DKE215 ch4
DKE215 ch4
DKE215 ch4
Fungi are an important component of the food supply to many grazing animals.
How many of us have picked a mushroom in the woods only to find it riddled with
holes and full of fly larvae and other invertebrates? In many European countries,
wild mushrooms are an important component of human’s diet. In recent times,
however, the cultivation of mushrooms by commercial growers has become more
important than personal fungal forays, especially as the commercial production
of mushrooms is independent of season. Indeed, the value of mushrooms as a
food source for humans runs to a sale of approximately 426,625 Mg of Agaricus
and specialty mushrooms in the United States at a sales value of $863 million
(data for the year 2000 –2001, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA).
It is therefore not surprising that a number of vertebrate and invertebrate
animals consume mushrooms as part of their diet (Cave, 1997). Not only is the
survival and growth of these organisms dependent upon fungi, but the animals
have effects on the fungi by the dispersal of spores or reduction in the fecundity
of the fungi. In addition to consumption by vertebrates, the unseen grazing of
fungal mycelia by soil fauna is often equally important. Many soil animals are
dependent upon fungi as food or as modifiers of the plant resources, making them
more palatable. We saw earlier that leaf litter in aquatic ecosystems became more
palatable to the “shredder” community as a result of prior colonization and
activity of saprotrophic fungi (Suberkropp, 1992; Graca et al., 1993; Gessner
et al., 1997). It is the fungi that support the populations of many groups of
collembola, mites, and nematodes in soil (Anderson, 2000; Edwards, 2000;
Moore and de Ruiter, 2000; Ruess et al., 2000). In response, these animals exert
their influence on the fungal biomass and community composition. This grazing
Ecosystem service functional group
calories per unit weight than nuts, eggs, and meat. Kinnear et al. (1979) provides
figures of fungi having around 40% (by weight) of lipids and 8 – 10% of proteins.
Despite these shortcomings of fungi as high-quality food supplies, however, they
are consumed by a number of vertebrate and invertebrate animals to a greater or
lesser degree.
Some invertebrate animals are entirely fungiverous, whereas others ingest
fungi inadvertently along with plant remains or soil. For a number of vertebrates,
fungi or fungal-based food serves as a primary or temporary food source for times
of the year when little other food is available. For example, the reindeer herds of
Fennoscandia rely heavily on lichens as a food source during the winter months,
without which the populations could not be sustained (Cooper and Wookey,
2001). Mathiesen et al. (2000) showed that more than 25% of the gut contents of
Norwegian reindeer consist of lichens during March. The energy value of this diet
is regarded as good, despite the fact that the structural carbohydrates differ
significantly from plant carbohydrates. The hemicellulose in lichens contains
xylan and lichen starch in b-1-4 and b-1-3 glucoside linkages. It is this factor that
Mathiesen et al. (2000) suggest induces increased bacterial fermentation in
the gut, which results in an increase in the development of food-absorptive
papillae on the gut wall in reindeer fed exclusively with a lichen diet.
the dominant vegetation of the area (Stark et al., 2000). These authors also noted
an increase in the abundance of bacteria and fungal-feeding nematodes in
reindeer-grazed areas, suggesting a more general increase, in microbial activity
induced by the presence of the reindeer herd.
The abundance of particularly hypogeous (subterranean fruiting) fungi in
forests can be considerable. Fogel (1976) estimated that there could be between
11,052 to 16,753 fruiting bodies produced per ha per year in old-growth Douglas
fir forests in western Oregon. Fruiting accounts for some 2.3 to 5.4 kg ha21 dry
mass of fungus. These fungi have a higher content of nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium, and micronutrients than epigeous fungi (fungi fruiting above ground),
making them a higher-quality food resource for mammals (Fogel and Trappe,
1978; Trappe, 1988). In comparison with available plant parts, many fungi have
similar food value but less fat content for herbiverous small mammals (Fogel and
Trappe, 1978) (Table 4.3). Fungi thus form a significant proportion of the diet of
these animals (Fig. 4.1).
FIGURE 4.1 Percentage contribution of fungi to the annual diet of nine small mammal
species in the Pacific Northwest. Source: Data from Fogel and Trappe (1978).
TABLE 4.3 Chemical Composition of Fungi in Comparison with Plant Parts and Meat
Amanita 6
Hygrophorus 4
Cortinarius 5
Russula 17
Boletus 5
Tricholoma 6
Lactarius 14
Suillius 5
Leccinum 5
Small genera 37
Source: Data from Hanski (1989).
It has been shown that not all fungi are equal in either their ability to provide
the necessary nutrients for adequate growth, and also that the specific secondary
metabolites produced by certain fungal species act as deterrents to animal grazers,
thus not all fungi are equally palatable to specific animals. From the limited
evidence in the literature on fungal selection by a variety of faunal groups, it would
appear that there is no consistent pattern in preference of specific species and
avoidance of others throughout all faunal groups. The preferred fungal species thus
varies among animal groups and even among genera and species within the same
faunal taxon. Soil microfaunal feeding preferences have been determined by
numerous feeding trials in the laboratory. Reddy and Das (1983) provided
evidence to suggest that mites showed little food selection when offered single or
mixed cultures of Trichoderma, Cladosporium, and Pythium, whereas collembola
preferred a mixed microfungal diet. In addition, they demonstrated that the
different fungi had different food values, resulting in differences in the total
numbers of animals at the end of a 9-week experiment. Compared to the control
food (agar medium alone), this showed that some fungi were more beneficial for
population growth and others were detrimental (Table 4.5).
