School Curriculum
School Curriculum
School Curriculum
ne CurIo
10, for the Junior High School and Grade 11 and 12 and for
the Senior High School. Each of the levels has jts specific
Department of Education.
Education (CHED)
Content Focus
environment, several curricula exist. Let us find out how Allan Glatthorn
Are you aware that in every classroom, there are several types of
learners will put life to the written curriculum. The skill of the
zo0, museum, market or the plaza. These are the places where
assessed curriculum.
he CurrİCUla in Sch
be present at one time. Many of them are deliberately planned, like the
role on the life of the teacher as a facilitator of learning and have direct
Take Off
do these roles?
Look at the words inside the box. Read each one of them. Which
Are you aware that the teacher's role in school is very complex!?
involved with curriculum continuously all day. But very seldom has
Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba and Franklin Bobbit. You will learn more of
Content Focus
Let us look at the different roles of the teacher in the classroom and in
The first school experience sets the tone to understand the meaning of
schooling through the interactions of learners and teachers that will lead
the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief &
The seven different roles are those which a responsible teacher does
in the classroom everyday! Doing these multi-faceted work qualifies a
teacher to be a curricularist.
not equal the likes of John Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, or
the school and classrooms just like the role models and advocates in
the open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that
The seven different roles are those which a responsible teacher does
in the classroom everyday! Doing these multi-faceted work qualifies a
teacher to be a curricularist.
not equal the likes of John Dewey, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, or
the school and classrooms just like the role models and advocates in
I am a Teacher! Who Am I as a CU
the lesson. I will use the new idea and find out if it will wor
Knawctato Cuuulln
ritial uiuln
naaty t Cuuln
our school are films and video tapes which need power.
Module Overview:
This module provides a wider perspective for the teachers about the
curriculum is anchored.
Take Off
What can you say of these headlines? Do these reflect what are
going on in our schools? Should the public know and be involved in the
feel that development of character has been placed at the back seat of
global language?
you will find in this lesson the description of the nature and scope of
curriculum from several points of view. This lesson will also explain
Content Focus
cannot deny the fact that curriculum should be clarified by teachers and
common people.
However, the word originates from the Latin word currere referring
to the oval track upon which Roman chariots raced. The New
time frame and place, a tool that aims to bring about behavior
skills and values are most worthwhile? 2. Why are they most
study, and specific điscipline does not make a curriculum. In its broadest
tested by application.
nterpretations in a summary.
tis what is taught inside and outside of school directed by the teacher,
definition of curriculum
Take Off
in many ways. Let us look back and use the definitions as a way of
Content FocuS
definitions provided by the experts in the field, there are three ways of
is practised.
hegin with blological science uch are plants and animals: physice
Noienco with the physical elemnents, force and motion: carth science wi
an end.
of ķnowledge or discipline.
These are:
the learners who are going to use these. Utility can be relative to
time. It may have been useful in the past, but may not be useful
6. Interest. Will the learners take interest in the content? Why? Are
the present and future life of the learners? Interest is one of the
The selection of the subject matter or content, aside from the seven
Integration, Continuity.
too much or too little of the contents needed with in the time allocation
horizontally for broadening the same content. In both ways, the patterm
be in the same form and substance as seen in the past since changes and
Scope. The breadth and depth of the curriculum content are vital
coverage. The scope shall consider the cognitive level, affective domain
2. Curriculum as a Process
where the teacher places action using the content to achieve an outcome.
Hence the process of teaching and learning becomes the central concern
how to teach the content. When accomplished, the process will result
or PCK. It will address the question: If you have this content, how will
The content is the substance of the curriculum, how the contents will be
To teachers, the process is very critical. This is the other side of the
curriculum are you using? Some of the answers will be: 1. Problem-
based. 2. Hands-on, Minds-on 3. Cooperative Learning 4. Blended
there are activities and actions that every teacher and learner do together
or learners are guided by the teacher. Some of the strategies are time-
are presented.
be considered.
3. Curriculum as a Product
process that gives action using the content, it has also been viewed as a
as learning outcomes.
3. Curriculum as a Product
process that gives action using the content, it has also been viewed as a
as learning outcomes.
grassroots approach, Taba begins fromn the bottom, rather than from
the top as what Tyler proposed. She presented six major steps to he
4. Orgarnization of learning.contents
among students.
