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Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2021/v21i417455
(1) Dr. Djordje Cica, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(1) Hoikwan Lee, Dankook University, South Korea.
(2) Abdul Hameed, Osmania University, India.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/73594
With the rapid economic growth and continuously increased consumption, a large amount of glass
waste materials is generated; this study investigated the effect of crushed waste glass as filler and
also as an aggregate in the asphalt binder course. It compares the glassphalt mix with the
specification range at different percentages to meet specifications limit according to Nigeria roads
and bridges reverse book of 1997 Waste glass are cleaned and crushed from the glass bottles and
added to the asphalt as a filler and as a replacement for coarse aggregates, the marshal method is
used to determine the optimum bitumen content and evaluate the properties of the asphalt mix.
However, 24 samples were prepared in total, 12 samples each for the asphalt mix used to
determine the optimum bitumen content and the other 12 samples for the glassphalt mix used to
find out the effect of adding the different percentages of crushed waste glass to the asphalt
mixture. The Marshall test carried out on the asphalt mixtures showed that the optimum bitumen
content of bitumen was found out to be 6.2% of the asphalt mix by weight. Also, Marshall Test
carried out on the glassphalt mix showed the optimum percentage of glass used in the binder
course of the weights of aggregates in the asphalt mix. The result of this experiment is been
checked to be consistent with the Nigeria road and bridges reverse book of 1997, i.e. Marshall
Stability, flow, bulk density, and air voids.
Keywords: Glassphlat; asphalt concrete; glass waste; optimum bitumen content; marshall test.
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
Bitume Sample Corr. Flow Bulk Void Volume SGM Void Voids in
n (% No. Stability (mm) Density in of filled mineral
by total bitumen with aggregate
total mix bitumen (VMA)
weight) (VFB)
1 625.0 2.5 2.269 8.8 11.18 2.495 55.8 20
5.0 2 650.0 2.9 2.289 8.8 11.16 2.495 55.7 20
Avg. 637.5 2.7 2.279 8.8 11.17 2.495 55.9 20
1 762.0 2.8 2.33 6.7 12.30 2.479 64.7 19.4
5.4 2 763.0 2.8 2.32 6.75 12.30 2.479 64.7 19.4
Avg. 762.5 2.8 2.325 6.7 12.30 2.479 64.7 19.4
1 862.5 3.5 2.34 5.3 13.29 2.465 71.3 18.6
5.8 2 886.6 3.5 2.32 5.3 13.29 2.465 71.3 18.6
Avg. 874.5 3.5 2.40 5.3 13.29 2.465 71.3 18.6
1 910.0 4.2 2.36 3.76 14.34 2.44 79.2 18.1
6.2 2 964.0 4.2 2.36 3.76 14.34 2.44 79.2 18.1
Avg. 937.0 4.2 2.36 3.76 14.34 2.44 79.2 18.1
1 834.6 4.5 2.36 3.3 15.50 2.435 82.4 17.4
6.6 2 834.6 4.5 2.34 3.3 15.50 2.435 82.4 17.6
Avg. 834.6 4.5 2.35 3.3 15.50 2.435 82.4 17.5
1 834.4 5.0 2.28 5.9 15.6 2.42 72.5 17.0
7.0 2 743.7 5.0 2.28 5.9 15.6 2.42 72.5 17.0
Avg. 743.8 5.0 2.28 5.9 15.6 2.42 72.5 17.0
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
3.1.7 Optimum bitumen content (OBC) percentages of crushed waste glass and the
results are presented below.
The optimum bitumen content was found equal
to 6.2% by weight of the total mix which is 3.3 Marshall Stability
calculated as the average of bitumen content
values that correspond to the maximum From the figure below, a steady rise in stability is
stability, maximum density and median of the air recorded as crushed waste glass content is
voids increased. However, at higher glass content
Marshall stability decreases. A minimum value of
1. Bitumen content at the maximum stability = 3.5kn is given as the required standard for the
6.2 % stability of wearing course from the Nigeria
2. Bitumen content at the maximum value of standard for roads and bridges revised
bulk density = 6.2% edition,1997. Percentages from 7.5% –17.5 %
3. Bitumen content at the median percent of meets this local requirement.
air voids = 6.15%
3.3.1 Flow
Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) = (6.2 +6.2+
6.15) / 3 = 6.18% approx. 6.2%. The flow gives a slightly higher range value when
compared to conventional Hot Mix asphalts. The
3.2 Glassphalts Results flow percentage values of 5.0% - 10% oscillate
around the value of conventional mix which is
18 samples of glasphalt each weigh 1200gm 2mm – 4mm according to local specifications [2].
were prepared using six different crushed glass
content (5.0,7.5,10.0,12.5,15 and 17.5 %) by the 3.3.2 Bulk density
weight of total mix using the optimum bitumen
content (6.2% by the weight of total mix). The bulk density data gotten achieves the local
Crushed waste glass replaced river sand using and international specification which is 2.3 g/cm
the aforementioned percentages and mixed with at a glass percentage value of 10% through to
other aggregates. Marshall Stability tests were 17.5%. The general trend shows that the bulk
performed on the samples with different density increases as the glass content increases.