Many animals have distinct preferences for certain species of fungi and
dislikes for other species. Their selection must, however, be based upon other
characteristics of the fungi than the poisons that affect humans. Parkinson et al.
(1979) demonstrated that the collembolan Onichiurus amatus actively avoided a
particular basidiomycete fungus that caused its death, even without the fungus
being ingested. Shaw (1988) compared the palatability of a range of
ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi to the same collembolan species and
Number of
Functional group Fungal species nematodes (%) A. saprophilus
TABLE 4.8 Influence of Fungal Food Species (Mycorrhizal Fungi) on the Population of
the Nematode Aphelenchoides saprophilus and Percentage of Females in the Population
(Index of Population Fecundity)
produced the highest proportion of females in the population as well as the largest
population (Table 4.8), suggesting that this fungus was superior to the others for
both the population growth and potential fecundity of the population. In a
subsequent study, Ruess et al. (2000) showed that the diet of Aphelenchoides sp.
was not only mixed, consisting of both ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi of
various higher taxa, but that the selection of the most favored fungus changed
over time. It was suggested that this shift in food preference might protect the
nematode from an accumulation of toxic compounds accumulated from the
different fungal species.
Not only do fungi provide food for invertebrates, but invertebrate activity
can change the physico-chemical properties of resources in the decomposer system
to improve their exploitation by fungi. We can see in the decomposition of plant
remains that there are close interactions between soil fauna and fungi, which
change as the process of decomposition progresses. In his microscopic study of
pine leaf litter decomposition, Ponge (1990; 1991) showed changes in fungal
species invading pine needles in concert with faunal invasions. This may have been
a result of animals carrying specific fungal propagules with them, but it is more
likely that the physical actions of the fauna in the comminution of the litter altered
its physicochemical properties, thereby altering the competitive abilities among
the fungi for access to those resources. Indeed, Anderson and Ineson (1984)
showed that the decomposition of leaf litter was enhanced in the presence of
isopods, which by comminution of the leaf litter, increased fungal and bacterial
biomass on the litter. Selective grazing on specific, preferred fungi by soil
invertebrates results in changes in the competitive strengths of fungi, thus faunal
grazing can alter the relative abundance of fungal species in the environment.
0 10
1 35
2 57
3 75
.3 70
Source: Data from Bultman et al. (2000).
was only weakly associated with the number of eggs on the fungi. The mean
surface area of fungal stromata decreased as egg abundance increased, but the
overall effect of the flies on Epichloe reproduction was positive, as the number of
preithecia increased with an increase in egg number. The fungus therefore
appears not to be vulnerable to overconsumption by the fly larvae, suggesting that
this could be an example of a balanced antagonism. Similar in associations can be
seen in bark beetle – fungal interactions (Norton et al., 2000; Lombardero et al.,
2000) and will be discussed later in this chapter.
could concentrate enzymes as the number of fungal species increases. The exact
effect of this interaction is unclear, however. In a microcosm experiment,
Nieminen and Setälä (2001) showed that the presence of fungal-feeding
nematodes and bacteria increased the fungal activity in soil. Each factor,
nematodes or bacteria, had similar effects, but the two acting together were not
additive. Nieminen and Setälä suggest that nutrient limitation and the dependence
on fungi in this particular food web configuration contradicted previous studies
that show food chain length is positively correlated with rates of nutrient-cycling
Changes in the decomposition of plant litter in the absence of soil
arthropods have been documented. For example, Beare et al. (1992) showed that
the removal of soil arthropods reduced leaf litter decomposition by 5% in both
conventional till and no-till treatments of an agricultural experiment. The
increase in fungal biomass resulting from the alleviation of grazing pressure was
correlated to an increase in nitrogen retention (25% higher than plots with faunal
populations intact). It is suggested that this increase in nitrogen content is related
to N immobilization in fungal tissue. Indeed, 85% of the net immobilized
nitrogen was associated with the saprotrophic fungal community. The activities
of soil fauna thus not only moderate fungal growth, but allow greater rates of
nutrient mineralization than when animals are removed, leading to greater soil
Lussenhop (1992) reviewed the effects of faunal grazing on fungi on the
rates of plant litter decomposition. Chen and Ferris (1999) showed that the
decomposition of alfalfa residues and cellulose was increased by the presence of
fungal-feeding nematodes. Where the residues were colonized by the favored
fungal food (Rhizoctonia solani ) for nematodes, both nematode populations and
nitrogen mineralization was significantly higher than when the less favored
fungal food (Trichoderma sp.) was available. This suggests that nematode
feeding increased either the biomass or at least the activity of the preferred fungal
food and that this increase in fungal activity was manifested in the increase in an
ecosystem function. In a contrasting forest ecosystem, however, Coleman et al.
