School Curriculum

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The story was written in 1939.

Curriculum then, was seen as a

tradition of organized knowledge taught in schools of the 19h century.

Two centuries later, the concept of a curriculum has broadened to

include several modes of thoughts or experiences.

Formal, non-formal or informal education do not exist without a

curriculum. Classrooms will be empty with no curriculum. Teachers

will have nothing to do, if there is no curriculum. Curriculum is at the

heart of the teaching profession. Every teacher is guided by some sort

of curriculum in the classròom and in schools.

In our current Philippine educational system, different schools are

established in different educational levels which have corresponding

to recemmended curricula. The educational levels are:

ne CurIo

1. Basic Education, This level includes Kindergarten, Grade 1 to

Grade 6 for elementary; and for secondary, Grade 7 to Grade

10, for the Junior High School and Grade 11 and 12 and for

the Senior High School. Each of the levels has jts specific

recommended curriculum. The new basic education levels are

provided in the K to 12 Enhanced Curriculum of 2013 of the

Department of Education.

2. Technical Vocational Education. This is post-secondary

technical vocational educational and training taken care

of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

(TESDA). For the TechVoc track in SHS of DepEd, DepEd

and TESDA work in close coordination.

3. Higher Education. This includes the Baccalaureate or Bachelor

Degrees and the Graduate Degrees (Master's and Doctorate)

which are under the regulation of the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED)

Content Focus

In whatever levels of schooling and in various types of learning

environment, several curricula exist. Let us find out how Allan Glatthorn

(2000) as mentioned in Bilbao, et al (2008) classified these:

Types of Curricula Simultaneously Operating in the Schools

Are you aware that in every classroom, there are several types of

curricula operating at the same time? Let us study each one.

1. Recommended Curriculum. Almost all currricula found in

our schools are recommended. For Basic Education, these are

recommended by the Department of Education (DepEd), for

Higher Education, by the Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) and for vocational education by TESDA. These

three government agencies oversee and regulate Philippine

education. The recommendations come in the form of memoranda

or policies, standards and guidelines. Other professional

organizations or international bodies like UNESCO also

recommend curricula in schools.

2. Written Curriculum. This includes documents based on the

recommended curriculum. They come in the form of course of

study, syllabi, modules, books or instructional guides among

others. A packet of this written curriculum is the teacher's lesson

plan. The most recent written curriculum is the K to 12 for

Philippine Basic Education.

3. Taught Curriculum. From what has been written or planned, the

curriculum has to be implemented or taught. The teacher and the

learners will put life to the written curriculum. The skill of the

teacher to facilitate learning based on the written curriculum with

the aid of instructional materials and facilities will be necessary.

The taught curriculum will depend largely on the teaching style

of the teacher and the learning style of the learners.

4. Supported Curricalum. This is described as support materials

that the teacher needs to make learning and teaching meaningful.

These include print materials like books, charts, posters,

worksheets, or non-print materials like Power Point presentation,

movies, slides, models, realias, mock-ups and other electronic

illustrations. Supported curriculum also includes facilities where

learning occurs outside or inside the four-walled building. These

include the playground, science laboratory, audio-visual rooms,

zo0, museum, market or the plaza. These are the places where

authentic learning through direct experiences occur.

5. Assessed Curriculum. Taught and supported curricula have to

be evaluated to find out if the teacher has succeeded or not in

facilitating learning. In the process of teaching and at the end

of every lesson or teaching episode, an assessment is made. It

can either be assessment for learning, assessmnent as learning

or assessment of learning. If the process is to find the progress

of learning, then the assessed curriculum is for learning, but if

it is to find out how much has been learned or mastered, then

it is assessment of learning. Either way, such curriculum is the

assessed curriculum.

6. Learned Curriculum. How dó we know if the student has

learned? We always believe that if a student changed behavior,

he/she has learned. For example, from a non-reader to a reader

or from not knowing to knowing or from being disobedient to

being obedient. The positive outcome of teaching is an indicator

of learning. These are measured by tools in assessment, which

can indicate the cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes.

Learned curriculum will also demonstrate higher order and critical

thinking and lifelong skills.

7. Hidden/Implicit Curriculum. This curriculum is not deliberately

planned, but has a great impact on the behavior of the learner.

Peer infuence, school environment, media, parental pressures,

societal changes, cultural practices, natural calamities, are some

factors that create the hidden curriculum. Teachers should be

sensitive and aware of this hidden curriculum. Teachers must have

good foresight to include these in the written curriculum, in order

to bring to the surface what are hidden.

he CurrİCUla in Sch

However, in every teacher's classroom, not all these curricula may

be present at one time. Many of them are deliberately planned, like the

recommended, written, taught, supported, assessed, and learned curricula.

However, a hidden curriculum is implied, and a teacher may or may not

be able to predict its influence on learning. All of these have significant

role on the life of the teacher as a facilitator of learning and have direct

implication to the life of the learners.

Now, let us observe further if these curricula are existing in a

teacher's classroom. Do the activities that follow.

Lesson 1.2 The Teacher as a Curricularist

Desircd Learning Outeome

Enhance understanding of the role of the teacher as a'

curricularist in the classroom and school

Take Off

What specific roles do teachers play as a curricularist? Should they

do these roles?

This lesson will bring all of you tò an enhanced understanding and

realization of the multifaceted roles of the teacher which relate to the

curriculum. Let us find out!

Look at the words inside the box. Read each one of them. Which

one describes the teacher as a curricularist? Circle the word.

Exciting Facilitating Planning Frustrating


Growing Growing Evaluating

Initiating Innovating

Broadening Building Rewarding Believing

Recommending Showing Copying

Are you aware that the teacher's role in school is very complex!?

Teachers do a series of interrelated actions about curriculum, instruction,

assessment, evaluation, teaching and learning. A classroom teacher is

involved with curriculum continuously all day. But very seldom has

Module 1-The Teacher and the School Curciculum

teacher been described as curricularist. Lesson 2- The Teacher as a Cunicularist

Curricularists in the past, are referred only to those who developed

curriculum theories. According to the study conducted by Sandra Hayes

(1991) the most influential curricularist in America include John Dewey,

Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba and Franklin Bobbit. You will learn more of

them in the later part of the module.

Content Focus

In this lesson, we will start using the word curricularist to describe

a professional who is a curriculum specialist (Hayes, 1991; Ornstein &

Hunkins, 2004; Hewitt, 2006). A person who is involved in curriculum

knowing, writing, planning, implementing, evaluating,

and initiating may be designated as curricularist. A TEACHER'S

role is broader and inclusive of other functions and so a teacher is a


So what does a TEACHER do to deserve the label curricularist?

Let us look at the different roles of the teacher in the classroom and in

the school. The classroom is the first place of curricular engagement.

The first school experience sets the tone to understand the meaning of

schooling through the interactions of learners and teachers that will lead

to learning. Hence, , curriculum is at the heart of schooling.

Let us describe the teacher as a curricularist.

The teacher as a currićularist .

1. knows the curriculum. Learning begins with knowing.

The teacher as a learner starts with knowing about the

curriculum, the subject matter or the content. As a teacher,

one has to master what are included in the curriculum. It

is acquiring academic knowledge both formal (disciplines,

logic) or informal (derived from experiences, vicarious,

and unintended). It is the mastery of the subject matter.


2. writes the curriculum. A classroom teacher takes record

of knowledge concepts, subject matter or content. These

need to be written or preserved. The teacher writes books,

modules, laboratory manuals, instructional guides, and

reference materials in paper or electronic media as a

curriculum writer or reviewer. (WRITER)

3. plans the curriculum. A good curriculum has to be planned.

İt is the role of the teacher to make a yearly, monthly or

daily plan of the curriculum. This will serve as a guide in

the implementation of the curriculum. The teacher takes

into consideration several factors in planning a curriculum.

These factors include the learners, the support material, time,

subject matter or content, the desired outcomes, the context

of the learners among others. By doing this, the teacher

becomes a curriculum planner. (PLANNER)

4. initiates the curriculum. In cases where the curriculum is

THE TEP recommended to the schools from DepEd, CHED, TESDA

UNESCO, UNICEF or other educational agencies

improvement of quality education, the tėacher is obliged

implement it. Implementation of a new curriculum requires

the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief &

the curriculum will enhance learning. There will be mo

constraints and difficulties in doing things first or leading,

however, a transformative teacher will never hesitate to try

something novel and relevant. (INITIATOR)

5. innovates the curriculum. Creativity and innovation are

hallmarks of an excellent teácher. A curriculum is always

dynamic, hence it keeps on changing. From the content,

strategies, ways of doing, blocks of time, ways of evaluating,

kinds of students and skills of teachers, one. cannot find a

single eternal curriculum that would perpetually fit. A good

teacher, therefore, inovates the curriculum and thus becomes

a curriculum innovator. (INNOVATOR)

6. implements the curriculum. The curriculum that remains.

recommended or written will never serve its purpose.

Somėbody has to implement it. As mentioned previously,

at the heart of schooling is the curriculum. It is this role

where the teacher becomes the curriculum implementor. An

implementor gives life to the curriculum plan. The teacher

is at the height of an engagement with the learners, with

support materials in order to achieve the desired outcome.

It is where teaching, guiding, facilitating skills of the

teacher are expected to the highest level. It is here where

teaching as a science and as an art will be observed. It is

here, where all the elements of the curriculum will come

into play. The success of a recommended, well written

and planned curriculum depends on the implementation.-


7. evaluates the curriculum. How can one determine if

the desired learning outcomes have been achieved? Is the

curriculum working?. Does it bring the desired results?

What do outcomes reveal? Are the learners achieving? Are

there some practices that should be modified? Should the

curriculum be nodified, terminated or continued? These

are somne few questions that need the help of a curriculum

evaluator. That person is the teacher. (EVALUATOR)

The seven different roles are those which a responsible teacher does
in the classroom everyday! Doing these multi-faceted work qualifies a

teacher to be a curricularist.

To be a teacher is to. be a curricularist even if a teacher may

not equal the likes of John Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, or

Franklin Bobbit. As a curricularist, a teacher will be knowing, writing,

implementing, innovating, initiating and evaluating the curriculum in

the school and classrooms just like the role models and advocates in

curriculum and curriculum development who have shown the


recommended to the schools from DepEd, CHED, TESDA

UNESC0, UNICEF or other educational agencies for

improvement of quality education, the teacher is obliged to

implement it. Implementation of a new curriculum requires

the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that

the curriculum will enhance learning. There will be many

constraints and difficulties in doing things first or leading.,

however, a transformative teacher will never hesitate to try

something novel and relevant. (INITIATOR)

5. innovates the curriculum. Creativity and innovation are

hallmarks of an excellent teacher. A curriculumn is always

dynamic, hence it keeps on changing. From the content,

strategies, ways of doing, blocks of time, ways of evaluating,

kinds of students and skills of teachers, one cannot find a

single eternal curriculum that would perpetually fit. A good

teacher, therefore, innovates the curriculum and thus becomes

a curriculum innovator. (INNOVATOR)

6. implements the curriculum. The curriculum that remains

recommended or written will never serve its purpose.

Somébody has to implement it. As mentioned previously,

at the heart of schooling is the curriculum. It is this role

where the teacher becomes the curriculum implementor. An

implementor gives life to the curriculum plan. The teacher

is at the height of an engagement with the learners, with

support materials in order to achieve the desired outcome.

It is where teaching, guiding, facilitating skills of the

teacher are expected to the highest level. It is here where

teaching as a science and as an art will be observed. It is

here, where all the elements of the curriculum will come

into play. The success of a recommnended, well written

and planned curriculum depends on the implementation-


7. evaluates the curriculum. How can one determine if

the desired learning outcomes have been achieved? Is the

curriculum working?, Does it bring the desired results?

What do outcomes reveal? Are the learners achieving? Are

there some practices that should be modified? Should the

curriculum be modified, terminated or continued? These

are some few questions that need the help of a curriculum

evaluator. That person is the teacher. (EVALUATOR)

The seven different roles are those which a responsible teacher does
in the classroom everyday! Doing these multi-faceted work qualifies a

teacher to be a curricularist.

To be a teacher is to. be a curricularist even if a teacher may

not equal the likes of John Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, or

Franklin Bobbit. As a curricularist, a teacher will be knowing, writing,

implementing, innovating, initiating and evaluating the curriculurn in

the school and classrooms just like the role models and advocates in

curriculum and curriculum development who have shown the way.

I am a Teacher! Who Am I as a CU

Instructions: Identify on the blanks provided who am I as a

based on the cases presented. sa Curricularig

Case 1: I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention

the lesson. I will use the new idea and find out if it will wor

Knawctato Cuuulln

Case 2: DepEd sent the standards, competencies and guidelines

in teaching the Mother Tongue in Grade 1 in our school

I will study and use it in the coming school year

ritial uiuln

Case 3: There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not

able to do all, but I have to accomplish something for my

learners. I have made a daily activity plan to guide me.

Case 4: I need å poem to celebrate the World Teachers Day.

I composed one to be used in my class in Literature.

ite thy Cuulen

Case 5: My class is composed of learners from different home

background and culture. I cannot use a "one-size-fits

all strategy" in teaching so I can respond to the diverse

background. In my readings, I discovered that there

are ways of teaching. I tried one myself and it worked.

naaty t Cuuln

6: Knowledge is limitless. What I learned in college is not enough.

I need to know more, so I enrolled in the graduate school to

advance my learning. hhews ho curulm

Case 7: At the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected

in the school performance of my students. So I need to provide

a monitoring tool to measure how they are progressing. The

result will inform me how I will address my learners' weakness

and enhance their strengths. auat tu Currtulla

Case 8: I am teaching in ą very far away barangay with no electricity

yet. Many of the instructional aids for teaching sent to

our school are films and video tapes which need power.

I cannot use them, but the lessons are very important.

So I thought of making an alternative activity. I took my

class to the river and waterfall instead of doing the lesson.

Module 2 The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculumn

Module Overview:

Module 2 describes the school curriculum in terms of its definition.

its nature and scope, which are needed by the teacher as a knower.

This module provides a wider perspective for the teachers about the

curriculum, in terms of curriculum approach, curriculum development

process, some curriculum models and the foundations upon which

curriculum is anchored.

The School Curriculum:

Lesson 2.1 Definition, Nature and Scope

Desired Learning Outcomes

→ Define curriculum from different perspectives

Describe the nature and scope of curriculum

Take Off


1. DepEd Reviews The K to 12 Curriculum

2. Suicide incidence in Schools Has Become Alarming

3. Teachẹrs are Reluctant to Try New Things in the Curriculum

4. Co-curricular Activities: Learning Opportunities or Distractions?

5. The Use of ICT Gains Ground in the Public Schools

What can you say of these headlines? Do these reflect what are

going on in our schools? Should the public know and be involved in the

schooling of their citizens? What are the implications of each headline

to the classroom curriculum?

