Course Credit: 3 Units
Contact Hours/week: 4 hours
Prerequisite: None
Course Description:
This course is an integration of values education, police ethics and police
community relations (PCR). Initially, the study covers the general concepts and
foundations of ethics with emphasis on the right Filipino values for national
transformation and reformation of the Philippine police system. Discussions gradually
focus on the effects of ethics and values in the society, the government and especially
in the PNP. Ethics and values are studied as applied to the present Law Enforcement
Code of Ethics and Police Professional Conduct as embodied under Section 1, Rule II of
the PNP Rules and Regulations. Final topics deal on the development of PCR as well as
the philosophies and foundations of good police community and human relations.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
1. Explain the foundations of ethics and values.
2. Discuss the salient points of the PNP code of professional conduct.
3. Evaluate the PNP core values and virtues and its impact to their performance.
4. Recite the law enforcement code of ethics in today’s setting.
5. Appraise the moral/ethical weaknesses of the PNP causing incompetence and
propose a solution for the problem.
6. Provide specific recommendations to upgrade the PNP capabilities after
evaluating the law enforcement code of ethics, the code of professional
conduct, ethical standards, and the PCR system.
Two Small Words
There are Two Words that when put together mean many different things
to many different people. Two Words that can put smiles on people’s faces
or anxiety in their hearts. Two Words that may strike hatred in some and
love in others. Two Words that are more than just words.
They are a title, an occupation and a career. Better yet, they are two words
that describe a lifestyle. A lifestyle like no other for the men and women who
choose to place a badge on their chest and promise to serve and protect.
someone’s life while risking their own. A lifestyle that makes these persons
face good and bad every single day that others don’t see. A lifestyle that
asks these persons to wake up every morning without the assurance they
will come home that night. Two words mean all that. Two words that
_________________________ _______________________________ .
Module 1: 4 hours
Introduction to Ethics and Values
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
● explain the difference between ethics and morality; character and personality
● have deep understanding of human existence
Ethics is a philosophical science. This means that ethics is one of the many
disciplines in philosophy.
Enhancement reading: http :// www .bbc .co .uk /ethics /introduction /int ro_1.shtml
Character Personality
It is objective in nature. It is within a It is subjective. It changes at point in
person. time.
A particular system of trait that is A set of characteristics that each person
permanent to each person. possesses.
It is molded depending on his It influences how one behaves as well as
environment. one’s motivation.
One’s character shows on how the The image that one presents in front of
person acts and reacts to his or her other.
peers and how she or he deals with
everything that happens around him or
Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ought to be. The most
successful professional, is nothing unless he too is morally upright. Thus, the
philosophers speak of Ethics as the“only necessary knowledge”.
Morality is the foundation of every human society. Without civic morality,
communities perish; without personal morality their survival has no value. Every culture
admits the importance of morality as a standard of behavior. When the moral
foundation of a nation is threatened, society itself is threatened.
Morality is the quality of human acts by which they are constituted as good,
bad or indifferent.
Ethics Morality
What is it? T he ru le s of c on d u ct Principles or habits with
recognized in respect to a respect to right or wrong
particular class of human conduct. It defines how
actions or a particular things should work
group, culture, etc. It according to an
defines how thing are individual’s ideals and
according to the rules. principles.
Undeniably, there is a metaphysical dependence of values in ethics, for values
have ethics as one of their indispensable carriers. True enough, ethics and values
support each other . An ethics without values is hollow and shallow and, therefore,
weak. Values without ethics are paralytic. Needless to say, values are values even if
they are not put into practice because primarily – not absolutely - values are
objective. If values are construed this way, it can be inferred that they have nothing
to do with ethics. The contention can be justified in view of the fact that not
everything which is good is moral or ethical. In other words, not all values (good) are
necessarily moral. The good in a glass of water – because it satisfies our thirst – does
not quality water as moral. The good in food – because it satisfies our hunger – does
not make food moral as well.
1. Values are the object of human desire and striving; they are also the subjective
assessment of a particular object insofar as it is good.
