.”
Cryogas International, 2015.
[12] Energy Information Administration (EIA). “Natural Gas Weekly Update.” 2017. Accessed
[13] Ruth, Mark F.; Jadun, Paige (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and Elgowainy,
Amgad (Argonne National Laboratory). “H2@Scale Analysis.” DOE Hydrogen and Fuel
Cells Program, 2020 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation. May 31, 2020. Accessed
[14] IEA. “The Future of Hydrogen.” 2019. Accessed online:
[15] IEA. “The Future of Hydrogen.” 2019. Accessed online:
[16] DOE. “Hydrogen Tube Trailers.” Accessed online:
[17] D. Brown. “U.S. Hydrogen Production – 2015.” CryoGas International. 2016.
[18] McKinsey & Company. Source: Survey and interviews with Hydrogen Council member
[19] Heid, B.; Linder, M.; Orthofer, A.; Wilthaner M. “Hydrogen: The next wave for electric
vehicles?” 2017. Accessed online:
[20] IEA. “The Future of Hydrogen.” 2019. Accessed online:
[21] DOE EERE. “H2@Scale” information webpage. Accessed online:
66 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
[22] Moore, Andrew. “Canada confirms it is developing national hydrogen strategy.” 2020.
Accessed online:
[23] European Commission. “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe.” 2020.
Accessed online:
[24] PNNL. “H2 Hydrogen Tools.” Accessed online:
[25] CMB.TECH. “Hydroville website.” Accessed online:
[26] Rödl, Anne; Wulf, Christina; Kaltschmitt, Martin. “Assessment of Selected Hydrogen
Supply Chains—Factors Determining the Overall GHG Emissions.” Science Direct, 2018.
Accessed online:
[27] DOE EERE. U.S. DRIVE Partnership. “Hydrogen Delivery Technical Team Roadmap.”
July 2017. Accessed online:
[28] K. O’Malley; G. Ordaz; J. Adams; K. Randolph; C. Ahn; N. Stetson. “Applied hydrogen
storage research and development: A perspective from the U.S. Department of Energy.” J.
of Alloys and Compounds 645. 2015. S419-S422.
[29] DOE EERE. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Storage website. Accessed
[30] DOE EERE. “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program.” Accessed online:
[31] National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). “Coal FIRST – Coal Plant of the
Future.” Accessed online:
[32] Melaina, M.W.; Antonia, O.; Penev, M. “ Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline
Networks: A Review of Key Issues.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. United
States. doi:10.2172/1068610, 2013.
[33] Jaffe, A.M.; Dominguez-Faus, R.; Ogden, J.; Parker, N.C.; Schietrum, D.; McDonald Z.
“The Potential to Build Current Natural Gas Infrastructure to Accommodate the Future
Conversion to Near-Zero Transportation Technology.” UC Davis Institute of Transporta-
tion Studies Research Report – UCD-ITS-RR-17-04. March 2017.
[34] Pengfei, S.; Youwu, L.; Jianguo, H.; Xiulin, W.; and Yu, Z. “The Possible Ways to Integrate
LNG Industry and Hydrogen Industry in China.” 9th International Conference & Exhibi-
tion on Liquefied Natural Gas. Shanghai. 2019.
[35] Melaina, M. W.; Antonia, O.; and Penev, M. “ Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipe-
line Networks: A Review of Key Issues.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2013.
[36] Rivkin, C.; Burgess, R.; Buttner, W. “Hydrogen Technologies Safety Guide.” 2015.
doi:10.2172/1169773 2015.
[37] “State Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Database.” Accessed online:
[38] DOE. “Alternative Fuels Data Center: Federal and State Laws and Incentives.” Accessed
Volume 1, No. 1 67
*Source: Kawasaki Technical Review 182, February 2021, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan.
68 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
In 2005 the Kyoto Protocol became effective with the aim of creat-
ing a low carbon society. In 2015 the Paris Agreement was adopted, and
after that, 187 countries and regions submitted their own goals to realize
a decarbonized society. However, global environmental change is occur-
ring faster than such changes in social environment, and CO2 reduction
is no longer just an environment issue but an urgent social issue.