(1990) showed that reduction in microbial predators in ecosystems with high
densities of forest soil fauna led to increased decomposition of litter by relief of
grazing pressure.
The differential grazing pressure on different fungal species by soil
invertebrates can have a profound effect on the distribution of fungal mycelia,
and probably on their function as well. It has often been viewed that grazing of
fruiting structures by insects is inconsequential to the survival of the fungal
species. Considering the mass of fungi in relation to the biomass of insects
feeding upon them it was thought unlikely that the dissemination of spores, the
primary purpose of a mushroom, would be impaired, regardless of the intensity of
invertebrate grazing pressure (Hanski, 1989; Courtney et al., 1990). Studies of
plants. Because of the unique properties of fungi, we showed that they were
capable of tolerating low moisture levels, particularly in the form of lichens, and
were able to more readily respond to rapid and short-term pulses of moisture than
bacteria. As such, arid and semiarid regions tend to be fungal-dominated
ecosystems (Zak, 1993), and as a result, the soil faunal community is dominated
by fungivores (Whitford, 1989). In these dry ecosystems, Whitford (1989)
suggests that there is indirect evidence that some fungiverous mites can remain
inactive in a state of cryptobiosis. It is well known that a number of nematode
species can exist in a state of anhydrobiosis (Demeure and Freckman, 1981),
which affords them protection during times of desiccation and is a state in which
they can be dispersed by wind (Carroll and Viglierchio, 1981).
Coûteaux and Bolger, (2000) have reviewed the current information on the
effects of climate change, principally elevated CO2, on soil fauna. They come to
the conclusion that there is not enough information to suggest any significant
response patterns in the populations of community structure, but also that because
of the complexity of interactions in soil there may be multiple consequences of
changes in soil faunal activity, including changes in food resources for soil fauna,
consumption of low-quality litter by macrofauna, changes in lifespan due to
elevation of temperature, enhancement of earthworm burrowing activity, and
changes in the species composition of the community due to differential effects of
adverse conditions on different groups of animals. As fungi form a major food
source in soil and there is significant selection of fungal species by soil animals,
either from the saprotrophic or mycorrhizal community, it can be assumed that
because of disturbance, significant changes in either abundance or species com-
position of the fungal community will have a major impact on fungal grazing and
the populations and communities of soil fauna. The interactive effects of climate
change, fungal and fungivore community response to that change, and the sub-
sequent effects on ecosystem process is an area that warrants further investigation.
of the plants or on the root nodule number, however. The effect of collembola on
the increase in mycorrhizal colonization of roots is contrary to the findings of
McGonnigle and Fitter (1987) and Finlay (1985), who showed significant
declines in mycorrhizal colonization of roots. Lussenhop suggests that the density
of animals in his study (6:8 £ 103 animals m2) was considerably lower than in
other studies (17 £ 103 animals m2) and that high phosphate availability may
have made the response of this crop different from the other studies. He suggests
that the relationship between collembolan grazing and mycorrhizal colonization
is curvilinear rather than linear, and that the intermediate densities of collembola
used in his study could induce compensatory growth of fungal hyphae (Bengtsson
et al., 1993) and thus cause an increase in mycorrhizae. In another study of the
effects of collembolan grazing on arbuscular mycorrhizae and consequences for
plant growth, Harris and Boerner (1990) found that the growth of Geranium
robertianum was maximal at low collembolan densities, as compared to either
high densities or the absence of collembola. They noted that the intensity of
mycorrhizal colonization of roots was inversely related to collembolan density,
but that there was no relationship between the intensity of root colonization and
phosphorus inflow into plants, although plants with higher root colonization had
the best growth. The authors suggest that the benefit of mycorrhizal association
may have been through nutrients other than phosphorus (plant tissue
concentrations of other nutrients were not measured) and that at high
collembolan densities collembola diversified their feeding to nonfungal
resources. In addition, although they report that the mycorrhizal colonization
of roots was reduced at all collembolan densities, they did not suggest that
compensatory growth of extraradical hyphae may have occurred at low animal
density, which may have greater benefit for plant growth than the appearance of
fungal structures within the root tissue. Hiol Hiol et al. (1994) performed choice
chamber experiments with the collembolan Proisotoma minuta and ectomycor-
rhizal fungi. They showed that the collembola significantly slowed the growth
rate of Suillus luteus, Pisolithus tinctorius, Thelephora terrestris, and Laccaria
laccata cultures and the development of mycorrhizae of these species on roots of
loblolly pine seedlings. It appears that there are optimal densities of collembola to
stimulate root colonization and possibly plant growth. Bakonyi et al. (2002)
increased the density of the collembolan Sinella sp. in microcosms in which
maize or red fescue were grown in the presence of spores of arbuscular
mycorrhizae. Significant reductions in mycorrhizal colonization were found
where the collembolan density exceeded 0.2 individuals per g of soil, but there
was a significant increase in root colonization by these fungi as collembolan
density increased from zero to 0.2 animals per g (Fig. 4.2).
