Profit Planning or Budgeting: Control Is The Use of Budget To Control A Firm's Activities
Profit Planning or Budgeting: Control Is The Use of Budget To Control A Firm's Activities
Profit Planning or Budgeting: Control Is The Use of Budget To Control A Firm's Activities
Each firm exists for a purpose and has goals to accomplish. These are set by the firm’s
board of directors and are to be accomplished by the firm’s executive team, led by the
President and his operating officers. To ensure performance, the team must optimize the use of
all resources and appropriate techniques available at their disposal. Such resources include
money, manpower, materials, machines, methods, information and technology among others.
Managerial techniques include organizational structures, policies, strategies, standards and
operating procedures.
The president must be able to communicate effectively the firm’s goals and objectives,
show the direction or ways to achieve them, set the standards of performance, motivate the
firm’s people to act and establish the necessary controls or measures in order to get things
done with utmost efficiency and effectiveness. Success depends upon the commitment of each
employee, especially the managers at the different levels and different areas of the firm’s
operations. As such, the president must encourage, if not force, the participation or
involvement of the said stakeholders in every stage of the process of attaining the firm’s goals.
One of the techniques utilized to achieve this is the budgeting process.
The budget is a detailed plan for acquiring and using financial and other resources over
a specified time period. It represents the firm’s plans for the future expressed in quantitative
terms. The budget serves as a road map that guides the managers along the way and a chart
of the firm’s course of operations. Budgeting is the act of preparing a budget and budgetary
control is the use of budget to control a firm’s activities.
Purposes of Budgets
Budgets make the decision making process more effective by helping managers meet
uncertainties regarding the future. Its objective is to promote a deliberate, well-conceived
business judgment instead of accidental success in business management. When planning is
done well, many problems are anticipated before they arise and solutions can be sought
through deliberate study. Preparing a well-defined budget requires the concerted effort of all
management levels. Budgets serve a number of useful purposes, which includes:
Perhaps the foremost purpose of budgeting is to compel managers to think about the
future. This forces them to set goals, consider future problem areas and formulate strategies.
Budgeting motivates managers to anticipate opportunities, problems and actions rather than to
merely react. Budgeting helps the firm in defining broad objectives and goals and formulating
strategies to achieve such objectives.
Create a Plan of Action
The planning process brings together ideas, forecasts, resource availability and financial
realities to create a course of action to achieve the firm’s goals and objectives. Build the plan,
and then use it!
The budgeting process opens the lines of communication within the firm (a) up and
down organizational lines of subordinates and superiors and (b) across organizational lines to
integrate functional tasks. It entails coordinating the activities of the various parts of the firm
and ensuring that the parts are in harmony with each other. Goal congruence refers to a
firm’s striving to achieve a common set of objectives.
Budgeting enables the firm to allocate its resources to where they can be used most
Motivate managers
Managers are driven to achieve their budget targets because (a) they participated in its
making and thus take pride in achieving it; (b) thru the budget, they see clearly how their roles
fit together with the firm as a whole and (c) because their promotion and incentives are based
on performance, which include meeting their budget targets. By doing so, managers are
motivated to strive in achieving the firm’s goals since their respective budget targets are in line
with it.
Actual results lack meaning unless they are compared to some target or budgeted
performance. A budget serves as a benchmark or standard against which actual results are
measured and managers’ performance are evaluated. Significant variances between actual and
planned require explanations and often, corrective actions.
Budgeting quantifies and integrates into operational plans many improvement processes
such as redesigning processes, increasing productivity, eliminating non value adding activities
and minimizing quality problems.
A budget system serves as a fiscal disciplinarian and helps ensure that managers
understand their authority, responsibility and limitations. Budgeting forces managers to plan,
provides information for decision making, sets benchmarks for control and evaluation and
improves the process of communication and coordination.