2. Values are our beliefs, those beliefs which we hold to be true. Thus values inspire us
to struggle towards our proximate and ultimate ends.
3. Values refer to things, person, ideas or goals which are important to life; they
enable us to direct, understand, and evaluate our lives. Thus, they refer to our
ideals and our principles by which we live. Further, values are those which we like,
approve, esteem, enjoy and prize.
Properties of Values
1. Values are subjective – when we say values are subjective, we mean that the
existence and the validity of values are dependent upon on the feelings or
attitudes of the subject.
2. Values are objective – when we say values are objective, we mean that the
existence and the nature of values are independent of a subject.
3. Values are relative – this means that values have intrinsic limitation and
4. Values are bipolar – this mean that values do not exist alone; they always exist with
their counter values. Thus, values are either positive or negative.
5. Values are hierarchical – when we say values are hierarchical, we do not classify
values but rather we rank them. When we rank values, we establish order of
importance among them. The closest meaning of ranking values is prioritizing
Every organization has values that are important to the group. It will help the
organization to survive. Organizations develop values much the same as each
individual has developed values.
Enhancement reading: /introduction -to-ethics -values -and-attitudes
a. Based from the learning that you have gained in this module, what do you think
could be the general effect or consequence/s if a person doesn’t follow or do
what is ethical and what is moral. Answer this by using the table below. Limit
your answers to not more than 50 words. (30 points)
Ethical Moral
What if a person doesn’t
follow/do it?
b. Determine whether the following acts are considered human act or act of man.
Put an X mark on the corresponding column in identifying your answers. ( 15
Module 2. 8 hours
Foundation of Police Ethics
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
● Elucidate the Cannons of Police Ethics and the Professional Police Principle
● Recite the law enforcement code of ethics
● Appraise the moral/ethical weaknesses of the PNP causing incompetence and
propose a solution for the problem.
See also sec. 2 of Chapter 1 of the PNP Ethical Doctrine on the Declaration of Policy.
http://www .ph/image s/manualsandguides/DHRDD/Ethical-Doctrine.pdf
1. Police Ethics- It is the practical science that treats the principle of human morality
and duty as applied to law enforcement.
2. Moonlighting- An act of a member of the PNP pursuing or following any calling or
occupation, or the act of engaging in any business, which includes but not
limited to all activities, jobs, work, and similar functions, performed, engaged in
or undertaking by him, in or off duty hours with or without compensation, which
is inconsistent or incompatible with the PNP duties or functions. Such as a
b ounce r , secu ri ty gua rd , d ri ve r , b od ygua rd , con fi den ti al agen t , wat ch man and
any other occupations of similar nature, in any enterprise or establishment,
public or private, which will prejudice the interest of law enforcement and
public safety.
3. Ethical standard – it refers to the set of conducts and behavior governing a group,
a class or organization.
4. Police customs and social decorum – a set of norms and standards practiced by
members during social and other functions.
5. Nonfeasance/Neglect of Duty- It is the omission of some act, which ought to be
performed. It is the omission or refusal without sufficient excuse, to perform an
act or duty, which as a peace officer’s legal obligation to perform.
6. Misfeasance/Irregularities in the Performance of Duty- It is the improper
performance of some act which might lawfully be done.
7. Malfeasance- It is the performance of some act which ought not to be done. It is
the doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the
officer had no legal right to do at all, as when he acts without any authority
whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores, or abuses his powers.
8. Incompetency- It is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the
satisfactory performance of police duties. This has reference to any physical and
intellectual quality, the lack of which substantially incapacitates one to perform
the duties of peace officers.
9. Oppression- Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, or excessive use
of authority.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face
of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful of the welfare of
others. Honest in thought and in deed both my personal and oficial life. I will be exemplary in
obeying the laws of the land and regulations of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a
confidential in nature or is confided to me in my oficial capacity will be kept ever secret
unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act oficiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendship
to influence my decision; with no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of
criminals. I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or
ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities in return.
I recognize the badge of my ofice as a symbol of public faith and I accept it as a Public trust
to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of
corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police oficers. I will cooperate
with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of Justice.