Although soil animals have been implicated in the reduction of the
mycorrhizal effect of increasing plant growth and nutrient content by their feeding
on extraradical hyphae, Klironomos et al. (1999) suggest that it is highly probable
FIGURE 4.2 The effect of collembolan density on arbuscular mycorrhizal spore density
and colonization of maize roots by mycorrhizae. Source: Data from Bakonyi et al. (2002).
that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are rarely grazed upon in natural ecosystems. By
providing the collembolan Folsomia candida with a choice of saprotrophic and
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, they concluded that the saprotroph Alternaria
alternata was not only the preferred fungal food but that a diet of exclusively
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduced fecundity to the point at which no eggs could
be produced by the second generation of animals (Fig. 4.3). The assumption from
FIGURE 4.3 Numbers of eggs produced and hatched from first generation collembola
(Folsomia candida ) when fed upon a variety of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Source:
Data from Klironomos et al. (1999).
their study was that there is probably little or no effect of collembolan grazing on
mycorrhizal benefit to host plants, as this functional group of fungi is avoided in
favor of more nutritious saprotrophic species. This finding is in contrast to an
earlier study by Klironomos and Ursic (1998), in which they suggested that despite
alternate food items in the form of saprotrophic conidial fungi, collembola
significantly reduced arbuscular mycorrhizal connections between the root and
soil, thus reducing the beneficial effects of the mycorrhizae on plant growth. The
degree of damage to mycorrhizal hyphae was shown to be a density-dependent
function. These results were obtained in culture conditions, however, and it
remains to be shown if indeed these animals can have a significant effect on
mycorrhizal function in natural systems.
As we have seen, mycorrhizae are capable of altering the chemistry of their
host plants, particularly in terms of their nutrient content. The selection of plant
parts as food for invertebrates is often dependent upon the chemistry of the plant;
it is possible that there could be an influence of the mycorrhizal colonization of
plant roots and the palatability of above-ground plant parts to grazing herbivores.
Goverde et al. (2000) attempted to test this idea using larvae of the common blue
butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, that were fed with sprigs of Lotus corniculatus
(Fabaceae) plants that had been inoculated with one of two different arbuscular
mycorrhizal species, with a mixture of these mycorrhizae, or with uninoculated
plants. Survival of third instar larvae fed with plants colonized by both
mycorrhizae was 3.8 times higher than with a single mycorrhizal species and 1.6
times greater than that of larvae fed with nonmycorrhizal plants. Larvae fed with
mycorrhizal plants had double the weight of those feeding on nonmycorrhizal
plants after 11 days (Table 4.10). These differences are attributable to the
improved chemistry of mycorrhizal plants that had three times higher leaf P
concentration and a higher C/N ratio than the nonmycorrhizal plants.
Leaf chemistry
(mg g21)
Mycorrhizal Larval Larval fresh weight
treatment mortality (%) P N C at 11 days (mg)
Furthermore, larval consumption, larval food use, and adult lipid concentrations
of the butterfly differed between plants inoculated with different mycorrhizal
species, suggesting that herbivore performance is mycorrhizal species-specific.
On the basis that our understanding of the role of mycorrhizae in natural systems
is limited and that evidence indicates that there is much less effect of mycorrhizae
on plant growth in natural systems than could be predicted from laboratory and
greenhouse studies (Rangeley et al., 1982; Fitter, 1985; Sanders and Fitter,
1992a,b), evidence suggesting an effect of mycorrhizae on herbivores could be a
reason for the maintenance of the arbuscular mycorrhizal condition in natural
herbaceous ecosystems. We thus have another example of the indirect effects of
fungi on animal populations (secondary production) by the enhancement of plant
food resource quality by fungal intervention.
It has been noted that the effect of root colonization by a range of
ectomycorrhizal fungal species can alter the species composition of protozoa in
the mycorrhizasphere (Ingham and Massicotte, 1994). Ingham and Massicotte
(1994) showed that different bacterial communities were isolated from roots
colonized by a variety of Rhizopogon species, Thelephora terrestris, and
Mycelium radicis atrovirens, and that the communities were different on
different tree hosts (Fig. 4.4). It is suggested that the different mycorrhizae may
FIGURE 4.6 Changes in feeding behavior of the collembola Proistoma minuta over time
when offered a choice of food items of the ectomycorrhizal fungi Alpova olicaeotinctus,
Melanogaster tuberiformis, an unknown isolate M-40, or PDA agar in pairwise
combinations. Source: Data from Schultz (1991).