Each member of society seems to view school curriculum

differently, hence there are varied demands on what schools should do

and what curriculum should be taught. Some would demand reducing

content and shifting emphasis to development of lifelong skills. Others

feel that development of character has been placed at the back seat of

Module 2-The Teacher as a Knower of Curdculum

Lesson 2.1- The School Curloulum: Deflnitlon, Nature and Scope

Some schools. More debates are emerging on the use of languages in

the classroom. Should it be mother tongue, the national language or the

global language?

There seems to be confusion about what curriculum should really

he. To have a common understanding of what curriculum really is, this

lesson will present some definitions as given by authors. Likewise,

you will find in this lesson the description of the nature and scope of

curriculum from several points of view. This lesson will also explain

how curriculum is being approached. It further shows a development

process as a concept and as a process as applied to school curriculum.

Content Focus

Oftentimes curriculum is taken in its narrow. view as a listing of

subjects to be taught in schools or sometimes it is understood broadly

as all learning experiences that individuals undergo while in school. We

cannot deny the fact that curriculum should be clarified by teachers and

other stakeholders. Curriculum affects all teachers, students, parents,

politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or even the

common people.

Like many concepts in education, there seems to be no common

definition of 'curriculum'. Because of this, the concept of curriculum

is sometimes characterized as fragmentary, elusive and confusing.

However, the word originates from the Latin word currere referring

to the oval track upon which Roman chariots raced. The New

International Dictionary defines, curriculum as the whole body of a

course in an educational institution or by a department while the

Oxford English Dictionary defines curriculum as courses taught in

schools or universities. Curriculum means different things to different

people. Sometimes educators equate curriculum with the syllabus

while a few regard it as all the teaching-earning experiences which

the student encounters while in school. Numerous definitions indicate

dynamism which connotes diverse interpretations as influenced by

modes of thoughts, pedagogies, philosophies, political as well as cultural

perspectives. Here are some of them.

Some Definitions of Curriculum

1. Curriculum is a planned and guided set of learning experiences

and intended outcomes, formulated through the systematic

reconstruction of knowledge and experiences under the auspices

of the school, for the learners' continuous and willful growth in

tu personal social competence." (Daniel Tanner, 1980)

2. It is a written document that systematically describes goals

planned, objectives, content, learning activities, evaluation

procedures and so forth. (Prat, 1980)

iw B. The contents of a subject, concepts and tasks to be acquired,

planned activities, the desired learning outcomes and experiences, product of culture and an agenda to
reform society, make un

curriculum. (Schubert, 1987)

4. A curriculum includes "all of the experiences that individual

learners have in a program of education whose purpose is to

achieve broad goals and related specific objectives, which i

planned in terms of a framework of theory and research or past

and present professional practice." (Hass, 1987)

5. It is a programme of activities (by teachers and pupils) designed

so that pupils will attain so far as possible certain educational and

other schooling ends or objectives. (Grundy, 1987)

6. It is a plan that consists of learning opportunities for a specific

time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring about behavior

changes in students as a result of planned activities and includes

all learning experiences received by students with the guidance

of the school. (Goodland and Su, 1992)

7. It provides answers to thrèe questions: 1. What knowledge,

skills and values are most worthwhile? 2. Why are they most

worthwhile? 3. How should the young acquire them? (Cronbeth,


Some Points of View of Other Curricularists

Since the concept and meaning of curriculum are shaped by a

person's point of view, this has added to fragmęntation, and some

confusion. However when put together, the different definitions from

diverse points of view, would describe curriculum as dynamic and

perhaps ever changing.

Points of view about the curriculum can either be traditional or

progressive according to the person's philosophical, psychological and

even psychological orientations. These views can also define what a

curriculum is all about.

Curriculum from Traditional Points of View

The traditional points of view of curriculum were advanced by

Robert Hutchins, Arthur Bestor, and Joseph Schwab.

Robert M. Hutchins views curriculum as permanent

studiès where rules of grammar, reading, rhetoric, logic and

mathematics for basic education are emphasized. The 3Rs

(Reading, Writing, 'rithmetic) should be emphasized in basic

education while liberal education should be the emphasis in


Arthur Bestor as an essentialist believes that the mission of the

school should be intellectual training, hence curriculum should

focus on the fundamental intellectual disciplines of grammar,

literature and writing. It should include mathematics, science,

history and foreign language.

Joseph Schwab thinks that the sole source of curriculum is a

discipline, tSocial Studies, English and maay more. In college, academic

disciplines are labelled as humanities, sciences, languages,

mathematics among others. He coined the word discipline as a

ruling doctrine for curriculum development.z)

Phillip Phenix asserts that-curriculum should consist entirely

of khowledge which comes from various disciplines.

Collectively from the traditional view of theorists like Hutchins,

Schwab, Bestor and Phenix, curriculum can be defined as a field of

study. Curriculum is highly academic and is concerned with broad

historical, philosophical, psychological and social issues, From a

traditional view, curriculum is mostly written documents such syllabus,

course of study, books and references where knowledge is found but is

used as a means to accomplish intended goals.

Curriculum from Progressive Points of View

On the other hand, a listing of school subjects, syllabi, course of

study, and specific điscipline does not make a curriculum. In its broadest

terms, a progressive view of curriculum is the total learning experiences

of the individual. Let us look into how curriculum is defined from a

progressive point of view.

John Dewey believes that education is experiencing. Reflective

thinking is a means that unifies curricular elements that are

tested by application.

Holin Caswell and Kenn Campbell viewed curriculum as all

experiences children have under the guidance of teachers.

Othaniel Smith, William Stanley and Harlan Shore likewise

Ldefined curriculum as a sequence of potential experiences, set

up in schools for the purpose of disciplining children and youth

in group ways of thinking and acting.

Colin Marsh and George Willis also viewed curriculum as all

the experiences in the classroom which are planned and enacted

by the teacher and also learned by the students:

The nature of curriculum has given rise to many interpretations,

depending on a person's philosophical beliefs. Let us put all of these

nterpretations in a summary.

CURRICULUM is what is taught in school, a set of subjects, a

content, a program of studies, a set of materials, a sequencę of courses,

set of performance objectives, everything that goes within the school.

tis what is taught inside and outside of school directed by the teacher,

everything planned by school, a series of experiences undergone by

learners in school or what individual learner experiences as a result

of school. In short, curriculum is the total learning experiences of the

learner under the guidance of the teacher.

huss the subject areas such as Science, Mathematics,

Lesson 2.2 Approaches to the School Curriculum

Desiredl Learning Outeomes

Describe the different approaches to school curriculum

> Explain by examples how the approaches clarify the

definition of curriculum

> Reflect on how the three approaches interrelate with each


Take Off

From the various definitions, we realize that curriculum is viewed

in many ways. Let us look back and use the definitions as a way of

classifying how curriculum is viewed. In this lesson, let us look at

the curriculum as either a Content, a Process or a Product to fully

understand the different perspectives of what curriculum is all about.

This can be one way of approaching a curriculum.

Content FocuS

Three Ways of Approaching a Curriculum

Curriculum can be approached or seen in three ways. It can be

defined as a content, a process or an outcome. If you examine the

definitions provided by the experts in the field, there are three ways of

approaching a curriculum. First, is to approach it as content or a body

of knowledge to be transmitted. Second, is to approach it as a product

or the learning outcomes desired of learners. Third, is to approach it as a

process or what actually happens in the classroom when the curriculum

is practised.

1, Curriculum as a Content or Body of Knowledge

It is quite common for traditionalists to equate a curriculum to a

topic outline, subject matter, or concepts to be included in the syllabus

or a books. For example, a primary school mathematics curriculum

consists of topics on addition, multiplication, subtraction, division,

distance, weight and many more. Another example is in secondary

school science that involves the study of biological science, physical

science, environmental science and earth science. Textbooks tend to

hegin with blological science uch are plants and animals: physice

Noienco with the physical elemnents, force and motion: carth science wi

the layerN of the carth and environmental'science with the interacti

of the biological and physical scienco and carth's phenomena, climate

vegetation, followed by cconomic activities such as agriculture, mining

industries, urbanization and so forth,

If curriculum is cquated as content, then the focu8 will be the body

of knowledge to be transmitted to students using appropriate tenching-

method. There can be a-likelihood that teaching will be limited to

the acquisition of facts, concepts and principles of the subjcct matter.

however, the content or subject matter can also be taken as a means to

an end.

All curricula have content regardless of their design or models.

The fund of knowledge is the repository of accumulated discoveries and

inventions of man from the explorations of the carth and as products of

research. In most cducational setting, curriculum is anchored on a body

of ķnowledge or discipline.

There are four ways of presenting the content in the curriculum,

These are:

1. Topiçal Approach, where much content is based on knowledge.

and experiences are incļuded;

2. Concept Approach with fewer topics in clusters around majorand

sub-concepts and their interaction, with relatedness emphasized;

3. Thematic Approach as a combination of concepts that develop

conceptual structures, and

4. Modular Approach that lcads to complete units of instruction.

Criteria in the Selection of Content

There are some suggested criteria in the selection of knowledge or

subject matter. (Scheffer, 1970 in Bilbao, et al 2015)

1. Significance. Content should contribute to ideas, concepts,

principles and generalization that should attain the overall purpose

of the curriculum. It is significant if content becomes the means

of developing cognitive, afective or psychomotor skills of the

learner. As education is a way of preserving culture, conteat will

be significant when this will address the cultural context of the


2. Validity. The authenticity of the subject matter forms its validity.

Knowledge becomes obsolete with the fast changing times. Thus

there is a need for validity check and verification at a regular

interval, because content which may be valid in its original form

may not continue to be valid in the current times.

3. Utility. Usefulness of the content in the curriculum is relative to

Module 2- The Teacher a Knower of Curoulum

Lesson 2.2 -Approaches to the School Curriculum

the learners who are going to use these. Utility can be relative to

time. It may have been useful in the past, but may not be useful

now or in the future. Questions like: Will I use this in my future

job? Will it add meaning to my life as a lifelong learner? Or will

the subject matter be useful in solving current concerns?

4. Learnability. The complexity of the content should be within

the range of experiences of the learners. This is based on the

psychological principles of learning. Appropriate organization

of content standards and sequencing of contents are two basic

principles that would influence learnability.

5. Feasibility. Can the subject content be learned within the time

allowed, resources available, expertise of the teachers and the

nature of the learners? Are there contents of learning which can

be learned beyond the formal teaching-learning engagement? Are

there opportunities provided to learn these?

6. Interest. Will the learners take interest in the content? Why? Are

î: the contents meaningful? What value will the contents have in

the present and future life of the learners? Interest is one of the

driving forces for students to learn better.

The selection of the subject matter or content, aside from the seven

eiteria mentioned earlier, may include the following guide.

Guide in the Selection of the Content in the Curriculum

1. Commonly used in the daily life

2. Appropriate to the maturity levels and abilities of the learners

3. Valuable in meeting the needs and competencies of the future

Related to other subject fields or discipline for


4. complementation and integration

5. Important in the transfer of learning to other disciplines

BASICS: Fundamental Principles for Curriculum Contents

Palma in 1952 proposed that the contents in the curriculum

should be guided by Balance, Articulation, Sequence, Integration and

Continuity. However, in designing a curriculum contents Hunkins and

Ornstein (2018) added an important element which is Scope, hence

from BASIC to BASICS initials of Balance, Articulation, Sequence,

Integration, Continuity.

Balance. Content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth.

This will guarantee that significant contents should be covered to avoid


too much or too little of the contents needed with in the time allocation

Articulation. As the content complexity progresses with the

educational levels, vertically or horizontally, across the same discipline

smooth connections or bridging should be provided. This will assure. no

gaps or overlaps in the content. Seamlessness in the content is desired

and can be assured if there is articulation in the curriculum. Thus, there

is a need off team among writers, and implementers of curriculum.

Sequence., The logical arrangement of the content refers to sequence

or order. This can be done vertically for deepening the content or

horizontally for broadening the same content. In both ways, the patterm

usually is from easy to complex, what is known to the unknown, what

is current to something in the future.

Integration. Content in the curriculum does not stand alone or in

isolation. It has some ways of relatedness or connectedness to other

contents. Contents should be infused in other disciplines whenever

possible. This will provide a wholistic or unified view of curriculum

instead of segmentation. Contents which can be integrated to othér

disciplines acquire a higher premium than when isolated.

Continuity. Content when viewed as a curriculum should

continuously flow as it was before, to where it is now, and where it will

be in the future. It should be perennial. It endures time. Content may nọt

be in the same form and substance as seen in the past since changes and

developments in curriculum occur. Constant repetition, reinforcement and

enhancement of content are all elements of continuity.

Scope. The breadth and depth of the curriculum content are vital

in a curriculum. Scope consists of all the contents, tòpics, learning

experiences comprising the curriculum. In layman's term scope refers to

coverage. The scope shall consider the cognitive level, affective domain

and psychomotor skills in identifying the contents. Other factors will

be considered but' caution is given to overloading of contents. More

contents is not always better."

2. Curriculum as a Process

We have seen that the curriculum can be approached as content. On

the other hand, it can also be approached as a process. Here, curriculum

is not seen as a physical thing or a noun, but as a verb or an action.

It is the interaction among the teachers, students and content. As a

process, curriculum happens in the classroom as the questions asked by

the teacher and the learning activities engaged in by the students. It is

an active process with emphasis on the context in which the processes

occur. Used in analogy of the a recipe in a cookbook, a recipe is the

content while the ways of cooking is the process.

Curriculum as a process is seen as a scheme about the practice

of teaching. It is not a package of materials or a syllabus of content

to be covered. The classroom is only part of the learning environment

where the teacher places action using the content to achieve an outcome.

Module2-The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum

Lesson 2.2 -Approaches to the School Curriculum

Hence the process of teaching and learning becomes the central concern

of teachers to emphasize critical thinking, and heads-on, hands-on

learning and many others.

As a process, curriculum links to the content. While content

nrovides materials on what to teach, the process provides curriculum on

how to teach the content. When accomplished, the process will result

to various curriculum experiences for the learners. The intersection of

the content and process is called the Pedagogical Content Knowledge

or PCK. It will address the question: If you have this content, how will

you teach it?.

This section will not discuss in detail the different teaching

strategies from where learning experiences are derived. Rather, it will

describe how the process as a descriptor of cutriculum is understood.

The content is the substance of the curriculum, how the contents will be

communicated and learned will be addressed by the process.

To teachers, the process is very critical. This is the other side of the

coin: instruction, implementation, teaching. These three words connote

the process in the curriculum. When educators ask teachers: What

curriculum are you using? Some of the answers will be: 1. Problem-
based. 2. Hands-on, Minds-on 3. Cooperative Learning 4. Blended

Curiculum 5. On-line 6. Case-based and many more. These responses

approach curriculum as a Process. These are the ways of teaching, ways

of managing the content, guiding learning, methods of teaching and

learning and strategies of teaching or delivery modes. In all of these,

there are activities and actions that every teacher and learner do together

or learners are guided by the teacher. Some of the strategies are time-

tested traditional methods while others are emerging delivery modes.

