This document provides an overview of structural mechanics concepts needed to size structural elements. It discusses:
1) Calculating internal bending moments and resisting forces for elastic and plastic beam behavior.
2) Equations for determining maximum stresses in beams based on applied bending moment, section properties, and material properties.
3) An example problem demonstrating how to size a timber beam to resist bending based on elastic behavior analysis.
This document provides an overview of structural mechanics concepts needed to size structural elements. It discusses:
1) Calculating internal bending moments and resisting forces for elastic and plastic beam behavior.
2) Equations for determining maximum stresses in beams based on applied bending moment, section properties, and material properties.
3) An example problem demonstrating how to size a timber beam to resist bending based on elastic behavior analysis.
This document provides an overview of structural mechanics concepts needed to size structural elements. It discusses:
1) Calculating internal bending moments and resisting forces for elastic and plastic beam behavior.
2) Equations for determining maximum stresses in beams based on applied bending moment, section properties, and material properties.
3) An example problem demonstrating how to size a timber beam to resist bending based on elastic behavior analysis.
This document provides an overview of structural mechanics concepts needed to size structural elements. It discusses:
1) Calculating internal bending moments and resisting forces for elastic and plastic beam behavior.
2) Equations for determining maximum stresses in beams based on applied bending moment, section properties, and material properties.
3) An example problem demonstrating how to size a timber beam to resist bending based on elastic behavior analysis.
Professor of Civil Engineering & Course Leader 6 Structural Mechanics 1Introduction Before the size of a structural element can be determined it is 2 Eurocodes first necessary to know the forces, shears and bending 3 Loads moments acting on that element. 4 Limit State 5 Loads on It is also necessary to know how these will be resisted by the Individual Elements element. The principles of structural mechanics are needed for these calculations. 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of Students are strongly recommended to revise their notes on Beams structural mechanics. However, two particular aspects of 8Compression structural mechanics are covered. Members 9 Material Properties – The theory of bending 10 Summary – The behaviour of compression members 7. Design of Beams for Bending Moments
1Introduction Beam section is not going to fail under load if
2 Eurocodes 3 Loads 4 Limit State Internal resistance bending moment (MR) is greater than 5 Loads on maximum external bending moment (BM) Individual Elements 6 Structural The comparison may be carried out under: Mechanics 7 Design of (i) serviceability loads, when the behaviour of the material in Beams the beam is elastic. 8Compression Members (ii) Under ultimate loads, when the behaviour of the material in 9 Material the beam may be plastic. Properties 10 Summary Elastic and plastic 1Introduction Elastic and plastic material behaviour of ductile materials 2 Eurocodes 3 Loads • Under serviceability loads the material behaviour will generally 4 Limit State be elastic and will follow Hooke’s law: 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural – Stress =E x strain Mechanics E:Young’s modulus for the material. 7 Design of Beams 𝛿𝐿 Strain= 8Compression 𝐿 Members Class question-What is the unit for strain? 9 Material Properties 10 Summary 1Introduction If the stress reaches the ultimate strength of the material and 2 Eurocodes the loads are increased, it may be possible for the material 3 Loads to deform without breaking by demonstrating plastic 4 Limit State behaviour. 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary Bending stress in beams 1Introduction Bending stresses in beams: elastic behaviour 2 Eurocodes Stresses will vary from zero on the neutral axis (NA) to maximum at 3 Loads top and bottom. 4 Limit State The governing equation for elastic bending is 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural where Mechanics M bending moment 7 Design of Beams I second moment of area of the beam, which is a geometric 8Compression property of the beam shape. Members f stress in the material 9 Material Properties y distance from the NA 10 Summary E Young’s modulus of elasticity for the material. R radius of curvature after bending. 1Introduction The term E/R relates to the deformation of the beam and is 2 Eurocodes used in calculating deflections. It is not required for strength 3 Loads calculations, so the equation reduces to 4 Limit State 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary 1Introduction We are interested in maximum stresses which occur when y is 2 Eurocodes greatest, that is at the top or bottom of the beam. Both I and y 3 Loads are properties of the shape of the section, and we can define a 4 Limit State new property Wel. 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of The equation can be rewritten as Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary 1Introduction • Equation (i) may be used to calculate the greatest moment M 2 Eurocodes that can be carried by a beam of known size ( Wel known) and 3 Loads material (maximum permissible f known). 4 Limit State • Equation (ii) may be used to calculate the maximum stress f 5 Loads on Individual occurring within a beam of known size ( Wel known) when Elements subject to an applied bending moment ( M known). 6 Structural • Equation (iii) may be used to find the beam property Wel needed Mechanics if a beam of known material (maximum permissible f known) is 7 Design of Beams to carry a certain applied bending moment ( M known). 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary 1Introduction Bending stresses in beams: plastic behaviour 2 Eurocodes A beam made of a ductile material will have a moment of resistance 3 Loads (MR) greater than M in equation (i). This is because the material 4 Limit State in the top and bottom of the beam can deform plastically, so 5 Loads on allowing the stresses in material near the neutral axis to Individual increase. Elements 6 Structural Mechanics When the BM on the beam reaches the MR, all the material in the 7 Design of beam will be at the same stress. Beams Similar to elastic section modulus we can define 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties and re-write two of the elastic equations: 10 Summary 1Introduction Equation (i) may be used to calculate the greatest moment M 2 Eurocodes that can be carried by a beam of known size (Wpl known) 3 Loads and material (maximum permissible f known). 4 Limit State 5 Loads on Note that equation (ii) for elastic bending has no equivalent in Individual the context of plastic behaviour. Elements 6 Structural Equation (iii) may be used to find the beam property Wpl Mechanics needed if a beam of known material (maximum 7 Design of Beams permissible f known) is to carry a certain applied bending 8Compression moment ( M known). Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary For a rectangular beam W pl is 50% greater than Wel, so the internal MR under plastic conditions is 50% greater than the internal MR under elastic conditions. 1Introduction 2 Eurocodes 3 Loads 4 Limit State 5 Loads on Individual Elements Figure illustrates 6 Structural stresses and forces in a Mechanics rectangular beam, an I 7 Design of beam and a reinforced Beams concrete (RC) beam. 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary 1Introduction 2 Eurocodes 3 Loads 4 Limit State 5 Loads on Individual Following example and exercises show how beams can be Elements 6 Structural sized on the basis of elastic behaviour under serviceability Mechanics loads. 7 Design of Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties 10 Summary Example 1Introduction Example 2 Eurocodes A rectangular timber beam spanning 4.5 m supports a UDL,F= 3.75 kN, 3 Loads including its self-weight, as shown in Figure. Taking the breadth b of 4 Limit State the beam as 47 mm and the allowable stress f (assuming elastic 5 Loads on behaviour) to be 7 N/mm2, what depth d of beam is required? Individual Elements 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties Figure: Load diagram for Example 10 Summary Answer for Example 1Introduction 2 Eurocodes 3 Loads 4 Limit State 5 Loads on Individual Elements 6 Structural Mechanics 7 Design of Beams 8Compression Members 9 Material Properties Structural Graded 10 Summary C24 Timber, 47mm x 200mm Thank you for your attention Appendixes The Greek Alphabet
Upper, lower Name Pronounced Upper, lower Name Pronounced
A, α alpha AHL-fah Ν, ν nu nee Β, β vita VEE-tah Ξ, ξ xee ksee