ecosystem engineers (Lawton and Jones, 1995; Lavelle, 1997) are considered to
be the earthworms. As endogeic species, they are able to create burrows, which
facilitate both biotic and abiotic migration of propagules from the surface soil
layers to deeper soil horizons. As epigeic species, they are capable of horizontal
transport of propagules for long distances. Brown (1995) reviewed the effect of
earthworm activity on soil microbial and faunal community diversity. In this
review he suggests the different effects of the varied ecological strategies of
earthworms, depending on the size of the worm, its location in or on the soil
surface, and the degree to which the worm is capable of altering the
environmental conditions. Direct effects on fungi are through ingestion. These
effects may alter the biomass of fungi by direct and indirect grazing, altering
spore viability during passage through the gut of the worm, altering the
environmental conditions by both physical and chemical means to improve or
degrade the quality of microsties for fungal growth, and altering the dispersal
patterns of fungal propagules. Dispersal can be enhanced by transport on or in the
worm or may be reduced as leaf litter is buried and the sporulating fungi have less
ability to disperse from depth in the soil. The role of earthworms in the dispersal
of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores (Reddell and Spain, 1991; Gange, 1993) may be
of importance in enhancing colonization of roots of newly emerging plants in the
community, however. This process is of particular importance during secondary
succession, during which spores from surviving vegetation can be more readily
moved into areas being recolonized by plants than could be achieved via physical
FIGURE 4.8 Colonization of roots of subterranean clover plants planted at 3-cm spacing
by arbuscular mycorrhizae. The mycorrhizal inoculum and earthworms were introduced at
one end of the chamber. Source: Data from Pattinson et al. (1997).
the gut. Indeed, they established that abrasion by soil particles stimulated spore
Earthworm casts are localized sites for elevated numbers of arbuscular
mycorrhizal spores and soil nutrients. In an alley-cropping agroecosystem in the
tropics, Brussard et al. (1993) showed that earthworm casts had significantly
higher contents of major plant nutrients derived from the interplanted tree species
than from soil of the inter-row between the crops or from a monocrop (Table 4.14).
This shows that the interaction between diverse resources and soil arthropods can
stimuate leaf litter decomposition by fungi and bacteria to improve soil fertility.
TABLE 4.13 Viability of Fungal Spores After Passage Through the Gut of Two
Earthworm Species
Position N P K Ca Mg
Gange (1993) showed that earthworm feeding activity is concentrated on dead and
dying root material, and as a result the worms ingest large amounts of arbuscular
mycorrhizal spores. By depositing spores that are still viable in their casts,
earthworms provide local sources of inoculum for establishing plant species. The
number of spores per cast increases as vegetation succession proceeds (Fig. 4.9).
The effect of this process is to enhance the colonization of recruits into the plant
community as succession proceeds by providing available spores in patches of
enriched nutrient status (worm casts), in which the opportunities for seedling
establishment are increased. Doube et al. (1994a,b; 1995) have shown that
earthworms of the genus Aporrectodea are important in assisting plant roots to be
colonized by bacteria (especially species of Pseudomonas ) that are antagonistic to
root pathogenic fungi. They have shown that earthworms can be effective vectors
for these biocontrol bacteria against the take-all fungus, Gaumannomyces
graminis (Fig. 4.10).
FIGURE 4.9 Mean number of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores per unit soil weight
occurring in field soil and in earthworm casts at different ages of succession of a natural
plant community. Source: Data from Gange (1993).
FIGURE 4.10 The effect of the earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoids on the distribution
of the take-all biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas corrugata in soil placed in a tube with
earthworms and inoculum placed at one end. Source: Data from Doube et al. (1994b).
Dighton et al. (1997), however, point out that a number of smaller soil
fauna have the capacity to transport fungal spores on their body surface and both
spores and hyphal fragments in their gut. It is well known that mites are great pets
of living fungal cultures, causing contamination among Petri plates. Fungal
hyphae and spores are common in the gut of many mite species, particularly the
Cryptosigmata (Mitchell and Parkinson, 1976; Price, 1976; Ponge, 1991).
Collembola are also major fungal transporters in soil. Dispersal can be effected
through carriage on the integument or by passage through the gut of spores and
hyphal fragments (Visser, 1985). Visser et al. (1987) isolated over 100 fungal
species from collembola in an aspen woodland ecosystem. These included
saprotrophic fungi as well as plant and insect pathogens. As Lussenhop (1992)
suggests, however, spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi generally too large to
be dispersed by microarthropods. In contrast to this suggestion, Klironomos and
Moutoglis (1999) showed that the collebolan Folsomia candida could effect
colonization of nonmycorrhizal plants from adjacent arbuscular mycorrhizal
plants. They showed, however, that the effect of collembola differed among
fungal species. Spores of Acaulospora denticulata increased their dispersal
distance by 10 cm in the presence of the collembola, but the dispersal of spores of
Scutellospora calospora was reduced when collembola were present, possibly
because of spore consumption (Table 4.15). Arbuscular mycorrhizal spores may
be transported by ants (Friese and Allen, 1993), which may play an important part
in the colonizing of bare ground by primary plant colonizers (Allen et al., 1984).
Movement of mycorrhizal spores may be greater by ants than it is by earthworms
in some ecosystems (McIlveen and Cole, 1976). Apart from earthworms, the role
of other soil organisms in the dispersal of fungi is little known (Dighton et al.,
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 14
Distance between 5
plants (cm)
Note: Shaded areas indicate neighboring plants that have become colonized as a function of time (X axis) and distance (Y axis).
Source: Data from Klironomos and Moutoglis (1999).
Chapter 4
Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Fungal– Faunal Interactions 215
Feces 5 33.3
Fruit body 3 20
Control 0 —
Source: Data from Kotter and Farentinos (1984).
reported by Cork and Kenagy (1989b), who demonstrated that spores of the
truffle Elaphomyces granulatus could pass through the gut of ground squirrels
and deer mouse. These spores retain viability in the feces and are thus able to
colonize new seedling plants in a nutritionally favorable environment.
