Baseball Cutoff and Backup Responsibilities - Pitchers: No Matter What The Play, You Always Have A Responsibility!
Baseball Cutoff and Backup Responsibilities - Pitchers: No Matter What The Play, You Always Have A Responsibility!
Baseball Cutoff and Backup Responsibilities - Pitchers: No Matter What The Play, You Always Have A Responsibility!
Responsibilities - Pitchers
The ability to fulfill baseball cutoff and backup responsibilities is
what separates the good teams from the bad ones, the great
teams from the good ones. Very few execute properly.
Watch a typical youth baseball game when the ball gets hit into the
outfield, and it’s a free-for-all. A scramble. Infielders look around in
confusion. Most stand around and do very little.
There are always exceptions. There are always gray areas. There
are always crazy plays you don’t expect. Sometimes a throw never
makes it to a base, and instead stops at a cutoff man. We don’t
need to create a chart that covers every cutoff and backup
scenario imaginable.
The goal is not for the kids to memorize these responsibilities. The
goal is for them to reach that lightbulb moment when they
understand why they need to be in a location at a particular time.
The pitcher is likely the most critical for backup purposes. He can
prevent one base from becoming two, three or four.
For the first three, keep in mind that “bases empty” also includes
having a runner at third. On a single to the outfield, we concede
that run.
This is a good example of why it’s critical that young players don’t
memorize their responsibilities, but also understand the logic
behind them.
In this case, the ball is hit up the middle for a single. The pitcher
knows that the throw is coming to second base from the center
fielder, so he needs to position himself at a reasonable distance
behind second (a bit behind the mound) to field a wild throw.
The pitcher will have help from the third baseman on this backup
(and even the left fielder!), but we don’t want the third baseman to
be the one fielding a wild throw. His primary responsibility is to
cover third.
In this case, the single was hit to right. The pitcher needs to be
thinking about where the next throw will be coming from and
where it will be going.
As a result, the pitcher should put himself in a direct line from the
right fielder through second base, but with enough distance
behind second base to allow for deflections and wild throws.
Single to Left (Runner on First)
As was the case for the first three, the next three scenarios will
also include runners at the corners. We concede the run from third
on a base hit to the outfield.
Young pitchers may make this mistake more than any other. A
throw gets by the third baseman or catcher, and no one is there to
back it up. No one seems to know whose responsibility it is.
Considering the angle of the throw from the left fielder to third
base, the pitcher needs to be positioned in foul territory to grab a
wild throw. Fail to be there? That run will probably score!
The pitcher does have help from the left fielder in this case, but it
is still important that the pitcher is here!
Single to Left (Runner on Second)
The next three also include runners at second and third as well as
bases loaded. In all cases, we will concede the run from third on a
hit to the outfield and the pitcher will need to prioritize the
remaining lead runner.
We can also include runners at second and third in the next three
scenarios. If it’s a clear extra base hit, we know that runners on
those bases — barring something ridiculous — will be scoring.
Same as the prior two scenarios, but further up the third base line
in foul territory. In this case, the pitcher has a bit more time to
make a decision because he should have help from the left fielder
on a backup.
Extra Bases to Left (Runner on First)
We say the next three are for scenarios where a runner is on first,
but the reality is that this includes any combination of situations
that include a runner on first (bases loaded, first and second, first
and third). But we know that any runner at second or third will
With a runner at first and an apparent extra base hit, the initial
instinct should be to back up home for an expected play at the
plate. But maybe that run will score easily. Maybe the throw will go
to third instead!
The pitcher needs to be ready to react quickly and shift from
behind the plate to down the third base line if necessary. In this
case, he doesn’t have any help!
Once again, the primary throw will be to the plate, but it may
instead go to third base, depending on how the play develops. And
as was the case above, the left fielder will not provide help on a
backup of third, so the pitcher needs to be aware of how the play
Extra Bases to Right (Runner on First)
This is a bit easier for the pitcher for two reasons: 1) there is help
backing up third base from the left fielder, and 2) due to the angle
of an expected throw from right field, the pitcher will already be on
the third base side behind home plate.