When curriculum is approached as a PROCESS, guiding principles

are presented.

1. Curriculum process in the form of teaching methodsor

strategies are means to achieve the end.

2. There is no single best process or method. Its effectiveness will

depend on the desired learning outcomes, the learners, support

materials and the teacher.

3. Curriculum process should stimulate the learners' desire to

develop the cognitive, affective, psychomotor domains in each

4. In the choice of methods, learning and teaching styles should


be considered.

S. Every method or process should result to learning outcomes

which can be described as cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

6. Flexibility in the use of the process or methods should be

considered. An effective process will always result to learning

7. Both teaching and learning are the two important processes in


the implementation of the curriculum.


3. Curriculum as a Product

Besides viewing curriculum as content that is to be transmitted, or

process that gives action using the content, it has also been viewed as a

product. In other words, product is what the students desire to achieve

as learning outcomes.

The product from the curriculum is a student equipped with the

knowledge, skills and values to function effectively and efficiently.

The real purpose of education is to bring about significant changes

in students' pattern of behavior. It is important that any statement of

objectives or intended. outcomes of the school should be a statement

of changes to take place in the students. Central to the approach is

the formulation of behavioral objectives stated as intended learning

outcomes or desired products so that content and teaching methods

may be organized and the results evaluated. Products of learning are

operationalized as knowledge, skills, and values.

Curriculum product is expressed in the form of outcomes which

are referred to as the achieved learning outcomes. There may be several

desired learning outcomes, but if the process is not successful, then

no learning outcomes will be achieved. These learned or achieved

learning outcomes are demonstrated by the person who has meaningful

experiences in the curriculum. All of these are result of planning.

content and processes in the curriculum.


3. Curriculum as a Product

Besides viewing curriculum as content that is to be transmitted, or

process that gives action using the content, it has also been viewed as a

product. In other words, product is what the students desire to achieve

as learning outcomes.

The product from the curriculum is a student equipped with the

knowledge, skills and values to function effectively and efficiently.

The real purpose of education is to bring about significant changes

in students' pattern of behavior. It is important that any statement of

objectives or intended. outcomes of the school should be a statement

of changes to take place in the students. Central to the approach is

the formulation of behavioral objectives stated as intended learning

outcomes or desired products so that content and teaching methods

may be organized and the results evaluated. Products of learning are

operationalized as knowledge, skills, and values.

Curriculum product is expressed in the form of outcomes which

are referred to as the achieved learning outcomes. There may be several

desired learning outcomes, but if the process is not successful, then

no learning outcomes will be achieved. These learned or achieved

learning outcomes are demonstrated by the person who has meaningful

experiences in the curriculum. All of these are result of planning.

content and processes in the curriculum.

2. Hilda Taba Model: Grassroots Approach


Hilda Taba improved on Tyler's model. She believed

teachers shọuld participate. in developing a curriculum, A

grassroots approach, Taba begins fromn the bottom, rather than from

the top as what Tyler proposed. She presented six major steps to he

linear model which are the following:

1. Diagnosis of learners' needs and expectations of the large.


2. Formulation of learning objectives

3. Selection of learning contents

4. Orgarnization of learning.contents

5. Selection of learning experiences

6. Determination of what to evaluate and the mean's of doing


Galen Saylor- and William Alexander Curriculum Model

Galen Saylor and William Alexander (1974) viewed

curriculum development as consisting of four steps. Curriculum is

"a plan fọr providing sets of learning opportunities to achieve broad

educational goals and related specific objectives for an identifiable

population served by a single school center."

1. Goals, Objectives and Domains. Curriculum planners

begin by specifying the major educational goals and

specific objectives they wish to accomplish. Each

major goal represents a curriculum domain: personal

evelopment, human relations, continued learning skills

and specialization. The goals, objectives and domains

are identified and chosen based on research findings,

accreditation standards, and views of the different


2. Curriculum Designing. Designing a curriculum

follows after appropriate learning opportunities are

determined and how each opportunity is provided. Will

the curriculum be designed along the lines of academic

disciplines, or according to student needs and interests or

along themes? These are some of the questions that need

to be answered at this stage of the development process

3. Curriculum Implementation. A designed curriculum

is now ready for implementation. Teachers then prepare

instructional plans where instructional objectives are

specified and appropriate teaching methods and strategies

are utilized to achievet the desired learning outcomes

among students.

Lesson 2.4 Foundations of Curriculum

Desired Learning Qute0mes

Describe the foundations of curiculum development

Explain how each foundation influences the curriculum

Take )f

Curriculum development is anchored on a very solid foundation.

Although considered to be a new discipline, its significance in the

light of global developments has now been acknowledged. What

philosophical, historical, psychological and sociological influences

inform the current school curriculum? How do these foundations reflect

the development of curriculum in our 21" century classrooms and

learning environment? Who are the identified curricularists with these

foundations? Let us find out!

Content Focus

Foundations of Curriculum

1. Philosophical Foundations

Educators, teachers, educational planners and policy makers

must have å philosophy or strong belief about education and

schooling and the kind of curriculum in the teachers classrooms

or learning environment. Philosophy of the curriculum answers

questions like: What 'are schools for? What subjects are important?

How should students learn? What methods should be used? What

Outcomes should be achieved? Why?

The various activities in school are influenced in one way

or another by a philosophy. John Dewey influenced the use of

"learning by doing", he being a pragmatist. Or to an ,essentialist, the

focus is on the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic, the

essential subjects in the curriculum.


There are many philosophies in education but we will illustrate only

those as presented by Ornstein and Hunkins in 2004.

|A. Perennialism Aim: To educate the rational person; cultivate


Role: Teachers assist students to think with

reason (critical thinking: HOTS)

Focus: Classical subjects, literary analysis

Curriculum is enduring

Plato, Aristotle or Trends: Use of great books (Bible, Koran,

Thomas Aquinas) Classics) and Liberal Arts

B. Essentialism Aim: To promote intellectual growth of

learners to become competent

Role: Teachers are sole authorities in the.

subject area.

Focus: Essential skills of the 3Rs; essential


Wiliam Bagley Trends: Back to basics, Excellence in

(1974-1946) education, cultural literacy

C. Progressivism Aim: Promote democratic social living

Role: Teacher leads for growth and

development of lifelong learners

Focus: Interdisciplinary subjects. Learner-

centered. Outcomes-based
Trends: Equal opportunities for all,

Contextualized curriculum, Humanistic

John Dewey (1859-1952) education

D. Reconstructionism Aim: To improve and reconstruct society

Education for charige

Role: Teacher acts as agent of change and


Focus: Present and future eduçational lạndscape

Trends: School and curricular reform, Global

Theodore Brameld: education, Collaboration and.Convergence,

(1904-1987) Standards and Competencies

2. Historical Foundations

Where is curriculum development. coming from? The

historical foundations will show to us the chronological development

along a time line. Reading materials would tell us that curriculum

development started when Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956) wrote the

book The Curriculum."Let us see how each one contributed to

curriculum development during his own time. Hete are eight among

the many whom we consider to have great contributions.


There are many philosophies in education but we will illustrate only

those as presented by Ornstein and Hunkins in 2004.

|A. Perennialism Aim: To educate the rational person; cultivate


Role: Teachers assist students to think with

reason (critical thinking: HOTS)

Focus: Classical subjects, literary analysis

Curriculum is enduring

Plato, Aristotle or Trends: Use of great books (Bible, Koran,

Thomas Aquinas) Classics) and Liberal Arts

B. Essentialism Aim: To promote intellectual growth of

learners to become competent

Role: Teachers are sole authorities in the.

subject area.

Focus: Essential skills of the 3Rs; essential


Wiliam Bagley Trends: Back to basics, Excellence in

(1974-1946) education, cultural literacy

C. Progressivism Aim: Promote democratic social living

Role: Teacher leads for growth and

development of lifelong learners

Focus: Interdisciplinary subjects. Learner-

centered. Outcomes-based

Trends: Equal opportunities for all,

Contextualized curriculum, Humanistic

John Dewey (1859-1952) education

D. Reconstructionism Aim: To improve and reconstruct society

Education for charige

Role: Teacher acts as agent of change and

Focus: Present and future eduçational lạndscape

Trends: School and curricular reform, Global

Theodore Brameld: education, Collaboration and.Convergence,

(1904-1987) Standards and Competencies

2. Historical Foundations

Where is curriculum development. coming from? The

historical foundations will show to us the chronological development

along a time line. Reading materials would tell us that curriculum

development started when Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956) wrote the

book The Curriculum."Let us see how each one contributed to

curriculum development during his own time. Hete are eight among

the many whom we consider to have great contributions.

e only Module2-The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum 33

Persons Lesson 2.4 - Foundations of Curriculum

vate Contributions / Theories and Principles

h He started the curriculum development movement.

Curriculum as a science that emphasizes students'


Curriculum prepares learners for adult life.

Objectives and activitięs should group together

when tasks are clarified.

Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956)

Like Bobbit, he posited that curriculum is science

and emphasizes «students' needs.

Objectives and activities should match. Subject

matter or content relates to objectives.

Werret Charters (1875-1952)

Curricula are purposeful activities which are child-


The purpose of the curriculum is child development

and growth. He introduced this project method

y: where teacher and student plan the activities.

Curriculum develops social relationships and small

nd group instruction.

pe William Kilpartick (1875-1952)


Curriculum should develop the whole child. It is


o With the statement of objectives and related

ae learning áctivities, curriculum should produce

nt outcomes.

m * He emphasized social studies and suggested that

the teacher plans curriculum in advance.

Harold Rugg (1886-1960)

Peter Oliva (1992-2012) Hilda Taba (1902-1967) Ralph Tyler (1902-1994) Hollis Caswell (1901-1989) 34


* She helped lay the'foundation for diverse

3 Curriculum is always related to instruction.

Teachers and curriculum specialist constitute the 3

He described curriculum change as a cooperative

Significant improvement is achieved through

professional core of planners.

group activity. endeąvor.

foundations of concepts development and critical

She contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical

thinking in social studies curriculum.

Curriculum aims to educate generalists and

Subject matter is organized in terms of


student population. knowledge, skills and values. and

Curriculum is a science and an extension of

school's philosophy. It is based on students' needs interests. is


Curriculum is a set of experiences. Subject matter


Curriculum, instruction and learning are

of themes, organized knowledge and learner'%

Curriculum is organized around social functione

interest. developed


emphasizes problem solving. around social functions and learners


3. Psycho

Edward and le

huma of educ


we sha

Ivan P cluste learnin

Perso associa Questie

Edward Thorndike (1874-1949) Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) 3.

association theories; cognitive-information processing theories and

learning? What is the optimal level of students' participation in

humanistic theories (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2004).

Questions which can be addressed by psychological foundations

learning the various contents of the curriculum? In this module,

we shall consider three groups of learning theories: behaviorism or

clusters of learning theories. of education are:

and learning
Persons Psychological Foundation of Curriculum

Let us review some theories in learning related to

Psychology provides a basis to understand the teaching

3.1 Association and Behaviorism

process. It unifies

How should curriculum be organized to enhance

He is the father of the classical conditioning

theory, the S-R theory.

called indoctrination.

train them what you want them to become.

The key to learning is early years of life is to

S-R Theory is a foundation of learning practice

He proposed the three laws of learning:

He championed the connectionism theory.


- Law of exercise Contributions/Thepries and Principles elements of the learning process.

Law of effect Module 2-The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum 35

Law of readiness

stimulus has specific response.

Lesson 2.4- Foundations of Curriculum


Lev Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Robert Gagne (1916-2002) 36


(1896-1934) 3.2 Cognitive Information Processing Theory

• Theories of Lev Vygotsky

• Keys to Learning • Keys to learning

Theories of Jean Piaget objectives.

He introduced tasking in the formulation of

Behavior is based on prerequisite conditions.

Learning follows a hierarchy.

The child is an active agent in his or he He proposed the hierarchical learning theor

Sociocultural development theory.

Pedagogy creates leaning proce ses that lead

with society, actually perform certain cognitive

Cultural transmission and development stage.

Learning precedes development

actions prior to arriving at developmental

Children could, as a result of their interaction

educational process.

to development. stage.

Equilibration (balance between previous and

Accommodation (learnming modification and

later learning)

Assimilation (incorporation of new

adaptation) to maturity.

Cognitive development has stages from birth

(2-7), concrete operations stage (7-11) and

Sensorimotor stage (0-2), preoperational stage

formal operations (11 - onwards).

Contributions/Theories and Principles

Persons Daniel G Howard



Schools and Society Carl Rogers (1902-1987) Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)



Socicly The schul

4.0 Social

• Key to learning • Key to learning

> Society as a source of change Nondirective and therapeutic learning

Contributions/Theories and Principles

Foundations of Curriculum

Knowledge as an agent of change

Schools as agents of change Classic theory of human needs

He advanced the Self-Actualization Theory.

based on love and trust.

He put importance to human emotions.

the world.

not be interested in acquiring knowledge of

methods for facilitating

Produce a healthy and happyy learner who

He established counselling procedures and

Children's perceptions, which are highly

can accomplish, grow and actualize his of

behaviour in class.

individualistic, influence their learning and

product; personal needs, not subject matter,

psychological meaning, not cognitive scores.

Curriculum is concerned with process, not her human self.

A child whose basic needs are not met will


Other The

Emile D

Jot Pao Alvin (1858-



Other Theorists

John Goodlad Paolo Freire Alvin Toffler Emile Durkheim

1920-2014 1921-1997 (1858-1917)

> Considered two fundamental elements which are

> Believed that knowledge should prepare students

> Wrote the book Future Shock

Are Schools For? 1989 > Foresaw schools and students worked creatively,

Major book: A Place Called Schools, 1984; What

Need to align content with standards

content and instructional activities

Involvement of students in planning curriculum

Emphasis on active learning and critical thinking

Reduce student conformity in classroom Major book:

Constant need for school improvement critical thinking Education

and the students

Curriculum organized around needs of society

Emphasis on questioning problem posing and

approach to raise students' consciousness

Teachers use questioning and problem posing


and society through critical reflections and Things that surround individuals can change,

Influence of society and social context in

schools and civil society

for the future

Suggested that in the future, parents might have develop their behavior.

collaboratively, and independent of their age

(Home Schooling)

home as a result of education

the resources to teach prescribed

Module 2-The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum

as a

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1968 means of Lesson 2,4 - Foundations of Curriculum

technology, not in spite of it.

shaping the

curriculum from


Broaden the conception of curriculum to enrich

the practice Self-Check

Understand the nature of the educational Quick Check! Tag


Curriculum involves multiple disciplines What significant co

Curriculum should be studied from a historical, 1. Lev Vygc

racial, gendered, phenomenological, postmodern, 2. Daniel G

William Pinar theological and international perspectives. 3 William

1947- 4. Hilda Ta

5. Ralph T-

6. John De

In mmary, the foundation upon which curriculum is based 7. Abraha

are educational philosophies, historical developments, psychological 8. Carl R

explanations, and societal influences. All of these foundations are 9. Frankli

interrelated. 10. Alvin

Take Action


Activity 1: Explore the Web (by Groups) After discussing th


1. Identify

1. Form a five-member group. Ch00se a group.leader. With al influenc

the group members, search two outstanding personalities student?