Consumption and dispersal of arbuscular mycorrhizal spores by the Central
American spiny rat (Proechimys semispinosus ) in neotropical forests was shown
by Mangan and Adler (2002) to be maximal during the fall and winter (October to
December). This dispersal was positively correlated to soil moisture (good
growth and germination conditions for the host tress), but unrelated to fruit
availability (other food sources for the rats). These authors also showed that there
was either selection of mycorrhizal spore species or differential survival through
the gut, as the numbers of spores appearing in the feces differed among fungal
species (Table 4.17).
the microbial community would increase the abundance of bacteria that are
pathogenic to fungi and increase fungal – fungal competitive interactions.
In an indirect way, soil fauna may influence the severity of a plant fungal
disease by using invertebrates as vectors of biocontrol agents. Doube et al.
(1994a,b; 1995) showed that the earthworms Aporrectodea spp. could be used to
transport Pseudomonas bacteria to root surfaces to protect against the take-all
fungus (Gaumannomyces graminis ).
In addition to the interactions among fungi and insect pathogens, soil fauna
may also modify the efficacy of plant fungal pathogens. Recently, Sabatini and
Innocenti (2000) studied the feeding preference of collembola on soil-borne plant
pathogenic fungi. They determined that all of the tested species of collembola
(Onychiurus amatus, O. tuberculatus, and Folsomia candida ) preferred
Fusarium culmorum mycelia, although mycelia of both Gaeumannomyces
graminis and Rhizoctonia cerealis in the mixed culture continued to be grazed at
a lower intensity and were capable of sustaining collembolan growth on their
own. They showed that the fungus Bipolaris sorokinaianum was lethal to all
collembolan species, however.
It can thus be seen that the dispersal of mycorrhizal spores by animal
vectors can be an important component in the provision of fungal inoculum
potential to sites in which vegetation regeneration is occurring. Use of this
information could be made in restoration sites, in which the development of
microhabitats suitable for small mammal refuges could enhance propagule
dispersal and thus increase the rate of primary succession. In general, however,
we do not know enough about the dynamics of fungal spore dispersal by
invertebrates or the significance of faunal grazing on fungi below ground.
From the few studies that have shown the propensity of soil animals to carry
fungal spores or hyphal fragment, there appears to be the possibility of these
animals carrying beneficial organisms to improve plant production by
supplying inocula of mycorrhizal fungi or to deliver mycoparasitic fungi and
bacteria to plant roots to reduce fungal pathogens (Doube et al., 1994a,b;
1995). These interactions among fungi, bacterial, and soil animals therefore
requires further investigation.
1 49 52 34 25
2 23 118 20 11
3 127 160 27 18
4 150 180 16 12
5 255 355 21 15
Source: Data from Snyder and Friese (2001).
the minima workers can gain access. Indeed, activity of ants can alter the local
fungal flora. Ba et al. (2000) showed that the fire ant imported into the United States
from South America develops a unique yeast flora in its brood chambers. The close
association between Macrotermitinae and the fungus Termitomyces was reviewed
by Wood and Thomas (1989), and they showed that the digestive processes of
termites is almost entirely dependent upon the symbiotic association with the
fungus, without which wood could not be converted into a form that could be
assimilated by the termite. Similarly, Cherrett et al. (1989) described the
mutulaistic association in leaf-cutting ants. The fungus Attamyces bromatificus has
never been found outside the nests of leaf-cutting ants. The ants carry a fungal
inoculm to new nests in an infrabuccal pocket, a small cavity at the esophageal
opening to ensure colonization of new food reserves in the new colony. Korb and
Linsenmair (2001) showed that the availability of food is a limiting resource for
large colonies of the fungus-cultivating termite Macrotermes bellicosus in two
habitats in the Comoé National Park (Ivory coast). The aggregation of smaller
colonies in the savannah region was probably associated with the availability of
trees to provide leaves for the cultivation of fungi. This patchy distribution is also
related to the availability of appropriate microclimatic conditions for fungal
production, which seems to be more important for young colonies. The lower
density of larger colonies in the high forest suggests a more stable environment and
stable humidity for the cultivation of fungi compared to the savannah ecosystem, in
which smaller colonies are more widely dispersed.
leaf and the incidence of grape mildew caused by Uncinula necator. They
showed that the activity of mite mycophagy at high domatia densities
significantly reduced the incidence of mildew on the plants.