I know that I alone is responsible for my own standard or professional performance and will
take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and Improve my level of knowledge and
competence. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before
God and my chosen profession…. Law Enforcement.
a. read your notes for the entire explanation of this Code of Ethics
b. MEMORIZE the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and be ready anytime to
recite this in a virtual platform.
All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the eight tenets of discipline, which
include the following:
a. One of the first signs of discipline is the stage of orderliness and cleanliness of the
policeman’s place or work. If a police station is unkept, people cannot expect the
kind of positive responds to their needs.
b. All police actions must be characterized by courtesy and discipline.
c. All objectives of the PNP must always be for the Public interest and not private
interest. The people must feel that they are welcome to approach any member of the
PNP for assistance.
d. All citizens must be treated with dignity and respect.
e. All police actions must be in accordance with the law. Respect for human rights and
other laws of the land must be primordial concern in the exercise of Police duties/
f. Basic police service must be rendered, equitably for all citizens and must not give in
exchange for any favor, reward or condition.
g. Involvement of police personnel in syndicated crime particularly illegal gambling
must not be tolerated.
h. There is no substitute for leadership by example. Police Commanders, as model of
public service, must show proper behavior not only to their subordinates but also to the
Enhancement Activity:
1. Name atleast 3 types of PNP authorized uniforms and cite situation/s when it is
properly used. Use the table below for your answers. (30points)
1. Ethics is defined as the“standards of conduct and moral requirements”necessary to
function effectively within an organization or profession.
a. In the law enforcement context, explain what ethics is. (20 points)
2. There are many challenges to Police Ethical Behavior that affect the PNP
organization. An example of this is the involvement of some PNP members in crimes as
perpetrator rather than protector. Based on statistics, most crimes by police officers
were found to have been committed by Patrolman (PO1) – Police Staff Sergeant (PO3)
a. From the facts above, identify one glaring reason why some members of the
PNP organization are involved in the commission of crimes. Justify your answer. (Not
more than 50 words). 30 points
b. What solution can you proposed to atleast minimize or eradicate the reason
( your answer in letter a) that affects the ethics of the PNP? ( Not more than 3 0 words) . 3 0
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
● Explain the importance of the ethical doctrine in the police service
● Enumerate the PNP core values
● Recite the police officer’s creed
● Explain the PNP stand on basic police-related issues
I believe in God, the Supreme Being, a great provider, and the creator of all men
and all dear to me. In return, I can do no less than love Him above all, seek his
guidance in the performance of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times.
I believe that respect for authority is duty. I respect and uphold the constitution and the
laws of the land and the applicable rules and regulations. I recognize the legitimacy
and authority of the leadership, and follow and obey legal orders of my superior
I believe in selfless love and service to people. Toward this end, I commit myself to the
service of my fellowmen over and above my personal convenience.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage and respect for women. I shall set the example of
decency and morality and shall have high regard for family life and chastity.
I believe in the responsible dominion and stewardship over material things. I shall inhibit
myself from ostentatious display of my property. I shall protect the environment and
conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. I shall protect private and public
properties and prevent others from destroying it.
I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must be trustworthy and shall speak the truth at
all times as required by my profession.
1. PNP Image – The image of any organization affects the esprit d’corps, morale
and welfare of the members, and sense of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all
members of the PNP should conduct themselves in manner that would not place the
PNP corea. values
Honor in vain and possess the following virtue:
c. Valor
d. e. Honesty
f. Humility
g . Charity
2. Career Management, h. the Key to
Loyalty to the
Professionalism – The Proper implementation
of the PNP’s Career Management
service will greatly enhance the personnel
professionalization process with regards to procurement, training, promotion,
assignment, placement, awards and retirement. The PNP shall formulate a stringent
policy and strictly implement the human resources development system, compatible to
the equitable distribution of procurement, fair promotion, rationalized approach in
assignment, skill development, immediate grant of reward and award, and decent
living upon retirement.
Enhancement Activity:
The PNP’s credibility was greatly affected because of many issues like the
1. As a future member of the organization, what can you propose to minimize these
police related issues? (Not more than 50 words, 40 points)
2. MEMORIZE the Police Officers Creed and be ready anytime to recite this in a
virtual platform).