The Teacher Designing the Curriculum

and The School


Module 3 The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer

Module Overview:

A curriculum as a planned sequence of learning experiences

should be at the heart and mind of every teacher. Every teacher

curricularist should be involved in designing a curriculum. In fact, it is

one of the teachers' roles as a curricularist. As such, you will be a part

of the intellectual journey of your learners. You will be providing them

the necessary experiences that will enable the learner what you intend

them learn.

As a curriculum designer this task was not given much attention

in the past, Every single day, a teacher designs a lesson or utilizes a

curriculum that has been made and was previously written. Designing

a curriculum is a very challenging task. It is here where the style and

creativity of the teacher come in. Thus this module will provide the

necessary concepts and activities that you as a teacher can refer to as

you prepare yourself to be a curriculum designer.

Lesson 3.1 Fundamentals of Curriculum Design

Desired Learning Outcomes)

> Identify the fundamentals of curriculum designing

Appreciate the task of designing a curriculum

Content Focus

Building on Peter Oliva's 10 Axioms for Curriculum Designers

As we begin to discuss about curriculum designing, all teachers need

to know the different axioms or theorems regarding curriculum as

by Gordon, W., Taylor R., and Oliva, P. in 2019. These axioms will be used


to guide curricularist in designing a curriculum. Axioms are principles that

practitioners as curriculum designer can use as guidelines or a frame of


Ten Axioms About Curriculum That Teachers Need as Reminders

1. Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary, and desirable.

Earlier it was stated that one of the characteristics of curriculum

Module3-The Teacher as a Curriculum Deslaner43

Lesson 3.1 - Fundamentals of Curriculum Designer

is its being dynamnic. Because of this, teachers should respond to

the changes that occur in schools and in their context. Societal

development and knowledge revolution come so fast that the

need to address the changing condition requires new curriculum


er 2. Curriculum is a product of its time. A relevant curriculum

should respond to changes brought about by current social

forces, philosophical positions, psychological principles,

new knowledge, and educational reforms. This is also called

ences timeliness.

as a 3. Curricųlum changes made earlier can exist concurrently. with

it is newer curriculum changes. A revision in a curriculum starts

part and ends slowly. More often, curriculum is gradually phased

them in and phased out, thus the changes that occủr can coexist and

tend oftentimes overlap for long periods of time.

tion 4. Curriculum change depends on people who will implement

es a the change. Teachers who will implement the curriculumn should

ning be involved in its development, hence should know how to

and design a curriculum. Because the teachers are the implementers

the of the curriculum, it is best that they should design and own the

as changes. This will ensure an effective and long lasting change.

5. Curriculum development is a cooperatįve group activity.

Group decisions in some aspects of curriculum development are

suggested. Consultations with stakeholders when possible will

add to a sense of ownership. Even learners should participate in

some aspect of curriculum designing. Any significant change in

the curriculum should involve a broad range of stakeholders to

gain their understanding, support, and input.

6. Curriculum development is a decision-making process made

from choices of alternatives. A curriculum developer or designer

must decide what contents to teach, philosophy or point of view

to support, how to provide for multicultural groups, what methods

or strategies, and what type of evaluation to use.

7. Curriculum development is an ongoing process. Continuous

monitoring, examination, evaluation, and improvement of

curricula are to be considered in the design of the curriculum

d As the needs of learners change, as society changes, and as new

knowledge and technology appear, the curriculum must change.

8. Curriculum development is more effective if it is a

comprehensive process, rather than a "piecemeal, A

curriculum design should be based on a careful plan, should

clearly establish intended outcomes, Support resources and needed

time available and should equip teaching staff pedagogically,.

9. Curriculum development is more effective when it follows a The be

systematic process. A curricuum design is composed of desired learning oum

outcomes, subject matter content complemented with references. Bloom's Ta

set of procedures, needed materials and resources and evaluation the develop
procedure which can be placed in a matrix. the taxXonon

10. Curriculum developnent starts from where the curriculum Simpson.

is. Curriculum planners and designers should begin with existing The st

curriculum. An existing design is a good starting point for Result-orie

teacher who plans to enhance and enrich a curriculum. provide the

any in the state

Building upon the ideas of Oliva, let us continue learning how to For e

design a curriculum by identifying its components. For most curricula a simple f

the major components or elements are answers to the following should ha

questions: lesson.

1. What learning outcomes need to be achieved? (Intended Some

Learning Outcomes) to the anti

2. What content should be included to achieve the learning In framin

outcomes? (Subject Matter)

3. What learning experiences and resources should be employed?

(Teaching-Learning Methods)

4. How will the achieved learning outcomes. be measured?

(Assessment of Achieved Learning Outcomes)

Elements or Compőnents of a Curriculum Design

There are many labels or names for curriculum design. Some

would call it a syllabus or a lesson plan. Some would call it a unit plan

or a course design. Whatever is the name of the design, the common

components for all of them are almost the same. However some schools,

institutions or departments may add other minor parts or trimmings to

the design.
Let us take the Lesson Plan as a miniscule curriculum. A lesson

plan or teaching guide includes (1) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) IL. Con

or the Desired Learming Outcome (DLO) formerly labelled as behavioral Th

objectives, (2) Subject Matter or Content, (3) Teaching and Learning that wil

Methods and (4) Assessment Evaluation. Each of these components or followi

elements is described below. previo

L. Behavioral Objectives or Intended Learning Outcomes

Begin with the end in view. The objectives or intended learning

outcomes are the reasons for undertaking the learning lesson from

the student's point of view; it is desired learning outcome that is to

be accomplished in a particular learning episode, engaged in by the

learners under the guidance of the teacher. As a curriculum designe,

the beginning of the learning journey is the learning outcomes to be

achieved. In this way, both the learner and the teacher are guided by

what to accomplish.

NS a Module 3-The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer5

sired Lesson 3.1 - Fundamentals of Currlculum Designer

The behavioral objectives, intended learning outcomes or desired

nces, learning outcomes are expressed in action words found in the revised

ation ploom's Taxonomy of Objectives (Andersen and Krathwohl, 2003) for

he development of the cognitive skills. For the affective skills, refer to

he taxonomy made by Krathwohl and for the psychomotor domain by

Jum Simpson.

ting The statement should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,

for Pesult-oriented and Time-bound. For a beginner, it would help if you

um. provide the Condition, Performance and Extent or Level of Performance

to n the statement of the intended earning outcomes.

cula For example, if a lesson intends the students to identify the parts of

ing a simple flower as stated in the desired learning outcomes, then students

should have identified the parts of a simple flower, at the end of the.

ded lesson.

Sometimes the phrase intended learning outcomes is used to refer

to the anticipated results after completing the planned activity or lesson.

ng In framing learning outcomes, it is good practice to:

d? Express each outcome in terms of what successful students

will be able to do. For example, rather than stating Students

will be able to explain the reason why... it should be: 'Students

d? must have explained the reasons why..." This helps students to

focus on what they have to achieve as learning.. It will also

help curricularists devise appropriate assessment tasks.

Ihclude different kinds of outcomes. The most common

ne are cognitive objectives (learning facts, theories, formulae,

n principles etc.) and performance outcomes (learning how

to carry out procedures, calculations and processes, which

n typically include gathering information and communicating

S, results), In some contexts, affective outcomes are important

too (for developing attitudes or values, e.g. those required as a

person and for a particular profession).

II, Content/Subject Matter

The content of the lesson or unit is the topic or subject matter

that will be covered. In selecting content, you should bear in mind the

following principles in addition to thosę mentioned about the content in

Subject matter should be relevant to the outcomes of the

previous lessons:

Dcurriculum., An effective curTÍCulum i purposive and clearly

focused on the planned learning outcomes.

Subject matter should be appropriate to the level of the

lesson or unit. An effective curriculum is progressive, leading

bass students towards building on previous lessons. Contents which

are too basic or too advanced for the development levels of

learners make students either bored or bafled and affect their

motivation to learn.


possible, the publications. Some examples are given below.

or any publication. It must bear the author of the material and if

subject matter has been taken. The reference may be a book, a module,

IV. Teaching and Learning Methods

them learn. The teaching-learning methods should

competition as well as individualism or independent

will experience (lectures, laboratory classes, fieldwork etc.) and make

is always good to keep in mind the teaching II. References


2. Shipman, James and Jerry Wilson, et al (2009). An Introduction

3. Romo, Salvador B. (2013). Horticulture an Exploratory Course.

4. Bilbạo, Purita P. and Corpuz, Brenda B. et al (2012). The

1. Project Wild (1992) K to 12 Activity Guide, An Interdisciplinary,

$ Cooperative learning activities allow students to work together. The

These are the activities where the learners derive experiences. It

mostly become the survivors in a very competitive world.

how to learn is enhanced. This strategy is more appropriate for

their adult life are competitive, even in carly schooling. They Supplementary Conservation and
Environmental Education

to perform to their maximum. Most successful individuals in to Physical Science. Houghton Mifflin Co.
Boston MA

Competitive activities, where students Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City

competencies against another in a healthy manner, allow learners

Independent learning activities allow learners to develop

personal responsibility. The

fast learners.

Teaching Profession 2nd Ed. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City

ways. Group projects and activities considerably enhance the

to the success of learning. Students learn from eachother in

Democratic process is encouraged, and each one

their problems. The role of the teachers is to guide the

Program.Council of Environmental Education, Bethesda, MD

Students are guided to learn on their own to find solutions to

curriculum. rëferende follows the content. It tells where the content or

roflect.current knowledge and concepts..

Subject matter should be up-to-date and, if possible, should

example: Súbječt matter should follow the principle of BASICS.

degree of independence to learn

strategies that students

learning among the

allow cooperation,

will test their



with detail

Some Beh

B. 2. A. Dire There

6. 5. 3.2 1.S Hun eXp


3 2 1. 9. 8. 7.. 4. Deta be The

inary, ent o


ation and if should

The urse. ction MD

ake City

or he tes rs. er. on, ents

rn in to the S. It S.


"B. Guided Instruction: Madeline Hunter Model (in Ornstein &

19 9. Assess performance. Obtain student success rate of 80 percent

A Direct Instruction: Baràk Rosenshine Model (in Ornstien & Some

2. Review: Introduce`short review of previous or prerequisite with detailed

There are some exXamples of very simple teaching-learning methods

& The use of various delivery modes to provide learning

3. Present new materials: Present materials in small, sequenced

3. Objective. State explicitły what is to be learned; state rationale

6. Guide. Guide students during initial practice; or provide

5. Modeling. Provide several examples or demonstrations 1. State Learning Objectives/ Outcomes: Begin
lesson with

1. Review. Focus on previous lesson, ask students to summarizė

5. Practice: Provide active practice for all students.

7. Check for understanding. Ask several questions,

4. Explain: Give clear and detailed instructions and explanations.


8. Provide Feedback. Provide systemnatic feedback and corrections.

2. Anticipatory set. Focus student's attention on new lesson.

Hunkins, 2018) Detailed Steps:

Hunkins, 2018)

are increasingly important in many curricula, but these need to

throughout the lesson. experiençes 1S récommended. Online learning and similar modes

or how it will be useful. 'a short statement, of objective or desired lesson learning

lesson; main points. be planned carefully to be effective.

Stimulate interest in the new materiaļs.

Review and test. Provide for spaced review and

Input. Identify needed knowledge and or more during practice session.


seatwork activities. learning. Behaviorist

manner. outcomes.

present materials in sequenced steps

thạt you can start

Teaching Learning Methods

using as teaching.

Lesson 3.1-Fundamentals of Curriculum Designer

Module 3-The Teacher as a Curiculum Designer 7

steps. you begin


for learning testing. assess students

1 e e d d er - an p Ce ck ey re

VI Assessment/Evaluation

assessment. It has three main forms:

not) learned. The process by which this information is generated is

ie. when they. receive information on what they have already (and have Teaching-Learning Environment

adequacy, (2) suitability, (3) efficiency and (4) economy.

suggested four criteria in the provision of the environment or

learning spaces in designing a curriculum. These criteria

3 Self assessment, through which students learn to monitor and is the teaching learning environment.
Brian Castaldi in 1987

Learning occurs most effectively when students receive feedback,

4. Economy- This refers to cost effectiveness. How much is

3. Efficiency- This refers to operational and instructional

2. Suitability- This relates to planned activities. Suitability should 7. Special

evaluate their own learning. This should be a significant element In the choice of the teaching learning
methods, equally important

appropriately reflective and self-critical:


in the curriculum because we aim to produce graduates who are

Peer assessment, in which students provide feedback on each

reliably as stafi and safe for learning? To provide leaning condition that will maintain and enhance

classrooms. Is the classroom large enough for

Adequacy- This refers to the actual learning space or

teaching and learning and the use of the cyberspace.

light and ventilation so that the learning space is conducive,

provide opportunities that will develop the 21" century skills,

there must be a provision for the utilization of technology for


consider chronological and developmental ages of learners. for class

needed to provide instructional materials?

religious background of the learners.

Also to be considered will be the socio-cultural, economic even

Suggests, that stüdehts can learn

assessment and. preşupposes trust and respect. mutual

and administers tests. and gives feedback on the student's

other's learning. This can be viewed

Teacher assessment, in which the teacher prepares reviews. Provide weekly reviews to check and

interaction and collaborative

Regardless of the kind of change in curriculum and implementation,

be process of change may contain three important elements. As

participatory and supportive.

orocess, curriculum implementation should be developmental,

It should be developmental in the sense that it should develop

multiple perspectives, increase integration and make learning

autonomous, create a climate of openness and trust, and appreciate

and affirm strengths of the teacher. There should be teacher support

in trying new tasks, reflection on the new experiences and challenge.

There are simple stages in the developmental change process for

the teachers. First, is orientation and preparation. The initial use is

very mechanical or routinary. However, as the skills are honed and

mastery of the routine is established, refinement follows. This means

adjustments are made to better meet the needs of the learners and

achieve the learning outcomes. In this step, there will be continuous

reflection, feedback and refinement.

Participatory. For curriculum implementation to succeed, it

should be participatory, specially because other stakeholders like

peers, school leaders, parents and curriculum specialists are necessary.

Characteristics of teacher styles, commitment, willingness to change,

skills, and readiness are critical to implementation. This should

be coupled with organizational structure, principal style, student

population characteristics and other factors. Trust among key players

should also be sought as this is a positive starting point. Involvement

and participation encourage sense of ownership and accountability.

Participation builds a learning community which is very necessary in

.curriculum implementation.

Supportive curriculum implementation is required in the process

of change. Material support like supplies, equipment and conductive

learning environment like classrooms and laboratory should be made

available. Likewise, human support is very much needed. The school

leader or head should provide full school or institutional support to

the implementation of the new curriculum. They too have to train

to understand how to address curriculum change as part of their

"instructional as well as management functions.