Take )f
Content Focus
Foundations of Curriculum
1. Philosophical Foundations
questions like: What 'are schools for? What subjects are important?
Curriculum is enduring
subject area.
centered. Outcomes-based
Trends: Equal opportunities for all,
2. Historical Foundations
curriculum development during his own time. Hete are eight among
Curriculum is enduring
subject area.
centered. Outcomes-based
Focus: Present and future eduçational lạndscape
2. Historical Foundations
curriculum development during his own time. Hete are eight among
nd group instruction.
nt outcomes.
of themes, organized knowledge and learner'%
interest. developed
3. Psycho
Edward and le
huma of educ
we sha
and learning
Persons Psychological Foundation of Curriculum
process. It unifies
called indoctrination.
Law of readiness
The child is an active agent in his or he He proposed the hierarchical learning theor
educational process.
to development. stage.
later learning)
adaptation) to maturity.
4.0 Social
Foundations of Curriculum
the world.
behaviour in class.
Other The
Emile D
Other Theorists
Are Schools For? 1989 > Foresaw schools and students worked creatively,
and society through critical reflections and Things that surround individuals can change,
Suggested that in the future, parents might have develop their behavior.
as a
shaping the
curriculum from
1947- 4. Hilda Ta
5. Ralph T-
6. John De
Take Action
1. Identify
Module Overview:
them learn.
curriculum that has been made and was previously written. Designing
creativity of the teacher come in. Thus this module will provide the
Content Focus
by Gordon, W., Taylor R., and Oliva, P. in 2019. These axioms will be used
ences timeliness.
them in and phased out, thus the changes that occủr can coexist and
the of the curriculum, it is best that they should design and own the
set of procedures, needed materials and resources and evaluation the develop
procedure which can be placed in a matrix. the taxXonon
is. Curriculum planners and designers should begin with existing The st
Building upon the ideas of Oliva, let us continue learning how to For e
questions: lesson.
(Teaching-Learning Methods)
would call it a syllabus or a lesson plan. Some would call it a unit plan
components for all of them are almost the same. However some schools,
the design.
Let us take the Lesson Plan as a miniscule curriculum. A lesson
plan or teaching guide includes (1) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) IL. Con
objectives, (2) Subject Matter or Content, (3) Teaching and Learning that wil
outcomes are the reasons for undertaking the learning lesson from
achieved. In this way, both the learner and the teacher are guided by
what to accomplish.
nces, learning outcomes are expressed in action words found in the revised
Jum Simpson.
cula For example, if a lesson intends the students to identify the parts of
ing a simple flower as stated in the desired learning outcomes, then students
should have identified the parts of a simple flower, at the end of the.
ded lesson.
previous lessons:
motivation to learn.
subject matter has been taken. The reference may be a book, a module,
their adult life are competitive, even in carly schooling. They Supplementary Conservation and
Environmental Education
to perform to their maximum. Most successful individuals in to Physical Science. Houghton Mifflin Co.
Boston MA
fast learners.
allow cooperation,
with detail
Some Beh
B. 2. A. Dire There
inary, ent o
ake City
rn in to the S. It S.
5. Modeling. Provide several examples or demonstrations 1. State Learning Objectives/ Outcomes: Begin
lesson with
Hunkins, 2018)
throughout the lesson. experiençes 1S récommended. Online learning and similar modes
or how it will be useful. 'a short statement, of objective or desired lesson learning
manner. outcomes.
using as teaching.
1 e e d d er - an p Ce ck ey re
VI Assessment/Evaluation
ie. when they. receive information on what they have already (and have Teaching-Learning Environment
3 Self assessment, through which students learn to monitor and is the teaching learning environment.
Brian Castaldi in 1987
evaluate their own learning. This should be a significant element In the choice of the teaching learning
methods, equally important
reliably as stafi and safe for learning? To provide leaning condition that will maintain and enhance
adjustments are made to better meet the needs of the learners and
.curriculum implementation.
