Pega Study
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629 solutions
What is the data transform Created for new cases, allows you to set properties
pyDefault? as the case is created
If properties are set in both The data transform in the subclass overwrites
the superclass and subclass, anything already sey by the data transform in the
what happens? superclass 1/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
In which of the following Set defulat values when creating a case and copy
situations would you use a data between pages
data transform (2)?
What is the purpose of the To initialize property values when a case is created
pyDefault data transform? 2/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Who are the business
First group of case designers, work with case
participants and other stakeholders to define
busniess objectives and application requirements.
When should you use Pega When you want to quickly build the case structure
Express and process steps
When should you use the when you want to refine the case life cycle design.
Designer Studio?
What is simulation mode in Allows you to test your design as a user would
Pega Express experience it. 3/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
An organization wants to 1 and 4
automate its existing expense
reporting process.
Which two actions should the
organization take in order to
follow Pega's best practices
for application design?
(Choose Two) 4/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What are processes in Pega? Define one or more paths the case must follow
Each case type captures what the life cycle of a specific type of case 5/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
u are adding steps to a Confirm employee
process named Select
Insurance Policy. Which one of
the following steps would be
named correctly?
What are Service Level Help ensure work completes within the expected
Agreements time intervals.
The goal milestone in a service The amount of time in which the case or step
level defines: should be completed 6/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What are forms designed to
Allow end users to complete specific tasks, data is
entered and the app will use this data to process a
What does the view Enables you to define the data elements that the
configuration tool allow you to system uses for processing cases.
do? 7/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 8/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Which statement demonstrates 2
a well-written requirement? 9/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the difference A requirement describes what the business need is,
between a requirement and and specifications describe how the application will
specification? meet the business need.
For primary stage, when all Automatic transistion to the next primary stage
steps in a stage are
completed, the default option
is to do what 10/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 11/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Why should you automate To send timely communication and send consistent
correspondence? information to users.
What benefit comes from Describes to an end user what should nbe done in
adding instructions to a step? the step 12/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 13/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
On a Pega project, who is LSA
typically responsible for
designing the application
architecture? 14/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 15/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Each user is represented by an opertor record. The ID entered by the user when
____________________. What is used to logging in is used.
connect a user with a unique
operator record? 16/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Which type of record Access group
indentifies the application that
a user has access to when
logging into Designer Studio
User creates a loan request. In Loan request is the parent and appraisal is the child
order for the loan request to
be approved, the loan officer
must receive the results of an
appraisal. How should the
case type be configured.
What is the data model Defines the data structure for the case
Property of mode single value Stores textm numbers, dates, Boolean values and
definition maounts 17/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
what are complex field types. define page and page list properties. 18/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You want to capture the Pick list
delivery method for a
purchase request. The options
are: Standard, premium, or
next-day. You use the Data
Model tab to create the
property. How would you
define the list with the
options? 19/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
If an expression has many Backwards chaining. All the values can be collected
source properties, what type before displaying the expression, so it only needs
of chaining should be used, to be calculated once as opposed to continuosly
and why? with forward chaining. 20/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
In a purchase order 2 and 3
application, you have been
asked to add an order total
field that is used on multiple
forms in the application. You
want to make sure that
whenever the input values
change the order total will
change in all the forms. Which
two of the following reasons
would you choose to use a
declare expression for the
calculating value. (Choose
A declare expression
calculates a specific value that
is used on multiple forms. 21/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are configuring a 1
declarative network that
contains eleven declare
expressions, which are used to
calculate the interest rate for a
home mortgage. For example,
the target value Property Tax
Assessment is used a source
value when calculating the
Assessed Property Value. The
declare expressions use target
values from other expressions
to calculate their target values.
The field displaying the
interest rate appears on the
approval form. To reduce the
number of calculations in
order to optimize
performance, how would you
configure the declare
expressions? 22/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are designing a travel plan 1 and 3
application. A hotel booking
step displays a form in which
users select a hotel and enter
the number of days they are
staying at the hotel. The form
displays the total cost for the
hotel room. The form also
includes fields for selecting, at
extra cost, options for valet
parking. The cost for any
selected options are totaled
and then added to the total
cost for the room to equal the
grand total, which is displayed
in a field. Which two of the
following properties would
you use as the target
properties? (Choose Two) 23/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
When a property in the parent No
class is propagated to a child
class or spin-off case, and that
value later changes in the
parent class, is the change
reflected in the subclasses?
When does data propagation When the subcase or soin-off case is created
What two things comprise a Name of the element and the value
data element? 24/25
2/13/23, 3:47 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
How is information, such as the Information such as the color of a vehicle is
color of a vehicle, stored in associated with a data element. The data element
memory for use in a Pega (property and value) is stored on the clipboard in a
application? structure called a page. 25/25
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
4,134 solutions
A1: Operator ID
You add a new work group to
DS1: Operators and Work Queues belong to work
an application. Which two
organisations rules do you
A2: Work Queue
need to update? (Choose two)
DS2: As above
A: Work Group
Which of the following is not
DS: A work group is used to allow managers to
part of the organisational
monitor, report and assign work among operators
and work queues across the organisation 1/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
The TGB CSSA part
organisation 2
structure A: Add the regional units as sub-units to the Sales
has a Sales unit, and it belongs unit
to a Marketing Division. TGB DS: The regional units report to the Sales unit.
plans to add new units for the Therefore, the regional units are sub units to the
East, Central and West Sales unit.
geographical sales regions.
These regional units report to
the Sales unit. How do you
configure the organisational
hierarhcy to support the new
Which step do you perform to A: Upload the image in the application theme
update the logo in a portal DS: To update the logo in the portal header, upload
header? the new logo in the application theme. 2/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA part 2 A1: The user role of the type of user who would
access the portal
DS1: You configure a portal rule to support either
Which two options do you user or developer access
configure on a portal record? A2: The appropriate skin to apply branding to the
(Choose Two) portal
DS2: You configure a portal to use the branding
configured application skin, or to apply a specific
skin to the portal 3/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
A developer part
decides that2 A: The Disability preview in the Accessibility
buttons in a Pega application Inspector Tool
are blue, while the button text DS: The Disability preview in the Accessibility
is purple. What Pega feature Inspector tool allows you to preview what the
allows the developer to check current UI looks like to users with different forms of
whether the application users colour blindness
with a form of colour blindness
can easily differentiate
between the button text and
button background 4/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Users must select the make A: Source the contents of the UI control directly
and model of their vehicles from a data page
when submitting a new DS: The reference pattern references data directly
insurance claim. Which is the without making it part of the data model
best implementation for this
use case? 5/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Additional info:
A product return case must Keyed access pattern; used to populate a list of
always show the current objects and access information about a specific
contact information for the object in the list - This is used for frequent back and
customer from the customer forth between objects in a large list (i.e. currencies)
database. Which is the best SoR: used to access data in another system or
implementation for this use application - the case does NOT own the reference
case? data
An online order must include A: Configured a page property with the Copy data
item price information at the from a data page option enabled
time of the order placement. DS: The snapshot pattern copies data from an
Which is the best external system to the case
implementation for this use
case? 6/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet 7/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA part 2 A1: Execute a complex SQL statement such as a join
or stored procedure against an external database
DS1: Use Connect SQL rules to execute a complex
Which two of the following SQL statement such as a join or stored procedure
options are good uses of against an external database
Connect SQL rules? (Choose A2: Execute SQL statements that contain database
Two) vendor specific syntax
DS2: Use Connect SQL rules to execute SQL
statements that contain database vendor specific
syntax 8/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
In which CSSA
order arepart 2
rules and A: 1,2, 4, 3, 6, 5
data instances applied for a DS: The mapping of the response occurs before
connector? 1. Data applying the data transform
Page/Activity 2. Data Transform
(from application data
structure to integration
clipboard structure) 3.
Mapping rule (from integration
clipboard structure to format
specified by the target service)
4. Connect rule 5. Data
Transform (from integration
clipboard structure to
application data structure) 6.
Mapping rule (from format
received by the service to
integration clipboard
structure) 9/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Which of the following allows A: Use an existing function in the error handling
you to write all errors that are data transform.
detected when loading a data DS: There is an existing function for writing
page to a log file? messages to a log file 10/11
2/13/23, 3:30 PM Pega CSSA part 2 Flashcards | Quizlet 11/11
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions
In a mortgage application, the Make loan request a parent case type and
user creates a loan request. In appraisal a child case type.
order for the loan request to
be approved, the loan officer
must receive the results of an
appraisal. How would you
configure the case types to
reflect their relationship?
A reservation process allows A visible when condition applied to the check box
customers to reserve a flight,
hotel room, and rental car as
part of a travel itinerary. Which
configuration displays a check
box to allow users to select
travel insurance only if the
itinerary includes a flight? 1/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A form lists Certified System
a group of Architect
§ set the 2 to other importance.
image column
recreational activities users § set the check box column to secondary
can select when booking a imporance.
vacation. One column !ism the § set the activity name column to primary
activity name, a second importance.
column provides the check
box for activity selection, and
a third column displays a
thumbnail image of the activity.
When viewed on a small
screen, you do not need to
display the images.
What three configuration steps
would you take to support this
requirement? (Choose Three) 2/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Solution: 3/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified System
Allow Architect 2 a value
the CSR to select
Representatives (CSRs) review for.pyUrgencyAssignAdjust.
customer requests to replace a
lost or stolen credit card.
Once the request is approved,
customers are notified by
letter of the expected delivery
date for a replacement card
typically within one week. The
CSR must be able to prioritize
time-sensitive requests such as
requests from customers who
are on vacation.
Time-sensitive requests are
prioritized as follows:
- Customers receive a
replacement card the next day.
- Fulfillment requests are sent
to a dedicated workbasket.
- Customers receive
notification of the expected
delivery date by email.
How do you provide CSRs
with the option to increase the
assignment urgency for
requests from a customer with
a time-sensitive need?
Solution: 4/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - best
What is the Pega Certified
thing if we System Architect
Decision tree 2
have many nested ifs?
Solution: 5/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
The approval Certified
process for a System Architect
Decision tree 2
purchase request case must
satisfy the following
- A request for office supplies
placed by the Facilities
department that totals EUR100
or less is automatically
- A request for software is
automatically rejected unless
requested by the IT
- Any request that exceeds
EUR1000 is automatically
subject to review by the
Auditing department.
Which type of rule would you
configure to satisfy this
Users can select a check box Use a when condition in the UI form to determine
to subscribe to a messaging whether to show the mobile phone number field.
service. Selecting the check
box displays a field for a user
to enter a mobile phone
number. How do you
configure the application to
display a field for entering a
mobile phone number only
when the check box is
selected? 6/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
What are two ways you can § Add a field group list to a view in App Studio.
add a table to a view? § Add a table to a section used by the view. 7/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An application Certified System
allows Architect
configure 2
a parallel process for each of the
consultants to enter hours required approvals.
worked on a project on a
weekly basis.Consultant hours
need approval by the manager
and the project supervisor. The
approvals can occur in any
order. Which of the following
approval configurations meets
the requirement?
The use case is to create a Create a service for Purchase Request and a
purchase request case upon connector for retrieving currency values.
receiving an email and need to
fetch the currency values from
an external system.How would
you implement this scenario.
§ Text message
Select notify modes
§ Mail 8/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
The case - Pega
type Certified
hierarchy in System Architect
§ In each 2 data transform, set the work
subcase type
your insurance application urgency to the required value.
consists of three case types: § Select the Call superclass data transform option
Claim (top level). Personal in each of the subcase data type transforms.
Injury (subcase type of Claim),
and Emergency Care (subcase
type of Personal Injury). In the
Claim case type, a data
transform sets the claim date
and work urgency. To reduce
maintenance. You do not want
to set in each subcase the
properties that were already
set in the parent data
However, you want to set work
urgency to different values in
each subcase type. What two
configuration steps would you
take to meet this requirement?
(Choose Two)
In processing a parent case P- Both C-l and C-2 must be resolved before P-l can
l, two child cases C-l and C-2 be resolved.
are created. Which of the
following statements is correct
about the processing of P-l, C-
l, and C-2? 9/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - an
You create Pega Certified
employees to System Architect
Use byDefault 2
and bySetFieldDefaults. When the
submit timesheets. Employees process invokes the data transforms, the remaining
enter week work, vacation, and vacation and sick time calculate.
sick time for a particular week.
On the entry form, employees
see a summary of the total
hours entered.
After the employee submits
the timesheet, the application
displays remaining vacation
and sick time for the
employee. You configure the
user view that displays
remaining vacation and side
lime. The balance calculates by
subtracting the vacation time
and sick time for the week
from the current vacation and
sick time balances.
Which configuration option is
used to summarize the
remaining vacation and sick
time? 10/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - an
You create Pega Certified
application for System Architect
Use procedural 2
processing. When the value of any
employees to submit work, vacation, or sick time changes and the user
timesheets. Employees enter submits the form, the total hours change.
work, vacation, and sick time
for a particular week. On the
entry form, employees see a
summary of the total hours
entered. After the employee
submits the timesheet, the
application displays remaining
vacation and sick time for the
To configure the form where
users enter hours, select the
best configuration option to
calculate the total hours for
the week.
You have a requirement to add Use an edit validate rule that validates the routing
a bank routing number field to number pattern.
a view. Routing numbers must
contain nine digits. How would
you configure the field to
support this requirement? 11/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A development learnCertified
plans to System Architect
Place the 2 into a new minor version of
updated rules
enhance functionality of an the ruleset and include the new ruleset version In a
existing application by new version of the application.
changing several user
interface rules. The team
would like to pilot the
enhancements to small group
of users before rolling the
changes out to the entire user
What approach maximizes
reuse and maintainability? 12/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
In a purchase Certified
application, you System Architect 2
§ Customer
allow customers to create § Purchase order
purchase requests. Each
purchase request contains a
list of line items. Each line item
holds the product identifier,
quantity, and price. If a
product is not in stock the
application creates a purchase
order. The purchase order is
processed by the purchasing
Which two entities would you
model as case types? (Choose
two.) 13/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An on-demand Certified System
transportation Architect
No system of record 2
application has a Conversation
preference data type. When
customers use the application
a ride, they can specify their
conversation preference:
whether they would like to talk
to their driver or if they would
prefer silence. Company
stakeholder are interested in
analyzing the conversation the
performance data.
How is the Conversation
preference data type sourced? 14/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet 15/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Select the-statement
Pega Certified
about a System Architect
A subcase cannot be2
created manually by an end
subcase creation that is user
Solution: 16/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
In an insurance Certified System
claims AccessArchitect 2
group -> Application
application, you want to
capture miscellaneous
inventory items, as displayed in
the screen below.
Which of the following should Use a Validate rule to check if it is numeric and
be done to check that a greater than zero.
property is greater than zero. 17/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
The following imageCertified
is a page System Architect
A repeating dynamic 2
list presented in a nonlinear
format that automatically
adjusts based on screen size.
The image is an example of
A survey is sent to a customer Use the Insert Property feature of a Send Email
via email. How do you step to add the case ID when composing the
configure a solution to ensure message dialog.
the email includes the case ID
for the survey? 18/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
You are defining Certified
a user view System Architect
Use a validate rule to2
verify the Date account
for a loan application. If the opened is in the past.
loan applicant indicates there
is an existing open account,
the Date account opened
must be before the current
date. Select the approach that
meets the validation
requirements. 19/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
From the - Pega
left, Certified System
drag the Architect 2
scenario from to the blank
rectangle next to the
approprite routing option.
You are updating a system of Implement the logic in the connector"TMs error
record using a SOAP handler flow.
connector. If the system of
record is unavailable, you want
to retry after an hour. If it is still
unavailable after an hour, a
notification should be sent to a
system administrator. How do
you implement this
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group the results.
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center.
How would you configure the
report definition? 20/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
Data pages Certified System
can be populated Architect
§ Report definition 2
from a: (Choose Two) § Data transform
Which types of content can a § All node-level pages created by their application
system architect find on the § Information about all cases open by users
clipboard? (Choose Two) 21/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A customer Certified System
data object Architect
As a page list 2
reference an address as
depicted by the data model
A requirement states: The tax Use an edit validate rule that validates the tax
identification number must identification number pattern.
contain 10 digits. How do you
configure the field to support
this requirement?
A class group is used store data from different child classes in a single
to______________. table
What is the primary purpose of To allow the end user to change the work status of
an assignment shape in a flow? the case 22/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Consider - Pega
the Certified System
following Architect
Use a Create 2 shape and reference the
PDF Smart
requirement: The system must UI section to transform to PDF
generate a PDF for the Fraud
Claim Resolution. Which
Configuration satisfies this
Which option represents the A control specifies a format which uses a mixin.
relationship between mixins,
controls, and formats? 23/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A form allows Certified
customers to System Architect
From the flow action 2
where the customer submits
specify the amount of a the form
balance transfer for their credit
card. The form contains two
fields: one to display the
available balance on the
customer's credit card, and
one for the user to enter the
amount of the balance transfer.
You configure a validate rule
to verify that the amount of a
balance transfer is less than
75% of the available balance
on the customer's credit card.
How do you call the validate
Solution: 24/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An application must Certified
validate System Architect
§ Configure 2 control to select the
a dropdown
postal codes for Canadian postal code based on the specified city and
customers to match the province.
pattern A1A 1A1, where A § Configure an edit validate rule to test that the
represents a letter and 1 entered postal code conforms to the required
represents a number. Which pattern.
two configuration options
allow you to ensure that a user
provides a valid postal code?
(Choose Two)
How do you configure the Add a set of optional actions to the case workflow.
case type to allow customers
to update any of the user
profile pages at any time
during case processing? 25/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have -Designed
Pega an Certified
Enter System Architect
Remove 2
the Data Transform and Create a Declare
Order Form that uses a data Expression
Transform to Calculate the
Total order amount based on
the item Price and Order
Quantity. You have been asked
to create other forms in which
the total order amount is
calculated. Each of the new
Forms must also use the Enter
Order Data Transform in order
to make the calculation.
How do you Configure your
application to avoid using the
Enter Order Data transform to
make the calculation in every
new Form?
While preparing to release an Replace the activity with a data transform to copy
application, you notice a the content of the previous order to the current
guardrail violation on an order.
activity you wrote. The activity
copies the content of a
previous customer order to the
current order. How do you
address the guardrail
violation? 26/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
You need-toPega Certified System
fetch exchange Node Architect 2
rates that are updated on a
daily basis from a web service
and make them available in
your application using a data
page. Which scope would you
select for the data page?
A user view includes a list of Configure a picklist with radio buttons for the
four urgency options urgency options.
selectable by radio buttons.
How do you configure the
selection list? 27/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have -been
to create System Architect
To perform 2 wherever a field is
the calculation
a sequence of user forms for a updated
travel reservation process. The
forms contain fields that
require calculation. For which
reason do you use a declare
expression to calculate
You need to add a button to a Configure an action set on the button control.
user form. When the button is
pressed, the application
invokes a data transform, then
creates a new case. How do
you implement this
When do we use a single When the assignment shape is not related to the
assignment in a step? next shape. 28/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
When are data pages created? When they are first accessed
Select the statement that A case identifies the work to perform, while a
describes the difference process defines how the work is performed
between a case and a process. 29/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pegaapplication
A hotel reservation Certified System Architect 2
has the following requirement:
Users must select the
destination city from a list of
options. The list is filtered
based on user entry. As a user
types the city name, the list of
options narrows.
Which UI control allows you to
implement this requirement?
What three questions should § Who is the user that receives the correspondence
you answer to create effective § when does the correspondence need to be sent?
correspondence? (Choose § How will the correspondence be sent?
Three) 30/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An international Certified
online car System Architect
Configure 2 to an external system of
a connection
parts business wants record that contains the make, model, and year
customers to find parts for any vehicle data.
vehicle easily. You are asked to
implement the following
requirement: Customers muse
select a make, model, and year
to initiate a vehicle-specific
search. How do you configure
the data storage in the
application to implement the
requirement? 31/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A customer Certified System
files a fraud Architect
Investigate Claim 2
complaint. The complaint is
investigated by a customer
service agent. The customer
service agent may request
additional information from the
The merchant is notified and
given 15 days to dispute the
fraud claim. If the fraud claim is
approved, an affidavit is sent
to the customer and a refund is
posted to their account.
How do you name the step
where the agent investigates
the claim for fraud? 32/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A data page Certified System
holds product Architect
§ 8:10 the 2 the product information
user refreshes
information and has the § 8:45 the user refreshes the product information
Reload if Older Than field set
to 30 minutes. The data page is
created at 7:43. The user then
performs the following actions:
In which situation does a case The case type uses an authorization process used
type for software upgrade throughout the organization.
requests reuse a rule through
pattern inheritance? 33/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
An online-sales
Pega Certified System
application Architect
§ Adjust 2 behavior in the skin for
the responsive
supports both laptop and optimal viewing in the mobile portal.
mobile devices. You are § Do not use a skin for the mobile application
configuring the application version.
skin and you notice the
responsive layout in the
mobile device & not displaying
views as stakeholders require.
Which two options allow you
to resolve this situation without
negatively impacting the
laptop users? (Choose Two) 34/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A candidate's Certified
language skills System Architect 2
Value group
are captured in a candidate
case. What type of property is
used to capture the
candidate's language skill if the
property reference is
You configure a service level Urgency value remains at 100, but other service
to adjust assignment urgency level processing continues.
to 100 when the goal interval
lapses. How does the
assignment urgency impact the
deadline and passed deadline
You need to configure a case § Create one correspondence rule containing the
type to send a confirmation for confirmation, then circumstance the
change-of-address requests. correspondence rule for each correspondence
The confirmation is sent to type.
customers as an email, text § Create one correspondence rule for each
message, and letter. correspondence type. Configure each
Which two options ensure that correspondence rule to reference another
the content of the correspondence rule that contains the
confirmation is the sa me for confirmation.
all three correspondence
types? (Choose two.)
When modeling the life cycle § represent exceptions to the normal course of
of a case, alternate stages _____ events
and ______. (Choose Two) § can be sequenced in to primary stages 35/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
You use the Certified
Clipboard tool to System Architect
§ Test case 2 setting property values for
behavior by
perform which two tasks? an open case.
(Choose Two) § Review the current values of case data.
Which set of filtering condition Credit Card equals MoreCash OR Credit Card
returns a report with the equals Vista AND Billing Cycle is not quarterly AND
desired data? Expiration Date is less than 60 days 36/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have -added
Pega Certified System
an approval Architect
Configure 2 approval flow type based
a cascading
process assignment to a loan on the reporting structure of the current user.
request process. The
requirement states that a
request can be routed to one
or more managers for their
approval. Te hierarchy of
approvals depends upon the
total dollar amount of the
request. For example, Cost
Center Managers approve
requests that are less than USD
25,000. A request of greater
than or equal to USD 25,000
requires the approval of the
Cost Center Manager,
corporate Vice President, and
Vice President of Finance.
How would you configure the
routing for the approval
process assignment?
You have created a series of Use the backward chaining option for the total
forms for a vacation booking amount expression. Use forward chaining for all the
process. Declarative other expressions.
expressions are used to
calculate values such as the
cost of the flight, hotel, car
rental, and taxes. The last form
includes a field that displays
the total amount that will be
charged on the user's credit
How do you configure the
calculations so that the total
amount is calculated only
when the user reaches the last
form? 37/38
2/13/23, 3:41 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
If the default Certified
urgency value for System
60 Architect 2
the work item is 20, what is the
urgency four days after the
work item reaches the
assignment? (Choose One) 38/38
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA Study
Leave the first rating
468 solutions
1. Creating User Defined, A. No, We need to avoid creating our own activity,
activities a best practice of whenever it is possible.
development? 1/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
It Calls Child Activity, then Parent activity waits for
child activity to get completed, once child activity
execution completes, control comes back to parent
Further steps after call step gets executed.
It Branches Child Activity, then Parent activity waits
for child activity to get completed, once child
Difference Between Call,
activity execution completes, controls comes back
Branch and Queue
to parent activity.
Further steps after Branch step will be ignored
It Queues Child Activity, But Parent activity will not
wait for child activity to get completed, The parent
activity and child activity executes in different
How to pass parameter page A. By selecting the Option "Pass Current Parameter
from one rule to another? Page". 2/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
This methods rolls back (Erases) entire differ
Queue, all the obj-Save methods, executed so far,
What is the difference
gets erased.
between Roll back and Obj-
Save Cancel?
This is going to rollback(ERASE) the latest
uncommitted obj-Save.
What is the option "Allow A. When we call activity from Services, Agents,
direct invocation from the Connectors, HTML controls, we need to select this
client or a service" ?when we option.
use it?
What are different Activity A. Activity, Utility, On change, Trigger, Load Data
Types? page, Route, Assign etc... 3/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
When we have OOTB when A. It's not only two Status for Step, we have Warn,
rule StepStatusGood, Why do GoodWarn etc...
we need again another when
rule StepStatusFail? 4/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
I want to update the value of We can use a method Property-Set-Special. We
px-properties using Activity, can update pxProperties.
how to active this?
1. What is difference between Both will be fetching one record , page format.
obj-open, obj-Open-By- Open will fetch based on class key(s).
Handle? Open-By-Handle fetches based on pzInsKey.
1. Different between Write- A. Write Now can not release the lock, whereas
Now and Commit commit releases the lock.
locking? 5/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet 6/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
from Activity calling Question is In Complete or wrong.
Connector or From datapage
calling connetcor which one
takes priority ?
I have one parent and 3 child Use Obj-Open/ Open by handle and update it.
cases,i want to update 2nd
child case data to the parent ?
how we can?
I want to fetch the external In Connect SQL rule, browse tab call
system data stored from storedprocedure. Call Procedurename;
procedure ,how to configure
using activity?(USing RDB-List-
connect SQL Rule)
Currently I am in case 100,i Open 150th case using activity and update it back
want to update the status of to db.
case 150(pendingtoresolved),is
it possible to update the
status? 7/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
1. When we don't mention any A. Agents are un authenticated and runs on access
access group for the advanced group "PRPC:Agents". Though we mention an
agent then what is the access access group, every agent must be using
group PRPC going to use? PRPC:Agents access group also.
1. We have a standard agent , The 4 servers are there at different location, INDIA,
which is running on 4 nodes. USA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA.
The agent has a schedule
defined like Every Day , IST
time zone, 7 AM.
1. Advanced Agent, Running on Requirement is, we want this agent on single node
Single Node. Schedule is 9 AM to run at 9 AM Monday, 10 AM Tuesday, 11 AM
Every Day. Wednesday and so on.... 8/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
1. How to re-queue items? a. Using Admin studio Broken Items Wizard. Item
What happens when we re- status gets updated to scheduled. It will be picked
queue. during next run time.
Two Types
Skimming creates rules for a major or minor RuleSet
version by copying selected rules of
Major: Skimming rules in 06-05-01 through 06-09-
25 into 07-01-01
Minor: Skimming rules in 06-05-01 through 06-09-
25 into 06-10-01
Major Skim
During a major skim, rules with Availability of 'Yes',
Skimming Types
'Blocked', and 'Final' are carried forward. Rules with
availability of 'No' (not available) or 'Withdrawn' are
filtered out. Blocked rules are carried forward
because a Blocked rule can block rules in other
rulesets, and that relationship should be maintained
if it exists.
Minor Skim
During a minor skim, rules with Availability of 'Yes',
'Blocked', 'Withdrawn' and 'Final' are carried
forward. Rules with availability of 'No' (shown as
'Not Available' in the table below) are filtered out. 9/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
After skimming is done, what We need to update application rule form , the
are the follow up tasks? respective rule set for it's minor or major version.
à Farm-FarmersI-Insurancework(Class Group)
Class is an instance class of WO(s), which derives
from Work- or sub classes. 10/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
5. Which inheritance of the
A. Pattern Inheritance is first priority when below
option is selected. If we uncheck the above check
classes takes first Priority?
box, direct inheritance will take first priority.
How to override it to not give
first priority.
1. Can we call an activity using Yes, we can call activities of type "Route". For
assignment shape? example toWorkLsit or toWorkbasket.
Done. 11/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
1. What is get next work 1. PC , Open the Top Assignment from Work List
2. If there are not Work list items, then PC pick from
Work Basket
1. How to override to pick the Go to operator profile and choose below option
assignment from work basket
first instead of Work list. 12/13
2/13/23, 3:05 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
... ... 13/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet 1/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Which layer of thepart 1
Enterprise A: Framework
Class Structure contains DS: The Framework layer contains assets used to
generalised assets that are create generalised, reusable applications. A
then extended by specific framework application is then extended by specific
implementations implementations. 2/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Additional info: 3/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
A claims CSSA part
application 1
contains A: Rules in MyCo can reference rules in Claims
two organisation and two DS: When using Ruleset Validation, rulesets can
application rulesets MyCo and only reference their prerequisites.
MyCoInt are configured as
Ruleset Validation, where the Additional info:
prerequisite for MyCo is
MyCoInt and the prerequisite If your ruleset does not have any prerequisite
for MyCoInt is Pega-Platform. ruleset versions, you need to specify the base
The two application rulesets product rulesets Pega-ProcessCommander as a
Claims and ClaimsInt are prerequisite. The Pega-ProcessCommander ruleset
configured as Application lists all product rulesets. You do not need to list any
Validation. Which of the product rulesets below Pega-ProcessCommander
following statements is FALSE? ruleset available in the product. 4/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA part 1 A1: The rule purpose takes precedence over the
rule availability
DS1: The algorithm checks the rule availability after
checking the rule purpose.
A2: If a user does not have access to the selected
rule, the system sends a message that the rule is
not authorised for execution.
DS2: The rule resolution algorithm verifies that the
user has authoristion to access the selected rule.
Additional Info: 5/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet 6/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
You wantCSSA part
to evaluate 1 as
cases A: Add a basic condition where the create operator
potential duplicates when the in an existing case is the same as in the current
existing cases and the current case.
case have the same create DS: If the basic condition evaluates to true, the
operator. How would you current case is eligible as a potential match and is
ensure that only cases with the evaluated using weighted conditions.
same create operator are
You application contains a A: You select the ALLOW ONE USER locking option
top-level case type name on Purhcase Requests and select ALLOW ACCESS
Purchase Order child case. The IS OPENED option on Purchase Orders.
company has determined that DS: As above
only one user at a time may
open and work on a case.