Time is an important commodity for a successful change process.

For any innovation to be fully implemented, period of three to five

years to institutionalize a curriculum is suggested. Time is needed by

the teachers to plan, adapt, train or practise, provide the necessary

requirements and get support. Time is also needed to determine when

the implementation starts and when it will conclude, _since curriculum

implementation is time bound.

Support from peers, principals, external stakeholders will add to the

success of implementation. When teachers share ideas, work together.

solve problems, create new materials, and celebrate success, more likely

thất curriculum implementation will be welcomed.

Lesson 3.1 - Fundamentals of Curriculum Desigher

Module 3-The Teacher asa Curiculum Designer 49

judge to each other's work as

as an extension of self- work. Is there enough

student's mobility

include (1)

Research further

1 e e d d er - an p Ce ck ey re

VI Assessment/Evaluation

assessment. It has three main forms:

not) learned. The process by which this information is generated is

ie. when they. receive information on what they have already (and have Teaching-Learning Environment

adequacy, (2) suitability, (3) efficiency and (4) economy.

suggested four criteria in the provision of the environment or

learning spaces in designing a curriculum. These criteria

3 Self assessment, through which students learn to monitor and is the teaching learning environment.
Brian Castaldi in 1987

Learning occurs most effectively when students receive feedback,

4. Economy- This refers to cost effectiveness. How much is

3. Efficiency- This refers to operational and instructional

2. Suitability- This relates to planned activities. Suitability should 7. Special

evaluate their own learning. This should be a significant element In the choice of the teaching learning
methods, equally important

appropriately reflective and self-critical:


in the curriculum because we aim to produce graduates who are

Peer assessment, in which students provide feedback on each

reliably as stafi and safe for learning? To provide leaning condition that will maintain and enhance

classrooms. Is the classroom large enough for

Adequacy- This refers to the actual learning space or

teaching and learning and the use of the cyberspace.

light and ventilation so that the learning space is conducive,

provide opportunities that will develop the 21" century skills,

there must be a provision for the utilization of technology for


consider chronological and developmental ages of learners. for class

needed to provide instructional materials?

religious background of the learners.

Also to be considered will be the socio-cultural, economic even

Suggests, that stüdehts can learn

assessment and. preşupposes trust and respect. mutual

and administers tests. and gives feedback on the student's

other's learning. This can be viewed

Teacher assessment, in which the teacher prepares reviews. Provide weekly reviews to check and

interaction and collaborative

Lesson 3.1 - Fundamentals of Curriculum Desigher

Module 3-The Teacher asa Curiculum Designer 49

judge to each other's work as

as an extension of self- work. Is there enough

student's mobility

include (1)

Research further


Agencies, Professional Regulation Commission to achieve a specific

Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Accrediting

purpose of such agency.

designer may add. This may be institutional template or suggested by

other curriculum experts or

components. All other additional components are trimmings that each Designs possible. THE TEACHER

to it. For this

weaknesses of their work than by knowing the mark or grade given

performance of the students.

Application of the Fundamental Components to Other Curriculum or

is a mini curriculum, similar components will also be used in making

projects. Based on the curriculum models we have learned, the

fundamental components include the following: returned to the student

examinations) should include an element of formative feedback, if

tasks involve an element of both, e.g. an


student learn more) or summative (expressing a judgment on the

syllabus for

Simply put, grades. This helps the teacher make decisions about the progress or

Major components of a While our Students

Summative assessment

4. Evaluation (means of assessment) Assessment may be formative (providing feedbaçk to help th.

3. Methods/Strategies (with needed resources)

2. Content/Subject Matter (with references)

1. Intended Outcomes (or Objectives) achievement by reference to stated criteria). Many assessment


teaching in reason, summative

curriculum design is the organization of curriculum example refers

learn more by

with detailed comments.

higher education courses or other curricular

required by Course Design or Syllabus usually

only to designing a lesson plan which

assessment tasks (includng unseen involves the

understanding the strengths and

educational assignment that is marked and

allocation of marks

agencies like the

Components Activity 1: Fi

Title of the

Intended Le

Methods/S Outcomes/ Instruction

Answe Evaluatic Content/Su Tahe Acti

2. 1. 2. 1.8


allocated to different school subjects such as Science, Mathematics,

which are focused on the individual subject, specifie

this kind of structure and curriculum design aim for excellence in the

who firmly believed in this design. As practised,

period, a school year into quarters or semester. Most of the schools using

practised in the Philippines, because a school day is divided into class

curriculum. The subject-centered design corresponds mostly to the

specific subject discipline content.

or course. Henry Morrison and William Harris are the few curricularists

Language, Social textbook

your knowledge. by looking into how other curricularists approach the

1. Subject-Centered Design simple

curriculum design. In this lesson, we will sęe how several examples of

a curriculum designs are used in the schools and classrooms.

Types of Curriculum Design Models

For our own purposes, let us focus on the most widely used examples.

combination of i*Identify some familiar curriculum designs and approaches to

This is a curriculum design that focuses on the content of the Desired Learning Outcomes

Subject-centered curriculum design has also some variations You have been familiarized with the
preliminaries of making a

There are many ways of looking at curriculum and designing one.

Content Focus Take Off

Lesson 3.2 Approaches to Curriculum Designing

because textbooks are usually written design through lesson plan in the

the designs

Analyze the approaches in the light of how these are applied

Studies, Physical Education, and others. This is also school

subjects or disciplines


components. You will further enrich

which are a broad field or

based the specific subject

discipline and school hours are



ts ct the lied s to

g ne ne e. of ich 3

3di îr will convey the particular knowledge.

usubject matter like historians,

1.3 Correlation design. Coming from a core, correlated curriculum

1.2 Discipline design. This curriculum design model is related to

1.1. Subject design. What subject are you teaching? What subject

Same is true when science becomes the core, mathematics of knowledge and the learners are the
simply the empty vessel

pieces during the historical period are also being studied. The according to the degree programs being
pursued. For each

two subjects, while history 1S being studied, different literary

maintain their identity. For example, English literature and

to receive the information or content from the teacher. This is

However, the drawback of this design is that sometimes,

the design. In the Philippine educational system, the number

familiar with the format, because they were educated using also

interests and experiences. The teacher becomes the dispenser

fragmentation. Subjects are related to one another and still learning is so compartmentalized. It stresses
so much the

design links separate subject designs in order to reduce instructional materials are commercially
available. Teachers are

the. subject design. However, while subject design centers only

a traditional approach to teaching and learning.

content and forgets about students' natural tendencies,

secondary level. In college, the number of subjects also differs

mathematics, psychology, humanities, history and others. of subjects in the elementary education is
fewer than in the
because it is easy to deliver. Textbooks are written and support

moving towards their career path or disciplines as science. familiar design for teachers, parents and
other laymen.

discipline when the students are more mature and are already According to the advocates, subject
design has an advantage

subject, a curriculum is being designed.

on the cluster of content, discipline design focuses on academic

subject-centered curriculum, curriculum mnoves higher to a

but not in the elementary or secondary levels. So from the Subject design curriculum is the oldest and so
far the most


manner, teachers should teach how the scholars in the discipline

content of their fields. Students in history should learn the

Social studies correlate well in the elementary level. In the

who should learn how mathematicians learn. In the same and the learner can easily answer. It is
because they are familiar

how the biologists learn, and so with students in mathematics,

through a method are you taking? These are two simple questions that the teacher

disciplines. Discipline with the subject design curriculum.


model of which the

refers to specific knowledge learned

curriculum is often used in college,

scholars use to study a specific

students in biology should learn Module 3-The Teacher as a Curriculum Deslgner 55

Lesson 3.2 - Approaches to Curriculum Designing


is related to it, as they are taken in chemistry, physics ane

biology. Another example is literature as thẹ core with an

musio, history, geography related to it. To use correlate

design, teachers should comne together and plan their lesson

1.4 Broad field design/interdisciplinary. Broad field design or


interdisciplinary is a variation of the subject-centered design

This design was made to cure the compartmentalization of the

separate subjects and integrate the contents that are related

to one e another. Thus subjects such as geography, economics

political science, anthropology, sociology and history are fusei

into one subject called social studies. Language arts will include

grammar, literature, linguistics, spelling, and composition.

Sometimes called holistic curriculum, broad fields draw around

themes and integration. Interdisciplinary design is similar to

thematic design, where a specific theme is identified, and all

other subject areas revolve around the theme.

Among progressive educational psychologists, the learner is the

1. Learner-Centered Design

center of the educative process. This emphasis is very strong in the

elementary level,, however, more concern has been placed on the

secondary and even the tertiary levels. Although in high school, the

subject or content has become the focus and in the college level, the
discipline is the center, both levels still recognize the importance of the

learner in the curriculum.

Here are some examples of curriculum designs which are learner-


1.1 Child-centered design. This design is often attributed to the

influence of John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi and Froebel. This

curriculum design is anchored on the needs and interests of the

child. The learner is not considered á passive individual but one

who engages with his/her environment. One learns by doing.

Learners actively Create, construct ineanings and understanding

as viewed by the constructivists. In the child-centered design,

learners interact with the. teachers and the environment, thus

there iş a collaborative effort on both sides to plan lessons,

select content and do activities togethet. Learning is a product

of the child's interaction with the enyironment.

1.2 Experience-centered design. This design is similar tỏ thẹ child-

centered design. Although the focus remains to be the child,

experience-centered design believes that the interests and needs

of learners cannot be pre-planned. Instead, experiences of the

learners become the starting point of the curriculum, thus the

h art,


mics, esign. ssons S and

bf the
lated gn or

H all fused

d, gn, ng ne his Dund clude

e e Js ct s, the the the ar to





er- the

problem- centered desigi curriculum.

Concerns and

2. Problem-Centered Design

content cuts across subject boundaries and must be based on the needs.,

emphasis. There are

Iife problems, areas of living and many others. In this curriculum, needs,

2.1 Life-situations 13 Humanistic design. The key influence in this curriculumn design

Generally, problem-centered design draws on social problems,

interest and

is Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Maslow's theory of self-

natural; 1s open to different experiences; possesses empathy and

In a humanistic curriculum design, the development of self

in life but has to start the process while still in school. Carl

sympathy towards the less fortunate among the many others.

actualization explains that a person who achieves this level is

curriculum. touching, feeling, imagining, constructing, relating and others.

self-directed learning by improving self-understanding, the basic

Rogers, on the other hand, believed that a person can enhance

accepting of self, others and nature; is simple, spontaneous and

is the ultimate objective of learning. It stresses the whole

options. Activities revolve around different emphasis such as

The person can achieve this state of self-actualization later

centers are found, time is flexible and children are free to make

experience-centered curriculum is provided, diferent learning

were activities that sustain life, enhance life, aid in rearing different opportunities given by the teacher.
In a school where

Based on Herbert Spencer's curriculum writing, his emphases

person and the integration of thinking, feeling and doing. It

It stresses the development of positive self-concept and learners are empowered to shape their own
learning from the

of the society and the students' existing concerns are utilized.

of living, As a starting point, the pressing immediate problems

considers the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains

The emergence of multiple intelligence theory blends well with

to be interconnected and must be addressed in the curriculum.

experiences of learners as a means to analyze the basic areas

clearly view problem areas. It uses the past and the present

that the contents are organized n ways that allow students to

Subject matter to real the relevance of the situations increases experience-centered design curriculum.

and enhance leisure, tasks and feelings. The connection of attitude to guide behavior.

children, maintain the and individual's interpersonal skills.

abilities of the students. TwO examples are given for the

abilities of the

those that center on

design. What makes the design uniqué is


Module 3-The Teacher asa Curiculum Designer 57

social life situations, contemporary Lesson 3.2- Approaches to Curriculum Designing




relations are given

1.1 Core problem design. Another example of problem-cen Learner-Ce

design is core design. It centers on general education and

problems are based on the common human activities Child-Cente

central focus of the core design includes common ne Design

problems, and concerns of the learners. Popularized by Fa

and Bossing in 1959, it presented ways on how to proc Experience-

using core design of a curriculum. These are the steps. centered

Step 1. Make group consensus on important problems. design

Step 2. Develop criteria for selection of important problem Humanistic


Step 3. State and define the problem.

Step 4. Decide on arcas of study, including class grouping. |Problem-c*

Step 5. List the needed information for resources. Life-sıtuat-


Step 6. Obtain and organize information. Transforn

Step 7. Analyze and interpret the information. (or becOm


Step 8. State the tentative conclusions. Reconsru

Step 9. Present a report to the class individually or by group. tionis de

Step 10. Evaluate the conclusions.

Step 11. Explore other avenues for further problem solving. Approac

These are some examples of curriculum designs. There are many

more which are emerging and those that have evolved in the past. The How

example given may be limited, however, for our purposes, they can ver wriling a

well represent curriculum designs. teacher w

Table l: Overview of the Major Curriculum Designs (Ornstein A & Hunkins, F, 2018) design.


Design Emphasis Underlying Source/Focus Spokesperson curriculu

Philosophy Champion or the lea

Subject-Centered curriculu

Subject Design Separate subject Essentialism abilities

Perennialism Science, Harris, Hutchin knowledg

Broad-Fields InterdisciplinaryEssentialism Knowledge Fro

design subjects, Progressivism Science, Broudy, Dewey approach

scholarly Knowledge Prin

Correlation Separate subject, Progressivism, Knowledge Alberty, Alberty 1.

design disciplines linked Essentialism 2.

but identities

maintained 3.

Approaches to Curriculum Design Models

How will a particular design be approached by the teacher? After

writing a curriculum based on the specific design, let us see how a

teacher will approach this. We will find out the utilization of the example


Child or Learner-Centered Approach. This approach to

Curiculum design is based on the underlying philosophy that the child

or thè learner is the center of the educational process. It means that the

Curriculum is constructed based on the needs, interest, purposes and

abilities of the learners. The curriculum is also built upon the learners

knowledge, skills, previous learnings and potentials.

From its design, how should a child-centered curriculum be

pproached? Let us consider these principles.

Principles of Child-Centered Curriculum Approach

1. Acknowledge and respect the fundamental rights of the child

2. Make all activities revolve around the overall development of

3. Consider the uniqueness of every learner in a multicultural

the learner.


1. Consider using differentiated instruction or teaching.

2. Provide a motivating supportive learning environment for

the learners.

The child-céntered approach is illustrated in the example below:

School X, is anchored on the theory of multiple intelligences in all

curricular and co-curricular activities. Every classroom provides activi

centers where children can learn on their own with the different learni

resource materials. Learners can just choose which learning center to engas

in with different resources. This arrangement allows for the capacity of eve

learner to be honed. It also allows learning how to learn, hence will devel

independence. The teacher acts as guide for every learner. The learner sets t

goal that can be done within the frame of time.

Subject-Centered Approach. This is anchored on a curriculum

design which prescribes separate distinct subjects for every educationa

level: basic educatión, higher education or vocational-technical

education. This approach considęrs the following principles:

1. The primary focus is the subject matter.

2. The emphasis is on bits and pieces of infornmation which may

be detached from life.