Another complex interaction among fungi, arthropods, and plants can be
seen in the blue stain fungus Ophiostoma minus, the mycangial fungi
Ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus and Entomocorticium sp., southern pine beetles
(Dendroctonus frontalis ) a phoretic mite (Tarsonemus spp.,) and pine trees
(Lombardero et al., 2000). Ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus is carried in specialized
structures (mycangia) of the female bark beetle, and the fungus is necessary for the
developing beetle larvae. Ayres et al. (2000) showed that the action of the fungus,
when decomposing live phloem, doubles the nitrogen content of the wood/fungal
matrix (from 0.4 – 0.86% N) (Fig. 4.11). This provides the developing beetle larvae
with a nutrient-enhanced food supply, allowing for faster growth rates and more
rapid maturation. The beetle also inadvertently carries the fungus O. minus,
however, but on its body surface, not in the mycangia. Similarly, the Tarsonemus
mite is inadvertently transported between tress by the bark beetle and has its
highest population growth when feeding on O. minus or C. ranaculosus, but not on
the other mycangial fungus, Entomocorticium sp. Ophiostoma minus is
antagonistic to the growth of the bark beetle, so development of the two
mycangial fungi into wood provides food for developing beetle larvae, but also
provides fungal competition against O. minus. The high growth rate of the mite
when feeding on Ceratocystiopsis reduce the growth of this fungus, allowing
greater wood colonization by O. minus, and hence greater antagonism with the
developing beetle population. There thus exists an indirect negative effect of
FIGURE 4.11 Concentrations of nitrogen (solid bars) and phosphorus (hatched bars) in
phloem of Pinus taeda trees with or without infestation of Dendroctonius frontalis and its
associated mycangial fungi. Blue stain is where the bark is also infected with the blue stain
fungus Ophiostoma minus, which inhibits the growth of the mycangial fungi. Source: Data
from Ayres et al. (2000).
FIGURE 4.12 Interactions among the bark beetle, Ips cembrae, the wood wasp,
Urocerus gigas, and the two larch fungal pathogenic fungi, Ceratocystis lariciola and
Amylostereum chailletti, showing how the severity of the diseases depends on interactions
between the two insects. Source: From Redfern (1989).
FIGURE 4.13 Model of the regulation of the population dynamics of the beech
caterpillar Syntypistis punctatella by the delayed induced defensive response (DIR) of the
beech trees and other density-dependent factors. The main correlation between caterpillar
density and a regulator appears to be with insect diseases, which are mainly fungal.
Source: Data from Kamata (2000).
TABLE 4.19 Mean Lethal Dose (LD50) and Conidial Density of the
Entomopathogenic Fungi, Metarhizium flavoviridae and M. anisopliae,
Required for Control of the Engorged Tick Boophilus microplus
M. flavoviride M. anisopliae
Conidia ml CG-291 MF-3 CG-30 CG-46
0 0 0 0 0
104 10.7 23.7 3.1 10.3
105 54.6 50.9 5.1 32.4
106 57.3 45.7 19.5 31.9
107 77.9 63.2 51.6 54.8
108 75.9 66.8 57.2 60.0
Conidia ml21 3.4 £ 105 4.2 £ 105 2.3 £ 107 1.4 £ 107
Source: Data from Onofre et al. (2001).
that for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, there is evidence to suggest that they
play a role in supporting faunal populations. Fungal biomass in the decomposing
material in salt marsh ecosystems is also important for the sustaining invertebrate
herbivore populations. The amphipod (Ulorchestia spartinophila ) has been shown
to have complex dietary requirements and appears to grow best and produce the
most offspring when fed on decaying leaves containing a high fungal biomass.
Kohlmeyer and Kohlmeyer (1979) show a table of 107 fungal species
isolated from decomposing wood in marine habitats. These include 73
Ascomycotina, two Basidiomycotina, and 29 mitosporic species. As in terrestrial
ecosystems, the low resource quality of wood appears to encourage tight linkages
between fungi and fauna for its decomposition. Evidence suggests that wood-
boring marine mollusks preferentially settle and feed on wood that has previously
been colonized by fungi and partially decomposed rather than invading fresh
wood. The associations have become so tight that, for example, the wood-boring
crustacean the gribble (Limnoria tripunctata ) has increased longevity when
feeding on wood colonized by fungi. More important, it is incapable of
reproduction on any substrate unless marine fungi are included as part of its diet.
This may be due to the enhanced availability of proteins, essential amino acids,
and vitamins, which are unavailable in the absence of fungi.
Fungi are major pathogens of marine animals (Hyde et al., 1998).
Mitosporic fungi have been shown to cause disease of crustaceans (Smolowitz
et al., 1992) and to cause damage to corals (Raghukumar and Raghukumar, 1991)
and juvenile clams (Norton et al., 1994). Norton et al. (1994) isolated demati-
atious fungal hyphae (Exserohilum rostratum and Curvularia spp.) from mantle
and shell of juvenile Tridacna crocea clams where they were associated with
decline in health. Many oomycetes are highly destructive pathogens in finfish,
mollusks, and shellfish (Noga, 1990). Very few fungi have been reported as
pathogens of marine plants, although some have been observed on leaves and
roots of mangrove. Many marine algae are susceptible to fungal pathogens,
however, primarily with chytrids and oomycetes. The impact of these pathogens
on production and fitness of their hosts has not been adequately investigated.
Certainly, Hyde et al. (1998) conclude in their review that the role of fungi in this
ecosystem requires considerably more research than has hitherto been devoted to
it. Although numerous fungal species have been isolated from marine habitats,
their function is largely unknown. Similarly, Wong et al. (1998) state that the role
of fungi as plant pathogens in aquatic ecosystems appears to be minor, but that
many fungi are pathogenic to animals. Citing the work of Thomas (1996), they
show that fungi are pathogens of fish, turtles, tadpoles, adult anurans, and many
invertebrates. There are, suggestions that fungi may potentially be used as
biocontrol agents for mosquitoes.
