Esp Reviewer
Esp Reviewer
Esp Reviewer
Situating ESP in English Language Teaching (ELT) and What are the characteristic features of ESP?
Learning (ELL)
ESP is:
What is English for Specific Purposes? 1. a learner-centered approach,
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is an approach to language How will the language items, activities, and explanations
teaching that targets the current and/or future academic or ultimately help the learners meet
occupational needs of learners, focuses on the necessary their current and/or future ‘non-linguistic’ target needs?
language, genres, and skills to address these needs, and assists 2. a multidisciplinary approach, and
learners in meeting these needs through the use of general The ESP practitioner can draw on insights of researchers in
and/or discipline-specific teaching materials and methods. other disciplines and may also engage with researchers in other
disciplines through teaching.
Academic 3. an attention to theory and practice.
These are the needs of learners in a school, university, or other Theoretical Language and Learning Principles and Pedagogic
setting where the primary goal is learning. Practices work hand in hand.
• For example, Technical Writing for pre-service teachers or
students of business administration.
Occupational Needs
These are the needs of learners in a workplace setting such as a
hospital, factory, or restaurant.
• In the Philippines, for example, BPOs train agents how to
respond appropriately to irate customers. Introducing the Four Pillars of ESP
The four (4) Pillars are:
Language 1. Needs Analysis,
Broadly refers to lexis, morphology, syntax, semantics, These are the necessities, lacks, and wants of the target
pragmatics, and phonology. learners, as well as questions about the environment in which
the learning will take place.
Genres 2. Learning Objectives,
The spoken or written product of language like research What language, genres, and skills the learners might be
presentation, business letter, and prescription. expected to use in a target situation?
What learning strategy objectives should be established for the
Skills class.
Refer not only to traditional abilities like reading, writing, 3. Materials and Methods, and
listening, and speaking, but also metacognitive skills such as Should you use an existing material? Or develop your own?
planning, noticing, problem solving, evaluating, and correcting. What teaching methodology should be used based on the
• Examples include classic grammar-translation method, audio- results of the needs analysis?
lingual method, case study, CLT, or TBLT. 4. Evaluation.
How much have the learners improved as a result of the course?
What are the Branches of ESP? How successful was the ESP course itself, and also the quality
The two branches of ESP: of Instruction?
1. English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and
2. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP).
Lesson 2: Identifying Needs in the Design of ESP Courses and Ranking of Learning Objectives in Diagnostic View of Needs:
Programs Why is it important to rank objectives?
What objective do you think is at the top of all the objectives
Basic Concepts in Needs Analysis for an EOP course on correspondences for Office Staff at a state
What is ‘Needs Analysis’ in ESP?
Needs Analysis is the systematic collection and analysis of all Discrepancy View of Needs
information used for defining and validating a defensible • These needs correspond to the lacks, discrepancies, or gaps
curriculum. between what the learners can currently do in the language
and what they will need to do in the target setting.
A defensible curriculum is one that can be successfully
explained to and accepted by all stakeholders, including Who do you think can provide you the information regarding
learners, instructors, and administrators, and even present and these lacks, discrepancies, or gaps for an EAP?
future employers. How about EOP?
For EAP, experienced instructors while, for EOP, administrators
What sort of ‘Needs’? or the management.
Needs depend on the stakeholder and the context they are in.
What type of test is probably best for identifying discrepancy
What other terms do you think are used to refer to these needs?
‘needs’? Placement tests, which is used to determine the current levels
Terms like wants, desires, necessities, lacks, gaps, expectations, of learners and assign them to different streams or ability
motivations, deficiencies, requirements, requests, prerequisites, groupings, and in the case of EOP settings, even different work
essentials, next step, and ‘x + 1’. sections.
Who do you think can provide you the information regarding Analytic View of Needs
these necessities, essentials, or prerequisites for an EAP? How • These needs correspond to elements that Second Language
about EOP? Acquisition (SLA) theory and ELT research and practice have
For EAP, experienced instructors may provide the most shown to be the necessary next step in the learning process.
valuable information while the learners themselves may
provide the most valuable information for EOP. Who do you think are best to consult with regarding these
Ranking of Learning Objectives in Diagnostic View of Needs: You may want to review literature on SLA and ELT and consult
Objectives that must be achieved at the top; with teachers who are familiar with learning theory and
Objectives that are less important at the middle; and, practice.
Objectives that are irrelevant and can be ignored at the bottom.
Views of ‘Needs’ Needs Analysis started to have a basis either explicitly or
Considering all the views of needs, can an ESP practitioner implicitly, in theory, and also in principle.
capture a comprehensive list of needs for an ESP course? Why The type of information sought during a needs analysis is
or why not? usually closely related to the approach to teaching and learning
• In conducting a needs analysis, aim for Current Best Shot and to syllabus design followed by the analysts.