However, users working on
purchase orders should not
lock out users working on the
parent purchase request
cases. How would you
configure the lock settings
among the case types? 7/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Additional Info 8/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
A1: The action runs each tiem the user returns to the
DS1: A pre-processing action runs each time the
flow action is performed on an assignment. If the
user returns to an assignment, the pre-processing
action is repeated.
A2: The action automatically runs if the flow action
has the highest likelihood for the assignment in the
process flow.
Which two statements about
DS2: The flow action with the highest likelihood on
adding a pre-processing
an assignment automatically runs when the user
action to a flow action are
reaches the assignment.
true? (Choose two)
Additional info: 9/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
You created part
a data 1
transform A: The data transform runs every time the user
to concatenate the first and performs the flow action run
last name values of a user DS: Pre- and post- processing data transforms and
name. You add the activities run every time you invoke the flow action.
concatenate data transform to
a flow action as a post-process
action. What occurs when the
flow runs?
A job recruiter screens A: Create one column for feedback, with three rows
candidates to assess their for the three possible decisions.
qualifications. The recruiter DS: As above
determines whether the
candidate matches the
targeted position, matches a
different position in the
company or does not match
an position. A decision table,
based on the recruiters
feedback, automatically
advances the case through a
corresponding connected
named Selected Position,
Targeted Position, and Reject.
How do you configure the
condition column(s)? 10/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
Candidate part 1 are
hiring decisions A1: Two nested branches - one to evaluate
based on the feedback from technical skill scores and another to evaluate
the interviewer and test interpersonal skill scores
scores. If necessary, other test DS1: Branches to evaluate technical skill and
scores are used in the interpsonal skill score would be nested under an
evaluation. Candidates with an evaluation for assessment score of 60 or less
assessment score of 40 or less A2: A top-level branch that tests for assessment
are automatically rejected. scores less than 40
Candidates with an assessment DS2: A score of less than 40 evaluates to NO and
score of 60 or less are does not have to evaluated further
rejected if either their technical
skill score or their
interpersonal skill score is
below 40.Candidates with
assessment scores higher than
60 are automatically approved.
You are using a decision tree
to make the evaluations. Which
two branch configurations
would you use in your decision
tree? (Choose Two)
You have designed a decision A: Check the decision tree for conflicts
tree that you want to unit test. DS: Checking for conflicts verifies that every row
You want to verify that every will be evaluated by identifying one or more
row can be evaluated branches that cannot be reached. If a branch
regardless of the input values. cannot be reached, the test values will not be
How would you test your evaluated.
decision tree? 11/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSSA
added apart 1
cascading A: Set the decision table to evaluate all rows
approval step that uses an DS: You must select evaluate all rows in the
authority matrix. You have decision table. Otherwise, the table returns only
specified a decision table to one result
determine the approvers for
each case. You have confirmed
that the conditions in the
decision table are configured
correctly. You test the
configuration by entering
requests that require multiple
approvers. However, the
system routes all request to
only one approver. which of
the following actions would
you take to correct this issue? 12/13
2/13/23, 3:27 PM Pega CSSA part 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
If a decision table fails to A: The decision table returns the result of the
return a result for any of the otherwise row
testable rows, which of the
following occurs?
Each row of a decision table A: When all of the conditions in the row are true
consists of one or more
testable conditions organised
into columns. How does Pega
Platform determine when to
return the specified result for a
row? 13/13
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Introduction to Algorithms
3rd Edition • ISBN: 9780262033848
Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Ronald L. Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen
726 solutions 1/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA Part 3 A1: Use a class join to the Assign-Worklist class.
Specify a join filter where the pxRefObjectKey in
You create a report in a work the join class is equal to an object identifier in the
class that displays the assigned work class.
operator and task name for DS1: The class join specifies the class you are
each open case. Which two joining and a filter that describes how the data
ways can you combine data in between the classes are joined
the Assign-Worklist class for A2: Use a worklist assignment association rule to
your report? (Choose Two) join the Work class to the Assign-Worklist class.
DS2: The association rule defines the join operation
and enables you to select data objects in the class. 2/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet 3/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
You wantCSSA Parta Pega
to configure 3 A: data-pega-parameters="
Web Mashup gadget to use {Customer:'{page/id/Account]'}" - where the DOM
the value of an element from element is named "Account"
the host page as the value of a DS: Use [page/id/elementID], where elementID is
gadget attribute or action the name of an element from the host page.
parameter. Which of the
following is the correct
syntax? 4/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA Part 3 A1: The date and time at which the queued item can
be processed
Refund requests are queued DS1: For a dedicated Queue processor configured
for overnight processing. What to process items on a delay, you must specify the
information is required to queue processor ID and provide a Date time
queue the refund request? property for the queued object, at which time the
(Choose Two) system processes the queued item.
A2: The ID of the queue processor
DS2: As above
The user enters a response on A: Use the Tracer tool, search for the first FAIL
a form and clicks submit. The status, and see which step is causing the error.
Pega application returns an DS: In the Tracer tool, search for the first FAIL status
error. Which tool can you use to identify the step that is the cause of the error.
to determine the cause of the
error in your application? 5/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Which three rule types can be A: Sections, Flows and Paragraphs (NOT DATA
reused through the use of TRANSFORMS)
relevant records? (Choose DS: As above
three) 6/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
You use the Application A: Users can start executing rules as soon as the
Import wizard to import an rules are imported
archive file on a destination DS: The import process does not need to complete
system. When does the before the rules may execute
destination system begin
executing the imported rules? 7/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA Part 3 A1: Use a table and mark the columns in the table as
To display a list of items to a primary, secondary and other
user who may access the DS1: The table layout uses responsive specifications
application on mobile and to adjust when information is displayed on a mobile
non-mobile devices, which two device.
of the following options are A2: Use a repeating dynamic layout
best practice for designing the DS2: Reporting dynamic layouts automatically
user interface? (Choose Two) adjusts the the layout elements with respect to the
screen size.
You are configuring a process A: Add decision shapes configured with Boolean
in which users advance to the expressions.
appropriate forms based on DS: You can use a decision shape with a Boolean
yes/no answers on the forms. expression - it does not require server processing
How do you configure the
process so that users working
in an offline mobile app can
complete the necessary forms 8/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
What occurs in anPart
offline-3 A: The new case or completed task is added to the
enabled mobile app when a action queue.
user creates a new case or DS: Whether your device is online or offline, any
completes a task? changes you make are added to the action queue. 9/10
2/13/23, 3:26 PM Pega CSSA Part 3 Flashcards | Quizlet
What happens Part
when an 3 A: Application execution halts
application execution DS: Breakpoint halts the execution so application
encounters a Breakpoint state can be examined
defined in Tracer 10/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
103 solutions 1/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet 2/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA Review 1. Create a class in the base class of the integration
2. Add page to class that is related to your type of
integration for example (Embed-Env-SOAP)
3. add Dynamic System Settings to page
4. Create a data transform to assign values to these
GRS FLOW properties (getDataSystemSetting will get a string)
5. Create a node data page that sources the GRS
Connector -> Data Page -> Data Transform -> GRS
function 3/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSSA Review If the specified when rule returns true, the request
is queued and a Pega-specific SOAP fault that
Service Queue When
includes the queue ID of the request is returned.
Useful when processing errors are due to
temporary issues, such as item locking.
Service Mapping Error An error occurs while mapping incoming data from
Condition the request message to the clipboard. 4/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
What are the two key You consider which essential elements should be
considerations when available offline and how to ensure
configuring a mobile app for synchronizations are fast and efficient.
offline use?
What are the two key benefits Performance and memory management
of using large data pages for improvements are the two key benefits of using
reference data? large data pages for reference data.
You use the Modify locales list link from the Mobile
Where do you configure the
Offline landing page to edit the
locales for offline apps?
pyLocalesListOffline rule. 5/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
how to make largeReview
data page add:large to the end of the name
"large" 6/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
The PLA CSSA Review
consolidates and ALERT, PEGA, and Garbage Collection (GC)
summarizes three types of
logs 7/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
pyID)Review A case identifier
pyHistory type identifies the event that caused the history event 8/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet
How can you use a subreport Use the subreport as a filter, comparing with a list
to list the operators who have of all operators and removing all entries where
not updated cases of a there is a match between the two reports.
specific case type within the
past week? 9/10
2/13/23, 4:07 PM Pega CSSA Review Flashcards | Quizlet 10/10
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
Leave the first rating
776 solutions 1/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 2/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Conditions
restrictions such as when rules, which can be
applied to an event & action combination. 3/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 4/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 5/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Property
A property defines the format and visual
presentation of data in your application. 6/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Top-level
A case that does not have a parent case, but can
cover, or become a parent of other cases. 7/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Data type define and hold data for your application. 8/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 9/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 10/11
2/13/23, 3:18 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 11/11
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega Express Methodology Flashcards | Quizlet 1/2
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega Express Methodology Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Express
Channel Methodology
a means by which a persona interacts with a case 2/2
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5.0 (1 review) 1/57
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Using Pega's Direct Capture of B+C
Objectives methods improves
many aspects of application
delivery. Which of the
following is not a benefit of
DCO? (Choose Two)
A.Helps to eliminate
translation errors between IT
and business.
B.Delivers better testing results
in record time.
C.Faster coding release from
IT development team.
D.Improves speed and
accuracy of your
implementation. 3/57
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Which twoExam
are benefits of A+D
following Pega guardrails.
(Choose Two)
a)Guardrails help developers
to track compliance with Pega
best practices.
b)Guardrails help project
managers ensure that
applications are completed on
c)Guardrails help managers
create schedules for efficiently
allocating developer
d)Guardrails help developers
build applications that are
easier to maintain and have
fewer defects 5/57
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A Pega team is working with an A+C
organization to customize a
Pega application. The team is
following the Journey Centric
Delivery methodology. What
two tasks must the team
perform in the first stage?
(Choose Two)
a)Create an estimation of
effort based on the case type
b)Review the goals and
approach with the project
team and sponsors.
c)Identify case types and build
a user case backlog using
d)Prioritize the user stories in
the backlog for work to do in
the first sprint. 6/57
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Select theExam
answer that C
summarizes the role of the
Pega Business Architect (BA)
during Journey Centric
a) The Pega Business Architect
(BA) implements Pega training
to bridge skill gaps in the
customer's teams.
b) The Pega Business Architect
(BA) runs the project kickoff
during which a series of
presentations are made to
ensure everyone is aware of
the project goals.
c) The Pega Business Architect
(BA) participates in refining the
backlog of user stories and
developing application
d) The Pega Business Architect
(BA) designs detailed
acceptance criteria which
helps to define the test plan
for the resulting configuration. 7/57
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Select twoExam
ways you use Agile B+C
Workbench to add detail to
bugs and feedback items.
(Choose Two)
a)Use the integrated audio
recording tool.
b)Use the integrated screen
capture tool.
c)Use the integrated video
recording tool.
d)Record the bugs and
feedback in the case life cycle
step descriptions. 8/57
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The backlog contains user A+D
stories that relate to steps in
your application's case life
cycle. User interface
stakeholders want to monitor
work performed on Collect
Information steps. To make
tracking easier, the
stakeholders want the work
organized by stage within
each case type. The case type
features have already been
created in the Application
Overview landing page. What
two tasks would you perform
to support the stakeholders'
requirements? (Choose Two)
a)Create a Collect Information
subfeature beneath each stage
b)Create a Collect Information
subfeature beneath a case
type feature.
c)Create a case type
subfeature beneath each
Collect Information
d)Create a subfeature for each
stage beneath the case type
feature. 9/57
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A productExam
owner has decided A+C
that development for a Must
have user story, currently
marked as Doing, will be
suspended and completed in a
release that has not been
determined. What two
changes to the user story
would you make in Agile
Workbench to reflect this
change? (Choose Two)
a)Mark the user story status as
To do.
b)Mark the user story status as
c)Change the user story
priority from Must have to
d)Change the user story
priority from Must have to
Nice to have.
does not have any parent case type, but can cover,
top-level case type
or become a parent of, other case types.
Three different Stage types Alternate
Resolution 10/57
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To place an online order, a A
customer provides their
personal details such as full
name and address. The
customer can search for, and
select items to order. After the
order is placed, it is processed
by the Accounts Payable
department. The order is then
sent to the Fulfillment center
where the order items are
packaged and shipped to the
customer. The customer may
cancel the order at any time.
Now consider this case life
cycle design: 12/57
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In a Job Recruitment A+C+D
application, business needs to
schedule interviews for
candidates who meet passing
requirements. Each interview
must be tracked from interview
date/time to resolution
date/time for quality control
purposes. The status of
interview can change from
New, Open-Scheduled, Open-
InProgress, Resolved-
Rejected, and Resolved-
Approved. What are the new
records are essential for this
application? (Choose Three)
A.A field for interview
B.A Wait shape to hold
processing until interview is
C.A case type.
D.A view to capture scheduling
E.A service level to ensure
timely resolution. 14/57
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Given theExam
following business B
requirement, "Once a loan
application is complete the
case is routed to a group of
underwriters for review." What
type of routing is needed to
ensure the case is handled by
the next available underwriter?
(Choose One)
A.Worklist routing
B.Work queue routing
C.Workpool routing
D.Work basket routing 16/57
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An insurance company A
provides personal property
insurance. Jewelry is
categorized as a special type
of personal property. Requests
for jewelry coverage require
that a user managing the
request is trained to appraise
jewelry. The requirement is to
route assignments for jewelry
appraisals to users who have
this skill. Which one of the
following routing approaches
would you use?
A.Route requests to a work
group that uses skill rating
parameters for work group
B.Route requests to a decision
table which routes the request
to a work group in a location
where there are users who
have appraisal skills.
C.Route requests to a
reporting manager who
assigns the request to an
available user to ensure fast
D.Route directly to a user who
is a member of work group
that uses skill rating
parameters. 17/57
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PEGA Exam to
Use data propagation D
automatically copy values
from a case to __________.
(Choose One)
A. child cases only
B. its parent case and any
C. any type of case
D. child cases and spin-off
cases 18/57
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A Wait step may pause a case's B
processing until a
predetermined time expires or
___________________________. (Choose
A.completion of the
B.that case or dependent
case(es) processing reaches a
specific status
C.a property's value exceeds a
D.a subcase or spin-off case is
created 19/57
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The first stage of your process D
contains an assignment step.
As a Pega BA you need create
a new custom user view with
appropriate fields for this step.
The quickest way to do this is
via the _________. (Choose One)
A.Case Designer, Settings Tab
B.Case Designer, Data Model
C.Case Designer, Views Tab
D.Case Designer, Workflow
Tab 20/57
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A business process C
requirement states that users
should be able to modify the
shipping address at any time
and not interrupt the primary
case. Which of the following
options is the best way to
design for this requirement?
a) Add a step in a process.
b) Add an optional process to
any stage in the case type.
c) Add a local action to the
case type.
d) Add a process in a stage. 21/57
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What typeExam
of step typically A
requires contextual
a) Collect information
b) Change stage
c) Create case
d) Approve/Reject 23/57
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You have Exam
a requirement to add D
a bank checking account
number field to a view. Routing
numbers must contain nine
digits. How would you
configure the field to support
this requirement?
a) In an edit validate rule,
configure a function to test for
a routing number pattern.
b) Set the minimum and
maximum values to 9 in a text
c) Use a decimal property type
and make the field required.
d) Use an edit validate rule
that validates the routing
number pattern. 24/57
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You have Exam
a requirement to add B
to a view a check box that
indicates the user qualifies for
an auto insurance discount. In
order to qualify, two
conditions must be met. First,
the user must be older than 25.
Second, the user cannot have
received a traffic violation in
the past three years. Unless
both conditions are met and
the user selects the check box,
the form displays an error
when the user submits the
form. Which one of the
following approaches would
you use to support this
a) Use two validate rules, one
for each condition.
b) Use a single validate rule to
verify both of these conditions.
c) Use an edit validate rule that
validates both conditions.
d) Associate an edit validate
rule with the flow action that
references the form. 25/57
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You are adding a field to your A+B
case type in which users must
enter the day, month, and year
they were hired before the
user can submit the user form.
The field type must enforce a
date format. What two
validation approaches would
you use to meet the validation
requirements? (Choose Two)
a)Use the required option
b)Define the field type as a
c)Define the field type as an
d)Use the read-only option
e)Add the word "Required" to
the field label 26/57
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In an mortgage application, D
the user creates a loan
request. In order for the loan
request to be approved, the
loan officer must receive the
results of an appraisal. How
would you configure the case
types to reflect their
a) Make mortgage a parent
case type. Make loan request
and appraisal child case types.
b) Make appraisal a parent
case type, and loan request a
child case type.
c) Make both loan request and
appraisal peer case types.
d) Make loan request a parent
case type, and appraisal a
child case type. 27/57
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In an online shopping D
application, the primary case
type PurchaseOrder has two
child case types: Payment and
Packaging. In processing
PurchaseOrder case PO-11,
Payment case Pay-37 and
Packaging case Pac-56 are
created. Which statement
about the processing of PO-11,
Pay-37, and Pac-56 is correct?
a) Pac-56 has to be resolved
before Pay-37 is resolved.
b) PO-11 has to be resolved
before either Pay-37 and Pac-
56 is resolved.
c) PO-11 can be resolved when
either Pay-37 or Pac-56 is
d) Both Pay-37 and Pac-56
have to be resolved before
PO-11 can be resolved. 28/57
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You have Exam
a purchase request C
case and want to spin off a
supplier case for a new
supplier. How can you copy
data to the supplier case?
a) the Update a Case smart
b) a data page
c) a data transform
d) a decision tree
§We define service levels
using 3 milestones
Passed Deadline 29/57
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As a general guideline, C
emanating connectors should
be limited on Assignment and
Decision shapes to
____________________? (Choose One)
A.15 or less.
B.7 (+ or - 2). more than 5. more than 10. 30/57
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In a support application you A
have the requirement: 31/57
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An application allows C
employees to submit expense
reports on a weekly basis.
Expense reports must be
approved by both employee's
manager and audited by
finance. The tasks may be
completed in any order, but
both must be approved for
payment to be made. How do
you configure the approvals in
the application (Choose One)
A.Configure cascading
approval process based on
user reporting structure
B.Configure a case-wide
optional process for each
approval process
C.Configure parallel processes
for each set of required steps
D.Configure cascading
approval process based on an
authority matrix 32/57
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We have an assignment C
service level that has the
following configuration:
Initial Urgency - 10
Goal - 1 day - Urgency - 15
Deadline - 3 days - Urgency -
Passed Deadline - 24 hours -
Urgency 20 33/57
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Which variable in the D
assignment urgency
calculation enables users to
increment the service level
urgency on a case-by-case
a) .pxUrgencyAssignSLA
b) .pxUrgencyWork
c) .pxUrgencyAssign
d) .pyUrgencyAssignAdjust 35/57
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What three questions should B+D+E
you ask when creating a
correspondence? (Choose
a)How often should you send
the correspondence?
b)How will the
correspondence be sent?
c)Which email server should
the correspondence use?
d)When does the
correspondence need to be
e)Who is the user that receives
the correspondence? 36/57
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In a new hire process, a hiring A
manager needs to be
automatically notified by
email, when a job application
case reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement?
a) Enable assignment
notifications for the case type.
b) Before the assignment, add
a SendEmail SmartShape.
c) After the assignment, add a
SendEmail SmartShape.
d) Add a
SendCorrespondence local
action to the assignment. 37/57
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An expense report process A
requires the assignment for
travel expenses to be routed
to a specific auditor. The
auditor is also a member of an
auditing work group. How
would you route the
assignment so that the user
receives it?
a) To the user
b) To the user's work queue
c) To the user's manager
d) To the user's work group 39/57
2/13/23, 3:38 PM PEGA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
An insurance company C
provides personal property
insurance. Jewelry is
categorized as a special type
of personal property. Requests
for jewelry coverage require
that a user managing the
request is trained to appraise
jewelry. The requirement is to
route assignments for jewelry
appraisals to users who have
this skill. Which one of the
following routing approaches
would you use?
a) Route requests to a decision
table which routes the request
to a work group in a location
where there are users who
have appraisal skills.
b) Route directly to a user who
is a member of work group
that uses skill rating
c) Route requests to a work
group that uses skill rating
parameters for work group
d) Route requests to a
reporting manager who
assigns the request to an
available user to ensure fast
processing. 40/57
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A home loan company has C
home appraisal offices in
various regions. Each office
has its own work queue.
Company policy requires that
home appraisals are assigned
to offices based on the home's
location. For example,
appraisals for homes located
in Boston are assigned to the
New England office work
queue. Which routing
approach would you choose
to support this requirement?
a) It is not possible to support
this requirement. The router
must define a specific work
b) Route the assignment based
on an appraiser role.
c) Route the assignment to the
correct work queue based on
a decision rule.
d) Route the assignment based
on appraiser skills. 41/57
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Select twoExam
benefits of A+C
adopting a rule delegation
strategy. (Choose Two)
a)Adopting a rule delegation
strategy can help improve the
business' ability to adapt to
changing business conditions.
b)Adopting a rule delegation
strategy enable business users
to change business policies
more quickly by avoiding long
approval processes.
c)Adopting a rule delegation
strategy enables business
users and architects to focus
on their specific tasks related
to application development
and maintenance.
d)Adopting a rule delegation
strategy can help lower the
overall costs of building and
maintaining business
applications, because fewer
architects are required if
business users can make
changes to the application on
their own. 42/57
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What twoExam
items should a B+C
developer configure before
delegating a rule? (Choose
a)A separate Operator ID that
has access to the delegated
b)An Access Group that has
access to the production
c)An unlocked ruleset added
to the Application rule as a
production ruleset
d)An Access Role that has
access to the production
ruleset 43/57
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A parallelExam
process is defined as A
a) a process that executes over
the same time period as other
b) a process that executes in
the context of the current case
c) a process that is not part of
the primary flow in the case
life cycle
d) a process that executes in
the context of another process
List Reports
Two different types of reports
Summary or Chart Reports 44/57
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List Reports
Spreadsheet style reports that can combine
business and process metrics 45/57
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You have Exam
created a new report D
that contains a list of resolved
expense reports by approver.
Columns include Expense #,
Expense Amount, Approved
(Y/N), Resolution Date,
Comments, and Approver ID.
The finance manager wants
you to display each Approver
ID in a row, Beneath each
approver, you must list the
expenses Expense Amount,
Resolution Date, Approver ID,
and Comments.How do you
configure the report? (Choose
A.Filter by the Approver ID
B.Summarize the Approver ID
C.Sort the Approver ID
D.Group by the Approver ID
column. 46/57
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A manager has requested a C
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center. How
would you configure the
report definition?
a) Use the requests column to
group the results.
b) Filter the results so that only
cost center and requests are
included in the report.
c) Use the cost center column
to group the results.
d) Summarize the requests
column by count. 48/57
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A manager requests a report D
that contains the following
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
order. How would you design
the report definition to
support this requirement?
a) Make sure that the Case ID
is the first column in the report.
b) Add a filter condition where
Case ID is greater than one.
c) For the Case ID property,
select Count in the Summarize
d) For the Case ID property,
select Highest to Lowest sort
type. 49/57
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What are Exam
the possible When not following best practices, you may spend
consequences of not following more time re-creating existing functionality, or
best practices and guardrails debugging a component that is not well designed.
when designing and building There is also the risk that you will implement a
an application on the Pega 7 feature that does not work correctly.
Main stages in the Journey
centric delivery
go live 51/57
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When do you use DCO in You use DCO during the Prepare and Build stage.
Journey Centric Delivery?
What is the main benefit of Features help stakeholders easily identify the
organizing user stories into product components that are being built and
features? visualize how the components fit together. 52/57
2/13/23, 3:38 PM PEGA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
When preparing a backlog Associate a feature with the item, update the work
item for tracking in the status if necessary, and specify an owner and due
Application Overview date.
dashboard, what tasks do you
perform? 53/57
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optional processes
two types of optional actions
optional user action
optional user action when the case can be updated in a single screen
What are the main differences An optional user action is a single task and typically
between an optional user returns to the primary path of a case, whereas an
action and an optional optional process is a series of steps that may or
process? may not return to the primary path of a case. 54/57
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page group unordered list
You have added fields for Define the name and address properties as text
entering the name and property types.
address of a loan applicant.
What validation methods
would you use?
How would you configure a You would use a picklist field and specify either a
field in which a user selects radio button or dropdown control type.
one of four possible shipping
When would you use the You set a field as required when you want to make
required fields validation sure users enter a value before they can continue.
How would you ensure that a You would use editable settings to set both the
user always enters 20 minimum and maximum number to 20 characters.
characters in a field?
Validate rules enable you to different values are required based on business
use a single property when logic
How is the validation creation First, Pega Express automatically applies the
process in Pega Express validation rule to the flow action that corresponds
different than the process in to the user view. Second, Pega Express only
Designer Studio? supports comparisons against a constant value. 55/57
2/13/23, 3:38 PM PEGA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Why mustExam
a validation Validating that a date is in the future or the past
condition that tests whether a requires the use of a function.
date is in the future or the past
be configured in Designer
You have added a field for An edit validate rule ensures that the phone
entering a U.S. phone number. number contains the correct number of digits. The
Do you use a integer data type integer data type only ensures that the user enters
or an edit validate rule to numbers in the field.
validate that the phone
number is in the correct
What is the difference A child case has a relationship with the parent case
between a top-level case and and a top-level case does not.
a child case?
What are the two ways you You can configure a case to wait for a set amount
can configure a Wait step to of time or until a subcase reaches a defined status.
pause a case? 56/57
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Service Level Agreement (SLA) establishes a deadline for work completion. 57/57
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA Study
Leave the first rating
1,757 solutions 1/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
Collaboration between IT and DCO - Direct Capture of Objectives
business users leveraging
visual tools to remain in sync
on objectives.
1. Predictive
2. Admin
3. App
6 Portals in PEGA
4. Dev
5. Case Manager
6. Case Worker 2/16
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Property that is system pz
1. Primary Path
3 Case Types are... 2. Alternate Path
3. Resolution 3/16
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User action or automated Step
action performed by the app.
1. Start
2. Goal
4 intervals of SLA's
3. Deadline
4. Passed Deadline
A status gets set when in a At the beginning of a stage or step. All steps under
case life cycle? that stage inherits that status. 4/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
What step goes hand in hand Create Case
with a Wait shape?
1. Optional Action
2 Actions Types in PEGA?
2. Flow Action 5/16
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After performing a local action They stay in the same step/stage
what stage does a user
navigate to?
What stage does a user Another stage (may or may not return to the parent
navigate to after an optional process)
Add an instruction
What can you do in dev studio parallel process
but not in app studio? set passed deadline
add grouping to a report 6/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
Where do you place a when On a flow connector
1. Single
2 levels of approvals 2. Cascading (authority matrix & reporting
1. Condition on a stage
What are the 4 ways to control 2. Condition on a process
a case life cycle/workflow? 3. Optional Action
4. Decision shape 7/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
A bug was fixed on ruleset 08- 08-02-05
02-04. What is the new
Which rule will be used by a The last checked in version of that rule
user after a developer checks
that rule out?
Routing a task to the closest Business Logic (not skill based routing!)
center that knows Spanish is an
example of
1. Direct inheritance
2 types of class inheritance
2. Pattern inheritance 8/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
What type of Inheritance Pattern inheritance
indicates rule reusability,
developed by us...
1. Work
3 types of classes 2. Data
3. Integration 9/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
What is Company in property Page Group
1. Alternate Stage
2 stage transitions
2. Change Stage
What is a Superclass transform It sets all the same values cumulatively, changes
and where can it be called inheritance and can be set anywhere a data
from? transform can take place. pyDefault 10/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
How would you reference the .Badge(3)
property that is the 3rd badge
from a value list.
You wish to give user context Dev Studio, "Add customer information."
on a step, Add customer
information. Where and how
do you enter it into PEGA?
1. Organizational Structure
2. Work Group
What are the 6 operator 3. Work Queue
records ? 4. Skill
5. Calendar
6. Scheduled Absence 11/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
Abstract model of behaviors in Rule Type
1. Versioning
3 Benefits of Rules 2. Delegation
3. Reuse
1. Procedural Processing
2 types of processing
2. Declarative Processing 12/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
1. Property Type
2. Control Rule
What are the 5 Validation
3. Required
4. Validation
5. Edit Validate 13/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
The bridge between a case Data Page
and data from another
location 14/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet 15/16
2/13/23, 3:01 PM PEGA Flashcards | Quizlet
Data that is case specific No system of record
would be stored in what type
of system of record? 16/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
Leave the first rating
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet 2/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
what are the three factors that Default urgency for the case type, the urgency
influence assignment urgency calculated from the service level rule, and manual
value? adjustments (if enabled)
(graphic on SG)
the goal milestone in a service In which the case or step should be completed
level defines the amount of
time ______ 3/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
owner person who created the case 4/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
In a new hire process, a hiring Enable assignment notifications for the case type
manager needs to be
automatically notified by
email, when a job application
case reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement? 5/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet 6/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet 7/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
An insurance company Route requests to a work group that uses skill rating
provides personal property parameters for work group members
insurance. Jewelry is
categorized as a special type
of personal property. Requests
for jewelry coverage require
that a user managing the
request is trained to appraise
jewelry. The requirement is to
route assignments for jewelry
appraisals to users who have
this skill. Which one of the
following routing approaches
would you use?
A home loan company has Route the assignment to the correct work queue
home appraisal offices in based on a decision rule
various regions. Each office
has its own work queue.
Company policy requires that
home appraisals are assigned
to offices based on the home's
location. For example,
appraisals for homes located
in Boston are assigned to the
New England office work
queue. Which routing
approach would you choose
to support this requirement? 8/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
What are the criteria for You determine which rules to delegate based upon
determining rules to delegate? business needs and ease of business user access 9/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
What two items should a
An Access Group that has access to the production
developer configure before
delegating a rule? (Choose
An unlocked ruleset added to the Application rule
as a production ruleset
A parallel process is defined as A process that executes over the same time period
_______. as other processes 10/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
Automating decisions based Application users to focus on more nuanced
on business logic enables decisions that require business expertise
__________-. 11/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
A sales manager runs weekly Business metrics, because how long it takes to
reports on how long it takes to prepare a car for customer delivery is not a metric
prepare a car for customer based on a Pega Platform parameter
delivery. Which type of report
metrics apply to this report?
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group results
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center. How
would you configure the
report definition?
