Excellence Expertise: Born From
Excellence Expertise: Born From
Excellence Expertise: Born From
Max Reliability
Viscosity-Based (Mechanical) Detection Sample integrity verification to ensure quality of
System consistently delivers accurate results immediately: results thanks to the Expert Preanalytical Check
• exclusive technology standardised on all Stago systems module (EPC module) providing:
• insensitive to analytical interferences from haemolysis, • fill volume check feature for any type of tube,
icteric and lipemic samples for clotting assays,
• detection of haemolysis, icterus and lipemia which may
• maximum precision for weak clot detection. affect chromogenic and immuno-turbidimetric tests; and
the additional potential for biological impact of haemolysis
Environmentally friendly design provides economic on clotting assays (CLSI Guideline H21-A5):
savings and reduces bio-hazards:
- no requirement for extra plasma volume,
• limited and self-contained fluidic waste system,
- no impact on throughput,
• reduced disposable waste (1 cuvette = 1 test). - large index range without any dilution.
Improved analyser reliability and robustness High quality of reagents offer maximum sensitivity
for continuous result reporting and increased up-time. and reproducibility for all tests.
Max Productivity
Highest onboard loading capacity provides True STAT management prioritises patient samples
true walkaway capability: to ensure faster turnaround time (TAT).
• 215 samples in 5-position racks,
Automatic management of dilutions, reruns, reflex
• 75 cooled reagent positions included more large vial
testing and add-ons tests.
• 1 000 cuvettes onboard. Autoverification capabilities streamline result
reporting and minimize operator intervention, thanks to
High throughput, to even with a mixed panel of tests, expert rules available on demand on the STA Coag Expert.
to manage large workload and activity peak in the
high-volume labs. Optimised and reduced user maintenance
operations thanks to improvements like the PSR
Real time and proactive alerts to focus operator (Pipettors with Single Resolution) module and the new
attention Cap Piercing needle.
• QC,
• TAT, Ready to operate - 24/7 availability and no time required
• maintenance status, to restart.
• Visual Alarm Device to alert the user of the analyser status.
Max Versatility
All common tubes size accepted with no manual Adaptable to all laboratory organisation
positioning of barcode required, flexibility to mix capped • Total Lab Automation (TLA) ready, no modifications
or uncapped and different types of sample tubes on required,
the same rack. • same performance in stand alone mode or connected
to TLA systems.
Routine and specialised tests with random access
capability. Wide range of ready-to-use liquid reagents
• with extensive onboard stability,
Extensive test menu including a wide range of • unique pre-calibration feature for all routine tests,
dedicated reagents, quality controls and calibrators. • fully automatic barcoded reagent management
(ISI, lot number, expiration date, volume, onboard stability).
Complete management of products information
with integrated or handheld barcode reader.
Max Innovation
New hardware design enhances ergonomics of use Extended traceability enhances regulatory compliance:
• complete management of reagents, quality control
Rules Engine & Coag Algorithms available information and results,
on demand on the STA Coag Expert to automate • five years of patient and QC archives stored onboard,
laboratory processes: • automated maintenance schedule.
• standardises patient results validation, for increased
confidence, Innovative services:
• simplifies complex testing with built in expertise, such as • accreditation tools for method validation,
the multi-dilution factor management for factor assays. • audit trail,
• remote diagnostic support,
Intuitive user interface ensures a seamless integration
for the laboratory staff, standardised on all Stago systems. • TAT monitoring.
This document contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accesible or valid in your country.
Conception: L2R.fr ©2015 Diagnostica Stago – All rights reserved – Non-contractual photos – 09/2018 - Ref: 300570
STA R Max3 and STA Coag Expert are trademarks of the Stago Group. The rights of the trademarks and logos used in this document belong to the Stago Group.The use of these trademarks
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