1. In not more than 20 words briefly explain the purpose of the ethical doctrine in
the police service. (30 points)
2. Every organization will be effective only if it develops good values. In this regard,
the PNP has internalized its own core values (mentioned above). Aside from
these core values, name or add atleast 5 values that every PNP member should
adhere. For not more than 20 words, explain 1 of these values. (30 points)
Module 4. 4 hours
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
● Evaluate the standards of police professionalism and the ethical standards
practice in the PNP
5. Orderliness
All PNP members shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing task
assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and efforts.
6. Perseverance
Once a decision is made, all PNP members shall take legitimate means to
achieve the goal even in the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite of
anything which might weaken their resolve in the course of time.
Enhancement Activity:
1. Research 1 article (any source) about the PNP that portrays any of the above
enumerated professional conduct and ethical standards and identify what
particular conduct or standard is being portrayed. Justify your answer. (30 points)
1. Commitment to democracy is just one of the many police professional conducts
that every PNP member shall observe. Under this, PNP members shall maintain
the principle of public accountability. Remember, public office is a public trust.
a . Explain or elaborate what is meant by“ public office is a public trust”. ( Not
more than 40 words, 30 points)
2. Judicious use of an authority as an ethical standard does not include putting the
law into one’s hand. In relation to this;
a. What can a PNP member do in seeking justice when he himself is a victim of
lawlessness? (Not more than 40 words, 30 points)
b. Can any aggrieved PNP member allowed to serve a warrant of arrest against
his oppressor?(Justify your answer in not more than 30 words. 30 points)
http://www s/manualsandguides/DHRDD/Ethical-Doctrine.pdf
Module 5. 4 hours
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
● Identify the police customs and traditions that promote professionalism and
ethical conduct in the PNP
Definition of Terms
Customs - Social practices carried by tradition that has obtained the force of
Traditions - Bodies of belief, stories, customs and usage handed down from
generation to generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others.
Ceremony - A formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority
as proper to special occasion.
Social Decorum - A set of norms and standards practiced by members during
socials and other functions.
Police Customs on Ceremonies - The following are customs and ceremonies that must
be observed by all PNP members.
1. Flag Raising Ceremony
2. Flag Retreat Ceremony
3. Half-Mast
4. Funeral Service and Honors
5. Ceremony Tendered to Retiree
6. Honor Ceremony
7 . Turn- Over Ceremony
8. Wedding Ceremony
9. Anniversary
Police Customs on Social Decorum - The following are the police customs on social
1. Proper Attire
2. Table Manners
3. So cia l Grac es
4. Uniform / Appearance - observe the following:
a. Wearing of prescribed uniform.
b. Wearing as part of the uniform, awards and decorations earned in
accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations.
c. Adherence to haircut prescribed by the rules and regulations.
d. Manner of walking
A. Identification. Give what is being called for:
1. This is considered as the highest form of police/military courtesy. SALUTE
2. What tradition is being referred when PNP members’sacrifices their limbs and
lives for the sake of their countrymen whom they have pledged to serve? VALOR
3. This is a ceremony done to the flag in respect to deceased uniformed
members of the command. Raising the flag at half-mast
4. PNP members stand at attention and salute the national color and standard
as these pass by them or when the national color is raised or lowered during
ce re mo ni es . Salu te to Nat io na l C olor and Sta nda rd
5. What is the most common word used by PNP members with lower ranks in
addressing their superiors or members with higher ranks and position. Sir/Ma’am
6. A police tradition where PNP members manifest their love of country by
vowing to defend the constitution. Patriotism
7. What is manifested by the PNP members’deep commitment and concern for
one another? Camaraderie
B. Matching Type: Match column B to column A. Write the corresponding letter of your
best choice in column C.
Column A Column B (Customs Answers
and traditions)
1. This refers to the usual greeting rendered by A. Promotion call F
uniformed members upon meeting and
recognizing a person entitled to this.