Like many terrestrial and aquatic arthropods, marine isopods contain fungi
in their gut to assist in the breakdown of plant food. Cafaro (2000) showed that
dependent on fungal mycelia for their growth and development. Without fungi
many collembola and mite populations would be reduced in the soil.
As animals graze on fungi, they are able to affect the rate of fungal-
mediated ecosystem processes. The rate of decomposition of leaf litter is affected
by the rate of colonization of the litter by fungi. The rate of colonization can be
helped by the invasion of soil animals by the physical breakdown of leaf litter into
smaller parts (comminution) and the active transport of fungal inocula (spores of
hyphal fragments) into the leaf litter by animals (Ponge, 1990; 1991). The actual
effect of grazing on fungal mycelia can significantly alter its growth. Intense
grazing reduces hyphal growth, whereas moderate rates of grazing can stimulate
compensatory growth and actually increase fungal growth. This latter effect can
help fungi to grow and colonize new resources. As we have seen above, however,
like humans, animals are selective in what they eat. Selection of preferred fungal
species can benefit the animal by having a higher nutritional value than other
species or by avoidance of poisonous secondary metabolites. This selection
cannot be seen in the same way as fungal toxicity to humans, as many fungi that
are poisonous to us are the preferred choice of many invertebrates, which will
consume the fungi with no apparent harm! Selection of one fungus compared to
another provides an asymmetric selection pressure on the preferred fungal
species. Under intense grazing pressure, the growth of the preferred fungus will
decline in relation to the less preferred fungus. Grazing selection and intensity
can thus alter the outcome of competition of fungi within the community. A
classic example of this is given above, where the preferred grazing of Marasmius
and rocaceous over Mycena galopus by the collembolan Onychiurus armatus
resulted in both fungal species being displaced from their optimal habitat in the
forest floor of a Sitka spruce stand (Newell, 1984a,b). The impact of changes in
the distribution of fungi in the decomposer community can affect the rate of
decomposition of leaf litter and the rate of mineralization of nutrients. How
important are fungal grazers to the decomposition process? Given observations of
the feeding behavior of collembola in rhizotrons (Lussenhop, personal
communication, 2002) it would appear that collembola spend a great deal of
time grooming and then wandering around “nibbling” at fungal hyphae rather
than consuming large quantities at once. How important is their grazing, given
that once a fungal hyphum has been severed its translocatory function is
In the same way that soil fauna selectively graze saprotrophic fungi, they
also selectively consume mycorrhizal fungi. Again, given that a severed hyphum
is useless for the transport of water or nutrients to a host plant, how important is
the grazing of mycorrhizal mycelia to plant growth and fecundity? Much
information is given above on the detrimental effect of faunal grazing on
mycorrhizal fungi. Much of this information, however, has been gained from
studies in the greenhouse or laboratory or in the field at unrealistic densities of
benefit or harm ecosystem processes. Fungi also act in a negative way on animal
populations. Almost all animals are subject to attack by pathogenic fungi. In some
animals the effect of a fungal pathogen is more dramatic than others. In particular,
entomopathogenic fungi that attack insects can be of importance in natural
ecosystems as regulators of populations. The effect of fungi appears to follow the
rules of density-dependent interactions, whereby the effect of the fungus on the
population is maximal when the animal population is at its peak (Kamata, 2000).
When environmental conditions are favorable for fungal growth, these pathogens
can cause devastating effects on a host animal. It is for this reason that many of these
fungi are being investigated as biocontrol agents of pests of crop plants. We outline
an interesting case in which nematode-trapping fungi can be introduced into
pastures through the feces of cattle to such densities that they significantly reduce
the population of juvenile forms of gut parasitic nematodes that reside in the soil.
The effect of these fungi significantly reduces the incidence of gut parasitic
nematodes in cattle and thus improves the yield of cattle and their products.
Fungal pathogens of frogs and fish can cause major declines in populations,
and fungal diseases of economically important mollusks, particularly bivalves,
can have serious economic impacts. From the perspective of conserving
biodiversity in the tropics, the decline in anuran populations due to fungal
pathogens is disturbing. Given the scenario of climate change producing
conditions conducive for fungal growth, how much more important will fungal
diseases of animal become?
From the information provided in this chapter we may conclude that
Rayner’s statement that fungi regulate populations of organisms is true for animals.
The degree to which fungi are involved in different groups of animals is variable,
and for some groups is largely unknown. Where fungi are not directly involved in
regulating the population of animals, either for the benefit or detriment of the
population, interactions among fungi and animals can take a multitude of forms and
have significant effects on ecosystem processes. One problem that we still face is
trying to interpolate to the real world from studies conducted under unrealistic
conditions. The effects of interactions among fungi and fauna seen in contrived
studies may not resemble those actually occurring in nature. This problem is not
confined to the study of fungi, but is common in many ecological studies.
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