Board Project
Board Project
Board Project
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Derick DonBosco Joseph
Ms. Monica Ruth
Class X(10)-B
Section - A Drama - The Merchant Of Venice
Portia encouraged Bassanio that he could choose the
correct casket and also told to wait for two days before
choosing the casket and told him that if you choose the
wrong casket you will lose me forever.
Then Bassanio tells that he is tired of hearing her talks
and is ready to choose the casket now and also tells that
“Confess and love” is more like it. Oh, torture’s fun
when my torturer tells me what I have to say to go free!
But let me try my luck on the boxes.
Portia, as a woman and Shylock, as a Jew are marginals
of society. They are of less importance than the ruling
Christian men. Portia, as a woman, isn't allowed to
express her opinion and has no power over her life. She
only freely expresses her opinions on her suitors in
front of trusted confidante, Nerissa. In front of
Morocco, she puts on a facade. Her identity is only
derivative – she was her father’s daughter and now after
his death she is destined to be someone else’s wife.
Shylock is ill treated by society due to him being a
“Jew.” “You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And
spit upon my Jewish gaberdine.”
(a). Antonio lets Bassanio use his money like it’s his
own. He does not differentiate between himself and his
friend. Bassanio has no money and he has been living in
debt which he plans to repay. He also feels embarrassed
over the large sums he has been borrowing from
Antonio. However, Antonio’s money is tied up in the
cargo which is still at sea. So, he asks him to borrow
from anyone in Venice in his name and go and see
Portia. Bassanio has to do little to persuade his friend
for money. Antonio is already more than willing to lend
him. This proves Antonio’s selflessness and that he
considers Bassanio a brother.
Antonio is doing it all for his friend since he would not
like to see Bassanio disappointed. Bassanio suspects
that the villain is up to something very cunning and tries
to stop Antonio from accepting the Jew’s offer. He
would instead go without the money than let his friend
put his life at stake. However, Antonio convinces him
that as soon as his ships arrive from the sea, he will
return the Jew his money. All of this shows that the two
friends love and trust each other deeply, and they will
make any sacrifice for one another. It also shows that
Antonio is quite emotional about his friend and can
grow blinded by his love for him.
Portia is obedient and loyal to her father even though,
undeniably, she feels frustration and resentment, which
she vents by insulting her suitors when they are out of
earshot. Nevertheless, she honors her father's wishes
even when the quality of her suitors tempts her to use
Though Bassanio asks him to dine with them, Shylock
says in an aside that he will not break bread with
Christians, nor will he forgive Antonio, thereby
signaling his rejection of one of the fundamental
Christian values, forgiveness.
(b). Differences between Jews and Christians in The
Merchant of Venice is a divergent topic discussed quite
a lot by various scholars during diverse decades.
Especially the question whether William Shakespeare
was anti-judaic or not was and is of great concern, since
the complex protagonist Shylock raises hate and pity by
the audience (or reader). This fact left critics wondering
what Shakespeare was really trying to achieve with the
murder of Jews which was committed on an
unprecedented scale in Europe and European North
Africa (pro-Nazi Vichy-North Africa and Italian Libya).
The massive scale of the Holocaust which happened
during World War II greatly affected the Jewish people
and world public opinion, which only understood the
dimensions of the Final Solution after the war. The
genocide, known as HaShoah in Hebrew, aimed at the
elimination of the Jewish people on the European
continent. It was a broadly organized operation led by
Nazi Germany, in which approximately six million
Jews were murdered methodically and with horrifying
cruelty. Although the Holocaust was organized by the
highest levels of the Nazi German government, the vast
majority of Jews murdered were not German, but were
instead residents of countries invaded by the Nazis after
1938. Of the approximately 6 million Jews murdered by
the Nazis, approximately 160,000 to 180,000 were
German Jews. During the Holocaust in occupied
Poland, more than one million Jews were murdered in
gas chambers of the Auschwitz concentration camp
alone. The murder of the Jews of Europe affected
Jewish communities in Albania, Austria, Belarus,
Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Channel Islands,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, The Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
and Ukraine.
She started writing poetry in order to recover from the
trauma of an assault. Poetry thus played an important
role in her recovery and signalled the success of the
healing process.