solve problems, create new materials, and celebrate success, more likely
student's mobility
include (1)
Research further
1 e e d d er - an p Ce ck ey re
VI Assessment/Evaluation
ie. when they. receive information on what they have already (and have Teaching-Learning Environment
3 Self assessment, through which students learn to monitor and is the teaching learning environment.
Brian Castaldi in 1987
reliably as stafi and safe for learning? To provide leaning condition that will maintain and enhance
Teacher assessment, in which the teacher prepares reviews. Provide weekly reviews to check and
student's mobility
include (1)
Research further
components. All other additional components are trimmings that each Designs possible. THE TEACHER
syllabus for
Simply put, grades. This helps the teacher make decisions about the progress or
Summative assessment
4. Evaluation (means of assessment) Assessment may be formative (providing feedbaçk to help th.
1. Intended Outcomes (or Objectives) achievement by reference to stated criteria). Many assessment
learn more by
allocation of marks
Title of the
Intended Le
2. 1. 2. 1.8
this kind of structure and curriculum design aim for excellence in the
period, a school year into quarters or semester. Most of the schools using
or course. Henry Morrison and William Harris are the few curricularists
For our own purposes, let us focus on the most widely used examples.
Subject-centered curriculum design has also some variations You have been familiarized with the
preliminaries of making a
because textbooks are usually written design through lesson plan in the
the designs
subjects or disciplines
ts ct the lied s to
g ne ne e. of ich 3
3di îr will convey the particular knowledge.
1.1. Subject design. What subject are you teaching? What subject
Same is true when science becomes the core, mathematics of knowledge and the learners are the
simply the empty vessel
pieces during the historical period are also being studied. The according to the degree programs being
pursued. For each
familiar with the format, because they were educated using also
fragmentation. Subjects are related to one another and still learning is so compartmentalized. It stresses
so much the
design links separate subject designs in order to reduce instructional materials are commercially
available. Teachers are
mathematics, psychology, humanities, history and others. of subjects in the elementary education is
fewer than in the
because it is easy to deliver. Textbooks are written and support
moving towards their career path or disciplines as science. familiar design for teachers, parents and
other laymen.
discipline when the students are more mature and are already According to the advocates, subject
design has an advantage
but not in the elementary or secondary levels. So from the Subject design curriculum is the oldest and so
far the most
who should learn how mathematicians learn. In the same and the learner can easily answer. It is
because they are familiar
through a method are you taking? These are two simple questions that the teacher
into one subject called social studies. Language arts will include
1. Learner-Centered Design
secondary and even the tertiary levels. Although in high school, the
subject or content has become the focus and in the college level, the
discipline is the center, both levels still recognize the importance of the
h art,
bf the
lated gn or
H all fused
er- the
Concerns and
2. Problem-Centered Design
content cuts across subject boundaries and must be based on the needs.,
Iife problems, areas of living and many others. In this curriculum, needs,
2.1 Life-situations 13 Humanistic design. The key influence in this curriculumn design
interest and
in life but has to start the process while still in school. Carl
centers are found, time is flexible and children are free to make
were activities that sustain life, enhance life, aid in rearing different opportunities given by the teacher.
In a school where
It stresses the development of positive self-concept and learners are empowered to shape their own
learning from the
clearly view problem areas. It uses the past and the present
Subject matter to real the relevance of the situations increases experience-centered design curriculum.
and enhance leisure, tasks and feelings. The connection of attitude to guide behavior.
abilities of the
Step 11. Explore other avenues for further problem solving. Approac
more which are emerging and those that have evolved in the past. The How
example given may be limited, however, for our purposes, they can ver wriling a
Table l: Overview of the Major Curriculum Designs (Ornstein A & Hunkins, F, 2018) design.
Subject-Centered curriculu
Correlation Separate subject, Progressivism, Knowledge Alberty, Alberty 1.
but identities
maintained 3.
teacher will approach this. We will find out the utilization of the example
or thè learner is the center of the educational process. It means that the
abilities of the learners. The curriculum is also built upon the learners
the learner.
the learners.
centers where children can learn on their own with the different learni
resource materials. Learners can just choose which learning center to engas
in with different resources. This arrangement allows for the capacity of eve
learner to be honed. It also allows learning how to learn, hence will devel
independence. The teacher acts as guide for every learner. The learner sets t
of living.
school district. Every learner must excel in all academic subjects to be on top
the better the learner. Hence the focus of learning is mastery of the subjec
skills. The school gives emphasis to intellectual development, and sets aside
of the content.
problens that come about because of the needs, interests and abilities of
the learners. Problems persistent in life and society that affect daily living
are also considered, Most of the school activities revolve around finding
design, the same approach is used. Case study and practical work are the
quality, audit
Take Off
Before a teacher shall put this plan or design into action, he/she must
Have you ever wondered how to pace your lesson, so that it will
cover a period of time like hours, weeks, quarters, semester or the whole
curriculum development.