3. The subject matter serves as a means of identifying problemis

of living.

4. Learning means accumulation of content, or knowledge.

5. Teacher's role is to dispense the content.

Example of subject-centered approach is given below.

In another setting, School Y aims to produce the best graduates in the

school district. Every learner must excel in all academic subjects to be on top

of every academic competition. The higher the level of cognitive intelligence

the better the learner. Hence the focus of learning is mastery of the subjec

matter in terms of content. Every student is expected to be always on top 0

terms of mastery of discipline. Memorization and drill are important learning

skills. The school gives emphasis to intellectual development, and sets aside

emotional, psychomotor and even value development. Success means mastery

of the content.

Problem-Centered 'Approach. This approach is based on

a design which assumes that in the prOcess of living, children

experience problems. Thus, problem solving enables the learners to

becomę increasingly able to achieve complete or total development as


This approach is characterized by the following views and beliefs:

Module 3-The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer 61

Lesson 3.2 - Approaches to Curriculum Designing

1. The learners are capable of directing and guiding themselves

in resolving problems,, thus developing every learner to be


2. The learners are prepared to assume their civic

responsibilities through direct participation in different


3. The curriculum leads the learners in the recognition of

concerns and problems in seeking' solutions. Learners are

problem solvers themselves.

An example of the problem-centered approach is presented below.

School Z believes that a learner should be trained to solve real life

problens that come about because of the needs, interests and abilities of

the learners. Problems persistent in life and society that affect daily living

are also considered, Most of the school activities revolve around finding

solutions to problems like poverty, drug problems, climate change, natural

calamities and many more. Since the school is using a problem-based

design, the same approach is used. Case study and practical work are the

teaching strategies that are utilized. Problem-centered approach has become

popular in many schools.

We have given examples of curriculum design and the

corresponding approaches. Again, the choice of the design is influenced

by philosophical and psychological beliefs of the designer. It is very

important that as a curricularist, you will be able to understand the

different design models and how to approach cach one.

Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum

Lesson 3.3 Quality Audit

Desired L.earning Outeomes

> Define curriculum mapping and curriculum quality audiť'

Explain the benefits of curriculhum mapping and curriculum

quality, audit

Familiarize onesélf of some examples of curriculum maps

Take Off

A curriculum design is reflected ina, written curriculum either as

a lesson plan, syllabus, unit plan or a bigger curriculum like K to 12.

Before a teacher shall put this plan or design into action, he/she must

need to do a curriculum map.

Have you ever wondered how to pace your lesson, so that it will

cover a period of time like hours, weeks, quarters, semester or the whole


This lesson will teach us, curricularists, the importance of

curriculum mapping and curricúlum quality audit as processes in

curriculum development.

Content Focus

|Currieulum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is a model for designing, refining, upgrading

and reviewing the curriculum resulting in a framework that provides

form, focus and function (Hale and Dunlap, 2010). It is a reflective

process tat helps teachers understand what has been taught in class.. how

it has been taught and how learning outcomes are assessed. This process

was introduced by Heidi Hayes Jacobs in 2004 in her book Getting

results with Curriculum Mapping (ASCD, 2004). This approach is an

Ongoing process or "work-in-progresS". It is not a one time initiative but

a continuing action, which invołves the teacher and other stakeholders.

who haye common concerns. Cur1Culum mapping can be done by

teachers alone, a group of teachers teaching the same subject, the

department, the whole school or district or the whole educational syste

Some curricularists would describe curriculum mapping as making

map to success. There are common questions that are asked by different

stakeholders, like teachers, colleagues, parents, school oficials and the

community as well. These questions may include:

1. What do my students learn?

2. What do they study in the first quarter?

3. What are they studying in the school throughout the year?

4. Do my co-teachers who handle the samne subject, cover the

same content? Achieve the same outcomes? Use similar


5. How do I help my students understand .the connections

between my subjects and other subjects within the year?

Next year?

Curriculum mapping, may be able to answer these questions above.

Furthermore, mapping will produce a curriculum map, which is a very

functional tool in curriculum development.

Benefits of Curriculum Mapping

1. Curriculum mapping ensures alignment of the desired learning

outcomes, learning activities and assessment of learning.

2. Curriculum mapping addresses the gaps or repetitions in the

curriculum. It reveals if certain program goals or learning

outcomes are not adequately covered or Overly emphasized in

the current curriculum.

3. Curriculum mapping verifies, clarifies and establishes alignment

between what students do in their courses and what is taught in

the classrooms and assessed as their learning.

4. The curriculum maps visually show important elements of the

curriculum and how they contribute to student learning.

5. Curriculum mapping connects all initiatives from instruction,

pedagogies, assessment and professional development. It

facilitates the integration of cross-curricular skills.

Curriculum Mapping Process

There are many ways of doing things, according to what outcome

one needs to produce. This is also true with curriculum mapping.

However, whatever outcome (map) will be made, there are suggested

steps to follow.

Lesson 3.3 - Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum Quality Audit

Example A.

1 Make a matrix or a spread sheet.

2. Place a timeline that you need to cover. (one quarter, one

semester, one year) This should be dependent on time frame

of a particular curriculum that was written.

3. Enter the intended learning outcomes, skills needed to be

taught or achieved at the end of the teaching.

4. Enter in the same matrix the content areas/subject areas to

be covered,

5. Align and name each resource available such as textbooks,

workbooks, module next to subject areas.

6. Enter the teaching-learning methods to be used to achieve

the outcomes.

7. Align and enter the assessment procedure and tools to the

intended learning outcomes, content areas, and resOurces.

8. Circulate the map among all involved personnel for their


9. Revise and refine map based on suggestions and distribute

to all concerned.

You will find Example A as a component of an OBE-Inspired

syllabus for the higher education. However, this can be modified for

basic education to serve the specific purpose as you will see in some


Example B (For a degree program in college)*

1. Make a matrix or a spreadsheet.

2. Identify the degree or program outcomes (ex. BEEd, or BSED)

3. Identify the subjects or courses under the degree (GenEd, Prof.

Ed, and Major for BSEd)

4. List the subjects along the vertical cells of the matrix in a

logical or chronological order.

5. List the degree program outcomes along the horizontal cell

(use code as PO1, PO2..if outcomes are too long to fit in the

cell) PO means Program Outcomes

6. Cross the Subject and the Outcome, and determine if such

subject accomplishes the outcomes as either Learned (L).

Performed (P) or given Opportunity (O). Place the code in the

corresponding cell.

7. Fill up all cells.

8. After accomplishing the map, use it as a guide for all teachers

teaching the course for students to complete the degree in four


Education and Sample B is for a College Level.

curriculum, changing of standards and competencies in order to find

ways to build connections in the elements of the curricula.

the teacher or the curriculum review team to create and recreate

the curriculum. It providesia good information for modification of

in other courses or to higher levels, thus making learning more relevant.


interdisciplinary connections among teachers and students, between and

and skills. Alignment, either vertical or horizontal, will also develop

overlap but building from a simple to more complicated concepts

we have in schools. Vertical alignment, will see to it that concept

development which may be in hierarchy or in spiral form does not

This is necessary for state-mandated, standard-based assesSment that

the same timeline and accomplishing the same learning

Here are two examples of a curriculum map. Sample A is for Basi among courses. Teaches ca

make all teachers, teaching the same subject in a grade level follow The Curriculum Map

skills in the previous grade, to avoid unnecessary reteaching.

correctly aligned will allow teachers to quickly assess the mastery of the


and alignment of the subject horizontally or vertically. It will also avoid

covered. A map can reassure stakeholders specific information for pacing,

the parts of speech while others are totally lost?"

the whole school or educationál system. A map is geared to a scho

or elaborate that can be used by an' individual teacher, a departmen

the attainment of the intended óutcomes. Curricular maps may be simpla

time, assessment to be used, and'the overall student movement toWar

outcomes to be achieved, contents, skills and values taught, instructions

at the curriculun map to see that intended outcomes and content are

of the same grade level?" or “Why do some of my students recognize

own son is not studying the same in Miss Julia's class when they are

is my friend's son studying decimals in Mr. Bernardo 's class and my

schools to maintain excellence, efficiency and effectiveness. It i

all stakeholders need to be assured of. calendar.

A curriculum map is always a work in progress, that enables intended to improve instruction and
maintain quality of education that

Horizontal alignment, called somnetimes as "pacing guide, will

Parents, teachers and the whole educational community can look

Sometimes, parents and teachers would ask questions like: “Why

Curriculum maps provide quality control of what are taught in

Curriculum maps are visual timelines that outline desired

inconsistencies and misalignment. Courses that are not

cạn verify that skills and content are addressed

*Based on the CHED OBE Handbook. 24

outcomes. learning

Grade 3-Matte Example A:


1. Properties

undergo 1.1 Charac-

Changes th

materials teristics Content Note: Fe

of solid



Lr Learned outcomes (knowledge, skills, values)/outcomes achieved in the subject

P- Practised the learned outcomes (knowledge, skills, values)

- Opportunity to learn and practise (opportunities to learn and practise knowledge,

skills and values but not taught formally)

Note: 1. Not all professional subjects are entered in the matrix.

2. Desired outcomes for the professional courses are:

PO1 - Applied basic and higher 21st century skills.

PO2 - Acquired deep understanding of the learning process.

PO3 - Comprehended knowledge of the content they will teach.

PO4- Applied teaching process skills (curriculum designing, materials

development, educational assessment, teaching approaches).

POS- Facilitated learning of different types of learners in diverse

learning environments

PO6 - Directed experiences in the field and classrooms (observation.

teaching, assistance, practice teaching)

PO7 - Demonstrated professional and ethical standards of the

PO8 - Demonstrated creative and innovative thinking and practice of

alternative teaching approaches.

cell witf

t Social feache



ell of the Curriculum Quality Audit

with the Curriculum Quality Audit (CỌA) is a form of curriculum mapping.

Ssroom" It is a process of mapping the curricular program or syllabus against

hing)? established standards. This process is supportęd by Susan Rafe when she

said that the best practice in curriculum development and implementation

require that discipline based standards embody curricular and program

scopes and sequences (Arafeh, 2016, p. 585) The curriculum quality audit

e lesson. requires a written curriculum and the tested curriculum linked to both the

taught and the written curricula.

a of the For those who want to engage in curriculum quality audit, the

following questions are worth considering:

what to 1. Is the curriculum planned, executed, and assessed in accordance

with appropriate standards?

2. How does the school system conform to the standards of quality

in instructional organization like specificity, quality and scope for

t their teaching, learning and assessment?

3. Are all students achieving success equally and effectively? If not,

what can be done about it?

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

(PPST) can be used as anchor in curriculum quality audit. The

PPST aims to set clear expectations of teachers along well.

defined career stages of professional development from beginning

to distinguished practice. The Philippines has adopted and

implemented the PPST through the Department of Education

Order (D0) 42, s. 2017. Teacher educators, program heads,

curriculum planners may refer to the PPST to 'quality audit'

the pre-service teacher education curriculum as basis for quality

assurance provision of teacher education.

The first COA in teacher education curriculum in the

Philippines was initiated by the Research Center for Teacher

Quality (RCTQ), the Philippine Normal University, Cebu

Normal University, West Visayas University, Western Mindanao

State University and other member universities of the National

Network of Normal Schools (3Ns). Using the curriculum quality

audit (CQA) process, pre- service syllabi were mapped to the

PPST to ensure that standards for beginning teachers (career stage

1) are addressed in the pre-service curriculum. Using the CQA,

teacher educators are assured that pre-service teachers embody

the competencies of beginning teachers as they practice their

profession in the Department of Education.

There are other standards that can used in the CQA aside

from the PPST. CHED CMOs 74 to 83 are standards set by the

Commission on Higher Education, specific to the degree program

being offered and the teachers who are the outcomes of the
programs. They have both the generic standards for all teacher

education degree programs and specific standards for each degree

program. For example CM0 74. S. 2017 contain the standards

for Bachelor of Elementary Education, or for teachers who will

teach in the elementary level and CMO 75, s. 2017 contain the

standards for Bachelor of Secondary Education or for teachers

who will teach in the secondary level.

Aside from the national standards for teachers, there are

also intermational standards for globalization like the Competency

Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia (CFT-SEA) of

SEAMEO and SEAMES and the European Tuning Asia Southeast

(TASE) teacher competences.

Chapter3 75

The Teacher

gnd The School Implementing the Curriculum


Module 4 The Teacher as a Curriculum Implementor

and a Manager

Module Overview:

The next'step after a curriculum planning and designing is

implementing it.

As a teacher, this is one of the major roles that you do in the

school. Many of the curricula that you use may have been recommended

and written down. Your task is to implement such. Daily your plan
should be ready for implementation. The success of learning depends

on your implementation effort.

There is a miniscule curriculum like your lesson plan, or a big one

like the K to 12 curriculum. You will be both an implementor and a

manager of these curricula. You will put action to what has been planned

and designed. It is you, the teacher, who will add more meaning to the

various activities in the classroom. This is what we call teaching styles,

You have to make the day of the learners interesting, engaging and

unforgettable. No curriculum should stop at planning or designing phase.

It has to be implemented.

Good luck, Teachers!

Implementing the Designed Curriculum

PLesson 4.1 as a Change Process

Desired Learning Outcomes

Define curriculum implementation

Analyze what is change process in curriculum


Explain the process of curriculum implementation

Take O1f

We hear teachers say: "Here goes again, another curricular change!

We are already overloaded! Why do we have to do this2""

Forces shall be decreased. rather than increasing the driving force

ACcoraing to Lewin, Chiang

As a curicularist, how would you do this?

Let us look first at the different changes that occur in

the curriculum. It is important to identify these as part of our

understathding of curriculum implementation.

Categories of Curriculum Change

McNeil in 2000 categorized curriculum change as follows:

1. Substitution. The current curriculum will be replaced or

substituted by a new one. Sometimes, we cąll this a complete

overhaul. Example, changing an old book to entirely new one,

not merely a revision.

2. Alteration. In alteration, there is a minor change to the

current or existing curriculum. For example, instead of using

a graphing paper for mathematics teaching, this can be altered

by using a graphing calculator.

3. Restructuring. Building a new structure would mean major

change or modification in the school system, degree program

or educational system. Using an integrated curriculum for

whole school for K to 12 requires the primary and

secondary levels to work as a team. Another example is a

curriculum that will be restructured when there is a significant

involvement of parents in the child's instead of 1leaving

verything to the teacher. Using the "In-school Off-school" or

a blended curriculum is an example of restructuring.

4. Perturbations. These are changes that are disruptive, but

teachers have to adjust to them within a fairly short time. For

example, if the principal changes the time schedule because

there is a need to catch up with the national testing time or

the dean, the teacher has to shorten schedule to accommodate

unplanned extra curricular activities.