A good budgeting system provides for both planning and control. Planning
involves developing objectives and preparing various budgets to achieve those objectives. In
here, the managers anticipate the future events, develop a plan of action and estimate future
revenues and costs. Control refers to the steps taken by management to increase the
likelihood of attaining the objectives set in the planning stage and that all parts of the
organization are working together toward that goal. In here, feedbacks on actual operating
results are used to compare with the plan, to evaluate performance and to make the necessary
changes. This planning and control system can be viewed as a cycle as shown below:
A planning and control system includes tools, methods and attitudes. Common elements
1. Strategic planning process. This long range planning defines the firm’s mission (why
the firm exists), the long range goals (what level of achievement it expects) and
strategic plan (what markets, price policies, resource needs, and production capabilities
the firm will have)
2. Business plan and personal goal setting. Creating the annual business plan is the task
of evaluating the firm’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and tactics to build firm
wide priorities for the coming year. Each manager also develops a personal set of goals and
a plan of achievements that are consistent with the firm’s business plan.
3. Planning process and timetable. A budgeting schedule includes when to start the
process, submit budgets, review and approve budgets at various management and
levels –
answers who, what and when.
Update Plan
5. Reward (incentive) system. Rewards are given to managers who achieve their unit’s
budget goals and or MBO targets. Tying performance to compensation is becoming an
increasingly common practice.
6. Financial modeling. Ability to evaluate alternative or “what if” scenarios are an expected
part of any financial planning system. Simulation can test a plan to assess goal achievement
and evaluate alternative actions.
7. Participatory budgeting. It is assumed that every manager is involved in planning and
control. Often, budget objectives are set at the executive level but budgets are constructed
from the bottom up – sometimes called as “grass roots” budgeting.
Conflicts may arise when a single budget system is used to serve several purposes, such
Planning vs. Motivation - demanding budgets that may not be achieved may be appropriate
to motivate maximum performance, but they are unsuitable for planning purposes. A budget
should be set based on easier targets that are expected to be met.
Planning vs. Performance Evaluation - in planning, budgets are set in advance of the
budget period based on an anticipated set of circumstances or environment. Performance
evaluation should be based on a comparison of actual performance with an adjusted budget to
reflect the actual circumstances under which managers operated.
In practice, many firms compare actual performance with the original budget (adjusted
to the actual level of activity Ex. flexible budget), but if the circumstances envisaged when the
original budget was set have changed then there will be a planning and evaluation conflict. The
ultimate objective must be to develop a realization that the budget is designed to be a positive
aid in achieving both individual and firm’s goals.
Limitations of Budgets
1. Stretch level budget – based on idealistic conditions and has small chance of being
2. Highly achievable budget – challenging but which can be met thru hard work
B. As to Flexibility of Budget
2. Fixed (Static) budget – projection of revenues and costs at a particular or single level
of activity. It does not segregate costs into fixed and variable components. Actual
costs are compared with the budgeted costs regardless of actual level of production,
to obtain and analyze cost variances.
C. As to Budget Period
A budget period is the length of time for which a budget is effective. Factors
affecting the budget period established includes purpose of the plan, reliability of
information and normal turnover periods or seasonal cycles.
3. Capital budget – a long term budget showing the planned financing, acquisition and
disposal of fixed assets.
4. Life Cycle budget – a product’s revenues and expenses are estimated over its
entire life cycle (from research and development to withdrawal of customer support).
It is useful in target costing & target pricing.
D. As to Base Amount
1. Zero based budget – a budget wherein managers are required to justify all
expenditures (costs) as if programs involved are being proposed for the first time.
2. Financial budget – a budget of the financial resources as reflected in the budgeted
balance sheet.
3. Capital budget – a budget for significant investments in projects that have long
term implications such as the purchase of property, plant and equipment.
In order to ensure that the budget to be prepared will be compatible with the strategic
objectives of the firm and to minimize the possible budgetary slack, the top management must
provide the guidelines and the statistical inputs needed in preparing the budget. The top
management should also provide the reward system associated with budgetary system.
1. To formulate and decide the general policies of the firm’s budgetary system.
2. To request, review and revise individual budgets from the different units of the firm.
3. To approve the budgets and subsequent revisions therein.
4. To receive, analyze and evaluate budget reports.
5. To recommend necessary actions to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.
The chief executive of the firm may appoint the controller to serve as head of the committee
for two major reasons namely:
1. The controller’s position is independent from the operating parts of the firm
2. The controller has skills and experiences in coping with intricacies of setting up the
As the overall coordinator of the budgeting process, the controller recommends how
budgets should be prepared, assembles the budgets, prepares periodic reports showing
variances between actual and planned results, interprets the variances, and give
recommendations for improvement where possible.
It is to be noted that a well defined budget is a product of the concerted effort of all
management levels of the firm. Top management must support the budgeting process by
establishing a clearly delineated lines of authority and responsibility, involving the managers in
the planning process, setting appropriate goals and objectives that can be easily translated into
plans and actions at lower management levels, reviewing the budgets thoroughly before
approving it and by doing a follow up and review of budget reports with the intent of
encouraging budget updates and goal oriented actions. The middle management in turn must
make a careful and rigorous review of the budgets proposed by the lower level management.
To do this function effectively, they must know the inner workings of the activities reporting to
them. Lastly, lower level management must make an honest and accurate projection of
revenues and expenses related to the future activities of their respective units. This mutual
cooperation of the different levels of management prevents or overcomes the common
budgetary problems such as budget slack (budgeting revenues too low and expenses too high
to cover anticipated budget cuts), misstatement of revenues and expenses to earn approval of
projects, hiding over spending on one project by charging expenses to another project, blaming
controllable budget variances on non-controllable events, and pressuring subordinates which
encourages them to act unethically to meet the budget.
Budget Period
The budget period is the length of time for which a budget is effective. It is determined
based on factors such as purpose of the budget, reliability of information and normal turnover
periods or seasonal cycles.
A budget usually covers one year and divided into quarters or months. In some cases,
the budget is prepared for a period beyond one year, depending on how the budget is used. A
budget may have no particular budget period but it should be complete and comprehensive.
Firms are increasingly using a rolling budget, a budget that is always available for a
specific period of time by adding a month or quarter in the future as the month or quarter just
ended is dropped. The budgeting is a continuous process, and managers are encouraged to
constantly look ahead and review future plans. Furthermore, it is likely that actual performance
will be compared with a more realistic target, because budgets are being constantly reviewed
and updated.
The master budget represents the summary of the management’s plans and outlines the
way to accomplish these plans. In here, specific targets are set for sales, production,
distribution and financing activities, culminating in the preparation of a cash budget, budgeted
income statement and budgeted balance sheet. Such budgets are separate but interdependent.
The starting point of budget effort should always be the most constraining variable,
which is generally, sales. Most managers work to generate more sales. However, other
constraining variables might be:
1. Machine capacity in a specialized area (Ex. Plastic extruding equipment in a plastic bottle
2. Floor space in a retail outlet
3. Salesmen’s time to make calls on customers (Ex. Sales reps who must decide on which
client to visit)
4. Tables in a restaurant (where demand for reservations cannot be met)
When a variable other than sales limits growth, it becomes the starting point for
planning. But for most firms, sales units or revenue is the limiting resource.
Direct Materials
Components of the Master Budget
A. Operating Budget
Schedule of
Cash Payments
1. Sales budget
It is a schedule showing the expected sales (amount & units) over a specific time
period. It is “the key” to the budgeting process. It provides the basis for projected
cash receipts as well as for constructing the other budgets such as production,
operating expenses and capital expenditure budget. Accuracy of sales budget impacts
the whole budget.
The sales department prepares the sales budget based on sales forecast
considering external and internal factors such as industry trends, economic and
political conditions, purchasing power of peso, customer preferences, pricing and
promotion policies of the firm, projected plant expansion and others. Methods of
forecasting: sales department estimates, survey of customers, survey of executive
opinions, statistical methods
2. Production budget
This is a detailed plan showing the number of units that must be produced during
a period to meet both sales and inventory requirements. It becomes the basis for
determining the budgets for direct materials, direct labor and factory overhead which
in turn becomes input for the cash expenditures budget.
This is a detailed plan showing the amount and number of units of raw materials
that must be purchased during a period to meet both production and inventory needs.
It is a detailed plan showing the production costs, other than direct materials and
direct labor, which will be incurred over specific period of time. Overhead costs can
either be fixed or variable, in which case the level of activity becomes relevant in
computing the total cost.
This is a budget that shows the peso amount of cost expected to appear on the
balance sheet for unsold units at the end of a period
7. Purchases budget
It is a budget that shows the number of units and the amount of goods (raw
materials) to be purchased for the period.
It is a budget that shows the cost of goods manufactured, cost of goods available
at the beginning and end of period, as well as the cost of goods sold for a specific time
It is a detailed plan showing the overall result of operations over a specific time
B. Financial Budget
1. Cash budget
Normally, the bulk of cash receipts come from customers. Other sources of cash
are interest and dividends on investments, sale of investments and other assets, and
proceeds of borrowings. Cash disbursements are made to production and operating
expenses in the current year and accrued expenses last year, currently maturing
obligations and dividends.
The timing and amount of cash flows will show the available cash at a certain
period. This will indicate the timing and amount of investing activities if there is excess
cash or financing activities to meet the firm’s required minimum cash balance.
It is a detailed plan of the financial position and condition of the business over a
period of time. It is developed by beginning with the current balance sheet and
adjusting it for data contained in other budgets.
It is similar to the cash budget but sources and uses of cash is specified whether
it is related to operating, investing or financing activities.
Budgeted Sales xx Budgeted production (units) xx
Desired Inventory -end xx x Qty. of materials/unit xx
Total requirements xx Materials to be used xx
Expected inventory - beg (xx Desired materials invty – end xx
Budgeted production (units) xx Total requirements xx
Expected materials invty - beg (xx
Budgeted materials purchases xx
Target Cash balance – the desired cash balance that a firm plans to maintain in order
to conduct business operations. Cash surplus indicates the type of investments (usually
marketable securities) to acquire. Cash deficit indicates the external financing requirement.
It is one that is based on a single level of activity. It can be used by a firm when it can
estimate its operating volume within close limits and if the cost behavior can be predicted
accurately. In here, the actual results are compared to budgeted costs at the original budgeted
activity level.
Flexible Budget
It is one that is based on multiple levels of activity. This budget adjusts revenues, costs
and expenses to the actual level of activity in which the firm operated in order to provide a
valid basis of comparison to actual costs. Thus, a budget for the firm can be prepared at
various levels of activity.
WAIS CORPORATION manufactures and sells only one consumer good, product HOPE.
As of December 31,2015, the Statement of Financial Position of the firm shows the following:
Current Assets
Cash P111,216.80
Accounts Receivable (net) 327,283.20
Inventories 249,000.00
Other Current Assets 12,500.00 P700,000.00
Noncurrent Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment P4,000,000.0
Accumulated Depreciation (800,000.00) 3,200,000.00
Total Assets P3,900,000.0
Current liabilities
Accounts Payable P 21,582.40
Income tax payable 105,000.00
Property tax payable 10,000.00
Bonds Payable (10%) 400,000.00 P536,582.40
Noncurrent Liabilities
Bonds Payable (10%) 800,000.00
Total Liabilities P1,336,582.4
Shareholders’ Equity
Ordinary Share Capital (P100 par) P2,000,000
Accumulated Profits 563,417.60 2,563,417.60
Total Equities P3,900,000.0
During the last month of 2015 to the early weeks of January, 2016, the management has been
gathering data for preparing the 2016 budget. Data gathered by the controller are as follows:
a. Marketing department projected to sell 12, 500 units in the first quarter and expects to
increase it by 10% per quarter for the next two years. The sales price is expected to be at
b. The company established some policies to guide operations throughout the year. For the
production department, enough goods must be produced such that 20% of the goods
expected to be sold in the next quarter will be on hand at end of each current quarter.
Direct materials at the end of each quarter must be 30% of the direct materials
requirement for the next quarter. Other data for production are as follows:
c. To attract customers, the company will be selling on normal credit terms, as usual. The
company projected that 75 % of sales will be collected during the quarter of sale, and the
remaining will be collected in the following quarter, with 1% of total sales estimated as
e. Expenses are paid in cash except for direct materials of which 10% is paid the next quarter
after it was purchased and property taxes which are paid in the quarter after the property
taxes are recognized. The company’s policy is to maintain a minimum cash balance of P50,
000 at all times, for any unforeseen cash requirements or any adjustments to be made.
f. Finished Goods of the last quarter of 2015 has a cost per unit of P69.
h. Current portion of bonds payable matures every Dec. 31. The firm will declare P10/sh
dividends on Dec.1 payable on Jan. 31, 2017.
i. The firm is subject to 30% income tax which will be paid in the first week following each
quarter of operations.
REQUIRED: Prepare the Master Budget of WAIS Corporation for 2016 in a quarterly basis.
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Budgeted production units 12,750 14,025 15,428 16,971
Std. materials / unit ( kg ) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Budgeted DM usage ( kg ) 5,100.00 5,610.00 6,171.20 6,788.40
Desired DM -end (kg) 1,683.00 1,851.36 2,036.52 2,240.16
Total needs 6,783.00 7,461.36 8,207.72 9,028.56
(1,530.00 (1,683.00 (1,851.36 (2,036.52
DM - beg ( kg ) ) ) ) )
Budgeted DM Purchases
(kg) 5,253.00 5,778.36 6,356.36 6,992.04
Purchase price / kg P50 P50 P50 P50
Budgeted DM Purchases (P) P262,650 P288,918 P317,818 P349,602
Gross Profit P641,225.49 P715,000 P797,502.80 P888,281.02
Sales Salaries (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) (40,000)
Advertising (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000)
Commissions (45,000) (49,500) (54,450) (59,897)
Store Supplies (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Dep. - store (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000)
Dep. – bldg (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000)
Admin. salaries (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)
Office supplies (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500)
Dep.– office (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000)
Property taxes (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Other assets (12,500)
Bad Debts (15,000) (16,500) (18,150) (19,965.60)
Operating Income P389,225.49 P469,500.00 P545,402.80 P628,918.62
Finance Cost (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00)
Income b4 tax P359,225.49 P439,500.00 P515,402.80 P598,918.62
(107,767.65 (131,850.00
Income tax ) ) (154,620.84) (179,675.59)
Net income P251,457.84 P307,650.00 P360,781.96 P419,243.03
Schedule 8: Cash Budget
Property taxes 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
expenses 169,500.00 174,000.00 178,950.00 184,396.80
Finance Cost 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Income tax 105,000.00 107,767.65 131,850.00 154,620.84
Bonds Payable 400,000.00
Total 4 P1,224,058.85 P1,337,848 P1,859,281.24
9 9 9 0
4. How does a firm prepare a good budget? Who is responsible for preparing and administering
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________ Score: _____
______1. The major objectives of any budget system are to foster the planning of operations
and provide a framework for performance evaluation.
______2. One of the weaknesses of budgets is that they are of little value in uncovering
potential bottlenecks in an organization
______3. Budgeting is a trade-off between planning and control in that increased use of
budgeting will usually improve planning but will weaken control.
______4. The managerial functions of planning, coordinating and performance evaluation can
all be associated with budgeting.
______5. Top management needs to be involved in the budgeting process, including using the
budget process to communicate goals.
______6. In zero-based budgeting, only changes from the prior budget must be justified.
______7. One of the advantages of a self-imposed budget is that the person directly involved
in an activity is more likely to be in a position to make good budget estimates.
______8. The budgeting system that focuses on improving operations is called operational
______9. The basic difference between master budget and flexible budget is that the former is
based on one specific level of production while the latter can be prepared for any
production level within a relevant range.
______11. The use of standard costs in the budgeting process signifies that an organization
has most likely implemented a flexible budget.
______12. The first, and most critical, step in constructing a set of pro forma financial
statements is establishing the sales forecast.
______13. Desired ending inventory figures appear on both budgeted income statement and
budgeted balance sheet.
______14. The idea behind preparing cash budgets is to avoid unnecessary cash surplus or
______15. Accounts receivable and income tax generally vary directly with sales.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________ Score: _____
_______ 1. The process of creating a formal plan and translating goals into a quantitative
a) activity based costing c) process costing
b) budgeting d) variance analysis
a) To provide a basis for comparison of actual performance
b) To communicate the company’s plans throughout the entire organization
c) To control income and expenditures in a given period
d) To make sure the company expands its operations.
_______ 6. A difference between standard costs used for cost control and budgeted costs can
exist because:
a) because standard costs represent what costs should be while budgeted costs
represent expected actual costs
b) standard costs must be determined after the budget is completed
c) because costs are historical whereas standard costs are based on engineering
d) none of the above
_______ 8. A budget manual, which enhances the operation of budget system, is most likely
to include:
a) a chart of accounts
b) distribution instructions for budget schedules
c) employee hiring policies
d) documentation of the accounting system software
e) company policies regarding the authorization of transactions
_______ 9. The budget method that maintains a constant twelve month planning horizon by
adding a new month on the end as the current month is completed is called a/an
a) operating budget c) continuous budget
b) capital budget d) master budget
_______ 13. Which budget is most appropriate for a firm facing a significant level of
uncertainty in unit sales for next year:
a) flexible budget c) operating budget
b) life cycle budget d) rolling budget
_______ 14. S1: A flexible budget provides cost allowances for different levels of activity
S2: The only difference between a flexible and static budget is that a flexible
budget does not contain fixed costs.
a) Only S1 is true c) both S1 and S2 are true
b) Only S2 is true d) both S1 and S2 are false
_______ 15. S1: Flexible budget is often used as basis for preparing the pre-determined
overhead rate.
S2: Variances will always be larger with flexible budget than with static budget.
a) Only S1 is true c) both S1 and S2 are true
b) Only S2 is true d) both S1 and S2 are false
_______ 16. S1: Although it is effective in measuring production control, static budget is not
effective in measuring cost control.
S2: A flexible budget primarily is prepared for planning purposes while static
budget is for performance evaluation
_______ 17. When production levels are expected to increase within a relevant range, and a
flexible budget is used, what would be the anticipated effect on fixed costs/unit
and variable costs/unit, respectively?
a) no change, no change c) no change, decrease
b) decrease, decrease d) decrease, no change
_______ 18. A budget that describes the long term position, goals and objectives of an entity
within its environment:
a) capital budget c) operating budget
b) cash management budget d) strategic budget
_______ 20. In
preparing a master budget, top management is generally best able to:
a)prepare detailed departmental-level budget figures
b)provide a perspective on the company as a whole
c)point out the particular persons who are to blame for inability to meet budget
d) all of the above.
Name: _____________________________ Date: ________ Score: _____
Sales volume for the year 2017 has been estimated for Queennie Apparels as follows:
Quarters Shirts Dresses Pants
First 18,000 32,000 46,000
Second 21,000 35,000 49,000
Third 24,000 31,000 43,000
Fourth 20,000 29,000 40,000
Total 83,000 127,000 178,000
Selling prices for these products are: Shirts – P65; Dresses – P100; Pants – P180. An
estimated 5% of sales is expected for sales returns and allowances. 80% of sales are on
account and 20% is cash sales. 75% of credit sales is collected in the same quarter of the sale
while 25% is collected in the following quarter.
Prepare a sales budget for the year 2017 with a schedule of expected cash collections.
The TESS Company has budgeted sales for the year as follows:
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Sales in units 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000
The ending inventory of finished goods for each quarter should equal 25% of the next quarter's
budgeted sales in units. The finished goods inventory at the start of the year is 2,500 units.
Four pounds of raw materials are required for each unit produced. Raw materials on hand at the
start of the year total 4,200 pounds. The raw materials inventory at the end of each quarter
should equal 10% of the next quarter's production needs in material.
1. How many units should be produced in the third quarter?
2. How many pounds of materials should be purchased for the second quarter?
The following are budgeted data for the Emerald Company, a merchandising company:
Budgeted Sales (at retail): January - P300,000; February - P340,000; March - P400,000; April -
P350,000. Cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales is 60%. The desired ending inventory is
75% of next month's sales.