(CBS), which is one that captures the most useful information
for planning a course but makes no claim of being the complete The Notional-Functional Syllabus Design by Wilkins (1976)
Conducting a Large-Scale, Detailed Needs Analysis Design Approach of the Notional-Functional Syllabus Design
by Wilkins (1976)
Needs Analysis as Part of a Process: Skills-Based Approach
For an ESP course for Marketing students, the syllabus may be
defined by the oral skills (speaking) but the actual content
would be expressed by functions like persuading, negotiating,
and so on.
Ethnographically Oriented Analysis (2006) Conducting a Small-Scale, 'Just in Time' Needs Analysis
It seeks to achieve the following: Consider the following actions to establish the needs of the
1. Comprehensive, Detailed and “Thick” description, stakeholders:
2. Portray an insider’s perspective, which gives precedence to • Discuss briefly with the course coordinators their views of
the meaning of the event or situation to participants, and learners and what they expect learners to study in class. Use
3. Provide an account grounded in data collected from multiple these views as an initial guide for understanding learner
sources that develops a conceptual framework. necessities and lacks, as well as administrative wants.
• If the course is already established but has a vague or generic
SOURCES AND METHODS title (e.g. English I ), work with administrators to reach a
consensus on the goals of the course and your freedom to
Sources interpret these after meeting the learners. Use these
The following can be used as sources: discussions to improve your understanding of the different
1. Published and unpublished literature, stakeholders’ necessities, lacks, and wants.
2. Learners, • Briefly review any provided materials for the course. Again,
3. Teachers and Applied Linguists, use these as an initial guide to the different stakeholders’
4. Domain Experts, and necessities, lacks, and wants.
5. Triangulated Sources • Make every effort to obtain samples of learners’ outputs
from previous iterations of the class. Analyze these samples
Methods with the aim of establishing a more detailed and accurate set of
There are two types of methods in conducting the Needs necessities and lacks of learners. If there is an obvious
Analysis: mismatch between the wants of the administrators and the
1. Inductive necessities and lacks of previous learners, raise the issue with
a. Expert Intuition, the management team and reach a consensus on how the
b. Participant and Non-Participant Observation, and course should proceed.
c. Unstructured Interview • At the start of the first class, provide learners with a brief
2. Deductive: overview of what you see as their necessities, lacks, and wants
a. Surveys and Questionnaires, and explain how you arrived at your decision. Monitor their
b. Structured Interviews, and reactions to see if they agree with your opinions. If they appear
c. Criterion-referenced Performance Test to disagree with you, give them an opportunity to express what
3. Others: their needs are.
a. Surveys and Questionnaires, • If you are unsure that the course correctly addresses the
b. Structured Interviews, and learners’ necessities, lacks, and wants, in the first class, ask the
c. Criterion-referenced Performance Test learners to complete a short survey on what they hope to learn
in class. Alternatively, or in addition to a survey, ask them to
Validity and Reliability produce a sample of their intended language output and
quickly diagnose to what extent they can already achieve this
Validity and Reliability in Needs Analysis procedures can be goal.
achieved through: • In each class, continue to monitor the learners’ performances
1. Triangulation: and expressions of motivation. If a new necessity, lack, or want
Conclusions are developed using a range of data sources, becomes apparent, be willing and flexible to adjust your
research methods or investigators. teaching accordingly.
2. Prolonged Engagement:
Conducting a Large-Scale, Detailed Needs Analysis What is Register Analysis as a theoretical-grounded principle
- print - in ESP?
Register analysis is an analysis of the grammatical, vocabulary,
Evaluating a Needs Analysis and lexical features of the language form used in a specific
A needs analysis must ultimately be useful in terms of the social setting. This approach is used to assess the linguistic
insights it provides on curriculum design (Nation and foundations of the language we use in a given situation and
Macalister, 2010). how the language we speak or write varies depending on the
• To ensure the value of a needs analysis, it should be designed situation. Besides, register analysis as a theoretical-grounded
in a similar way to a test, making sure that it is reliable, valid, principle in ESP is a functional variant of language that enables
and practical (Brown, 1989). us to uncover how language is changed to make meaning in
order to make the ESP a course more relevant to the learners'
A reliable needs analysis should produce the same results if needs.
A valid needs analysis reveals the individuals’ different What is Rhetorical (Discourse) Analysis?
perspectives on needs, and not some unrelated other factor. Discourse analysis is the process of defining and knowing
A practical needs analysis is designed in a way that allows it to sentence structure to meet the specific needs of learners. It is a
be carried out within a reasonable time and cost. research approach for investigating and understanding the
underlying meaning of spoken and written words. It focuses on
Balancing Scope, Cost, and Time: interaction and looks beyond the context of language. In
general, discourse analysis is a research method that involves
the study of language beyond the sentence level to understand
how it functions in a social context.