A manager requests a report For the Case ID property, select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
order. How would you design
the report definition to
support this requirement? 12/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet 13/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
product parameter
y; failure of the process or service of the specific
step 14/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
could be to prevent the occurrence or a detection
method to signal the occurrence 15/16
2/13/23, 3:49 PM pega final Flashcards | Quizlet
pega final
Cycle time analysis
the task of calculating the average cycle time for an
entire process or process fragment 16/16
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
5.0 (5 reviews)
776 solutions
Direct Capture of Objectives The ability to directly & visually capture business
(DCO) requirements
What do Pega's guardrails and Ensure the maintainability, scalability, and quality of
best practices do? your application 1/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
Rule Defines the behavior of a part of an app
What are the targeted roles of Business analysts, app developers, front end
App Studio? (UI/UX) developers, and data engineers
What are the targeted roles of Experienced app developers, account admins, and
Dev Studio? security admins 2/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What are the targeted roles of Data scientists and decision architects
Prediction Studio? 3/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
QualityPega 8 (QA)
Assurance Write and execute test scripts and document &
engineers track test results 4/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
(SLA interval)
(Occurs once) Defines how long the assignment
should take
What are conditional paths in a Paths in the case life cycle that are chosen by a
case life cycle used to define? user at runtime or are based on runtime values 5/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega
How does 8 routing
assignment By assigning work to the most appropriate parties
improve efficiency? 6/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What does each entry in the All the versions of the specified ruleset from listed
ruleset stack represent? version to lowest minor & patch versions 7/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8 Contains the rules that describe how the app
Integration Class interacts with other systems (ex. customer database
or a third-party web server)
Identifier (rule creation) Identifies the purpose of the rule (from Label entry)
Class (rule creation) Identifies the scope of the rule (Apply to field) 8/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
Check out
Creates a copy of a rule in a ruleset that is only
visible to you called a personal ruleset
What does check-out allow Allows for an SA to update a rule while preventing
for? updates by other SAs
What does a private edit allow Allows other SAs to edit a rule at the same time
for? 9/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
What happens when a parent
The parent case pauses until (1) all of the child
cases are resolved or (2) a predetermined time
case reaches the wait step?
You check out a rule to update The app ignores the checked out version and uses
it. While the rule is checked the previous version in the app ruleset
out, another developer
decides to test a case type by
creating and processing the
case. What happens when the
app attempts to use the rule
you checked out?
Interested (case Person who tracks case progress but does not
communications) process the case 10/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
Where can email
Email correspondence can be configured in either
App Studio or Dev Studio. Other types of
correspondence be
correspondence must be configured in Dev Studio
configured? Other
via a correspondence rule and sent using a
correspondence types?
correspondence activity 11/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega
Value mode 8
(property mode A single piece of info, such as a total
Single value (value mode Stores text, numbers, dates, booleans, amounts
Value list (value mode Container for an ORDERED list of single values
Value group (value mode Container for an UNORDERED list of single values
Page list/field group list (page Numerically ordered list (ex. line items that make up
mode property) a purchase request)
Data model tab (in Case Can be used to add or remove properties (called
Designer) fields in DM tab) from your case type 12/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega
How would you 8
refer to a .OrderDate
single value property named
OrderDate? 13/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8
What should you consider
Consider what fields the users need to see, how
values will be entered, and whether users can
before creating a user view?
modify or only read the values
In App Studio, when is the You can configure the user view for a step after you
earliest opportunity to add that step to the case life cycle
configure a user view for a
step in a case life cycle?
How do you configure a user Case Types > (select case type) > (select step) >
view using App Studio? Contextual Properties panel > Configure view
What does a clipboard consist All the pages used to track the name-value pairs
of? that represent case and session data
How is information, such as the Information such as the customer's date of birth is
customer's date of birth, associated with a data element. The data element
stored in memory for use in a (property and value) is stored on the clipboard in a
Pega application? structure called a page.
What kind of data does an Data that describes a data type (ex. if a case uses a
embedded page within Customer data type, Customer is an embedded
pyWorkPage store? page within pyWorkPage) 14/15
2/13/23, 4:01 PM CSA Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
CSA Pega 8 Contains the case data for the parent case, enables
pyWorkCover you to copy data between parent case and child
Left Pane (part of clipboard Lists each page defined on the clipboard for the
tool) selected thread
Right Pane (part of clipboard Lists all of the properties defined on the selected
tool) page, and their values 15/15
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
In an application sellingSenior
office System
the Payment section in the OrderSummary
supplies, the Payment form form and circumstance the section rule to hide
displays order items and payment information.
collects payment information.
In the Payment section rule,
the order items are grouped in
a dynamic layout. You find out
later that the OrderSummary
form also needs to display the
order items.How do you
implement the UI so that the
order items display is shared
between Payment and
OrderSummary forms?
An application includes the Do nothing. Rule resolution does not consider rules
following set of circumstanced in a lower minor version of a ruleset.
instances of a decision table.
You are configuring duplicate Add a weighted condition where the work status of
case search logic in a case potential duplicates does not contain "Resolved".
type. How do you ensure that
resolved cases are not
evaluated as potential
What is the purpose of the To initialize property values when a case is created
pyDefault data transform? 2/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You need to update theSenior System Architect
The Tracer
navigation menu in a portal.
Which tool do you use to
identify the rule that contains
the menu?
You are working on an update Use the Ruleset Maintenance wizard to merge the
to an application which only existing rules in the relevant rulesets to the new
affects some rules for a certain version.
case type. The customer has
requested that a patch update
be released. How do you
create the new ruleset
version? 3/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCertified
been asked toSenior
create System Architect
Select the report definition option that displays
a report definition that your report in the Report Browser.
includes information about the Create a report category rule for sales office
sales offices and sales reports.
representatives. The manager
wants to access the report in
the Report Browser in the user
The manager also wants to
include the report in a new
report category specifically
for the sales group. What two
configurations are required to
support this request?(Choose
Two) 4/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
A health Certified Senior System
plan application Add aArchitect
cascading approvals shape that is called by
includes a process for surgical the evaluation subprocess.
procedure requests. Currently,
there is an evaluation
subprocess in which a
physician reviews the diagnosis
and enters the recommended
procedure and its urgency. The
request then advances to a
medical director who analyzes
the feedback and approves
the appropriate procedure.
The health care organization
has created a new
requirement, which states that
three physicians can perform
the evaluation independently.
Only two evaluations are
necessary to advance the case
to the medical director. In
order to allow the three
physicians to review the orders
in parallel, how would you
configure the process? 5/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
the following Senior System Architect
inheritance diagram: When
running a flow for the TimeOff
worktype, rules applied to
which of the following classes
cannot be executed?
(Choose One)
You are asked to create a Create a Field Value record named Open-Review
custom status named Open- for .pyStatusWork with the Apply To class set to the
Review. This status is to be class group.
applied to assignments in one
application. How do you
satisfy the request?
You want to restrict access to Add the access role for allowed users to the
a workbasket to certain users. workbasket record.
How do you configure this
Which situation requires the A list of child cases categorized by the case ID of
use of a class join? the parent case 6/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
pyWorkPage Senior
stores which type System Architect
Information about a case.
of information?
You use the Clipboard tool to Review the current values of case data.
perform which two tasks? Test case behavior by setting property values for
(Choose Two) an open case.
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group the results.
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center. How
would you configure the
report definition? 7/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCertified Senior System
a connector that Data Architect
fetches a list of currency
exchange rates from an
external system. Where do you
invoke the connector from?
Which configuration allows Update the access control setting for adding
you to control which user roles attachments in the Access Manager.
can add attachments to a
case? 8/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
A client wants Senior
to replace the System Architect
Upload each logo to the portal record.
Pega logo in the Case
Manager and Case Worker
portals. Instead of using the
company logo, the client
wants you to use the logos for
each of the company's
operating subsidiaries - a user
in the ABC subsidiary sees the
logo for ABC, and a user in the
XY2 subsidiary sees the XYZ
How do you add the logos to
the application?
A client wants to replace the Circumstance the portal harness on the user's
Pega logo in the Case division.
Manager and Case Worker
portals. Instead of using the
company logo, the client
wants you to use the logos for
each of the company's
operating subsidiaries - a user
in the ABC subsidiary sees the
logo for ABC, and a user in the
XYZ subsidiary sees the XYZ
How do you ensure that each
user sees the appropriate logo
in their portal? 9/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In which Certified Senior System
situation do you WhenArchitect
you need the data to be stored as part of the
select the Copy data from a case
data page option rather than
Refer to a data pageoption to
populate a page?
Which of the following is least The order of the columns in the report
likely to impact the runtime
experience of a report?
(Choose One) 10/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
Users can Senior
select a check box System
Use aArchitect
when condition in the UI form to determine
to subscribe to a messaging whether to show the mobile phone number field.
service. Selecting the check
box displays a field for a user
to enter a mobile phone
number. How do you
configure the application to
display a field for entering a
mobile phone number only
when the check box is
Consider the following user Use a ToLeveledGroup router and Pega's Get Next
story: Work functionality.
As a loan officer, I want to be
able to automatically accept
the next available application
for review so I can complete
the next highest priority case.
How do you implement this
user story?
Users can access an apartment Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint
hunting application from at 800 pixels to change from inline-grid triple to
different devices with different inline-grid double format.
screen sizes. A screen displays
the photos of available
By default, the photos are
displayed in three columns.
When the screen width is less
than 800 pixels, the photos
should be displayed in two
How do you implement the
screen for this requirement? 11/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Which ofCertified
the following Senior System Architect
Provide problem-solving guidance for customer
requirements can be service representatives so every customer is
implemented using Next Best treated consistently.
During the development of Before you run the Application Packaging wizard,
your application, you created save the operators to an organization ruleset.
operators for testing purposes. Select the Exclude non-versioned rules check box
You are preparing to migrate in the Product rule.
the application to another In the Operators step in the Application Packaging
environment. You do not want Wizard, clear the check boxes next to the operator
to include the operators in the names. In the Product rule, clear the Include
archive file. associated data items check box.
Which two options exclude the
operators?(Choose Two) 12/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
In an application Senior System
for applying Architect
Configure the submit button in the section rule to
to jobs, a submit button is in use the new format.
the section rule for uploading
resume. You defined a new
button style format with a gray
background color and crimson
font color. What do you need
to do to apply this new style
format to the submit button?
You want to unit test a rule. To Run a data transform to create the test page.
ensure that the rule executes Configure a validate rule to populate the needed
as intended, you need to data.
populate the clipboard with
valid data. Which two options
allow you to populate the
clipboard before testing the
rule?(Choose Two) 13/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are building a formSenior
that System Architect
Create a field group list property and make the
contains a list of courses. property a data reference.
Users will select the courses in Edit the field group list property and set data
which they want to enroll. access to copy data from a data page.
Which two tasks can you
perform in Pega Express?
(Choose Two) 14/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are configuring Senior System
a drop- Architect
Select the Manual option so the user can add
down list with a page list selected data to the page-type property through
property. When the user the UI.
selects an item in the list, you
want to retrieve data
associated with the selected
item and add the data to the
How do you configure the
data access for the page list
Business metrics are used to define the data types for an application
__________________. 15/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In a hotelCertified
reservation Senior System Architect
Configure action sets on the date fields to refresh
application, a form displays a the section when the date values change.
list of hotels with available
rooms based on the check-in
and check-out dates entered
by users. How do you
configure the form to refresh
the hotel list whenever the
check-in or check-out date
You have been asked to add Use a single validate rule to verify both of these
to a form a check box control conditions.
named "Auto Insurance
Discount." Selecting the check
box indicates that the user
qualifies for the discount.
However, in order to qualify,
two conditions must be met.
First, the user must be older
than 25. Second, the user has
not received a traffic violation
in three years or more. If both
conditions are not met and the
check box is selected, an error
appears when the form is
Which one of the following
approaches would you use in
order to support this
requirement? 16/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
To ensure a case is not Senior
a System
Add aArchitect
must-match condition to list only cases that
duplicate, the application match the customer name.
should present users with a list Add a weighted condition to compare the
of open cases matching either customer name to existing cases.
the customer name or the type Add a weighted condition to compare the type of
of inquiry. Which three inquiry to existing cases.
configuration options satisfy
this requirement?
(Choose Three)
What three questions should When does the correspondence need to be sent?
you ask when creating a How will the correspondence be sent?
correspondence?(Choose Who is the user that receives the correspondence?
Consider the following Add a case-wide optional action to the case life
requirement: The patient must cycle.
be able to modify physician
details at any time without
impacting primary case
Which configuration satisfies
this requirement? 17/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
An organization uses a Senior System
Use aArchitect
skill-based router to route assignments to
common process to address users in the appropriate division.
account inquiries from
customers. Each division
maintains its own workbaskets
for processing account
Select the configuration that
standardizes the process while
ensuring that users in each
division only see assignments
appropriate to their division.
Which two of the following are Users change the arrival date on a hotel reservation
considered property-based to one week later.
events in Pega's dynamic UI Total value of a customer order reaches $500.
model?(Choose Two)
A requirement states: The tax Set the minimum and maximum values to "10" in a
identification number must text field.
contain 10 digits. How do you
configure the field to support
this requirement?
How do you propagate data Configure the Create Case shape to copy specified
to a new child case in Pega properties.
Express? 18/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In a helpCertified
desk ticket Senior System
Step Architect
application the Respond to
Ticket assignment can be
handled by any help desk
agent. To configure the
assignment for routing you
update the _____________?
Which two configurations can Add the access group to the Product record in the
you use to include access Individual instances to include section.
groups into your Product rule? Associate the access groups with a ruleset
(Choose Two) included in the application.
You have designed a decision Check the decision tree for conflicts.
tree that you want to unit test.
You want to verify that every
row can be evaluated
regardless of the input values.
How would you test your
decision tree?
A requirement states that if the Add an Approve/Reject step. Set the approval flow
request is less than EUR1000, type to Cascading and use an authority matrix.
the request is routed to a Cost
Center Manager. If the amount
is greater than EUR1000, the
request is also routed to a
Director. In addition, if the
request is for customer billable
expenses, the request must be
approved by an Accounts
Payable manager.
How do you configure the
process to satisfy this
requirement? 19/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In a new Certified
hire process, aSenior
hiring System
Add aArchitect
notification to the assignment.
manager needs to be
automatically notified, by
email, when a job application
case reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement? 20/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
What effect does the Use all This option limits the workbasket search to only
workbasket assignments in those workbaskets defined in the user's work
user's work group option have group.
on how workbaskets are
searched when using the Get
Next Work functionality?
An agent runs every 300 Change the Recurring pattern to Periodic and
seconds. You have been asked enter the Interval value.
to update the agent so that it
runs every Friday at 12:00 A.M.
How do you modify the agent
schedule to meet this
requirement? 21/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
In an open Senior
account case, the System Architect
Configure .PrimaryAddress as a reference property
customer contact details are
captured. The customer can
provide several addresses,
which are stored in the page
group .Addresses. One of the
addresses is the primary
address used for
correspondence with the
customer. To easily identify the
primary address, you add a
.PrimaryAddress page
property in the case type.
How do you link
.PrimaryAddress to the
relevant entry in .Addresses
without duplicating data on
the clipboard?
You have a data page with The data page reloads on the next access one hour
customer data. The data page after it was created
is configured to reload if it is
older than one hour. Which of
the following best describes
when the data page will be
You want operators in two On each operator's record, associate the operator
separate units to be able to with both units.
perform work routed to either
unit. Which configuration
supports this requirement? 22/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
A class group is used store data from different child classes in a single
to______________. table
An application displays a list of Create the property in the class group. Create field
product categories. Some value rules for the list values in the appropriate
product categories are class.
common to all case types. The
remaining product categories
vary by case type. How do you
configure the list values? 23/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are configuring Senior System
a standard InsertArchitect
applicant's name, loan office, and loan
email to automatically be sent amount properties. Also, insert the paragraph rule
to loan applicants informing
them that their loan has been
approved. The requirement
states that the email must
include values for the
applicant's name, the loan
office, and the loan amount.
The email must also include
boilerplate content stating the
loan's terms and conditions,
which is regularly updated.
This content is in a paragraph
rule shared by other standard
emails throughout the
How would you configure
your email?
You have a requirement to Associate the users to a common work group. Then
associate users in different associate the work group to the appropriate units.
units to the same workbasket.
How do you implement this
requirement? 24/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
A manager requests a report For the Case ID property, select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type.
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
How would you design the
report definition to support
this requirement? 25/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
As part of Senior System
the process of Architect
A top-level branch that tests for assessment scores
assessing a candidate, the less than 40.
feedback provided by the Two nested branches - one to evaluate technical
interviewer is used to decide skill scores and another to evaluate interpersonal
whether or not to hire a skill scores.
candidate for a position. If
necessary, other test scores
are used in the evaluation.
- Candidates with an
assessment score of 40 or less
are automatically rejected
before they are evaluated
further.- Candidates with an
assessment score of 60 or less
are rejected if either their
technical skill scores and
interpersonal skill scores are
below 40.- Candidates with
scores higher than 60 are
automatically approved.
You are using a decision tree
to make the evaluations. Which
two branch configurations
would you use in your decision
tree? (Choose Two)
A requirement states that when Add Open-Review as an allowed status on the case
a case is assigned to a user for type record.
review, its work status is set to Apply the Open-Review status to the appropriate
Open-Review. Which two steps assignments.
do you perform to implement
this requirement?(Choose
When does data propagation When the subcase or spin-off case is created
occur? 26/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Which type of data is exposed Process metrics, such as the current stage or status,
by default? are exposed by default. 27/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are adding steps toSenior
a System Architect
Confirm employee
process named Select
Insurance Policy. Which one of
the following steps would be
named correctly?
Select two configuration Add parameters to the data page to store the value
options that enable you to use of the selected list item.
the same data page for Set the data page Edit mode to editable so the list
populating a list and looking of values can be updated.
up information based on the
selected item in the list.
(Choose Two) 28/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
An application containsSenior
the System Architect
following rulesets. AccountManagement
AccountManagement contains
the rules for administering
checking and savings
contains supporting rules for
integrating with other
BankCorp contains rules
shared across the entire
organization. BankCorpInt
contains supporting rules for
integrations shared with other
internal applications.
CreditCheck contains rules for
processing a credit check and
is shared with another Pega
application to administer loans.
Which two rulesets can be
configured to use application
validation, according to best
practices?(Choose Two)
You want to allow users to use Configure UI elements to use native controls on
an application on a mobile mobile devices.
device, even if the device is
not connected to a network.
Which configuration option
supports this requirement? 29/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are configuring an Senior System Architect
Select the Operator is available to receive work in
application to use Get Next the operator ID records.
Work. The requirement states Use a ToWorkGroup router for the assignments.
that operators must always
work on the next highest
priority assignment from
Which two configuration
options do you use to
implement this requirement?
(Choose Two)
In processing a parent case P- Both C-1 and C-2 must be resolved before P-1 can
1, two child cases C-1 and C-2 be resolved.
are created. Which of the
following statements is correct
about the processing of P-1, C-
1, and C-2? 30/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You need to display an Senior
error System
In theArchitect
response data transform
message to the user if a data
page fails to retrieve data from
an external system. Where do
you detect the error?
Which two statements inserts a new element in a value list or page list
accurately describe the use of property as the first element.
a symbolic index?(Choose sets or retrieves an element value from the end of a
two.) value list or page list property. 31/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
A list report Senior System
includes columns Architect
Summarize the purchase requests column by count.
for purchase requests and
regional cost centers. A
manager wants the report to
show the total number of
purchase requests for each of
the regional cost centers.How
do you configure the report
definition? 32/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
Which two Senior System
options do you Architect
The potential reuse of the flow action
consider when creating a pre- The effect if the flow action is reloaded
processing data transform?
(Choose Two)
A global application with Use the Run in background step in the case life
infrastructure nodes located cycle and design a dedicated queue processor.
throughout the world requires Use the Queue-For-Processing method in an
certain operations to start activity and design a dedicated queue processor.
executing at midnight GMT.
Select two possible designs
for this use case.(Choose two.)
Consider this business use Define the response times using property values
case: that are circumstanced to account for the seasonal
Responses to customer adjustments.
service requests are required
within 24 hours of receipt. Due
to seasonal fluctuations,
response times may be
adjusted at the discretion of
business managers. You create
a service level agreement
(SLA) to monitor response
Which solution allows
adjusting the response times
on demand? 33/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCertified Senior System
added a cascading Architect
Set the decision table to evaluate all rows.
approval step that uses an
authority matrix. You have
specified a decision table to
determine the approvers for
each case. You have confirmed
that the conditions in the
decision table are configured
correctly. You test the
configuration by entering
requests that require multiple
However, the system routes all
requests to only one approver.
Which of the following actions
would you take to correct this
issue? 34/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
Using Live UI, you mustSenior System
In theArchitect
hierarchy tree, drag and drop the element in
reorder the position of fields the new position.
on a user form. How do you
use the tool in order to
complete this task?
You have been asked to Delay the availability of the assignment until a
configure a service level condition is satisfied.
agreement for an assignment. Add behavior for an assignment that is considered
Which two requirements late.
require you to configure the
service level agreement using
the rule form?
A requirement states the case Add a Change Stage smart shape to the case life
must advance to one of three cycle and use a parameter to identify the
possible stages based on a appropriate stage.
known condition. The
conditions are subject to
change. Which configuration
option provides the most
flexibility when configuring the
case life cycle? 35/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
You are preparing Senior System
to migrate Architect
Associate data instances with an application
an application to the User ruleset.
Acceptance Testing Check in rules in the application ruleset.
environment. What three Lock production rulesets.
actions should you perform
before you create the archive
file?(Choose Three) 36/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In a flow, an integrator shape Leave the flow in draft mode and simulate
calls a connector that writes integration values in a data transform.
data to a system of record. The
system of record is not
currently available. How do
you simulate the service call
invoked from the integrator
Which two dependencies do Pausing a case until another case (or all cases)
you directly enforce with a reach a specified status
Wait step?(Choose Two) Pausing a case until a user submits a specified value 37/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
Users must work on theSenior
next System Architect
Get from workbaskets first
highest-priority assignment Merge workbaskets
from the workbaskets
associated with their operator
ID record. This requirement
must be implemented using
Get Next Work. Which two
configuration options in the
operator ID record do you use
to satisfy this requirement?
(Choose Two)
You want to allow a user to run Add the privilege to the flow action record.
a specific flow action without Add the privilege to a user role that is available to
conditions. Which two steps the user's access group.
must you perform?(Choose
Two) 38/39
2/13/23, 4:06 PM Pega Certified Senior System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified
While running Senior
an application, a System
user notes that a system
exception occurred. Which log
do you review to identify the
You are configuring a screen Select the Enable navigation link option for step
flow as shown below: four, and the Only allow navigating back to this
step option for step five.
Steps three through five must
be completed in order. How
do you configure the screen
flow to meet this requirement?
The customer, a medium size Create one scheduled job and select its run
toy maker, wants to fulfill schedule as multiple times a day.
orders received during the
peak season in December and
process them in batches
multiple times a day. How do
you implement this use case? 39/39
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
776 solutions
Users are required to enter Use a Validate rule to test the value entered by the
their date of birth in the format user.
dd/mm/yyyy. Which two Use a Calendar control to allow the user to select
options ensure that a user the date.
provides a date in the correct
format? 1/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
When a user enters a claim Add an optional action to save their progress
request, they need an option
to save their progress so they
do not lose their changes.
Select the best option to
satisfy this requirement.
Where do u create a section In data class where the data class is present.
related to all properties in a
page which references a data
How do you configure the Add a set of optional actions to the case workflow
case type to allow customers
to update any of the profile
pages at any time during case
processing? 2/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
A process-toPega
handle Certified
laptop System
The IT Architect
Manager receives a notification if the goal
replacement request includes interval expires before the assignment is completed
an assignment for a support and the request is for an executive
technician to order a
replacement laptop for an
employee. You have been
asked to configure a SLA for
the Assignment, which of the
following requirements is
configured using when rule?
Solution: 3/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
online Certified
retailer System Architect
creates a case type that
processes and manages
custom order, The check
resources ha four steps.
1. Review Order: The customer
reviews the items in order of
add-t-cart selection and can
adjust the quantity of each
item and delete items to
calculated and display the
order total.
2. Select Shipping Option: The
customer selects a shipping
option to determine and
display the shipping charge for
their order.
3. Enter Delivery Address: The
customer enters their delivery
address to determine the sales
tax, if applicable, and the
application displays the
calculated sales tax.
4. Enter Payment Information:
The customer selects a
payment option and confirms
the grand total of the order.
Solution: 4/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You have -been
to create System Architect
Summarize the manager name column.
a pie chart that shows the
number of cases each
manager has created. A list
report contains columns for
manager name, case ID, and
How do you configure the list
report in order to create the
pie chart?
While testing a process you Use the Clipboard tool to provide a value for the
want to ensure that an missing property
application selects the correct
result of a decision table to
direct a case along the correct
branch. The data element used
by the decision table has not
yet been added to any form in
the application.
How do you test the decision
Table while running the
process to verify that the
application selects the correct
Solution: 5/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An application Certified System
that generates - Up toArchitect
auto insurance quotes allows - Up to $25/day
users to add a substitute - Up to $50/day
transportation reimbursement
option to their coverage. Users
who add this option are
required to select one of three
reimbursement levels:
You must configure a form to Add a visible when condition on the radio button
add a check box that allows control.
users to select the substitute
transportation reimbursement
option. Users selecting this
option are presented with
three reimbursement levels as
a set of radio buttons, similar
to the following example.
What is the most appropriate The class where the data elements for the page
"Applies To:" class for a section property are defined
used to display data elements
contained in a page property. 6/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet 7/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You need to configure a user Configure the button with action set with two
form to create a new case events and one action
when a button is pressed or
when the enter key is pressed
while the button is in
focus.How do you configure
the UI to implement this
Functionality? 8/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
How does assignment routing By assigning work to the most appropriate parties
improve efficiency? 9/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
Hospital staff Certified
members enter System
Add a Architect
Send Email step and compose the message
appointment details including to reference the relevant properties.
relevant patient information, Add a Create PDF automation that references the
diagnoses, lab orders, and Patient visit summary view.
prescribed medication. This
information is aggregated in
the Patient visit summary view.
The patient receives a copy of
this view through email.
Which two configurations,
when applied in combination,
achieve this behavior?(Choose
You justify a Guardrail Warning There is no better alternative to the current design
When_________? 10/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Certified System Architect
Send the notification by email rather than letter.
Representatives (CSRs) review
customer requests to replace a
lost or stolen credit card.
Once the request is approved,
customers are notified by
letter of the expected delivery
date for a replacement card
typically within one week. The
CSR must be available to
prioritize time-sensitive
requests such as requests from
customers who are on
Time-sensitive requests are
prioritized as follows:
§ Customers receive a
replacement card the next day.
§ Fulfillment requests are sent
to a dedicated workbasket.
§ Customers receive
notification of the expected
delivery date by email.
Which action for time-sensitive
requests do you implement as
an optional action?
A requirement lot a hotel Add a When condition to the room selection step.
reservation case type states
that as customers change their
room selection, the total cost
of the reservation updates.
How do you satisfy this
requirement? 11/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pegacustomer
Relation between Certified System
Page Architect
and address is 1-1 then what
will be address mode
A book seller maintains a Add an autocomplete control and source the data
database of more than 10,000 using a data page.
book titles. You have been
asked to configure a form that
allows users to select a book
by title. How do you configure
the form?
A home loan company has Route the assignment to the correct work queue
home appraisal offices in based on business logic.
various regions. Each office
has a work queue. The
company requires that
appraisals be assigned to
offices based on the home's
location. For example, home
appraisals for Boston are
assigned to the New England
office work queue. Which
routing approach supports this
Consider this requirement: A Build a secondary portal for the manager so he can
manager of a car dealership switch to that portal to create quotes.
company will typically access
a bunch of reports to look at
their sales, active quotes and
performance of sales persons.
In some special cases, he
would like to use the system to
configure the quote.
Which of the following choices
is best suited to support this
requirement?(Choose One) 12/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Users can-access
Pega an Certified
apartment System Architect
Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint
search application from at smart phone screen width to change from an
different devices with different inline format to a stacked format.
screen sizes. A screen displays
the photos of available
properties. On a wide desktop
screen, the photos are
displayed in an inline format.
On a smart phone, the photos
should be displayed in a
vertical stack.
How do you implement the
screen for this requirement?
Defined a data page refresh Data page will get refreshed once we access it
strategy as reload if older than after 2 hrs of in active
2 hrs. 13/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
What statement bestCertified
describes System Architect
Data propagated from a case to a subcase occurs
the relationship between a when the subcase is created (Missed)
case and a subcase?
Which all shapes can be used § Maintain all calls received from a customer
to send an email notification? § Maintain account types given to customers. 14/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You want to unit test a rule. To § Run a data transform to create the test page.
ensure that the rule executes § Configure a validate rule to populate the needed
as intended, you need to data.
populate the clipboard with
valid data. Which two options
allow you to populate the
clipboard before testing the
(Choose Two)
Which of the following factors The RuleSet version that contains the rule instance
impacts whether an operator The application version listed on the operator's
can use a particular rule access group
instance when running an Circumstancing the rule instance
application? (Choose Three) 15/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
We need -
create aCertified
report System Architect
optimize order cost column.
with creation date and order
cost as columns.How do you
optimize the report.
You want to modify the Add an Assignment shape to the Yes connector
following order approval and add a notification to the assignment.
process so that a text message
is sent to a customer when the
order has been approved and
will be fulfilled. 16/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
When applying for a credit In the Employment Information process add a card
limit increase, customers with type true/false field to a user view.
standard credit cards must
provide information in an
Employment Information
process. Requests from
customers with Platinum credit
cards automatically skip this
process. What task do you
perform to implement this
requirement? 17/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
report - Pega
contains Certified
five columns of data System Architect
§ Expiration date (.ExpiryDate)
out sales quotes: § sales territory (.Territory)
The case ID (pyID)
The sales territory (Territory)
The expiration date of the quote
The currently assigned sales
The creation data of the sales
or to property optimization which two
operties does the report identify as
otentially impacting performance?
hoose Two)
A development team plans to Place the updated rules into a new minor version of
enhance functionality of an the ruleset and include the new ruleset version in a
existing application by new application
changing several user
interface rules. The team
would like to pilot the
enhancements to a small
group of users before rolling
the changes out to the entire
user base.
What approach maximizes
reuse and maintainability?