Content Focus
|Currieulum Mapping
process tat helps teachers understand what has been taught in class.. how
it has been taught and how learning outcomes are assessed. This process
map to success. There are common questions that are asked by different
Next year?
steps to follow.
Example A.
be covered,
the outcomes.
to all concerned.
syllabus for the higher education. However, this can be modified for
basic education to serve the specific purpose as you will see in some
corresponding cell.
make all teachers, teaching the same subject in a grade level follow The Curriculum Map
correctly aligned will allow teachers to quickly assess the mastery of the
at the curriculun map to see that intended outcomes and content are
own son is not studying the same in Miss Julia's class when they are
A curriculum map is always a work in progress, that enables intended to improve instruction and
maintain quality of education that
outcomes. learning
1. Properties
Changes th
of solid
learning environments
PO8 - Demonstrated creative and innovative thinking and practice of
cell witf
t Social feache
hing)? established standards. This process is supportęd by Susan Rafe when she
scopes and sequences (Arafeh, 2016, p. 585) The curriculum quality audit
e lesson. requires a written curriculum and the tested curriculum linked to both the
a of the For those who want to engage in curriculum quality audit, the
There are other standards that can used in the CQA aside
being offered and the teachers who are the outcomes of the
programs. They have both the generic standards for all teacher
teach in the elementary level and CMO 75, s. 2017 contain the
Chapter3 75
The Teacher
and a Manager
Module Overview:
implementing it.
school. Many of the curricula that you use may have been recommended
and written down. Your task is to implement such. Daily your plan
should be ready for implementation. The success of learning depends
manager of these curricula. You will put action to what has been planned
and designed. It is you, the teacher, who will add more meaning to the
You have to make the day of the learners interesting, engaging and
It has to be implemented.
Take O1f
emphasis that the teacher provides which are not within the
hired teachers.
to prepare Daily Lesson Plans which shall include
lesson logs which contain the needed information and guide from the
indicate how many students have mastered the lesson or are needing
teacher must find out if the students have truly learned. Let us see how
put to action by the teacher in the classroom. Before the lesson ends the
the following:
Take O1f
Content Focus
a lesson plan. The main parts of a lesson plan are (1) Objective
comparison below.
cognition in the revised version, is creating. Take note that the original
There are three major changes in the revised taxonomy. These are
original version.
Skills progress as the categories move higher.
for learners. The low level categories will develop LOTS and thinking
Should be developed and less of the low level thinking skills (LOTS)
recommended that more of the higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) Understanding. Comprehend
Let us study the cognitive categories with the example key words
In writing objectives or intended learning outcomes, it is always concepts into component for
sson 4.2- Implementing a Curraulum Dally In the Classroome
Comprehends, explains,
shows, solves
Creating Active
Receiving and
Evaluating Participating
Applying Passive
Remembering LOTS
Levels of Knowledge
methods of inquiry.
about thinking.
and Time-Bound.
the references.
on this component.
do, rather than explain; like should match with the learning styles of the students. teaching- situation
which will
pictures; tends to remember things Learn the big picture first than details.
through hearing and speaking;|Repeat materials out loud "parrots".
Visual- uses graphs, charts, |Turn notes into pictures, diagrams, maps.