5. Value orientation. To McNeil, this is a type of curriculum

change. Perhaps this classification will respond to shift in the

emphasis that the teacher provides which are not within the

mission or vision of the school or vice versa. For example,

when new teachers who are recruited in religious schools

give emphasis on academics and forget the formation of

values or faith, they need a curriculum value orientation.

Likewise, all teachers in the public schools, undergo teacher

induction program which is a special curriculum for newly

hired teachers.
to prepare Daily Lesson Plans which shall include

with page number, interventions given to the students and remarks to

plans. They may adopt daily

lesson logs which contain the needed information and guide from the

2 years of teaching experience

indicate how many students have mastered the lesson or are needing

schools will not

Teacher Guide (TG) and Teacher Manual (TM) reference material

teacher must find out if the students have truly learned. Let us see how

A teaching activity is like implementing a miniscule curriculum. A

put to action by the teacher in the classroom. Before the lesson ends the

curriculum, which will be

Match learning outcomes with appropriate teaching methods

Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the

Review the components of a daily plan for teaching and secondary

> Identify intended learning outcomes

based on a planned or written

be required to prepare detailed lesson

public elementary However, teachers with less than

Lesson 4.2 Classrooms DepED Order No. 70 s. 2012

Desired Learning Outcomes Subject Matter

Objectives Assignment

this process will be shown. Assessment

And the GOOD NEWS! Procedure

Teachers of all shall be required

the following:

daily lesson is remediation.

Take O1f

1. II. III. IV.


Content Focus

Starting the Class Right: Laying Down the Curriculum Plan

Before the class begins everyday, a teacher must have write

a lesson plan. The main parts of a lesson plan are (1) Objective

or Intended learning outcomes (ILO), (2) Subject Matter (SM)

(3) Procedure or Strategies of Teaching, (4) Assessment of learmino

outcomes (ALO) and (5) Assignment or Agreement

I Intended Learning Outcomes (LO). These are the desired

learning that will be the focus of the lesson. Learning

outcomes are based on Taxonomy of Objectives presented

to us as cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Bloom's

Taxonomy has been revisited by his own student, Lorin

Anderson, and David Krathwohl. Let us study both in the

comparison below.

Blooms Taxonomy (1956) Revised Bloom's by Anderson (2001)







Somehow the two are similar, however the highest level of

cognition in the revised version, is creating. Take note that the original

version, is stated as nouns while the revised version is stated as verbs

which implies more active form of thinking.

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy: A Quick Look

There are three major changes in the revised taxonomy. These are

Changing the names in the six categories from nouns to


b. Rearranging these categories.

c. Establishing the levels of the knowledge level in the

original version.
Skills progress as the categories move higher.

for learners. The low level categories will develop LOTS and thinking

Should be developed and less of the low level thinking skills (LOTS)

recommended that more of the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) Understanding. Comprehend

problem in own words, making (verbs)

learned in new situation meaning

previous learned information

inferences meaning, translation, state

pattern from various elements. Applying. Use čoncept in


whole, to make new meaning and

Put parts together to create a materials.

about the value of ideas or

Distinguishes between facts and

so that the organization is clear. or

Creating. Build a structure or Situation, applies what has been

Evaluating. Make judgments

Analyzing. Separate materials

Remembering. Recall or retrieve describes,

Let us study the cognitive categories with the example key words

In writing objectives or intended learning outcomes, it is always concepts into component for

each in the new version of

sson 4.2- Implementing a Curraulum Dally In the Classroome

parts new aule 4-The Teacher es a

Comprehends, explains,

distinguishes, estimates, gives

examples, interprets, predictsS,

labelş, lists, outlines, selects,

operates, constructs, modifies, rewrites,

uses, manipulates, prepares,

shows, solves

contrasts, diagrams, differentiates,

discriminates, identifies, infers,

outlines, relates, selects, separates

Breaks down, compareS, identifies, Defines,

defends, describes, discriminates,

evaluates, interprets, justifies,


Appraises, compares, criticizes,

rewritęs, summarizes, creates

rearranges, reorganizes, revises,

generates, modifies, organizes,

Composes,compiles, designs, Applies, changes, computes, Example Key Words Bloom's

summarizes Taxonomy Curriculum

Implementor and


states follow. Manager


Higher-0rder Thinking Skills HOTS


Creating Active

Receiving and

Evaluating Participating

Analyzing Visual Receiving

Applying Passive

Understanding Verbal Receiving.

Remembering LOTS

Lower-Order Thinking Skills

Another revision is the expansion of the concept of Knowledge

which was not given emphasis nor discussed thoroughly before.

Levels of Knowledge

1. Factual knowledge- ideas, specific data or information

2. Conceptual knowledge- words or ideas known by common

name, common features, multiple specific examples which may

either be concrete or abstract. Concepts are facts that interrelate

with each other to function together.

3. Procedural knowledge- how things work, step-by-stép actions,

methods of inquiry.

4. Metacognitive knowledge- knowledge of cognition in genera.,

awareness of knowledge of one's own cognition, thinking

about thinking.

Intended learning outcomes (ILO) should be written in a SMARI

way. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented (Outcomes)

and Time-Bound.

I. Subject Matter or Content. (SM) comes from a body o

knowledge (facts, concepts, procedure and metacognition) that

will be learned through the guidance of the teacher. Subjec

matter is the WHAT in teaching. In a plan, this is followed by

the references.

IL Procedure or Methods and Strategies. This is the crux 0

curriculum implemnentation. How a teacher will put life to the

intended outcomes and the subject matter to be used depend

on this component.

do, rather than explain; like should match with the learning styles of the students. teaching- situation
which will

group work with hands on-minds

Kinesthetic- prefers hands-on

prefers to be told how to do things Read aloud.


approach; demonstrates how to

orally; learns aloud.

pictures; tends to remember things Learn the big picture first than details.
through hearing and speaking;|Repeat materials out loud "parrots".

that are written in form.

Visual- uses graphs, charts, |Turn notes into pictures, diagrams, maps.

Auditory- recalls information| Record lectures and listen to these.

Common Characteristics are

Let's take a closer view. How will

Teachers have to take into consideration that the different strategies some points to remember.

are time tested methods, while others are non-conventional construcuvist

methods, which may be useful for the different kinds of learners. Some

There are many ways of teaching

Corpuz & Salandanan, (2013)

of learning styles according to the different authors. The Multiple methods.

3. Deductive or Inductive Approaches: Project Method, Inquiry-Based

2. Cooperative Learning Approaches: Peer Tutoring, Learning Action

teachers choose the method and the materials they will use.

but for our I. Direct Demonstration Methods:

are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. These three preferred styes can help

Intelligence Theory of Howard Garner implies several learning styles,

Students have different learning styles.

4.. Other approaches:

-learning engage students



Learning, Outcomes-Based Approach

Approach, Inquiry Method, Problem-based Learning (PBL), Project



lesson, we


will just focus on the Blended Learning, esson 4.2- Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the Classrooms



enumerated the following approaches

Tips for Teachers about Learners Teacher a Implementor and Manager

Make mind maps and concept maps.

thing (eats while studying). Work while

Learn something

at one time

standing. Like fieldwork. Do many things for you as

omething while doing anothe Reflective Teaching, Integrated Guided the as a Cumiculum

There are many classifications different a

three learning styles which Exploratory/Discovery teacher


kinds learn?


of Here

learners. a
and 87


Instructional materials should complement Visual, Auditory ana

the individual differences will be considered.

Cone of Learning which is a visual device, can help teachers to

Tactile or a combination of the three. However, following Dale'


Source: Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd Ed.), Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1969) make
decision on what resources and materials will maximiza materials (IMs)

we SAY & DO,

90% of what different support materials should be varied. This will

Here are some guidelines. we SAY

according to the learning styles and the outcomes to be achieved? 70% of what 20% of what we HEAR

10% of what we READ

50% of what we


30% of what we SEE

Considering the teaching methodologies and the learning

2. Participation in class activities, discussion, reporting and Teaching and learning must be supported by

After 2 weeks

similar activities where learners have the opportunity to 1. Use of we tend to remember

So what instructional support materials will the teachers use,

retains almost all of the learning outcomes. Ninety percent

of learning is retained. Examples are field trip, field study,


direct purposeful

immersion, practice teaching. Participating in a discussion CONE OF LEARNING

Simulating the Real Experience

Seeing it Done on Location

Doing a Dramatic Presentation

Watching a Demostration

Looking at an Exhibit

Looking at Pictures

Doing the Real Thing Watching a movie

Giving a Talk Hearing Words


experience through learning by

Nature of Involment

Visual Receiving Verbal Receiving

Receiving/ instructiona]


Doing ensure




abstract, ea

Example support ma

DepEd 0

can be applied to any subject that follows a generic format.

DepEd Order 70 s, 2012 for teachers, two years and less in service.

Example No. 1: Lesson using basic steps and parts as prescribed by support materials.

abstract, each layer contributes to leaming and requires instruction

Methods and materials must implement the plan: Taking action 3. Passive participation as in watching a
movie, viewing exhibit,

. Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes 5. By hearing as in

This lesson plan will show the basic component of any plan. This 6.

Regardless of the amount of remembering from the concrete to talk and write. Seventy percent

watching demonstration will retain around S0% of what has

reporting, role play, panel.

Examples are small group điscussion, buzz session, individual

been communicated.

By just looking at still pictures, paintings, illustrations and

drawings, will allow the retention of

Reading, will ensure 10% remembering of the material.

material content.

Kinesthetic: Manipulative materials like modelling clay, rings, remembered.

Visual: Concrete (flat, 3-dimensional, realias, models, etc.) or

Audio-Visual: Combination of what can be seen and

Audio: recordings of sounds, natural or artificial

2. Describe that pushing or pulling with a force moves Experiential: utilize all modalities

1. Tell that force is applied to move objects

objects abstract (verbal symbols, words)

dumb bells, equipments, others

Lesson Plan in Science lecture, sermon, monologues, only 20% 1S

Cesson 42- Implementing a Quriculum Daily in the Clasarooma

4- The Toacher as a Curriculum lmplementor and Maneger

of learning

around 30% of the





3. State that if force moves the object away from tho persm

4. State that if the force moves the object towards

it is a push

person, it is a pull

A. Topic: Pushing or Pulling Moves Objects

II. Subject Matter

B. Reference: Bilbao, P. (2020) Exploring Science with

C. Science Concepts:

1. Objects move when force is applied to it.

2. A push is a force that moves objects away.

3. A pull is a force that moves the object near.

D. Science Processes: Observing, Inferring, Making

Operational Definition

E. Materials: Real objects like chairs, tables, books,stones

big boxes and pictures

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Review of Prior Learning/Past Lesson

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

1.1 Bring children to observe outside the classroom to

identify things or objects that are moving.

1.2 Ask the children to report their observation in the


2. Pre-laboratory Activities

2.1 Let the learners recall the standards during

laboratory activity.

2.2 Present all the materials needed.

2.3 Distribute activity sheet to each group.

3. Laboratory Activity

3.1 Using the activity as a guide, each group work


3.2 Activity 1: Force: Can it Push or PulI?

3.3 Each group records observation for exhibit an


4. Post-Laboratory Activity

4.1 After the report, display the work in front of the


4.2 Analyze each group result with the whole class.

4.3 Make agreements on the results that lead to


5. Conceptualization

S.1 Throw the following questions to the class to elicit

their formed concepts.

a. What is needed to move the object from one

place to another? (Force is needed to move the


b. HoW will you move with a force if you want

the object to go far from you? (Push the object


C. HoW will yoù move with a force, if you want the

object to move near you? (Pull the object near.)

6. Application

6.1 Do you have enough force to push the wall? Try it.

6.2 Do you have enough force to pull a box? Try it.

6.3 Do you have enough force to push a chair? Try it

IV. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. If you throw a ball to a classmate, what force will you


a. Push b. Pull c. Slide

2. You want the chair to be nearer you, so your best friend can

sit, what will you do?

a. Pull the chair b. Push the Chair

c. Carry the chair

3. A table is blocking the way. You wanted to remove it farther

to provide a passage. What will you do?

a. Break the table b. Push the table to the side

c. Pull the table.

4. What do you need in order to move an object away or near

you? b. Food c. Water

a. Force

5. Can your force move everything? c. Not sure

a. Yes b. No

At home, list four objects that you can push or pull. What

V. Assignment

did you use to pull or push the objects?


Fnding out what has been achieved: Assessing achieved

At the end of the activity, the teacher will find out if the :


the inte

learning outcomes (ILO) have been converted into achieved lea

outcomes (ALO).

Tests and other tools are utilized at the end of the

this. What Knowledge, Process Understanding and Perfo

lesson to ide

(KPUP) are demonstrated by the learners? The rule of thumh

what has been taught should be measured, to find out if the int

outcomes set at the beginning has been achieved. More detai

discussion will be found in the Module on Evaluation


Take Action

Activity 1: What is Your Learning Style?

1. Study the Learning Style Choice Board and check as ma

as you feel you want to do more often.

2. If you have more choices, then you have a multink

learning style as an individual.


Visual Musical/Auditory. Verbal

Create Visual Diagram Write a Song or Rap Teach Concept

Graph Results of a survey. Create a Dance. Write Instructions

Create a Comic Strip • Write a Jingle Create Ads

Create a Poster •Create a Rhyme Write a Poem

• Draw a Map. Use an Instrument to Create. Keep a Journal

• Create a Webcast or Teach Concept Ma

Video Write a Story. H. Write a story

Physical kinesthetic

. Create a Game

. Do an Experiment

. Construct a Model

Build a Representation

Create a Sport

Learning Styles

Choice Board

We all learn in

different ways! Pick

your way to discover,

think, create, and

learn concepts 1in all

areas; math, reading,

science, history,

writing etc...

• Create a Code

Make a Time Line



Create an Outline

Design a Map

Show a Pattern

Teach Concept



Tell a Stories or Poems

•Survey Others

Aaterview Someone

• Teach a Cooperative Game

• Role Play

• Hold a Discussion


Research an Area

• Keepa Journal
Write about Pers onal

The Role of Technology in Delivering

LessOn 4.3 the Curriculum

Desircl |elng Outcomes

> Discuss the roles of technology in curriculum delivery

Identify the factors in technology selection including the

use of visual aids

Take O|f

After learning fundamental concepts about the curriculum, it's

nature and development; comes the practical phase of.curriculum

implementation. Appropriately, the significance of technology in

curriculum development deserves discussion.

The role of technology in the curriculum springs from the very

vision of the e-Philippine plan (e stands for electronic). Thus it is

stated: "an electronically enabled society where all citizens live in

an environment that provides quality education, efficient government

serviçes, greater sources of livelihood and ultimately a better way of

life through enhanced access to appropriate technologies." (International

workshop on emerging technologies, Thailand, December 14-16.