Consider the following Add a case-wide optional action to the case life
requirement: The patient must cycle.
be able to modify physician
details at any time without
impacting primary case
processing. Which
configuration satisfies this
requirement? 18/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
The default urgency Certified
for an System
50 Architect
assignment is 10. An
assignment with this service
level associated to it is
started:Initial Urgency :
15GOAL : 1 day - 10DEADLINE:
3 day -15PASSED DEADLINE : 1
day - 10If after four business
day, the assignment is not
completed, what will be the
case urgency value?
A data page is used to retrieve Configure an error handling process that displays
data from an external system. the error message and sends an email.
If an error occurs, you want to
display a message to the user
and send an email to the
system administrator. How do
you implement this
requirement? 19/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
You need-toPega
send Certified System
one correspondence rule for the email and
correspondence t o customers another correspondence rule for the letter.
who have been approved for a
mortga ge. The loan officer
sends a preliminary approval
by email. The system then
sends an official approval by
letter. How would you
configure the necessary
correspondence rule(s)?
A requirement lot a hotel Add a When condition to the room selection step.
reservation case type states
that as customers change their
room selection, the total cost
of the reservation updates.
How do you satisfy this
requirement? 20/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A purchase Certified
request list report System Architect
Summarize the case ID column by count.
includes columns for case ID
and regional cost center. A
manager wants the report to
show the total number of
purchase requests for each of
the regional cost centers. How
do you configure the report
definition? 21/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
From the - Pega Certified...System Architect
training portal, an
employee opens a new
Enrollment case,
submits course
selections, and receives
an email confirmation.
There is an error in the
email confirmation. You
must identify the cause
of the error by
recording a set of
interactions on the
portal and testing
expected behavior on
the data collection
What three steps, when
applied in combination,
achieve the required
testing?(Choose Three) 22/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Data types Uniquely define and hold data for your application 23/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Why must-a Pega Certified System
validation Architect
Validating that a date is in the future or the past
condition that tests whether a requires the use of a function.
date is in the future or the past
be configured in Dev Studio?
Validate rules enable you to different values are required based on business
use a single property when logic (ex. different validate rules for start date
______________. depending on job history or new hire)
What are the 3 basic ways you Control types (field types), Required field, and
can use controls for Editable settings (restrict the input values to valid
validation? formats ex. min & max # of chars) 24/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
What are the methods of data Property, Control, and Validation Rules
When can forward chaining When an expression uses many source properties
have a negative impact on that change frequently
Where are the source values In Case Designer, the source values are entered in
entered when creating declare the Calculation field. In Dev Studio, the source
expressions in Case Designer values are entered in the Expression field.
and Dev Studio? 25/40
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2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
online Certified
retailer System Architect
creates a case type that
processes and manages
custom order, The check
resources ha four steps.
1. Review Order: The customer
reviews the items in order of
add-t-cart selection and can
adjust the quantity of each
item and delete items to
calculated and display the
order total.
2. Select Shipping Option: The
customer selects a shipping
option to determine and
display the shipping charge for
their order.
3. Enter Delivery Address: The
customer enters their delivery
address to determine the sales
tax, if applicable, and the
application displays the
calculated sales tax.
4. Enter Payment Information:
The customer selects a
payment option and confirms
the grand total of the order.
For each calculation, identify
the appropriate chaining
option to maximize
Solution: 28/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - configurations
Which two Pega Certified System Architect
§ Select a ruleset configuration to store automated
steps do you perform to test cases
record a unit test for § Add an assertion to define an expected result
automation.(Choose two)
You want to create a new Lock and roll the existing ruleset, and update the
minor version of an application existing application version.
ruleset to add a new feature to
your application. The new
feature will be made available
to users in a phased rollout.
How do you update the
application to add the new
ruleset version?
You are adding a field to your § Define the field type as a date
case type in which users must § Use the Required option
enter the day, month, and year
they were hired before the
user can submit the user form.
The field type must enforce a
date format. What two
validation approaches would
you use to meet the validation
(Choose Two) 29/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - requests
A manager Pega Certified
a report System
For theArchitect
Case ID property. select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type.
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
How would you design the
report definition to support
this requirement?
An Application form for Create a validate rule that first tests the date of
employee health care benefits birth is in the past, and then tests for the
includes a field for entering dependent's age.
the date of birth for an
employee's dependents. If the
dependent is 26 years old or
younger, the dependent
qualifies for insurance
coverage. Otherwise, the
Dependent does not qualify.
You need to make sure that
users enter a date of birth that
is the past.
How would you enforce these
validation requirements? 30/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
A process-includes
Certified System
§ Add Architect
a transfer action to the deadline.
and gold program levels. § Use a when condition test for gold level cases.
When the deadline has passed
for gold level cases, the
system transfers the case to
the manager. Which two
configurations would you
make to the SLA to support
this requirement?(Choose
two.) 31/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
You are creating Certified
a case type to System
a process on one stage for the background
process job application for check and a process on another stage for the
large corporation. Job physical assessment.
application for security
position require physical
assessment in additional to the
standard before or after the
background check.
How do you configure a case
type lo achieve the required
help desk ticket case type is When the Process ticket step starts
defined as follows: 32/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pegacolumns
A report contains Certified System
three conditions: Location equals Boston
New Hire ID, New Hire Name, OR Location equals Atlanta AND Start Date equals
Start Date, and Location. The 30 days.
organization has offices in
various cities throughout the
U.S. A facilities manager
requests a report that includes
only new hires who are
located in the Atlanta and
Boston offices and have a start
date within 30 days of the
report date.
How would you configure the
filter to support this
Solution: 33/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A stakeholder Certified
prefers to group System
Status Architect
a set of existing actions into a
multistep form. Which work
item do you create in Agile
workbench to address this
change request?
How do you configure an First, configure a Click event with a Refresh action.
action set on a button to clear Next, add a View History action to the event.
user selections and then
review the previous actions on
the case?
Consider the following user add a case wide optional action to the case life
story: As a customer, i want to cycle.
be able to cancel an open
service request at any time.
Select the configuration
option that satisfies the user
story. 34/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An application Certified
allows bank System
Radio Architect
customers to apply for a credit
card. During the process of
applying for the credit card,
customers can elect to transfer
a balance to the card. The
bank currency offers three
balance transfer options for
customers applying for a new
credit card:
1. 0 percent interest for 6
2. 2.9 percent interest for 12
3. 3.9 percent interest for 24
The bank requires that
customers first elect whether
to transfer a balance. If
customers elect to transfer a
balance, they must select one
of the three options.
Which control allows you to
display all the balance transfer
offers on the form, but only
allows the customer to select
one offer? 35/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
An application Certified...System Architect
bank customers to
apply for a credit card.
During the process of
applying for the credit
card, customers can
elect to transfer a
balance to the card. The
bank currency offers
three balance transfer
options for customers
applying for a new
credit card:
In a mortgage application, the Make loan request a parent case type and
user creates a loan request. In appraisal a child case type.
order for the loan request to
be approved, the loan officer
must receive the results of an
appraisal. How would you
configure the case types to
reflect their relationship?
Which of the following steps § Set the data save options Class.
provide easy configuration § Set the data page definition edit mode to
and maintainability of a Savable.
savable data page for an § Set the data save options Save type to Database
existing data type? (Choose save.
Three) 36/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
In a job applicant case for a Route the job application to an operator within a
call center position, all skilled group using the specific user option
customer service agents must
speak english. In addition to
english. Some positions also
require spanish, french,
german fluency. During the
interview process illustrated
below, the conduct interview
task must be routed to an
interviewer who speaks the
same language as required by
the position.
What is the best way to design
routing so the correct
interviewer is assigned the
User A should have application Update User A to the same role as User B.
permissions that are identical
to User B's permissions. Unlike
User B, User A lacks access to
the My Cases page. How do
you grant access to the My
Cases page for User A? 37/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
A reservation Certified
process allows System Architect
A visible when condition applied to the check box
customers to reserve a flight,
hotel room, and rental car as
part of a travel itinerary. Which
configuration displays a check
box to allow users to select
travel insurance only if the
itinerary includes a flight?
Which of the following can § Prevent others from editing the report in the
you perform when editing a Report Viewer
Report Definition rule that you § Prevent the report from appearing in the Report
cannot do in either the Report Browser
Browser or Report Viewer? § Add sub-reports to filter the data the report
(Choose Three) displays
How do you ensure that only a Add a privilege to the flow action form, then add
manager can run a specific the privilege to a role assigned to the access group
flow action? for managers.
An accident claim case creates § Add a wait shape to the accident claim case to
a vehicle claim case for each wait until all vehicle claims have a status of
vehicle involved in an accident. Resolved.
Which two configurations § Add each vehicle claim as a child case of the
prevent the accident claim accident claim.
case from resolving before all
vehicle claims are resolved?
(Choose Two) 38/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Consider - Pega
the Certified System
following Architect
§ Notify Candidate
scenario: § Ask Questions
- During the Interview process
for a Job Application case, an
administrative assistant selects
the date and location of the
interview. Next, an email
confirmation is sent to the
- During the interview, the
hiring manager captures notes
from the discussion.
- Finally, the candidate is
assigned a technical exercise
and the results are added to
the case.
Select two step names that
follow the guidelines for
identifying and naming the
steps in the process.(Choose
Two) 39/40
2/13/23, 3:43 PM PCSA - Pega Certified System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
PCSA - Pega
In an airline Certified System
reservation Architect
§ Validate
application, users enter § Data Transform
departure and return dates
and submit for flight search.
This is implemented as a flow
action. You need to ensure that
the return date is later than the
departure date. You also need
to copy the dates to a search
parameter page that is used
for flight search.
Select the two rule types that
the flow action references to
satisfy these requirements.
(Choose two) 40/40
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
629 solutions 1/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
data transform
flow action
report definition
data page
PurchaseOrder 2/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You need to add a button to a Configure an action set on the button control.
user form. When the button is
pressed, the application
invokes a data transform, then
creates a new case. How do
you implement this
functionality? 3/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
Users can Test
access Questions
an apartment Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint
search application from at smart phone screen width to change from an
different devices with different inline format to a stacked format.
screen sizes. A screen displays
the photos of available
properties. On a wide desktop
screen, the photos are
displayed in an inline format.
On a smart phone, the photos
should be displayed in a
vertical stack.
How do you implement the
screen for this requirement? 4/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Which ofCSA Test Questions
the following Clicking a button clears the fields in a form.
scenarios requires the
configuration of an action set? 5/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet 6/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSAallows
An application Test bank
Questions Radio buttons
customers to apply for a credit
card. During the process of
applying for the credit card,
customers can elect to transfer
a balance to the card. The
bank currency offers three
balance transfer options for
customers applying for a new
credit card:
1. 0 percent interest for 6
2. 2.9 percent interest for 12
3. 3.9 percent interest for 24
The bank requires that
customers first elect whether
to transfer a balance. If
customers elect to transfer a
balance, they must select one
of the three options. Which
control allows you to display
all the balance transfer offers
on the form, but only allows
the customer to select one
Radio buttons
Check box
Text area 7/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Users areCSA Test
required Questions
to enter A and C
their date of birth in the format
dd/mm/yyyy. Which two
options ensure that a user
provides a date in the correct
format? (Choose two.)
Column layout
Screen layout
Smart layout
Dynamic layout 8/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSAcustomers
A form allows Test Questions
to From the flow action where the customer submits
specify the amount of a the form
balance transfer for their credit
card. The form contains two
fields: one to display the
available balance on the
customer's credit card, and
one for the user to enter the
amount of the balance transfer.
You configure a validate rule
to verify that the amount of a
balance transfer is less than
75% of the available balance
on the customer's credit card.
How do you call the validate
rule? 9/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You wantCSA Test Questions
to provide All of the above
instructions to the user filling
out a form. You are
considering using paragraph
rules for the instructions. What
three benefits do paragraph
rules provide over standard
List to List
Drop-down 10/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
In an airline Test Questions
reservation D
application, users enter
departure and return dates
and submit for flight search.
This is implemented as a flow
action. You need to ensure that
the return date is later than the
departure date. You also need
to copy the dates to a search
parameter page that is used
for flight search.
Select the rule types that the
flow action references to
satisfy these requirements.
A) Edit Validate
B) Validate
C) Data Transform
D) Both B & C
Decision tree
Declare expression
When rule
Decision table 11/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA Test
designed Questions
a decision Run the decision tree and enter values on the test
tree that you want to unit test. page.
You want to test various input
values to ensure that you get
the expected results. How
would you unit test your
decision tree?
Data transform
When rule
Decision tree 12/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
In which CSA Test Questions
of the following Update a table in an external database
situations would you use a SQL
11:28 13/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
You need Test
to copy dataQuestions
from a Data transform
page with customer data to a
page used for a credit
payment. Most of the
properties can be mapped as-
is, but the first and last names
must be concatenated into a
full name. Which rule type
would you use to copy the
Data page
Data transform
Declare expression
Function 14/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA Test
created Questions
a series of Use the backward chaining option for the total
forms for a vacation booking amount expression. Use forward chaining for all the
process. Declarative other expressions.
expressions are used to
calculate values such as the
cost of the flight, hotel, car
rental, and taxes. The last form
includes a field that displays
the total amount that will be
charged on the user's credit
card. How do you configure
the calculations so that the
total amount is calculated only
when the user reaches the last
form? 15/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA TesttoQuestions
been asked create To perform the calculation wherever a field is
a sequence of user forms for a updated
travel reservation process. The
forms contain fields that
require calculation. For which
reason do you use a declare
expression to calculate
values? 16/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
A ServiceCSA Test
Request caseQuestions
type Configure the pyDefault data transform to set the
has a CustomerGrade CustomerGrade property value.
property. How do you set the
value of the CustomerGrade
property to Silver when a
service request case is
Configure a declare
expression to set the
CustomerGrade property
Value group
Value list
Page group 17/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
ABC Corp Test
requires thatQuestions Data-Party-Operator
expenses billable to a client
are reviewed by an auditor in
the Finance department. After
the auditor approves the
expenses, the client is billed.
You create the work party for
the auditor as an instance of
which class?
-You are designing a case type Add an alternate stage and add the rejection
that includes a process to process to the stage.
perform when a case is
rejected. How do you model
this requirement in the case life
cycle? 18/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSAwith
Pega 7 comes Test Questions
numerous When automating case processing
API activities. In which
situation would you explore
available API activities? 19/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA TesttoQuestions
been asked Configure the Account Opencase type to create a
configure the following Fund Account case as a top-level case. Configure
relationship between three theFund Accountcase type to create aLink
case types: Account Open, Savingscase as achild case.
Link Savings, and Fund
1. A customer can complete an
Account Open case before
completing a Fund Account
2. A customer must complete a
Link Savings case before
completing a Fund Account
Which configuration satisfies
this requirement?
Configure theAccount
Opencase type to create
aFund Accountcase as a top-
level case. Configure
theAccount Opencase type to
create aLink Savingscase as a
child case.
Configure theAccount
Opencase type to create
aFund Accountcase as a
childcase. Configure theFund
Accountcase type to create
aLink Savingscase as a toplevel
case. 20/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
Configure Test Questions
Opencase type to create the
other cases as top-level cases.
Add a validate rule to
theAccount Opencase to
require a resolvedLink
Savingscase before theFund
Accountcase can be resolved. 21/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
Customer Test Questions
Service Send the notification by email rather than letter.
Representatives (CSRs) review
customer requests to replace a
lost or stolen credit card.
Once the request is approved,
customers are notified by
letter of the expected delivery
date for a replacement card
typically within one week.
The CSR must be available to
prioritize time-sensitive
requests such as requests from
customers who are on
vacation. Time-sensitive
requests are prioritized as
- Customers receive a
replacement card the next day.
- Fulfillment requests are sent
to a dedicated workbasket.
- Customers receive
notification of the expected
delivery date by email. 22/23
2/13/23, 3:39 PM Pega CSA Test Questions Flashcards | Quizlet 23/23
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet 1/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study Guide You use Pega to quickly and easily model complex
business processes. 2/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
Pega Express Guide
is ______ that An accelerated application development
exposes key elements and environment
features of the Pega 7
platform. 3/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
For primary stages,Guide
when all Automatic, controlled
steps in a stage are
completed, the default option
is a(n) _______ transition to the
next primary stage. To allow
transitions to other stages
before the completion of the
current stage, you can add
a(n) _______ transition to a stage. 4/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet 5/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study Guide numerically ordered list (for example, the line items
Page list that make up the purchase request), also referred
to as a field group list. 6/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
______ rules Guide
enable you to use a Validate
single property when different
values are required based on
business logic. You use these
rules to ensure users have
entered the correct data or
performed all of the processes
before the case can enter a
specific stage. 7/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
You can Study
enforce Guide Wait
dependencies between parent
and child cases with the ____
step. You can configure a case
to wait for a set amount of time
or until a subcase reaches a
defined status. 8/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet 9/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study Guide container for the rule. It identifies, stores, and
Ruleset manages the set of rules that define an application
or a major portion of an application.
After you update the rule and test the changes, you
check in the rule. 10/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Studydescribes
______ inheritance Guidethe Directed
functional relationship
between classes. It allows your
application to reuse rules from
classes in other applications
and standard rules provided
with the Pega platform. 11/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
A claim case Guide
records the items Value list
of loss. The property reference
to the description of an item
loss looks like this:
.ItemOfLoss(1).Description. The
property reference
.ItemOfLoss(1).Description is
an example of a _____ property? 12/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study Guide contains pages created due to user action, either
User Pages directly or indirectly. They contain data related to
work being performed in the selected thread.
What is the purpose of the To initialize property values when a case is created
pyDefault data transform? 13/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Studyallows
______ processing Guide
you to Declarative
configure your application so
that the system automatically
updates property values such
as a total order amount. This
type of processing identifies
and maintains computational
relationships among
properties. 14/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
_____ chaining Guide
in a declare Forward, backward
expression updates the target
property value when a source
property value changes. _____
chaining in a declare
expression means that a target
property value is not
automatically updated when
other declare expressions in a
network update their target
values. 15/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet 16/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
You use a Guide
_____ page to retrieve Data
data for your application,
regardless of the source. These
pages cache data on demand
to a clipboard page and have
a scope, a refresh strategy and
a source, that are defined by a
data page rule.
What is the relationship A section is the rule used in Pega to configure the
between a section and a user contents of a user view.
view? 17/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study Guide Used to identify the purpose of the section. The
Label label is used to generate an identifier for the
Why do tables need Relying on breakpoints alone for tables can result
responsive configuration in in unimportant columns having prominence over
addition to responsive more important columns.
breakpoints? 18/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Business Study Guide
metrics are used to Provide statistics on how work is performed in
_______. Pega applications.
Which two of the following are Total value of a customer order reaches $500
considered property-based
events in Pega's dynamic UI
model? User changes the arrival date on a hotel reservation
to one week later
A. A section refreshes 19/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
A _____ layout Guide
is a general Dynamic
purpose layout used to
organize a single set of fields.
It supports responsive
behavior to support use on
multiple devices. As the screen
size changes, the layout shifts
its contents to wrap content
A. A national insurance
company requires a different
minimum for liability coverage
in each state. 20/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
To update any ruleGuide
on a Unlocked, unlocked
production system, a(n) ______
ruleset must contain the rule.
A(n) ______ ruleset is a ruleset in
which rules can be modified
and saved.
What is the criteria for You determine which rules to delegate based upon
determining rules to delegate? business needs and ease of business user access.
Select three ways you can use You can configure local data storage to store data
reference data in a Pega records for a data type, without having to create or
application. maintain database tables. 21/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
What allows you toGuide
refer to a Work party
case participant by role,
without knowing any
identifying information and is
often used to send
correspondence during case
processing? 22/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
In which Study Guide
of the following Set default values when creating a case
situations would you use a
data transform? (Choose two)
Copy data between pages
Set default values when
creating a case
You are using pyDefault to set You use the manager property as the Target and
the manager property to "Sharon Smith" as the Source.
Sharon Smith. What do you use
as your Target and Source
values? 23/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
What action Guide
is defined in The Apply Data Transform action.
pyDefault to ensure that
pySetFieldDefaults is invoked
when a case is created?
When you create data You give each data transform the same name.
transforms in a class hierarchy
and want to use the superclass
feature, how do you name
each data transform? 24/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
The caseStudy Guide
type hierarchy in Select the Call superclass data transform option in
your insurance application each of the subcase type data transforms.
consists of three case types:
Claim (top level), Personal In each subcase type data transform, set the work
Injury (subcase type of Claim), urgency to the required value.
and Emergency Care (subcase
type of Personal Injury). In the
Claim case type, a data
transform sets the claim date
and work urgency. To reduce
maintenance, you do not want
to set in each subcase the
properties that were already
set in the parent data
transforms. However, you want
to set work urgency to
different values in each
subcase type. What two
configuration steps would you
take to meet this requirement?
(Choose Two) 25/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
In which two of the following Set default values when creating a case
situations would you use a
data transform? (Choose Two) Copy data from one page to another 26/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Studyshould
Which technique Guide
you Use procedural processing by calling a data
use if you want to update transform from a flow action.
values when the user submits a
Where are the source values In Case Designer, the source values are entered in
entered when creating declare the Calculation field. In Designer Studio, the source
expressions in Case Designer values are entered in the Expression field.
and Designer Studio?
When can forward chaining When an expression uses many source properties
have a negative impact on that change frequently
performance? 27/28
2/13/23, 4:12 PM Pega Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Studyshould
Which technique Guide
you Use procedural processing by calling a data
use if you want to update transform from a flow action.
values when the user submits a
form? 28/28
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
776 solutions 1/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet 2/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
Select two statements that A case represents the processes, data, and work
best describe the relationship parties involved in completing a business
between a case and a child transaction. A child case typically focuses on a
case. (Choose Two) subset of data relative to a parent case and usually
involves different work parties than the parent case.
You have a case type for Data is propagated when the credit check child
account opening which has a case is created.
credit check child case. You
have configured data *Data is only propagated on case creation.
propagation on the account
case for the credit check
subcase. Which of the
following statements
described the data
propagation feature? 3/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
•Mobile 4/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
Two forms for an online Academy Studyfor the taxes and grand total
Backward chaining
shopping process use a
declarative network to *The values will be updated only when the second
calculate values. The first form form is opened.
contains fields that display the
item total amounts and the
order total amount. The
second form includes fields
that display the taxes and the
grand total that will be
charged to the user's credit
card. Which declare
expression configuration
would you use so that all the
values on the second form are
calculated only when the user
reaches the form? 5/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy
Paragraph Study
An insurance claim process Add a Send Email Smart Shape to the deny
includes an assignment in connector leaving the review assignment.
which a manager reviews
claims. If the claim is denied, *The Smart Shape automatically sends email when
an email is automatically sent the case is resolved.
to the user and the case is
resolved. 6/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet 7/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
A loan request application Academy Study
Decision tree
includes an approval process
as follows: *A decision tree uses if-then-else evaluations.
When condition
You are adding a date of birth Use a validate rule to test the date.
field to a job application form.
You want to make sure that the *A validate rule can use a function to test the date.
user enters a date in the past.
How would you support this
requirement? 8/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
A form contains a text field for Academy Study
Specify an edit validate rule in the property used
entering a U.S. postal code. by the text field.
You want to make sure that the
user enters five digits in the *An edit validate rule can test the field pattern, in
field. What rule would you use this case for five digits.
to enforce this requirement?
An application that processes Create the fields for the spouse in a separate layout
loan requests must collect and use a visible when condition to determine
information from borrowers to when the fields for the spouse should appear or be
check their credit report. If a hidden.
borrower is married, the
borrower must provide this *Every extra unit of information in a dialogue
information for a spouse as competes with the relevant units of information and
well. For each person, the diminishes their relative visibility. Use the visible
application requires a first when feature whenever appropriate so that users
name, last name, and taxpayer are not inundated with information until needed.
ID. 9/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
Users can access an apartment Academy Study
Use a dynamic layout.
search application from
laptops and mobile phones. *You can configure a dynamic layout to arrange UI
Pictures of the apartments, elements in different formats at different screen
descriptions, and agent sizes.
information are organized in
You are configuring a grid Use two action sets: one for the right-click event,
layout so that a row is set in and one for the up key and down key events.
focus when a user right-clicks
a row, uses the up key, or uses *You can combine the focus and edit action for the
the down key. In addition, right-click event.
when the user clicks a row, it is
shown in edit mode. 10/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
Your organization replaces Academy Study
Create a Weeks Until Replacement column and use
employee laptops two years a function in the column to calculate the value.
from the date the laptop was
issued. A manager asks you to *A function can be used to calculate the number of
create a report that shows, for weeks remaining based on the Issue Date and two-
each employee, the number of year deadline.
weeks until the replacement
date. Report columns include
Employee ID, Laptop ID, and
Issue Date. How would you
configure the report definition
to provide the requested
information? 11/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
In a purchase application you Academy
data page Study
need to retrieve product
details from the product *A data page is used to retrieve or read data from
catalog. There is a SOAP an external system.
connector configured for
integration with the product
catalog. The connector should
be invoked from a(n) __________. 12/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
When running an application, Academy Study
The Tracer tool.
you notice that a field contains
an incorrect value. Which *The Tracer tool records the execution of every rule
developer tool allows you used in an application. For each executed rule, the
analyze rule execution in the Tracer tool records the contents of the Clipboard
application to determine how at the time the rule was used, and the outcome of
the incorrect value was rule execution.
An organization wants to Build and test the application before rolling it out
automate its existing expense for review by interested parties to ensure the
reporting process.Which two application is ready for release
actions should the
organization take in order to Use DCO to enter business requirements for the
follow Pega's best practices application to facilitate direct engagement of IT
for application design? and business resources.
(Choose Two)
You are assigned to a team to Ensure all team members have a common
develop a case life cycle understanding of how a case is processed and
design for an application. Why resolved.
would you design the case life
cycle? 13/14
2/13/23, 3:02 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.03.Pega Academy Study Flashcards | Quizlet
You are developing a case life Academy Study
Collect personal information
cycle for a human resources
application. The first stage
contains a single process
named Collect Candidate
Information. Which one of the
following steps would you
choose to include in the
Collect Candidate Information
The goal milestone in a service The amount of time in which the case or step
level defines: should be completed 14/14
2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
Book of Proof
2nd Edition • ISBN: 9780989472104
Richard Hammack
340 solutions 1/14
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2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pre- and post-processing data Pre- and post-processing data transforms and
transforms and activities run activities run every time you invoke the flow action.
every time you invoke the flow
action. 3/14
2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA CSSA 8.5 Edit validate rules are defined on properties, and
not on activities or flow actions. Edit validate rules
are used for client-side validation, which means that
the value users enter is validated immediately
Edit-validate rule without referencing the server. Validation occurs
when users make a change to the entered value. To
apply an edit validate rule to a property, reference
the edit evaluate rule on the Advanced tab of the
property rule form, in the Use validate field.
Validate rule. -
Edit Validate rule.-using java code, returns bool
Edit input rule - formatting input. uses Java
What is validate rules
Constraints rule. used in forward chaining,
declarative rule
Validation through Property definition and Control.
Custom javascript validation. 4/14
2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
You use the Performance You use the Performance Analyzer (PAL) to
Analyzer (PAL) to understand understand the system resources consumed by
the system resources processing a single requestor session.
consumed by processing a
single requestor session. 5/14
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866/5286 9/14
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2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA CSSA 8.5 Function alias are rule type of class Rule-Alias-
Alias can be created for a SQL expression or a Java
Alias rule created for a SQL expression should be
of class Ember-UserFunction & can only be
referred by developers in the report definition rule
or by the users (non-developers) in the report
viewer while creating or configuring reports.
Functions Alias rule created for a Java function can be of any
class other than Ember-UserFunction & can be
used by the users in any of the business rules
namely decision table, decision tree, when rules,
map value, etc.
Function alias promotes reusability.
Function alias can be sourced as a pure SQL/ using
JSP tags/ using Java snippets based on the need.
A function alias can also invoke another function
alias by using the function signature. 11/14
2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
Rule type
Similar Java, XML, ordatabase concepts
expressions-Java expressionsmodelsRule-Obj-
Modelinitializers, constructorsactivitiesRule-Obj-
Activitypublic Java instance methods with a void
return typemethodRule-Methodsystem-supplied
Relating Java terms to Process stored procedurepropertiesRule-Obj-
Commander terms Propertyinstance variablesSingle Value property
Java String objectrule resolution
inheritanceproperty of mode Page List repeating
groupoverridden rule overloaded methodWhen
condition ruleRule-Obj-Whenif statementdecision
tree ruleRule-Declare-DecisionTreenested if
statementType for Value mode properties primitive
data types.Most Java primitive data types are
available as Process Commander Types.primary
page of an activity this keywordultimate base
class@baseclassObject class — topmost classValue
Group property mode HashMap
IsInPageList,IsInPageListWhen CountInPageList
important pega methods IndexInPageList LengthOfPageList
pzRemoveDuplicatesFromListPage 12/14
2/13/23, 3:35 PM PEGA CSSA 8.5 Flashcards | Quizlet
Access Group
An Access Group record is the starting point for the
RBAC access control model. Each user belongs to
Access Group at least one access group. An access group
identifies the available application, default portal,
and one or more assigned access roles for a group
of users. 13/14
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
776 solutions
NO.1 How do you propagate D.Configure the Create Case shape to copy
data to a new child case in specified properties.
Pega Express?
A. Configure a data page to
copy specified properties.
B. Configure a case calculation
to copy specified properties.
C. Configure the Update Case
shape to copy specified
D.Configure the Create Case
shape to copy specified
properties. 1/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.4 You are building a form Certified System
A. Edit the field Architect (PCS...
group list property and set data
that contains a list of courses. access to copy data from a data page.
Users will select the courses in D. Enable section editing and configure the
which they want to enroll. selection check box by removing the caption.
Which two tasks can you
perform in Pega Express?
(Choose Two)
A. Edit the field group list
property and set data access
to copy data from a data page.
B. Configure the view in Run
mode and change the order of
columns in the view.
C. Create a field group list
property and make the
property a data reference.
D. Enable section editing and
configure the selection check
box by removing the caption. 3/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.5 In an application sellingCertified System
B. Build Architect
the OrderSummary (PCS...
section with a layout
office supplies, the Payment inside to group the order items, similar to the
form displays order items and Payment section.
collects payment information.
In the Payment section rule,
the order items are grouped in
a dynamic layout.
You find out later that the
OrderSummary form also
needs to display the order
How do you implement the UI
so that the order items display
is shared between Payment
OrderSummary forms?
A. Reuse the Payment section
in the OrderSummary form and
circumstance the section rule
to hide payment information.
B. Build the OrderSummary
section with a layout inside to
group the order items, similar
to the Payment section.
C. Embed the Payment section
in the OrderSummary section.
D. Convert the Payment
section layout that contains
order items to a section, and
embed this section in the
OrderSummary section. 4/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.7 You have created a newCertified System
D.Sort Architect
the manager column (PCS...
report that contains a list of
employees, hire dates, and
managers. You have been
asked to display each manager
in a row. Beneath each
manager row, you must list the
manager's employees and
their hire dates.
How do you support this
A. Group the manager column
B. Filter the manager column
C. Summarize the manager
D.Sort the manager column 5/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems PegadoCertified
NO.9 Which two conditions A. ASystem Architect
property value (PCS...
is set correctly by a data
you test with a unit test? transform.
(Choose Two) D.An application is successfully migrated to a test
A. A property value is set system.
correctly by a data transform.
B. A data page populates
without any errors.
C. An application displays user
views for 20 users within three
D.An application is
successfully migrated to a test
system. 6/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.13 You want to unit test a Certified System
A. Copy Architect
data from (PCS... page.
an existing clipboard
rule. To ensure that the rule
executes as intended, you
need to
populate the clipboard with
valid data.
Which two options allow you
to populate the clipboard
before testing the rule?
(Choose Two)
A. Copy data from an existing
clipboard page.
B. Run a data transform to
create the test page.
C. Configure a validate rule to
populate the needed data.
D.Configure an assertion to
define the required data. 7/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.17 Select the three Certified
benefits System
B. Empower Architect
project (PCS...
participants to review
of using Direct Capture of development progress.
Objectives (DCO). (Choose C. Facilitate collaboration between business and IT
Three) around working models.
A. Generate the latest code D. Automate custom business processes.
from business-friendly
B. Empower project
participants to review
development progress.
C. Facilitate collaboration
between business and IT
around working models.
D. Automate custom business
E. Enter and store business
requirements in the
NO.18 What are the minimum B. One action and one event
components of a user
interface (UI) action set?
A. Two actions and one event
B. One action and one event
C. One action, one event, and
one condition
D. One action and one
condition 9/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.20 Which requirement canCertified System
D. An Architect
application (PCS...
routes upgrade requests for US
be implemented through customers to one work queue, and requests for
circumstancing? European customers to a different work queue.
A. An application establishes a
goal of four hours to adjust
claims for platinum customers.
For other customers, the
application establishes a goal
of one business day.
B. An application sets the
default shipping option for
orders that exceed USD100 to
two-day delivery. Otherwise,
the default option is five-day
C. An application audits
insurance claims that an
insurance adjuster values at
USD10000 or greater.
Otherwise, the claim is
D. An application routes
upgrade requests for US
customers to one work queue,
and requests for European
customers to a different work
queue. 10/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.21 To qualify for an instantCertified System
A. Use two Edit Architect (PCS...
Validate rules: one for age and one
loan, an applicant must be for income.
older than 21 and have a
monthly income of at least
USD2000. How do you
enforce these restrictions?
A. Use two Edit Validate rules:
one for age and one for
B. Use a single Validate rule
with two conditions: one for
age and one for income.
C. Configure the UI controls to
only accept values greater
than 21 for age and USD2000
for income.
D.Use two Validate rules: one
for age and one for income. 11/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.25 You have beenPega Certified
asked to System
A. Select Architect
the option (PCS...
in the Report Browser that
create a report definition that allows users to view your report.
includes information about the C. Select the report definition option that displays
sales offices and sales your report in the Report Browser.
representatives. The manager
wants to access the report in
the Report Browser in the user
portal. The manager also
wants to include the report in
a new report category
specifically for the sales group.
What two configurations are
required to support this
request? (Choose Two)
A. Select the option in the
Report Browser that allows
users to view your report.
B. Create a report category
rule for sales office reports.
C. Select the report definition
option that displays your
report in the Report Browser.
D.Add a report category for
sales group reports in the
Report Browser. 13/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.26 Users can access an Certified System
A. Use Architect
a dynamic layout with a(PCS...
apartment hunting application breakpoint at 800 pixels to change from inline-grid
from different devices with triple to inline-grid double format.
screen sizes. A screen displays
the photos of available
properties. By default, the
photos are
displayed in three columns.
When the screen width is less
than 800 pixels, the photos
should be
displayed in two columns.
How do you implement the
screen for this requirement?
A. Use a dynamic layout with a
responsive breakpoint at 800
pixels to change from inline-
grid triple to inline-grid
double format.
B. Use a column layout with a
responsive breakpoint at 800
pixels to hide the left column.
C. Circumstance the layout to
display different number of
columns at different screen
D.Circumstance the section
rule to display different
number of columns at different
screen sizes. 14/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.27 When processing an Certified System
D.Create Architect
an approval step with(PCS...
cascading approval.
auto accident claim, the
system requires three
approvals: Approval from the
adjuster who inspected the
car, approval from the medical
administrator who provided
medical care to the insured,
and approval from the
insurance agent who verified
the claim.
How do you implement the
requirements so each
approver can work
A. Create three parallel
processes with approval
B. Route to a workbasket
where all three roles have
C. Create business logic to
route to the different
D.Create an approval step with
cascading approval. 15/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.30 Which three use cases Certified System Architect
C. Automatically (PCS...
calculate order total when users
demonstrate the Pega change quantities.
dynamic UI behavior? (Choose D. Display partner information fields when a screen
Three) loads for married applicants.
A. Display a message upon E.Display a shipping address section when users
form submission that a date select the Different than billing address check box.
field must be in the future.
B. Unmask a password field
when users click an icon.
C. Automatically calculate
order total when users change
D. Display partner information
fields when a screen loads for
married applicants.
E.Display a shipping address
section when users select the
Different than billing address
check box. 16/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.32 Users can select a Certified System
D. Use Architect
a circumstance (PCS...
on the check box property
check box to subscribe to a to create a rule variant that is effective when the
messaging service. Selecting check box is selected.
the check box displays a field
for a user to enter a mobile
phone number.
How do you configure the
application to display a field
for entering a mobile phone
number only
when the check box is
A. Use a when condition in the
UI form to determine whether
to show the mobile phone
number field.
B. Use a when condition in the
flow to branch the flow based
on case data.
C. Use a when condition in a
data transform to determine
whether to show the mobile
phone number field.
D. Use a circumstance on the
check box property to create
a rule variant that is effective
when the check box is
selected. 17/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.34 You create an Pega Certified
C. ASystem
set of fieldsArchitect
to capture the(PCS...
shipping details
application to track package D. A work party to represent the customer
deliveries. E.A user view to enter the shipping details
Choose three elements that
are essential for this
application. (Choose Three)
A. A delivery cancellation child
B. A shipment tracking case
C. A set of fields to capture the
shipping details
D. A work party to represent
the customer
E.A user view to enter the
shipping details 19/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.38 You configurePega
an Certified System
C. Add Architect
one button (PCS...
and configure one action set. In
application to allow users to the action set, specify a click event with three
download a mobile app. When actions to open each vendor URL in a window.
users select one of the three Apply a when rule to each action to determine the
supported platforms (Android, correct URL.
iOS, or Windows Mobile), the
application opens a new
window pointing to the
appropriate app store.
How do you configure this
A. Add a button for each
platform and configure an
action set for each button. In
each action set, specify a click
event and add an action that
opens the vendor's URL in a
B. Add one button and
configure three action sets. In
each action set, specify a click
event and add an action that
opens the vendor's URL in a
C. Add one button and
configure one action set. In
the action set, specify a click
event with three actions to
open each vendor URL in a
window. Apply a when rule to
each action to determine the
correct URL.
D. Add three check boxes and
one button. For each check
box, configure an action set
with a click event to set the
value of the URL. For the
button, configure an action set
with a click event to open the
URL in a window. 20/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.40 In processing Pega
a parentCertified System
D. Both C-l and Architect (PCS...
C-2 must be resolved before P-l
case P-l, two child cases C-l can be resolved.
and C-2 are created. Which of
the following statements is
correct about the processing
of P-l, C-l, and C-2?
A. P-l must be resolved before
either C-l or C-2 can be
B. Either C-l or C-2 must be
resolved before P-l can be
C. C-l must be resolved before
C-2 can be resolved.
D. Both C-l and C-2 must be
resolved before P-l can be
resolved. 22/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.47 A requirementPega
states: Certified System
D. Set Architect
the minimum (PCS...
and maximum values to "10" in a
The tax identification number text field.
must contain 10 digits. How do
configure the field to support
this requirement?
A. Configure a validate rule to
test the tax identification
number pattern.
B. Use a decimal property type
and make the field required.
C. Use an edit validate rule
that validates the tax
identification number pattern.
D. Set the minimum and
maximum values to "10" in a
text field.
NO.48 You are implementing a A. Use a Validate rule to verify the mandatory fields
UI form collecting job have a value
applicant information. Users
must provide values to certain
fields before submitting the
Which configuration adds
asterisks to indicate the
mandatory fields on the form?
A. Use a Validate rule to verify
the mandatory fields have a
B. Configure the mandatory
fields as Required in the
section rule
C. Use multiple Validate rules
for each mandatory field
D.Use an Edit Validate rule to
verify if each of the mandatory
properties has a value 26/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.49 You have beenPega Certified
asked to Systemthe
D. Summarize Architect (PCS...
case ID column.
create a pie chart that shows
the number of cases each
manager has created. A list
report contains columns for
manager name, case ID, and
How do you configure the list
report in order to create the
pie chart?
A. Group the case ID column.
B. Group the manager name
C. Summarize the manager
name column.
D. Summarize the case ID
column. 27/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.51 An accident claim caseCertified System
A. Add a manualArchitect
approval step(PCS...
to the accident
creates a vehicle claim case claim case.
for each vehicle involved in an B.Add a wait shape to the accident claim case to
accident. wait until all vehicle claims have a status of
Which two configurations Resolved.
prevent the accident claim
case from resolving before all
vehicle claims are resolved?
(Choose Two)
A. Add a manual approval step
to the accident claim case.
B.Add a wait shape to the
accident claim case to wait
until all vehicle claims have a
status of Resolved.
C. Add each vehicle claim as a
child case of the accident
D.Add an optional process to
pause the accident case until
the vehicle claims are paid. 28/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.54 A requirementPega
states: ACertified System
A. Add Architect
a case-wide (PCS...
optional action to the workflow
customer can update an for the address submission.
address at any point during
case processing by
performing the following
1. The customer submits the
new address.
2. The application verifies that
the address matches postal
service requirements.
3. The customer then approves
the corrected address.
How do you configure this
A. Add a case-wide optional
action to the workflow for the
address submission.
B. Add a case-wide optional
process to the case workflow
to perform the address
C. Add an alternate stage to
the case life cycle to change
the address.
D.Add a button to each
assignment to present the
customer with a form to submit
a new address. 30/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
NO.56 Which two Pega Certified System
B. Pausing Architect
a case (PCS...time
until a predetermined
dependencies do you directly expires
enforce with a Wait step? D. Pausing a case until a user submits a specified
(Choose Two) value
A. Pausing a case until a new
child case is created
B. Pausing a case until a
predetermined time expires
C. Pausing a case until another
case (or all cases) reach a
specified status
D. Pausing a case until a user
submits a specified value 31/39
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2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
NO.59 You are defining a userCertified System
A. Use a pick listArchitect (PCS...
control to verify the Date account
view for a loan application. If opened is in the past.
the loan applicant indicates
there is an existing open
account, the Date account
opened must be before the
current date.
Select the approach that
meets the validation
A. Use a pick list control to
verify the Date account
opened is in the past.
B. Use a validate rule to verify
the Date account opened is in
the past.
C. Use a when rule to verify
the Date account opened is in
the past.
D. Use a calendar control to
verify the Date account
opened is in the past. 33/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems PegaanCertified
NO.60 You are configuring System
A. Define a caseArchitect
calculation to(PCS...
update the
application to process travel reservation total with the total of each child case.
reservations. The reservation
case creates child cases for
each booking component:
flight, hotel stay, and vehicle
How do you update the total
cost of the reservation as users
update each child case?
A. Define a case calculation to
update the reservation total
with the total of each child
B. Configure the Create Case
shape to propagate the total
cost from each child case to
C. Create a declare expression
to update the reservation total
when the cost of each
component changes.
D.Add the Update Case shape
to the Reservation case type
to capture changes to each
component cost. 34/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
During a design review of an Certified System
B. reused Architect
in other forms (PCS...
application, some of the
layouts in various sections are
saved as separate sections.
A layout can be saved as a
section so it can be_____________.
A. cached in memory to
improve performance
B. reused in other forms
C. aligned properly
D. rendered in different
browsers 35/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
2. You have created aPega
series ofCertified System
B. use Architect
the backward changing (PCS...
option for te tota
forms for a vacation booking. amount expression. Use forward chaining for all the
Declarative expressions are other expressions,
used to calculate values such
as the cost of the flight, hotel,
car rental, and taxes. Te last for
includes a field that displays
the total amount that will be
charged on te ser's credit card.
How do you configure the
calculations so that the total
amount is calculated only
when the user reaches the last
Mark one answer:
A. use the backward chaining
option for all the expressions.
B. use the backward changing
option for te tota amount
expression. Use forward
chaining for all the other
C. use the forward chaining
option for all the expressions.
D. Use the forward chaining
option for the total amount
expression. Use backward
chaining for all the other
expressions 36/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
Pegasystems Pega
3. You have been asked to Certified System
d. To Architect
perform the (PCS...a field is
calculation whenever
create a sequence of user updated
forms for a travel reservation
process. The forms contain
fields that require calculation.
For which reason do you use a
declare expression to
calculate values?
A. To perform the calculation
in a specific case stage?
B. To perform the calculation
when the user clicks a button
C. To perform the calculation
when a form is submitted
D. To perform the calculation
whenever a field is updated
4. A service request case type b. Configure the pyDefault data transform to set
has a customergrade property. the customergrade property value.
How do you set the value of
the customergrade property
to silver when a service
request case is created.
a. Configure the
customergrade property with
a default value
b. Configure the pyDefault
data transform to set the
customergrade property
c. Configure a declare
expression to set the
customergrade property value
d. Configure the first
connector in the first flow rule
to set the customergrade
property value. 37/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet 38/39
2/13/23, 3:42 PM Pegasystems Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) Flashcards | Quizlet
7. You are designing aPega
case Certified System
c. Add Architect
an alternate (PCS...
stage and add the rejection
type that includes a process to process to the stage
perform when a case is
rejected. How do you model
this requirement in the case life
a. Add a primary stage and
add the reflection process to
the stage.
b. Add an alternate stage and
add the rejection process as
an optional process to the
c. Add an alternate stage and
add the rejection process to
the stage
d. Add the rejection process to
all the primary stages as an
optional process 39/39
2/13/23, 3:59 PM Pega CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
3.0 (2 reviews)
629 solutions 1/29
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2/13/23, 3:59 PM Pega CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA An available rule is visible and can run during rule
resolution processing. For an available rule, the
available rule
value of the pyRuleAvailable property set to
Available or Final (and is not blocked). 15/29
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2/13/23, 3:59 PM Pega CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
business rule requirement
A business rule is a requirement that defines,
constrains, and enables organizational operations. 21/29
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2/13/23, 3:59 PM Pega CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA The Case Type Explorer is a tool that lets you view
all of the case types that are in your application.
Use it to manage the hierarchical structure of your
case types, access Case Designer, and browse
Cases Type Explorer
examples of case management rules that you can
leverage in your application. To open the Case
Type Explorer, click the Cases icon in the explorer
panel of Designer Studio. 26/29
2/13/23, 3:59 PM Pega CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
A channel is a mode of communication or
interaction, such as telephone, email, or fax. 27/29
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2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega UI Design
Leave the first rating
4,134 solutions 1/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
An onlineUI Design
shopping Secion (Groups information and functionality by
application collects and context and purpose)
displays users shipping
address. An address contains a
street number, city, state, and
zip code. This information is
always presented together in a
group, whether it is used for an
order confimartion or for
invoice billing. Which UI
component is appropriate for
displaying the address
Using Live UI, you must In the hierarchy tree, drag and drop the element in
reorder the position of fields the new position
on a user form. How do you
use the tool in order to
complete this task?
Style formats can be defined Controls like buttons and links, style formats for
for what things? structural elements like layouts. 2/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega UI Design
The business is switching its Skin rule and application rule.
application branding to use a
warmer color scheme and to
include responsive behavior to
the user interface. Which two
rules must be modified to
implement this change?
What is the event and what is An event is performed by a user that triggers
the action in a UI. changes on the UI. These changes are the action.
During online shopping The event is clicking the check box and the action
checkout, users enter the is hiding the billing address section
shipping and billing addresses
in sequence. After providing
the shipping address, users
click a check box labeled use
the same address for billing.
The section for the billing
address then disappears. What
is the event and which is the
action in this scenario? 3/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
How do UI
you Design
set "visible when Use the Visibility field to configure the conditions.
conditions" on sections
included in another section,
layout, and on cells?
What does "run visibility When selected, all of the possible data that can be
condition on client" do? displayed is included in the clipboard page. 4/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
What must you define in an At least one event and one action
action set?
Which two of the following are Date changed for the arrival date and the customer
considered property-based order reaching $500.
events in Pegas dynamic UI
A section refreshes 5/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
What isUI Design
a calendar control? Ensures that users enter a date value
Where are validate rules Flow action, stage in the case life cycle.
typically referenced?
When do you use edit validate Use them with single value, value list, and value
rules? group properties to test for patternts.
When does an edit validate Runs when the user submits a form.
rule run?
What is a control required The field must be filled or else an error message
field? will be presented. 6/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega UIdynamic
Where do Designlists Data on the clipboard
reference their data?
Explain how the data page The data page receives the data from a database,
works in a dynamic list and then populates the clipboard.
Three things that can source data page, report definition, or clipboard page.
data to the clipboard to be
used in dynamic lists?
To ensure that a user selects a No. Configure the drop-down list as a required
value from a drop-down list, field.
you should use a validate rule?
A value to compare 7/8
2/13/23, 3:09 PM Pega UI Design Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveUI Design
been asked to add Use a single validate rule to verify both of these
to a form a check box control conditions since a single validate rule can verify
named "Auto Insurance multiple conditions for the same field.
Discount." Selecting the check
box indicates that the user
qualifies for the discount.
However, in order to qualify,
two conditions must be met.
First, the user must be older
than 25. Second, the user has
not received a traffic violation
in three years or more. If both
conditions are not met and the
check box is selected, an error
appears when the form is
submitted. Which one of the
following approaches would
you use in order to support
this requirement?
A requirement states that you Add a drop-down control and source the list using
must add a control that shows a data page.
a list of book titles. The titles
change on a daily basis. The
book records are maintained
on a database. The control
must show the most current
information. The organization
schedules updates to the
application on a weekly basis.
Which configuration would
you use? 8/8
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Book of Proof
2nd Edition • ISBN: 9780989472104
Richard Hammack
340 solutions 1/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 2/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 3/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What isArchitect
Case in Pega in Pega A case is a specific transaction instance.
Name Process and Steps Using the verb + noun naming convention. 4/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 5/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Text (paragraph) A large text box that accepts multiple lines of text. 6/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect in Pega Positive and negative whole numbers, including the
value zero (0).
Integer An integer field stores only the value that begins at
the first non-zero digit. For values that do not
require arithmetic calculations, use a text field type. 7/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect
Pega Platform system of in Pega ---
record 8/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Custom calculations support
common operations, such as:
Grouping (using parenthesis)
Boolean AND
Boolean OR
What two items describe the - Update all relevant fields whenever a value
function of a calculation changes.
network? - Identify the relationship between fields. 9/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect
What is the role of data in Pega
records in an
Which two of the following - Allows for integration with a system of record that
statements are true about does not support an API.
Pega Robotic Automation - Opens and updates information by using the
(RPA)? system of record's user interface. 10/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 11/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect in Pega Case approvals are decision points at which one or
Case approvals in Pega more users decide whether to approve or reject a
case. 12/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect
cascading approvals in Pega ---- 13/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 14/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect
System Administrator in Pega
and IT Provide expertise as needed. For example, on
resources infrastructure, security, or integration.
App- Studio:
Naming differences between Field, Goal and deadline, process.
studios Dev-Studio:
Property, Service Level Agreement (SLA), flow. 15/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect in Pega Rules describe the behavior for individual cases,
such as how the user interface is displayed and
Rules in Pega when work urgency increases. Pega Platform uses
the rules you create to generate application code
in the background. 16/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect in Pega For example, expense reports that total USD25 or
less receive automatic approval. You create a rule
to test whether an expense report totals USD25 or
less and delegate the rule to the Accounting
Delegation example
department. The Accounting department can then
update the rule to increase the threshold for
automatic approval increases to USD50, without
submitting a change request for the application. 17/18
2/13/23, 4:01 PM System Architect in Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
System Architect in Pega A major version is the first two digits of a ruleset
version number. For ruleset version 01-02-03, the
major version would be 01.
Major version The major version represents a substantial release
of an application. A major version change
encompasses extensive changes to application
functionality. 18/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet 2/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4snapshot
You are using CSA pattern a) Only for the first-time request
in your application to get the
details from the data page.
when will the data page will be
a) Only for the first-time
b) For every unique request
c) For every request
d) Based on refresh condition
in the data page 3/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Basic conditions
When a case enters the Search duplicate cases
step, the system first evaluates the basic conditions
to limit the number of potential cases that are
flagged as duplicates. The current case must meet
all basic conditions to be considered a potential
Weighted conditions
Once all basic conditions are met, the system
Duplicate Case Search continues to evaluate the weighted conditions to
receive a weight value. Each condition has a weight
(between 1 and 100) to determine the relative
importance of a condition when making the
The system adds up the weights of all the
conditions that evaluate to true. If the sum meets or
exceeds a specified threshold value, the system
flags the existing cases that met the conditions as
potential duplicates. 4/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Wait types
The Wait step can be configured to pause case
Wait shape types
processing based on Wait type: Case Dependency
or Timer. 5/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4 CSA When you model a case type in a Pega Platform™
application, you configure the application with
instructions to create, process, and resolve a case.
These instructions are rules. Rules describe the
behavior for individual cases, such as how the user
interface is displayed and when work urgency
increases. Pega Platform uses the rules you create
to generate application code in the background.
Rule, rule type
Each rule is an instance of a rule type. Pega
Platform provides many rule types to use as
templates for creating a rule. The rule type
determines the type of behavior modeled by the
rule. Each rule type models a specific type of
behavior, such as automated decisions or UI
design. For example, to model a process you use a
specific type of rule called a flow rule.
Pega Platform™ facilitates rule reuse between case
types and applications. Developers often reuse
rules — from single data elements to entire
processes — in applications. Rule reuse improves
application quality and reduces development time.
Within an application, Pega Platform groups rules
into classes according to their capacity for reuse.
Each grouping is a class. Each application consists
of three class types.
Data transforms
The purpose of a data transform is to manipulate
data in an application. Data transforms copy or
Data transforms
manipulate data into the form you require. Data
transforms can be used to iterate over page lists or
page groups and copy entire pages at a time. 6/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Responsive breakpoints
A breakpoint defines a display width. Pega
responsive breakpoints are set automatically by
default. When the display width crosses a
breakpoint, the responsive behavior is applied to
the layout. With a dynamic layout, responsive
Responsive breakpoints breakpoint behavior changes the layout of the
fields based on the width of the display area.
For example, the default breakpoints automatically
display four columns as two columns on a tablet,
and as a single column on a mobile phone —
making the form readable on smaller screen widths
and eliminating the need for horizontal scrolling. 7/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Service authentication
If the source system requires authentication, you
Service authentication can configure the basic, NTLM, or OAuth
authentication method to send data records to and
from your Pega application. 8/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet 9/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4 CSA The Visual Data Model is a diagram that provides
visibility into the application's data model and how
Visual Data Model
the entities are related. Update, add, and delete
fields from the Visual Data Model. 10/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet 11/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4 CSA The Work class contains the rules that describe how
to process a case or cases, such as processes, data
elements, and user interfaces.
The Integration class contains the rules that
describe how the application interacts with other
Class Types systems, such as the integration assets that connect
the application to a customer database or a third-
party web server.
The Data class contains the rules that describe the
data objects used in the application, such as a
customer data type or order items data type. 12/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet 13/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
pyDefault and
The first time you create a view for your case type,
Pega Platform creates the pyDefault and
pySetFieldDefaults data transforms. You can also
create them manually. When a new case is created,
the pyDefault data transform is invoked by the
pyStartCase process. PyDefault then invokes the
pySetFieldDefaults data transform.
Data transform
data page source can be Report definition
Database lookup
Robotic automation
Robotic desktop automation 14/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4
If you refer to aCSA
data page to false, property only point out to data page
auto populate the property,
the data is stored on the
property. 15/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4 CSA Tracer displays each event on a separate row. The
records display according to the following color
Gray - Activity processing
Orange - Events from flow, decision, or declarative
Light blue - PegaRULES database and cache
For which requirement must The value of the Date of service field must be no
you configure a validate rule in more than 15 days for a critical issue, and up to 60
Dev Studio? days in the future for an issue with a lower priority.
What is the role of data Data records provide access to data that is used to
records in an application? process cases but is not part of an application. 16/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet 17/18
2/13/23, 3:22 PM PEGA 8.4 CSA Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA 8.4 CSA The Data Pages category contains read-only data
pages defined by data page rules. Data pages
cache in memory data sourced elsewhere, such as
from a third-party service or a system of record.
For example, your application converts currency
Clipboard - Data Pages
from one type to another, such as converting US
dollars to Euros. The conversion rates, which are
determined by the currency markets, are cached to
a data page for use by one or more users of the
application. 18/18
2/13/23, 3:38 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.01.Role of a System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet 1/2
2/13/23, 3:38 PM Pega.CSA.KPM.01.Role of a System Architect Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega.CSA.KPM.01.Role of a- perform
System Architect
much of the development work.
- Configure and unit test individual application
elements such as correspondence and automated
System Architects
- Help draft processes and user interfaces during
DCO sessions. 2/2
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
103 solutions 1/6
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Allows you Exam
to Refresh, Refresh Clipboard - Action Menu
Current Page, Find property in
a given page, CRUD, Execute
an activity on a selected page,
save a page or start a flow on
a page.
The two tiers of Java Enterprise Client Faceing APIs - JSP and JSF
Edition (JEE) Strong Middle Tier - EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JMX 2/6
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
To configure Exam
system state you prconfig.xml - this is bad for performance
must configure what
Obj-Open and Obj-List are OBJ-Open and OBJ-List are optimized to leverage
preferred to RDB methods caching
DB Transactions
Two types of Transactions JTA Transactions
PRPC uses Two phase commits - need XA DB Driver
CMT is invoked for EJB, Java, and JMS
SQL Server
Databases supported Oracle
UDB 3/6
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
On Demand Push vs Pull Scheme
Four options for PRPC Embedded
Deployment Batch
Distributed and Heterogeneous
JAAS Supported
Two Phase Commit
Five Benefits of EAR All service types available
MQ Listener
Transactional Model 4/6
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Used to minimize Exam
code Rule Assembly Cache - Memory
generation and compilation
mainly by tracking ResultSets
lists and user entries & Storage
Location 5/6
2/13/23, 3:24 PM PEGA CSSA Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
This flags CSSA
a rule as Exam
dirty and for System Pulse
FUA on next access 6/6
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
Leave the first rating
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You want to engage business Iterative delivery + Direct Capture of Objectives
and IT resources to review the (DCO)
working models. What two
best practices accomplish this
When collecting information Add the date of birth field to the case worker's
for a loan application, a case view of the case type.
worker needs to enter the date Add a date of birth data field to the case type.
of birth on the loan application
form. What two tasks do you
perform to enable the case
worker to enter this
information? 2/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
When modeling the life cycle transfer of authority
of a case, stages typically
represent a _______________ or a significant change in the status of a case
When modeling the life cycle be sequenced into the primary stages
of a case, alternate stages
typically represent ____________ exceptions to the normal course of events
and can ___________. 3/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What should you consider
Consider what fields the users need to see, how
values will be entered, and whether users can
before creating a user view?
modify or only read the values.
When is the earliest You can configure the user view for a step after you
opportunity for you to add that step to the case life cycle.
configure the user view for a
step in a case life cycle in Pega
You have added fields for Define the name and address properties as text
entering the name and property types and use text input controls.
address of a loan applicant.
What validation methods
would you use?
How would you configure a You would use a picklist field and specify either a
field in which a user selects radio button or dropdown control type.
one of four possible shipping
Validate rules enable you to different values are required based on business
use a single property when logic
______________. 4/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You have added a field for An edit validate rule ensures that the phone
entering a U.S. phone number. number contains the correct number of digits. The
Do you use a integer data type integer data type only ensures that the user enters
or an edit validate rule to numbers in the field.
validate that the phone
number is in the correct
You have a requirement to add Use an edit validate rule that validates the routing
a bank checking account number pattern.
number field to a view. Routing
numbers must contain nine
digits. How would you
configure the field to support
this requirement?
You have a requirement to add Use a single validate rule to verify both of these
to a view a check box that conditions.
indicates the user qualifies for
an auto insurance discount. In
order to qualify, two
conditions must be met. First,
the user must be older than 25.
Second, the user cannot have
received a traffic violation in
the past three years. Unless
both conditions are met and
the user selects the check box,
the form displays an error
when the user submits the
form. Which one of the
following approaches would
you use to support this
requirement? 5/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are adding a field to your Use the required option
case type in which users must
enter the day, month, and year Define the field type as a date
they were hired before the
user can submit the user form.
The field type must enforce a
date format. What two
validation approaches would
you use to meet the validation
What is the difference A child case has a relationship with the parent case
between a top-level case and and a top-level case does not.
a child case?
What are the two ways you You can configure a case to wait for a set amount
can configure a Wait step to of time or until a subcase reaches a defined status.
pause a case?
You cannot complete a Make loan request a parent case type, and
purchase case on a website appraisal a child case type.
unless you complete a new
account child case. 6/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
In an online shopping Both Pay-37 and Pac-56 have to be resolved
application, the primary case before PO-11 can be resolved.
type PurchaseOrder has two
child case types: Payment and
Packaging. In processing
PurchaseOrder case PO-11,
Payment case Pay-37 and
Packaging case Pac-56 are
created. Which statement
about the processing of PO-11,
Pay-37, and Pac-56 is correct?