Glass Sample Corr. Flow Bulk Void Volume SGM Void Voids in
content No. Stability (mm) Density in of filled mineral
(%) total bitumen with aggregate
mix bitumen (VMA)
1 2.79 3.8 2.33 6.7 11.43 2.494 63.3 17.9
5.0 2 2.79 3.8 2.33 6.5 11.41 2.494 63.5 18.0
Avg. 2.79 3.8 2.33 6.6 11.42 2.494 63.4 18.0
1 3.534 4.0 2.343 5.4 12.43 2.48 70.3 17.7
7.5 2 3.534 4.0 2.353 5.2 12.43 2.478 70.1 17.7
Avg. 3.534 4.0 2.348 5.3 12.43 2.479 70.2 17.7
1 4.743 4.0 2.35 4.4 13.43 2.465 75.3 17.7
10 2 4.743 4.0 2.35 4.2 13.41 2.465 75.3 17.7
Avg. 4.743 4.0 2.35 4.3 13.42 2.465 75.3 17.7
1 4.836 5.8 2.373 3.2 14.41 2.45 82.0 17.61
12.5 2 4.836 5.8 2.373 3.2 14.43 2.45 82.0 17.61
Avg. 4.836 5.8 2.373 3.2 14.42 2.45 82.0 17.61
1 5.4 6.0 2.39 1.8 15. 2.418 89.7 17.4
15 2 5.4 6.0 2.39 1.8 15.450 2.416 89.5 17.5
Avg. 5.4 6.0 2.39 1.8 15.550 2.417 89.6 17.3
1 6.032 6.4 2.410 0.46 16.55 2.421 97.3 17.0
17.5 2 6.032 6.4 2.410 0.46 16.53 2.421 97.3 17.0
Avg. 6.032 6.4 2.410 0.46 16.54 2.421 97.3 17.0
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
The air voids of Glasphalt mix decreases Glassphalt surfaces appear to dry faster than
gradually as the glass content increase. This traditional paving after rain, because the glass
decline in air voids in Glasphalt mixes return to particles do not absorb water. Glassphalt
the reduction in internal pores of glass than river surfaces are more reflective than conventional
sand It's noticed that glass percentages 7.5% - asphalt and may improve night-time road
10.0% fall in the range of local specification 3% - visibility.
5% and are very close to the median value of
international specification of 4.0%. From the figure below, it is noticed that all values
of Marshall Stability for different glass content
3.3.4 Voids in mineral aggregates satisfy the local and international specifications
which are (3.5KN) apart from the 5% of crushed
From the results gotten, it can be seen that the glass. It should also be observed from the table
voids in mineral aggregates decrease slightly as that all our needed parameters are within the
the glass content increase. This is a result of range of the local specifications according to
better intergranular bonding as the glass content Nigeria Roads and Bridges design specifications
is added. [2].
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
Glass Content % Stability Flow Bulk Density Voids in total mix VFB
5.0 2.79 3.8 2.33 6.6 63.4
7.5 3.534 4.0 2.348 5.3 70.2
10.0 4.73 4.0 2.35 4.3 75.3
12.5 4.836 5.8 2.373 3.2 82.0
15.0 5.4 6.0 2.39 1.8 89.6
17.5 6.032 6.4 2.410 0.46 97.3
Property Specifications
Min Max
Stability 3.5KN -
Flow 2mm 4mm
Void in total mix 3% 5%
Volume Filled with Bitumen 75% 82%
Bulk density 2.35 2.35
By using different percentages of glass waste, Course, where the results can be concluded as
10% glassphalt which satisfied all the the following:
requirements as per the specification limit was
found to be Optimum Glass Content. The existence of crushed glass in the
asphalt binder course mixture is
4. CONCLUSION considered an eco-friendly material and it
can be utilized as sustainable
The objective of this study is to investigate the management of waste glass.
effect of using crushed waste glass as a filler and Crushed waste glass can be used in
as coarse aggregates in the Asphalt wearing asphalt binder course with the maximal
Tobi et al.; JERR, 21(4): 1-10, 2021; Article no.JERR.73594
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© 2021 Tobi et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here: