DCDIDP: A Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-Driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework For Cloud Computing Environments
DCDIDP: A Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-Driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework For Cloud Computing Environments
DCDIDP: A Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-Driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework For Cloud Computing Environments
Abstract-With the growing popularity of cloud computing, an infrastructure, platform or software available to cloud
the exploitation of possible vulnerabilities grows at the same consumers as a service (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS). The person or
pace; the distributed nature of the cloud makes it an attractive
organization that maintains a business relationship with, and
target for potential intruders. Despite security issues delaying its
adoption, cloud computing has already become an unstoppable
uses one or more of these services (i.e. IaaS, PaaS or SaaS)
force; thus, security mechanisms to ensure its secure adoption from cloud providers, is a cloud consumer [1].
are an immediate need. Here, we focus on intrusion detection There are three different layers involved in Cloud Com
and prevention systems (IDPSs) to defend against the intruders. puting: the infrastructure layer, the platform layer, and the
In this paper, we propose a Distributed, Collaborative, and Data
software layer. The infrastructure layer is the basis for the
driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention system (DCDIDP). Its
goal is to make use of the resources in the cloud and provide
cloud computing environment and the user does not have direct
a holistic IDPS for all cloud service providers which collaborate access to it. Users have access only to the virtualized infras
with other peers in a distributed manner at difl"erent architectural tructure layer through the virtual machine (VM) abstraction of
levels to respond to attacks. We present the DCDIDP framework, different hardware components (e.g. VM abstraction of a phys
whose infrastructure level is composed of three logical layers:
ical server and its related networks) in the cloud infrastruc
network, host, and global as well as platform and software
levels. Then, we review its components and discuss some ex
ture. Amazon S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/s3) and FlexiScale
isting approaches to be used for the modules in our proposed (http://www.ftexiant.com/products/ftexiscale) are examples of
framework. Furthermore, we discuss developing a comprehensive IaaS (infrastructure layer) for storage and maintaining virtual
trust management framework to support the establishment and servers, respectively. The platform layer includes software.
evolution of trust among different cloud service providers.
For instance, it includes all of the APIs for a specific pro
grarmning language or virtualized operating system (OS) of
Index Terms-Cloud computing, intrusion detection, collabo
rative IDPS, distributed IDPS. a server [2]. Samples of PaaS (platform layer), including
Google App Engine (http://code.google.com/appengine) and
LoadStorm (http://loadstorm.com), are used to run web ap
plications and test their performance, respectively. Finally,
Recent advances in distributed computing, grid comput the software or application layer includes other user-specific
ing, virtualization mechanisms, and utility computing had led software (SaaS) offered by the cloud providers, such as
Cloud Computing towards becoming one of the industry buzz Zoho (http://www.zoho.com), Zuora (http://www.zuora.com),
words of our decade. Cloud computing has been defined by the and Salesforce (http://www.salesforce.com).
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) As the popularity of the services provided in the cloud
as follows: environment grows rapidly, the exploitation of possible vul
"A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network ac nerabilities (e.g. malicious resource consumption, disrupting
cess to a shared pool of configurable computing resources services, etc.) grows at the same pace. The distributed nature
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) of the cloud model makes it an even more attractive target for
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal intruders. Furthermore, there may be various incentives for the
management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud competitors to initiate attacks against each other, thanks to the
model promotes availability and is composed of five essential commercialized nature of the cloud environment.
characteristics, three delivery models, and four deployment IDPSs are among the most popular of the front line funda
models" [1]. mental tools to defend computation and communication infras
The cloud computing model as defined by NIST, consists tructures from intruders. They are usually deployed either at
of cloud providers and cloud consumers. A cloud provider the destination host (Host-based-IDPS)(HIDPS) or at the edge
is a person, organization or entity responsible for making of the network infrastructure (Network-based-IDPS)(NIDPS),
978-1-936968-36-7 © 2011ICST
332 DOl 10.4108/icst.collaboratecom.2011.247158
in order to protect computation and communication infras is another major requirement in order for IDPSs to act as
tructures from external attacks. While some of the current a comprehensive defense mechanism. Therefore, proposing a
HIDPSs or NIDPSs have emerged and been commercialized comprehensive, holistic, collaborative, distributed, and data
for the cloud computing environment and been used in practice driven framework that considers each and every layer of the
for detecting malicious behaviors against protected hosts or cloud's requirements is our primary motivation in this project.
network environments, they do not meet the requirements for Both cloud providers and cloud customers will benefit
an extremely challenging collaborative environment; such an significantly if there is a comprehensive DCDIDP that dynam
environment requires the support of dynamic, real-time, and ically evolves and gradually mobilizes the cloud's resources
high-performance applications. For instance, while reactive as suspicion about attacks increases. Such a system needs
IDPSs support real-time reactions to the attacks, they may to provide a holistic IDPS for all of the cloud providers
introduce huge overheads in dynamically changing cloud envi who collaborate. The system needs to respond to the attacks,
ronments. Passive approaches have poor response time; hence, by collaborating with peer systems in a distributed fashion,
they lead to serious performance degradation and hamper as near as possible to attack sources and at different levels
collaboration among cloud providers. Therefore, proactive of operations (e.g. network, host, VM). Furthermore, the
approaches to provide real-time, high performance attack DCDIDP system needs to support various architectural lev
prevention and analysis are to be implemented to detect any els/components including the virtualized components, hosts,
malicious activity before the start of an attack, and prevent it and networks. Some of the potential benefits that such a system
from accessing important resources. can provide are as follows:
In this paper, we propose a distributed, collaborative, and
data-driven IDP framework for cloud computing environments. • Distributed lOP: Attacks may originate within the
This framework integrates IDPS in all three layers of cloud infrastructure or through one of the virtual machines
computing (i.e. IaaS, PaaS or SaaS). We present the DCmDP within a physical host itself. A cloud environment may
framework, its components and discuss some of the existing have several administrative domains and possible attacks
approaches to be used for the modules in our proposed may be directed against resources located within the
framework. cloud infrastructure itself. Hence, a proper defense
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section strategy needs to be distributed to effectively detect
2 discusses the motivation and the potential benefits of our and react to the attacks. Distributed IDP potentially
proposed framework. Section 3 presents a brief background relieves high storage and processing overheads caused by
on intrusion detection and prevention systems. In Section 4, central IDP management as the load will be distributed
we describe our proposed DCDIDP framework, explain its among different points in the cloud. Furthermore,
components and discuss some of the possible approaches to be central IDPS can be easily overwhelmed by large-scale,
employed. In Section 5, we discuss trust management among traffic-intensive attacks, as the ability of the victim to
collaborating cloud service providers. Section 6 discusses the both detect attack and filter traffic effectively diminishes
related work and, finally, Section 7 offers our conclusions and considerably [7].
discusses potential future work.
• Collaborative lOPS: DCDIDP combines the advantages
of cloud computing with that of efficient collaboration to
Most of the currently employed/proposed IDPSs for the make the attack detection and prevention more effective.
cloud support detection and prevention at each layer and Attack detection and prevention tasks could be less
mostly independent of other layers [3]-[5]. Furthermore, com burdensome if it can be distributed within and among
plex IDP management is required for heterogeneous cloud en the cloud providers. Cloud providers may share their
vironments. Developing a holistic IDP which significantly sim knowledge about detecting malicious activities at all
plifies IDP management has not been considered to date. Lack three layers of the cloud environment. However, it is
of collaboration among different components within a cloud important to incentivize cloud providers to collaborate
provider or among different cloud providers for detection and with their peers and to share their experiences with
prevention of attacks is another drawback to current proposed detection and prevention in order to improve these
approaches. Collaboration decreases the risks and damages capabilities.
of prior attacks due to the shared knowledge from other
collaborators. Collaboration also increases attack detection • Data-driven lOP and interoperability among the
and the speed and strength of prevention efforts. Distributed cloud providers: DCDIDP leads to dynamic evolution
detection and prevention of the attacks within/among cloud of filtering rules and access lists among the cloud
providers can reduce the complexity of redundant monitoring providers to deal with ever-evolving characteristics of
of attack flows [6] at different check points which should the attacks in diverse cloud environments. Furthermore,
be one of the main features in the next generation of IDPSs some applications in the cloud environments are very
suitable for cloud environments. Creating comprehensive lo diverse, with possible extreme performance requirements
cal/global databases to be used for detection tasks by IDPSs that need to be supported by their underlying IDPSs
Global Audit logs
Local Audit logs
Local Intrusion Assessment
Information Base (lAlB)
Global Policy & Rule Base
Local Policy & Rule Base
(�� : � �) L
Collaborative Ciuste,s
to support; Hence, application specific detection and with attacks before they infiltrate the end-systems. Hybrid
prevention mechanisms should be in place for each type IDPSs provide comprehensive and complex attack detection
of environments. and prevention through both network-based and host-based
IDPSs. Another way to classify IDPSs is based on their
• Integrated IDPS within the cloud: IDPS could be deployment mechanisms [2]. They are classified into three
integrated in different layers of the cloud environment different types: software-based, hardware-based, and VM
(i.e. application, platform, and infrastructure) considering based [9]. VM-based IDPSs are more reliable and robust than
each layer's specifications and vulnerabilities. the two other types of IDPSs because they cannot get subverted
by intruders.
• Flexibility and elasticity: Collaborators could be added Misuse detection (signature based detection) and anomaly
or removed at any time and at each layer; the framework detection are two techniques that are typically used to analyze
should be flexible and scale easily without losing any the data collected through HIDPSs, NIDPSs, or Hybrid IDPSs
functionality. [10]. In misuse detection, collected data are compared to
the database of the signatures of known attacks to detect
• Security strength levels: DCDIDP should be able to intrusions. Alarms will be raised upon matching an incoming
apply differentiated levels of security strength to cloud activity with those of known attackers. Misuse detection heav
customers based on their degree of abnormality. ily depends on maintaining an up-to-date database of attack
signatures that may require a significant amount of overhead.
Anomaly detection is when collected data are compared to
Various IDPSs have already been developed as efficient previously stored abnormal behaviors to detect suspicious
countermeasures against different system/network level at activities. Alarms will be raised upon detecting a suspicious
tacks. Based on where detection and response occurs in the activity. Usually, normal deviations are possible threats to the
system, IDPSs can be categorized into three different types: system. Data mining and machine learning techniques are
host-based IDPSs (HIDPSs), network-based IDPS (NIDPSs), often used to develop a model of normal behavior. Unlike
and Hybrid IDPSs (also known as Distributed IDPSs [2]) misuse detection, anomaly detection systems have the ability
which includes both host-based and network-based sensors to deal with previously unseen or modified attacks [7]. PREs
[6], [8]. HIDPSs are not capable of detecting attacks before provide each of these detection techniques with the required
the end-system is compromised. NIDPSs aim to detect in rules to be launched upon detection and the required policies
trusions inside the network. These systems are able to deal to be considered for a proper response to the malicious activity.
IV. D I S TRIBUTED, COLLAB ORATIVE, AND D ATA-D RIVEN Pull or hybrid). For instance, in the hybrid updates, some
IDP FRAMEWORK attacks are prioritized and upon detecting those, mandatory
In this section, we provide an overview of the DCDIDP update process updates the global databases.
framework for the cloud computing environments' and then Discovering, assigning, and integrating different services
discuss some of the approaches to address its components. provided through a cloud provider is another responsibility of
DCDIDP framework is comprised of three architectural the global infrastructure layer component known as resource
levels: discovery & management cluster (RDMC). There can be
several task coordinators within each RDMC for each cloud
1) Infrastructure level (As shown in Figure 1)
provider. It is assumed that task coordinators are synchronized
2) Platform level (As shown in Figure 2)
regularly. Task coordinators are interacting with all collabora
3) Software level (Virtual machine) (As shown in Figure 2)
tive clusters to receive the updated status on current resource
The infrastructure level itself is comprised of three logical
availability. The aforementioned interaction involves notifying
layers: network, host, and global. Figure 1 shows the infras
task coordinators of possible migration of customers' services
tructure level with its logically-separated layers for one cloud
based on provider's prevention policies.
provider. As shown in Figure 1, several collaborative clusters
There could be several physical hosts (servers) (e.g. Hosel,
of routers and hosts can be created within the network and host
Hose2, ... , Hosem) within each collaborative cluster of routers
infrastructure layers for each cloud provider based on metrics
and hosts in a cloud provider. Each host provides varying
such as physical closeness of components, performance, etc.
physical resources such as CPU, storage, network, etc. to the
These clusters share and interact with three local databases
cloud customers. Furthermore, the hosts also provide virtu
for collaborative detection and prevention. These three local
alized operating systems as well as various APIs to manage
databases are:
those physical resources.
• Intrusion Assessment Information Base (IAIB)
Each host can provide its customers with IDP services in
• Policy and Rule Base (PRB)
both the platform and software (virtual machine) levels as
• Audit logs
shown in Figure 2. A cloud customer can be provided with
We discuss each of these databases and their usage in the a dedicated virtual machine to run her specific applications
following subsections. through a cloud hypervisor. The hypervisor synthesizes one
The network infrastructure layer, together with the host or more virtual machines by using the system's hardware. A
infrastructure layer, provides a comprehensive hybrid IDPS virtual machine is the isolated duplicate of a real system.
capability towards global defense. Hybrid IDPSs address the To provide software level IDP services in our framework,
shortcoming of HIDPSs which can be easily overwhelmed each cloud customer is also provided with an IDPS as an
in light of large-scale, traffic-intensive attacks. Hybrid IDPSs attached service to each virtual machine through the hypervi
extend intrusion detection and packet filtering to the network sor. Therefore, each cloud customer is permitted to configure
routers by employing NIDPSs. Distributed and collaborative her own IDPS with her application specifics (e.g. thresholds,
NIDPSs [6], [7] may be employed on the network infrastruc rules, etc.). Our framework provides DCDIDP service at the
ture layer to detect and respond to the attacks effectively and in platform level (OS) of each host system as a platform level
real-time. Each router within a collaborative cluster of routers IDP service. A platform level DCDIDP service is for those
and hosts interacts with each of the three local databases to customers who rent services from cloud providers to create
detect and respond to the attacks. Furthermore, upon detecting and offer those customized services and applications to their
a malicious activity, it updates all three local databases. own customers. In the cloud environments, the more levels of
All the collaborative clusters on network and host infras architecture we provide IDP services at, the stronger and more
tructure layers in Figure 1 cooperate with each other to create effective the IDP becomes. At each layer, IDPS services have
comprehensive global versions of the databases. For example, access to both network-based and host-based sensors deployed
all the PRBs from the collaborative clusters are integrated at the infrastructure level. Additionally, each of the IDPSs
into one global PRE. All three global databases are stored at in the VMs should report alerts to a host (platform) layer
the global infrastructure layer where the collaboration among DCDIDP, which is responsible for gathering and processing
different cloud providers occurs and they are shared and used the alerts from all sensors. The host DCDIDP has access to all
for detection and prevention by different cloud providers. of the local databases within the DCDIDP. The host DCDIDP
Global databases could have the same structure as their local interacts with all of the local databases in order to update
peers but their targets are other cloud providers and their data them upon detecting a new attack and to access the updated
is more complete than each of the local databases. Each cluster features of prior attacks in other hosts. This way, each can
updates the associated global databases based on its own local collaboratively, and in a distributed fashion, detect and prevent
databases. Global databases need to be updated periodically, attacks.
which may cause overheads, or in an event-driven basis (Push,
A. Local/Global IAIB
I The poster/extended abstract version of this work has been published in
1 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection A key issue involved in building an adaptive, real-time
(RAID' I I ), Menlo Park, California, September 20-2 1 , 20 1 1 . defense system in a cloud environment is that of proper
Physical_Host_m or to capture attack scenarios [14]-[16], [18], [19]. The root
VM_I VM_" of an AST represents an ultimate attack goal and its offspring
represent different activities or attack sub-goals (which may
ApI'. A ApI'.
I ·
.. ApI'.
ApI'. C
I··· themselves be intrusions or reconnaissance attempts) that must
VJI.I'sOS VJI.I'sOS have been collectively (AND-decomposition) or alternatively
(OR-decomposition) achieved by the attacker for the major
VJI.I's lOPS VJI.I's lOPS intrusion to occur. For example, Figure 3(a) depicts a simple
Ito '/' AST for attack goal A, which has sub-goals Band C, both of
\ j
Hypervisor which must be achieved for attack goal A to be successful.
Sub-goal Bis further broken down into two sub-goals X and
IJislribuleil, Collaborative, and IJala-driven Inlrusion IJeteclion & Y, either of which needs to be accomplished for attack goal
Prevention (DCDIDP)
Ito Bto be reached. Hence, attack goal A can be achieved in two
\ "
Host Platform (OS) ways: achieve sub-goals X, Band C or Y, Band C. We can
Host',- DCDIDP extend this assessment model to include:
� 1) Predictive parameters that estimate the probability of
\ occurrence of an intrusion and its propagation time, and;
2) Important information related to each node that can
assist in dynamically computing, based on real-time
data, estimates of these predictive parameters to guide
PhysicaCHosLm's local DCDIDP tllllllbllses
an effective data-driven IDP strategy in different layers
Fig. 2. Platform and Software (YM) levels' view of hoscm's DCDIDP of the cloud system.
The following two predictive parameters can be associated
with each node in the AST:
identification of taxonomic features for general classes of 1) Ps(dID): representing the probability of the occurrence
intrusions in different layers (e.g. infrastructure, platform, and of intrusion d given that the set of sub-intrusions D has
software). Public vulnerability databases such as BugTraq, occurred, and;
CERT vulnerability databases, etc. contain an abundance of 2) Tm(dID): representing the propagation time associated
security-related information that can be used to generate an with the occurrence of intrusion d given that the set of
appropriate classification of intrusions in IAlB. Several classi sub-intrusions D has occurred.
fications related to software vulnerability exist in the literature Typically, a set of Ps(dID) and Tm(dID) values may need
that can be used to derive intrusion classification for use in an to be estimated for each AST node and the set of sub
adaptive, real-time defense system [11]-[13]. At the network intrusions that had already occurred. We believe that Ps(dID)
level as well, there are taxonomies (for example [8]) that can and Tm(dID) will play a key role in guiding the real-time
be enhanced and used here. In particular, such a classification defense strategy against an intrusion at different layers. Com
should emphasize the nature, cause (vulnerability/faults) and putation of Ps(dID) and Tm(dID) is a significant challenge
the impact of an intrusion. and is intensely data-driven, i.e., huge amounts of real-time
Some model checking approaches to correlate intrusion monitored data and historical profiles need to be utilized to
alerts, generate attack trees, and fault trees have been proposed compute these values accurately. A crucial challenge is to
in the literature that can be extended for cloud environments develop simulation and estimation techniques for computing
[14]-[16]. However, these approaches rely on exhaustive Ps(dID) and Tm(dID) values, in particular using current
knowledge of system states and can have serious complex knowledge based on historical data and the new data obtained
ity problems. Hence, the development of a methodology by processing the real-time data.
for dynamically generating efficient attack assessment trees A closely-related work is Ning et al. 's preliminary work
(ASTs) for fine-tuning the parameters used in computation by on generating attack scenarios through correlation of intrusion
incorporating new information related to intrusions is crucial alerts [18], which uses pre-conditions and consequences (post
for building the proposed IAlB for cloud environments. condition + effects) associated with the intrusions. Such an
An AST represents attacks against a system in a tree approach can facilitate both identified and anticipated attacks
structure, delineating the goal of an attack as the root node and [18]. Our proposed IAIB tries to enrich Ning's approach by
different ways of achieving that goal as leaf nodes. They can incorporating more information related to the intrusion than
be used to provide a formal, methodical way of describing the just pre-conditions and consequences.
security of systems, based on varying attacks [17]. ASTs can The proposed IAIB augments the AST with the following
be employed to represent different sequence of events or activ information: (1) system vulnerabilities derived from the cur
ities leading to an intrusion. Such ASTs are founded on AND rent system/networkNM configuration; (2) attacker profile; (3)
OR trees, in which each node represents an attack goal. Such system state; (4) impact profile; and (5) response strategies at
trees have been used by researchers to model attack strategies different levels. Identifying system vulnerabilities [20] associ-
--_" Retrieved From Tree 1 Tree 2
- - - - - - _Assistance From
Vu l nerabllily
Database ---
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) An AST with associated information (b) ASTs with a common sub-tree
ated with each intrusion helps to estimate the impact it will that could be related to any architectural levels (Infrastructure,
have on the system. Use of such vulnerability information for platform, or software). All the DCDIDP components at differ
each AST node in a systematic way is essential to support real ent architectural levels use and update their local IAIB. Local
time defense. Attackers use a variety of tools and techniques IAIBs update the global IAIB and the global IAIB checks
to launch an attack [21]. Attacker profiles contain information for any correlations between its received data for possible
about any capabilities which we assume that an attacker may AST; upon detection, it updates the local IAIBs. Furthermore,
need to launch an attack. The values of Ps(dID) and Tm(dID) global IAIBs will be shared among different cloud providers
depend on the attacker's capability. An appropriate data-driven to collaboratively detect and prevent possible attacks. Hence,
attacker model will facilitate recognition and classification local and global IAlBs are used by the DCmDP framework
of attacker expertise, aided by historical and real-time attack to increase the accuracy, speed, and effectiveness of detection
traces in all of the levels. Various factors contributing to the and prevention.
attacking capability [14] include:
B. Local/Global PRB
1) Resources available (tools, funds, skills, etc.)
2) Amount of time the attacker is willing to spend. The local PRB has both dynamic rule bases and policy bases
3) Level of risk the attacker is willing to take. to provide customers with a flexible capability to be able to
4) Type of access that the attacker has to the system. control their systems at different architectural levels.
5) Motivation behind the attack (financial gain, improving Within a collaborative cluster, all the components should
hacking skills, etc.) follow the cloud provider's policies on: how to collect informa
A set of pre-conditions captures contextual information tion, how to detect attacks, and how to respond to attacks for
about the system state that is required for a particular class different attack scenarios. For instance, upon detecting DDoS
of intrusions to occur and can indicate the vulnerability of attack at the software (VM) architectural level, each provider
the system. For example, if a password file is writeable then has its own policies in response to this incident. One may move
the system is highly vulnerable to privilege escalation attacks the client's VM to another physical machine whereas others
[22]. As another example, if the routers detect some sporadic could easily remove/drop it. All these policies are gathered
legitimate packets (like ICMP broadcasts that could potentially in a local PRE. Note that policies in the local PRB can be
be abused) arriving from an edge network, that edge network specific to the architectural level; this means that they can be
may be considered as a candidate for exploitation. Post set by the customers at different cloud architectural levels.