While testing case behavior for This page should be located in the Data Pages
an online shopping category.
application, you want to
confirm that the application
properly generates a list of the
customer's previous orders
when querying the company's
order management system. In
which category of clipboard
pages would you expect to
find the page that contains this
list? 7/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What action is defined in The Apply Data Transform action.
pyDefault to ensure that
pySetFieldDefaults is invoked
when a case is created?
When you create data Give each data transform the same name
transforms in a class hierarchy
and want to use the superclass
feature, how do you name
each data transform? 8/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
The case type hierarchy in In each subcase type data transform, set the work
your insurance application urgency to the required value.
consists of three case types:
Claim (top level), Personal Select the Call superclass data transform option in
Injury (subcase type of Claim), each of the subcase type data transforms.
and Emergency Care (subcase
type of Personal Injury). In the
Claim case type, a data
transform sets the claim date
and work urgency. To reduce
maintenance, you do not want
to set in each subcase the
properties that were already
set in the parent data
transforms. However, you want
to set work urgency to
different values in each
subcase type. What two
configuration steps would you
take to meet this requirement?
In which two of the following Copy data from one page to another
situations would you use a
data transform? Set default values when creating a case 9/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Which technique should you Use procedural processing by calling a data
use if you want to update transform from a flow action.
values when the user submits a
Where are the source values Where are the source values entered when
entered when creating declare creating declare expressions in Case Designer and
expressions in Case Designer Designer Studio?
and Designer Studio?
When can forward chaining When an expression uses many source properties
have a negative impact on that change frequently
performance? 10/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are designing a travel plan Total cost of options
application. A hotel booking
step displays a form in which Total cost for the hotel room
users select a hotel and enter
the number of days they are
staying at the hotel. The form
displays the total cost for the
hotel room. The form also
includes fields for selecting, at
extra cost, options such as
valet parking. The application
totals the cost for any selected
options and adds that amount
to the total room cost to equal
the grand total, which is
displayed in a field. Which two
of the following properties
would you use as the target
properties? 11/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are configuring a Specify backward chaining in the total interest rate
declarative network that declare expression.
contains eleven declare
expressions which are used to
calculate the interest rate for a
home mortgage. For example,
the target value Property Tax
Assessment is used as a source
value when calculating the
Assessed Property Value. The
declare expressions use target
values from other expressions
to calculate their target values.
The field displaying the
interest rate appears on the
approval form. To improve
performance, how can you
reduce the number of
calculations? 12/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
When do you use a data when you need to retrieve data
When you configure a data A data page rule defines the structure, scope, data
page, you define the structure source, and refresh strategy of the cached data.
as either a page or a list. What
other components do you
need to define?
You have a data page with The data page reloads on the next access one hour
customer data. The data page after it was created.
is configured to reload if it is
older than one hour. Which of
the following best describes
when the data page will
You have configured a data Update the data page to change the data source
page to look up customer data information.
in a database table. The data
source changes to a REST web
service. Which of the following
best describes the actions you
should take to make sure your
application uses the right data
source? 13/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You want to create a list of Configure a local data storage and add your data
products and their attributes to records to the selected data type.
distribute with an application.
Which method do you use to
create the reference data?
What capabilities do you gain You can add behavior for late assignments, and
by configuring a service level determine when an assignment is ready for users to
agreement rule in Designer perform.
Studio? 14/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
The goal milestone in a service in which the case or step should be completed
level defines the amount of
time _____________________.
In a new hire process, a hiring Enable assignment notifications for the case type.
manager needs to be
automatically notified by
email, when a job application
case reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement? 15/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You are configuring a standard Insert applicant's name, loan office, and loan
email to automatically be sent amount properties. Also, insert the paragraph rule.
to loan applicants informing
them that their loan has been
approved. The requirement
states that the email must
include values for the
applicant's name, the loan
office, and the loan amount.
The email must also include
boilerplate content stating the
loan's terms and conditions,
which is regularly updated.
This content is in a paragraph
rule shared by other standard
emails throughout the
organization. How would you
configure your email? 16/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
An insurance company Route requests to a work group that uses skill rating
provides personal property parameters for work group members.
insurance. Jewelry is
categorized as a special type
of personal property. Requests
for jewelry coverage require
that a user managing the
request is trained to appraise
jewelry. The requirement is to
route assignments for jewelry
appraisals to users who have
this skill. Which one of the
following routing approaches
would you use?
A home loan company has Route the assignment to the correct work queue
home appraisal offices in based on a decision rule.
various regions. Each office
has its own work queue.
Company policy requires that
home appraisals are assigned
to offices based on the home's
location. For example,
appraisals for homes located
in Boston are assigned to the
New England office work
queue. Which routing
approach would you choose
to support this requirement?
A parallel process is defined as a process that executes over the same time period
___________________________. as other processes 17/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Automating decisions based application users to focus on more nuanced
on business logic enables decisions that require business expertise
You have created a form that Set the activity name column to primary
lists a group of recreational importance.
activities that users can select
when booking a vacation. One Set the image column to other importance.
column lists the activity name,
a second column provides the Set the check box column to secondary
check box for activity importance.
selection, and a third column
displays a thumbnail image of
the activity. You want to ensure
that users have the information
they need to make their
selections regardless of screen
size. When viewed on a small
screen, you do not need to
display the images. What three
configuration steps would you
take to support this
requirement? (Choose Three) 18/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What are two ways you can Add a field group list to a view in Pega Express.
add a table to a view? (Choose
Two) Add a table to a section used by the view.
What are the main UI control, and which event and action to configure
considerations when preparing to the control.
to configure an action set?
Which of the following sets Tab key > Add new work
represent action sets (event >
action) in Pega Platform? Double-click > Scan barcode/QR code
(Choose Two)
How do you configure an First, configure a Click event with a Refresh action.
action set on a button to clear Next, add a View History action to the event.
user selections and then
review the previous actions on
the case?
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group the results.
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center. How
would you configure the
report definition? 19/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
A manager requests a report For the Case ID property, select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type.
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
order. How would you design
the report definition to
support this requirement?
Your organization has a Create two conditions: Work Status does not equal
standard loan request report New, AND Creation Date is equal to Previous
that contains columns for loan Quarter.
ID, loan officer, work status,
and a loan creation date. A
manager requests a report that
includes only loans created in
the previous quarter and do
not have a status of New. How
would you configure the
report filter to support this
Which type of data is exposed Process metrics, such as the current stage or status,
by default? are exposed by default. 20/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
A report contains five columns Sales territory (.Territory)
of data about sales quotes.
Expiration date (.ExpiryDate)
The case ID (.pyID)
The currently assigned sales
The creation date of the sales
quote (.pxCreateDate)
The sales territory (.Territory)
The expiration data of the
quote (.ExpiryDate)
What are two ways to view the Run the unit test or view the output of the test with
output of a unit test? the Clipboard tool.
When unit testing a rule, you Provides initial values for properties used in rule
can identify a data transform to evaluation.
use during the test. What does
the data transform do? 21/22
2/13/23, 3:54 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
You have created a test case The return values used in the decision table
for a decision table and
verified the results. A few The input property values used in the decision
weeks later, another developer table
runs the test case again and
the test fails. Changes to which
two of the following
configurations could have
caused this result? (Choose
Two) 22/22
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Science Engineering
215 solutions
2. Application Development: Using an ECS helps you organize rules in a way that
Creating a Pega Application encourages reuse and provides the ability to adapt
Knowledge Check as the business changes. 1/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
2. Application System Architect
Development: Knowledge
The Framework layer Checks ...
Creating a Pega Application
Knowledge Check 2/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
3. Deployments: System Architect
Application An SAKnowledge Checks
copies the required rules into ...
the empty
Versioning ruleset to create the new application version
Knowledge Check
3. Deployments: Application You use create a new version when you want to
Versioning lock and roll the version and create a new
Knowledge Check application rule. You can also create a new
application version when you want to have people
When using lock and roll, what access more than one version of the application
is the purpose of selecting the (for example, a phased roll-out or a test period).
new version option? 3/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
3. Deployments: System Architect
Application Knowledge
Application Checks
versioning preserves ... application
Versioning versions
Assessment - You can edit application functionality in a new
version of the application without changing the
What is the importance of initial version
application versioning? 4/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
5. Deployments: System Architect
Application Knowledge
Application Checks ...
validation (AV)
Knowledge Check 5/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
5. Deployments: System Architect
Application Rules Knowledge Checkscannot
using application validation ... reference
Rulesets rulesets in applications build on the application
Assessment 6/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
7. Deployments: System Architect
Managing Knowledge
To enable Checks
your team to manage the ...
branches they
Application Development suse and not impact other teams.
Knowledge Check
7. Deployments: Managing You can view possible rule conflicts and guardrail
Application Development warnings in the branch rule on the Branch quality
Knowledge Check tab. 7/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
7. Deployments: System Architect
Managing Knowledge
is designed Checks ...
for large projects
Application Development is based on another ruleset
Assessment 8/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
9. Application System Architect
Development: Knowledge Checks ...
Rule Resolution
Knowledge Check 9/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
9. Application System Architect
Development: Knowledge
The version Checks
of the ruleset ... last. This
is considered
Rule Resolution ensures that circumstances rules are not
Knowledge Check automatically overridden if the base rule is
updated in a more recent ruleset version.
As candidate rules are ranked
during rule resolution, which
criteria is considered last?
9. Application Development: If a user does not have access to the selected rule,
Rule Resolution the system sends a message that it could not find
Assessment an appropriate rule to execute
- The rule resolution algorithm verifies that the user
Which of the following has authorization to access the selected rule
statements is true about the
rule resolution process? 10/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
9. Application System Architect
Development: Knowledge Checks ...
Rule Resolution - When a rule marked as Withdrawn is found during
Assessment rule resolution, the system looks for an instance of
the rule in the next highest class of ruleset
Which rule availability setting
can you use to force the
system to look for an instance
of the rule in the next highest
class or ruleset?
11. Application Development: The real estate firm will use multiple value
Circumstancing circumstancing to display the appropriate
Knowledge Check disclosure for each listing based on the
circumstance template and definition.
What type of circumstancing
will a real estate firm use to
display a disclosure statement
that varies by both the status
and location of the listing? 11/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
11. Application System Architect
Development: Knowledge
Circumstance Checks
the form by ... date;
property and
Circumstancing specify June 15, 2019 as the start date
Assessment 12/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
13. Case Senior System Architect
Management: Knowledge
Save storage in the PegaChecks
database ...
Duplicate and Temporary
Knowledge Check 13/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
13. Case Senior System Architect
Management: Add aKnowledge Checks
basic condition where ... operator in
the create
Duplicate and Temporary an existing case is the same as in the current case
Cases - if the basic condition evaluates to true, the
Assessment current case is eligible as a potential match and is
evaluated using weighted conditions
You want to evaluate cases as
potential duplicates when the
existing cases and the current
case have the same create
operator. How would you
ensure that only cases with the
same create operator are
15. Case Management: Parallel A Split For Each allows you to iterate over a list of
Processing employees to start an interview process for each
Knowledge Check employee. 14/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
15. Case Senior System
Management: Parallel Architect Knowledge
You would Checks
choose a Split ... it lets you
Join because
Processing call multiple subprocesses that run in parallel
Knowledge Check
In an equipment selection
process, you want the Facilities
Setup and IT Setup processes
to run in parallel using a smart
shape. Which smart shape
would you choose?
15. Case Management: Parallel For each child case, you override the default
Processing setting that locks the parent cases.
Knowledge Check 15/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
15. Case Senior System
Management: Parallel Architect
SelectKnowledge Checks
Allow one user locking option...on Purchase
Processing Requests and select the Allow access for the
Assessment parent case when the child case is opened option
of Purchase Orders
Your application contains a
top-level case type named
Purchase Request and a
Purchaser Order child case.
The company has determined
taht only one user at a time
may open and work on a case.
However, users working on
purchase orders should not
lock out users working on the
parent purchase request
cases. Howe would you
configure the lock settings
among the case types? 16/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
15. Case Senior System
Management: Parallel Architect
Add aKnowledge Checks
Split For Each shape ... request
and run the
Processing subprocess for each vendor on a page list
17. Case Management: Flow Pega performs the pre-processing action each time
Action Processing the flow action is presented to the user
Knowledge Check
17. Case Management: Flow You need to identify the impacted flow action and
Action Processing determine whether the new data transform or
Knowledge Check activity should be placed before or after the flow
action. You also create or update the desired data
Why is analyzing the transform or activity.
requirement and the case type
important? 17/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
17. Case Management: Flow The data transform runs every time the user
Action Processing performs the flow action run
Assessment - Pre- and post-processing data transforms and
activities run every time you invoke the flow action
You created a data transform
to concatenate the first and
last name values of a user
name. You add the
concatenate data transform to
a flow action as a post-
processing action. What
occurs when the flow runs?
19. Case Management: You use a decision table when you need to test the
Decision Tables and Trees values of multiple properties to make the decision.
Knowledge Check 18/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
19. Case Management: Create one column for feedback, with three rows
Decision Tables and Trees for the three possible decisions
Assessment - You would create one feedback column and three
rows for evaluating the three possible feedback
A job recruiter screens results
candidates to assess their
qualification. The recruiter
determines whether the
candidate matches the
targeted position. Matches a
different position in the
company, or does not match
any position. A decision table,
based on the recruiter's
feedback, automatically
advances the cases through a
corresponding connector
named Selected Position,
Targeted Position, and Reject.
How do you configure the
condition column(s)? 19/45
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2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
21. Case Senior System Architect
Management: Knowledge
The authority Checks
matrix works ...the approval
best when
Approving Cases with an chain is directed by a set of rules to individuals
Authority Matrix both inside and outside of the organization of the
Knowledge Check submitter. The reporting structure model works
best when approvals always move up a defined list.
What is the difference
between the authority matrix
and reporting structure
cascading approval models? 21/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
21. Case Senior System Architect
Management: Knowledge
Set the decision table toChecks
evaluate all...
Approving Cases with an - You must evaluate all rows in the decision table.
Authority Matrix Otherwise, the table returns only one result
Assessment 22/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
21. Case Senior System Architect
Management: SelectKnowledge Checks
the reporting structure ...
configuration with
Approving Cases with an custom levels, then configure when rules to
Authority Matrix determine the number of levels
Assessment - When rules are used to test whether an approval
level is needed
Your application requires
cascading approval for the
expense reports. Approvals
must follow the submitter's
reporting structure, with the
following thresholds. A
manager must approve
expense reports up to $500. A
director must approve
expense reports up to $1500. A
vice president must approve
expense reports of $1500 or
greater. How do you configure
the approval process? 23/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
23. Case Senior System Architect
Management: SelectKnowledge Checks
the organization in ... chart
the organization
Organizational Records and use the chart menu to add the division.
Knowledge Check 24/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
23. Case Senior System Architect
Management: Knowledge
Add the regional units asChecks
sub-units to...the Sales unit
Organizational Records - The regional units report to the Sales unit.
Assessment Therefore, the regional units are sub-units to the
Sales unit
The TGB organization structure
has a Sales unit, and it belongs
to the Marketing division. TGB
plans to add new units for the
East, Central, and West
geographical sales regions.
These regional units report to
the Sales unit. How do you
configure the organizational
hierarchy to support the new
structure? 25/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
25. Data Senior
Modeling: System
Field Architect Knowledge
Customize Checks
a list of allowed values for...a property
Values based on the context of the property
25. Data Modeling: Field Create a field value record for each value and set
Values the context using the Apply to: field
27. User Interface: User Portals The purpose of a user portal is to provide users
Knowledge Check with a view into their application. Each portal is
customized to the needs of a particular group of
What is the purpose of a user users.
27. User Interface: User Portals An action area displays the content of a user form
Knowledge Check when users select a flow action. The action area
describes the work users perform to complete an
What is the purpose of an assignment.
action area in a harness?
27. User Interface: User Portals A screen layout defines the structure of a portal.
Knowledge Check The screen layout defines the panes of the portal.
The content of each pane is determined by
What is the purpose of a referencing a section.
screen layout in a harness? 26/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega SeniorUser
27. User Interface: System
Portals Architect Knowledge
A navigation Checks
record is used ... the entries
to configure
Knowledge Check on a menu. It lists a menu entry and identifies the
action performed when a user selects the entry.
What is the purpose of a
navigation record?
27. User Interface: User Portals A binary file record is a container for a non-text file.
Knowledge Check It provides the security, inheritance, versioning, and
deployment benefits granted through the process
What benefits does a binary of rule resolution.
file record provide for storing
not-text files?
27. User Interface: User Portals Upload the image in the application theme
Assessment - To update the logo in the portal header, upload
the new logo in the application theme
Which step do you perform to
update the logo in a portal
header? 27/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega SeniorEnabling
29. User Interface: System Architect Knowledge
Use tool-tips Checks
to announce a control's...function, use
Accessibility Features in a high-contrast screen, configure a button or a link
Applications to dismiss an overlay, set the enter event on a
Knowledge Check control to enable keyboard tabbing, include links
with icons, mark a dynamic container as the main
What application accessibility content area to enable direct access to the content
improvement approaches can in the dynamic container, and use a drop-down list
you enable without the of options instead of text entry for fields with
accessibility ruleset? predictable answers.
29. User Interface: Enabling The PegaWAI ruleset complies with WAI-ARIA
Accessibility Features in standards and requires no additional configuration.
Knowledge Check
29. User Interface: Enabling High contrast color schemes are available for users
Accessibility Features in with vision limitations
Applications Tooltips on controls are read aloud to the user by a
Assessment screen reader
29. User Interface: Enabling Provide enhancement interface support for users
Accessibility Features in requiring assistance
Assessment 28/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega SeniorEnabling
29. User Interface: System Architect Knowledge
Add the Checks
PegaWAI ruleset ... application
to the list of
Accessibility Features in production rulesets
Applications - To implement the PegaWAI ruleset, you first add
Assessment and save the ruleset to the list of production
rulesets in the Advanced section of the appliance
What do you do before you Definition page
configure the advanced tab of
the Access group to apply the
PegaWAI ruleset?
29. User Interface: Enabling The Disability preview button in the Accessibility
Accessibility Features in inspector tool
Applications - The Disability preview in the Accessibility
Assessment inspector tool allows you to preview what the
current UI looks like to users with different forms of
A developer decides that color blindness
buttons in Pega application are
blue, while the button text is
purple. What Pega feature
allows the developer to check
whether application users with
a form of color blindness can
easily differentiate between
the button text and the button
31. User Interface: Localized The five ways to adapt to regions using localization
Application Content are accommodate the local language, currency,
Knowledge Check date format, time zone, and time format 29/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega SeniorLocalized
31. User Interface: System Architect Knowledge
Field value, Checks
paragraph, and ...
Application Content rulesets can be exported, translated into multiple
Knowledge Check languages, and reused in an application to
accommodate multiple regions.
What is the advantage of using
rulesets when localizing an
application in multiple
31. User Interface: Localized Export all the required fields using the Localization
Application Content wizard, have them translated, and import your own
Knowledge Check custom translation pack. 30/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega SeniorLocalized
31. User Interface: System Architect Knowledge
Instruction text Checks ...
Application Content Short descriptions
33. Information Exchange: - Keyed page access is not available for single
Keyed Data Pages pages
Knowledge Check - Only properties can reference keyed data pages
True 31/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
33. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
two separate data pagesChecks ...
Keyed Data Pages
Knowledge Check 32/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
33. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
Source Checks
the contents of the ...directly from
UI control
Keyed Data Pages a data page
Assessment - The reference pattern references data directly
without making it part of the data model
Users must select the make
and model of their vehicle
when submitting a new
insurance claim. Which is the
best implementation for this
use case?
33. Information Exchange: Configure a page property with the Refer to a data
Keyed Data Pages page option enabled
Assessment - The system of record (SoR) pattern references
data in an external system without including it in the
A product return case must case data
always show the current
contract information for the
customer from a customer
database. Which is the best
implementation for this use
33. Information Exchange: Configure a page property with the Copy data
Keyed Data Pages from a data page option enabled
Assessment - The snapshot pattern copies data from an
external system to the case
An online order must include
item price information at the
time of the order placement.
Which is the best
implementation for this use
case? 33/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
33. Information System Architect
Exchange: CreateKnowledge Checks
a keyed data page ... information
with vehicle
Keyed Data Pages - A keyed data page frontloads the data from the
Assessment data source and then uses one or multiple keys to
locate and return matching instances. The keyed
When users select the model data page is the best implementation when there
of their vehicle, the application are frequent unique queries before the information
displays the specification for becomes stale.
the model. Most vehicle model
requests occur before the
vehicle information becomes
stale. Which is the best
implementation for the use
Obj-Open-By-Handle 34/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
35. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
Searches Checks
the database, retrieves ... records,
Database Updates and copies them to the clipboard as an array of
Knowledge Check embedded pages
35. Information Exchange: Opens a clipboard page, acquires a lock (if one is
Database Updates not already held), and refreshes the page
Knowledge Check
Obj-Delete-By-Handle 35/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
35. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
Cancels the most recentChecks ... Obj-Save
Database Updates method so that the instance is not written as part of
Knowledge Check a later Commit operation
Rollback method
PegaRules database
35. Information Exchange: - Stores all rules and system information for a Pega
Database Updates application
Assessment PegaDATA database
- Stores information such as cases, assignments,
Match the database type to its and case history
description External database
- Stores data outside of the Pega application 36/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
35. Information System Architect
Exchange: 5 Knowledge Checks ...
Database Updates - The first property-set is written to the deferred list
Assessment and persisted to the database at the commit step
overwriting the second property-set value written
An activity executes the directly to the database
following five steps on an
integer property in the
sequence shown. What is the
value in the database after all
five steps complete?
1. Property-set (value = 5)
2. Obj-Save
3. Property-set (value = 10)
4. Obj-Save with Writenow
5. Commit 37/45
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2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
37. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge Checks ...
Exchange Data with Other
39. Information Exchange: You must simulate an itegration when the service is
Simulating Integration Data not available or when the response needs to be
Knowledge Check dictated. 39/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
39. Information System Architect
Exchange: WhenKnowledge
the connector hasChecks ... generated
not yet been
Simulating Integration Data
Knowledge Check 40/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
41. Information System Architect
Exchange: CreateKnowledge
a data transform Checks ...
Integration Setting - You use a data transform to load a data page with
Management the correct settings
Assessment Create a data page
- You use a data page to access the Global
Which two of the following Resource Settings
steps are necessary to
implement Global Resource
Settings? 41/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
43. Information Exchange: You would use it when the response is not
Integration Errors immediately needed and a process for handling the
Knowledge Check error is required 42/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
43. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
The service is running onChecks ... is
a system that
Integration Errors temporarily unavailable
Assessment - The transient error is because the situation is
An error is generated when a
connector invokes a remote
service. Which of the following
is an example of a transient
43. Information Exchange: Use an existing function in the error handling data
Integration Errors transform
Assessment - There is an existing function for writing messages
to a log file
Which of the following allows
you to write all errors that are
detected when loading a data
page to a log file?
43. Information Exchange: The standard connector error handler flow can
Integration Errors help recover from transient errors
Assessment The error handler flow is invoked if the error is not
handled elsewhere
Which two of the following
statements are the most
accurate with respect to the
error handler flow? 43/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
45. Information System Architect
Exchange: Knowledge
A condition Checks
allows you to ... error
add a custom
Web Services message to the response
Knowledge Check 44/45
2/13/23, 4:22 PM Pega Senior System Architect Knowledge Checks and Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Senior
47. Reporting: System Architect
Designing Knowledge
The tool Checks
uses Pega classes ...table
to find the
Reports with Multiple Sources
Knowledge Check
47. Reporting: Designing Pega uses two records - a database record and a
Reports with Multiple Sources database table record - to map classes to database
Knowledge Check tables 45/45
2/13/23, 3:11 PM Pega Section 10: Decision Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/5
2/13/23, 3:11 PM Pega Section 10: Decision Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Section
Customers under the10:
age Decision
of 18 Design
must provide the name and ID
number of a consenting parent
as part of an enrollment
process. Which decision rule is
best suited to determine
whether to display entry fields
when a consenting parent is
needed? 2/5
2/13/23, 3:11 PM Pega Section 10: Decision Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Which statement best A When rule can only return a true or false result.
describes the evaluation of a
When rule?
What is the main reason for You need to test the values of multiple properties
using a decision table rather to make the decision.
than a when rule for
automating a decision?
When would you use a When you want to apply if...then...else logic to
decision tree rather than a evaluate a set of conditions.
decision table to automate a
decision? 3/5
2/13/23, 3:11 PM Pega Section 10: Decision Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Section
A job recruiter 10: Decision Design
screens Create one column for feedback with three rows
candidates to assess their for the three possible decisions.
qualifications. The recruiter
determines whether the
candidate matches the
targeted position, matches a
different position in the
company, or does not match
any position. A decision table,
based on the recruiter's
feedback, automatically
advances the case through a
corresponding connector
named Selected Position,
Targeted Position, and Reject.
How would you configure the
condition column(s)? 4/5
2/13/23, 3:11 PM Pega Section 10: Decision Design Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Section
As part of 10:
the process of Decision Design
An otherwise branch that tests for assessment
assessing a candidate, the scores less than 40.
feedback provided by the A branch that evaluates both technical and
interviewer is used to decide interpersonal skill scores
whether or not to hire a Two nested branches - one to evaluate technical
candidate for a position. If skill scores and another to evaluate interpersonal
necessary, other test scores skill scores.*Correct
are used in the evaluation. A top-level branch that tests for assessment scores
Candidates with an assessment less than 40.*Correct
score of 40 or less are
automatically rejected before
they are evaluated further.
Candidates with an assessment
score of 60 or less are
rejected if either their technical
skill scores and interpersonal
skill scores are below 40.
Candidates with scores higher
than 60 are automatically
You are using a decision tree
to make the evaluations. Which
two branch configurations
would you use in your decision
tree? (Choose Two)
You have designed a decision Check the decision tree for conflicts.
tree that you want to unit test.
You want to verify that every
row can be evaluated
regardless of the input values.
How would you test your
decision tree? 5/5
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
2,433 solutions 1/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA CSAisPractice
Which situation best Exam d.
addressed through If a loan applicant resides in Canada, add a legally
circumstancing? required disclosure to the confirmation email
acknowledging the submission of their loan
a. Loan applicants must request.
provide their name, address,
and occupation. If the Circumstancing allows you to adjust execution of a
customer is already a process step based on case conditions. Altering
customer, automatically the content of correspondence based on a specific
populate the customer details condition, such as the state of residence for a loan
from the system of record. applicant, is a common use case for
Otherwise, require that the circumstancing.
applicant enter this
information on the form.
b. If a loan applicant is
married, prompt the applicant
to provide the name, date of
birth, and taxpayer ID for their
spouse. 2/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which rule Practice
warning do you Exam b. An application uses an activity to add a customer
address by justifying the information to a system of record.
current design?
Writing data to a system of record may require use
a. An application uses an of an activity, even though activity use triggers a
activity to calculate a guardrail violation. In this situation, the violation
promotional discount. should be justified.
b. An application uses an
activity to add a customer
information to a system of
c. An application is being
prepared for release, and a
process is still in draft mode. 3/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet 4/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Select two Practice
statements that Exam a. A case represents the processes, data, and work
best describe the relationship parties involved in completing a business
between a case and a child transaction. A child case typically focuses on a
case. (Choose Two) subset of data relative to a parent case and usually
involves different work parties than the parent case.
a. A case represents the
processes, data, and work AND
parties involved in completing
a business transaction. A child b. A case is considered the primary processing unit
case typically focuses on a (parent case) of a business transaction, while a child
subset of data relative to a case is any related case that represents work that
parent case and usually must be completed to resolve the parent case.
involves different work parties
than the parent case. 5/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet 6/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Select theCSA Practice
statements that bestExam c. Use data transforms to map data from a source
describe the purpose of a data to a target, and perform any conversions needed
transform. (Choose Two) to achieve the intended mapping results. 7/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
CustomerCSA Practice
must provide at Exam b. Value Group
least one of the following
three telephone numbers: Use a Value Group property to create a property
that can contain an unordered group of single
•Home values.
a. Single Value
b. Value Group
c. Page List
d. Page
a. Page
b. Page List
c. Value List
d. Page Group 8/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Two formsCSA
for an Practice
online Exam b. Backward chaining for the taxes and the grand
shopping process use a total
declarative network to
calculate values. The first form The values will be updated only when the second
contains fields that display the form is opened.
item total amounts and the
order total amount. The
second form includes fields
that display the taxes and the
grand total that will be
charged to the user's credit
card. Which declare
expression configuration
would you use so that all the
values on the second form are
calculated only when the user
reaches the form? 9/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which two Practice
requirements are Exam b. A request is rejected if it has not been resolved
examples of an escalation by the end of the Deadline interval.
action on a service level
agreement? (Choose Two) AND 10/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which three rule Practice
types can Exam a. Section
you reference in a Section rules are used to include content from user
correspondence rule to forms in correspondence.
provide content for the
correspondence? (Choose b. Paragraph
Three) Paragraph rules are used to include strings of text
in correspondence.
a. Section
c. Property
b. Paragraph Property rules are used to include case data in
c. Property
d. Data transform
e. Validate 11/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
An insurance Practice
claim process Exam d. Add a Send Email Smart Shape to the deny
includes an assignment in connector leaving the review assignment.
which a manager reviews
claims. If the claim is denied, The Smart Shape automatically sends email when
an email is automatically sent the case is resolved.
to the user and the case is
b. Add a
SendCorrespondence local
action to the review
assignment. 12/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
a. Include contents in a
paragraph rule and reference
it in your correspondence.
b. Include contents in a
section and reference it in your
c. Include instructions in a
standard correspondence
type rule and reference it in
your correspondence.
d. Include contents in a
paragraph rule and reference
it in a text area control on your
correspondence. 13/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
a. Specify pyWorkParty as a
parameter page.
c. Specify pyWorkParty as a
step page.
d. Specify pyWorkParty as a
clipboard page. 14/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
You create a formPractice
that you Exam a. None
want to add to your process.
