This certificate of analysis summarizes quality control testing of a batch of WEIZO-DSR peridone prolonged release capsules.
Key results:
1) All tested parameters including description, identification, average filled weight, uniformity, gastric resistance, dissolution, related substances, and assay were within specified limits.
2) The batch passed all tests and complies with quality standards.
3) The capsules contain the specified amounts of pantoprazole sodium and domperidone and should be stored below 25°C, protected from light and moisture.
This certificate of analysis summarizes quality control testing of a batch of WEIZO-DSR peridone prolonged release capsules.
Key results:
1) All tested parameters including description, identification, average filled weight, uniformity, gastric resistance, dissolution, related substances, and assay were within specified limits.
2) The batch passed all tests and complies with quality standards.
3) The capsules contain the specified amounts of pantoprazole sodium and domperidone and should be stored below 25°C, protected from light and moisture.
This certificate of analysis summarizes quality control testing of a batch of WEIZO-DSR peridone prolonged release capsules.
Key results:
1) All tested parameters including description, identification, average filled weight, uniformity, gastric resistance, dissolution, related substances, and assay were within specified limits.
2) The batch passed all tests and complies with quality standards.
3) The capsules contain the specified amounts of pantoprazole sodium and domperidone and should be stored below 25°C, protected from light and moisture.
This certificate of analysis summarizes quality control testing of a batch of WEIZO-DSR peridone prolonged release capsules.
Key results:
1) All tested parameters including description, identification, average filled weight, uniformity, gastric resistance, dissolution, related substances, and assay were within specified limits.
2) The batch passed all tests and complies with quality standards.
3) The capsules contain the specified amounts of pantoprazole sodium and domperidone and should be stored below 25°C, protected from light and moisture.
Certificate of Analysis Product Name : WEIZO-DSR peridone prolonged Release Capsules Ip Batch i\umber : ACPD3002C A.R. No. : FPG0123073 Batch Size : 1.00 Lac Mfg. Date : JAN.2023 Qty. Sampled : 60 Caps. Exp. Date : D8C.2024 Receipt Date z 11.01.2023 Date Released : 25.01.2023
Sr. No. Test Specification Result
I Descripfion Multi colour spherical pellets filled Multi coloured spherical in light green colour cap & body of pellets filled in light green hard gelatin capsule. coloured cap & body of hard gelatin capsules. 2. Identification @y HPLC) In the assay, the retention time of principal peak in chromatogram of sample preparation corresponds to that of standard preparation. v' a J. Average filled rveight 290.0 mg* 5.0% Positive 289.9 mg +, A Uniformity of filled weight t 10.0% of average filled weight -353%to +5.02% 5. Gastric resistance @y HpLC) NMT 10.0% dissolved in 0.1 M ( Pantoprazole) HCI -9.9%to9.lYo 6. Dissolution (By IIPLC) Pantoprazole D. NLT 70.0% in phosphare buffer 94.4%to 108.2%o
Domperidone (SR) l'tHr. Between 15.0 %oto40.0oh 249% to 34.1o/o
4'r'Hr. Befween 30.0% to 65.0%o 40.1%to 58.2% 8th FIr. Between 55.O%to 85.0% 66.8% to76.3% l2t' Hr.Not less than 7 0.0%o 84.7%to 94.8%o 7. Related Substances (By IIpLC) For Pantoprazole Any Secondary peak NMT 0.2% 0.03% Impurity A NMT 0.5% Not detected A- Impurity B NMT 0.3% Not detected Impurity D&F NMT 0.75% Not detected Sum ofall the secondary peak NMT 1.5% 0.06% For Domperidone Any Secontlary peak NMT 0.5% 0.40% Sum qfall the secondary peak NMT 2.0% 0.85% 8. Assay (By IIPLC) Each hard gelatin capsule contains: Pantoprazole sodium Ip (as sesquihydrate) eq. to Pantoprazole 40 mg 36.0 mg to 44.0 mg 40.02 mg (as enteric coated pellets) Domperidone IP 30 nie 27.0 mgto 33.0 mg 30.39 mg (as sustained release pellets) ; (emarl{s Ihe above sample ple comolfes/ ply with omDlv w prescribed standard of qra@ to Store bel ow2 from light & moisture. Analysed Bv Chgcked By i A-peroved By Drgnalure