conditions indicate the system state after an intrusion has Rule bases are used within each collaborative cluster to
occurred. Pre-conditions and post-conditions associated with control information flow among different architectural levels.
an intrusion allow us to make an appropriate assessment of For instance, rules could define network addresses and virtual
the causes and impact of the intrusion, as well as to choose port numbers of services that are or to be permitted or denied.
a proper response. Decisions as to which countermeasures are The collaborative cloud providers share their rule bases
most appropriate and cost-effective against an intrusion will in the global PRE. Each collaborator also adds associated
depend on the Ps and Tm values associated with the intrusion policies for each of its rules into the global PRE. This way
node. the collaborators could use the policies in the global PRB as
In scenarios where two intrusion trees have a common node, recommended policies for their local rules.
such as node M in Figure 3(b), choosing a proper strategy Usually, there are multiple administrators at different archi
will be more complicated. The IAIB should be designed as tectural levels who are adding, removing, or making changes
a generic information base to support the analysis of attacks on local/global PRBs. Consequently, local/global PRBs often
become large and complicated. Therefore, we need to have a example, simultaneous intrusion alerts may be generated by a
mechanism in place at both local and global levels of PRBs to router as well as by a host-based IDS system (e.g., a database
automatically remove those rules and policies that are either intrusion detector), indicating a carefully orchestrated attack.
partially or completely unused for a certain period of time, or Furthermore, coordination and correlation of IDPSs deployed
expired. This mechanism merges same rules and adds all of at different architectural levels (i.e., infrastructure, platform,
the different policies (together with their frequency of usage) and software) to fine-tune the detection capability has not been
from all the collaborators as that rule's policies. a feature of different IDPSs already proposed in the literature.
We believe that the effect of an attack can generically be
C. Local/Global Audit logs
observed at the different architectural levels; hence, correlating
Extensive logging about detected events is usually part of the activities of the detectors at these levels can significantly
each IDPS. An IDPS's logged data can be used to confirm the increase the system-wide intrusion detection capability. For
validity of alerts, investigate possible incidents, and correlate instance, a positive indication of an impending/ongoing attack
various events of other IDPSs' logging sources [10]. Some of at the software (VM) level may be used to indicate to the
the common data fields used among various types of IDPSs NIDPSs (i.e. infrastructure level) to focus on a particular traffic
to log are as follows [10]: pattern to confirm an impending attack and/or to stop/mitigate
• Event type the attack.
• Event date and time Upon detecting intrusions, there should be several meth
• Event importance rate (e.g., priority, severity, impact, ods in place to effectively respond to such intrusions in a
confidence) timely manner and to maintain an acceptable level of system
• Prevention action performed functionality in the presence of a key challenge towards this
There are additional data fields specifically for each type is to first design techniques to construct intrusion boundaries
of IDPSs (e.g. NIDPS, HIDPS, Hybrid-IDPS). For instance, that form the peripheries of system-wide functionalities that
NIDPSs perform packet capturing (e.g. selective deep-packet are adversely affected by an intrusion. Subsequently, various
inspection) and HIDPSs record details related to a specific methodologies can be used to respond to the intrusions aimed
event such as: IP address and port information, application at controlling the spread of the damage and to prevent future
information, and user IDs. Local audit log databases in our intrusions by adapting to new forms of intrusion scenarios.
framework receive copies of locally stored logs (e.g. Syslog, Choosing appropriate response techniques for handling ongo
etc.) from all of the local hosts and routers within the collab ing intrusions and applying recovery techniques are challeng
orative clusters. IDPSs in different architectural levels detect ing tasks, particularly because of the real-time constraints.
different events. Hence the local audit log is comprised of all High latencies in detection and assessment processes can
details of the architectural-level specific events' logs gathered spread the damage within a system at an unknown rate.