In which flow shape would you You add forms to flow actions, which are defined in
add your form? connectors.
a. None
b. Connector
c. Assignment
d. Utility 15/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA CSAapplication
A loan request Practice Exam c. Decision Tree
includes an approval process
as follows: A decision tree uses if-then-else evaluations.
a. Map value
b. Decision table
c. Decision tree
d. When rule 16/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which two of thePractice
following Exam b. Decision table
rules can be used to direct A decision table is used to derive a value that has
case processing in a flow? one of a few possible outcomes, where each
(Choose Two) outcome can be detected by a test condition.
a. Correspondence AND
e. When condition
You are adding a date of birth c. Use a validate rule to test the date.
field to a job application form.
You want to make sure that the A validate rule can use a function to test the date.
user enters a date in the past.
How would you support this
requirement? 17/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet 18/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
An onlineCSA Practice Exam
computer c. Configure an auto-complete control using a data
equipment vendor maintains page as the data source.
an inventory database of more
than 1000 items. While A data page allows you to source data from the
shopping, users select items database. The autocomplete allows the user to filter
from a list. the list of items as they type.
b. Configure an auto-complete
control using a clipboard page
as the data source.
c. Configure an auto-complete
control using a data page as
the data source. 19/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
An application Practice
processes Exam d. Create the fields for the spouse in a separate
loan requests must collect layout and use a visible when condition to
information from borrowers to determine when the fields for the spouse should
check their credit report. If a appear or be hidden.
borrower is married, the
borrower must provide this Every extra unit of information in a dialogue
information for a spouse as competes with the relevant units of information and
well. For each person, the diminishes their relative visibility. Use the visible
application requires a first when feature whenever appropriate so that users
name, last name, and taxpayer are not inundated with information until needed.
ID. 20/30
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2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet 22/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
An employee Practice Exam
medical c. Add a visible when condition to the section
coverage form contains a containing information about the spouse.
check box to indicate whether
the employee has a spouse. You use the when condition to test whether the
When a user selects the check check box value is true or false.
box, the form displays a
section that includes additional
fields for entering information
about the spouse. 23/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
a. Create a Weeks to
Replacement column. In the
Issue Date column use a
function to calculate the value.
c. Create a Weeks to
Replacement column. Create a
filter using the Issue Date
property and a function to
calculate the value. 24/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
c. Depends on when it is
accessed 25/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Consider CSA Practice
a purchase request Exam c. To store options for the priority of a purchase
case. In which of the following request
situations would you use a
local data source? Use a local data source to store reference data.
a. data page
b. flow
c. data transform
d. activity 26/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
You want CSA Practice
to enable external Exam b. Service
systems to retrieve the claim
history for a given customer A service rule allows you to expose a service. Pega
from a Pega claims application. is acting as the service and the external system as
What component is required the client.
to implement this
a. Data page
b. Service
c. Connector 27/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Select theCSA Practice
statement that best Exam d. To map the columns of a database table to
describes the use of the properties in a data class, to facilitate access to the
Database Table Class Mapping contents of the database table.
tool. (Choose One)
The Database Table Class Mapping tool provides a
a. To import data from an wizard that generates all the artifacts needed to
external database into a Data interact with reference data in an external database.
Table, for use in an application These artifacts include a data class, a database
as reference data. table instance and a link between those two
b. To map the content of a
database table to a data page,
for use in an application as
reference data.
c. To expose data on an
embedded page for reporting,
by linking properties stored on
an embedded page to
columns in a dedicated
database table. 28/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which tool Practice
do you use to viewExam c. The Clipboard tool
case data currently in
memory? The Clipboard tool is used to review case data
currently in memory.
a. The Tracer tool
b. Live UI
a. Live UI. 29/30
2/13/23, 3:16 PM PEGA CSA Practice Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
Which tool wouldPractice
you use to Exam c. Live UI
evaluate a user form and
identify which properties use Live UI indicates properties used in declarative
declarative processing to processing with the letter "D".
calculate the values?
b. Tracer
c. Live UI
d. Clipboard 30/30
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
You wantCSA Quizzes
to engage business Iterative delivery. Direct Capture of Objectives
and IT resources to review the (DCO).
working models. What two
best practices accomplish this
When collecting information Add a date of birth data field to the case type.
for a loan application, a case Add the date of birth field to the case worker's
worker needs to enter the date view of the case type.
of birth on the loan application
form. What two tasks do you
perform to enable the case
worker to enter this
When modeling the life cycle significant change in the status of a case. transfer of
of a case, stages typically authority.
represent a _______________ or a
________________. (Choose Two)
When modeling the life cycle exceptions to the normal course of events.
of a case, alternate stages be sequenced into the primary stages.
typically represent ____________
and can ___________. (Choose Two) 2/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
When is the earliest You can configure the user view for a step after you
opportunity for you to add that step to the case life cycle.
configure the user view for a
step in a case life cycle in Pega
You have a requirement to add Use an edit validate rule that validates the routing
a bank checking account number pattern.
number field to a view. Routing
numbers must contain nine
digits. How would you
configure the field to support
this requirement? 3/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA Quizzes
a requirement to add Use a single validate rule to verify both of these
to a view a check box that conditions.
indicates the user qualifies for
an auto insurance discount. In
order to qualify, two
conditions must be met. First,
the user must be older than 25.
Second, the user cannot have
received a traffic violation in
the past three years. Unless
both conditions are met and
the user selects the check box,
the form displays an error
when the user submits the
form. Which one of the
following approaches would
you use to support this
You are adding a field to your Use the required option. Define the field type as a
case type in which users must date.
enter the day, month, and year
they were hired before the
user can submit the user form.
The field type must enforce a
date format. What two
validation approaches would
you use to meet the validation
requirements? (Choose Two) 4/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Select the two items of The class of the rule. The type of the rule.
information used to uniquely
identify a rule. (Choose Two) 5/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
A company Quizzes
provides two Check the inheritance path to determine if an
applications to its employees. appropriate data element is already available.
The first application is
managed by the Accounting
department, and allows
employees to submit expense
reports for reimbursement. The
second application is
managed by the IT
department, and allows
employees to submit support
tickets for IT-related issues.
Both applications require a
data element to track the
status of cases. Select the best
strategy for implementing this
You check out a rule to update The application ignores the checked-out version
it. While the rule is checked and uses the previous version in the application
out, another developer ruleset.
decides to test a case type by
creating and processing the
case. What happens when the
application attempts to use the
rule you checked out? 6/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
You wantCSA Quizzes
to capture the Picklist
delivery method for a
purchase request. The options
are: Standard, premium, or
next-day. You use the Data
Model tab to create the
property. How would you
define the list with the
You use the Clipboard tool to Test case behavior by setting property values for
perform which two tasks? an open case. Review the current values of case
(Choose Two) data. 7/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
The caseCSA Quizzes
type hierarchy in Select the Call superclass data transform option in
your insurance application each of the subcase type data transforms. In each
consists of three case types: subcase type data transform, set the work urgency
Claim (top level), Personal to the required value.
Injury (subcase type of Claim),
and Emergency Care (subcase
type of Personal Injury). In the
Claim case type, a data
transform sets the claim date
and work urgency. To reduce
maintenance, you do not want
to set in each subcase the
properties that were already
set in the parent data
transforms. However, you want
to set work urgency to
different values in each
subcase type. What two
configuration steps would you
take to meet this requirement?
(Choose Two)
In which two of the following Set default values when creating a case. Copy data
situations would you use a from one page to another.
data transform? (Choose Two) 8/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet 9/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet 10/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
You need Quizzes
to fetch exchange Node
rates that are updated on a
daily basis from a web service
and make them available in
your application using a data
page. Which scope would you
select for the data page?
You have a data page with The data page reloads on the next access one hour
customer data. The data page after it was created.
is configured to reload if it is
older than one hour. Which of
the following best describes
when the data page will
You have configured a data Update the data page to change the data source
page to look up customer data information.
in a database table. The data
source changes to a REST web
service. Which of the following
best describes the actions you
should take to make sure your
application uses the right data
source? 11/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
The External Quizzes
Database Table Use a data page
Class Mapping wizard creates
a data class and a database
table. How do you make this
data available to your
Which two use cases are a To provide a limited set of input values for a field.
good use of reference data? To access an external database.
(Choose Two)
The goal milestone in a service in which the case or step should be completed
level defines the amount of
time _____________________.
What three questions should When does the correspondence need to be sent?
you ask when creating a Who is the user that receives the correspondence?
correspondence? (Choose How will the correspondence be sent?
Three) 12/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
In a new CSA Quizzes
hire process, a hiring Enable assignment notifications for the case type.
manager needs to be
automatically notified by
email, when a job application
case reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement?
You are configuring a standard Insert applicant's name, loan office, and loan
email to automatically be sent amount properties. Also, insert the paragraph rule.
to loan applicants informing
them that their loan has been
approved. The requirement
states that the email must
include values for the
applicant's name, the loan
office, and the loan amount.
The email must also include
boilerplate content stating the
loan's terms and conditions,
which is regularly updated.
This content is in a paragraph
rule shared by other standard
emails throughout the
organization. How would you
configure your email? 13/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSAcompany
An insurance Quizzes Route requests to a work group that uses skill rating
provides personal property parameters for work group members.
insurance. Jewelry is
categorized as a special type
of personal property. Requests
for jewelry coverage require
that a user managing the
request is trained to appraise
jewelry. The requirement is to
route assignments for jewelry
appraisals to users who have
this skill. Which one of the
following routing approaches
would you use?
A home loan company has Route the assignment to the correct work queue
home appraisal offices in based on a decision rule.
various regions. Each office
has its own work queue.
Company policy requires that
home appraisals are assigned
to offices based on the home's
location. For example,
appraisals for homes located
in Boston are assigned to the
New England office work
queue. Which routing
approach would you choose
to support this requirement? 14/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
What twoCSA
items Quizzes
should a An unlocked ruleset added to the Application rule
developer configure before as a production ruleset. An Access Group that has
delegating a rule? (Choose access to the production ruleset.
Conditional paths in a case life paths in the case life cycle that are chosen by a
cycle are used to define user at run-time. paths in the case life cycle that are
______________________. (Choose Two) followed based on run-time values.
A parallel process is defined as a process that executes over the same time period
___________________________. as other processes 15/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
You haveCSA Quizzes
created a form that Set the check box column to secondary
lists a group of recreational importance. Set the image column to other
activities that users can select importance. Set the activity name column to
when booking a vacation. One primary importance.
column lists the activity name,
a second column provides the
check box for activity
selection, and a third column
displays a thumbnail image of
the activity. You want to ensure
that users have the information
they need to make their
selections regardless of screen
size. When viewed on a small
screen, you do not need to
display the images. What three
configuration steps would you
take to support this
requirement? (Choose Three)
What are two ways you can Add a table to a section used by the view. Add a
add a table to a view? (Choose field group list to a view in Pega Express.
Two) 16/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Which ofCSA Quizzes
the following sets Double-click > Scan barcode/QR code. Tab key >
represent action sets (event > Add new work
action) in Pega Platform?
(Choose Two)
You are configuring a Confirm Configure a visible when condition expression for
and Pay view that includes a the PayPal link control.
payment type selection list.
The following image shows the
Credit Card Type selection list.
One of the payment options is
PayPal. PayPal requires users
to confirm order details on the
PayPal website. How do you
configure the link to PayPal to
display only when users select
PayPal as their payment
How do you configure an First, configure a Click event with a Refresh action.
action set on a button to clear Next, add a View History action to the event.
user selections and then
review the previous actions on
the case?
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group the results.
report that shows the purchase
requests for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under cost center. How
would you configure the
report definition? 17/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega CSA
A manager Quizzes
requests a report For the Case ID property, select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type.
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
order. How would you design
the report definition to
support this requirement?
Your organization has a Create two conditions: Work Status does not equal
standard loan request report New, AND Creation Date is equal to Previous
that contains columns for loan Quarter.
ID, loan officer, work status,
and a loan creation date. A
manager requests a report that
includes only loans created in
the previous quarter and do
not have a status of New. How
would you configure the
report filter to support this
Which type of data is exposed Process metrics, such as the current stage or status,
by default? are exposed by default. 18/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
A reportCSA Quizzes
contains five columns Expiration date (.ExpiryDate). Sales territory
of data about sales quotes. (.Territory)
When unit testing a rule, you Provides initial values for properties used in rule
can identify a data transform to evaluation.
use during the test. What does
the data transform do?
You have created a test case The input property values used in the decision
for a decision table and table. The return values used in the decision table.
verified the results. A few
weeks later, another developer
runs the test case again and
the test fails. Changes to which
two of the following
configurations could have
caused this result? (Choose
Two) 19/20
2/13/23, 4:03 PM Pega CSA Quizzes Flashcards | Quizlet
The userCSA
enters Quizzes
a response on Use the Tracer tool, search for the first FAIL status,
a form and clicks Submit. The and see which step is causing the error.
Pega Platform application
returns an error. Which tool
can you use to determine the
cause of the error in your
The Tracer tool shows you a Pause the Tracer tool until just prior to when the
log of detailed information on error occurs. Start the Tracer tool just prior to when
your application. Select two the error occurs.
methods you can use to limit
the amount of information to
the specific time when an error
occurs. (Choose Two) 20/20
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega Study
Leave the first rating
776 solutions 1/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
How does BPM benefit BPM promotes business effectiveness by
organizations? promoting efficiency
What is the Pega development Elaboration
cycle? Construction
What are the six "R's"
Resolve 2/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the best practices for -No more than 15 actions per flow
flow modeling? -Limit assignments to 4 connectors 3/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
What is a process shape? Pega artifact shapes 4/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet 5/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega -Email
What are the types of
Can be sent from an assignment or a utility
- Text
-Encrypted Text
What are the property types?
-Time of Day
-DateTime (combo)
-boolean 6/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega -Text
What are the types of value -Decimal
mode properties? -Dates
-Single Value
Value mode types? -Value list (ordered group)
-Value group (unordered group)
What are decision rules? When Rule, decision table, decision tree 7/8
2/13/23, 3:08 PM Pega Flashcards | Quizlet
-Application Settings
What are the parts of the New -Business Objectives
Application Wizard? -Case Types
-Data Object
What are the types of -Case
explorers? -Data
What is the clipboard used reviews data in memory and debug applications
for? 8/8
2/13/23, 3:46 PM Creating a Pega Platform application Flashcards | Quizlet
Numerical Analysis
9th Edition • ISBN: 9780538733519
J. Douglas Faires, Richard L. Burden
873 solutions 1/4
2/13/23, 3:46 PM Creating a Pega Platform application Flashcards | Quizlet
Creating a productivity
What developer Pega Platform application
Developers map data into template regions,
gains do you get with the toggle desired features on or off,
Cosmos rules model? brand the application with App Studio.
Classic Pega UI
In what four technologies can iOS
React render? Android
Custom production applications 2/4
2/13/23, 3:46 PM Creating a Pega Platform application Flashcards | Quizlet
Creating a requires
If your business Pega Platform application
localization across multiple
languages you can build-on
Cosmos React?
Performance-wise Cosmos Cosmos React runs two to three times faster than
React runs how many times Cosmos Rules due to fewer transferred resources.
faster than Cosmos Rules ?
How do you save time when You save time because you reuse key elements of
you create an application on a an existing application, such as case types or data
template? types. 3/4
2/13/23, 3:46 PM Creating a Pega Platform application Flashcards | Quizlet
Creating a Pega
What is the purpose of thePlatform application
Enterprise Class Structure
(ECS)? 4/4
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
5.0 (1 review)
629 solutions 1/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
In lock and roll, what occurs A system architect copies the required rules into
after you use the wizard to the empty ruleset to create the new application
create a new, empty ruleset? version. 2/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
What rules status are always Yes, Blocked and final
carried forward in skimming
You use Do not update my you update the patch version number of a ruleset
application when (verision without updating the application ruleset list
You use Update my you are rolling out an application and updating the
Application to include the new minor version or when the application rule lists the
Ruleset Versions when ruleset patch version number.
(verision control) 3/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
What 4 rule sets does the new application, applicationInit, org, orgInit
application wizard auto create 4/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
The ruleset list indicates the Operator session
rulesets that are available to
the application for a given...
List two reasons why a rule is The rule is already checked out by someone else.
not available for checkout. The rule is in a locked ruleset 5/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet 6/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Assume the referenced rule Rules found in the ancestor tree of the rule in
has an Apply to: class of TGB- question — by either pattern or direct inheritance —
HRApps-Work-Onboarding. are retained in the list of rule candidates.
Why would a candidate rule
with an Apply to: class of TGB-
HRApps-Work be retained in
the list of rule candidates? 7/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega supports the following
Single Value
types of circumstance
Multiple Value
Date property
What does search duplicate Search duplicate cases uses weighted conditions.
cases process use to compare Each condition has a relative importance defined
specific properties or values by a weighting value.
with cases already in the
A Split For Each shape allows one subprocess multiple times by iterating through
you to run... a set of records stored in a page list or page group.
The default locking option in Only one user at a time to update a case. 30 minute
Pega, Allows.... lock by default 8/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Assume CSSA
you want users to For each child case, you override the default
have the ability to work on setting that locks the parent case.
top-level cases while their
child cases are open. How
would you configure your
locking settings?
If a flow action includes a pre- Pega performs the pre-processing action each time
processing data transform or the flow action is presented to the user.
activity, when does Pega
perform the action
What is the main reason for You use a decision table when you need to test the
using a decision table rather values of multiple properties to make the decision
than a when rule for
automating a decision?
When would you use a When you want to apply if...then...else logic to
decision tree rather than a evaluate a set of conditions.
decision table to automate a
You use the reporting approvals always move up the reporting structure
structure model when of the submitter or another defined list. 9/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
A work group identifies a a manager, and a set of operators, a set of work
cross-functional team that queues,
A requirement states that you Select the organization in the organization chart
must add a new division to and use the chart menu to add the division.
your organization. What
approach allows you to see
where in the organization
hierarchy you are adding the
division? 10/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Accesability: Configure a high- Ensures the contrast is sufficient for users with
contrast color scheme. why? vision limitations 11/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Accesability: Set the enter Enables keyboard controls for tabbing through the
event on a control when you interface
set a click event on the control
(for example, configuring the
up and down keys to support
navigating through a list and
set focus on an item). Why
Accesability: Include links with Provides a visible description of the icon that an
icons.. Why assistive device can read to a user
Accesability: Mark a dynamic Provides the ability for users tabbing through a
container as the main content page to skip to the main content link by pressing
area by default. Why? the Enter key 12/13
2/13/23, 3:56 PM Pega CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
What areCSSA
five ways to adapt to The five ways to adapt to regions using localization
regions using localization in are accommodate the local language, currency,
international applications? date format, time zone, and time format.
How can your application be Export all the required fields using the Localization
localized if a language pack is wizard, have them translated, and import your own
not available for that region? custom translation pack 13/13
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
5.0 (7 reviews)
346 solutions 1/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 2/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
3. Scrum Master
4. Mobile UX Architect
5. Business Architect
6. Automation Engineer
7. Product Owner 3/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
When modeling the life cycle 1. Exceptions to the normal course of events.
of a case, alternate stages
represent _______________ and 2. Be sequenced into primary stages
______________. 4/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What typeCSA 8typically
of step Collect Information
requires contextual
A manager has requested a Use the cost center column to group the results
report that shows the purchase
request for each of the
regional cost centers. The
manager wants to organize the
results so the cost center
appears only once on the
report and the requests are
listed under the cost center.
How would you configure the
report definition?
A manager requests a report For the Case ID Property, select Highest to Lowest
that contains the following sort type.
columns: Create Date, Case ID,
Create Operator, and Work
Status. You must sort the Case
ID values so the case with the
highest ID value appears at the
top of the list and descends in
order. How would you design
the report definition to
support this requirement? 5/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 6/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Why are properties exposed,
Exposing properties allows Pega to read the
property value without decompressing the BLOB to
or optimized, for reporting?
extract the property value.
Which type of data is exposed Process metrics, such as the current stage or status,
by default? are exposed by default.
The purpose of a test page is store data to use when unit testing a rule
to _________________________.
What are two ways to view the Run the unit test or view the output of the test with
output of a unit test? the Clipboard tool. 7/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the role of a test case
A test case identifies one or more testable
conditions that determine whether a rule returns an
in application development?
expected result.
What is the relationship A test case describes one or more assertions that
between an assertion and a describe expected behavior for a rule.
test case?
pxUrgencyWork is equal to 10
Page D_CoursesList has no errors 8/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What does the Unit testing
It lists all the test cases defined for an application
and the status of each test case as of its last
landing page show?
When unit testing a rule, you Provides initial values for properties used in rule
can identify a data transform to evaluation
use during the test. What does
the data transform do?
You have created a test case 1. Input properties used in the decision table
for a decision table and 2. Returned values in the decision table
verified the results. A few
weeks later, another developer
runs the test case again and
the test fails. Changes to which
two of the following
configurations could have
cause this result?
What are the criteria for You determine which rules to delegate based upon
determining rules to delegate? business needs and ease of business user access. 9/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What is a good test for a name
A good test of a rule name is to build a sentence
using the rule name, the rule type, and the business
for a delegated rule?
logic. 10/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have CSA
added 8
fields for Define the name and address properties as text
entering the name and property types.
address of a loan applicant.
What validation methods
would you use?
How would you configure a You would use a picklist field and specify either a
field in which a user selects radio button or dropdown control type.
one of four possible shipping
How would you ensure that a You would use editable settings to set both the
user always enters 20 minimum and maximum number to 20 characters.
characters in a field?
Validate rules enable you to different values are required based on business
use a single property when logic
You have added a field for An edit validate rule ensures that the phone
entering a U.S. phone number. number contains the correct number of digits. The
Do you use a integer data type integer data type only ensures that the user enters
or an edit validate rule to numbers in the field.
validate that the phone
number is in the correct
format? 11/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Edit 8 rules
validate Validate character patterns
You have a requirement to add Use an edit validate rule that validates the routing
a bank routing number field to number pattern.
a view. Routing numbers must
contain nine digits. How would
you configure the field to
support this requirement?
You are adding a field to your 1. Define the field type as a date
case type in which uses must
enter the day, month, and year 2. Use the Required option
they were hired before the
user can submit the user form.
The field type must enforce a
date format. What two
validation approaches would
you use to meet the validation
In a job application case, a Enable assignment notifications for the case type
hiring manager needs to
receive an automatic email
notification when the case
reaches a Collect Work
Sample assignment. How
would you configure this
correspondence requirement?
What three questions should 2. Who is the user that receives the
you answer to create effective correspondence?
3. When does the correspondence need to be
sent? 12/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Which two 8 identify
statements 1. Timely
why you should automate
correspondence? 2. Consistent
Why do tables need Relying on breakpoints alone for tables can result
responsive configuration in in unimportant columns having prominence over
addition to responsive more important columns.
breakpoints? 13/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What are two ways you can
1. Add a table to a section used by the view
3. No system of Record
Feedback, Customer, Product,
and Preference
3. No systems of Record 14/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
1. Case Type
2 Data Type
Support Request, Customer,
Address, Credit Card
You have a cleaning service 1. Implementation Data Class - this selection means
booking application, HomeCleaningPackages inherits from the
CleanApp. You are creating a CleanApp - Data class. This is the appropriate
local data type, selection to leverage CleanPackages, which is
HomeCleaningPackages, and defined in the same class.
you want to leverage an
existing data class, CleanApp -
Data - CleaningPackages.
When defining your data type,
which option would you
choose for asset reuse? 15/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the 8 of
advantage Configuring Visibility and Disable options to run on
selecting Run visibility the client reduces the number of server trips and
condition on client and Run avoids page refreshes.
disabled content condition on
2. Action
2. Action 16/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the purpose of an
You use an action set to configure dynamic UI
changes such as displaying a menu when a user
action set?
clicks a button.
What are the main The UI control, and which event and action to
considerations when preparing configure to the control.
to configure an action set?
You are configuring a Confirm Configure a visible when condition expression for
and Pay view that includes a the PayPal link control.
payment type includes a
payment type selection list. 17/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Robotic Process Automation Obtain data from an automated back end process 18/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You needCSA 8exchange
to fetch Node
rates that are updated on a
daily basis from a WEB
SERVICE and make them
available in your application
using a data page. Which
scope would you select for the
data page?
You have a data page with The data page will reload on the next access one
customer data. The data page hour after it was created.
is configured to reload if it is
older than one hour. Which of
the following best describes
when the data page will
reload? 19/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
1. Typography
2. Background
4 categories of Mixin
3. Border
4. Combination
1. General
2. Layouts
4 categories of components
where you add formats:
3. Controls
4. Reports 20/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A __________________ defines the Skin - skins use formats and mixins to define the
look and feel of an application. overall look and feel of an application.
You want to create a reusable Mixin - Mixin allow you to create a reusable style
font style for buttons and links. across all formats and skins.
To do this you would create a
______________. 21/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
1. Verifying prospective
employees work references
2. Running a criminal
backround check
3. Declining offer to
prospective employees 22/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
PEGA CSA 8 paths in the case life cycle that are chosen by a
user at a run-time or are based on run-time values.
Conditional paths in a case life - Manual decisions are performed by a user and
cycle are used to define are defined using multiple outgoing connectors
___________. emanating from an assignment. Automated
decisions are defined by a set of one or more
conditions to evaluate. 23/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Ex of routing to Specific User A human resources manager who approves time off
(WorkList): requests. 24/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Expense report processes To the user - You route the assignment directly to
require travel expenses the user by specifying the user ID.
assignments be routed to a
specific auditor. Auditors are
members of an auditing work
group. How do you route the
assignment to a specific user? 25/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
An insurance 8 offers
company Route request to a work group whose members
personal property insurance. have the skill rating parameters.
Jewelry is a special type of
personal property. Jewelry
coverage requires that the user
managing the request is
trained to appraise jewelry.
Assignments for jewelry
appraisals must go to skilled
users. Which routing approach
would you use?
A home loan company has Route the assignment to the correct work queue
home appraisal offices in based on business logic. - Use business logic with
various regions. Each office multiple conditions to route assignments to the
has a work queue. The correct work queue based on location.
company requires that
appraisals be assigned to
offices based on the home's
location. For example, home
appraisals for Boston are
assigned to the New England
Office work queue. Which
routing approach supports this
requirement? 26/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 27/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 28/29
2/13/23, 3:50 PM PEGA CSA 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 29/29
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet 1/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
What does Deployments
the product rule data instances and data types
prompts you to include? 2/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
How do CSSA Deployments
you modify the Clear the "Include associated data items"
product rule to exclude checkbox in the Applications to include section
specific associated data
instances in the wizard?
How do you modify the Clear the "Include data types" checkbox in the
product rule to exclude Applications to include section
specific data tables in the
How do you modify the Clear the "Include rule history" checkbox in the
product rule to exclude rule Applications to include section
history instances in the
What are some data instances operator IDs, access groups, databases, and
that can be associated with database tables.
product rules?
What happens to data they automatically get added to the archive file of
instances associated with the product rule
application rulesets? 3/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
When can Deployments
declarative rule immediately, may fail if associated properties are
begin to execute upon not imported yet
What steps must be done to Check in all the rules you want to export
export an application, Use a name for the file valid for both destination
product rule, or ruleset to an and current server
archive using the Export
What export modes can be Ruleset/Version
used to produce the .zip file Product
in the Export wizard? Patch
Archive on Server 4/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
How do CSSA Deployments The application record and access groups are
the application
record and access groups get automatically updated with skimming
updated with lock and roll This action is optional with lock and roll
versus skimming?
What rules are carried Available, Final, Withdrawn, and Blocked rules
forward during a minor skim? 5/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
Are rulesets Deployments
created by the Yes, the integration wizard creates a separate
integration wizard upon new ruleset for each integration
integrations? 6/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
How are ruleset validation They are identified in brackets next to the ruleset
mode prerequisites (ex: Ruleset[prerequisite]
How is the ruleset list The rules on the application version define the
assembled? ruleset list
How is the ruleset list and rule The ruleset list defines the order for rule
resolution related? resolution 7/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
In what order Deployments
do rules take Rulesets at the top take higher precedence
precedence in the ruleset
For how many features is a A branch is created for each feature your team is
branch created for? developing
What does the system check system checks which rules were updated and
for before merging rules from which rules do not exist in team application
a team application into the before merging the updated rules from the
main application? branch into the main application 8/9
2/13/23, 4:20 PM Pega CSSA Deployments Flashcards | Quizlet
Prerequisite Deployments
for creating a Create a team application, Create an access
branch for parallel group that references team application and add
development? developers to it
What does the validation tool The validation tool checks for invalid rules in the
do? application 9/9
2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
4,134 solutions 1/21
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2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
How to call a listview from an In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list
Activity? view rule. 3/21
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Pega Interview
What is the difference Questions and Answers
List view is generally used for complex queries
between ListView and Obj- where sorting is required and also we can retrieve
List? less information using Paging. 7/21
2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
Difference between list Obj- We can retrieve instances from multiple classes by
list-view results and obj- using the obj-list-view, In obj-browse, we can
browse? retrieve only Single Class Instances. 8/21
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2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
The agents in the Pega-RULES RuleSet perform
general system housecleaning and periodic
The agents in this rule provide the following
-System Cleaner
-System Pulse
-System Indexer
-Rule Usage Snapshot
-Static Content Cleaner
-System Work Indexer 13/21
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2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
How do we make one Local On the Design tab of the Flow form, we can list
Action available in all local flow actions that are to be available at every
Assignments? assignment in the flow. 17/21
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2/13/23, 4:11 PM Pega Interview Questions and Answers Flashcards | Quizlet
How one single property can By using HTML Properties at the section level, not
be represented in different at the property level.
forms on a screen? 19/21
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8 Study
Pega 8
5.0 (1 review)
776 solutions 1/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 2/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
An organization has two lines d
of business: selling books for
children and reselling college
textbooks. The division selling
books for children can use the
same basic user interface (UI)
as the division reselling
textbooks with the exception
of the payment methods.
How do you apply the
Situational Layer CakeTM in
this scenario? 3/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
An order8fulfillment case type A
allows a customer to update
user profile information during
the order placement stage.
The user profile consists of the
following three pages:
Account ID and password
Customer contact information
A list of open orders with
status of each order
How do you configure the
case type to allow customers
to update any of the user
profile pages at any time
during case processing? 4/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
A development team plans to D
enhance functionality of an
existing application by
changing several user
interface rules. The team
would like to pilot the
enhancements to a small
group of users before rolling
the changes out to the entire
user base.