Teachers have to take into consideration that the different strategies some points to remember.
methods, which may be useful for the different kinds of learners. Some
teachers choose the method and the materials they will use.
are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. These three preferred styes can help
lesson, we
will just focus on the Blended Learning, esson 4.2- Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the Classrooms
Learn something
at one time
omething while doing anothe Reflective Teaching, Integrated Guided the as a Cumiculum
kinds learn?
of Here
learners. a
and 87
Source: Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching (3rd Ed.), Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1969) make
decision on what resources and materials will maximiza materials (IMs)
according to the learning styles and the outcomes to be achieved? 70% of what 20% of what we HEAR
50% of what we
2. Participation in class activities, discussion, reporting and Teaching and learning must be supported by
After 2 weeks
similar activities where learners have the opportunity to 1. Use of we tend to remember
direct purposeful
Watching a Demostration
Looking at an Exhibit
Looking at Pictures
Nature of Involment
Receiving/ instructiona]
Doing ensure
Example support ma
DepEd 0
DepEd Order 70 s, 2012 for teachers, two years and less in service.
Example No. 1: Lesson using basic steps and parts as prescribed by support materials.
Methods and materials must implement the plan: Taking action 3. Passive participation as in watching a
movie, viewing exhibit,
This lesson plan will show the basic component of any plan. This 6.
Regardless of the amount of remembering from the concrete to talk and write. Seventy percent
been communicated.
material content.
2. Describe that pushing or pulling with a force moves Experiential: utilize all modalities
of learning
3. State that if force moves the object away from tho persm
it is a push
person, it is a pull
C. Science Concepts:
Operational Definition
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
2. Pre-laboratory Activities
laboratory activity.
3. Laboratory Activity
4. Post-Laboratory Activity
5. Conceptualization
6. Application
6.1 Do you have enough force to push the wall? Try it.
2. You want the chair to be nearer you, so your best friend can
a. Force
a. Yes b. No
At home, list four objects that you can push or pull. What
V. Assignment
the inte
outcomes (ALO).
lesson to ide
what has been taught should be measured, to find out if the int
Take Action
Physical kinesthetic
. Create a Game
. Do an Experiment
. Construct a Model
Build a Representation
Create a Sport
Learning Styles
Choice Board
We all learn in
science, history,
writing etc...
• Create a Code
Create an Outline
Design a Map
Show a Pattern
Teach Concept
•Survey Others
Aaterview Someone
• Role Play
• Hold a Discussion
Research an Area
• Keepa Journal
Write about Pers onal
Take O|f
based syllabus, this same concept is brought about through a vision for
and problem-solving
.Content FoCus
depending on what he/she sees fit with the intended instructional settin
learning objectives.
Non-projected media
Real objects
Field trips
Audio materials
Projected media
Overhead transparencies
Opaque projection
Computer / multimedia
, presentations
carry on to the nature of education in the future. The first trend is the
and possibly the mòre explosive trend is the increase in the use of new
Already at the turn of the past century, ICT, in its various forms and
development is the spread of the use of the computer and the availability
holistic learning.
(Technological knowledge)
Below is the' diagram of the TPACK as a Framework in th
with less effective ways to learn: hearing (10%), smell (4%), touch
(2%) and taste (10). In the use of visuals for a wide range of materials
than 6 words
Stakeholders in Curriculum
Take Off
They get involved in many different ways. You must be one of them.
Together with the teachers, school managers, parents and even the whole
community have interest in the curriculum. We will all meet them in this
Content Focus
Curriculum Stakeholders
on their maturity. The older they are in high school or college, the
us pasS the
curriculum is a success.
Student 2: In high school or. teachers would always look
curriculum. the
that does not consider the students, will have a little chance to succeed.
persons. They put their hearts into what they do. They are very
learners; directing
the curriculum.
educational failure.
curriculum implementer.
teacher. In the educational setting, it is clear that the teacher has a very
process. They should be ready to assist the teachers and the students
job of the school heads. They should be committed to change and should
employ strategies to meet the needs of the teachers and learners like
Principal: I am a principal of a big central elementary school. It i
and at the end of the year, our school can show evidence
recommended curriculum.
1. Parents
Parents are significant school partners. Besides the students,
from school, some parents are unable to help. Schools need to liste
event, parents will be able to khow the situation in the school. MOS
curriculum development.
Somé observations.
Government Agenćies
of the curricula.
teachers are paid through the budget of the LGUs. They also
of a school curriculum.
that have the main function to support education. To name a few, this
development programs.
replace, modify and substitute the current curriculum. Each one has
curriculum development.