at different layers. For instance, Syslog output gathered at At the time any malicious activity is detected, the system
the VM layer provides DCmDP systems with insight into should take measures to ensure that the potential intrusion
virtual network activity. Finally, all the local audit logs update does not damage the system's functional components and the
the global audit log to provide the required log data for critical functions remain operational at an acceptable level of
collaborative attack detection and prevention among different trust (LoT). Such a response should effectively react to the
cloud providers. problem in a timely manner. Ideally, the impact of an attack
should be minimal and after the intrusion period is over, a
D. DCDIDP's Intrusion Detection Capability & Response longer term recovery mechanism can be employed. How to
Mechanisms respond to an intrusion will depend on the cloud provider's
Large scale coordinated attacks targeting different archi policies and its service priorities. For example, in some
tectural levels of cloud environments can be expected to applications, maintaining high LoT in available functionality
be of significant complexity and sophistication, particularly may be the primary goal. In other cases, availability may be
in light of the available tools and the damage that can be the critical intent although at a reduced LoT. In particular, two
inflicted at each level. While many attacks may be detected intrusion response techniques that may be applied are intruder
at the infrastructure level (e.g. network or hosts), sophis isolation and/or damage containment, as shown in Figure 4.
ticated attacks aimed at platform and software levels may The module will be referred to as the distributed, collaborative
be difficult to detect by infrastructure level approaches. De response & recovery module.
tecting such a sophisticated attack will require correlating One way of achieving intruder isolation is through popular
events and patterns of activities distributed vertically (across feature of the cloud environment; moving the intruder to a
architectural levels of the cloud) and horizontally across the separate virtual machine so she is in a controlled environment.
entire cloud environment and among different collaborative Different versions of objects (e.g., a copy of the database
cloud providers. A key approach is to correlate events and containing a copy of items the user needs) can be created
patterns of activities from all architectural levels, and among to isolate each suspected malicious user. If the suspected
the collaborative cloud providers, to evaluate the effects of user turns out to be benign, the isolated objects on each
the intrusion on all architectural levels and providers. For VM (possibly modified by the transactional activities that the
Distributed, Collaborative, and Data-driven Intrusion Detection & Prevention (DCDIDP)
Response Recovery
[I J
Damage Assessment
Short Term Long Term
Generate/Restructure Intrusion Boundary
I 1l I
Policies Distributed, collaborative
� Ree.airer
detection module
l J ,[
Intruder Damage Containment Update Vulnerability
origin�1 from
01$0." Re,""'elMlgra'e verSions
Immediate Reconfigure
Services! nerworic
Response Components traffIc/services
Reduced Higher
"- ./
Availability Availability
� .. ......,
....... ..-'
,:::: �
Audit Intrusion Assessment Policy &
Logs Information Base (IAIB) Rule Base
'-. ..-' ....... ..-'
suspected user has carried out) can be merged with the original level, all the resources that are provided through a specific
objects. In other words, the changes in isolated databases can host system will be the IE of that platform's customer.
be used to update the original database. At the network level, The IEs in the system are designed based on inputs from
resource allocation and fairness mechanisms can be exploited the detection module and the control parameters such as
to provide some level of isolation. Upon detection of malicious the desired LoT and availability. Once the detection module
packets, using a traceback method to find the malicious source identifies the malicious set of transactions and the current
of attack, effectively isolating attack packets could be utilized. level of activity, we can estimate the propagation rate of the
Damage containment may involve disabling services and damage as well as the detection and assessment latencies based
access to objects/resources that may be already compromised. on the timing information related to the set of suspicious
Once the affected components are protected from access, the events or transactions. In particular, the data and transaction
system may need to re-route future transactions or packets in dependency graphs will be used to identify the possible IE
order to increase availability of critical services. For exam [23]. Typically, in environments requiring a high-level of trust
ple, if it has been determined that the customer's data has maintained at all times, we may need to take a pessimistic
been damaged by an attack, then it is necessary to bar any approach in estimating the IE such that the possibility of
transaction that uses the customer database or remove the further propagation is minimized. Thus, trust levels may be
customer's VM from the host system. However, if there is maintained at the cost of reducing the degree of availability.
a mirror/backup site containing the customer database, it may Such a pessimistic approach needs to take into account both
be used instead or customer's VM may be migrated to another the detection and assessment latencies.
system. Similarly, zombies in a botnet can be disabled and/or
packets from a particular IP address space may be blocked
based upon traceback until the attacks are stopped. CLOUD P ROVIDERS
For either of the response techniques, we need to designate As previously discussed, collaboration is at the center of
the boundary indicating the set of objects/resources which the DCDIDP framework. The collaborative clusters cooperate
either have been used by a malicious user (in case of intruder with each other to create a global version of the databases
isolation) or have potentiality been infected (in case of damage used for detection and prevention by all collaborating cloud
containment). We use the term intrusion boundary (IE) to refer providers. However, to enable cloud service providers to be
to either the isolation boundary or the damage containment able to collaborate and share information with ease of mind,
boundary. The purpose of IE is to ensure that the effect of trust management should be taken into account and a trust
the intrusion is isolated and does not propagate to any system mechanism needs to be developed. The interactions among dif
outside of the boundary. The intrusion boundary is different at ferent cloud service providers (driven by service requirements)
each architectural level. For instance, in the software level, a are expected to be very dynamic/transient and intensive. There
customer's VM will be considered as their IE; at the platform are some critical questions that need to be answered: Do
collaborative cloud service providers trust each other? How either close to the cluster controller or next to the physical
can they negotiate the trust? Is the trust static/dynamic? How machines.