The countries that signed the Paris Agreement have set their target
for CO2 reduction, and among them, Norway, Sweden, France, the UK,
and others have legislated net zero emissions by 2050. Japan’s target is an
80% reduction by 2050, and net zero emissions as soon as possible after
2050. To achieve such targets just by saving energy is obviously impos-
sible, so continued introduction of renewable energies is indispensable.
However, Japan is already the leading country in terms of renew-
Volume 1, No. 1 69
The Council for a Strategy for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells was estab-
lished in December 2013 gathering experts from industry, government,
and academia as part of an initiative by the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry. The council released the Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen
and Fuel Cells in June 2014. The roadmap was renewed in 2016 and
2019, and the latter clarifies the cost target for hydrogen and the perfor-
mance target for key equipment and systems toward social implementa-
tion of hydrogen and fuel cells, and defines action plans to achieve these
The Strategic Energy Plan, which is the basis of Japan’s energy
policy, starts covering hydrogen in its fourth edition released in April
2014. While hydrogen has been incorporated into the nation’s policies in
this way, in December 2017 the Basic Hydrogen Strategy was formulated
and released through cross-ministerial cooperation. The strategy aims to
70 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
*Data Sources: Website of US Energy Information Administration and BP Statistical Review of World
Energy (2019).
Volume 1, No. 1 71
loading terminal with a subsidy from the Australian government and the
Victoria State government. The construction of a liquefied hydrogen
carrier and the facilities at each of the sites is well on track. In regard
to our liquefied hydrogen carrier, a naming and launching ceremony
was held in December 2019 (Figure 4). The carrier was named SUISO
FRONTIER and the ceremony was attended by 4,000 guests.
The governments of Japan and Australia cooperate in support-
ing the establishment of a hydrogen energy supply chain derived from
brown-coal, and in a Japan-Australia summit meeting usually held at
the end or beginning of the year, their cooperation on this project was
announced in official documentation. The significant support for our
consortium from the Australian federal and the Victoria State govern-
ments is part of that. In April 2018, a subsidy awarding ceremony for
this project was held in Latrobe Valley, where a brown-coal mining site is
located. The construction of facilities is proceeding in Australia as well.
These Japan-Australia pilot demonstrations have entered the operational
phase that started in fiscal 2020.
Ahead of this, in fiscal 2018, as a grant project by NEDO, called
the Smart Community Technology Development Project Utilizing
Hydrogen Cogeneration Systems, under the coordination of Obayashi
Corporation, in cooperation with Kobe City, the Kansai Electric Power
Co., Inc., Iwatani Corporation, and others, Kawasaki successfully con-
ducted a technological demonstration of gas turbine cogeneration, the
key to hydrogen utilization, in a city area. We installed our 1 MW gas
turbine (Figure 5) on Kobe Port Island, and it successfully supplied heat
and electricity to neighboring public facilities. This is the first time in the
world that a hydrogen fueled gas turbine was operated in a city area.
As the proportion of renewable energy gets larger in the future,
problems will be revealed, such as unstable power supply caused from
fluctuating renewable energy sources and mismatches between electric-
ity supply and demand. A way to solve this mismatch is power-to-gas
technology, which is the idea of supplying surplus electricity generated
from renewable energy to a water electrolysis, producing and storing
hydrogen, and utilizing the stored hydrogen as energy.
In 2018, under the coordination of Toyota Tsusho Corporation,
Kawasaki conducted a power to gas demonstration commissioned by
Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Figure 5. Demonstration facility for hydrogen fueled gas turbine cogeneration (in Kobe City)
78 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Kawasaki has been carrying out development projects for each phase
in the realization of a hydrogen-based society, which includes the produc-
tion, transport, storage, and utilization of hydrogen as actions based on
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). If we can utilize economi-
cal hydrogen derived from brown-coal to install infrastructure, and then
switch to hydrogen derived from renewable energy, which is expected to
have further cost reduction effects and a larger amount of production in
the future, we will realize transition to a sustainable energy-based society.
By carrying out demonstrations toward future commercialization
in a safe and steady manner, Kawasaki will facilitate hydrogen-related
product development and commercialization to embody “KAWA-ru
SAKI-e,” or “Changing forward” in English, exploiting the synergy of
Kawasaki Group technologies, and move forward to become the top
hydrogen manufacturer.
Volume 1, No. 1 79