1. Assuming that the company had inventory on hand of P70,000 (at cost) on January 1, how
much must be the purchases for January (at cost)?
2. How much is the desired ending inventory (at cost) for the month of February?
3. Assume that all purchases are paid for in the month following the month of purchase. How
much cash disbursements for purchases would appear in the April cash budget?
Faye Co. manufactures a product using 3 kg of raw materials. Production and inventory
budgets for June 2016 are as follows:
Budgeted sales for June amounted to 18,000 units. During the production process, it is usually
found that 5% of production units are scrapped as defective and this loss occurs after the raw
materials have been placed in process.
1. How many kilograms of raw materials will be purchased in June?
2. Assume that the cost of a kilogram of raw material is P16 and that 60% of purchases is paid
in the month of purchase while the remaining in the month after the purchase, how much is
the cash payment for the June?
Janniel Inc. is preparing its budget for 2016. Income statement for 2015 is presented
Operating expenses includes depreciation of P40,000. For the year 2016, the company plans to
increase selling price by 10% which is expected to decrease sales volume in units by 5%. The
cost of sales as a percent of sales will increase to 62%. Other than depreciation, all operating
costs are variable.
What is the budgeted income for 2016?
Sales P3,500,00
Income tax (40%) 320,000
What is the projected 2017 net income?
70% during the month of sale 4% in the third month after sale
15% in the first month after sale 1% uncollectible
10% in the second month after sale
Sales on account for the last six months of the year were reported as follows:
1. Compute for the total cash collections during the 4th calendar quarter.
2. A/R balance on the Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31
A 2016 cash budget is being prepared for the purchase of TOBI, a merchandise item.
Budgeted data are: Cost of goods sold for 2016 P300,000 Accounts payable 1/1/16 P20,000
Inventory—1/1/16 P30,000 12/31/16 P42,000. Purchases will be made in twelve equal
monthly amounts and paid for in the following month.
How much is the 2003 budgeted cash payment for purchases of TOBI?
The Francine Company, a merchandising firm, has planned the following sales for the next four
Sales are made 40% for cash and 60% on account. From experience, the company has learned
that a month’s sales on account are collected according to the following pattern:
Uncollectible 2%
Depreciation 8,000
Using this data, along with your answer to part (1) above, prepare a cash budget in good
form for June. Clearly show any borrowing needed during the month. The company can
borrow in any dollar amount, but will not pay any interest until the following month.
DEMI Company has the following cash budget for the 1st quarter of operations for 2016:
Cash disbursements
Salaries 40,000 35,000 42,000
The company estimates that 10% of its credit sales will never be collected. Of those that will be
collected, 50% will be in the month of sale and the balance in the following month. Purchases
on account will all be paid for in the month following purchase. December 2015 sales were
P900,000. Cash balance as of December 31, 2015 is P1,000,000.
What is the opening balance of cash for the 2nd quarter of 2016?
How much must the firm borrow at the end of December?
Oprah Inc., began operations on July 1 with P12,000 cash balance. Forty percent of
sales are collected in the month of sale; 60% are collected in the month following sale.
Similarly, 20% of purchases are paid in the month of purchase, and 80% are paid in the month
following purchase. Data for July and August are:
July August
If operating expenses are paid in the month incurred and include monthly depreciation
charges of P2,500, how much is the cash balance as of end of August?
Dilbert Farm Supply has the following data regarding its store's operations: (ignore
Weldon Industrial Gas Corporation supplies acetylene and other compressed gases to industry.
Data regarding the store's operations follow:
● Sales are budgeted at P360,000 for November, P380,000 for December, and P350,000 for
● Collections are expected to be 75% in the month of sale, 20% in the month following the
sale, and 5% uncollectible.
● The cost of goods sold is 65% of sales.
● The company purchases 60% of its merchandise in the month prior to the month of sale
and 40% in the month of sale. Payment for merchandise is made in the month following
the purchase.
● Other monthly expenses to be paid in cash are P21,900.
● Monthly depreciation is P20,000.
Statement of Financial Position
October 31
Cash P 16,000
Accounts receivable
(net of allowance for uncollectible accounts) 74,000
Inventory 140,400