do we manage and maintain dynamically changing trust values Applying mobile agents to provide intrusion detection capa
and adapt the access requirements as trust evolves? bility in cloud applications (regardless of location) is proposed
Existing trust negotiation mechanisms primarily focus on in [4]. The authors' goal is to provide scalable, flexible and
credential exchange and do not address a more challenging cost-effective IDS for the cloud environment but they also
need to integrate requirements-driven trust negotiation tech believed that their approach lack robustness due to insufficient
niques with fine-grained access control mechanisms [24]. One knowledge sharing among mobile agents. They suggest that
possible approach is to develop a trust mechanism to support the research cOlmnunity look into mobile agents intercOlmnu
the establishment, negotiation and maintenance of trust based nication and negotiation, which can help investigative mobile
on inter-domain service requirements. It should efficiently agents to share their knowledge and therefore build a more
capture a generic set of parameters required for establishing robust inter-cloud IDS.
trust and to manage evolving trust and interaction/sharing In [28], an autonomic mechanism for anomaly detection
requirements [25]. in cloud computing environment has been proposed. Authors
present a set of techniques to automatically analyze collected
V I. RELATED W ORK data. Their approach transforms data into a uniform format for
analysis, extracts features to reduce data size, and learns in
In this section, we provide a brief overview of differ an unsupervised fashion to detect the nodes acting differently
ent IDPSs that are either integrate/apply current IDPSs for from others. They evaluate their approach by implementing a
cloud environments or use cloud-specific architectures. IDPS prototype on an institute-wide compute cloud environment.
for cloud environments is a new field of research which Their results showed that their mechanism can effectively
is growing in importance due to the growing popularity of detect faulty nodes with high accuracy and low computation
cloud services and the increasing number of attacks targeting overhead.
both cloud services and cloud infrastructure (i.e. originating To the best of our knowledge, our framework is the
from inside a cloud computing infrastructure, exploiting it first comprehensive distributed, collaborative, data-driven IDP
as an infrastructure for deploying attacks). There are few framework proposal to integrate IDP at all architectural levels
research papers in the current literature on this topic. There of cloud environments while considering each level's specific
are similarities between Grid and Cloud environments. Some requirements.
researchers highlight these similarities and use the same IDP
solutions already proposed for Grid environments in the cloud
infrastructure. These approaches are mainly aimed at defining Although security and privacy issues are delaying adoption
a new IDPS model that can take advantage of additional of cloud computing, it has already become an unstoppable
information provided by the cloud infrastructure itself. For force and we need to provide security mechanisms to ensure
example, in [26] a distributed IDPS for cloud environments its secure adoption. In particular, intrusion detection and
is designed to provide services at the platform level (PaaS), prevention systems are the main focus of this paper. We
and is structured as an added service of the cloud systems' have proposed DCDIDP, a distributed, collaborative, and data
infrastructure. driven intrusion detection and prevention system. All of the
In [27], an architecture (CloudSEC) for composing collabo cloud service providers that use DCDIDP collaborate in a
rative security-related services in the cloud, such as correlated distributive manner at different levels of operations to respond
intrusion analysis, anti-spam, anti-DDOS, automated malware to attacks and to provide holistic IDPSs. We describe the
detection and containment is proposed. It uses a peer-to-peer framework at the infrastructure, platform, and the software
overlay hierarchy to allow services to be integrated into dy levels, and explore how cloud service providers collaborate
namically scheduled tasks with adequate data and computation in order to perform intrusion detection and prevention, and
resource provision. The main goal of CloudSec is to move the identify various challenges in realizing the framework.
analysis and correlation of generalized network alerts from We are currently working on implementing a prototype of
centralized systems into the network cloud and to provide the proposed framework in order to show its applicability,
Security as an In-cloud Service [27]. using real world cloud service providers.
Authors of [5] integrate a currently available NIDS into A CKNOWLEDGMENT
an open source cloud computing environment to address the
challenges in detecting Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, per The authors would like to thank anonymous reviewers for
formed by means of resources acquired on-demand on a cloud their insightful comments and feedback. This work has been
computing platform. They study the consequences of using a supported by NSF award CCF- 0720737.
distributed strategy to detect and respond to attacks that were REFERENCES
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