2005). This points to the need for an e-curriculum, or a curriculum

which delivers learning consonant with the Information Technology

and Communications Technology (ICT) revolution. This framework

presupposes that curriculum delivery adopts ICT as an important tool

in education while users implement teaching-learning strategies that

conform to the digital environment. Following a prototype outcomes-

based syllabus, this same concept is brought about through a vision for

teachers to be providers of relevant, dynamic and excellent education

programs in a post-industrial and technological Philippine society. Thus

among the educational goals desired for achievement is the honing of

Competencies and skills of a new breed of students, now better referred

to as a generation competent in literacies to the 3 Rs (or reading, "riting

and problem-solving

and 'rithmetic) but influences, more particularly:

fluency. information access and retrieval of texts/images/sound/video

fluency, social networking fluency, medica fluence, and digital creativity



ame Think about...and plan...

Create a Power Point

Read a Book on....


.Content FoCus

Instructional media may also be referred to as media technolooy

learning technology, or simply technology. Technology plays a crucial

role in delivering instruction to learners.

Technology offers various tools of learning and these range fron

non-projected and projected media from which the

the teacher can choose,

depending on what he/she sees fit with the intended instructional settin

For example, will a chalkboard presentation be sufficient in illustratit

a mathematical procedure; will a video clip be néeded for n motivating


In the process, what ensues is objective-matching where the teacher

decides on what media or technology to use to help achieve the set

learning objectives.

Non-projected media

Real objects


Field trips


Printed materials (books, worksheets)

Visuals (drawings, photographs,

graphs, charts, posters)

Visual boards (chalkboard, whiteboard,

flannel board. etc.)

Audio materials

Projected media

Overhead transparencies
Opaque projection




Video, VCD, DVD

Computer / multimedia

, presentations

Factors in Technology Selection

In deciding on which technology to use from a wide range of media

available, the factors on which to base selection are:

1. Practicality. Is, the cquipment (hardware) or already prepared

lesson material (software) available? If not, what would be

the cost in acquiring the equipment or producing the lesson in

audial or visual form?

2. Appropriateness in relation to the learners. Is the medium

suitable to the learners' ability to comprehend? Will the medium

be a source of plain amusement or entertainment. but not


1nsructional event, resulting in either.-information,

e ChOsen media fit the set

motivation, or psychomotor display?it

4. Objective-matching. Overall, does the

4. O the medium help in achieving

the learning objective(s)?

The Role of Technology in Curriculum Delivery

It can easily be observed that technological innovation in the

multifarious fields of commerce, science and education, is fast

developing such that it is difficult to foresee the technological revolution

in the millennium, inclusive of. educational changes. However,

technological.changes in education will make its impact on the delivery

of more effective, efficient and humanizing teaching-and-learning.

But presently, we can identify three current trends that could

carry on to the nature of education in the future. The first trend is the

paradigmn shift from teacher-centered to student-centered approach to

learning. The second is the broadening realization that education is not

simply a delivery of facts and information, but an educative process of

cultivating the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and much more the

contemplative intelligence of the learners of a new age. But the third

and possibly the mòre explosive trend is the increase in the use of new

information and communication technology or ICT.

Already at the turn of the past century, ICT, in its various forms and

manifestations has made its increasing influence on education and the

trend is expected to speed up even more rapidly. Propelling this brisk

development is the spread of the use of the computer and the availability

of desktop micro-computers affordable not only to cottage industries,

businesses, and homes but also to schools.

For now, the primary roles of educational technology in delivering

the school curriculum's instructional program have been identified:

upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools;

increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate

learning, and for students to gain mastery of lessons and courses:

broadening the delivery of education outside schools through

non-traditional approaches to formal and informal learning, such

as Open Universities and lifelong learning to adult learners and

revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational

paradigm shifts that give importance to student-centered and

holistic learning.

These primary roles are based on the framework of

ven Teaching and Learning called TPACK ( (1) Technolo

wledge, (2) Pedagogical Knowledge and (3) Content Knowi


CK shows that there is a direct interconnectedness of the th

ponents, thus in teaching-learning pročess, a teacher should

and find the correct answer to the following questions away



1. What shallI teach? (Content knowledge)

2. How shall I teach the content? (Pedagogical knowledge)

3. What technology will I use in how the teach the contenh

(Technological knowledge)
Below is the' diagram of the TPACK as a Framework in th

Teaching and Learning. Detailed explanation and discussion

covered in the course Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

MOdule 4-The Teacher asa Curiculum Implementor and Manager 99

Lesson 4.3- The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum

citeria for the Use of Visual Aids

LearnerS Say, we learn 83% through the use of sight, compared

with less effective ways to learn: hearing (10%), smell (4%), touch

(2%) and taste (10). In the use of visuals for a wide range of materials

(visual boards, charts, overhead transparencies, slides, computer-generate

Dresentations), there are basic principles of basic design.

Assess a visual material or presentation (a transparency or side)

using the following criteria:

Visual elements (pictures, illustrations, graphics):

1. Lettering style or fontconsistency and harmony

2. Number of lettering style-no more than 2 in a static display

(chart, bulletin board)

3. Use of capitals-short titles or headlines should be no more

than 6 words

4. Lettering colors easy to see and read. Use of contrast is

good for emphasis

5. Lettering size good visibility even for students at the back

of the classroom

6. Spacing between letters-equal and even spacing

7. Spacing between linesnot too close as to blur at a distance

8. Number of linesNo more than 8 lines of text in each


9. Appealumusual/catchy, two-dimensional, interactive (use of

overlays or movable flaps)

10, Use of directionals-devices (arrows, bold letters, bullets,

contrasting color and size, special placement of an item.

Stakeholders in Curriculum

Lesson 4.4 Implementation

Desired Lcarning Outcomes

Identify stakeholders of the curriculum

Enumerate the role of each stakeholder

Take Off

Who are involved in curriculum and curriculum development?

These are the persons who we call the stakeholders. Stakeholders

are individuals or institutions that are interested in the curriculum.

They get involved in many different ways. You must be one of them.

Together with the teachers, school managers, parents and even the whole

community have interest in the curriculum. We will all meet them in this


Content Focus
Curriculum Stakeholders

1. Learners are at the core of the curriculum.

To what extent are the students involved in curriculum

development? The old view that students are mere recipients of

the curriculum, is now changing. Learners have more dynamic

participation from the planning, designing, implementing and

evaluating. However, the degree of their involvement is dependent

on their maturity. The older they are in high school or college, the

more they participate. From another angle, whether learners are in

the elementary or college level, they can make or break curriculum

implementation by their active or non-involvement. After all, learners

together with the teachers, put action to the curriculum.

At the end of the curriculum development process, the

fundamental question asked is: Have the students learned?

When some college students were asked about their role

curriculum development, here are their answers.

Student 1: I never realize that as a student, I have a participas

in curricuhum development. Ih is true that

our learning is the basis of the success or fail

the curriculum. For example, if all of us

us pasS the

board examination, it means that the teacher educatioN

curriculum is a success.
Student 2: In high school or. teachers would always look

we are learning. The whole year round, we have varied

curricular and co-curricular activities inside the cloe

think, we as students, should be considered in writing

curriculum. the

Student 3: When we were in the elementary level, our lessons we

very simple. But now that we are in college, the content ve

learn has become complicated. I learned that actually, o

curriculum is spiral, and that the dificulty of the subies

matter is also adjusted to our maturity level.

Why do curricularists place of lot of premium on the students? II

is because, the learners make the curriculum alive. A written curiculum

that does not consider the students, will have a little chance to succeed.

1. Teachers are curricularists.

Teachers are stakeholders who plan, design, teach, implemeat

and evaluate the curriculum. No doubt, the most important person in

curriculum implementation is the teacher. Teachers' influeice upon

learners cannot be measured. Better teachers foster better learning

But teachers need to continue with their professional developmeat

to contribute to the success of curriculum implementation. Teachers

should have full knowledge of the program philosophy, content and

components of curriculum and ways of teaching.

A teacher designs, enriches and modifies the curiculum to sut

the learners' characteristics. As curriculum developers, teachers at

part of textbook committees, teacher selection, school evaluation

committee or textbooks and module writers themselves.

When a curriculum has already been wTritten, the teacher's rolk

is to implement it like a technician, however, teachers are reflective

persons. They put their hearts into what they do. They are very

mindful that in the center of everything they do, is the learner.

are: Some of the roles that the teachers do in curriculurn implementation

Sson 4.3-The Role of Technology in Dey

1. guiding, facilitating and the activities of the

learners; directing

2. choosing the activities and the methods to be utilized;

3. choosing the materials that are necessäry for the acuvy

4. evaluating the whole implementation process and

5. making a decision whether to continue, modify or terminate

the curriculum.

All these roles are very cmcial to achieve success in the

implementation. Unsuccessful implementation may even lead to

educational failure.

Let us read how the teachers are viewed as curriculum implementer.

Student: I believe my teachers know very well our curriculum. She

knows what to teach and how to teach it well. I do not miss

my class everyday because she guides us in all our lesson

activities. Without our teacher I am not sure if we can leam

more than what we are achieving now.

Teacher : As a classroom teacher, it is my responsibility to make

my students learn. I have to give action to the written

Curriculum. I have to see to it that my students are provided

with experiences to learn from. I keep in my mind, howI

can sustain the interest of my students by using teaching

strategies that are effective. At the end of the day, I am very

happy to know that my students have achieved the intended

learning outcones. I do this because as a teacher, I am a

curriculum implementer.

Truly, the teacher has a great stake in the curriculum. Curriculum

planning, designing and implementing are in the hands of a good

teacher. In the educational setting, it is clear that the teacher has a very

Significant role in curriculum development.

2. School leaders are curriculum managers.

Principals and school heads, too, have important roles in

curriculum implementation process in schools. They should

understand fully the need for change and the implementation

process. They should be ready to assist the teachers and the students

In the implementation. Communication line should be open to all

concerned should the school leaders lead in curriculum teamwork.

Convincing the parents on the merits of the new curriculum is the

job of the school heads. They should be committed to change and should

employ strategies to meet the needs of the teachers and learners like
Principal: I am a principal of a big central elementary school. It i

part of my function to lead my school in any curriculu

innovation. First of all, I make sure that my teacher

the restructuring or alteration of OUr schoo!

curriculum that is forthcoming. I also call on the


to participate in the change thạt will happen by keeping

them informed. I have to make sure that materials needed

are available for the teachers and students to use

always keep in mind my role as an instructional leado:

Head Teacher: Leuding a small school in a far fung barrio hạs it

pros and cons. First, there are few teachers to supenvise

and fewer students to support. As a proactive school

head, I always see to it that we keep pace with the

changes in the school curricuhum. While preparing for the

implementation of K to 12, I realize that chânge process

is inevitable. My teachers have to be retrained, and their

attitudes should be changed. I am responsible in seeing

to it that the curriculum is implemented as it should be

and at the end of the year, our school can show evidence

that learning has taken place as designed by the K to 12

recommended curriculum.

1. Parents
Parents are significant school partners. Besides the students,

teachers and school administrators, play an important role m

curriculum implementation. When children bring home a homework

from school, some parents are unable to help. Schools need to liste

to parents' concerns about school curriculum like textbooks, school

activities, grading systems and others. Schools have one way of

engaging parents' cooperation through Brigada Eskwela. In ths

event, parents will be able to khow the situation in the school. MOS

often parents volunteer to help. They can also be tapped in various

co-curricular activities as chaperones to children in Boy and Girl

Science Camping and the like. Parents may not directly

be involved in curriculum implementation, but they arę formidable

partners for the success of any curriculum development endeavot.

Here are two examples of how parents think of their stake in

curriculum development.

Parent :I am proud that my child goes to this school. The teachers

are hardworking and the school head is very supporve.

my part, I always cooperate with the school s concern that

will make my child learn. I volunteer for work where.1 am

needed. We, parents, support the Briggda Eskwela and other

school activities. If they call on us parents. we always answer

their request. We also make suggestions on how the parens

at home can assist in the learning of the children.

Guardian: / am a guardian. I stand as a second parent of my nieces

and nephew. I know that as a parent. I shoųld not leave

entirely to the school the responsibility of educating the chila.

Although, I do not really know much of new curriculum, 1

welcome the changes that the school is making. I am always

ready to give support to school concerns of my. wards.

How. do parents help shape the curriculum in schools? Here are

Somé observations.

The school composed of parents who are positively involved

in school activities have better achievement than schools with

uninvolved parents. Disciplinary problems are minimal, and

students are highly motivated. When parents take interest in

their child's learning, they become closer to the school.

The home is the extended school environment. In lifelong

learning, the achieved learning in schools are transferred at

homè. Thus, the home becomes the laboratory of learning.

Parents see to it that what children learn in school are

practised at home. They follow up lessons, they make

available materials for learning and they give permission for

the participation of their children.

In most schools, parent associations are organized. This is

being encouraged in School Based Management. In some

cases, this organization also includes teachers to expand

the school learning community. Many school projects

and activities are supported by this organization. This is

considered as the best practice in most performing schools.

2 Community as Curriculum Resources and Learning Environment

"]t takes the whole village to educate the child. " is an

African proverb as mentioned by former U.S first lady Hillary.

Clinton. What do you understand about this statement?

Yes. it is true that the school is in the community, hence

the communitý is the extended school ground, a learning

environment. All the barangay leaders, the elders, others citizeng

and residents of the community have a stake in the Curriculum,

It is the bigger school community that becomes the ven,

learning. The rich natural and human resources of the community

can assist in educating the children. The community is the

reflection of the school's influence and the school is reflection

of the community support.

1. Other Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation ana

Some stakeholders may not have direct influence on the scho


curriculum. These are agencies and organizations that are involvei

in the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of the schon

curriculum. To name a few, the list follows.

Government Agenćies

1.1 DepEd, TESDA, CHED- trifocalized agencies that have

regulatory and mandatory authorities over the implementation

of the curricula.

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Civil Service

Commission (CSC)- the agency that certifies and issues

teacher licenses to qualify one to teach and affirms and

confirms the appointment of teachers in the public schools.

Local Government Units (LGU) include the municipal

government officials and the barangay officials. Some of the

teachers are paid through the budget of the LGUs. They also

construct school buildings, provide equipment, support thę

professional development teachers and provide school supplies

and books. They are the big supporters in the implementation

of a school curriculum.

1.2 Non-Government Agencies and Professional Organizations

Non-government agencies are organizations and foundations

that have the main function to support education. To name a few, this

includes the following:

Gawad Kalinga (GK) - to build communities means to

include education. The full support of GK in early childhood

education is very significant. In each village, a school for pre-

school children and out-of-school youth have been established.

Synergia - an organization/foundation that supports basic

education to elevate education through Reading, Science,

Mathematics and English.

- Metrobank Foundation - supports continuing teacher

development programs.

Professional Organizations like Philippine Association Fof

Teachers and Educators (PAFTE), State Universities and

Colleges Teacher Educators Association (SUCTEA), National

Organization of Science Teachers and Educators (NOSTE),

Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP)

and many more.

A school curriculum, whether big or small is influenced by many

stakeholders. Each one has a contribution and influence in what should

replace, modify and substitute the current curriculum. Each one has

a significant mark in specific development and change process of

curriculum development.

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