What approach maximizes
reuse and maintainability? 5/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are creating a case type to A
process job applications for a
large corporation. Job
applications for security
positions require a physical
assessment in addition to the
standard criminal background
check. The physical
assessment can occur before
or after the background check.
How do you configure a case
type to achieve the required
behavior? 6/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are developing a case C
type to process visa
applications. As part of the
process, applicants need to
schedule an interview with the
consulate. A child Interview
case is created for the
interview process and
assessment. Following the
interview, it typically takes 48
hours for the consulate to
reach a decision. For the visa
case to proceed to applicant
notification, the Interview case
needs to be resolved.
How do you configure a case
type to achieve the required
behavior? 7/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. deadline
B. goal
C. urgency
D. passed deadline 8/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are configuring routing for D
a customer warranty service
request. All warranty service
requests are routed to the
warranty resolution group
except for warranty service
requests for beta-release
product that requires review
by the vice president of
service. How do you configure
assignment routing to review
warranty service requests? 11/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Fraud investigation
B. Claim
C. Customer
D. Items of loss 12/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 13/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You want8your application to B
have consistent styling across
portals. You want the
background color of all
buttons in your application to
be blue. You want the
background color of the
buttons to be easily updated
in case corporate branding
Which attribute do you modify
to set the background color? 14/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
An online8sales application A,D
supports both laptop and
mobile devices. You are
configuring the application
skin and you notice the
responsive layout in the
mobile device is not displaying
views as stakeholders require.
Which two options allow you
to resolve this situation without
negatively impacting the
laptop users? (Choose two.) 15/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are implementing a UI C
form collecting job applicant
information. Users must
provide values to certain fields
before submitting the form.
Which configuration adds
asterisks to indicate the
mandatory fields on the form? 16/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8 nearby
A form listing B,D,F
restaurants has four columns:
Restaurant name Restaurant
location Thumbnail image of
the seating area Make
reservation (check box)
You want to ensure that users
have the information they
need to make a reservation
regardless of screen size.
When viewed on a small
screen, you do not need to
display images. What
three configuration steps do
you take to support this
requirement? (Choose three.) 17/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 18/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Report definition
B. Data transform
C. Connector
D. Lookup
An on-demand transportation B
application has a Conversation
preference data type. When
customers use the application
to request a ride, they can
specify their conversation
preference: whether they
would like to talk to their driver
or if they would prefer silence.
Company stakeholders are
interested in analyzing the
conversation preference data.
How is the Conversation
preference data type sourced? 19/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
A hotel booking application B,D
allows customers to change
rooms after making a
reservation. The status of each
room in each hotel is stored
on a data page sourced from a
database table.
Which two configuration
options do you use to update
the database table when a
customer changes rooms?
(Choose two.) 20/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
An online8car parts business D
wants customers to find parts
easily. You are asked to
implement the following
requirement: Customers must
select a make, model, and year
to initiate a vehicle-specific
How do you configure the
data storage in the application
to implement the requirement? 21/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. 06:35
B. 06:20
C. 06:42
D. 06:27
In an application for A
configuring hardware
equipment for new employees,
the manager chooses a laptop
model from a drop-down list.
The list of available laptop
models is maintained in an
external system and may
change over time.
Which of the following do you
use as the data source for this
drop-down list?
A. A data page
B. A local list
C. A data table
D. A data transform 22/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Configure a drop-down
control to select the postal
code based on the specified
city and province.
B. Configure an edit validate
rule to test that the entered
postal code conforms to the
required pattern.
C. Configure the postal code
field as a text property with a
required input field.
D. Configure a validate rule to
test that the entered postal
code conforms to the required
pattern. 24/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Radio buttons
B. Text input
C. Drop-down
D. Check box 25/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. .Address(Home).State
B. .Home.State.Address
C. .Home(Address).State
D. .Address.Home.State 29/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are developing a case B
type that processes
scholarship applications.
Scholarship applications
advance based on the
standardized test scores of the
applicants. A decision shape
directs the process flow. You
want to test whether the
process flows correctly, but
you have not fully configured
the user interface so that
applicants can enter their
standardized test scores.
How do you test that the
process flows correctly based
on the decision? 30/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
A car insurance quote request D
requires a view for potential
customers to enter information
to process the request.
What are the primary
considerations to make before
you configure fields in the
A. Data page
B. Declare expression
C. Data transform
D. Function 31/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have8created a new report C
that contains a list of
employees, hire dates, and
managers. You have been
asked to display each manager
in a row. Beneath each
manager row, you must list the
manager's employees and
their hire dates.
How do you support this
request? 34/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A report 8
contains columns for D
Customer, Billing Cycle, Credit
Card, and Expiration Date. A
manager requests that the
report show only those
customers who meet the
following conditions:
The customer is on a monthly
billing cycle
The credit card is either
MoreCash or Vista
The credit card expires within
60 days
Which set of filtering
conditions returns a report
with the desired data? 35/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You have8been asked to create D
a pie chart that shows the
number of employees in each
regional office, and the name
of the manager in each office.
A list report contains columns
for Employee Name, Manager
Name, and Office.
How do you configure the list
report to create the pie chart? 36/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Declarative network
B. Clipboard tool
C. The Tracer
D. Live UI 37/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
An online8retailer allows B,C
customers to select a courier
service for deliveries. The list
of available courier services is
drawn from a data type
sourced in the Pega database.
The Fulfillment department
wants to allow local
warehouse managers to add
courier services to mitigate
increases in delivery times and
remove courier services that
fail to meet delivery metrics.
Which two options are
required to allow local
warehouse managers to
update courier service records
in production? (Choose two.) 38/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
Which business need do you A
address through delegation?
A. A service representative
must attach the appropriate
form when emailing a
B. A risk officer wants to adjust
the income threshold for
automobile loans.
C. A care supervisor wants to
authorize a second opinion for
an insurance claim.
D. A general manager must
approve catering proposals
that exceed EUR5000.
A. Application
B. Node
C. Thread
D. Requestor 39/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
You want8to unit test a rule. To B,C
ensure that the rule executes
as intended, you need to
populate the clipboard with
valid data.
Which two options allow you
to populate the clipboard
before testing the rule?
(Choose Two)
A. Configure an assertion to
define the required data.
B. Configure a validate rule to
populate the needed data.
C. Run a data transform to
create the test page.
D. Copy data from an existing
clipboard page 40/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 41/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
Which requirement can be D
implemented through
A. An application routes
upgrade requests for US
customers to one work queue,
and requests for European
customers to a different work
B. An application sets the
default shipping option for
orders that exceed USD100 to
two-day delivery. Otherwise,
the default option is five-day
C. An application audits
insurance claims that an
insurance adjuster values at
USD10000 or greater.
Otherwise, the claim is
D. An application establishes a
goal of four hours to adjust
claims for platinum customers.
For other customers, the
application establishes a goal
of one business day 42/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. Data-Party-Com
B. Data-Paty-Operator
C. Data-Party-Org
D. Data-Party-Person 43/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are designing a medical C
claim case type and have the
following requirement:
Medical claims must be
resolved within 5 days.
To meet this requirement, you
need to set the __________ in the
service level to 5 days.
A. goal
B. urgency
C. deadline
D. passed deadline 44/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
A. A shopping application
requires a guest to fill out
payment information. A user
who enters a membership
number skips the payment
information step.
B. A scholarship eligibility
application requires students
to enter standardized test
scores. Students withy
qualifying test scores can
schedule an interview.
Students without qualifying
test scores receive a rejection
C. A catering booking
application requires customers
to enter information about
expected party size, event
date, and event time. When
customers submit the
information, the catering
company sends a confirmation
D. An application requires
customers to specify the type
of request from a drop-down
list. The request routes to the
appropriate department work
queue. A user with access to
the work queue processes the
case through fulfillment. 45/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are configuring an A
application to process
automobile insurance claims.
The claim case creates child
cases for each component of
the claim: injury to a party,
damage to a vehicle, and
damage to property.
How do you update the total
cost of the claim as users
update each child case? 49/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are building a form that B,D
contains a list of courses.
Users will select the courses in
which they want to enroll.
Which two tasks must take
place in Designer Studio?
(Choose Two) 53/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8 an application to
You create A,C,E
coordinate bus scheduling.
Choose three elements that
are essential to this
application. (Choose Three) 54/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
You are defining a user view C
for a loan application. If the
loan applicant indicates there
is an existing open account,
the Date account opened
must be before the current
Select the approach that
meets the validation
requirements. 56/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 57/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8 states: A
A requirement B
customer can update an
address at any point during
case processing by
performing the following
1. The customer submits the
new address. 2. The
application verifies that the
address matches postal
service requirements. 3. The
customer then approves the
corrected address.
How do you configure this
A. Add an alternate stage to
the case life cycle to change
the address.
B. Add a case-wide optional
process to the case workflow
to perform the address
C. Add a case-wide optional
action to the workflow for the
address submission.
D. Add a button to each
assignment to present the
customer with a form to submit
a new address. 58/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Consider8the following A,B
During the Interview process
for a Job Application case, an
administrative assistant selects
the date and location of the
interview. Next, an email
confirmation is sent to the
candidate. During the
interview, the hiring manager
captures notes from the
discussion. Finally, the
candidate is assigned a
technical exercise and the
results are added to the case.
Select two step names that
follow the guidelines for
identifying and naming the
steps in the process. (Choose
A. Notify Candidate
B. Ask Questions
C. Schedule Interview
D. Technical Exercise 59/65
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2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
In an application selling office C
supplies, the Payment form
displays order items and
collects payment information.
In the Payment section rule,
the order items are grouped in
a dynamic layout. You find out
later that the OrderSummary
form also needs to display the
order items. How do you
implement the UI so that the
order items display is shared
between Payment and
OrderSummary forms?
A. Buils the OrderSummary
section with a layout inside to
group the order items, similar
to the Payment section.
B. Convert the Payment
section layout that contains
order items to a section, and
embed this section in the
OrderSummary section.
C. Reuse the Payment section
in the OrderSummary form and
circumstance the section rule
to hide payment information.
D. Embed the Payment section
in the OrderSummary section. 61/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8 an application
You configure B
to allow users to download a
mobile app. When users select
one of the three supported
platforms (Android, iOS, or
Windows Mobile), the
application opens a new
window pointing to the
appropriate app store.
How do you configure this
A. Add one button and
configure one action set. In
the action set, specify a click
event with three actions to
open each vendor URL in a
window. Apply a when rule to
each action to determine the
correct URL.
B. Add a button for each
platform and configure an
action set for each button. In
each action set, specify a click
event and add an action that
opens the vendor's URL in a
C. Add one button and
configure three action sets. In
each action set, specify a click
event and add an action that
opens the vendor's URL in a
D. Add three check boxes and
one button. For each check
box, configure an action set
with a click event to set the
value of the URL. For the
button, configure an action set
with a click event to open the
URL in a window 62/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8
Which three use cases A,C,E
demonstrate the Pega
dynamic UI behavior? (Choose
A. Display a shipping address
section when users select the
Different than billing address
check box.
B. Display partner information
fields when a screen loads for
married applicants.
C. Display a message upon
form submission that a date
field must be in the future.
D. Unmask a password field
when users click an icon. E.
Automatically calculate order
total when users change
quantities 63/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 64/65
2/13/23, 3:52 PM Pega 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
In a hotel8reservation C
application, a form displays a
list of hotels with available
rooms based on the check-in
and check-out dates entered
by users.
How do you configure the
form to refresh the hotel list
whenever the check-in or
check-out date changes?
A. Display the hotel in an
embedded section with a
visible when condition.
B. Configure edit validates on
the date fields to refresh the
section when the date values
C. Configure action sets on the
date fields to refresh the
section when the date values
D. Configure an action set on
the hotel list display to refresh
the section when the hotel list
A. cached in memory to
improve performance
B. reused in other forms
C. aligned properly
D. rendered in different
browsers 65/65
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Book of Proof
2nd Edition • ISBN: 9780989472104
Richard Hammack
340 solutions 1/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7
The act of CSSA
using a version release cycle
method begins a
It's beneficial to delay the SLA Users who cannot immediately begin working
1) Immediately
3 values you can give to
2) Timed Delay
Assignment Ready
3) Dynamically Defined on Property 2/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7processes
When both CSSA are Split Join
unrelated, can proceed
independently, and in parallel;
Use this flow shape:
You must configure these two (1) Define when the parent process resumes
values when setting a Split For processing
Each shape (2) Configure the context of the subprocess 3/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
How do 8.7 CSSAaccess to
you provide You can define a different context for the sub-
an outside resource when process to be executed in, thereby shifting the
configuring flow shapes? scope 4/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
When you configure a flow (1) Whenever the user selects the flow action
with pre-processing, when (2) Each time the user is presented with the
does Pega perform the action assignment
When you configure a flow Each time the user submits the action
with post-processing, when
does Pega perform the action 5/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
(T/F) You can reference False, referencing savable data pages is only
savable data pages in pre- possible in Post-processing
processing for flow actions
(T/F) You can commit only one False, you can add multiple data pages
data page for each post-
processing action 6/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
You can 8.7 CSSA
configure pre- Bulk Processing
processing only for actions
that do not support
What happens after an The system updates the clipboard and renders the
automation completes section and flow action references
Random Dogs Don't Think Alike 7/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
instances that Organization Records
are used to support
requirements involving org
Creating a team in App studio Work group and a Work Queue that reference each
automatically creates a other
______________ and a _______________ in
Dev Studio 8/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7
When you CSSA
create a work Default work queue, associated work group
group, you must specify the manager
___________, with the ____________
Guardrail warnings and scores Each application, Pega Platform core rules
are applied to ____________ and do
not include ____________ 9/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7
(T/F) Pega CSSA
provides a feature T
to revalidate rules by ruleset,
so the new warning is applied
to old rules
What prefix and suffix needed Prepend "prconfig/" and append "/default" on
to set a DSS alert setting purpose 10/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
When existing rules are marked for deletion, re-cached (this can inflate
updated, cached rules are application performance on first deploy)
________________ and the rule is
How to reduce potential Limit users that can check out rules, limit variation in
performance issues ruleset lists (utilize common access groups) 11/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Database Table
You can create _____________
How? You can change the class definition to does
records for one or more
not belong to a class group" and create a DB table
classes in the class group.
and record
If all nodes in a cluster are It is associated with at least one of the classified
classified, a job scheduler or nodes
queue processor will only run
if 12/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7
When two CSSAhave the
properties CBAC.
same external, only one is External Description
returned in the _____ because
both properties have the
____________ for both
Data encyption is a ________
process, meaning... meaning that an authorized user can decrypt
encrypted data 13/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7security,
To increase CSSAyou can key
configure automatic ___
Efficient when encrypting the entire case or record
stored in the BLOB
Encrypts properties in and outside the database
(specifically, in the clipboard, logs, search indexes,
Property-level encryption and reports)
benefits and limitations
Can be time-consuming to individually encrypt and
decrypt a large # of individual properties 14/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet 15/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
An example of Controlling the Disabling email integration for a specific case step
use of features in an
application (config settings) 16/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
-A web server
Before you begin a Pega web
-At least one case type
mash-up, you need to have the
-SameSite cookies are disabled
-Add allowed domains (allowed referrers)
To retain the state of the case Retain mashup state on browser refresh
after the user refreshes the
browser that displays the
mashup, turn on the
_________________ switch 17/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Static parameters in Web All the parameters that the system generates with
Mashup the mashup code
(T/F) Selecting iframe code F, it does improve the response time but does not
improves the response time of support the passing of dynamic parameters
the mashup and supports
passing dynamic parameters 18/19
2/13/23, 3:32 PM Pega 8.7 CSSA Flashcards | Quizlet
Pega 8.7
How does theCSSA The activity creates a record for the user by
IACAuthentication activity customizing a model operator using information in
handle a case where the user the HTTP request header to create an operator ID
does not have an operator ID for the user
(1) pyuseridentifier
The IACAuthentication activity
(2) pyusername
requires that the HTTP request
(3) pyorganization
provides the following to
(4) pyorgdivision
create an operator ID:
(5) pyorgunit
pyBlockUnregisteredrequests pwmChannelID
check which parameter?
pzSecureFeatures is turned on
_____ by default
pyShowSecureFeatureWarning on
is turned ___ by default 19/19
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
103 solutions 1/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All PegaareCSSA
________________ (The
a common use Motherload)
Case flows
of embedded Pega Platform
content in another
application's web page
When loading the webpage By default, the code references the starting flow for
that contains the Pega mashup the case type, and calls the CreateNewWork action
Code, what, by default, is to create a new case.
referenced at the start (what is
the first thing that appears)
Opening a channel between The trusted domains are specified in the Pega
the host site and the Pega Application rule.
Platform application requires
you to specify a list of trusted
domains. Where are these
domains specified? 2/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
How Pega CSSA
do you style (The
a Pega Web Motherload)
Apply a skin rule by configuring a portal for web
Mashup to look similar to the mashup users using a portal skin (rather than an
web page of which is hosting it application skin).
(the company website). 3/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Which two of CSSA (The Motherload)
the following 1 and 4
statements are true about
styling a Pega Web Mashup?
(Choose Two) 4/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
You want CSSA a(The
to configure Pega Motherload)
Web Mashup gadget to use {Customer:'[page\id\Account]'}
the value of an element from
the host page as the value of a
gadget attribute or action
parameter. What is the correct
syntax that should be used?
(The DOM element is named
"Account") 5/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
activity CSSA (The Motherload)
step has multiple Method
parts. Which part of an activity
step describes the action to
- Method
- Description
- Jump
- Label
- To allocate a task to a
specific node or nodes in a
cluster. 6/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Queue CSSA
processor rules(The Motherload)
replace agent rules with
_______________ configuration
When should a job scheduler Job Scheduler rules should be used to perform
be used? periodic or recurring tasks
When should Standard queue Standard queue rules are used for simple queue
rules be used? management
How do queue processors and Job schedulers do not manage the read/write
job schedulers differ from one operations on database objects.
another when it comes to
handling read/write Queue processors automatically manage the
transactions on database read/write transactions on database objects.
Where can you trace queue In Admin Studio on the Queue processors page
processor rules? 7/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Where CSSA
can you (The Motherload)
view detailed The Data Flow for the processor.
information about processor
For log files, what is an An appender determines the type of events written
appender? to log files. 8/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the SERVICES-PAL log Contains performance data saved from services.
used for?
What is the CLUSTER log used Contains information about the setup and run-time
for? behavior of the cluster. 9/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
For the PegaRULES Log Gives insight into how your Pega application is
Analyzer, what does the JVM using memory
garbage collection log
Name two specific times in the During UAT performance and stress testing and
project life cycle when immediately after application deployment.
reviewing log files is important. 10/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
The PEGA logCSSA (The Motherload)
file is used debugging
specifically for ______________
How do you specify the Tracer Enter a value of zero into the Max Trace Events to
to automatically download Display
events without displaying them
on the screen?
The Tracer will pause once it Tracing resumes when you click Continue or after
hits a breakpoint, when will it an hour elapses, whichever occurs first.
resume? 11/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
WhatPega CSSA (The Motherload)
is the Performance Used to understand the system resources
Analyzer (PAL) used for. consumed by processing a single requestor session
What is the Database Trace Used to trace all SQL operations like queries or
tool used for? commits that are performed.
How does RA Elapsed, also Rule assembly only occurs one time, but takes a
known as first use assembly good amount of time to occur. This can cause
(FUA), affect Performance performance tests to return results that look worse
Analyzer (PAL) testing? than what they actually are.
How do you obtain Run through the process once to ensure all rules
Performance Analyzer (PAL) have been assembled before taking any
test results that are unaffected measurements. Then run the process again.
by FUA (first use assembly)?
(T/F) Generating a stack trace False. Generating the stack trace is expensive and
is a recommended process should only be used when required.
when measuring your
applications performance 12/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
(T/F) Pega CSSA (The
Pega applications send Motherload)
data to PDC and PDC does
not request data from Pega
applications. 13/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Select CSSA
two methods to (The
limit theMotherload)
2 and 4
amount of information
displayed in the tracer tool to
the specific time when an error
occurs. (Choose Two) 14/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
In which CSSA
scenario (The Motherload)
is it most 2
appropriate to leverage
Predictive Diagnostic Cloud
(PDC)? 15/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
(T/F) You must add the False. The activity is added automatically
IACAuthenticate activity to
your mashup 16/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
(T/F) Pega CSSA
By default, queue (The Motherload)
processor and job scheduler
rules are processed on one or
more BackgroundProcessing
nodes? 17/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
For the CSSA you
job scheduler, (The
can Motherload)
For the job scheduler, you can configure the
use the Performance tool to Performance tool to manage job scheduler
do what? statistics
What type of data will Pega Data with identifying information (case data)
NOT send to the Predictive
Diagnostic Cloud?
Using the PDC, which landing Stability and Improvement Plan landing page
page allows you to see
information that helps you
identify areas to target to
improve system performance? 18/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
- A manager un-involved in
application development must
make changes to a SLA rule as
business conditions change.
- A developer un-involved in
the bulk of application
development configures a
standard flow for cancelling a
- A developer configures a
flow with post-processing data
transform for use by multiple
case types 19/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
How Pega CSSA
do you make (The Motherload)
a relevant 3
record unavailable in App
- Sections
- Data transform
- Flows
- Paragraphs
You can manually mark these
rule types as relevant records
(8 rules)
Flow actions 20/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
(T/F) Product rules usually False. They usually don't include standard rulesets
include standard rulesets and and data since those components are built into all
data Pega systems. 21/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
WhenPega CSSA
migrating (The Motherload)
an application, This causes the production rulesets listed on the
why would you choose to application rule to be migrated. You would want
migrate the these production rulesets to be migrated if you are
'Custom/Production rulesets'? using DELEGATED or LOCALIZATION rulesets
When migrating an application, The instances of the custom data types that you
if you choose the "Include data created for your application will be migrated.
types" option to be included in
the archive file, what will be
When migrating an application, Delta mode will cause only the highest patch
if you choose the "Delta mode" version of the application's rulesets to be migrated.
option to be included in the
archive file, what will be Delta mode is useful for patch updates.
migrated? And what is Delta
mode useful for?
When migrating an application, Useful for specifying data classes that are required
you are able to include class for an application to run correctly on the
instances to be migrated. What destination system.
is this most useful for? 22/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Which CSSA (The
two components does Motherload)
Data types and data instances
the Application Packaging
wizard prompt you to include
when you generate an archive
file? (Choose Two)
- Data types
- Data instances
- Product rules
- Checked-out rules
You use the Application User can start executing rules as soon as the rules
Import wizard to import an are imported.
archive file on a destination
system. When does the
destination system begin
executing the imported rules? 23/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the Pega Mobile This allows you to include a Pega application into a
Application Package File pre-existing non-Pega app. 24/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Always CSSA as
use _______________ (The
a Motherload)
data pages
data source if you are
designing applications to work
on a mobile device when the
device is not connected to a
network. 25/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
To display CSSA
a list of items(The
to a Motherload)
1 and 2.
user who may access the
application on mobile and Option 3 is a best practice for mobile app data
non-mobile devices, which two sourcing, but does not influence the display of the
of the following options are list.
best practices for designing
the user interface? (Choose
Two) 26/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
For the CSSA
following (The Motherload)
use cases, 1. Mobile Browser
decide which platform (Pega
Mobile application package 2. Pega Mobile application package file
file, Mobile Browser, Pega
Mobile Client) should be used: 3. Pega Mobile Client
2. An insurance company
wants to include a claims
process configured using Pega
Platform 27/33
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2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
CasePega CSSA
types that (The Motherload)
use offline pyStartCase
processing must use the
starting flow _______________ to
initialize processing and
instantiating cases in a stage-
based case life cycle.
If you have a case type that You must write custom JavaScript to perform the
you are configuring for offline same functionality.
processing and it does not use
the starting flow, pyStartCase,
what must you do?
For widely distributed mobile 1. Make essential elements available offline for a
apps, large numbers of users consistent user experience.
may be synchronizing their
apps at any given time. This 2. Ensure that synchronizations are fast and efficient
situation can strain server
resources. What two key
design considerations should
you keep in mind to help
prevent straining the servers? 29/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
Which CSSA
class must the (The Motherload)
Data-Portal class
pyCustomAppCache record
be applied to? 30/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
Large data pages can hold all the data needed for
your application.
How does using large data
pages to store reference data Only individual records from the data page that are
in your application help needed to render a specific screen are loaded into
improve the performance of a the devices memory (Memory improvement).
mobile app?
Also, only the record's whose data changed are
synced (Performance improvement). 31/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
Where do you configure the On the Mobile Offline landing page, edit the
locales for offline apps? pyLocalesListOffline rule. 32/33
2/13/23, 4:05 PM All Pega CSSA (The Motherload) Flashcards | Quizlet
All Pega
To allow CSSAnumber
an unlimited (The Motherload)
of idle requestors by keeping
them until they time out, set
Maximum idle requestors to
_______. 33/33
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
Introduction to Algorithms
3rd Edition • ISBN: 9780262033848
Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Ronald L. Rivest, Thomas H. Cormen
726 solutions
State two advantages of Using an ECS helps you organize rules in a way that
organizing rules using an ECS encourages reuse and provides the ability to adapt
(Enterprise Class Structure) as the business changes.
In lock and roll, what occurs A SA(System Architect) copies the required rules
after you use the wizard to into the empty ruleset to create the new
create a new, empty ruleset? application version. 1/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
List two reasons why a rule is The rule is already checked out by someone else;
not available for checkout. The rule is in a locked ruleset. 2/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
Before moving the updated Identify any conflicts between your changes using
rules into the base rulesets, the Merge Branch Ruleset wizard.
you first _________.
How do you ensure there are You can view possible rule conflicts and guardrail
no rule conflicts or guardrail warnings in the branch rule on the Branch quality
warnings in the merge branch tab.
candidate? 3/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
Assume an 8 Knowledge
operator's ruleset Checks
To be included in the results, each candidate rule
list includes Loans:01-01. Why must have the same Major Version number, and
would a candidate rule found Minor Version number less than or equal to the
in Loans:01-02 not be included specified Minor Version number listed in the
in the results of the rule operator's ruleset list.
resolution process?
Assume the referenced rule Rules found in the ancestor tree of the rule in
has an Apply to: class of TGB- question -- either by pattern or direct inheritance --
HRApps-Work-Onboarding. are retained in the list of rule candidates.
Why would a candidate rule
with an Apply To: class of TGB-
HRApps-Work be retained in
the list of rule candidates?
As candidate rules are ranked The version of the ruleset is considered last. This
during rule resolution, which ensures that circumstanced rules are not
criteria is considered last? automatically overridden if the base rule is
why? updated in a more recent ruleset version.
What does search duplicate Search duplicate cases uses weighted conditions.
cases process use to compare Each condition has a relative importance defined
specific properties or values by a weighting value.
with cases already in the
system? 4/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
Which type 8 Knowledge
of Smart Shape Checks
A Split For Each allows you to iterate over a list of
would you use to start an employees to start an interview process for each
interview processes based on employee.
a list of employees who must
interview a job candidate?
In an equipment selection You would choose a Split Join because it lets you
process, you want the Facilities call multiple subprocess that can run in parallel.
Setup and IT Setup processes
to run in parallel using a smart
shape. Which smart shape
would you choose.
Assume you want users to For each child case, you override the default
have the ability to work on setting that locks the parent case.
top-level cases while their
child cases are open. How
would you configure your
locking settings?
If a flow action includes a pre- Pega performs the pre-processing action each time
processing data transform or the flow action is presented to the user.
activity, when does pega
perform the action?
What is the main reason for You use a decision table when you need to test the
using a decision table rather values of multiple properties to make the decision.
than a when rule for
automating a decision? 5/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
When would 8 Knowledge
you use a Checks
When you want to apply if/then/else logic to
decision tree rather than a evaluate a set of conditions.
decision table to automate a
A requirement states that you Select the organization in the organization chart
must add a new division to and use the chart menu to add the division.
your organization. What
approach allows you to see (Configure > Org & Security > Organization >
where in the organization Organizational Chart)
hierarchy you are adding the
A field value enables you to List of allowed values separately from the property.
manage the ________ separately
from the _______. 6/13
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2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
How can your application be Export all the required fields using the Localization
localized if a language pack is Wizard, have them translated, and import your own
not available for that region? custom translation pack. 8/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
When do you use simulation When the connector has not yet been generated.
option in a data page?
When would you use an error You would use it when the response is not
handler flow for your immediately needed and a process for handling the
connector? error is required. 9/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the 8 Knowledge
purpose of a Checks
A service allows other applications to access your
service? application.
What is the purpose of using a A condition allows you to add a custom error
condition in a SOAP message to the response.
How does the Pega reporting The tool uses Pega Classes to find the table.
tool find and retrieve data
from the appropriate table?
How can you use a subreport Use the subreport as a filter, comparing with a list
to list the operators who have of all operators and removing all entries where
not updated cases of a there is a match between the two reports.
specific case type within the
past week? 10/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
Where can you view detailed The Data Flow for the processor.
information about processor
Name two specific times in the During UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and Stress
project life cycle when Testing immediately after application deployment.
reviewing log files is important. 11/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
In order CSSA
to migrate8an
Knowledge Checks
First, identify the application components in a
application between system product rule. Then, put the rule contents in an
environments, what actions archive file. Finally, copy the archive file to the
must your perform? destination system and import the file.
When using an offline-enabled The saved work joins a queue for synchronization.
mobile app, what happens When the mobile device connects to a network, the
when a user saves work on an application server processes the queue.
How do you enable offline On the case type Settings tab, in the General
access for a case type? section, you select the Enable Offline check box.
What requirement must a case The case type must be initialized and instantiated
type satisfy before you enable with the pyStartCase starting flow.
the case type for offline
What are the two key 1. Which Essential Elements should be available
considerations when Offline.
configuring a mobile app for 2. How to ensure synchronizations are fast and
offline use. efficient.
What types of resources do Cache Manifest includes images, icons and font
you add to the cache families.
manifest? 12/13
2/13/23, 4:14 PM Pega CSSA 8 Knowledge Checks Flashcards | Quizlet
You can use the Modify Locales List link from the
Where do you configure the
Mobile Offline landing page to edit the
locales for offline apps?
pyLocalesListOffline rule.
What are the three ways that Requestor Pooling enables requestor reuse, shares
requestor pooling improves allocated resources, and eliminates server wait time
service performance? for requestor creation. 13/13